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Đề tài Giải tích 1: Phân tích một số vấn đề có tác động đến môi
trường và sự biến đổi khí hậu hiện nay.

Yêu cầu nội dung:

1. Đối với những câu "tìm mô hình cho dữ liệu", các em sẽ tự tính hoặc
dùng các công cụ có sẵn (Excel,, ...) tùy
vào dạng mô hình thích hợp (hàm đa thức, hàm mũ, Logistic). Nếu
tự tính, thì trình bày chi tiết. Nếu dùng ’công cụ’ thì nêu vắn tắt các
bước. Nếu viết code thì phải giải thích được bất kỳ dòng code nào. (Mọi
thành viên trong nhóm đều phải nắm rõ toàn bộ bài làm của nhóm.)

2. Thể hiện dữ liệu rời rạc và mô hình vừa tìm được lên trên cùng một
hệ trục tọa độ (để dễ dàng đánh giá mức độ phù hợp của mô hình).

Yêu cầu hình thức:

1. Lưu bài dưới dạng PDF nộp trên BKeL.

2. Khi vấn đáp, đem theo bản in, làm bằng tiếng Việt.

Yêu cầu thời gian

1. Nộp bài trên BKeL trước 23h-thứ 5-tuần 50

2. Vấn đáp: dự tính cuối tuần 50

1 Project 1 - Sea Ice Extent

1. Find models 1980(x), 2012(x), and 2019(x) with output Sea Ice Extent
and input month for the 1980, 2012, and 2017. Use 10 decimal places
when doing calculations but round answers appropriately.

2. Use your models to find the maximum and minimum sea ice extent.
Summarize your results in a few sentences for each model and compare
any similarities and/or difference between the two years (max, min,
month of max/min, time between max/min, etc.)

3. Use your models to find the month of fastest melting of sea ice. Sum-
marize your results in a few sentences for each model, including how
fast the ice was melting at these points, and compare any similarities
and difference between the two years. You summary should address the
question: Is the speed of ice melting meaningfully different between any
of the three years (Hint: Units are important here.)?

4. According to your model 2019(x), was sea ice extent accelerating or

decelerating in April and August? How quickly?

5. Read these two short articles: Thermodynamics: Albedo - https:// and The Ice-
Albedo feedback:
ice_albedo_feedback.html Explain how the analysis here along with
global warming provides an example of this positive feedback look.

2 Project 2 - Ozone Hole

1. Find a model with output average ozone hole area from 1979 to 1987 us-
ing years after 1970 as the input. Use this model to predict the average
ozone hole size in 2050.

2. Find a model for the average ozone hole area using the full data set.

3. Do the two models agree on the rate of change of the average ozone
hole area in 1987? Why or why not? Would you consider the values

4. Use the full model to predict the average area of the ozone hole for
2050 in two ways. First, simply extrapolate the model. Second, assume
the rate of change of the ozone hole remains constant at the 2019 rate.
This provides a range for the prediction in 2050. Compare you three
predictions and comment on why the results are different.

5. According to the models, were the average area of the ozone hole ac-
celerating or decelerating in 1980 and 2010? How quickly?

6. What do you think about possible impacts of the Montreal Protocol

on environment.

3 Project 3 - Globally averaged marine sur-
face methane

1. Find a model with output Average MH4 in PPB and input years (or
years after 1980)

2. According to the model what will MH4 levels be in 2050?

3. What is the rate of change of MH4 in 2019 (the last year of the data
set) and what is the percentage rate of change?

4. Assuming that MH4 levels continue to grow constantly at the 2019

rates, what will the MH4 levels reach in 2050?

5. According to the model, was Average MH4 accelerating or decelerating

in 1990 and 2010? How quickly?

6. Read
CO2lifetime to answer the following question. Methane is measured
in ppb whereas CO2 is measured in ppm. It would seem then that
since there is so much less atmospheric MH4 than C02 that it is not
important. Why is this true or not?

4 Project 4 - Mauna Loa Average Yearly CO2

1. Find a model with output Average CO2 in PPM and input years (or
years after 1950).

2. According to the model what will CO2 levels be in 2050?

3. What is the rate of change of CO2 in 2021 (the last year of the data
set) and what is the percentage rate of change?

4. Assuming that CO2 levels continue to grow constantly at the 2021 rates,
what will the CO2 levels reach in 2050?

5. Atmospheric CO2 levels of 450ppm yield a likely chance that global

average temperature increases will be at least 20 Celsius. According to
the model, in what year do we reach a CO2 level of 450ppm? If we
assume CO2 levels continue to grow constantly at the 2018 rates, in
what year do we reach a CO2 level of 450ppm?

