Tentative Datesheet-UG-December 2023

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Tentative Date Sheet UG Courses (BA, BSc, BCom, BBA, BCA, BTTM etc.

Date Shift Program Semester Paper Paper ID
POLITICAL SCIENCE (Principles of Political
01 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 Sciences-1) 13557
01 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 HEALTH) 13356
01 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 STATISTICS (I) ELEMENTARY INFERENCE 13926
POLITICAL SCIENCE (Principles of Political
01 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts(Honors History) 3 Sciences-1) 13557
01 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Commerce 5 TAXATION LAW-I 13629
01 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 13664
01 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 DATA COMMUNICATION & NETWOKING 13667
01 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 STATISTICS (I) ELEMENTARY INFERENCE 13669
01 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 3 EMERGING TRENDS IN TOURISM 16447
02 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 POLITICAL SCIENCE (Indian Constitution) 13547
02 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 PHY-EDU. PRINCIPLES & FOUND. OF PHY-ED. 13343
02 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 STATISTICS -I STATISTICAL METHODS-I 13345
02 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 GOVERNMENT) 13573
02 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 MATHEMATICS ( NUMERICAL ANALYSIS ) 13366
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
02 December 2023 EVENING Economics) 1 INDIAN ECONOMY : PROBLEMS&PROSPECTS - I 13528
02 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 5 GOVERNMENT) 13573
02 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 5 GOVERNMENT) 13573

02 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts(Honors History) 1 POLITICAL SCIENCE (Indian Constitution) 13547
02 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 1 MATH I ALGEBRA 13642
02 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 1 DIVERSITY OF MICROBES 13645
02 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 CHEMISTRY (INORGANIC CHEMISTRY) 13679
Bachelor of Science (Honors
04 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 PHILOSOPHY) 13549
04 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 (vocal) Fundamental Study of Indian Music-I 13340
04 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA 13346 11
04 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 HOME SCIENCE (Home Management) 13347
04 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 METAPHYSICS) 13550
04 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 THOUGHTS) 13574
04 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 MATHEMATICS (REAL ANALYSIS) 13939
04 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 1 PHILOSOPHY) 13549
04 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 5 KAVYASHASTRA) 13597
04 December 2023 MORNING Psychology) 5 THOUGHTS) 13574
04 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Law 5 Gender Justice and Feminist Jurisprudence 15436
04 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 1 MATH - II CALCULUS 13643
04 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 1 CELL BIOLOGY 13646
04 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 CHEMISTRY (PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY) 13680
Bachelor of Science (Honors
04 December 2023 MORNING Mathematics) 5 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 13261
Bachelor of Science
04 December 2023 MORNING (Biotechnology) 5 BIOINFORMATICS 13700
Bachelor of Science (Home
04 December 2023 MORNING Science) 5 FAMILY DYNAMICS 13723
Bachelor of Science (Honors
04 December 2023 MORNING Botany) 5 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 13748
Bachelor of Science (Honors
04 December 2023 MORNING Physics) 5 MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS V 13786
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality
Management (B.Sc.)- Off site
04 December 2023 EVENING campus Vedatya inst. 1 Food Production and Culinary Art - Level 1 16548
05 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 PHILOSOPHY( LOGIC[INDIAN & WESTERN-I]) 13559
05 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 (vocal) Fundamental Study of Indian Music-I 13353
05 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 PHSYICAL GEOGRAPHY - II 13358
05 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 HOME SCIENCE (Clothing & Textiles) 13359

05 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 3 PHILOSOPHY( LOGIC[INDIAN & WESTERN-I]) 13559
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
05 December 2023 EVENING Mass Communication) 3 History of Press 16427

05 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts(Honors History) 3 History of India(1200-1526 AD) 13946
05 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce 1 BASICS OF COMPUTER-I 13180
05 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Commerce 5 COST ACCOUNTING-I 13630

05 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 1 AN INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS 13960

05 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 13665
05 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 STATISTICS (II) SAMPLE SURVEYS 13670
05 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 OBJECT - ORIENTED DESIGN AND C
Bachelor of Science (Honors
05 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 3 ADVANCED CALCULUS 13761

05 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 3 TOURISM ORGANIZATION AND ASSOCIATIONS 16448
B.Sc. (Animation and
06 December 2023 EVENING Multimedia) 1 Hindi Bhasha Evam Vyavhar 16389
06 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION) 13551
06 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 MATH I ALGEBRA 13907
06 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 HISTORY (ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL WORLD) 13589
06 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY 13375
06 December 2023 EVENING Geography) 1 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION) 13551
Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in
06 December 2023 MORNING Culinary Arts 5 CULINARY SKILLS DEVELOPMENT II 2037
06 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 1 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION) 13551

06 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 5 HISTORY (ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL WORLD) 13589
06 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 1 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION) 13551
06 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 5 HISTORY (ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL WORLD) 13589
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political
06 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 INDIAN GOVT. AND POLITICS-I 13601
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political
06 December 2023 MORNING Science) 5 HISTORY (ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL WORLD) 13589
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
06 December 2023 EVENING Sanskrit) 1 GADYA-I 13952
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
06 December 2023 MORNING Sanskrit) 5 HISTORY (ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL WORLD) 13589
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
06 December 2023 EVENING Mass Communication) 1 Writing Skills-I 16420

Bachelor of Arts in International

Culinary Arts (B.A.)- Off site
06 December 2023 EVENING campus Vedatya inst. 1 Environment and Disaster Management 16560
06 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce 3 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING-I 13620

