Tutorial 3 Deadline 27 November 2021 (Saturday) 11.59PM

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Deadline: Before 27 November 2021 (Saturday) 11.


Creating a data file and entering data

The best way to learn how to set up an SPSS data file is to actually work through each of the steps
yourself. You will find a codebook for survey.csv and the questionnaire that this came from.

1. Form of SPSS file data structure for the given questionnaire

2. Display a list of variables and data information of the generated file

3. Import the survey.csv file data into SPSS and name the new file as survey.sav

4. State the scale of measurement for each variable

5. How do you change the order in which your variables are displayed (e.g. alphabetical order
instead of file order)?

6. How do you change the number of decimal places that are used as the default for new variables?

7. If you wished to change the format used to display the output tables, where in the Options would
you do this?

In line with National 4IR policy document which aims to provide and equip the rakyat with 4IR
knowledge and skill sets whilst also boosting workforce productivity, can you automate the answer
for Question (1) until (7)?

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