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Software Exercises

July 2006

OP Practice Exercises

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Software Exercises
July 2006

Table of Contents

1. OBJECTIVES....................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 A WORD ON OP SOFTWARE EXERCISES. ..................................................................... 3
1.2 WHERE TO FIND HELP?.............................................................................................. 3
**BEFORE YOU START** ....................................................................................................... 3

2. OP EXERCISES................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 INTRODUCTORY EXERCISES ........................................................................................ 4
1.2.1 Obejectives: To Start OP, Make a Tool-String, Edit equipment:................... 4
Make a Tool String................................................................................................. 6
1.2.2 Objective :Setting up Presentation Formats in OP: .................................... 10
1.2.3 Objective:To Edit Formats .......................................................................... 12
1.2.4 Objective : How to save your presentations: .............................................. 13
1.2.5 Objective : HEADER PRACTICE:............................................................... 14
1.2.6 Objective: Playback Practice ...................................................................... 18
1.2.7 Objective: Wellsketch Practice: .................................................................. 21
1.2.8 Objective : Repeat Analysis Practice:......................................................... 23

3. FIVE BASIC SOFTWARE EXERCISES ....................................................................... 27

EXERCISE #1 .................................................................................................................. 27
Objectives ............................................................................................................ 27
Procedure ............................................................................................................ 28
EXERCISE #2 .................................................................................................................. 39
Objectives ............................................................................................................ 39
Procedure ............................................................................................................ 39
EXERCISE #3 .................................................................................................................. 49
Objectives ............................................................................................................ 49
Procedure ............................................................................................................ 49
EXERCISE #4 .................................................................................................................. 61
Objectives ............................................................................................................ 61
Procedure ............................................................................................................ 61
EXERCISE #5 .................................................................................................................. 73
Objectives ............................................................................................................ 73
Procedure ............................................................................................................ 73

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1. Objectives
1.1 A word on OP software Exercises.
OP is the software that allows us in Wireline to control and communicate with our tools. It
also allows us to display and present the data that we receive from them. You will use this
software on a daily basis in the field and a good knowledge of it is essential for success at
the Regional Training Center (RTC).
The following is the overview of the exercises that will help you to become proficient in OP
1. Software Exercises
a. Introductory Exercise: These are the 10 basic things that you need to start using OP.
There are 10 short objectives and each objective should not take more than a few

b. Basic Exercises: These are 5 exercises that build on the Introduction. They take about
30 minutes each.

1.2 Where to find HELP?

OP Software Help File


You will need a short Main log DLIS file and a repeat section DLIS file. Ask your tutor or
an engineer to give you a short Main Log DLIS and Reapeat Section so that you can practice
playbacks. The type of file does not matter although an open-hole data set is easier to
manipulate. If the log files and intervals in your location are very large, ask your tutor to
playback a small section, a similar length and interval to the repeat section.

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2. OP Exercises
2.1 Introductory Exercises

1.2.1 Obejectives: To Start OP, Make a Tool-String, Edit equipment: To Start OP
Boot up the computer and login to NT as engineer, password csuf (lower case).

Go to commercial Maxis launcher icon and double click on it.

When the OP launcher appears click on start. Note the configuration is set to
logging. If you want to just playback then use the dropdown menu to select

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Next the System Control Panel appears, also the OP login window. Input the
following in the login window and click OK.
USER: your last name.
CLIENT: Training Center.
WELL: Test Well.

If you have to reboot or you want to login the same folders as before then
select the Load Last Selected Areas. This only applies to the LAST login.

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Make a Tool String

To Select a toolstring:
Follow exercise one.
Next go to the Task Master
Open Session Configuration
Double Click on Logging
Equipment Selection.

Next the Logging Equipment Selection menu appears.

(Just to practice)

Select the following tools:

AH-YYY (Bottom Nose).
SGT-G (Gamma-ray logging tool).
CAL-Q (Collar Locator).
AHYYY (adapter from logging tool to logging head).

Go to “PRODUCTION_LOGGING” and select MH-22 (Logging Head).

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You also have to select the type of logging module to be used. Just click on the type to be
used. In this case we will use the SMM-AA.

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Next click on Edit and then select Edit Equipment. The edit equipment menu
appears and you may edit the tools as needed.

Click on gray area where you want to make changes and then type in the
changes you want and hit ENTER. Anything in parentheses cannot be changed.

