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What was the Cold War, why did it occur, and what impact did it have upon international
relationships? Was superpower domination beneficial or not?

The conflict was basically an ongoing rivalry between the U.S and also the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics and it absolutely was supported by their political rivalry which began after
war II. The amount was also considered however to span the time of the 1947 Truman doctrine
to the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union. Conflict was partly thanks to the failure to
implement principles this started out at the 1944 conferences of Yalta. Germany's futures,
likewise as those of other Central European countries, were at the middle of growing tension
between the Allies. In March 1947, Truman issued a series of aid packages to Turkey and
Greece. The administration argued that these aid programs were necessary to forestall the state
from undermining the interests of those countries; the conflict was centered on the two
superpowers ‘ideological and geopolitical’ struggle for global influence after their temporary
alliance and victory over Reich in 1945. Additionally to nuclear weapons development and
standard military deployment, the struggle for dominance was expressed through indirect means
like war of nerves, propaganda campaigns, espionage, far-reaching embargoes, rivalry at
sporting events, and technological competition. The Western Bloc was led by the U.S and other
First World countries that were generally liberal democratic but tied to a network of authoritarian
states, the bulk of which were their former colonies. The Eastern Bloc was led by the USSR and
its Communist Party, which had influence throughout the Second World. Right-wing
governments and uprisings were backed by the United States government, whereas communist
parties and revolutions were supported by the Soviet government. The conflict affected various
aspects of peacekeeping. It divided the globe into three camps, the Warsaw camp, the NATO
camp, and therefore the non-aligned. The US encouraged other nations to create their own
military alliances so as to surround the USSR. Another aspect of conflict that had a sway on
negotiation was protecting sphere of interest by either side "truly at global level" for instance the
1956 Hungarian uprising and therefore the subsequent Soviet intervention. During the conflict,
fear of the spread of communism had resulted in US military involvement in geographic area in
various ways, for instance, the US helped train and provided arms and other assistance to anti-
communist in Nicaragua and El-Salvador. Another example was the failed try to over throw
Castro's government in Cuba because America regarded Castro as an unfriendly and enemy,
another impact of the conflict was the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 which created fears of an
imminent nuclear war between the US and therefore the USSR. In November 1983, NATO
allotted operation "Able Archer" exercises which "simulated a coordinated" Nuclear attack
against the Soviet. This led the Soviets to believe that America is preparing to attack them and
they, in turn, took steps to organize their Nuclear forces. The conflict led to the autumn down of
the Soviet Union and therefore the end of bipolarity also proving that super power domination
was indeed beneficial in the Cold war. This left the U.S as the only hegemony power within the
world. Mearsheimer (1994) held the thought that, the conflict era was a period of peace and

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