06 December 2023 MORNING

Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 3 BUSINESS MATHEMATICS 13966
06 December 2023 MORNING
Bachelor of Law 5 International Trade Law 15435
06 December 2023 EVENING
Bachelor of Science 1 MATH III SOLID GEOMATRY 13644
06 December 2023 MORNING
Bachelor of Science 5 CHEMISTRY (ORGANIC CHEMISTRY) 13681
Bachelor of Science (Honors
06 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 1 ENGLISH-I 13752
Bachelor of Science (Honors
06 December 2023 MORNING Mathematics) 5 REAL ANALYSIS 13769
Bachelor of Science
06 December 2023 EVENING (Biotechnology) 1 ENGLISH 13686
Bachelor of Science
06 December 2023 MORNING (Biotechnology) 5 RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY 13701
Bachelor of Science (Home
06 December 2023 MORNING Science) 5 CHILD CARE & REARING PRACTICES 13724
Bachelor of Science (Honors
06 December 2023 MORNING Botany) 5 BIOSTATISTICS 13749
Bachelor of Science (Honors
06 December 2023 MORNING Chemistry) 5 Inorganic Chemistry(Theory)-I 13239
Bachelor of Science (Honors
06 December 2023 MORNING Physics) 5 Electro-magnetic Theory-I 13787
Bachelor of Science (Sports THEORY OF GAMES: JUDO, KABADDI &
06 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 VOLIEYBALL 15337
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality
Management (B.Sc.)- Off site
06 December 2023 EVENING campus Vedatya inst. 1 Food and Beverage Service Operations - Level 1 16549


07 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 ADMINISTRATION) (INDIAN ADMINISTRATION) 13561
07 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 ADVANCED CALCULUS 13923


Bachelor of Arts (Honors
07 December 2023 EVENING Economics) 3 ECONOMIC HISTORY OF INDIA (1857-1947) 13533


07 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 3 ADMINISTRATION) (INDIAN ADMINISTRATION) 13561


07 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 3 ADMINISTRATION) (INDIAN ADMINISTRATION) 13561
07 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce 1 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING-I 13615
07 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Commerce 5 ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGEMENT 13631
07 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 1 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION 13961

07 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 5 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 13972

07 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 13666
Bachelor of Science (Honors
07 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 3 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 13762
Bachelor of Science
07 December 2023 EVENING (Biotechnology) 3 MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY 13693
Bachelor of Science (Home EXTENSION EDUCATION & RURAL
07 December 2023 EVENING Science) 3 DEVELOPMENT 13716
07 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 3 TOURISM RESOURCES OF INDIA-RELIGIOUS 16449
B.Sc. (Animation and
08 December 2023 EVENING Multimedia) 1 Introduction to Communication 16384

08 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 SOCIOLOGY (BASIC CONCEPTS IN SOCIOLOGY) 13552
08 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 MATH - II CALCULUS 13908
08 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 MATHEMATICS (GROUPS & RINGS) 13940
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
08 December 2023 EVENING Geography) 1 INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHY 13543 11
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
08 December 2023 MORNING Geography) 5 Modern Geographical Thought 13563
Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in
08 December 2023 EVENING Culinary Arts 1 Culinary Operations I 16516
Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in
08 December 2023 MORNING Culinary Arts 5 Marketing II 16523
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
08 December 2023 EVENING Economics) 1 MICRO ECONOMICS - I 13529
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
08 December 2023 MORNING Economics) 5 HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT- I 13538
08 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 1 LITERARY TERMS 13996
08 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 5 I [INDIAN & WESTERN] ) 13572
08 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 1 HINDI NATAK 13590
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
08 December 2023 EVENING Psychology) 1 SOCIOLOGY (BASIC CONCEPTS IN SOCIOLOGY) 13552
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
08 December 2023 MORNING Psychology) 5 BASICS OF NEURO PSYCHOLOGY 14014
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
08 December 2023 MORNING Sanskrit) 5 KAVYA SHASTRA 13957
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
08 December 2023 EVENING Mass Communication) 1 Introduction to Communication 14465

Bachelor of Arts in International

Culinary Arts (B.A.)- Off site
08 December 2023 EVENING campus Vedatya inst. 1 Campus to Corporate - Level 1 16561
08 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts(Honors History) 1 C.317 AD) 13944
Bachelor of Business
08 December 2023 EVENING Administration 1 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS 14274
Bachelor of Business
08 December 2023 MORNING Administration 5 COMPUTER NETWORKING & INTERNET 14276
Bachelor of Business
Administration (Hospitality
08 December 2023 EVENING Management) 1 Applied Numerical Skills 2915
Bachelor of Business
Administration (Hospitality
08 December 2023 MORNING Management) 5 Enterpreneuship 14522
08 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce 3 BUSINESS STATISTICS-I 13621

08 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 3 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING-I 13967

08 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Law 5 Humanitarian and Refugee Law 15434
08 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 1 ENGLISH 13638
08 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 PHYSICS (SOLID STATE PHYSICS) 13671
08 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 ZOOLOGY (FISH AND FISHERIES) 13673
Bachelor of Science (Honors
08 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 1 ALGEBRA 13753
Bachelor of Science (Honors
08 December 2023 MORNING Mathematics) 5 GROUPS AND RINGS 13770
Bachelor of Science
08 December 2023 EVENING (Biotechnology) 1 PLANT DIVERSITY- I & BIOPROSPECTING 13687
Bachelor of Science
08 December 2023 MORNING (Biotechnology) 5 IMMUNOLOGY 13702
08 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 SKILLS-1 13710
Bachelor of Science (Home
08 December 2023 MORNING Science) 5 NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY-I 13725
Bachelor of Science (Honors
08 December 2023 EVENING Botany) 1 CHEMISTRY- I 13741
Bachelor of Science (Honors
08 December 2023 MORNING Botany) 5 GENETICS AND GENOMICS I 13750
Bachelor of Science (Honors
08 December 2023 MORNING Chemistry) 5 Physical chemistry(Theory)-I 13240
Bachelor of Science (Honors
08 December 2023 MORNING Physics) 5 STASTISTICAL PHYSICS- I 13788
Bachelor of Science (Honors
08 December 2023 EVENING Zoology) 1 CHEMISTRY- I 13741
Bachelor of Science (Honors
08 December 2023 MORNING Zoology) 5 COMPUTER & BIOSTATISTICS 13804
Bachelor of Science (Sports THEORY OF ATHLETICS: 100MTR RACE, 200
08 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 MTR RACE & 5000 MTR RACE 15338
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality
Management (B.Sc.)- Off site
08 December 2023 EVENING campus Vedatya inst. 1 Front Office Operations - Level 1 16550