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Make the following changes:

Name CODE Serial # Length Weight

MH-22 None None None None

AH-YYY 38 None 2 IN 1 LB

EQF-43 None None Default Default

CAL-Q None 1910 None None

SGT-G None 2895 None None

AH-YYY BNS None 2.5 IN 1 LB

After making all of these changes click on Control and select exit.
Now go to File and exit out of Logging Equipment Selection.

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1.2.2 Objective :Setting up Presentation Formats in OP:

Look in the tool bar and click on the Presentation Manager Icon.

Click on Session Paste Apps. This tells the manager what logging tools are
selected, and what formats are available for your particular tool string.
Next go to Option, and select Add Formats. Then select CORRELATION and click

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1.2.3 Objective:To Edit Formats

Click on CORRELATION (this highlights the FORMAT that you want to edit).

Select All Curves.

Now you are ready to edit the curves as needed. Just click where you want to
make changes and input necessary changes and hit ENTER.
Make the following changes:
– GR – change scale from 0 – 150 to 0 – 100.
– RCCL & SP – disallow these curves (Under the allow column change yes to no).
– TENS – change scale from to 0 - 5000.
After all changes are made Control / Exit.
To see the changes on your Log Format click on View. Then select File / Close.

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1.2.4 Objective : How to save your presentations:

To save your presentations, go to File and Save As and the following window
will appear. You can rename it to what ever you want. Then click on Save.

Rename here ( XXXX.FSET)

Notice what folder it is saved in. This is the user folder that was created when
you logged into OP.

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1.2.5 Objective : HEADER PRACTICE:

Build a Header using the attached WSD sheet.

First go to Job Utilities, then double click on Header, then double click on Wsd
Control Panel.

Change Operating Group to NAM

Change Header Type to Cased Hole

Starting with Configuration Data, open each area and make appropriate
Once you have completed all areas select Make 1 Run Header. The following
window will appear.

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Make changes and then select Make Header. This will create Header DLIS and
Header PDS files in your run folder.
Once you have selected Make Header you can view or print by selecting these
buttons, or just select Close.

Header Type

Tool string can be from the focused

run folder or you can select one from

Insert well sketch from your

run folder

Depth summary if needed.

PDS output shows the folder that the

header files will go to.

You can select a different folder

by clicking on the button to the

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WITNESS Tutor Full Name
COMPANY NAME Hughes Oil & Gas, Co.
STATE Oklahoma
FIELD LOCATION 1 of the KLC Survey A-27
API NUMBER 765-780911

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FLUID DENSITY 8.3 lb/gal
CASING WEIGHT 11.62 lb/ft
BIT SIZE 7.875”

REMARKS Any necessary remarks

(The first remark is always the reference log, in this case)

Correlated to Triple Combo log dated February, 15 2005 by Schlumberger.

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1.2.6 Objective: Playback Practice

Select Open Playback DLIS

Select Job.
Next double click on Playback
Phase to open.
Select (Init).

Select the processing you want:

– Normal – Play back a previously recorded data file and allows for the alteration of
computed data by changing the associated parameters. (Depth Offset or Format
change) NORMAL does not affect calibrated data.
– OFF – Plays back previously recorded data with no changes.
– Recompute – Plays back previously recorded data files and applies the current
calibration factors and parameters to all appropriate data channels. (Gain
changes or Matrix changes, etc… )
– then, Control Exit.
NOTE: RECOMPUTE produces meaningful data only if the calibration measurements
values in the database are valid. If you have not done tool calibrations in the current
session, you must do a SESSION GET (including the calibration measurement
option) before performing RECOMPUTE.
Next select (Open Playback DLIS FILE), and select (Perform).

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Select the file you want to play back and click Open
(ask an engineer to give you a short DLIS (a small interval) file to practice on
including repeat section).
Next click on (Playback DLIS File), click on (Init).
Change parameters as needed.
(Control Exit).

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Slow down your playback speed to allow yourself time to label your curves!!!
Next : Click on Playback DLIS file again.
Then: Perform.
This will create a Play.DLIS and Play.PDS file.
NOTE: Before performing the playback DLIS file you should have a presentation built. Any
changes with presentations have to be made before playing a file back. Also you
must have the correct tool string.
Finally go to the OP_Folder, look in the run folder and you will find the
playback files.

