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Internship Report

Evaluation of Implementing the Marketing Mix Strategy in
Jamuna Bank Ltd. -A Study on Rupganj Branch, Dhaka.

Submitted To
Bithika Deb
Department of Business Administration
Victoria University of Bangladesh.

Submitted By
Tanveer Miah
ID: 1115350101
Department of Business Administration
Victoria University of Bangladesh

Date of Submission: May, 2022

Internship Report
Evaluation of Implementing the Marketing Mix Strategy
in Jamuna Bank Ltd. -A Study on Rupganj Branch,

Letter of Transmittal

May, 2022

Bithika Deb
Department of Business Administration
Victoria University of Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of Internship Report

Dear Madam,
It gives me immense pleasure to submit an Internship Report on ―Evaluation of
Implementing the Marketing Mix Strategy in Jamuna Bank Ltd. -A Study on Rupganj
Branch, Dhaka..‖. This Internship Report is being submitted of BBA program which is
conducted in Jamuna Bank Ltd. This report will help the organization and us to get a better
insight of Jamuna Bank Ltd. this study was an observational study, which is conducted on the
Rupganj Branch of Jamuna Bank Limited.
It is hoped that proper assessment will be done on our report considering the limitations of
this study. Your benign and authoritative advice will encourage me to conduct further
flawless research in future.

Yours‘ most obediently

Tanveer Miah
Department of Business Administration
Victoria University of Bangladesh

Student Declaration

I, am undersigned, hereby declare that the piece of work has been prepared by me under the
guidance of Bithika Deb, Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Victoria
University of Bangladesh. It is also declared that, this report has been prepared for academic
purpose only and has not been or will not be submitted elsewhere for my purpose.

And I further assure you that the Internship Report prepared is original and no part of the
report is copied directly from any other sources.

Tanveer Miah
Department of Business Administration
Victoria University of Bangladesh

Certificate of the Supervisor

This is to certify that Tanveer Miah, Id:1115350101, Department of Business Administration,

Victoria University of Bangladesh, has successfully undergone an internship program and
prepared the Internship Report entitled on “Evaluation of Implementing the Marketing
Mix Strategy in Jamuna Bank Ltd. -A Study on Rupganj Branch, Dhaka.”. I went
through the report and found satisfactory to submit for appearing before the viva-board.

I wish him every success in life.

Bithika Deb
Department of Business Administration
Victoria University of Bangladesh


At first, I would like to give thanks to Almighty Allah who has given me a great patience to
prepare this Internship Report within specific time period for the completion of my BBA
Degree. It is a great honour for me to submit this Internship Report to our respected Bithika
Deb, Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Victoria University of Bangladesh.
At first I want to convey my thanks and gratitude to him for assigning me to prepare an
Internship Report entitled, “Evaluation of Implementing the Marketing Mix Strategy in
Jamuna Bank Ltd. -A Study on Rupganj Branch, Dhaka.”
I would also like to give thanks to Mr .Khairul Islam, Sub Manager, Rupganj Branch of
Jamuna Bank Ltd; Mr.Rasel Miah. Assistant Officer, Islampur Branch of Jamuna Bank Ltd,
all who provided me various information for preparing this report. I am grateful to Mr.Rasel
Miah, Assistant Officer of Jamuna Bank Ltd., for his cordial assistance. He provided me the
required information that I needed. It would not be possible for me to complete the report, but
for their help who received me warmly and helped to complete the report. I am very thankful
to some responsible employees of Jamuna Bank Ltd. for their kind help, cooperation and all
the support that helped me to prepare the report successfully.

I would also like to express my gratefulness to those scholars whose writings help me to
prepare this report.

Finally, I am grateful and obliged to parents for their moral support and encouragement and
financial support.

Executive Summary

The main objective of our report is focused on service marketing mix of Jamuna Bank Ltd.
The report are to provide an overview of Jamuna Bank in Bangladesh and its evolution 7 Ps
(Product elements, Price & other user outlets, Place & time, Promotion & Education,
Physical elements, People, Process) knowledge about the clearance of internal and external
cheques, to know the cash and account transactions and their dealings. While preparing the
report, we gathered our information from the following sources: JBL profile, JBL Annual
report, Website of JBL, General banking manual, Personal interview. After gathering and
analyzing information collected from those sources researcher suggest some recommendation
like. Jamuna Bank Ltd. is a scheduled commercial bank registered by the Bangladesh Bank.
It follows the rules and regulations prescribed by the Bangladesh Bank for commercial banks.
The Bank started its operation in 25th November 1985 as a non-banking financial institution
under the name of National Credit Limited (NCL). Twenty Six businessmen sponsors
established it as a public limited company under the Companies Act 1913 (amended 1998)
with an authorized capital of taka 300 million. JAMUNA Bank was incorporated as a
banking company under the Companies Act 1994. At present, the Bank has 112 branches
across the country and the Bank has plans to open more branches in future fiscal year to
expend the network. The Bank offers the full range of banking and investment services for
personal and corporate customers, backed by latest technology and a team of highly
motivated officers and staffs.
In an effort to provide excellence in banking services, the Bank has launched Online Banking
service, joined a countrywide shared ATM network and has introduced credit and debit card.

Table of Contents
Letter of Transmittal .............................................................................................................iii
Student Declaration ............................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................ vi
Executive Summary .............................................................................................................vii
Chapter 1: ................................................................................................................................. 1
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1: Introduction:.................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Literature Review............................................................................................................. 2
1.3: Origin of the report: ...................................................................................................... 10
1.4: Objective of the report .................................................................................................. 10
1.5: Methodology: ................................................................................................................ 11
1.5.1 Primary Source........................................................................................................ 11
1.5.2 Secondary Source .................................................................................................... 11
1.6 Scope of the Study ......................................................................................................... 12
1.7: Limitation of the study:................................................................................................. 12
Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................ 13
Organization Overview ......................................................................................................... 13
2.1: Background of the organization:................................................................................... 14
2.2: Company Mission & Vision ......................................................................................... 15
2.3: Structure of the organization: ....................................................................................... 15
2.3.1: Management: ......................................................................................................... 15
2.3.2: Board of Directors & Sponsors:............................................................................. 16
2.3.3: Management Structure of Jamuna Bank Limited: ................................................. 16
2.3.4: Branches of the Bank: ............................................................................................ 18
2.4.5: Correspondent Banking Relationship: ................................................................... 18
2.4.6: Corporate Slogan: .................................................................................................. 18
2.4: Culture of the organization ........................................................................................... 18
2.4.1: JBL corporate culture: ........................................................................................... 18
2.4.2: Islami banking: ...................................................................................................... 19
2.4.3. Growth index & future plan: .................................................................................. 19
2.5: Function of the organization ......................................................................................... 20
2.5.1: Account opening & Dispatch section .................................................................... 20
2.5.2 Types of accounts maintained by JBL: ................................................................... 21
2.5.3 Account opening procedure: ................................................................................... 24
2.7 Marketing Mix for Service Firms: ................................................................................. 27
2.8 Marketing Strategies of Service Firm: ........................................................................... 28
Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................................ 29
Marketing Mix of Jamuna Bank Limited ............................................................................ 29
3.1 Introduction of Marketing .............................................................................................. 30
3.2 Elements of Marketing Mix ........................................................................................... 30
3.3 Definitions of Marketing Communication ..................................................................... 33

3.3.1 Characteristics ......................................................................................................... 34
3.3.2 Communication Process.......................................................................................... 35
3.4 Marketing Concepts in Banking Industry ...................................................................... 35
3.5 Bank Marketing ............................................................................................................. 35
3.6 Marketing Strategies of JAMUNA Bank Ltd. ............................................................... 36
3.6.1 Products................................................................................................................... 38
3.6.2 New Product Planning Process of JAMUNA Bank Ltd ......................................... 45
3.6.4 Add New Features to Services ................................................................................ 46
3.7 Price ............................................................................................................................... 46
3.7.1 Price Strategy of JAMUNA Bank Ltd .................................................................... 47
3.7.2 Steps in Pricing Strategy ......................................................................................... 47
3.7.3 Pricing Situation of JAMUNA Bank Ltd................................................................ 48
3.7.4 Pricing Decision ...................................................................................................... 49
3.8 Place ............................................................................................................................... 49
3.8.1 Distribution Strategy of JAMUNA Bank Ltd. ........................................................ 50
3.9 Promotion................................................................................................................... 50
3.9.1 Promotion Strategy of JAMUNA Bank Ltd. .......................................................... 51
3.9.2 Developing Promotion Strategy of JAMUNA Bank Ltd. ....................................... 52
3.9.3 Advertising Strategy of JAMUNA Bank Ltd. ........................................................ 52
3.9.4 Promotional Decision.............................................................................................. 53
3.10 Targeting of JAMUNA Bank Ltd. ............................................................................... 53
3.10.1 Targeting Approaches of JAMUNA Bank Ltd. .................................................... 53
3.10.2 Positioning Strategy of JAMUNA Bank Ltd. ....................................................... 53
Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................................ 54
Findings of the Study ............................................................................................................. 54
4.1: Findings of the Study .................................................................................................... 55
Chapter 5 ................................................................................................................................ 57
Recommendations and Conclusion ...................................................................................... 57
5.1: Recommendations ......................................................................................................... 58
5.2: Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 59
Bibliography: ....................................................................................................................... 60

Chapter 1:

1.1: Introduction:
While doing the report the pragmatic knowledge about an organization is obtained. It is a
process to introduce a preliminary knowledge in our mind. The huge gap between the
practical and theoretical knowledge is minimized from such experience. As an obligatory part
for completing BBA program, we went several times to gather information in Jamuna Bank
Limited (JBL), Rupganj Branch for several times. Though we experienced all the
departments in the bank, the main objective of our report was focused on general banking and
find out the service marketing mix of Jamuna Bank Ltd. It gave us an overall ideas of the 7 Ps
(Product elements, Price & other user outlets, Place & time, Promotion & Education,
Physical elements, People, Process) customer service division which deals with account
holders and customers, cash section and accounts division which makes the banking activities
smoother and prompt.

