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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 056402 共2009兲

Cylindrical and spherical ion-acoustic envelope solitons in multicomponent plasmas

with positrons
R. Sabry,1,* W. M. Moslem,2,† P. K. Shukla,1,3,‡ and H. Saleem3
Institut für Theoretische Physik IV, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science-Port Said, Suez Canal University, Port Said, Egypt
National Center for Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan
共Received 16 January 2009; published 6 May 2009兲
The nonlinear wave modulation of planar and nonplanar 共cylindrical and spherical兲 ion-acoustic envelope
solitons in a collisionless unmagnetized electron-positron-ion plasma with two-electron temperature distribu-
tions has been studied. The reductive perturbative technique is used to obtain a modified nonlinear Schrödinger
equation, which includes a damping term that accounts for the geometrical effect. The critical wave number
threshold Kc, which indicates where the modulational instability sets in, has been determined for various
regimes. It is found that an increase in the positron concentration 共␣兲 leads to a decrease in the critical wave
number 共Kc兲 until ␣ approaches certain value ␣c 共critical positron concentration兲, then further increase in ␣
beyond ␣c increases the value of Kc. Also, it is found that there is a modulation instability period for the
cylindrical and spherical wave modulation, which does not exist in the one-dimensional case.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.79.056402 PACS number共s兲: 52.27.Ep, 52.35.Mw, 95.30.Qd

I. INTRODUCTION analog of recombination in plasma composed of ions and

electrons, is relatively unimportant. They have also reported
An electron-positron plasma, a fully ionized gas com-
that even at an electron density of 1 ⫻ 1012 cm−3 and a tem-
posed of electrons and positrons having equal masses and perature as low as 1 eV, the positron annihilation time is
charges with opposite polarity, is considered not only as a greater than 1 s. Therefore, the study of electron-positron-ion
building block of our early universe 关1兴, but also as an om- 共EPI兲 plasmas is important to understand the behavior of
nipresent ingredient of a number of astrophysical objects, both astrophysical and laboratory plasmas.
such as active galactic nuclei 关2兴, pulsar magnetospheres 关3兴, Recently, the wave propagation in such a three-
solar flares 关4兴, fireballs producing ␥-ray bursts 关5兴, etc. component EPI plasma has attracted much interest; see for
Electron-positron plasmas are also observed in laboratory ex- example Refs. 关9–18兴. Rizzato 关11兴 considered weakly non-
periments in which the positrons can be used to probe the linear circularly polarized electromagnetic waves in a cold
particle transport in tokamak plasmas 关6–8兴. Processes of EPI plasma with stationary ions. Berezhiani et al. 关9,12兴 in-
electron-positron pair production can occur during intense vestigated the nonlinear propagation of intense electromag-
short laser pulse propagation in plasmas 关9兴. However, be- netic radiation in a magnetized EPI plasma. Rizzato 关11兴 and
cause of the rather long lifetime of positrons, most of the Berezhiani et al. 关9,12兴 found that such a three-component
astrophysical 关1,4,5兴 and laboratory 关6–8兴 plasmas become plasma supports radiation driven humped electrostatic poten-
an admixture of electrons, positrons, and ions. Surko and tials, which can be used to accelerate charged particles. Ion-
Murphy 关10兴 have reported that over a wide range of param- acoustic solitary waves have been studied in an unmagne-
eters, annihilation of electrons and positrons, which is the tized three-component EPI plasma 关13兴. The nonlinear
investigation showed that the amplitude of the electron den-
sity hump reduces due to the presence of positrons in the
*Also at Theoretical Physics Group, Department of Physics, Fac- electron-ion plasma. Yu et al. 关14兴 studied inertial Alfvén
ulty of Science, Mansoura University, Damietta Branch, New solitary vortices in a strongly magnetized pair plasma.
Damietta 34517, Egypt; and Double layers associated with the kinetic Alfvén waves in a magnetized EPI plasma have been studied by Kakati and and Goswami 关15兴. The nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic

