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Juan Ramón Chaparro Gasca

03 de octubre de 2023

Licenciatura: Médico Cirujano

Octavo semestre
Ingles de la Práctica Clínica
Docente titular: Ávila González Ana Catalina del Pilar

Notas del Autor.

Facultad de Ciencias de Medicina, Universidad del Valle de México
La correspondencia relacionada con esta investigación debe ser dirigida a Juan
Ramón Chaparro Gasca, Universidad del Valle de México, Naranjos Punta
Juriquilla 1000 Santa Rosa Jáuregui, 76230 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro.

Juan Ramón Chaparro Gasca
Clinical case
A 13-year-old female with no significant past medical history presented to a pediatric
endocrinology clinic for evaluation of short stature. The patient was referred by her
primary care provider who was concerned that, although growing well initially, she
had dropped across growth percentiles in the last few years. She was accompanied
by her mother and father, who were 4′11″ and 5′ 5″, respectively. According to her
parents, the patient was born full term, following an uncomplicated pregnancy and
delivery, with a normal birth weight and normal genitalia. The patient denied prior
head trauma; however, she gave a history of fatigue as well as headaches after
school. Additionally, the patient reported visual problems and recently had been told
she needed glasses, although she was still waiting to be seen by an ophthalmologist.
13 years old female, Mexican, unemployed, student, no allergies registered.
She was accomplished by her stature, also she has a history of fatigue, headaches
after school and visual problems. Pediatric background normal.
Alerted, oriented, cooperative, well hydrated, normal cardiovascular examination,
normal respiratory examination, short stature for her age. Spectrum laboratories
results: IGF-1 decreased, free T4 was low and TSH elevated.
Female in her 1sth decade with probable primary hypothyroidism
Studies: Thyroid ultrasound and thyroid scintigraphy with technesium-99m to locate
and quantify the amount of thyroid tissue.

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