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In this IT era, technology is used as a main

tool to connect people from all over the world and make
communication and collaboration much easier. Most of the
people says that technology upgrade people’s daily life and
plays an important role in every field of a country. On the
other hand, some people claim that technological advances
lessen a person’s family time and make people away from
their society. In my point of view, I think the argument
which favors the rise of the modern technology is better-
supported with reliable sources, realistic thinking and
practicable assumptions.
Initially, the first statement highlights
how technological advances are essential in educational
field with the valid statistics. It mentions that 83 percent of
the middle school students utilize the lesson incorporating
technology, such as online games and research. As a result,
they can more concentrated on their lessons. In this case,
we can assume that technology can open up the whole new
world of educational possibilities by offering new advances
to people. In contrast, the second statement only points out
that technology can reduce the private time of people by
making people more attached to their workplace where
they connect all their works with technological devices.
Secondarily, the first argument describes
logical thinking about technology which encourages people
to make communication to all people around the world
easier and faster. This argument states parents can keep
track of their children via phone applications like GPS. That
leads parents feel not only secure for their children but also
close to them every time. Moreover, it also includes the
recent studies that most of the Americans agree with the
technology which provide them a chance of keeping in
touch with their friends and families. From this incident, we
can obviously see the positive impacts of the rise of the
technology that enhance the range of comfortableness of
our lives.
Lastly, the first argument conveys the
sensible suppositions about the influence of the functions of
technology. It expresses that functions such as GPS,
electronic calendars and others are more useful than
carrying printed materials and they can make our lives more
comfortable. In compliance with the recent studies, 99
percent of Americans have cellphones and 65 percent
possess a tablet. This study proves that people require the
technological advances and functions to follow the modern
world or replace our traditional ways of passing our daily
life by the new technologies. Conversely, the second
argument just puts the lack of spending time with our
beloved ones as the first place and it neglects other
advantages of technology.
To conclude, the first statement explains
the positive impacts we can get from the rise of technology
with definitive facts, logical thoughts and reasonable
assumptions Nevertheless, the second argument directs
only the reason to confirm the influence of technology is not
related to the improvement of people’s day-to-day life. For
these reasons, I totally consent with the first argument
which support the impact of the modern technology.

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