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CIVE 5808


Report Prepared by,


PAL PANARA (101288367)

HARMISH GABANI (101288368)

Submitted to,

Dr. Bashar Dhahir, Ph.D., P. Eng., PMP

Carleton University

Table of Contents

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................. 3

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 5
NETWORK ........................................................................................... 6
PATHS ................................................................................................. 7
Setting up the network ....................................................................... 8
Link insertion................................................................................... 8
Connections .................................................................................... 9
Vehicle Routes .............................................................................. 11
Signal heads .................................................................................. 11
Signal time assignment ................................................................. 12
Vehicle input ................................................................................. 12
Setup of evaluation parameters .................................................... 13
ISSUES AND MODIFICATIONS IN THE NETWORK ............................... 14
Provision of additional lanes ......................................................... 14
Provision of more signal heads and changes in signal timings. ..... 16
Final Modification ......................................................................... 17
LINK PERFORMANCE FUNCTION GENERATION ................................. 19
Path-1 & Path-2 for 1000 veh/h Input ........................................... 19
Path 3, 4 & 5 for 1200 veh/h Input................................................ 20
MANUAL CALCULATIONS .................................................................. 21


Figure 1 Network ................................................................................ 6

Figure 2 Selected Paths ...................................................................... 7
Figure 3 Link Insertion ........................................................................ 8
Figure 4 Connection ........................................................................... 9
Figure 5 Connector configuration .................................................... 10
Figure 6 Routing decisions ............................................................... 11
Figure 7 Signal Heads ....................................................................... 11
Figure 8 Signal time data .................................................................. 12
Figure 9 Vehicle Input ...................................................................... 12
Figure 10 Evaluation Configuration .................................................. 13
Figure 11 Modification 1 .................................................................. 14
Figure 12 Modification-2 .................................................................. 17
Figure 13 Manual Calculations ......................................................... 21
Figure 14 Vissim results.................................................................... 21


Table 1 Input wise travel times for modification-1 .......................... 15

Table 2 Path wise travel times for modification-1............................ 15
Table 3 Vehicle travel time results for modification-2 ..................... 18


This detailed report outlines the analysis of the network by using PTV
Vissim (microscopic multi-modal traffic flow simulation software) and
comparison of the outcomes with the various manual analysis
methods learned during the course.
Setting up the provided network in the Vissim environment, input of
the signal heads and signal times as provided, setting up the routing
decisions, creation of paths, Vehicle inputs, its ratios, decision of the
speed criteria for the different types of vehicles like cars, HGV, bus
etc., provision of reduced speed areas, are some of the areas covered
in the development of the network in software.
The analysis part consists of simulation runs. Modification of the
network to get convergence, to get the better travel times, smooth
flow, less congestion in the network, and then generation of link
performance function for the decided paths.
The manual calculation depicts the use of one of the methods learned
during the class and implementation.
Then the comparison of results from the software and manual
calculations explains the practical application of the things understood
in the course.


Figure 1 Network

 In the given network, vehicle input of 1200 veh/h at the B-3

intersection is given, 1000 veh/h input is given at C-2
intersection and the output is given at A-1 intersection.
 Every intersection other than B-1 is controlled with the signal
times given at the particular controlled sections.
 Distance of 200m is given between every intersection.
 Figure-2 represents the paths chosen to run the simulation in the
software and to get the desired results in those particular paths.


Figure 2 Selected Paths

 The above figure represents the chosen paths to run the

 For vehicle input of 1000 veh/h, two paths decided in which one
path covers the uncontrolled intersection.
 For vehicle input of 1200 veh/h, three paths decided.
 From all the five paths decided, we kept one path with more
distance (about 1 km), while others have only about 600m.

Setting up the network

Link insertion

Figure 3 Link Insertion

 Initially the links are inserted in the real environment as per the
data given in the task.
 The distance is kept as near as the provided data.
 Lanes kept as required to get the smooth flow without
 The direction of the links kept as the traffic moves to converge
at the exit.


Figure 4 Connection

 Then the connections are made among the intersection.