1.2 Literature Review

"Marketing includes research, targeting, communications (advertising and direct mail) and
often public relations. Marketing is to sales as plowing is to planting for a farmer—it
prepares an audience to receive a direct sales pitch. "
Mary Ellen Bianco – Director Marketing & Communications, Getzler Henrich &
Associates LLC.
"Marketing is the process by which a firm profitably translates customer needs into
Mark Burgess – Managing Partner, Blue Focus Marketing
"Marketing is how you tell your story to attract customers, partners, investors, employees
and anyone else your company interacts with. It‘s the script that helps users decide if they‘ll
welcome you into their lives as a staple, nice-to-have or necessary annoyance. It‘s the way
that everyone interacts with your brand. It‘s impression, first, last and everything in
Jeff Cutler – Executive Vice President and General Manager,
"Marketing is products that don‘t come back and consumers that do."
Steve Dawson – President, Walkers Shortbread Inc.
"Marketing is the process of exposing target customers to a product through appropriate
tactics and channels, gauging their reaction and feedback, and ultimately facilitating their
path to purchase."
Dr. Augustine Fou, Founder, Marketing Science Consulting Group, Inc.

"Marketing is the art and science of creating demand to drive profitable growth."
David W. Mischler – President, Altascend Consulting
“Marketing strategy has the fundamental goal of increasing sales and achieving a
sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing strategy includes all basic, short-term, and
long-term activities in the field of marketing that deal with the analysis of the strategic initial
situation of a company and the formulation, evaluation and selection of market-oriented
strategies and therefore contribute to the goals of the company and its marketing objectives."

Many researchers have been conducted to measure the corporate disclosure of financial as
well as non-financial companies. Diamond (1985) suggests that in a pure exchange setting
with costly acquisition of private information, the (costless) information disclosure is
desirable because it will allow investors to economies on the acquisition of private
information and make them better off, despite adverse risk sharing effects. Lang an
Lundholm (1993, 1996), Frankel et al. (1995), Healy et al. (1999) have suggested many ways
that a firm can be benefited by better disclosures. Kahl and Belkaoui (1981) found a positive
relationship between size of the bank and the level of disclosure indicated by studying 70
banks in 18 countries. Baumann and Nier (2003) addressed the issue of developing a set of
disclosure requirements by Pillar 3 of Basel II that improved market participants‘ ability to
assess a bank‘s value. They constructed 17 sub-indices of disclosure to investigate items of
the banks‘ balance sheet disclosure are most beneficial from the point of view of the bank and
most useful for financial market. Hossain (2008) states adequate public information
disclosure facilitates a more efficient allocation of capital between banks, since it helps the
market to accurately assess and compare the risk and return prospects of individual banks.
Baker and Halsem (1973) identified different sources of information about a company and
tried to set up a ranking among the different sources. Anderson and Epstein (1995), Abu-
Nassar and Rutherford (1996) studied the users of information about companies and the
mostly used information.
Now with technological advancements different companies have started to adopt different
technologies in their operations and also to disclose their business information. In this aspect
banks are not lagging behind rather they are also applying different technology in their
operation. Kozak (2005) examines the impact of progress in IT on the profit and cost
efficiencies of the U.S. banking sector during the period of 1993-2003. The research shows a
positive correlation between the level of implemented IT and both profitability and cost

savings. Shirley and Mallick (2006) in their study found that IT usage can lower cost,
increase profitability and also can have a positive impact over market share.

Batchelor and et. al. (2005) found a rise in total productivity, driven by technological
progress in the banking industry of Malaysia. Berger (2003) states that banks are extensive
users of both IT and financial technologies and, have a wealth of data available that may be
helpful of general understanding of the effects of technological change. His study suggested
improvement in banks‘ cost and lending capacity and customers benefit due to improved
technology. Buffam(2000) depicted that companies that build the better e-business solutions
will outperform their competitors. Companies that build the very best e-business solutions
will transform themselves into zero-latency enterprises.

Hossain (2001) empirically investigates the extent of disclosure of 25 banks in Bangladesh

and associations between company size, profitability, and audit firm with disclosure level. A
total of 61 items of information, both voluntary and mandatory, were included in the
disclosure index. The results showed that size and profitability of the banks are statistically
significant in determining their disclosure levels. On the other hand Mahboob Ali (2010)
observe present status of the e-business and as its complementary factor on line banking
system in Bangladesh. The author observed that the country can be benefited through
successful utilization of e-business as this will help to enhance productivity, monetary gain of
both producer and customer may be feasible and positive impact on raising gross domestic
product. Ali, Mohsin, and Yasmeen( 2004) observed that to maximize e-business efforts, it is
needed to focus on information dissemination, knowledge transfer, and technical assistance.
Huda, Momen and Ahmed (2004) commented that the banking sector in Bangladesh is
clearly recognizing the importance of information technology to their continued success.
Amin and Rahman (2010) focused on performance, problems and prospects of E-banking in
Bangladesh. As online information availability is a necessity of E-Banking, So this paper
focuses on the area of information disclosure by commercial banks of Bangladesh.

Shelagh Heffernan, (2005) "Financial institutions include the bank. Banks, on the other
hand, are unique in that they collect money from customers as a deposit and lend money to
customers as a credit. There are financial intermediaries between depositors and borrowers in
a bank. Liabilities of the bank are deposits. To increase profits, the bank must maintain a

M.K. Dash and DM Mahatta, (2005) ―sound knowledge of General Banking Activities
helps companies determine what actions they need to take to meet the needs of their
customers. As a result, they can assess their own pros and cons in relation to their
competitors, as well as plot a course for future growth and improvement. As a result of this
measurement, the company is able to increase its emphasis on customer outcomes as well as
improve its working practices and processes.‖

Barbara Casu, (2006) "In order to assess its financial health, the bank keeps record such as
balance sheets and profit and loss statements. Customer deposits are the bank's primary
revenue source. Deposits are recorded as a liability on the company's financial statement.
These funds are put to work as investments by the bank. This is money that the bank has to
work with. As a result of this difference, a bank's capital is formed. As an alternative, banks
issue bonds and equity in order to raise money for their operations."

M.S. Khondaker and M. Z. Mir, (2006) "Despite the fact that Bangladesh is one of the
world's Least Developed Countries (LDCs), general banking activities are largely ignored
when it comes to performance measurement. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), World
Bank (WB), ADB, and others are putting pressure on Bangladesh, as they do on most LDCs,
to improve the efficiency of its financial sector. Many people believe state-owned
commercial banks (SCBs) are on the verge of going out of business due to poor service
quality that their clients have come to expect from them. Foreign commercial banks operating
in the same socio economic and cultural environments as private commercial banks have seen
significant increases in market shares & profits."

Samia. R. (2013) "The foundation of all banking activities is general banking. Every day, the
department is responsible for providing customer service. Customers deposit money into the
bank each day, and the bank honors their checks to meet their cash needs. Opening new
accounts, sending money, and issuing pay orders & bank drafts are just a few of the services
it offers are just a few of the services it offers. It can also be referred as retail banking
because banks are limited to providing services every day.

Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of thirteen members elected from the Board of Directors is
the supreme body of the Bank.

Executive Committee
All routine matters beyond the delegate powers of management are decided upon by or routed
through the Executive Committee, subject to ratification by the Board of Directors.

Audit Committee
In line with the guidelines of Bangladesh Bank, a three member audit committee of the Board
of Directors has been formed to assists the Board in matters related to audit and internal
Control System of the Bank.

Corporate Slogan
Your Partner for growth.

The Management
The management of the JBL designed with several designations such as Managing Director,
AMD, Senior Executive VP, SVP, and SAVP.

 To manage and operate the Bank in the most efficient manner to enhance financial
performance and to control cost of fund.
 To strive for customer satisfaction through quality control and delivery of timely
 To identify customers' credit and other banking needs and monitor their
perception towards our performance in meeting those requirements.
 To review and update policies, procedures and practices to enhance the ability to
extend better service to customers.
 To train and develop all employees and provide them adequate resources so that
customers' needs can be reasonably addressed.
 To promote organizational effectiveness by openly communicating company
plans, policies, practices and procedures to employees in a timely fashion.

Corporate culture
 The client comes.
 Search for professional excellence.
 Openness to new ideas & new methods to encourage creativity.
 Quick decision-making.

We do our best to manage and operate the bank with a consistent set of business principles
and core values.
First and foremost, this means always trying to do the right thing. It means continuing to
focus on maintaining a fortress balance sheet, strong capital ratios and strong credit ratings. It
means being willing to sacrifice short-term growth for long-term opportunity. During these
times, this approach is vital.
We will continue to provide creditworthy business of all sizes with the capital and financial
tools they need to drive growth.
For individuals, we will continue supporting their credit, savings and investment needs. This
means helping our customers meeting their financial need for various purposes and allowing
highest return on their small savings/investment with us. And, al always, we will adhere to
safe and sound lending standards.
We will do our best to strengthen our financial position and help to move us all forward.
As we move forward, we believe that our shareholders will be benefited as we do the right
thing for our customers we serve.