Also at the Nonlinear Physics Centre and Center for Plasma Sci- waves in EPI with trapped electrons has been studied by
ence and Astrophysics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, D-44780 Bo- Alinejad et al. 关16兴. Tiwari et al. 关17兴 studied the effects of
chum, Germany; Department of Physics, Umeå University, SE- positron density and temperature on ion-acoustic dressed
90187 Umeå, Sweden; Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische solitons in EPI plasma. Sabry et al. 关18兴 investigated for the
Physik, D-85741 Garching, Germany; GoLP/Institute of Plasmas nonlinear structures 共explosive, solitons, and shock兲 in quan-
and Nuclear Fusion, Instituto Superior Técnico, 1049-001 Lisbon, tum EPI magnetoplasmas.
Portugal; CCLRC Centre for Fundamental Physics, Rutherford Two-electron temperature distributions are very common
Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon 0X11 0QX, UK; in the laboratory 关19,20兴, as well as in space plasmas 关21兴.
SUPA Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow Shatashvili et al. 关22兴 have reported that out flows of the
G 40NG, UK; School of Physics, Faculty of Science and Agricul- electron-positron plasma from pulsars entering an interstellar
ture, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban 4000, South Africa; cold, low-density electron-ion plasma form two-temperature EPI plasma. Mishra et al. 关23兴 investigated ion-acoustic

1539-3755/2009/79共5兲/056402共6兲 056402-1 ©2009 The American Physical Society

SABRY et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 056402 共2009兲

double layers in EPI plasma with two-electron temperature ⳵n 1 ⳵ ␯

distributions. They found that there exist two critical concen- + 共r nu兲 = 0, 共4兲
⳵ t r␯ ⳵ r
trations of positrons, which decide the existence and nature
of the ion-acoustic double layers.
Recently, Salahuddin et al. 关24兴 investigated ion-acoustic ⳵u ⳵u ⳵␸
envelope solitons in a collisionless unmagnetized EPI plasma +u =− . 共5兲
共with one-electron temperature distribution兲, where they ⳵t ⳵r ⳵r
found that as the concentration of positrons increases, the
instability sets in at lower wave numbers. Later, Mishra et al. The system of equations is closed by the Poisson equation
关23兴 investigated ion-acoustic double layers in EPI plasma
with two-electron temperature distributions. They found that
there exist two critical concentrations of positrons, which
decide the existence and nature of the ion-acoustic double
r␯ ⳵ r
冉 冊
1 ⳵ ␯ ⳵␸
= nh + nc − ␣n p − 共1 − ␣兲n, 共6兲

The effects of planar and nonplanar 共cylindrical and where ␯ = 0, for one-dimensional geometry and ␯ = 1 , 2 for
spherical兲 geometries as well as the positron concentration cylindrical and spherical geometries, respectively. Here ␣
on the amplitude modulation of ion-acoustic envelope soli- = n p0 / n0. It may be noticed that in the present model, it is
tary waves in EPI plasma, with two-electron temperature dis- assumed that the positron annihilation time is larger than the
tributions, have not been investigated before. Therefore, we inverse of the characteristic frequency of the ion-acoustic
shall investigate the amplitude modulation of the ion- wave. Under such conditions, one can assume that annihila-
acoustic envelope solitary waves in planar and nonplanar ge- tion of positrons with electrons is negligible and the effect of
ometries as well as the role of the positron concentration in annihilation can be neglected. In the above equations, n and
an EPI plasma with two-electron temperature distributions. u are the density and fluid velocity of the ion species. In Eqs.
The paper is organized in the following fashion: the basic 共1兲–共6兲, the densities have been normalized to the equilib-
equations governing the nonlinear dynamics of the ion- rium value n0, x to ␭D = 共Tef f / 4␲n0e2兲1/2, the ion fluid veloc-
acoustic envelope solitary waves are presented and a modi- ity u to the effective ion-acoustic speed Cs = 共Tef f / mi兲1/2, and
fied nonlinear Schrödinger equation 共NLSE兲 is derived in the time is in the unit of the ion plasma period ␻−1 pi
Sec. II. In Sec. III, we discuss the modulational instability = 共4␲n0e2 / mi兲−1/2. Here, mi is the ion mass and e is the elec-
analysis of the ion-acoustic envelope solitary waves in planar tronic charge. The charge-neutrality condition is expressed as
and nonplanar 共cylindrical and spherical兲 geometries under ␮ + ␩ = 1. Mishra et al. 关23兴 studied small amplitude ion-
the effects of various physical parameters. Finally, the results acoustic double layers for the system of Eqs. 共1兲–共6兲 when
are summarized in Sec. IV. ␯ = 0.
In order to investigate the amplitude modulation of ion-
II. DERIVATION OF THE CYLINDRICALLY acoustic envelope solitary waves in our plasma system, we
AND SPHERICALLY MODIFIED NLSE employ the standard reductive perturbation multiple scales
technique 关25兴. The independent variables are stretched as
We consider an unmagnetized plasma with cold ions and
␰ = ⑀共r − vgt兲 and ␶ = ⑀2t, where ⑀ is a small 共real兲 parameter
two distinct groups of electrons having densities nec and neh,
and vg is the envelope group velocity to be determined later.
and temperatures Tc and Th, respectively, beside hot posi-
The dependent variables are expanded as
trons. For the ion-acoustic waves, the electrons and positrons
inertia are neglected and the electron and positrons fluids can
⬁ ⬁
be assumed to be separately in equilibrium with the electro-
static potential ␸. Thus the electron number densities are ⌫共r,t兲 = ⌫0 +
兺 ⌫L共m兲共␰, ␶兲exp共iL␪兲,
兺 ⑀ L=−⬁
given by