 The lanes are connected as needed to move the traffic as defined
 Intermediate points are increased where corners are to be made
smooth. ( shown on the below figure)
 After all nodes are connected, the routing decisions are given to
the intersections.

Figure 5 Connector configuration

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Vehicle Routes

Figure 6 Routing decisions

Signal heads

 Then the signal heads are provided very control is needed.

Figure 7 Signal Heads

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Signal time assignment

 After installing the signal heads, signal time data is provided.

Figure 8 Signal time data

Vehicle input
 Then the vehicle input data is provided as the input functions
are created at the given points.

Figure 9 Vehicle Input

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Here 100% cars is kept in the composition as the network
background is in downtown area.

Setup of evaluation parameters

Figure 10 Evaluation Configuration

 Configuration are set as vehicle travel time is tick marked.

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Provision of additional lanes

Figure 11 Modification 1

 Only one path is provided for the vehicle input of 1200 veh/h,
and then the traffic is distributed in three different paths. Thus,
to increase the flow, three lanes can be generated and each path
can have their own lane input.
 At the exit point of the network, for path-1 signal head is
provided. However, for that lane no control is required, thus, we
can remove that control to get better results.

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 Vehicle travel time results for the particular modification is given
in the table below.
 Congestion can be observed at the exit point of the network is
observed which require to be improve.

Table 1 Input wise travel times for modification-1

Table 2 Path wise travel times for modification-1

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Provision of more signal heads and changes in signal timings.

 Initially signal heads were not provide at the corners of the

network where only left or right turns are restricted. Because of
this, the lanes were not fully utilized.
 Thus, signals are provided at those corners and better results
were observed.
 Other than that some modification in the signal timings are also
done as per the results.

16 | P a g e
Final Modification

Figure 12 Modification-2

 Here the above-suggested modifications are done and the

vehicle travel time results are calculated.
 The table below shows that the network almost met the
 It can also be seen from the table that for path-1, which does not
interact among other traffic and with no signal control. Thus, for
the vehicle input of 1000 veh/h, most of the vehicles chose path-
1 as their priority.
 Other than that, for the vehicle input of 1200 veh/h, vehicles
prioritize path 4&5 compared to path-3 due to the distance

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Table 3 Vehicle travel time results for modification-2

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Here linear analysis is kept as when compared to quadratic analysis it

is providing better R2 value as well as the manual calculation results
can also be met with the outcomes of the Vissim software.

Path-1 & Path-2 for 1000 veh/h Input

1000 Veh/hr
Increase Path-1 Path-2
40% 31 63.36877 13 100.123
30% 54 67.05359 35 116.6513
20% 71 72.09843 48 124.6255
10% 74 72.86259 51 125.2975

Path-1 Path-2
74 130
72 y = 0.2238x + 55.978 125 y = 0.6752x + 91.862
R² = 0.9769 120 R² = 0.9934
64 100
62 95
25 45 65 85 10 30 50

Links Generated:
T1= 0.2238 V1 + 55.978
T2= 0.6752 V2 + 91.862

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Path 3, 4 & 5 for 1200 veh/h Input

1200 Veh/hr
Path-3 Path-4 Path-5
15 120.5478 19 86.36165 22 74.20551
28 123.0407 42 97.83836 35 81.77779
36 136.1823 57 111.2015 44 80.84855
37 162.9069 60 120.2738 51 84.20209

Path-3 Path-4
170 130
160 120
y = 1.4381x + 93.964 y = 0.7668x + 69.796
150 R² = 0.93
R² = 0.5672 110
120 90
110 80
13 23 33 15 35 55 75

84 y = 0.313x + 68.366
R² = 0.8394
20 30 40 50 60

Link Generated:
T3= 1.4381 V3 + 93.964
T4= 0.7668 V4 + 69.796
T5= 0.313 V5 + 68.366

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Figure 13 Manual Calculations

Figure 14 Vissim results

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 The comparison among manual results and simulation results
depicts that for the vehicle input of 1000 veh/h, there is
negligible difference and for the input of 1200 veh/h, there is
minor variation, but still the results are good.

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