Branches of JAMUNA Bank Limited

Figure – 1: Branches of JAMUNA Bank

Departments of JAMUNA Bank Limited

Figure – 4: Departments of JBL

Present Programs and Services of the Organization
 Corporate Banking
 Agro processing industry.
 Industry (Import Substitute / Export oriented).
 Textile Spinning, Dyeing / Printing.
 Export Oriented Garments, Sweater.
 Food & Allied.
 Paper & Paper Products.
 Engineering, Steel Mills.
 Chemical and chemical products etc.
 Telecommunications.
 Information Technology.
 Real Estate & Construction
 Wholesale trade
 Transport
 Hotels, Restaurants
 Non Bank Financial Institutions
 Loan Syndication
 Protect Finance
 Investment Banking
 Lease Finance
 Hire Purchase
 International Banking

1.3: Origin of the report:

This report is a partial requirement of the Project Work program of BBA curriculum at the
East West University. This report is prepared for Project Work and placement committee,
based on the project assigned by Marketing Department of Jamuna Bank Limited.

1.4: Objective of the report

This report is prepared primarily for the fulfillment of the Partial requirement for getting
BBA degree from Victoria University of Bangladesh. The main objectives of the report are:

Broad Objective:
To study about the Jamuna bank and analyses its service marketing mix.

Specific Objectives:
 To study about overall activities of The JBL.
 To analyze the 7ps of the organization.
 To identify problems of marketing offer of the JBL.
 What KYC is and how it is done in JBL.
 To recommend appropriate solution

1.5: Methodology:
The study is conclusive in the form of descriptive design. The study has been conducted
using primary data for statistical analysis and secondary data for literature review analysis.
The data collection mode is survey in the personal face to face interview with branch
manager, executives, officers and customers of the bank. The measurement techniques is
non-comparative scaling in the form of Itemized rating scaling technique through 5 point
Liker scale ranging from 1 to 5 where 5= Strongly agree, 4=Agree, 3=Neutral, 2= Disagree
and 1= strongly disagree. The sample size is 200 and non-probability judgmental sampling
used to collect the survey data. Both primary data and secondary data were used in order to
make the report.

1.5.1 Primary Source

 Interviewing customers at Jamuna bank Ltd. (Rupganj Branch).
 Face to face conversations with the employees and manager.
 Observing different organizational procedures and structures.
 Appointment with the top officials of the Bank
 By interviewing customers of the customers

1.5.2 Secondary Source

 From prior research report.
 Group Instruction Manual & Business Instruction Manual
 Prior research report
 Different books and periodicals related to the banking sector

 Journals and articles related to banking industry.
 Website information.
 Bank's Annual Report
 Group Business Principal manual

1.6 Scope of the Study

Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) is a private commercial Bank in Bangladesh. Jamuna Bank Ltd
is one of the largest and oldest private-sector commercial bank in Bangladesh, with years of
experiences. It has 102 branches all over the Bangladesh through which it carries out all its
banking activities. This study mainly focuses on customer satisfaction about Marketing
Practices of Jamuna Bank Limited. This study is enriched with my practical experience of
work at ―Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL)‖ A structured questionnaire containing the
demographic information & the selected factors to measure the customer‘s quality perception
about ―Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL)‖.

1.7: Limitation of the study:

There are certain limitations which are prevalent in the study. The limitations were as
 There were some irrelevant works to be done.
 Another department might seek help because of lack of employees in the branch.
 The time constraint was a big factor.
 There were limited numbers of literature or secondary data available on this research.

Chapter 2
Organization Overview

2.1: Background of the organization:
Background Information of JAMUNA Bank Limited
Jamuna Bank Limited is one of the leading private commercial banks in Bangladesh that
has achieved tremendous popularity and credibility among the people for its products &
services. It is a public limited company and its shares are traded in Dhaka and
Chittagong stock exchange. The bank undertakes all types of banking transaction to
support the development of trade and commerce in the country. JBLs service is also
available for the entrepreneurs to set up new ventures and BMM of industrial units. To
provide clientele services in respect of international trade it has established wide,
corresponded Banking relationship with local and foreign banks covering major trade
and financial interest home and abroad.

Historical Background of JBL

Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) is a Banking Company registered under the Companies Act
1994 with its Head Office at Printers Building, 5 Rajuk Avenue Dhaka-1000. The bank
started its operation from 3rd June 2001. Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL,) is a highly capitalized
new generation Bank with an Authorized capital and paid-up capital of Taka 1600.00
million and Tk390.00 million, Authorized capital and Paid up capital of the Bank
raised to Tk10, 000.00 million and Tk2230.09million as of December, 2010 and the
number of branches raised to 67.The bank gives special emphasis on export, import,
trade finance SME finance Retail credit and finance to woman Entrepreneurs.
Jamuna Bank Limited is a 3rd generation Bank. It is committed to provide high quality
financial services/products to contribute to the growth of G.D.P. of the country through
stimulating trade and commerce, accelerating the pace of industrialization, boosting up
export, creating employment opportunity for the educated youth, poverty alleviation, raising
standard of living of limited income group and over all sustainable socio-economic
development of the country. The Bank undertakes all types of banking transactions to support
the development of trade and commerce of the country. JBL's services are also available for
the entrepreneurs to set up new ventures and BMRE of industrial units.
Jamuna Bank Ltd., the only Bengali named new generation private commercial bank was
established by a group of winning local entrepreneurs conceiving an idea of creating a model
banking institution with different outlook to offer the valued customers, a comprehensive
range of financial services and innovative products for sustainable mutual growth and

prosperity. The sponsors are reputed personalities in the filed of trade, commerce and
industries. The Bank is being managed and operated by a group of highly educated and
professional team with diversified experience in finance and banking. The Management of
the bank constantly focuses on understanding and anticipating customer‘s needs. The
scenario of banking business is changing day by day, so the bank's responsibility is to device
strategy and new products to cope with the changing environment.
Jamuna Bank Ltd. has already achieved tremendous progress within few years. The bank has
already ranked as one of the quality service providers and is known for its reputation.
Jamuna Bank offers different types of Corporate and Personal Banking Services involving all
segments of the society within the purview of rules and regulations laid down by the Central
Bank and other regulatory authorities.

2.2: Company Mission & Vision

The Bank is committed to satisfying diverse needs of its customers through an array of
products at a competitive price by using appropriate technology and providing timely service
so that a sustainable growth, reasonable return and contribution to the development of the
country can be ensured with a motivated and professional work-force.

2.3: Structure of the organization:

2.3.1: Management:
The sponsors of Jamuna Bank limited are leading entrepreneurs of the country having stakes
in different segments of the national economy. Jamuna Bank ltd is managed by highly
professional people. The present managing director of the bank is a forward-looking senior
banker having decades of experience and milti-discipline knowledge to his credit both at
home and abroad. He is supported by an sophisticated and skilled professional team with
diversified experience in finance and banking. JBL already achieved tremendous progress
within a short period of its operation. The bank is already ranked as one of the quality service
providers & known for its reputation. Mr. Fazlur Rahman is currently the chairman of the
bank. In every two years, the chairman is elected among the founding sponsors of Jamuna
Bank. There are 13 members in the board of directors in JBL who get elected from the
founding 20 members by rotation.

2.3.2: Board of Directors & Sponsors:

Chairman Vice Chairman

1. Mr. Md. Fazlur Rahman 2. Mr. Shaheen Mahmud
Sponsors Directors
1. Mr. Engr. A. K. M. Mosharraf Hussain 1.Mr. Al-Haj M. A. Khayer
2. Mr. Al-Haj Nur Mohammed 2.Mr. Engr. Md. Atiqur Rahman
3. Mr. Md. Tajul Islam 3.Mr. Arifur Rahman
4. Mr. Sakhawat, Abu Khair Mohammad 4.Mr. Golam Dastagir Gazi, Bir Protik
5. Mr. M. N. H. Bulu 5.Al-Haj Md. Rezaul Karim Ansari
6. Mr. Md. Ismail Hossain Siraji 6.Mr. Md. Belal Hossain
7. Mr. Gazi Golam Murtoza 7.Md. Sirajul Islam Varosha
8.Mr. Md. Mahmudul Hoque
9.Mr. Md. Irshad Karim
10.Mr. Farhad Ahmed Akand

2.3.3: Management Structure of Jamuna Bank Limited:

JBL has a tall management structure where the span is long and it is centralized. The banking
decision is mainly determined by the chairman, board of directors, chief advisor (Appointed
by the bank) and the managing director of the bank. The managing director and senior
executive vice president (SEVP) control all the branches of Jamuna bank Ltd. Under their
supervision, the branches are operated by the executive vice presidents who have a direct
relation with the higher authority. Thereafter senior vice presidents (SVP), vice president and
senior assistant vice president (SAVP) comes. First vice president (FVP) works under SAVP
and need to access to the authority through him. Similarly, assistant vice president (AVP)
works under the former ranked officer. In this way, the officers work chronologically in
supervision of the higher authorized officer. But the reporting gets changed when it comes to
senior executive officer (SEO), executive officer (EO), and first executive officer (FEO) and
so on. All these employees report to the vice president ranked officers depending on the
nature of works and branches.