nec = ␮ exp 冉 1
␮ + ␩␤

␸ , 共1兲 where

⌫L共m兲 = 关uL共m兲 uL共m兲 ␸L共m兲 兴T ,

neh = ␩ exp 冉␤
␮ + ␩␤
␸ , 冊 共2兲
⌫L共0兲 = 关1 0 0 兴T, ␪ = kr − ␻t,
while for the hot positrons
n p = exp共− ␥␸兲, 共3兲 k and ␻ are real variables representing the fundamental 共car-
where ␸ = e˜␸ / Tef f , ␮ = nec0 / n0, ␩ = neh0 / n0, ␤ = Tc / Th, ␥ rier兲 wave number and frequency, respectively. All elements
= Tef f / T p with Tef f = Tc / 关␮ + ␩␤兴, and nec0, neh0, n p0, and n0 of ⌫L共m兲 satisfy the reality condition ⌫−L
= ⌫Lⴱ共m兲, where the
are the equilibrium densities of two-electron components, asterisk denotes the complex conjugate. Substituting Eq. 共7兲
positron component, and ion component, respectively. The into Eqs. 共1兲–共6兲 and collecting terms of the same powers of
dynamics of the cold ion fluid is governed by the hydrody- ⑀, the first-order 共m = 1兲 equations with L = 1, give ni共1兲
2 1
共1兲 k 共1兲
namic equations, namely, = ␻k 2 ␸共1兲
1 , ui = ␻ ␸1 , and


␻= 冉 k2共1 − ␣兲
1 + k2 + ␣␥
冊 1/2
. 共8兲
The second harmonic modes 共m = L = 2兲 arising from the
nonlinear self-interaction of the carrier waves are obtained in
terms 关␸共1兲
1 兴 as

The second-order 共m = 2兲 reduced equations with L = 1 are

given by n共2兲 共1兲 2
2 = ⌬ 1关 ␸ 1 兴 ,

i␰共− ␻n共1兲 共1兲 共2兲 共2兲

1 + ku1 兲 + i␶vg共− ␻n1 + ku1 兲 u共2兲 共1兲 2
2 = ⌬ 2关 ␸ 1 兴 ,
⳵ n共1兲
1 ⳵ u共1兲
1 and
= ␶v2g − ␶vg ,
⳵␰ ⳵␰
␸共2兲 共1兲 2
2 = ⌬ 3关 ␸ 1 兴 , 共12兲

⳵ u共1兲 ⳵␸共1兲 where ⌬1, ⌬2, and ⌬3 are given in the Appendix.
− i␻u共2兲 共2兲 1
1 + ik␸1 = vg − 1 , The nonlinear self-interaction of the carrier wave also
⳵␰ ⳵␰
leads to the creation of a zeroth-order harmonic. Its strength
and is analytically determined by taking L = 0 component of the
third-order reduced equations which can be expressed as
␰关共1 − ␣兲n共1兲 共1兲
1 − 共1 + k + ␣␥兲␸1 兴

n共2兲 共1兲 2
0 = ⌬ 4兩 ␸ 1 兩 ,
+ ␶vg关共1 − ␣兲n共2兲 共2兲
1 − 共1 + k + ␣␥兲␸1 兴

1 u共2兲 共1兲 2
0 = ⌬ 5兩 ␸ 1 兩 ,
= − 2ik␶vg . 共9兲
⳵␰ and
Solving the system of equations 共9兲 with the help of the ␸共2兲 共1兲 2
0 = ⌬ 6兩 ␸ 1 兩 , 共13兲
first-order quantities, we can express the second-order quan-
tities with L = 1 as where ⌬4, ⌬5, and ⌬6 are given in the Appendix.

