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Topic 8 Means of Transport

Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They
travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of
ancient towns, to learn about other people’s culture, life and traditions. Modern
means of transport give us excellent opportunities for travelling. People travel by
plane or train, by car or bus, by ship or ferry.

Most people prefer to travel by plane as it is the fastest and the most
convenient means of transport. Planes cover long distances in a short period of
time and that doesn’t make you feel tired after such a journey. There are places
on the Earth where you can get only by plane. For example, if you travel from
Europe to America or Australia, you’d better go by plane.

However, there are some disadvantages of travelling by plane. Some

terminals can be too crowded, especially in high seasons. There are long queues
at check-in, flights do not leave on time or can even be cancelled. Your luggage
can be delayed or lost. Some airlines do not have non-smoking policies and their
food is of poor quality.

When people travel on short distances, they usually go by car. In my

opinion, it is the best way of travelling as you can go when and where you want
to. You do not depend on timetables and take you from door to door. You can
stop at any moment and have a rest. The only minuses of travelling by car are
huge traffic jams and the constant rising of the petrol prices.

Travelling by train is also pleasant. From a seat of a railway carriage you can
have a splendid view of the beautiful landscapes in the countryside you pass by. If
you travel at night, you can sleep in a train compartment. During the daytime you
can have meals in a buffet-car. Nowadays, there are fast express trains
everywhere and in our country as well. Many people go by them on their
business trips or to visit relatives and friends. But to my mind, our trains are not
comfortable enough and sometimes the carriages are not clean.

All means of transport have their advantages and drawbacks. Every person
chooses according to their plans and preferences.

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