The management structure of JBL is conceptualized here:
The management structure of JBL


Board of Director Chief Advisor

Managing Director

Senior Executive Vice President

Executive Vice President Executive Vice President

Executive Vice President

Senior Vice President

Senior Vice President Senior Vice President

Vice President

Senior Assistant Vice President

First Assistant Vice President

Assistant Vice President

Jr.Assistant Vice President

Senior Executive officer

Executive officer

First Executive officer


2.3.4: Branches of the Bank:
JBL is currently operating with 23 branches, including six rural branches. Another six
branches will be open soon. List of branches of Jamuna Bank Limited are given below
 Mohakhali-Dhaka
 Sonargaon Road-Dhaka
 Moulovi Bazar-Dhaka
 Dilkusha- Dhaka
 Shantinagar- Dhaka
 Gulshan- Dhaka
 Rupganj- Dhaka
 Naya Bazar- Dhaka
 Foreign Exchange- Dhaka
 Chistia Market- Dhaka
 Goala Bazar-Sylhet
 Agrabad-Chittagong
 Beani bazaar-Sylhet
 Sylhet-Sylhet
 Bhatiyari-Chittagong

2.4.5: Correspondent Banking Relationship:

To provide clientele services in respect of international trade, it has established banking
relationship with 461 correspondent banks in 107 countries covering major trade and
financial centers at home and abroad.

2.4.6: Corporate Slogan:

“Your partner for growth.”
2.4: Culture of the organization
2.4.1: JBL corporate culture:
Employees of JBL share certain common values, which help to create a JBL culture
 The client comes first
 Search for professional excellence
 Openness to new ideas and new methods to encourage creativity
 Quick decision making

 Flexibility and promote response
 A sense of professional ethics

2.4.2: Islami banking:

Jamuna Bank has started its Islamic banking, based on the principle of Islamic shariah. It has
opened two Islamic banking branches at Nayabazar, Dhaka and jubilee road, Chittagong,
more Islamic branches are planned to be opened. To conduct the Islamic banking of JBL, a
shariah board comprising eminent Islamic thinkers and intellectuals of the country has been

2.4.3. Growth index & future plan:

 Dealing room service for corporate customers and high net worth individuals
 Introducing more innovative product and services
 Opening new branches including Islamic banking branch
 Expansion of business network at home and abroad.
JBL has registered a steady growth in all spheres of its operations and expects to attain better
results in the days ahead.
Assets Amount Liabilities ( Fin in million) Amount

Cash in hand 152 Borrowings 868

Balance with Bangladesh bank 659 Deposit and other accounts 14454
Balance with other banks and 2443 Other liabilities 735
financial institution Total liabilities 16057
Money at cal on short notice 60 Paid up capital 429
Investment: 2038 Statutory reserve 150
Loans and advances: 11012 Surplus in profit and loss A/C 228
Fixed assets 106 Total shareholder‟s Equity 807
Others assets 394
Total assets 16864 Total liabilities and 16864
shareholder‟s equity

2.5: Function of the organization
General Banking:
A commercial bank consists of a few departments which perform diverse operations, namely,
foreign exchange division, General banking division and Credit division. The foreign
exchange division deals with the inflow and outflow of foreign currencies in the bank. Again,
the credit section deals with the loan and other facilities. Last but not least, General Banking
department is considered to be the core function of Bank which operates the day to day
transactions. it takes the deposit from the customers and their demand for cash honoring their
cheque .The department is very rush and the employee here are too upgrade too their duty.
They pass entry of every transaction within the day. It opens new accounts, remit funds, issue
bank draft and pay order, etc. Since Bank is confined to provide these services everyday,
general Banking is known as ‗Retail Banking‘.

Different Departments of General Banking

As mentioned earlier, general banking department revolves around several operations which
could be classified and put into several parts. The five major parts in the general banking
department in different branches are as follows:
 Account opening & Dispatch section
 Clearing section
 Cash section
 Q-Cash section
 Remittance
 Accounts section

2.5.1: Account opening & Dispatch section

Account opening is considered to be the gateway to the bank since it turns a normal customer
of the bank to its potential client. The relationship between a banker and its client begins with
the opening of an account by the customer. For this, account opening is considered the most
important function of a commercial bank. All banks generally maintain a separate department
to open accounts which is the customer service department. An officer is appointed to take
care of the opening of the accounts and its relevant affairs.
The function of accounts opening department can be classified into the following three

 Supplying various accounts related information to the customers.
 Opening of account
 Issuing cheque books
 Supplying various accounts related information to the customers:
 When a customer comes to open an account with a bank, s/he needs to be informed
about various information relating to account opening. Account opening department
enthusiastically provides necessary information to the customer.

Following information is supplied to the customer depending on their requirements:

 Type of accounts maintained by the bank
 Requirements/Necessary formalities for opening each type of accounts
 Eligibility to open an account.

2.5.2 Types of accounts maintained by JBL:

Accounts based on operations as under:
 Current Account (CD A/C)
 Short Term Deposit Account (STD A/C)
 Savings Bank Account (SB A/C)
 Fixed Deposit Receipt Account (FDR A/C)
Accounts based on Nature of Customers as under:
 Single/Individual Account
 Joint individual Account
 Sole Trader/ Proprietorship Account
 Partnership Account
 Company Account etc.
Savings accounts are opened for single/individual and joint individual customer. Business
organizations/enterprises are not allowed to open savings account.

Requirements/Necessary formalities for opening each type of accounts:

 Single/Individual Savings Bank Accounts:
 Introduction of customer (Must be either by an account holder (SB/CD A/C) or an
employee of the bank.
 Photographs-Two copies (attested by the Introducer)

 Photocopy of valid passport/Citizenship Certificate from Chairman or Ward
commissioner/Certificate from the employee of the bank.
 Transaction Profile
 Signature on Money laundering Circular
 Joint savings account:
No additional requirements/formalities other than the Single/Individual Savings Bank
 Single Individual/Joint CD A/C
Requirements/Formalities as like as SB A/C, except here introducer must be a CD A/C holder
of the bank.
 Proprietorship CD A/C
 Introduction of the customer (Must be by a CD A/C account holder or an employee of the
 Photographs- (Two Copies) of the proprietor.
 Valid Trade License.
 Company Seal.
 Photocopy of valid passport of the proprietor/Citizenship/ Certificate from Chairman or
Ward commissioner/Certificate from the employee of the bank.
 Add:
 Transaction Profile
 Signature on Money laundering Circular
 Signature on KYC form
 Partnership CD A/C
 Introduction of the partners (Must be by a CD A/C account holder or an employee of
the bank.
 Photographs- (Two Copies) of every partner.
 Valid Trade License.
 Seal.
 Partnership deed registered/Notarized on TK.1000 stamp according to partnership act.
 Date of incorporation.
 Partnership Letter.
 Add.

 Transaction Profile
 Each partner‘s Signature on Money laundering Circular
 Each partner‘s Signature on KYC form
 Limited Company A/C
 Introduction (Must be by a CD A/C account holder or an employee of the bank
 Photographs- (Two Copies)
 Valid Trade License
 Company Seal
 Resolution of the Company on company‘s letterhead
 Certified and attested copy (attested by MD or Chairman) of Memorandum of
Association and Articles of Association
 Certified and attested copy of Certificate of incorporation
 List of Directors
 Annexure E: Identification of Directors and Authorized Signatories
 Annexure D: Director‘s Signature on KYC form
 Transaction Profile
Eligibility to open an account.
Anyone capable of entering into a valid contract can open an account with the bank. A minor
can also open an account under guardianship or alone if s/he is at least 12 years old. But a
minor is not allowed to open a current account.
Lunatic, Insolvent person/Drunker/Liquidator/Any other individual or organization by law
cannot open an account with bank.
Opening of account
Opening of an account involves certain formalities, which varies according to different types
of accounts as well as various categories of customers. The bank supplies following printed
forms during opening an account of a customer:
 Account opening Form
 Specimen Signature Card
 Deposit Slip
 Cheque Book Requisition Slip
 KYC Profile Form
 Transaction Profile Form

Customers are requested to read all the instructions carefully and then fill up the forms
properly. Account opening officer must have to check all the forms or documents i.e. whether
the customer duly signs them where necessary. The introducer must introduce the customer
by putting signature in the space provided on the account opening form.
2.5.3 Account opening procedure:
After completion of all the formalities by the customer, the bank officials have to perform the
following functions chronologically:
Scrutinizing account opening form and Specimen signature card

Getting the approval of accounts by authorized officer

Putting account number on the form

Putting entry in the account opening


Posting all the account information in the computer

Issuing a cheque book

Maintaining all relevant papers/documents in

separate file in the name of the every account

Sending the specimen signature card to the cash department

Sending a thanks giving letter to the New account opener‟s


Maintaining all relevant papers/documents in

separate file in the name of the every account holder

Issuing cheque books.
A cheque book is issued to the customer at the time of the account opening or may by issued
after 2-3 days from account opening. And additional cheque book is issued at the request of
the customer according to his/her necessity.

Followings are the formalities during issuing a cheque book:

Getting the cheque book requisition slip signed by the account holder

By verifying the signature, issuing the cheque book

Writing down the account number on each leaf of the cheque book

Making entry to the cheque issue register

Supplying the cheque book to the account holder after getting proper acknowledgement
from the account holder
2.6 Marketing Mix:
Marketing mix is the set of marketing tools the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in
the target market.
According to Philip Kotler, “Marketing mix is the set of controllable tacticall marketing
tools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market”.
Clearly, marketing mix is the set of controllable elements that are created by marketer.
Four „P‟ component of the marketing mix: The many possibilities can be collected
into four groups of variables known as the four P‘s that means-
a) Product,
b) Price,
c) Place, and
d) Promotion.
Product: Product means the goods and services combination the company offers to
the target market.
Price: Price is the amount of money customers have to pay to obtain the product.