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1.2.7 Objective: Wellsketch Practice:

1. To create a wellsketch double

click on the Well Sketch icon.

2. Next select Scaled Drawing.

Put in the Bottom Depth of the
hole (not the casing). This is
the depth to which the well was
drilled to. Select OK.

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3. Select Borehole Objects, click on Borehole and drag it to here. Edit as needed.
4. Select Casing String Objects, click on Casing and drag it to the same place, and
edit as needed.
5. At the top of the window click on Wellsketch Options, select Header Data and edit
as needed. Make sure you check Show Header. Click OK.
6. After you have completed a wellsketch with Header Information this file needs to be
saved as a PDS file. This PDS file will be part of your Header for your log. To save
this file go to File, Save as PDS, and give it a file name (i.e. WellSketch.PDS). This
file is defaulted to your WELL folder not run folder.
7. After you have completed a wellsketch with Header Information this file needs to be
saved as a PDS file. This PDS file will be part of your Header for your log. To save
this file go to File, Save as PDS, and give it a file name (i.e. Well #1.PDS). This file is
defaulted to your WELL folder not your run folder.

However this file can be saved in any folder you select.

Well Folder

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1.2.8 Objective : Repeat Analysis Practice:

8. First you must edit your presentation that you will be using. After you have edited the
presentation and everything is to specifications then click on (Options and select
Generate Repeat Format) this will give you a presentation that is identical to your log

9. Next you have to log a valid repeat section to create a Repeat Analysis.

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10. Once you have logged a repeat section you have to go back down where you started
your repeat.
Then in Log Phase select (Open Repeat File).

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11. Select the DLIS file that was generated when the Repeat Section was logged and
click on Open.

12. Once you select Open the following window appears. By answering YES this sets the
parameter Allow Repeat Analysis to Yes.

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13. If you selected No then go to Depth Log Parameter Init. Change Allow Repeat
Analysis to YES. Also you can make other changes that are needed. Control Exit

14. Now start Logging. You will notice when you start your log that two formats will be
active, one will be for the Main Pass and one for the Repeat Analysis.

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3. FIVE Basic Software exercises

Exercise #1

At the end of this practical you should be able to:
List the 6 software phases and their functions.
Open Setup phase and configure a toolstring.
Use the Parameter Initialization task and the Data Browser to update
Save the Static Data and explain the properties of the resulting file.
Use the Job Utilities tasks to power up a toolstring.
Correctly enter the Wellsite Data to produce a header and print it.
Identify the NT Explorer and explain its structure.

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Power up the MCMP and log in to Windows 2000 with user name: "engineer".
(Password: "csuf").
From the desktop locate and double click on the Launcher icon. Alternatively
click on Start Æ Programs Æ MAXIS OP Æ Launcher Commercial Maxis.
From the “Configuration” pull down window select PLAYBACK ONLY option (if
you are using an MCM Simulator) or select LOGGING (if you are using an
acquisition system) and then click START. The Maxis software will start to
When the “OP Initialize Focus” window comes up, enter the following:
– CURRENT USER: Your Name.
– CURRENT CLIENT: KBEX1 (keyboard exercise 1).
Click OK.
Look at the messages in the System Control Panel.
Once you have logged in, familiarize yourself with the Task Master. Note the
three tabs at the bottom of this window. Set-up a tool string

From the Task Master, under Session Configuration click on Logging Equipment
Selection ( LES ) to define a toolstring as per the attached header. To become
familiar with LES, use all the options available.
Start by clicking on the Open Hole Telemetry tools button and then select the toolstring from
the bottom up e.g. select DIT-E etc.
When you select the SDT-C tool, the Array sonde is chosen by default. The sonic tool can
be run in several different configurations and different sondes exist. The software must be
told which sort of sonic sonde is being used. Let us say we were going to run a WA type
sonde. To select a different sonde e.g. SLS-WA you need to Compose the tool by clicking
the right mouse button on SDT-C button (NOT on the toolstring graphic).

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Select the WA sonde instead of the Array sonde and see how the tool-sketch will update to
show the new equipment. When you have done that re-select the array sonde.
Continue selecting the tools until the string is complete, as follows:
Once the toolstring is done select the appropriate tool modules CTSM-A and STM-C in the
modules window.
Your toolstring should now look like the one below.