09 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 SOCIOLOGY (METHODS IN SOCIAL RESEARCH) 13562
09 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION 13924
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
09 December 2023 EVENING Economics) 3 MACRO ECONOMICS-I 13534
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
09 December 2023 EVENING Psychology) 3 SOCIOLOGY (METHODS IN SOCIAL RESEARCH) 13562
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
09 December 2023 EVENING Mass Communication) 3 Media and Society 16428

09 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts(Honors History) 3 HISTORY OF INDIA(1526 - 1707 AD) 13947
09 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce 1 BUSINESS MATHEMATICS-I 13616
09 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Commerce 5 FINANCIAL MARKET OPERATIONS 13632

09 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 1 BUSINESS ORGANISATION 13962

09 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 5 INVESTMENT ANALYSIS 13973

09 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 HINDI 13653
09 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 SANSKRIT 13654
Bachelor of Science (Honors
09 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 3 STATICS 13763
Bachelor of Science
09 December 2023 EVENING (Biotechnology) 3 BIOANALYTICAL TOOLS 13694
Bachelor of Science (Home
09 December 2023 EVENING Science) 3 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT-II 13717
Bachelor of Science (Honors
09 December 2023 EVENING Physics) 3 MATHAMATICAL PHYSICS III 13780
09 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 3 ADVENTURE TOURISM- II(AIR BASED) 16450
11 December 2023 EVENING B.Sc. (Animation) 3 Introduction to 3D Animation 16508
11 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 A.D.] ) 13583
11 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 13361
Bachelor of Arts (Honors HISTORY ( HISTORY OF INDIA[c.1707 to 1947
11 December 2023 EVENING Geography) 3 A.D.] ) 13583
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
11 December 2023 EVENING Economics) 3 DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS I 13535
11 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 3 A.D.] ) 13583
11 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 3 A.D.] ) 13583
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political HISTORY ( HISTORY OF INDIA[c.1707 to 1947
11 December 2023 EVENING Science) 3 A.D.] ) 13583
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
11 December 2023 EVENING Psychology) 3 BIOLOGICAL BASIS OF BEHAVIOUR 14011
Bachelor of Arts (Honors HISTORY ( HISTORY OF INDIA[c.1707 to 1947
11 December 2023 EVENING Sanskrit) 3 A.D.] ) 13583
11 December 2023 EVENING Administration 3 TECHNOLOGY 14275
11 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce 1 BUSINESS ECONOMICS-I 13617
11 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Commerce 5 BUSINESS 13633

11 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 1 AN INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING 13963

11 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 5 MONEY AND BANKING 13974
11 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Law 3 Information Technology Law 15429
11 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 ADVANCED CALCULUS 13659
11 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 BIOLOGY & DIVERSITY OF SEED PLANTS -I 13662
Bachelor of Science (Honors
11 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 3 DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 13764
Bachelor of Science
11 December 2023 EVENING (Biotechnology) 3 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 13695
Bachelor of Science (Home
11 December 2023 EVENING Science) 3 PSYCHOLOGY-I 13718
11 December 2023 EVENING Botany) 3 FUNCTIONAL HISTOLOGY 13733
Bachelor of Science (Honors
11 December 2023 EVENING Chemistry) 3 Inorganic Chemistry(Theory) 13235
Bachelor of Science (Honors
11 December 2023 EVENING Physics) 3 THERMAL PHYSICS-I 13781
11 December 2023 EVENING Zoology) 3 & BIOTECHNOLOGY 13734
11 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 3 TOUR GUIDING & ESCORTING SKILLS 16451
B.Sc. (Animation and
12 December 2023 EVENING Multimedia) 1 “Panchtantra†Indian Art of Story Telling 16391
Bachelor in Design (B. Des.) - Off
12 December 2023 EVENING site campus Vedatya inst. 1 Environment & Disaster Management 16543
12 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 TO c.1200 A.D.] ) 13578
12 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY 13349
12 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 ENGLISH 13929
12 December 2023 EVENING Geography) 1 TO c.1200 A.D.] ) 13578
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
12 December 2023 MORNING Geography) 5 World Regional Geography 13564
Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in
12 December 2023 EVENING Culinary Arts 1 Applied Mathematics and Software Tools 16519
Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in
12 December 2023 MORNING Culinary Arts 5 Entrepreneurship 16524
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
12 December 2023 EVENING Economics) 1 MATHEMATICS FOR ECONOMIC ANALYSIS - I 13530
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
12 December 2023 MORNING Economics) 5 ECONOMETRICS 13539
12 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 1 TO c.1200 A.D.] ) 13578

12 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 5 HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE(1798-1914) 14004
12 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 1 TO c.1200 A.D.] ) 13578
12 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 5 NIBANDH SAHITYA 13598
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political HISTORY ( HISTORY OF INDIA[EARLIEST TIMES
12 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 TO c.1200 A.D.] ) 13578
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political
12 December 2023 MORNING Science) 5 COMPARATIVE POLITICS-I 13610
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
12 December 2023 EVENING Psychology) 1 BASIC PSYCHOLOGICAL PROCESSES 14008
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
12 December 2023 MORNING Psychology) 5 INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY 14015
12 December 2023 EVENING Sanskrit) 1 TO c.1200 A.D.] ) 13578
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
12 December 2023 EVENING Mass Communication) 1 Media Language (Hindi-I) 16422