冋 册
Finally, the third harmonic modes 共m = 3 and L = 1兲, with
k ⳵␸共1兲 the aid of Eqs. 共12兲 and 共13兲, give a system of equations,
1 = k ␻␸ 共2兲
− 2i共 ␻ − k v g 兲 1
␻3 1
⳵␰ which can be reduced to the following modified NLSE:

冋 册
⳵␾ ⳵ 2␾ ␯
1 ⳵␸共1兲 i + P 2 + Q兩␾兩2␾ + i ␾ = 0, 共14兲
1 = k␻␸共2兲
1 − i共␻ − kvg兲
, 共10兲 ⳵␶ ⳵␰ 2␶
␻2 ⳵␰ ␯
where ␾ ⬅ ␸共1兲1 for simplicity. The term i 2␶ ␾ in Eq. 共14兲 ac-
with the compatibility condition counts for the nonplanar 共cylindrical and spherical兲 geom-
etries effects. The dispersion coefficient P reads
␻共1 − ␣ − ␻2兲 ⳵␻
vg =
k共1 − ␣兲

Recall that compatibility condition 共11兲 is the group velocity

1 ⳵ 2␻ 3 v g
2 ⳵ k2 2 ␻
冉 冊
vg −

, 共15兲

of the envelope soliton. and the nonlinear coefficient Q is

1 1 共2⌬3 − ⌬6兲␻3关2␣␥2␮␩␤ + ␮共␣␥2␮ − 1兲 + ␩␤2共␣␥2␩ − 1兲兴

Q = − 共␻⌬1 + 2k⌬2兲 + 共␻⌬4 + 2k⌬5兲 −
2 4 4k2共1 − ␣兲共␤␩ + ␮兲3
␻3兵␮ + ␩␤3共1 + ␣␩2␥3兲 + ␣␮␥3关␮2 + 3␤␩共␤␩ + ␮兲兴其
+ . 共16兲
4k2共1 − ␣兲共␤␩ + ␮兲3


A. Derivation of the nonlinear dispersion relation
␾ = 关␾ 冋
¯ 0 + ␦␾共␰, ␶兲兴exp − i 冕␶0

⌬共␶⬘兲d␶⬘ − ln ␶ , 共17兲

To investigate the stability/instability of the planar and where ␾¯ 0 is the constant 共real兲 amplitude of the pump carrier
nonplanar envelope IA waves, we consider the development wave and ⌬ is a nonlinear frequency shift, and taking the
of the small modulation ␦␾ according to perturbation ␦␾ as

SABRY et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 056402 共2009兲

1.90 1.90
A Γ0.001 A Μ0.01
1.85 B Γ0.05 1.85
B Μ0.011
D Μ0.012
Critical Wave Number KC 

Critical Wave Number KC 

D Γ0.09
1.80 1.80

1.75 1.75

1.70 1.70

1.65 D 1.65

1.60 1.60 D
1.55 1.55
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Positron Concentration Α Positron Concentration Α
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Variation in the critical wave number 共Kc兲 FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Variation in the critical wave number 共Kc兲
against the positron concentration 共␣兲 with ␮ = 0.01 and ␤ = 0.05 for against the positron concentration 共␣兲 with ␥ = 0.1 and ␤ = 0.05 for
different values of ␥. different values of ␮.

␦␾ = ␦␾ 冋冉
¯ 0 exp i K␰ − 冕

⍀共␶⬘兲d␶⬘ 冊册 + c.c., 共18兲
Also, an increase in ␥ increases the critical wave number Kc
and decreases the value of ␣c.
The effect of ␮ and ␣ on the variation of the critical wave
where K␰ − 兰␶␶ ⍀d␶⬘ is the modulation phase with K and ⍀ as number Kc is depicted in Fig. 2. It is found that the critical
the perturbation wave number and frequency of the modula- wave number 共Kc兲 decreases by increasing ␣ until ␣ ap-
tion, respectively. Using Eqs. 共17兲 and 共18兲 into Eq. 共14兲, one proaches ␣c, then further increase in ␣ increases the value of
obtains the nonlinear dispersion relation 关26兴 Kc, which is the same behavior for Fig. 1. However, the
effect of ␮ is opposite to that of ␥, where an increase in ␮