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Now, use the Edit/ Edit Equipment option to enter tool numbers, color codes as per the final
tool sketch shown on the last page of this exercise. This is also the place to update/change
any other tool details.

Once you have entered all the details exit the EDIT EQUIPMENT window and see that the
toolstring has now been updated.
The next thing to do is to select auxiliary equipment such as standoffs, centralizers etc.
Place two 1.5” standoffs on the DIT-E and one on the TCC-B. This is done by selecting the
standoffs from the bottom right of the LES window. A line will then appear across the tool
sketch. Move it to the place that you want the standoff to appear and then click the mouse
button. When you do this you will be asked for the size of the standoff, which you must enter
into the dialog box at the bottom of the LES window. Use 1.5”:
Once you are satisfied that the toolstring is correct you may exit the LES
window. Read any warning message that may come up and also note the
messages scrolling in the System Control Panel.
Close Session Configuration. From the desktop double click on OP_Folder to
launch the NT Explorer. Go to the Well folder by clicking on “Go to the
Focused Well Folder” button from the Explorer tool bar.
Notice that a CLIENT and WELL folder were created when you logged in, and
that under the WELL FOLDER, a RUN folder has just been added. The RUN
folder is given the name of the bottom tool in the toolstring. A file is also
created in the RUN folder when you exit LES. What is it called and what type of
file is it?

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Select this file in the Explorer and then double click on it, or right hand click
and choose Open. What happens?

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JULY 2006 Changing Parameters

Now we must update the parameters (constants) which will affect logging with
this toolstring. From the Task Master go to Setup Phase and click on
Parameter Initialization and notice the list of parameters, which you would need
to update when running these tools.
Change the Bottom Hole Temperature parameter, BHT, to 250 DegF and the
GCSE parameter to CALI. Notice how one (BHT) requires an input of a value
while the other (GCSE) has a drop down menu of fixed options.

The Parameter Initialization task prompts you for the most important parameters. However
there are a lot of other parameters, which you may need to update before or during a job.
The place to find them is the Data Browser. This window allows you to see all the database
of constants used by the software.
At the bottom of the Task Master window choose the System Utilities tab and select the Data
Browser. All the parameters are organized according to whether they are used for tools,
computations etc. Select Tool Data and the Tool data window will appear.
Select the CNTH tool and then choose Options Æ Parameters.

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In this window you will see all the parameters which the CNTH tool software uses. Note the
BHT and GCSE parameters, which you updated in Parameter Initialization. Familiarize
yourself with the Data Browser by looking up the other options. If you do not understand the
function of any of the Options, refer to the WRM or ask a tutor to explain.
There is yet one other way by which you can update or change a parameter. This is by
typing in the System Control Panel the following:
PA (name of parameter to change) (new value).
Example: PA BS 12.
This will change the parameter BS value to 12”.
Try changing the value of the GCSE parameter to BS again using the control panel. Static Save

Once you have updated all the parameters, you should do a Static Save. This
task will save a file of your system exactly as it is set up at the moment that
you perform the Save. To do a Static Save, go to Setup Phase and click on
“Save Static Data”. Trace the resulting file to the Explorer.
What does this file contain and what can it be used for? Make sure that you
understand what is happening during a Static Save.
Before closing Setup Phase have a look at the other tasks it contains and find out what they
are used for. Ask your tutor for help if you are unsure about any part of the practical until
now. Tool Power Up

This task will only work if the following conditions are met:
15. OP Launcher started with configuration as “Logging”.
16. Acquisition system used, i.e. MCM is connected to the WAFE.
ALC acquisition systems: logging trucks and shop system in TOPS room.

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Skip the task, if you are using simulator MCM and do it with the first opportunity on
the acquisition system.
Click on the Job Utilities tab at the bottom of the Task Master window and select
the Acquisition Control task.
Perform Tool Module Validation and Tool power up. Call a tutor to explain the
procedure to power up a tool correctly. REMINDER! If you are not connected
to a WAFE, you cannot power up any tools.
Correct procedure to power up tools is:
17. Perform Tool Module Validation - this checks that you have the correct module
18. Perform Tool Power Up
19. Perform the Acquisition task - this prepares the software for powering up and
communicating with the tool.
20. Once the IO monitor has appeared, you can apply power.
POWERING UP A TOOL Making a Header

To make a Header, you have to enter the Well Site Data first. This information
will be used to create the Header itself.
From Job Utilities select Header and then Wsd Control Panel.