5 Project 5 - Total Cumulative Installed Wind

1. Find models for the world and the USA for total cumulative installed
wind power with input years after 1980.

2. For each of the two models find the current (2020 which is the last year
of the data) cumulative production, rate of change, and percentage rate
of change. Summarize your results in a few sentences with a focus on
comparing the USA and the world. The values here are total watts but
it would be better to compare per capita watts (why?) and so find the
relevant population values and add that to your comparison.

3. Find a model for the percent of world capacity the USA represent.
Repeat question 2 for this model.

4. According to your model, was the percent of world capacity the USA
represent accelerating or decelerating in 2020? How quickly?

6 Project 6 - Total Cumulative Installed Wind

1. Find models for the world and Spain for total cumulative installed wind
power with input years after 1980.

2. For each of the two models find the current (2020 which is the last year
of the data) cumulative production, rate of change, and percentage rate
of change. Summarize your results in a few sentences with a focus on
comparing Spain and the world. The values here are total watts but it
would be better to compare per capita watts (why?) and so find the
relevant population values and add that to your comparison.

3. Find a model for the percent of world capacity Spain represent. Repeat
question 2 for this model.

4. According to your model, was the percent of world capacity Spain rep-
resent accelerating or decelerating in 2020? How quickly?

7 Project 7 - Total Cumulative Installed Wind

1. Find models for the world and China for total cumulative installed
wind power with input years after 1980.

2. For each of the two models find the current (2020 which is the last year
of the data) cumulative production, rate of change, and percentage rate
of change. Summarize your results in a few sentences with a focus on
comparing China and the world. The values here are total watts but
it would be better to compare per capita watts (why?) and so find the
relevant population values and add that to your comparison.

3. Find a model for the percent of world capacity China represent. Repeat
question 2 for this model.

4. According to your model, was the percent of world capacity China

represent accelerating or decelerating in 2020? How quickly?

8 Project 8 - Total Cumulative Installed Pho-
tovoltaic Power

1. Find models for Japan (JPN) and the world for total cumulative in-
stalled photovoltaic power with input years after 1990.

2. For each of the two models find the current (2018 which is the last year
of the data) cumulative production, rate of change, and percentage rate
of change. Summarize your results in a few sentences with a focus on
comparing Japan and the world. The values here are total megawatts
but it would be better to compare per capita watts (why?) and so find
the relevant population values and add that to your comparison.

3. Find a model for the percent of world capacity Japan represent. Repeat
question 2 for this model.

4. According to your model, was the percent of world capacity Japan

represent accelerating or decelerating in 2018? How quickly?

9 Project 9 - Total Cumulative Installed Pho-
tovoltaic Power

1. Find models for Italy (ITA) and the world for total cumulative installed
photovoltaic power with input years after 1990.

2. For each of the two models find the current (2018 which is the last year
of the data) cumulative production, rate of change, and percentage rate
of change. Summarize your results in a few sentences with a focus on
comparing Italy and the world. The values here are total megawatts
but it would be better to compare per capita watts (why?) and so find
the relevant population values and add that to your comparison.

3. Find a model for the percent of world capacity Italy represent. Repeat
question 2 for this model.

4. According to your model, was the percent of world capacity Italy rep-
resent accelerating or decelerating in 2018? How quickly?

10 Project 10 - Total Cumulative Installed
Photovoltaic Power

1. Find models for Taiwan (ROC) and the world for total cumulative
installed photovoltaic power with input years after 1990.

2. For each of the four models find the current (2018 which is the last year
of the data) cumulative production, rate of change, and percentage rate
of change. Summarize your results in a few sentences with a focus on
comparing Taiwan and the world. The values here are total megawatts
but it would be better to compare per capita watts (why?) and so find
the relevant population values and add that to your comparison.

3. Find a model for the percent of world capacity Taiwan represent. Re-
peat question 2 for this model.

4. According to your model, was the percent of world capacity Taiwan

represent accelerating or decelerating in 2018? How quickly?

