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According to this chapter, leaders that exhibit ethical behavior prioritize honest and open
communication with every member of their company. Effectively manages stress. Every day,
leaders and managers confront difficult events in both their professional and personal lives.
Ethical leadership entails both acting ethically and creating an example for others to follow.
Leaders have the ability to inspire others not simply to do the right thing, but also to think about
the type of people they want to be.

In the Personality Traits and Leadership Trait Universality part, Traits are differentiating
individual characteristics. The set of traits that defines personal behavior is called Personality.
It is crucial for acknowledging the personality of the person due to its effect on behavior,
perceptions, and attitudes. In many firms, managers utilize personality tests to assign staff
based on job needs. High conscientiousness is an excellent predictor of work success, while
unstable persons do poorly on the job. Moreover, people that are open to new experiences are
more likely to drive innovation. We can test it through Myers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to
determine the strong and weak traits of each person.

Another method to help distinguish personality is The Big Five Model of Personality in the Big
Five Including Traits of Effective Leaders section. The model identifies traits into dimensions
of Surgency (dominance, extraversion, and high energy with determination), Agreeableness
(Sociability and emotional intelligence), Adjustment (emotional stability and self-confidence),
Conscientiousness (Dependability and integrity), and Openness to experience (Flexibility,
intelligence and internal locus of control). However, we must recognize that there is no one list
of attributes approved by all studies and that not all effective leaders possess all of these
characteristics, which, like all of us, vary in certain ways. Hence, an effective leader does not
need to have all personality traits.

In The Personality Profile of Effective Leaders, Effective leaders share a personality type.
Achievement Motivation Theory and Leader Motive Profile Theory by David McClelland have
excellent scientific backing and a great lot of relevance to leadership practice. Success
Motivation Theory seeks to explain and predict behavior and performance based on an
individual's demand for achievement, power, and affiliation. The Leader Motive Profile (LMP)
features a socialized demand for power that is stronger than the need for connection, as well as
a modest need for success.

According to Leadership Attitudes part, positive and negative sentiments about people, things,
and events are referred to as attitudes. We all have both favorable or good and unfavorable or
negative attitudes about life, work, education, leadership, and everything else. Theories X and Y
try to explain and predict leadership behavior and performance based on the leader's attitude
toward followers. According to the Pygmalion effect, leaders' views and expectations of
followers, as well as their treatment of them, explain and predict followers' behavior and
performance. The positive or negative opinions people have about themselves are referred to
as self-concept.
In Ethical Leadership, morality is the standard of good and bad, it directly affects human
behavior. In particular, it plays an important role in organizations to ensure the transparency of
their organization, leaders, and employees. Unethical decisions can lead to penalties such as
fines, reputational damage, or imprisonment. Being ethical in business can be difficult. However,
it's worth it for those who practice it. For large organizations, ethics plays an even more
important role as it can help the business grow and guide employees towards ethical behavior.
From there, build trust with relationships in the workplace. Most people know what is wrong and
what is right. However, some choose to do bad things for personal gain and lose trust. In
addition, there are four main factors that influence human ethical behavior. First, with personality
traits and attitudes, most of the ethical behavior of people is based on individual needs and
personality traits. The second is moral development, which is the understanding and recognition
of good and bad and what should be done ethically. And from there, make your decisions based
on moral development and judgments. Next is the situation. The moral behavior of people can
be affected by the circumstances. Bad circumstances will make people more prone to unethical
behavior and vice versa. Finally, integration is the element that combines all of the factors
mentioned above. Based on it, we can determine the character and moral behavior of a person.
To identify an unethical behavior, we need to identify 7 factors including a larger purpose,
people with a larger purpose are more susceptible to unethical behavior; blame others;
uncertain about their responsibilities; there is a comparison between employees; ignore the
consequences; blame others; and misleading labeling. To always maintain ethical behavior in
personal and professional life, each person needs to follow some guidelines such as the Golden
Rule, the unwritten law that cannot be changed; Four-Way Test; Codes of Ethics; Stakeholder
Approach to Ethics, keep win-win relationship with partners; and Discernment and Advice.

In conclusion, if you want to become a company leader, learning about ethical leadership is
essential. When you have a position of influence in a company, it is your obligation to model
moral conduct in the workplace. Being a great leader requires integrity, moral behavior, and
ethics. Employee performance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, trust, and
organizational citizenship behaviors can all benefit from a positive impression of ethical
behavior. Altruism, conscientiousness, civic virtue, sportsmanship, and civility are examples of
organizational citizenship behaviors.

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