Place: Place includes the company activities that make the product available to target
Promotion: Promotion means the activities that communicate the merits of the
product and persuade target customers to buy it.
We can better explain the four ‗P‘ component of the marketing mix by the figure
Marketing Mix

Product Target market Place

Product variety Channels
Quality Coverage
Design Assortments
Features Locations
Brand name Price Promotion Inventory
Packaging List Price Sales promotion Transport
Sizes Discount Advertising
Services Allowances Sales force
Warranties Payment period Public relation
Returns Credit terms Direct marketing

Figure: The four ‗P‘ component of the marketing mix.

2.7 Marketing Mix for Service Firms:

The Service marketing mix comprises off the 7 Ps.These include:

1. Product 2. Price

3. Place 4. Promotion

5. People 6. Process

7. Physical Evidence

The extended Marketing Mixes of Service are:

 People – People all people who directly or indirectly influence the perceived
value of the product or service, including knowledge workers, employees,
management and consumers.
 Process – Process procedures, mechanisms and flow of activities which lead to
an exchange of value.
 Physical evidence –Physical eviden the direct sensory experience of a product
or service that allows a customer to measure whether he or she has received value.
Examples might include the way a customer is treated by a staff member, or the
length of time a customer has to wait, or a cover letter from an insurance
company, or the environment in which a product or service is deliver.

2.8 Marketing Strategies of Service Firm:

Service marketing requires not only external marketing, but also internal and
interactive marketing.

. Company

Internal Marketing External Marketing

Employees------------------Interactive Marketing-----------------Customers

External marketing:External marketing describes the normal work to prepare,

price, distribute, and promote the service to customers.

Internal marketing:Internal marketing describes the work to train and motivate

employees to serve customers well.

Interactive marketing: Interactive marketing Describes the employees skill in serving

the client. Because the client judges service not only by its technical quality but also
by its functional quality.Service providers must deliver ―high-touch‘‘ as well as

Chapter 3
Project Part
Marketing Mix of Jamuna Bank

3.1 Introduction of Marketing
Marketing is a very important activity for the organization. In marketing a lot of sub
activities are performed. Marketing includes the activities like identification of
demand, research, market segmentation, product development, launching of products,
modification of products, deletion of products, product design, pricing, different types
of pricing, promotion of products and services, sales promotion, personal selling,
publicity, public relations, adverting, distribution of products and services, consumer
behavior, internal and international market coverage, branding, packaging, labeling
and many other activities. It is very difficult to have clear idea regarding marketing
activities. For easy understanding and proper planning of activities, the marketing
activities are divided into four areas for products. These are product, pricing,
promotion and placement. For services the groups include product, price, promotion,
placement, people, process and physical evidence. In the research study the topic is
related to promotion of products. The focus is there on promotional activities of the
products in FMCG sector in India and mainly sales promotion strategies of the
companies dealing in FMCG products in the markets. Every company is interested to
market its products or services to earn its profit. For this promotion the awareness is
to be created among the customers.
Without creating awareness the customers would not come to know about the
company. Existence in the markets, products and services they produced and features
of their products and services. The messages regarding the products, company,
features of their products and services are to be communicated by using different
promotion methods. One of the methods is sales promotion and it covers the scope of
the study.

3.2 Elements of Marketing Mix

Marketing mix is the combination of the elements of marketing and what roles each
element plays in promoting products and services and delivering those products and
services to the customers. The elements of the marketing mix are also referred to as
the 5 P's of marketing. In the beginning For years together marketers accepted the 4
P's of marketing. The experts have added the fifth P recently and hat is people. Now,
there are five P‖s of marketing mix. These Ps are called elements of marketing mix.

These are elaborated further in the next paragraph. The original 4 P's of marketing
along with the fifth P added to marketing mix are:
(a) Product
The product is a combination of tangible and intangible aspects of the products
offered by the manufacturer to the customers. It can be defined as a bundle of
satisfaction and Dissatisfactions offered by company to the customers at a point of
time. Their physical attributes what they do, how they differ from your competitors
and what benefits they provide. The products can be classified as durable and non
durable, consumers and industrial goods, perishable and non perishable, finished and
semi-finished etc.
(b) Price
Price means the monetary value of the product has been fixed for exchange purpose.
The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. It is fixed after considering
various factors such as market share, competition, material costs, product identity and
the customer's perceived value of the product. The business may increase or decrease
the price of product if other stores have the same product. It is through price the
company gets its money back in business. It should be fixed in such a way the
company is in position to recover the costs and earn profits also. If it is fixed very low
then it may be difficult to come to the breakeven point and if fixed very high then it
may have deterrent effect on the sale. The prix decision is very sensitive and for that
special care is to be taken so that you may get the competitive edge due to price
decision. Place (Also referred to as Distribution) – Where your business sells its
products or services and how it gets those products or services to your customers.
(c) Promotion
The promotion concept is applied for products or services and to the business. The
promotion include all communications a marketer used in the market for his products
of services to create awareness, persuade the customers to buy and retain in future
also. For improvement in the position of sales or progress of business this method is
used. The message is given to target group regarding the features and benefits of the
products or services to the target customers. Without communication the features,
benefits and schemes would not be known to the customers and objectives of in
launching of products or services and increasing sates would not be completed. When
communication creates awareness then only the interest would be created and

customers would take the decision for buying. For promotion different methods of
communication can be used.
(d) Placement
Place represents the point or location where the product is made available to purchase.
It is required that the products and customer should be available at a point then only
the sales would be possible. If not then the sale does not taken place. This term is used
for distribution channel. It can include any physical store as well as virtual stores on
the Internet. Place is not exactly a physical store where it is available Place is nothing
but how the product takes place or create image in the mind of customers. It depends
upon the perception of customers. The products or services should reach to the
customer that channel is called distribution channel of placement. These above
mentioned elements of marketing mix are only for products. With the development of
service sector in every economy, the marketing of services is also needed. Due to this
the elements of marketing mix for service have been extended. The three more
elements for service have been added. These are:
(e) People
The services are being provided with the help of employees and to the customers.
There is direct contact for delivery of the services to the customers. The type of
people providing the service matters a lot from business point of view. The people are
to be selected, trained and motivated to keep the customers very happy. So the people
are very important for service marketing. It is to be managed effectively.
(f) Process
For availing a service certain activities are to be performed. For that purpose
Mechanism and flow of activities by which services are delivered are to be decided.
Without The service cannot be delivered properly with uniformity. That would
maintain the standard format for availing the services. This is called process. For
example, one wants saving account facility in a bank then he has to apply for opening
an account. After this the pass book, cheque book and ATM card would be issued and
service can be availed after this.

(g) Physical Evidence
There are essential conditions for providing the service. These are two types. One is
internal and another is external. These create the environment in which the service or
product is delivered. For example to provide the hotel service and external evidence
required are building, parking place, gate and a long drive- way. Internal evidence
required like counter, telephone, passbooks, reservation facilities, cigarettes etc.
Without this providing hotel service, a question does not arise.

3.3 Definitions of Marketing Communication

Any business organization is a human group constituted for certain specified
objectives. The achievement of these objectives largely depends upon the fact that all
human efforts are properly co-ordinate and integrated. Individuals in the organization
performing different activities are functionally interrelated. The working and
maintaining of this relationship is possible only through communication which
provides for exchange of information. No business organization can work without
communication network. It is an important human skill. The ability to communicate
effectively is one of the major skills of a manager. According to a research conducted
by Paul Pigors and C. Mayers, an executive, supervisor or manager spends about 70%
of his time in communication. This face-to-face communication plays a vital role in
managerial decision-making. As Benjamin Balinsky said, "If there is any short-cut of
executive effectiveness, it is the mastery of the art of face-to-face communication."
Communication is a word derived from the Latin word "communis", literally meaning
to make common, to share, to impart, convey or transmit. Communication is the
process through which two or more persons come to exchange ideas and
understanding among themselves. The following are the definitions of
 "Communication is an intercourse by words, letters, symbols or messages; and
is a way that one organization member shares meaning and understanding with
another." (Koontz and O'Donnell)
 "Communication is the sum of all the things one person does when he wants to
create understanding in the mind of another. It involves a systematic and
continuous Process of telling, listening and understanding." (Allen, Louis A.)

 "The word communication describes the process of conveying messages
(facts, ideas, attitudes and opinions) from one person to another so that they
are understood." (Commin, M.W.)
 "Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas opinions or emotion by two or
more person." (Newman and Summer)
 Communication is a "process of meaningful interaction among human beings.
More specifically, it is the process by which meanings are perceived and
understandings are reached among human beings." (Dr. McFarland D.E.)
 "Communication is defined as intercourse by words, letters, symbols or
messages, and a way that one organization member shares meaning and
understanding with another." (Bellows, Gilson and Odiorne) The above
definitions indicate the following

3.3.1 Characteristics
 It involves more than one person.
 It deals with transmission of both facts and feelings.
 There are various medium of communication.
 A business organization has continuity. Hence the process of communication
is also a continuous one.
 The effectiveness of communication to a very large extent depends upon the
required understanding of what is being received and then responded.

Thus, the various expressions on communication emphasis the understanding of

elements in the communication. The sharing of understanding is possible only when
the person, for whom the message is meant understands it in the same sense in which
the sender of the message wants him to understand. Thus communication involves
something more than mere transmission of message and physical receipt thereof. The
correct interpretation and understanding of the message is important from the point of
view of organizational efficiency. As such, the greater than degree of understanding
present in the communication, the more is the possibility that human action will
proceed in the direction of achieving organizational objectives.

3.3.2 Communication Process
Communication has been defined as a process. The process is a concept of changing
rather than static existence. The relationship events are seen as dynamic, continuous
and flexible and are structured only in a relative sense. Communication process, as
such, has to be viewed, as a whole, a continuous and dynamic interaction of variables
both affecting and being affected by different variables.