Bachelor of Arts in International

Culinary Arts (B.A.)- Off site
12 December 2023 EVENING campus Vedatya inst. 1 Food Production and Culinary Art 16556
Bachelor of Business
12 December 2023 EVENING Administration 1 BUSINESS ORGANIZATION 14468
Bachelor of Business
12 December 2023 MORNING Administration 5 PRODUCTION AND MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 14478
Bachelor of Business
Administration (Hospitality
12 December 2023 EVENING Management) 1 Disaster Management 2918
Bachelor of Business
Administration (Hospitality
12 December 2023 MORNING Management) 5 Hospitality Facilities Management 14525
12 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce 3 BUSINESS REGULATORY FRAMEWORK-I 13622

12 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 3 COST ACCOUNTING 13968

Bachelor of Computer COMPUTER & PROGRAMMING
12 December 2023 EVENING Application 1 FUNDAMENTALS 14527
Bachelor of Computer
12 December 2023 MORNING Application 5 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM 14535
Jurisprudence(Legal Method, Indian Legal
12 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Law 1 System and Basic Theory of Law) 15418
12 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Law 5 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 8703
12 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 1 PHY-I MECHANICS 13639
12 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 PHYSICS (QUANTUM MECHANICS) 13672
12 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 ZOOLOGY (ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION) 13674
Bachelor of Science (Honors
12 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 1 CALCULUS 13754
Bachelor of Science (Honors
12 December 2023 MORNING Mathematics) 5 INTEGRAL EQUATIONS 13771
Bachelor of Science
12 December 2023 EVENING (Biotechnology) 1 CELL BIOLOGY 13688
Bachelor of Science
12 December 2023 MORNING (Biotechnology) 5 GENOMIC AND PROTEOMICS 13703
Bachelor of Science (Home
12 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY 13712
Bachelor of Science (Home
12 December 2023 MORNING Science) 5 COMMUNITY NUTRITION 13726
Bachelor of Science (Honors
12 December 2023 MORNING Botany) 5 ECOLOGY II 13751
Bachelor of Science (Honors
12 December 2023 EVENING Chemistry) 1 Mathematics-I 13731
Bachelor of Science (Honors
12 December 2023 MORNING Chemistry) 5 Organic Chemistry(Theory)-I 13241
Bachelor of Science (Honors
12 December 2023 MORNING Physics) 5 PHYSICS OF MATERIALS - I 13789
Bachelor of Science (Honors
12 December 2023 MORNING Zoology) 5 GENETICS AND GENOMICS - I 13800
Bachelor of Science (Sports
12 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 FOUNDATIONS OF PHY.EDU. & SPORTS 15523
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality
Management (B.Sc.)- Off site
12 December 2023 EVENING campus Vedatya inst. 1 Environment and Disaster Management 16551

12 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 1 Introduction to Travel & Tourism Management 16439
12 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 7 EVENT MANAGEMENT 6638
13 December 2023 EVENING B.Sc. (Animation) 3 Graphics and Visual Designing 16509
13 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 STATICS 13925
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
13 December 2023 EVENING Geography) 3 GEOMORPHOLOGY 13553
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
13 December 2023 EVENING Economics) 3 WELFARE ECONOMICS -I 13536

13 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 3 HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE (1350-1660) 14000
13 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 3 MADHYAKALEEN HINDI KAVITA 13593
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
13 December 2023 EVENING Psychology) 3 BASICS OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 14012
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
13 December 2023 EVENING Mass Communication) 3 Reporting and Editing 16429
13 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts(Honors History) 3 AGES 13948
Bachelor of Business
13 December 2023 EVENING Administration 3 COST & MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING 14473
13 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce 1 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT-I 13618
13 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Commerce 5 INTERNATIONAL TRADE 13634

13 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF ECONOMICS 13964

13 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 5 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN COMMERCE 13975
13 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Law 3 Criminology 15428
13 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 13660
13 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 PLANT ANATOMY 13663
Bachelor of Science (Honors
13 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 3 PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS 13765
Bachelor of Science
13 December 2023 EVENING (Biotechnology) 3 PLANT DIVERSITY-II 13696
Bachelor of Science (Home
Bachelor of Science (Honors
13 December 2023 EVENING Botany) 3 CELL BIOLOGY-I 13743
Bachelor of Science (Honors
13 December 2023 EVENING Chemistry) 3 Physical chemistry(Theory) 13236
Bachelor of Science (Honors
13 December 2023 EVENING Physics) 3 VIBRATIONS & WAVE OPTICS-1 13782
Bachelor of Science (Honors
13 December 2023 EVENING Zoology) 3 CHEMISTRY III 13746
13 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 3 HOTEL AND RESORT MANAGEMENT 16452
B.Sc. (Animation and
14 December 2023 EVENING Multimedia) 1 Visual Designing 16504
Bachelor in Design (B. Des.) - Off
14 December 2023 EVENING site campus Vedatya inst. 1 Campus to Corporate - Level 1 16545
14 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 MATH III SOLID GEOMATRY 13909
POLITICAL SCIENCE (International Organisation-
14 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 1) 13570
14 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTERS) 13942
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
14 December 2023 MORNING Geography) 5 Geography of Tourism 13567
Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in
14 December 2023 EVENING Culinary Arts 1 Culinary Management I 16517
Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in
14 December 2023 MORNING Culinary Arts 5 Human Resources II 16525
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
14 December 2023 MORNING Economics) 5 BASICS OF FINANCIAL MARKETS 13540

14 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 1 ENGLISH PHONETICS & GRAMMAR 13998