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The Well Site Data Parameters are organized in groups such as Well, Job Data, Mud Data
etc. Fill in the WSD according to the Header attached.
When you are done select Make 1 Run Header. From the “Header Dialog” window, which
automatically comes up, choose esf-oh template from the pull down menu next to “Header”.
You will be asked to declare three files to make a header. You need a DLIS data file, which
is usually the one that has just been written automatically when you entered the WSD. You
need a tool sketch, which you have just made when you exited LES and you also need a
wellsketch file, which will be included in the header. The WSD is taken from the DLIS file,
which means that you can make a header at any time. The default DLIS and ToolString.PDS
files are taken from your run folder. The default Sketch.PDS is taken from your well folder.
Wellsketch file can be generated using Well Sketch application (find shortcut on the
desktop). If you are not happy with these choices, you can manually choose a file by clicking
on the …. box.
Select the files that you want to use and Make the header. Notice that you have
to make the header before you can view it.
When you make the header, look at the System Control Panel window and see
that a file has been created. Notice that a DLIS file will now be written to the run
area in the Explorer. Trace this file in the Explorer and note down its name.
In the Explorer check all of the files created and view the header from there.
When you are satisfied that they are correct, you may print them from the
As a final review, identify all the files that you have written during this practical. Notice that
quite a few files have been produced and you have not even started logging!!
Now go back to your initial objectives and make sure that you can meet them. If there is
any part of the practical, which was not clear, you should ask the tutor for some assistance.
It is extremely important that you understand the way files are written and that you
keep track of them during a job. Data files are Schlumberger’s Primary product.

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Exercise #2

At the end of this practical you will be able to:
Start and personalise an OP configuration.
Explain the difference between a GET and a SESSION GET.
Locate, rename, copy and delete files using the Explorer.
Build a presentation using the PRESENTATION MANAGER.


OP Launcher
After powering-up the MCM and having logged in, as in the previous exercise, open the OP

Choose playback only configuration if you do not have a WAFE connected to

your MCM. If you do have a WAFE, choose Logging. Don’t worry about script
files. These are files with commands, mainly used for software testing.
Start OP.

Get & Session Get

Define the user, client and well names at the OP Initialise Focus window. These are used to
set up the respective folders in the Explorer.
What does the Load Last Values option do?
Enter the correct well, client etc. as you did during Exercise 1.
When you exit this window look closely a t the System Control Panel messages
and understand what is happening.

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We would like to recover the toolstring and parameters declared during

Software Practical 1, from a DLIS file that was written during that practical. To
recover the whole session you should do a Session Get.
To do this, go to Session configurationÆSession Get.
From the selection window that appears, you can click on “Go to the Focused
Run Folder” from the tool bar if the file you want was placed there.
Watch the messages in the System Control Panel and follow the sequence of
events during a session get.
When the session get is finished check that the toolstring is correct by clicking
on the toolstring in the System Control Panel and looking at the PDS file. When
you perform Session Get you bring the system back up to the exact state it was when
you performed the static save. So you recover the toolstring, the parameters, the
WSD, the tool numbers etc.
Perform Parameter Initialisation again and see that the parameters are correct.
Remember that you had changed two of them during the previous exercise.
Go to the WSD Control Panel and you should see the parameters that you had
entered before. Now change a few (as many as you like) of these entries and
type XXXX in the fields.

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Perform a Static Save and make a note of the file name or number. Go to the
Explorer, locate the file, right click on it and select Quick Comment.
Enter a comment, which makes identification of this file easier later on. Enter
this Comment for the file you have just saved - XXXX in WSD.
To recover the correct WSD from the original DLIS file, you can do a GET: This is very
similar to a Session Get but it allows you to recover particular items from a DLIS file. For
example, you can recover just the WSD or just the parameters.
From Setup Phase perform a GET. Select the file which contained correct WSD.
Click OK and the Static Data Window will appear.

Use the EDIT/DE-SELECT ALL option to choose only the WSD and exit the
The next window allows you to choose parameters or calibration data for a
particular tool. As Well Site Data is not connected to any particular tool you
can ignore this window.