3.4 Marketing Concepts in Banking Industry

Its application to Banking, when we apply marketing to the banking industry, the
bank marketing strategy can be said to include the following –
i) A very clear definition of target customers.
ii) The development of a marketing mix to satisfy customers at a profit for the
iii) Planning for each of the ‗source‘ markets & each of the ‗use‘ markets (A
Bank needs to be doubly market – oriented – it has to attract funds as well
as were of funds & services.
iv) Organization & Administration.

3.5 Bank Marketing

We define bank marketing as follows: ―Bank marketing is the aggregate of functions,
directed at providing services to satisfy customers‘ financial (and other related) needs
and wants, more effectively and efficiently that the competitors keeping in view the
organizational objectives of the bank‖. Bank marketing activity. This aggregate of
functions is the sum total of all individual activities consisting of an integrated effort
to discover, create, arouse and satisfy customer needs. This means, without exception,
that each individual working in the bank is a marketing person who contributes to the
total satisfaction to customers and the bank should ultimately develop customer
orientation among all the personnel of the bank. Different banks offer different
benefits by offering various schemes which can take care of the wants of the
Marketing helps in achieving the organizational objectives of the bank. Indian banks
have duel organizational objective – commercial objective to make profit and social
objective which is a developmental role, particularly in the rural area.

Marketing concept is essentiall about the following few things which contribute
towards banks‘ success:
1) The bank cannot exist without the customers.
2) The purpose of the bank is to create, win, and keep a customer.
3) The customer is and should be the central focus of everything the banks does.
4) It is also a way of organizing the bank. The starting point for organizational
design should be the customer and the bank should ensure that the services are
performed and delivered in the most effective way. Service facilities also
should be designed for customers‘ convenience.
5) Ultimate aim of a bank is to deliver total satisfaction to the customer.
6) Customer satisfaction is affected by the performance of all the personal of the
All the techniques and strategies of marketing are used so that ultimately they induce
the people to do business with a particular bank. Marketing is an organizational
philosophy. This philosophy demands the satisfaction of customers needs as the pre-
requisite for the existence and survival of the bank. The first and most important step
in applying the marketing concept is to have a whole hearted commitment to customer
orientation by all the employees. Marketing is an attitude of mind. This means that the
central focus of all the activities of a bank is customer. Marketing is not a separate
function for banks. The marketing function in Indian Bank is required to be integrated
with operation.

3.6 Marketing Strategies of JAMUNA Bank Ltd.

For achieving balanced and sustainable growth, we must satisfy two group‘s new
customer and repeat customer. Today, the marketing should be all effort to retain
current customers and build lasting customers relationship. Thus, marketing is service
oriented. The service is ―a bridge between products and customer‖

Marketing thus mainly focused as:
Customer Focus: It also means ―the design, creation and delivery of service products
based on meeting customer needs and exceeding their expectations‘.
Co-operation: It implies ―Share information and share resources‖. Continuous
Improvement: This is the part or marketing research. We take feedback from the
market, we take note of the customers complain and try to improve our product
service on a continuous basis to remain competitive in the market.
Satisfied customer: One satisfied customer will do advertisement on our behalf and
automatically bring chain of new customer. On the other hand one dies-satisfied
customer is enough to ruin our image & good will.
What Customer Want: They want solution of their problems. We can solve their
problems by way of Analyze, plan and act. Once customer gets solutions to their
problems they will do marketing for us.

The most important factor and crafting a marketing strategy include the following
 Product Strategy
 Price Strategy
 Distribution Strategy
 Promotion Strategy
 Segmentation
 Targeting
 Positioning Strategy
 Advertising Strategy

JAMUNA Bank Ltd marketing strategy is based on its positioning of different

product. On the focus to customer side the market is mainly upper-middle and middle
income professional who need saving with some attractive profit to meet any
emergent requirement in future as well as to develop a sizable amount of money to
procure some valuable future earnings. This segment of market includes individual,
having a regular monthly income, male or female, age not below 18 years and
educated or less educated Bangladeshi person

3.6.1 Products
The following are the products is offered by the JAMUNA Bank Ltd

A. Special Loan Scheme:

1. Consumer credit scheme
2. Personal loan
3. Small Business Loan
4. Building repair loan

B. Saving deposit scheme:

1. Savings Accounts
2. Short Term Deposit Accounts
3. Fixed deposit receipt Accounts
4. Double benefit deposit scheme
5. Monthly deposit scheme

C. International Banking:
1. Foreign currency accounts
2. Non-Resident Foreign Currency Deposit Account
3. Resident Foreign Currency Deposit Account

1. Consumer credit scheme:

JBL started JAMUNA Consumers Credit Scheme from 1996.JBL offers opportunity
of Financial assistance for -
 Motor cycle/car- New or re-conditioned.
 Refrigerator/ Deep Freeze.
 Television/ VCR /VCP/VCD
 Radio/ Two-in-one/ Three – in – one
 Air-Conditioner/ Water Cooler/ Water Pump
 Washing Machine.
 Personal Computer/ UPS/ Printer/ Type writer
 Sewing Machine.
 House hold furniture- Wooden & Steel.
 Cellular Telephone.
 Fax
 Photocopier.

 Electric Fan- Ceiling/ Pedestal/ Table.
 Bi-Cycle
 Dish Antenna.
 Baby Taxi, Tempo/Microbus (For self employed persons)
 Kitchen articles such as Oven, Micro-oven, Toaster, Blender, Pressure
Cooker etc.

Special Features:
No collateral security is required.
 Simple rate of interest.
 Quick sanction.
 Maximum Loan amount Tk.3,00,000/-
 5% incentive on total interest charged
Required Documents:
 Documents related to applicant's job to prove himself.
 Two copies passport size photographs.
 Photograph of nominee (if any) duly attested by the account holder.

2. Personal loan:
Personal Loan Scheme for Salaried Officers-
 Emergency expenses for own marriage of a service- holder or his dependents.
 Emergency expenses of urgent surgical operation/ medical treatment.
 Emergency educational expenses of the children for admission/purchase of
books, examination fees etc.
Special Features:
 Any permanent salaried employee aged between 20 to 55 years is eligible to
get loan.
 No collateral security is required.
 Maximum Amount of loan Tk. 1, 00,000.
 Maximum period of loan up to 3 years.
Required Documents:
 Documents related to applicant's job to prove himself.
 Two copies passport size photographs.
 Photograph of nominee (if any) duly attested by the account holder.

3. Savings Accounts
 Any Bangladeshi National residing home or abroad may open savings
 with JBL.
 The account may be opened in single/joint name.
 The account holder may nominate his nominee in this account.
 The nominee can get the balance amount without submitting succession
 after the death of account holder.


 Minimum amount : Taka 1,000.00

 Rate of Interest : 4.50%
 Free Cheque-Book facility
 Opportunity to apply for - safe deposit locker facility
 Collect foreign remittance in both T.C. & Taka draft.
 Transfer of fund from one branch to another by
 Demand Draft
 Mail Transfer
 Telegraphic Transfer
 Transfer of fund on Standing Instruction Arrangement
 Collection of cheques through Clearing House.
 Issuance of Payment Order / Call Deposit.

Required Documents:

 Account opening form as per format below. The account opening form and
signature card to be filled in and duly signed.
 Two copies passport size photographs of the account holder.
 Photograph of nominee (if any) duly attested by the account holder.
 Photocopy of the 1st 7 pages of the passport for non-resident Bangladeshi
 Signature in the account opening form/card must be same with the
signature of the passport.

4. Short Term Deposit Accounts
 Govt., Semi-Govt., Autonomous organization and an individual may open
STD Account with JBL.
 JBL offers attractive/competitive rate of interest (3.25%) in STD Account.
 7 days notice required to withdraw big amount.

5. Fixed deposit receipt Accounts

 Any Bangladeshi national residing home or abroad may open FDR with JBL.
 FDR may be opened single/joint name for a period of 3, 6, 12, 24 and 36
 JBL offers attractive/competitive rate of interest in FDR.

Fixed Deposit (FDR) Rate of Interest

3 months & above but less than 6 months 7.75%
6 months & above but less than 1 year 8.00%
1 year & above but less than 2 years 8.25%
2 years & above but not more than 3 years 8.50%

Table: 1 Rate of Fixed Deposit based on different duration

6. Double Benefit Deposit Scheme

 Any adult Bangladeshi National will be eligible to open this account.
 Minimum Tk.1, 00,000/- (Taka One Lac only) and multiples thereof will be
accepted as deposit under this scheme.
 The period shall be of 8.5 (Eight years Six months) year‘s term.
 Deposit may be encasehd before its maturity and no interest will be paid
ifencashedbefore 1(one) year of deposit.
 Interest will be paid at Savings rate if encashed after 1(one) year.
 Advance will be allowed up to 80% of the deposit after completion of one
 Full amount including interest will be paid on maturity.
 Govt. tax, Surcharge, Source Tax, Levy, Govt. Excise duty will be recovered
from the depositor‘s A/C.
 Account holder can appoint a nominee against the account.