⍀2 = 共PK2兲2 1 − 冉 Q 2兩␾
¯ 0兩 2 1
P ␶␯ K2
, 冊 共19兲
decreases the critical wave number KC but increases the
value of ␣C.
Finally, an estimation of the effect of ␤ 共i.e., TC / Th兲 and ␣
which exactly reduces to the dispersion relation for the pla- on the variation of the critical wave number Kc is shown in
nar geometry when ␯ = 0. We immediately see that the modu- Fig. 3. For ␣ ⬍ ␣c the critical wave number Kc is a decreas-
lation instability condition will be satisfied if PQ ⬎ 0 and ing function in ␣. While Kc is an increasing function in ␣, for
¯ 0兩2 / 共P␶␯兲.
K2 ⱕ K2c 共␶兲 = 2Q兩␾ ␣ ⬎ ␣c. An increase in the ␤ value decreases the critical wave
number Kc, for ␣ ⬍ ␣c. While, increasing ␤ increases Kc, for
B. Stability/instability of planar envelope excitations ␣ ⬎ ␣ c.
To investigate the modulational stability/instability of the
planar envelope pulses, one sets ␯ = 0 into the nonlinear dis- C. Stability/instability of spherical and cylindrical excitations
persion relation 共19兲. It is straightforward to see that a nega- The local instability growth rate, for ␯ ⫽ 0, of the nonlin-
tive sign for PQ is required for wave amplitude 共modula- ear dispersion relation 共19兲 is given by 关26兴
tional兲 stability. On the other hand, a positive sign of PQ

冉 冊
allows for a random perturbation of the amplitude to grow 1/2
and may thus lead to wave collapse or blowup. 2Q 兩␾
¯ 0兩 2
Im ⍀ = PK 2
−1 . 共20兲
To investigate the stability profile, we have determined in PK2 ␶␯
various regimes the critical wave number threshold Kc 共at
which PQ = 0兲, which indicates where the instability sets in. The instability growth will cease for cylindrical geometry
The variation in the critical wave number Kc with respect to 共␯ = 1兲 when
the positron concentration ␣ is shown in Fig. 1 for given
values of ␮ and ␤, and three different values of ␥. It is clear
¯ 0兩 2 Q
that increasing the positron concentration 共␣兲 decreases the ␶ ⱖ ␶max = , 共21兲
critical wave number 共Kc兲 until ␣ approaches certain value K2 P
␣c, then further increase in ␣ beyond ␣c increases the value
of Kc. Such behavior reflects the existence of double layers. and for spherical geometry 共␯ = 2兲 when


f R
2.4 A Β0.034 1.4
B Β0.035 fcyl.
Critical Wave Number KC 

D Β0.036
2.2 1.0

2.0 0.6

1.8 0.2
50 100 150
FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Variation in f共R兲 against R for cylindrical
and spherical geometries given by Eqs. 共24兲 and 共25兲, respectively.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Positron Concentration Α
R increases further. It should be noted that the modulation
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Variation in the critical wave number 共Kc兲 instability period given by Eq. 共21兲 for cylindrical geometry
against the positron concentration 共␣兲 with ␥ = 0.1 and ␮ = 0.01 for is longer than that determined by Eq. 共22兲 for spherical ge-
different values of ␤. ometry; meanwhile, during the unstable period, the modula-
tion instability growth rate is always an increasing function

of R in the cylindrical geometry, but not in the spherical
¯ 0兩 2Q geometry, as depicted in Fig. 4. This suggests that the spheri-
␶ ⱖ ␶max = . 共22兲
K P cal waves are more structurally stable to perturbations than
the cylindrical waves.
It is clear that there is a modulation instability period 共␶兲 for
the cylindrical and spherical wave modulation, which does
not exist in the one-dimensional case. The growth 共⌫兲 of the
modulation during the unstable period 关26兴 is

