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Book Title____________________________________________________

Pages: ________________

Your role is to think of ques ons for the group members to discuss. It is important to ask ques ons that promote
thinking. Avoid from asking ques ons that require the
responder to say yes or know. You need a minimum of 5 ques ons.

A good strategy is to ask ques ons like:

Why do you think………..What does (event/happening) remind you of and why?................. Why do you think the au-
thor……… Describe………...What is another way that……………...Predict why………….
Compare (character) to………….Do you agree with……..What do you think will happen…..What were you thinking











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Book Title____________________________________________________

Pages: ________________

Your role is summarize which is a bit like re‐telling. Remember, summarizing means that you write about the main
happenings or events in the reading selec on, but you must put them into your own words. Suppor ng details and or
evidence from the reading selec on along with your
interpreta ons are important to include in your summary.















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Book Title____________________________________________________

Pages: ________________

Your role is to enrich vocabulary by finding new words in the story and write about what they mean based on the
context of the story. You should have at least 8 words. The words should be new, unfamiliar words used in an inter-
es ng way in the reading passage. Descrip ve words are always a good choice. You will also teach these words to your
group. Include the page the word occurs on and the reason you picked the word.

Word Page Why you picked this word. What it means

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Book Title____________________________________________________

Pages: ________________
Connector: Your role is to make the connec ons to what happens in the story to real life. (People, places or
events) Determine if the events could happen and make connec ons to you or somebody you know. You will need to
write about why or why not certain happenings/events could or could not happen and give suppor ng evidence. You
can also compare events in the story to other stories you’ve read that are similar. Connectors make comparisons in
real life, with other books or with previous
selec ons.















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Book Title____________________________________________________

Pages: ________________
Your role is to write about the characters. Tell what they’re like and how you know that they’re like that. Compare
them with other people you know.















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