When you exit this window the software will recover the WSD from the file you
To check the result of the GET, go to the WSD Control Panel and see that the
entries, which were replaced by XXX, have now got the original data once
again. Use the Comparison List to see the change.
To summarise: the Session Get task recovers a complete session (toolstring, parameters,
calibrations, WSD) while a GET is used to selectively recover any of these sets of variables.
Make sure you understand the fundamental difference between these two tasks. When in

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doubt, ask your tutor to explain.

You are now ready to power up tools, but first you need to define how your log curves are to
be presented.

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Presentation Manager
Open the Presentation Manager and generate a format to produce PDS files as per the
example below. Setting up formats does not actually create the picture files. It defines how
the picture files will look when they are created during the actual logging.
First click on Session Paste Applications to load the formats relevant to your
current toolstring.

Click on Options Æ Add Formats to select an empty 3-track format. You can
view it from the Presentation manager.

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Before we start adding curves to our format we should first define the vertical scale of the log
and also the grid patterns.
Set the vertical scale to 1/200 English Units. This means that every 200 ft in the
well will be represented as 1 foot of log, i.e. a scale of 1:200.

The next step is to define the grid. Look at the format provided at the end of
this exercise, and notice that the Resistivity curves are presented on a
LOGARITHMIC grid. Why would we do that?

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Set up the grid to be logarithmic across TRACK 2. The grid in track 2 should
contain four decades. Make sure that you understand how to create and read a
logarithmic grid and curve. Make the grids in Tracks 1 and 3 linear.
Once you have set the grid and vertical scale you may start adding curves to the format.
Select the curves that you want displayed by using the Add Features option.
You must remember to click on the format name first to select it.
When you exit the Add Features window, View the format.
Are the selected curves in the place that you want them to be? Do they have
the correct colour and coding? If not use the Edit Curves or All Curves options
to put the curves in the correct track. Use the required scale change, colours
Now every time you start a log or a playback, a pds file (picture file) with the format you have
just specified will be created.
When you generate this PDS file it will be sent to the Current_Run folder by default. As a
result, your run folder will contain DLIS and PDS files, making it very disorganised. A more
efficient system is to set up a Print folder where your PDS files will go.
Click on Graphics Destinations and note the default destination. Now exit the
window and go to Options Æ Format Destinations.

Add a new folder called GR. Then select it as the destination for the format you
have created.
When you are satisfied that your presentation is correct you should save it for
future use.

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Use File Æ Portable Save to specify the name and destination of the file. Call it
KBEX2. Where is the file saved? Can you send it somewhere else? What sort
of file is it? Go back to the Explorer and find the file you have just saved.
Remember that if you change anything in the format after saving it you need to
Save again.
Remember to save your work, this file will be used with the next exercise.
Now go through the other Options and features of the Presentation Manager and try to see
what they do. Ask the tutor to explain any feature that you do not understand.
Modify format "Empty3TrackLog" as per example below:

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Exercise #3

At the end of this practical you will be able to:
Follow the normal sequence of setting up your software for a playback.
Playback a DLIS log data file.
Produce a complete print.
Produce a Client tape containing one data file.
Compose a print and Backup your data folder.


Setting up your software

Start OP, configuration “Playback Only”.
Login as User : Your Name
Client : KBEX1
Well : Practicals
Perform a SESSION GET of the DLIS file you got from exercise 1.2.6 (playback
practice -Page 19)
By doing the Session Get you have retrieved the toolstring, parameters,
calibrations, WSD etc. from the DLIS file.
Now using the Presentation Manager restore the formats that you generated
during Practical exercise 2. To do this, from the presentation manager click on
File Æ Portable Restore… Make sure that you have a print folder set up.
Using the GET command this time, recover the WSD from the file created in the
Software 2 exercise. When it is done, check that the WSD has been recovered
by using the WSD Control Panel.
We have done these steps, because the DLIS file which contains the toolstring,
parameters and calibrations that we need, does not contain the correct WSD so
we can GET the WSD to save us from typing it in all over again.
From the task master open Before Calibration Phase and perform the CSL
Presentation Inquiry. During a job you would first perform the calibrations
before producing the results summary. In this case, the DLIS file that you just
recovered were saved after the engineer did the calibrations. All the calibration
data is therefore contained in the Static Data that you have recovered. This
task allows you to set up the display of the calibration results in the picture file
that you will produce.

