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Civil Engineering

Strength of Materials Laboratory

Direct Rubber Shear

‫ ينال محمد عبدالرحيم بعجاوي‬:Student Name

Student ID: 320200106033
Experiment NO.: 2
Name: ‫صفاء الدرابسة‬.‫د‬
Date: 28/10/2023
The direct rubber shear test is performed by a device attached to the wall on one
side and the other side of the rubber is supported by a metal plate, and then we
affect the rubber piece with gradually increasing loads (the load must not be high)
in order to examine the behavior of the elastic rubber under the influence of the
. shear force
-Mechanical properties of rubber
The strength of a material is its ability to withstand this applied load without
failure or plastic deformation. For tensile stress, the capacity of a material or
structure to withstand loads tending to elongate is known as ultimate tensile
strength (UTS). Yield strength or yield stress is the material property defined as the
stress at which a material begins to deform plastically whereas yield point is the
point where nonlinear (elastic + plastic) deformation begins. In case of tensional
stress of a uniform bar (stress-strain curve), the Hooke’s law describes behaviour
of a bar in the elastic region. The Young’s modulus of elasticity is the elastic
modulus for tensile and compressive stress in the linear elasticity regime of a
uniaxial deformation and is usually assessed by tensile tests. Rubber is a unique
material that is both elastic and viscous. Rubber parts can therefore function as
shock and vibration isolators and/or as dampers. It also has a low modulus of
elasticity and is able to maintain up to 1000 percent deformation. After this
deformation, it quickly and forcefully retracts to its original dimensions. Rubber
can double to have a wide variety of properties. The load curve and deflection can
also be changed by changing its shape. The behavior of rubber differs from that of
metals. In the diagram of the shear stress and the shear strain of rubber, the
relationship is not in the form of a straight line, but rather in the form of curves,
.and of course within the elastic region, all because of the behavior of rubber
- process:
The process of conducting a direct rubber shear test in the laboratory using a
device that is attached to the wall on one side and the other side of the rubber is
supported by a metal plate that contains numbers (mm) listed, and then we affect
the rubber piece with gradually increasing loads in the laboratory in order to find
the shear force.

-Shear strain:
Shear strain is the measure of shear deformation caused due to shear
stress. It indicates the change in the shape of the object, and it is denoted by
the symbol γ.
The shear strain causes due to the application of the shear force. The object
shown in the below figure is under shear stress because of the application of
equal and opposite shear forces at the opposite faces of the object.

As shown in the figure, after the application of shear forces point B gets displaced
to the new position B’ and point C is displaced to C’. Therefore, the angle at corner
A gets reduced from the right angle (∠BAD) to the acute angle (∠B’AD).
Thus for corner A in the above figure, the shear strain is given by,

Shear strain = Initial angle at ‘A’ – Final angle at ‘A’

That will give use condition to be the confront the deformation angle is the shear
strain which is {tan θ=θ}.In another way to find the sign of the shear strain:

1- get the lift side view of the anthropomorphic

2- set the length or the parallel shear-force's dimension on one of the positive axes.

if the 2D dimensions of the anthropomorphic get out of the "positive-first -3

quadrant" Its (neg. shear strain) "the angle spin clockwise" If not Its (pos. shear
."strain) "the angle spin counter-clockwise

: Shear Stress-
Shear stress is a fundamental concept in physics and engineering that describes a
material’s internal resistance to deformation when subjected to a force or load that
acts parallel to your selected plane of reference. It is a measure of how easily one
plane within the material can be made to slide or deform along another in response
to an applied force. In practical terms, when you apply a shear force to a solid
object, it deforms the object's shape, causing different layers of the material to slide
past each other. The rate at which this deformation occurs depends on the
material's shear modulus, which is a measure of its resistance to shear deformation.

1--. Rubber-dial gage apparatus:
A rubber block 150 x 75 x 25mm is bonded to two aluminum alloy plates. One
plate is screwed to a wall, whilst the other has a shear load applied by a loaded
.weight hanger. A dial gauge measures the deflection of the block
-The parts :
1- Dial gage to record the deformation
2-Column to suspend weights.
3-High elastic material

Several weights in kilograms Starting from 0.5 kg and gradually increasing the
(.… ,weight (.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5
-Rubber block:
Using the laboratory, it is concluded that the dimensions of the rubber block are
1. Thickness (T) = 25 mm
2. Depth (w) = 75 mm
3. High (h) = 150mm
the mass of rubber equal (0.06g)

-Experimental procedure:
Ensure that the demand gauge indicator is set to zero .1
We put the hanger on the bottom of the metal plate on the rubber .2
Then we put the weights on the hanger and read the vertical deformation shown .3
on the dial gauge
The loads are gradually increased, and the vertical deformation shown on the .4
dial gauge is recorded
Finally, the shear stress and shear strain are calculated, and then the value of the .5
modulus of rigidity is calculated
8- Objectives:
To find the mechanical properties of rubber related to checking the shear properties
and obtaining the value of "The modulus of rigidity " (G). Also,to find the shear
stress and shear strain and get a diagram of the shear stress and strain to get a
relationship from it the "modulus of rigidity" can be found. Finally, to know the
direct rubber shear test and to understand the behavior of elastic rubber.
Strain shear
Mass (g) (mm) Load = () Area (mm)
500 0.06 4.905 0.0008 0.0013 3750
1000 0.2 9.81 0.0027 0.0026 3750
1500 0.36 14.715 0.0048 0.0039 3750
2000 0.54 19.62 0.0072 0.0052 3750
2500 0.72 24.525 0.0096 0.0062 3750
3000 0.91 29.43 0.0121 0.0078 3752
3500 1.15 34.335 0.0153 0.0092 3750

• Use Material have Lowe modulus of elasticity to get big deformation in little load
that's for produce a clear linear relation between shear-stress & strain "elastic
region" to know in a clear way how to find the modulus of rigidity for any
• A way to find the modulus of rigidity; get a rubber sample from the material and
fixed one side of it, set on the second side a dial gage with a Column to suspend
the weights and do the calculation.
• The relation between the shear-stress & strain whence the sign is "inverse"

Through the shear stress-strain diagram , we find the modulus of rigidity (G), ❖
(which is equal to (0.5553
We found through experience that the behavior of rubber differs from the behavior
of metals. The Rubber has mechanical properties that make it more flexible under
.pressure and can return to its natural form, unlike most metals
Actually, in the experiment, the relationship between the shear stress and the shear
strain for the rubber will be non-linear, due to the behavior of the rubber and
because the readings are not on one line (i.e. it does not start with a straight line),
(so we take (Fit line
❖ Identify the direct rubber shear test and the devices used, then identify the nature
of the behavior of the materials, find the readings, and then represent them on a
shear stress diagram.

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