Social Learning Theory

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Social Learning Theory Learning Independent and Behavior Change

Observational Learning The child will also consider of what happens to
Individuals that are observed are called models. In other people when deciding whether to copy
society, children are surrounded by many someone’s actions.
influential models, such as parents within the
family, characters on children’s TV, friends within A person learns by observing the consequences of
their peer group and teachers at school. another person’s (i.e., models) behavior, e.g., a
The child is more likely to attend and imitate younger sister observing an older sister being
those people it perceives as like itself. rewarded for a particular behavior is more likely
to repeat that behavior herself. This is known as
The Bobo doll experiment vicarious reinforcement.
Bandura (1961) conducted a controlled
experiment study to investigate if social behaviors Behavior change
(i.e., aggression) can be acquired by observation Children will have several models with whom
and imitation. they identify. These may be people in their
Bobo doll experiment demonstrated that children immediate world, such as parents or older
could learn social behavior such as aggression siblings, or could be fantasy characters or people
through the process of observation learning, in the media. The motivation to identify with a
through watching the behavior of another person. particular model is that they have a quality which
the individual would like to possess.
Intrinsic Reinforcement
The people around the child will respond to the Vicarious reinforcement
behavior it imitates with either reinforcement or An observer’s behavior can also be affected by the
punishment. If a child imitates a model’s behavior positive or negative consequences of a model’s
and the consequences are rewarding, the child is behavior. So, we not only watch what people do,
likely to continue performing the behavior. but we watch what happens when they do things.
An individual continues with a behavior because This is known as vicarious reinforcement. We are
they find it personally rewarding, not out of fear more likely to imitate behavior that is rewarded
of punishment or for an external reward. and refrain from behavior that is punished.

Reinforcement Mediational Processes

Can be external or internal and can be positive or Attention. For a behavior to be imitated, it must
negative. If a child wants approval from parents or grab our attention.
peers, this approval is an external reinforcement, Reproduction. The ability to perform the behavior
but feeling happy about being approved of is an that the model has just demonstrated.
internal reinforcement. A child will behave in a Retention. The behavior is formed to be
way which it believes will earn approval because performed later by the observer.
it desires approval. Motivation. The will to perform the behavior.

Two kinds of reinforcement Conclusions

External reinforcement. Reinforcer or reward Social learning theory can have several real-world
that is shown by parents or peers giving approval applications. For example, it can be used to help
for an action that was well done (Mcleod, 2016) researchers understand how aggression and
Internal reinforcement. Emanating from an violence might be transmitted through
increase in personal satisfaction and pride in an observational learning. By studying media
achievement. violence, researchers can gain a better
understanding of the factors that might lead
children to act out of the aggressive actions they
see portrayed on television and in the movies.

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