14 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 5 ENGLISH POETRY(1798-1914) 14005
14 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 1 BHASHA VIGYAN AUR HINDI BHASHA 13591
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political
14 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS-I 13602
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
14 December 2023 EVENING Psychology) 1 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 14009
14 December 2023 MORNING Sanskrit) 5 ITIHAS 13958
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
14 December 2023 EVENING Mass Communication) 1 Introduction to Media and Journalism 15485
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
14 December 2023 MORNING Mass Communication) 5 MEDIA MANAGEMENT 16434

Bachelor of Arts in International

Culinary Arts (B.A.)- Off site
14 December 2023 EVENING campus Vedatya inst. 1 Basics of Bakery & Confectionary 16557
Bachelor of Business
14 December 2023 EVENING Administration 1 BUSINESS MATHEMATICS 14469
Bachelor of Business
14 December 2023 MORNING Administration 5 COMPANY LAW 14479
Bachelor of Business
Administration (Hospitality
14 December 2023 EVENING Management) 1 Food and Beverage Theory and Application I 16528
Bachelor of Business
Administration (Hospitality
14 December 2023 MORNING Management) 5 Marketing II 16534
14 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce 3 CORPORATE LAW-I 13623

14 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 3 COMPANY LAW-I 13969

Bachelor of Computer
14 December 2023 EVENING Application 1 PC SOFTWARE 14528
Bachelor of Computer
14 December 2023 MORNING Application 5 COMPUTER GRAPHICS 14536
14 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Law 1 General Principles of Contract 15419
14 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Law 5 Environmental Law 15430
14 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 1 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS & M.S OFFICE 13189
14 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 1 CHEMISTRY -I INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 13647
14 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 1 STATISTICS -I STATISTICAL METHODS-I 13651
14 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 13201
14 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 BOTANY (PLANT PHYSIOLOGY) 13677
14 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) 13682
14 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 STATISTICS (APPLIED STATISTICS) 13684
Bachelor of Science (Honors
14 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 1 SOLID GEOMETRY 13755
Bachelor of Science (Honors
14 December 2023 MORNING Mathematics) 5 METHODS OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS 13772
Bachelor of Science
14 December 2023 EVENING (Biotechnology) 1 BIOCHEMISTRY & METABOLISM 13689
Bachelor of Science
14 December 2023 MORNING (Biotechnology) 5 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 13704
Bachelor of Science (Home
14 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 INTRODUCTORY CLOTHING 13713
Bachelor of Science (Home
14 December 2023 MORNING Science) 5 INDIAN TEXTILES 13727
Bachelor of Science (Honors
14 December 2023 EVENING Chemistry) 1 ZOOLOGY- I (BIODIVERSITY-I NON-CHORDATA) 13233
Bachelor of Science (Honors
14 December 2023 MORNING Chemistry) 5 Inorganic Chemistry(Theory)-II 13735
14 December 2023 MORNING Physics) 5 APPLICATION - I 13790
Bachelor of Science (Honors
14 December 2023 EVENING Zoology) 1 BIODIVERSITY- II NON-CHORDATA 13795
Bachelor of Science (Honors
14 December 2023 MORNING Zoology) 5 ORGANIC EVOLUTION 13801
Bachelor of Science (Sports
14 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 COMPUTER APPLICATION-I 15524
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality
Management (B.Sc.)- Off site
14 December 2023 EVENING campus Vedatya inst. 1 Campus to Corporate - Level 1 16552
14 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 1 Transport Services in Tourism 16440
14 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 7 TOURISM ECONOMICS 6639
15 December 2023 EVENING B.Sc. (Animation) 3 2D Animation(Advanced) 16510

15 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 POLITICAL SCIENCE (Indian Political Thinker-1) 13558
15 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 STATISTICS (II) SAMPLE SURVEYS 13927
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
15 December 2023 EVENING Geography) 3 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 13554
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
15 December 2023 EVENING Economics) 3 STATISTICS FOR ECONOMIC ANALYSIS-I 13537

15 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 3 ENGLISH POETRY (1350-1660) 14001
15 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 3 KAHANI SAHITYA 13594
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political
15 December 2023 EVENING Science) 3 WESTERN POLITICAL THINKERS-I 13606
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
15 December 2023 EVENING Psychology) 3 PSYCHOLOGY TESTING 14013
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
15 December 2023 EVENING Sanskrit) 3 SANHITA SAHITYA 13954
Bachelor of Business
15 December 2023 EVENING Administration 3 MARKETING MANAGEMENT 14474
15 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce 1 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS 13619
15 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Commerce 5 Investment Management 13635

15 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 1 BUSINESS LAW-I 13965

15 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 5 INCOME TAX 13976

Bachelor of Computer
15 December 2023 EVENING Application 3 INTRODUCTION TO OPERATING SYSTEM 14531
15 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Law 3 Special Contracts 15426
15 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 STATICS 13661
Bachelor of Science (Honors
15 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 3 CHEMISTRY - III 13766
Bachelor of Science
15 December 2023 EVENING (Biotechnology) 3 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 13697
Bachelor of Science (Home
Bachelor of Science (Honors
15 December 2023 EVENING Botany) 3 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY- I 13744
Bachelor of Science (Honors
15 December 2023 EVENING Chemistry) 3 Organic Chemistry(Theory) 13237
Bachelor of Science (Honors
15 December 2023 EVENING Physics) 3 QUANTUM MECHANICS 13783
Bachelor of Science (Honors
15 December 2023 EVENING Zoology) 3 CELL BIOLOGY I 13797
Bachelor of Science (Sports THEORY OF GAMES: FOOTBALL, HANDBALL,
15 December 2023 EVENING Science) 3 SWIMMING & GYMNASTIC 15339
B.Sc. (Animation and
16 December 2023 EVENING Multimedia) 1 Basics of Traditional and Digital Animation 16505
Bachelor in Design (B. Des.) - Off
16 December 2023 EVENING site campus Vedatya inst. 1 Introduction to Marketing 16546
16 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 ECONOMICS (MICROECONOMICS-I) 13604
16 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 URDU (ELECTIVE) 13900
16 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 HINDI (ELECTIVE) 13902
16 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 SANSKRIT (ELECTIVE) 13905
16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 MUSIC -I 13367
16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 13372
16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 HOME SCIENCE (FOOD AND NUTRITION) 13373