11 Project 11 - Total Cumulative Installed
Photovoltaic Power

1. Find models for the USA and the world for total cumulative installed
photovoltaic power with input years after 1990.

2. For each of the four models find the current (2018 which is the last year
of the data) cumulative production, rate of change, and percentage rate
of change. Summarize your results in a few sentences with a focus on
comparing the USA and the world. The values here are total megawatts
but it would be better to compare per capita watts (why?) and so find
the relevant population values and add that to your comparison.

3. Find a model for the percent of world capacity the USA represent.
Repeat question 2 for this model.

4. According to your model, was the percent of world capacity the USA
represent accelerating or decelerating in 2018? How quickly?

12 Project 12 - Total Cumulative Installed
Photovoltaic Power

1. Find models for Germany (DEU) and the world for total cumulative
installed photovoltaic power with input years after 1990.

2. For each of the four models find the current (2018 which is the last year
of the data) cumulative production, rate of change, and percentage rate
of change. Summarize your results in a few sentences with a focus on
comparing Germany and the world. The values here are total megawatts
but it would be better to compare per capita watts (why?) and so find
the relevant population values and add that to your comparison.

3. Find a model for the percent of world capacity Germany represent.

Repeat question 2 for this model.

4. According to your model, was the percent of world capacity Germany

represent accelerating or decelerating in 2018? How quickly?

13 Project 13 - U.S. Coal Consumption and

1. Find models for U.S. coal consumption and production (input years or
years after 1970).

2. According to the models when did consumption and production peak?

Do the models accurately represent the data?

3. When do the models predict that consumption and production will be

0 metric tons?

4. How quickly was consumption and production decreasing in 2019 (last

year of the data)?

5. If we assume consumption and production continue to decrease at the

2019 rates, then when will they reach 0 metric tons?

14 Project 14 - World Population

1. Find both an exponential model and quadratic model with output pop-
ulation and input year (or years after 1950).

2. For each model, what is the predicted population size in 2025 and 2050?

3. What is the current (2022) rate of change for each model? For each
model assume that population continues to grow at the current rate of
change and predict the population size for 2025 and 2050.

4. Summarize your information for each model in a few sentences. What

is difference between the predictions of your two models and what does
this say about the differences between and exponential model and a
quadratic model? We tend to think that populations always grow ex-
ponential, do you believe that the exponential model is the better fit
or not?

5. The U.N. is predicting a world population of 8.18 billion in 2025 and

9.74 billion in 2050. How do your projections compare to the predictions
given by the U.N. and what does this say about the type of model the
U.N. is using?

15 Project 15 - Average Global Temperature

1. Find a model with output Average Global Temperature and input years
(or years after 1950) starting in 1950.

2. Use function composition to convert the T (x) function so that the out-
put is Fahrenheit. Simplify your expression. Recall that F = 9C/5+32.

3. Based on the model what is the predicted global average temperature

for 2025? 2050? 2100? How much of an increase is that for each of those
years based on the average global temperature in 2021?

4. What is the rate of change of average global temperature in 2021? Based

on this result, what is the predicted increase in global temperature by
2025? 2050? 2100? What will the average global temperatures be for
those years? (in Fahrenheit).

5. Explain why your two predictions are different.

16 Project 16 - Average Global Temperature

1. Find a model with output Average Global Temperature and input years
(or years after 1950) starting in 1950.

2. Use function composition to convert the T (x) function so that the out-
put is Fahrenheit. Simplify your expression. Recall that F = 9C/5+32.

3. Based on the model what is the predicted global average temperature

for 2025? 2050? 2100? How much of an increase is that for each of those
years based on the average global temperature in 2020?

4. What is the rate of change of average global temperature in 2020? Based

on this result, what is the predicted increase in global temperature by
2025? 2050? 2100? What will the average global temperatures be for
those years? (in Fahrenheit).

5. Explain why your two predictions are different.

17 Project 17 - Average Global Temperature

1. Find a model with output Average Global Temperature and input years
(or years after 1960) starting in 1960.

2. Use function composition to convert the T (x) function so that the out-
put is Fahrenheit. Simplify your expression. Recall that F = 9C/5+32.

3. Based on the model what is the predicted global average temperature

for 2025? 2050? 2100? How much of an increase is that for each of those
years based on the average global temperature in 2021?

