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Key board shorts / shortcuts for MS word

Ctrl A = select all

Ctrl B = Bolding the text
Ctrl C = Copy the text
Ctrl V = paste the text
Ctrl X = cut the text
Ctrl D = font size adjustment
Ctrl E = Align the text in center
Ctrl F = find the text
Ctrl G = find and replace a text
Ctrl H = find and replace
Ctrl I = makes text Italic
Ctrl J = justify the text
Ctrl K = insert a link
Ctrl L = Align the text on left side
Ctrl R = Align text on right side
Ctrl M = Indent the para
Ctrl N = new page
Ctrl O = opening option
Ctrl P = printing option
Ctrl Q = clear indenting
Ctrl S = saving document
Ctrl T = hanging indenting
Ctrl U = underline the text
Ctrl W = close the document
Ctrl Y = redo the work
Ctrl Z = undo the work
Ctrl home = reach t the start
Ctrl end = move to the end of document
F1 = help
Esc = cancelling demand
Ctrl + right arrow = next word
Ctrl + left arrow = previous word
Window + R = open the word
Windows + L = lock the pc

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