16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 TECHNICAL & PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF MUSIC -I 13374 13
16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 [INDIAN & WESTERN] ) 13571
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in
16 December 2023 EVENING Culinary Arts 1 Disaster Management 16520
Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in
16 December 2023 MORNING Culinary Arts 5 Finance III 16526
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
16 December 2023 EVENING Economics) 1 BASIC CONCEPT IN SOCIOLOGY 13531
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
16 December 2023 MORNING Economics) 5 ECONOMICS OF AGRICULTURE 13541
16 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 1 LITERARY TERMS 13997

16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 5 ENGLISH NOVEL(1798-1914) 14006

16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 5 AASMITAMULAK VIMARSH OR HINDI SAHITYA 13599
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political
16 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION-I 13603
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political
16 December 2023 MORNING Science) 5 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION -I 13611
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
16 December 2023 MORNING Psychology) 5 CHILD DEVELOPMENT 14016
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
16 December 2023 EVENING Sanskrit) 1 PADHYA-I 13953
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
16 December 2023 EVENING Mass Communication) 1 Media Language (Hindi-I) 15486
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
16 December 2023 MORNING Mass Communication) 5 DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION 16435

Bachelor of Arts in International

Culinary Arts (B.A.)- Off site
16 December 2023 EVENING campus Vedatya inst. 1 Food and Beverage Service Operations 16558

16 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts(Honors History) 1 HISTORY OF INDIA(C. 317 AD TO 1200 AD) 13945
16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts(Honors History) 5 MOVEMENT 13949
Bachelor of Business
16 December 2023 EVENING Administration 1 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 14470
Bachelor of Business
16 December 2023 MORNING Administration 5 INDIAN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT 14480
Bachelor of Business
Administration (Hospitality
16 December 2023 EVENING Management) 1 Communication I 16531
Bachelor of Business
Administration (Hospitality
16 December 2023 MORNING Management) 5 Finance III 16536
16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce 3 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 13624

16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 3 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING 13970

Bachelor of Computer
16 December 2023 EVENING Application 1 MATHEMATICS 14529
Bachelor of Computer
16 December 2023 MORNING Application 5 DATA COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING 14537
16 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Law 1 Family Law-1 15420
16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Law 5 Principles of Taxation Law 15431
16 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 1 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM 13640
16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 MATHEMATICS (REAL ANALYSIS) 13675
16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 BOTANY (ECOLOGY) 13678
16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 TECHNOLOGIES 13683
16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER) 13685
Bachelor of Science (Honors
16 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 1 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS- I 13756
Bachelor of Science (Honors
16 December 2023 MORNING Mathematics) 5 OPERATION RESEARCH - I 13773
Bachelor of Science
16 December 2023 EVENING (Biotechnology) 1 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 13690
Bachelor of Science
16 December 2023 MORNING (Biotechnology) 5 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 13705
Bachelor of Science (Home
16 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH 13714
Bachelor of Science (Home
16 December 2023 MORNING Science) 5 INTERIOR SPACE DESIGNING 13728
Bachelor of Science (Honors
16 December 2023 EVENING Botany) 1 INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY 13738
Bachelor of Science (Honors
16 December 2023 EVENING Chemistry) 1 Inorganic Chemistry(Theory) 13230
Bachelor of Science (Honors
16 December 2023 MORNING Chemistry) 5 Physical chemistry(Theory)-II 13736
Bachelor of Science (Honors
16 December 2023 MORNING Physics) 5 NANO TECHNOLOGY 13791
Bachelor of Science (Honors
16 December 2023 EVENING Zoology) 1 BOTANY- I PLANT DIVERSITY 13796
Bachelor of Science (Honors
16 December 2023 MORNING Zoology) 5 IMMUNOLOGY -I 13802
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality
Management (B.Sc.)- Off site
16 December 2023 EVENING campus Vedatya inst. 1 Introduction to Marketing 16553
16 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 1 Tourism Resource of India-I(Natural) 16441
16 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 7 REASEARCH METHODOLOGY 6640
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
17 December 2023 EVENING Mass Communication) 3 Media Language(English-I) 16430
B.Sc. (Animation and
18 December 2023 EVENING Multimedia) 1 Introduction to Film Making 16507

18 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 POLITICAL SCIENCE (International Relations- 1) 13548
18 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 STATISTICS -II PROBABILITY 13910
18 December 2023 MORNING
Bachelor of Arts 5 WITH ONE UNIT OF INDIAN ECONOMY-I) 13614
18 December 2023 MORNING
Bachelor of Arts 5 URDU (ELECTIVE) 13933
18 December 2023 MORNING
Bachelor of Arts 5 HINDI (ELECTIVE) 13935
18 December 2023 MORNING
Bachelor of Arts 5 SANSKRIT (ELECTIVE) 13938
Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in
18 December 2023 EVENING Culinary Arts 1 Applied Communication I 16518
Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in
18 December 2023 MORNING Culinary Arts 5 Research Methodology 16527
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
18 December 2023 MORNING Economics) 5 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS- I 13542
18 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 1 Sanskrit(Compulsory) 13899

