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The modernization of politics in the Islamic world has led to a shift in the relationship between religion

(sharī’ah) and state or politics. This paper discusses the historical background of this discussion and shows the
models of sharī ’ah implementation in the context of modern state. The results show that there are three models
of sharī ’ah implementation in modern Islamic world: integration between religion (Islam) and state as in Saudi
Arabia and Islamic Republic of Iran; secular state, where religion (and sharī’ah) separated from the state, as in
the Republic of Turkey; and symbiosis-intersectional model, as in the Republic of Indonesia. The difference
between the models is caused by the diversity of socio-historical-economic-political backgrounds of these states.
Agama adalah sistem kepercayaan dan pengetahuan yang masih mendominasi dan mengatur eksistensi
kehidupan umat manusia (masyarakat). Negara-negara Barat yang berlandaskan pada prinsip sekulerisme yang
diartikan bahwa negara harus dipisahkan dari pengaruh agama, dan agama adalah sistem nilai untuk
kebahagiaan umat manusia berdasarkan keimanan kepada Tuhan.

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