4. What is the rate of change of average global temperature in 2021? Based

on this result, what is the predicted increase in global temperature by
2025? 2050? 2100? What will the average global temperatures be for
those years? (in Fahrenheit).

5. Explain why your two predictions are different.

18 Project 18 - Globally averaged marine sur-
face methane

1. Find a model with output Average MH4 in PPB and input years (or
years after 1990)

2. According to the model what will MH4 levels be in 2050?

3. What is the rate of change of MH4 in 2019 (the last year of the data
set) and what is the percentage rate of change?

4. Assuming that MH4 levels continue to grow constantly at the 2019

rates, what will the MH4 levels reach in 2050?

5. According to the model, was Average MH4 accelerating or decelerating

in 2010? How quickly?

19 Project 19 - Globally averaged marine sur-
face methane

1. Find a model with output Average MH4 in PPB and input years (or
years after 1980)

2. According to the model what will MH4 levels be in 2050?

3. What is the rate of change of MH4 in 2018 (the last year of the data
set) and what is the percentage rate of change?

4. Assuming that MH4 levels continue to grow constantly at the 2018

rates, what will the MH4 levels reach in 2050?

5. According to the model, was Average MH4 accelerating or decelerating

in 1990? How quickly?

20 Project 20 - Mauna Loa Average Yearly

1. Find a model with output Average CO2 in PPM and input years (or
years after 1950).

2. According to the model what will CO2 levels be in 2050?

3. What is the rate of change of CO2 in 2020 (the last year of the data
set) and what is the percentage rate of change?

4. Assuming that CO2 levels continue to grow constantly at the 2020 rates,
what will the CO2 levels reach in 2050?

5. According to the models, was the CO2 levels accelerating or decelerat-

ing in 1990? How quickly? According to the data, was the CO2 levels
accelerating or decelerating in 1990? If there are differences between
two results, explain it.

21 Project 21 - Mauna Loa Average Yearly

1. Find a model with output Average CO2 in PPM and input years (or
years after 1960).

2. According to the model what will CO2 levels be in 2050?

3. What is the rate of change of CO2 in 2021 (the last year of the data
set) and what is the percentage rate of change?

4. Assuming that CO2 levels continue to grow constantly at the 2021 rates,
what will the CO2 levels reach in 2050?

5. According to the models, was the CO2 levels accelerating or decelerat-

ing in 1991? How quickly? According to the data, was the CO2 levels
accelerating or decelerating in 1991? If there are differences between
two results, explain it.

22 Project 22 - U.S. Coal Consumption and

1. Find models for U.S. coal consumption and production (input years or
years after 1980).

2. According to the models when did consumption and production peak?

Do the models accurately represent the data?

3. When do the models predict that consumption and production will be

0 metric tons?

4. How quickly was consumption and production decreasing in 2019 (last

year of the data)?

5. According to the models, were coal consumption and production accel-

erating or decelerating in 2010? How quickly?

23 Project 23 - World Population

1. Find both an exponential model and quadratic model with output pop-
ulation and input year (or years after 1960).

2. For each model, what is the predicted population size in 2025 and 2050?

3. What is the current (2022) rate of change for each model? For each
model assume that population continues to grow at the current rate of
change and predict the population size for 2025 and 2050.

4. The U.N. is predicting a world population of 8.18 billion in 2025 and

9.74 billion in 2050. How do your projections compare to the predictions
given by the U.N. and what does this say about the type of model the
U.N. is using?

5. According to the models, was the population size accelerating or decel-

erating in 1997? How quickly? According to the data, was the popula-
tion size accelerating or decelerating in 1997? Explain the difference.

24 Project 24 - World Population

1. Find both an exponential model and quadratic model with output pop-
ulation and input year (or years after 1950).

2. For each model, what is the predicted population size in 2025 and 2050?

3. What is the current (2022) rate of change for each model? For each
model assume that population continues to grow at the current rate of
change and predict the population size for 2025 and 2050.

4. Summarize your information for each model in a few sentences. What

is difference between the predictions of your two models and what does
this say about the differences between and exponential model and a
quadratic model? We tend to think that populations always grow ex-
ponential, do you believe that the exponential model is the better fit
or not?

5. The U.N. is predicting a world population of 8.18 billion in 2025 and

9.74 billion in 2050. How do your projections compare to the predictions
given by the U.N. and what does this say about the type of model the
U.N. is using?


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