18 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 5 ENGLISH PROSE(1798-1914) 14007
18 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 1 Sanskrit(Compulsory) 13899
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
18 December 2023 MORNING Sanskrit) 5 DARSHAN 13959
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
18 December 2023 EVENING Mass Communication) 1 Introduction to Media and Journalism 16421
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
18 December 2023 MORNING Mass Communication) 5 MEDIA AND ECONOMICS 16436

Bachelor of Arts in International

Culinary Arts (B.A.)- Off site
18 December 2023 EVENING campus Vedatya inst. 1 Slow Food & Gastronomic Practices 16562

18 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts(Honors History) 5 HISTORY OF SOUTH-EAST ASIA(1850-1950 AD) 13950
Bachelor of Business
18 December 2023 EVENING Administration 1 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION 14471
18 December 2023 MORNING Administration 5 DEVELOPMENT 14481
Bachelor of Business
Administration (Hospitality
18 December 2023 EVENING Management) 1 Hospitality Management I 16532
Bachelor of Business
Administration (Hospitality Human Resources II – Human Resource
18 December 2023 MORNING Management) 5 Management 16537
18 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce 3 FUNDAMENTAL OF INSURANCE 13625

18 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 3 BASICS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 13971
Bachelor of Computer
18 December 2023 EVENING Application 1 LOGICAL ORGANIZATION OF COMPUTER-I 14530
Bachelor of Computer
18 December 2023 MORNING Application 5 VISUAL BASIC 14538
18 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Law 1 Law of Crimes-1: Indian Penal Code 15421
18 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Law 5 Industrial Law 15432
18 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 1 CHEMISTRY II PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 13648
18 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 1 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE 13650
18 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 1 STATISTICS -II PROBABILITY 13652
18 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Science 5 MATHEMATICS (GROUPS AND RINGS) 13676
Bachelor of Science (Honors
18 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 1 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS-I 13757
Bachelor of Science
18 December 2023 EVENING (Biotechnology) 1 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 13691
Bachelor of Science
18 December 2023 MORNING (Biotechnology) 5 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 13706
Bachelor of Science (Home
18 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 BASIC FOODS 13715
Bachelor of Science (Home
18 December 2023 MORNING Science) 5 NORMAL NUTRITION 13729
Bachelor of Science (Honors
18 December 2023 EVENING Botany) 1 ALGAE AND MICROBIOLOGY 13739
Bachelor of Science (Honors
18 December 2023 EVENING Chemistry) 1 Physical chemistry(Theory) 13231
Bachelor of Science (Honors
18 December 2023 MORNING Chemistry) 5 Organic Chemistry(Theory)-II 13737
Bachelor of Science (Honors
18 December 2023 EVENING Zoology) 1 INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY 13793
Bachelor of Science (Honors
18 December 2023 MORNING Zoology) 5 BIOCHEMISTRY AND METABOLISM 13803
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality
Management (B.Sc.)- Off site
18 December 2023 EVENING campus Vedatya inst. 1 Housekeeping Operations - Level 1 16554
18 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 1 Fundamentals of Management 16442
18 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 7 RETAIL MANAGEMENT 6641
19 December 2023 EVENING B.Sc. (Animation) 3 Creative Writing 16511
19 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 ENGLISH 13912
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
19 December 2023 EVENING Geography) 3 GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA 13555

19 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 3 ENGLISH DRAMA (1350-1660) 14002
19 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 3 HINDI SAHITYA KA AADHUNIK KAAL 13595
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political
19 December 2023 EVENING Science) 3 INDIAN POLITICAL THINKERS-I 13607
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
19 December 2023 EVENING Sanskrit) 3 NATAK-I 13955
Bachelor of Business
19 December 2023 EVENING Administration 3 CAPITAL MARKETS 14475
19 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Commerce 5 International Business Environment 13637

19 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) 5 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS 13977
Bachelor of Computer
19 December 2023 EVENING Application 3 DATA STRUCTURES I 14532
19 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Law 3 Code of Civil Procedure and Limitation Act 15425
19 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 THERMODYNAMICS 13655
19 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 LIFE AND DIVERSITY OF CHORDATES -I 13657
Bachelor of Science (Honors
19 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 3 DATABASE MANAGEMENT & ORACLE 13767
Bachelor of Science
19 December 2023 EVENING (Biotechnology) 3 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 13698
Bachelor of Science (Home
19 December 2023 EVENING Science) 3 CONSUMER ECONOMICS 13721
Bachelor of Science (Honors
19 December 2023 EVENING Botany) 3 PLANT RESOURCE UTILIZATION 13745
Bachelor of Science (Honors
19 December 2023 EVENING Chemistry) 3 Mathematics 13732
Bachelor of Science (Honors
19 December 2023 EVENING Physics) 3 MATHEMATICS-III 13784
Bachelor of Science (Honors
19 December 2023 EVENING Zoology) 3 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY I 13798
Bachelor of Science (Sports THEORY OF ATHLETICS :: 400 MTR RACE, 800
19 December 2023 EVENING Science) 3 MTR RACE & 10000 MTR RACE 15340
20 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 Sanskrit(Compulsory) 13577
20 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 Hindi (Compulsory) 14577
20 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 SANSKRIT (COMPULSORY) 13932
20 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 HINDI (COMPULSORY) 14579

20 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 1 Hindi (Compulsory) 14577
20 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 1 Rashtriya Kavyadhara 13592
20 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 5 SHUKLA 13600
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political
20 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 Hindi (Compulsory) 14577
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political
20 December 2023 MORNING Science) 5 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF DIPLOMACY-I 13612
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
20 December 2023 MORNING Psychology) 5 PSYCHOLOGY OF SOCIAL ISSUES 14017
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
20 December 2023 EVENING Sanskrit) 1 Hindi (Compulsory) 14577
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
20 December 2023 MORNING Mass Communication) 5 ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS 16437