7. Monthly Deposit Scheme
a) Any adult Bangladeshi National will be eligible to open this account.
b) The period of the scheme will be 5 (five) years and 10 (ten) years term.
c) Monthly installment will be Tk.500/-, 1000/-, 2000/-, 3000/-, 5000/- & 10000/-
d) Monthly installment to be deposited within 10th day of the month. After due date a
penalty of Tk.50/- will be realized from the A/C holder. If the A/C holder fails to
deposit 3(three) consecutive monthly installments, the account will be
automatically closed.
e) No cheque book will be issued against the account.
f) Deposit may be enchased before maturity. But no interest will be
Paid if enchased before 1(one) year of deposit.
f) Advance will be allowed up to 80% of the deposit after completion of one year
g) Interest will be paid at Savings rate if enchased after 1(one) year of deposit.
h) Advance will be allowed upto 80% of the deposit after completion of one year.
i) Full amount including interest will be paid on maturity.
j) Govt. tax, Surcharge, Source Tax, Levy, Govt. Excise duty will be recovered from
the depositor‘s A/C.
k) Account holder can appoint a nominee against the account.
l) Bank reserves the right to close the account at any time and make
amendment/ alteration of the terms & conditions of the scheme without assigning
any reason.
m) Amount will be paid on the following matrix:

Amount of Period of Amount to be Period of Amount to be

monthly deposit deposit paid at the deposit paid at the
(Taka) end of period end of period
500 5 years 36,736.00 10 years 90,791.00
1000 5 years 73,471.00 10 years 1,81,582.00
2000 5 years 1,46,943.00 10 years 3,63,163.00
3000 5 years 2,20,414.00 10 years 5,44,745.00
5000 5 years 3,67,357.00 10 years 9,07,909.00
10000 5 years 7,34,715.00 10 years 18,15,817.00

Table: 2 Schedule of the Installment to be paid

8. Foreign Currency Accounts

Foreign Currency Act. for private individual/firm/organization :

 Any person/firm/organization who earns foreign currency can open Foreign
Currency Account with JBL.
 Payments in foreign currency may be made freely abroad from this account
and local payment in Taka may also be made from this account.
 Bank pay interest provided the accounts are maintained in the form of term
deposit for minimum period of 90 days.

Requirement for opening of the account:

 Account opening form as per format below. The account opening form and
signature card to be filled in and duly signed.
 Two copies passport size photographs of the account holder duly attested by
remitter's Bank/Embassies
 Photo copies of the first 7 pages of the passport duly attested by the remitters
 Companies having drawing arrangement with JBL or by Bangladesh Mission

9. Foreign Currency Account for Bangladeshi Nationals Working and earning

 No initial deposit is required.
 A/c holder may nominate his nominee to operate the account.
 The account holder can freely transfer entire amount in foreign currency
anywhere he chooses or can convert into Bangladesh Taka currency.
 Funds from this account may also be issued to the account holder upto his
entitlement for the purpose of his foreign travels in usual manner.
Requirement for opening of the account:
 Account opening form as per format below. The account opening form and
signature card to be filled in and duly signed.
 Two copies passport size photographs of the account holder.
 Copies of employer‘s certificate/work permit.
 One copy of the passport size photograph of the nominee if any to be attested
by the account holder.
 Photocopies of the first 7 pages of the passport of the account holder.

10. Non-Resident Foreign Currency Deposit Account

 All Non-Resident Bangladesh nationals and persons of Bangladesh Origin

including those having dual nationality ordinarily residing abroad may open
this account with any AD branch of JAMUNA Bank Ltd.
 The NFCD account may be opened in single/joint name for a period of 1, 3, 6,
12 months.
 This account may be maintained as long as account holder desires.
 On maturity the account holder can encash it in local currency or can transfer
the amount including accrued interest anywhere he likes.
 Initial deposit US$ 1000 or GBP 500 sterling or equivalent currency.
 The account offers attractive interest. Payable in foreign and tax free.
 The account with accrued interest can be renewed either of the instruction of
the account holder or be renewed automatically if there is no instruction
 No interest is given on premature encashment.
Requirement for opening of the account
 Account opening form as per format below. The account opening form and
signature card to be filled in and duly signed.
 Two copies passport size photographs of the account holder.
 Photocopies of the first 7 pages of the passport duly attested by the remitters
bank/exchange companies having drawing arrangement with JBL or by
Bangladesh Mission abroad.

11. Resident Foreign Currency Deposit Account

 Persons ordinarily resident in Bangladesh may open and maintain RFCD

Account with foreign exchange brought in at the time of his return from travel
 Any amount brought in with declaration to customs authorities in the form
FMJ and up to US$ 5000 brought in without any declaration can be deposited
in this account.
 Balance in this account can be freely transferred abroad.
 Funds from this account may also be issued to the account holder for the
purpose of his foreign travels in the usual manner.

Requirement for opening of the account
Account opening form as per format below. The account opening form and signature
card to be filled in and duly signed.
 Two copies of passport size photograph of the account holder.
 Photocopies of the passport and the relevant pages showing evidences of
travelling abroad.

3.6.2 New Product Planning Process of JAMUNA Bank Ltd

 Generating a continuing stream of new-product ideas that will satisfy the
organization‘s requirements for new product.
 Putting in place processes and methods for Analysis new-product ideas as they
move through each of the planning stages.

3.6.3 Product Decision:

All the services offered by the bank are similar and prone to limitation by its
competitors. Long established services may ease to satisfy fully the changing needs of
the customers. Such product may become increasingly non-competitive, unprofitable
and even unnecessary. When all the banking institutions are offering similar services,
JAMUNA Bank Ltd. can offer different services. A significant part of the marketing
effort must be devoted to the monitoring of existing services and where such
deterioration is fund, a decision must be taken on how to remedy the situation. In
essence there are 2 alterations:

3.6.4 Add New Features to Services
The product may be updated and renovated so as to bring it back in line with customer
requirements. The following tips may be considered:

 JAMUNA Bank Ltd can receives customers monthly telephone bill,

electricity, gas, water, mobile etc. it will be advance features of customers
service if the payment are arranged from their current/savings/short term
deposit accounts.
 It can introduce ―Tele-banking‖ service, which provides the customer the
opportunity to make inquires and request to the bank over telephone with total
confidentiality and security like the HSBC Bank.
 It can introduce ―ATM facility‖ which provides 24 hours services.
 It can introduce ―Safe Deposit Lockers‖ in every branch by which the clients
will get a hidden place for keeping their valuable things.

3.7 Price
Pricing of different products in a bank means the service charge and the revenue for
the cost of capital the bank is incurring. It is already described that, banks works as a
balancing tool in the economy. Banks do not have any money its own to lend. Rather
it takes the surplus money from the economy and then lends it to the deficit sectors. In
this process, banks are incurring some cost of capital. The money a bank is taking
from the economy in the form of deposit is not free. In the same way, when banks use
these funds to finance the deficit sectors, they charge additional pricing for the fund.
In addition to that, banks may charge some service fees. So, for lending purposes, the

 Bank collects fund from public in the form of deposit schemes they provide.
 Banks provide interests to public for the collected deposits.
 Banks takes service charge from public for providing services related to
 Banks use this deposit for loans and advances – like car loan, home loan,
industrial loan etc. Banks charge interests from the party that‘s availing the

loan. This interest rate is higher than the interest rate that the banks are
providing to the public for deposit.
 The difference between these interests rate are often called margin.
 Banks charge some service charges / fees from the party availing loan for the
services they provide

3.7.1 Price Strategy of JAMUNA Bank Ltd

Price is the amount of money charged for a product or service or the value exchanged
for the benefits of the product or service. The selection of a pricing strategy for the
bank is a function of three keys determinates.
 Demand
 Competitor Prices
 Cost Structure
Based upon these three criteria a number of pricing options are open to the bank.
These alternatives include cost plus pricing, breakeven and profit impact target
pricing, value in use pricing, market rate pricing, relationship pricing, penetration
pricing and skimming pricing.

3.7.2 Steps in Pricing Strategy

JAMUNA Bank Ltd generally follows the market rate pricing increase of deposit
pricing. Now in Bangladesh seven Islami Bank are operating, Islami Bank
Bangladesh Ltd. is the leader of those banks because it is old and big. JAMUNA Bank
Ltd is now trying to make

Fixed or JAMUNA Shahjalal Premier City Southest

term Bank Ltd. Bank Bank Bank Bank

1st Month 8.50% 10.50% 10% 11% 11.50%

2nd Month _ 11.50% _ 11% 11.75%

3rd Month 11.25% 12.55% 12.50% 11% 12.50%

6th Month 11.30% 12.60% 12.50% 12% 12.50%

12th Month 11.50% 12.65% 12.50% 13% 12.60%

3.7.3 Pricing Situation of JAMUNA Bank Ltd.

Pricing analysis is essential in Analysis new-product ideas. The factors influencing
the pricing situation include:
 Customer price sensitivity.
 Product costs.
 Current and potential Competitive actions.
 Legal and ethical constraints.

3.7.4 Pricing Decision
In the customer survey, it was revealed that customers are very price-conscious. Price
plays both an economic and physiological role in the banking sector. Especially
customers of JAMUNA Bank Ltd who comes from largely middle class income
groups are likely to be very price sensitive. They can offer services, which have fewer
service charges.

3.8 Place
JAMUNA bank ltd is operating its business through the direct marketing technique, it
has plenty of branches under which it function as branch banking,

Corporate Offices ( Corporate Branch & 2

Local Office )
Regional Office 13
Worldwide Affiliates 600
Total Branches ( Including 102
Corporate Branch & Local Office )
Authorized Dealer Branches 28
Treasury & Dealing Room 1
Training Institute 1
Man Power 3562

Table: 3 List of the Branches of JBL

3.8.1 Distribution Strategy of JAMUNA Bank Ltd.
JAMUNA Bank Ltd is a third generation bank. It has converted into Islami Banking
in July 01, 2008 with the approval of Bangladesh Bank. JAMUNA Bank Ltd mainly
emphasis on public relation out of four distributions strategy. JAMUNA Bank Ltd
does following activities for their market promotion and advertising.
The distributions strategy of JAMUNA Bank Ltd is:
 When they open new branch, send letter to the elite persons, offices and
industries in that area for opening account in their bank.
 They arrange the ceremony of award to the honorable person in every year.
 They send gift item at the beginning of the year to the senior citizen of the
society. These items include pen, dairy, calendar, pen stand, wall clock etc.
 In every month the higher authority of JAMUNA Bank Ltd give information
about the market condition and suggestion to the branch manager.
 The managers of every branch tell present condition of his branch to the head
office in every month.
 Head Office updates deposit and investment guideline to the branch manager.
 JAMUNA Bank Ltd sponsors different types of National games.