⌫ = exp 冉冕 ␶0
冊 冉
Im ⍀d␶⬘ = exp
¯ 0兩 2
f共R兲 , 冊 共23兲
To summarize, we have investigated the modulational in-
stability of the envelope ion-acoustic solitary waves in an
unmagnetized electro-positron-ion plasma for planar as well
¯ 0兩2 / 共PK2␶␯兲兴 ⱖ 1. For the cylindrical geom- as for cylindrical and spherical geometries. The critical wave
where R = 关2Q兩␾ 0 number threshold Kc, which indicates where the instability
etry, we have sets in, has been determined for various regimes. The present
冑R − 1 study shows that the existence of two-electron temperature
f共R兲 ⬅ f cyl = arctan 冑R − 1 − , 共24兲 distributions in electron-positron-ion plasmas introduces
unique features for the nonlinear wave modulation which do
while for the spherical geometry not exist in ordinary electron-positron-ion plasmas. It is

冋 冉 冊 册
found that increasing the positron concentration ␣ leads to a
冑R + 冑R − 1
冑R ln − 2冑R − 1 .
1 decrease in the critical wave number 共Kc兲 until ␣ approaches
f共R兲 ⬅ f sph =
R 冑R − 冑R − 1 certain value ␣c 共critical positron concentration兲, then further
increase in ␣ beyond ␣c increases the value of Kc. Such
behavior reflects the existence of double layers.
We note that f cyl is an increasing function in R, and f cyl Also, it is found that there is a modulation instability pe-
→ ␲ / 2 as R → ⬁. This means that during the modulation in- riod for the cylindrical and spherical wave modulation,
stability period, the total growth increase as R does for the which does not exist in the one-dimensional case. During the
cylindrical case. But, for f sph there is a maximum value unstable period, the modulation instability growth rate is al-
2冑Rc − 1
ways an increasing function of R in the cylindrical geometry,
max f sph = , 共26兲 but not in the spherical geometry. This suggests that the
Rc spherical waves are more structurally stable to perturbations
than the cylindrical waves.
where Rc is determined by

4冑Rc − 1 = 冑Rc ln 冉 冑冑 Rc + 冑Rc − 1

Rc − 冑Rc − 1
冊 . 共27兲

For spherical geometry, the modulation instability growth R.S. acknowledges the financial support from the Egyp-
rate will achieve its maximum at R = Rc and then decreases as tian Government under the Postdoctoral Research Program.

SABRY et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 056402 共2009兲


The coefficients ⌬ j 共i.e., j = 0 , 1 , . . . , 6兲 are

⌬0 = 2␣␥2␮␩␤ + ␮共␣␥2␮ − 1兲 + ␩␤2共␣␥2␩ − 1兲, 共A1兲

k2关3k2共4k2 + ␣␥ + 1兲共␤␩ + ␮兲2 + ␻2⌬0兴

⌬1 = , 共A2兲
2共␤␩ + ␮兲2␻2关共4␻2 + ␣ − 1兲k2 + 共␣␥ + 1兲␻2兴

⌬2 =
k 再
⌬0␻4 − 3k4共␣ − 1兲共␤␩ + ␮兲2
共␤␩ + ␮兲2关共4␻2 + ␣ − 1兲k2 + 共␣␥ + 1兲␻2兴
, 冎 共A3兲

⌬0␻4 − 3k4共␣ − 1兲共␤␩ + ␮兲2

⌬3 = , 共A4兲
2共␤␩ + ␮兲2␻2关共4␻2 + ␣ − 1兲k2 + 共␣␥ + 1兲␻2兴

2共␣␥ + 1兲共␤␩ + ␮兲2vgk3 + ␻关k2共␣␥ + 1兲共␤␩ + ␮兲2 + ⌬0␻2兴

⌬4 = , 共A5兲
共␤␩ + ␮兲2␻3关共␣␥ + 1兲v2g + ␣ − 1兴

␻关k2共␣␥ + 1兲共␤␩ + ␮兲2 + ⌬0␻2兴vg − 2k3共␣ − 1兲共␤␩ + ␮兲2

⌬5 = , 共A6兲
共␤␩ + ␮兲2␻3关共␣␥ + 1兲v2g + ␣ − 1兴
− 2共␣ − 1兲共␤␩ + ␮兲2vgk3 − 共␣ − 1兲共␤␩ + ␮兲2␻k2 + ⌬0␻3v2g
⌬6 = . 共A7兲
共␤␩ + ␮兲2␻3关共␣␥ + 1兲v2g + ␣ − 1兴

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