Bachelor of Arts in International

Culinary Arts (B.A.)- Off site
20 December 2023 EVENING campus Vedatya inst. 1 Introduction to Marketing 16559

20 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts(Honors History) 1 Hindi (Compulsory) 14577

20 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts(Honors History) 5 HISTORY OF HARYANA (C.1200-1947 AD) 13951
Bachelor of Business
20 December 2023 EVENING Administration 1 MICRO- ECONOMICS FOR BUSINESS DECISIONS 14472
Bachelor of Business
20 December 2023 MORNING Administration 5 CYBER SECURITY 14482
Bachelor of Business
Administration (Hospitality
20 December 2023 MORNING Management) 5 Information Communication and Technology II 16539
20 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce 3 BASICS OF RETAILING 13626
20 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 1 CHEMISTRY - III ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 13649
Bachelor of Science (Honors
20 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 1 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTAL & MS-OFFICE 13759
Bachelor of Science
20 December 2023 EVENING (Biotechnology) 1 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 13692
Bachelor of Science (Home
20 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 APPLIED CHEMISTRY 13711
Bachelor of Science (Honors
20 December 2023 EVENING Botany) 1 MYCOLOGY AND PHYTOPATHOLOGY 13740
Bachelor of Science (Honors
20 December 2023 EVENING Chemistry) 1 Organic Chemistry(Theory) 13232
Bachelor of Science (Honors
20 December 2023 EVENING Zoology) 1 BIODIVERSITY- I NON-CHORDATA 13794
20 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 1 Applications of Computer in Tourism 16443
20 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 7 & TOURISM 6642
21 December 2023 EVENING B.Sc. (Animation) 3 Swachh Bharat for Sustainable Development 16512
21 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 SANSKRIT (COMPULSORY) 13915
21 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 HINDI (COMPULSORY) 14578

21 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors English) 3 ENGLISH PROSE (1350-1660) 14003
21 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 3 PATRKARITA AUR ANUVAD 13596
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political
21 December 2023 EVENING Science) 3 FOREIGN POLICY OF INDIA-I 13608
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
21 December 2023 EVENING Sanskrit) 3 VYAKARAN 13956
Bachelor of Business
21 December 2023 EVENING Administration 3 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 14476
Bachelor of Computer
21 December 2023 EVENING Application 3 INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE SYSTEM 14533
21 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Law 3 Company Law 15424
21 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 OPTICS- I 13656
21 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Science 3 MAMMALIAN PHYSIOLOGY -I 13658
Bachelor of Science (Honors
21 December 2023 EVENING Mathematics) 3 PHYSICS -III 13768
Bachelor of Science
21 December 2023 EVENING (Biotechnology) 3 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 13699
Bachelor of Science (Home
21 December 2023 EVENING Science) 3 FOOD SCIENCE-I 13722
Bachelor of Science (Honors
21 December 2023 EVENING Botany) 3 CHEMISTRY III 13746
21 December 2023 EVENING Chemistry) 3 FUNCTIONAL HISTOLOGY 13733
Bachelor of Science (Honors
21 December 2023 EVENING Physics) 3 Computer Fundamentals and Programming-I 13785
Bachelor of Science (Honors
21 December 2023 EVENING Zoology) 3 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY & HISTOLOGY- II 13799
Bachelor of Science (Sports
21 December 2023 EVENING Science) 3 KINESIOLOGY 15525
22 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 1 ENGLISH 13896
22 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 POLITICAL SCIENCE (Comparative Politics) 13569


22 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 FOUNDATION OF PHY. EDU.) 13370
22 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts 5 STATISTICS (APPLIED STATISTICS) 13941
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
22 December 2023 EVENING Geography) 1 ENGLISH 13545
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
22 December 2023 MORNING Geography) 5 POLITICAL SCIENCE (Comparative Politics) 13569
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
22 December 2023 EVENING Economics) 1 ENGLISH 13545
22 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts (Honors Hindi) 1 ENGLISH 13545
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political
22 December 2023 EVENING Science) 1 ENGLISH 13545
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Political
22 December 2023 MORNING Science) 5 POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY-I 13613
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
22 December 2023 EVENING Psychology) 1 ENGLISH 13545
Bachelor of Arts (Honors
22 December 2023 EVENING Sanskrit) 1 ENGLISH 13545
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism &
22 December 2023 EVENING Mass Communication) 1 Introduction to Communication 16419

22 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts(Honors History) 1 ENGLISH 13545

22 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Arts(Honors History) 5 POLITICAL SCIENCE (Comparative Politics) 13569
22 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Commerce 3 PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT 13627
Law of Torts including Motor Vehicle Accident
22 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Law 1 and Consumer Protection Laws 15422
Interpretation of Statutes and Principles of
22 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Law 5 Legislation 15433
Bachelor of Science (Honors
22 December 2023 EVENING Botany) 1 ENGLISH (QUALIFYING) - I 13730
Bachelor of Science (Honors
22 December 2023 EVENING Chemistry) 1 ENGLISH (QUALIFYING) - I 13730
Bachelor of Science (Honors
22 December 2023 EVENING Zoology) 1 ENGLISH (QUALIFYING) - I 13730
22 December 2023 MORNING Bachelor of Tourism & Travel 7 SAFETY & SECURITY MANAGEMENT 6643
23 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 ECONOMICS (MACROECONOMICS-I) 13609
23 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 URDU (ELECTIVE) 13916
23 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 HINDI (ELECTIVE) 13918
23 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Arts 3 SANSKRIT (ELECTIVE) 13921
Bachelor of Business
23 December 2023 EVENING Administration 3 DISASTER MANAGEMENT 14477
Bachelor of Computer
23 December 2023 EVENING Application 3 COMMUNICATION SKILLS (ENGLISH) 14534
23 December 2023 EVENING Bachelor of Law 3 Constitutional Law-1 15423

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