JAMUNA Bank Ltd will soon setup a Research and Development Division and
separate marketing divisions which are help them to implement better marketing

3.9 Promotion
Promotional activity of a bank can include anything that will promote the bank to the
people. Normally, these can include advertisement in Billboards, TV commercials or
paper ads etc; CSR activities, brandings, sponsorships. JAMUNA Bank Ltd
occasionally gives advertisement and notices in daily newspapers. For example any
new branch opening information or new products etc. Billboards of JAMUNA Bank
Ltd are not that much visible in the road. JAMUNA Bank Ltd has lots of CSR
activities all over the country. At least 2% of our annual profit of every year is put
aside for the foundation to conduct Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) activities.

These include:
 Healthcare service.
 Scholarship program for brilliant poor student.
 Education Promotion Scheme (Interest free loan).
 Helping people affected by natural calamities.
 Helping people in slum areas.
 Donation to educational institutions to setup computer lab.

3.9.1 Promotion Strategy of JAMUNA Bank Ltd.

Vigilance &Control Division (VCD) and Marketing & Development Division (MDD)
at JAMUNA Bank Ltd Head office will jointly arrange for well publicity of the brand
name of new deposit scheme with its important features by the national newspaper
and electronic media (TV). Every branch will show special and attractive banners of
the new offering for awareness. Leaflet, placard, festoon, poster and brochure will be
supplied to each branch for distribution and exhibit to all important places with the
differentiation feature and attractive.
The JAMUNA Bank Ltd also offers to their marketing employees (Field worker)
extra incentive, if they fulfill the following chart. It is the financial motivation to their
marketing employees. As a result they express their better effort in banking service.

This table indicates that, when a banker arranges to open number of 10 accounts
which value will be 1.00 lac then she/he will get extra 100 Tk. next one account. The
fillip the 12 accounts and value will be 2.00 lac then banker gets extra 200 Tk for
extra one account. The JAMUNA Bank Ltd. by this way maintain the extra account
commission to promotion their bank‘s employees.

3.9.2 Developing Promotion Strategy of JAMUNA Bank Ltd.

Several activities are involved in designing the promotin strategy including:
 Setting communication objectives.
 Deciding the role of each of the components that make up the promotion
 Determining the promotion budget.
 Selecting the strategy for each promotion component.
 Integrating and implementing the promotion component strategies.
 Analysis the effectiveness of the integrated promotion strategies.

3.9.3 Advertising Strategy of JAMUNA Bank Ltd.

Advertising may be defined as a controlled form of non-personal presentation
message about specific ideas or services from an identified sponsor via a specific
communication medium designed to inform and persuade selected audiences to
undertake actions desired by the sponsor. In recent years the role of advertising in the
banking industry in both personal and corporate markets has expanded dramatically
and the financial services industry is now one of the most important sources of
advertising revenue. In developing advertising strategy the bank must first ensure that
it conforms to overall marketing strategy.
The process of developing advertising strategy of JAMUNA Bank Ltd then consists
of the following steps:
 Set advertising
 Establish copy platform
 Develop the media plan
 Set the advertising expenditure level
 Measure advertising effectiveness

3.9.4 Promotional Decision
Promotion forms an important component of any marketing campaign. The intangible
dominant product services are not easily advertised. The intangible is difficult to
depict in advertising whether the media is print, TV or radio. Services advertising
should thus emphasize tangible cues that will help the customers understand and
evaluate the service. The following tips may be taken in this connection.

3.10 Targeting of JAMUNA Bank Ltd.

This bank name is Export and Import bank. That‘s why rich and elite person are the
target customer of this bank. But in present time this is targeting mid class customers
for ―JAMUNA Bank Ltd Deposit Programmed‖. This bank all time searches the
unused money from the general people as their valuable capital.

3.10.1 Targeting Approaches of JAMUNA Bank Ltd.

3.10.2 Positioning Strategy of JAMUNA Bank Ltd.

JAMUNA Bank Ltd is required for positioning ―JAMUNA Bank Ltd deposit
programmed‖. Account as a most convenient to its target market using product
differentiation with other existing products due to its special features that are not
provided by the other banks. The following approaches are considered for the

Chapter 4
Findings of the Study

4.1: Findings of the Study

During the work there were a lot of aspects which we found significant to our
understanding. The knowledge we gathered would particularly help us to build up our
pragmatic knowledge about banking. There were few lackings which might cause
certain problems in the long run for the bank and needs to be sorted out with utmost

The aspects where we found lacking are discussed chronologically in the following:

 The number of branch of JBL is not enough in Dhaka city. There are some
branches in commercial area but not in residential area.

 JBL has not enough cash booth in Dhaka city so that customers may fulfill their
needs. It is time consuming.

 JBL still not started evening banking. So they are loosing a segment of customer
who are very busy or business men.

 JBL not started sms banking yet.

 JBL has not started 24 hours customers care service for the customers.
 In Account opening & Dispatch section, the most visible weakness has been the
absence of a marketing department. If there had been a separate marketing
department, the promotional work of the bank would have been easier.

 Again, at front desk there is less number of employees for the account opening
task as well as dispatch related works. So, it takes a bit longer time to finish off
his or her job.

 Moreover, in order to know any kind of information all the customers knock the
officer at the desk and it is hard for the officer to provide information to the
customer in such a busy day to day schedule.

 Another problem lies in the continuous renovation of account opening form

proposed by the Bangladesh bank.

 Sometimes there occurs a communication gap between the branches of the bank
and the courier service and the bank concerning OBC (outward bill for collection)
and LBC (local bill for collection). Then it takes longer time for clearance of the
cheque and the clients get harassed. They have to wait for longer period to get
their cheque cleared.

 Again, some late receives of the cheques from special and loyal clients cause
delay in sending the cheques to the clearing house.

 In cash and accounts section, the cash officers have to record their cash receives
by them. There is no other officer who could do this on their behalf. Often there is
a huge crowd of the clients in front of cash and the officers make hurry to record
the numbers and make mistakes which delays the total banking work.

 Moreover, there comes some fake note from different clients from the bank which
also makes the process lengthy.

Chapter 5
Recommendations and Conclusion

5.1: Recommendations
The findings of the report require a noteworthy recommendation for the betterment of
the bank in the long run. On the basis of personal observation and discussion, We
have come up with some recommendations which may help the bank to flourish in the
banking sector.
The recommendations are stated as follows:
 There should be a separate marketing department for the promotional purpose of
the bank which could draw significant number of potential customers and
deposits. The customer service or the front desk should accommodate more
employees or officers so that they could efficiently manage the customer
relationship and a transparency exist in the task.
 JBL should take initiative more branches all over Bangladesh as soon as possible.
 JBL should open enough booths in Dhaka city and all over Bangladesh.
 JBL should start evening banking for that segment of customer.
 JBL should start sms banking
 JBL should start 24 hour customer service.
 A training session or workshop could be organized to let the officers know about
the changes and ins and outs of different account opening and deposit forms.
 The gap between the branches could be minimized by a vigorous and vigilant
supervision by the senior officers in their respective branches. Late receives of the
cheques should be avoided if possible for a smoother transaction.
 For accounts purpose, the existing software (Flora bank) should be upgraded so
that it could be handled efficiently with no more disruption in month closing
 For attracting foreign remittance, the bank should go for relationship building in
the corporate sectors and more branches in the industrial and exclusive areas
should be opened.
 Last but not least, for Q-cash purpose, the bank should open up new ATM booth
in different areas of Dhaka which will be personally owned by them. It will lessen
up the pressure on different branches and transaction will be smoother in the long

5.2: Conclusion
It has been a humongous task to meticulously describe all the elements of 7 Ps
(Product elements, Price & other user outlets, Place & time, Promotion & Education,
Physical elements, People, Process) in general banking. The researcher honestly tried
to reflect the daily transactions which take place in a private commercial bank, in
particular, Jamuna Bank Ltd. Marketing Policy of Jamuna Bank has been shown to
be an important element that relates to organization‘s performance. This study has
provided some evidence for the positive, significant relationship that exists between
Marketing performance- the case of bank-and marketing policies. In particular this
study has found a significant positive link between organizational performance.
Among the control variables having a link with marketing and organizational
performance, Bank size turns out to have significant positive relationship with bank
assets, bank capital and deposits. This result seems intuitive, as the size of the
operation is practically endogenous to the equation that has assets and capital as
dependent variables.


 Kotler Philip, Gary Armstrong. 2013. “Principles of Marketing Mix” 13th
ed. Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
 Malhotra K. Noresh, Satyabhushan Dash. 2013. “Marketing Research”
13th ed. Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
 Wilson, R. (1995). Marketing strategies for Bank financial products. New
Horizon, 39, 7-9.
 Woelfel, C. J. (1993). Encyclopedia of banking and finance. Chicago:
Probus Publishing Company.

Annual Reports:
 JBL Annual Report 2021
 JBL Annual Report 2020
 JBL Annual Report 2019

 www.Jamunabank-


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