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In this case we want to present all the calibrations and we also want to draw
the coloured boxes which make it easy to spot any values which are out of
What is the MSL? Generate a Calibration Summary listing without an MSL. The generate
one with an MSL. Compare the two and note the differences.
Now do a Tolerances Check. This is an automatic check of the calibration
results. However it does not mean that you should not check the values
yourself too!! Can you see any problems with the calibration? What are they?
If you are satisfied with the results Perform the CSL File Generation Task to
produce the PDS file. Once done look for the file in the OP Folder or OP-

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Explorer (it should be in the Run Folder) and VIEW it to make sure that it is
complete and correct.

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Now we can proceed to Play Back the data in the .DLIS file. Playing back is simply a way of
putting the data back through the acquisition system, to make new products such as prints,
tapes or even to recompute new outputs from the raw data.

Before you play back the data you should check the settings in the software. This is because
the new products that you will produce, such as tapes and prints will contain the current
parameters, WSD, calibrations etc. So if, for example, you change the Well name in the
WSD to XYZ, the new file will have XYZ as the Well name. Obviously we want the new file
to have the correct WSD so now is the time to check it.
Also, if any of the parameters are incorrect and the data is recomputed then the new outputs
will also be incorrect!!
So check your WSD, Parameters, Data Browser etc.
When you do a play back, a new DLIS file with the logging data is generated. This is called
the DEFAULT DLIS file. This file contains all the logging data channels from the original file
that you will play back, plus of course the Static Data in the computer RAM memory at the
time of playback.
You also need to produce a DLIS file for the client. This is very similar to the default DLIS
but it has less data channels. These channels are proprietary and Schlumberger does not
give them to the client. They include data such as some tool voltages, LQC outputs etc.
Another feature of the client DLIS file is that it should usually be given to the client on a DAT
tape, as the files are too large to fit on floppy disks.
To do this, you need to open a STORAGE SET.

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Insert a DAT into the drive. Use the DLIS Output Manager / Options / Open
Storage Set to DAT. Choose the DAT drive as the destination. It will be called
something like \\.\ Tape0. Call the Storage set CUST so that you can easily see
that it is a Customer tape.
Note that the storage set can be written to the Hard disk instead of a DAT tape
at this stage. In such a case you will later need copy the created DLIS files to a
DAT tape using the DLIS COMPOSE task in Job Utilities.
Make sure that you select CUST from the PRODUCT option.
This will automatically stop certain Proprietary channels from going to the
tape. This is important because some of our data is confidential and should
not be given to the client.

Proceed now to PLAYBACK PHASE and Initialise/Open Playback DLIS File. To

do this, right click on Open Playback DLIS File task and choose Initialise.

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The window displays the different Processing modes for Playback. They refer
to the amount of re-computation that will be done to the signal channels in the
original DLIS file. For example OFF will just use the DATA CHANNELS such as
GR to create new pds files. If you chose Recompute, the software would take
the GR signal and recompute it using the calibration data.
Once you have done that, you may use the Normal mode for this exercise.
Perform the Open playback File task and select the DLIS file you want to

Initialise/Playback DLIS file. To do this, right click on Playback DLIS File task
and choose Initialise. The Initialise task gives you another chance to check the
important parameters for the Playback. Enter a Depth Offset of 10 feet. This
will shift the log down by 10 feet.

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Now you are ready to Play the log back. Perform the task and watch carefully
as the data is run through the system again and your new products are
Look carefully in the System Control Panel and check that your files are being
written. Notice that you can see where the new files are going.
Make sure that you see the Default DLIS, the Customer DLIS to tape and any
PDS file that you may have set up in the Presentation Manager.
It is important that you UNDERSTAND what files are being produced and where they are
going. Good File Management is one of the most important factors for efficient logging jobs.
Now that the tape has the customer file on it, you may CLOSE the Storage set
from the DLIS Output Manager (Options -----> Close Storage Set). Your new
DLIS files will have the WSD data, calibrations and parameters, which were on
the system the moment you played back the file.
Unload and label the tape. Now if you were going to give this product to a
client it would be a good idea to check that the tape is readable, that the file
contains the correct outputs, that the WSD on the file is correct etc. etc.
From JOB UTILITIES/ DLIS UTILITIES, choose Verification Listings.

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Verification Listing is a task that runs through file/files checks for errors and
reports on what the file contains. It is an excellent way of checking your data
Use Input Select to choose the \\.\Tape0, select the FULL listing and perform
the listing. Read the messages in the Control panel and notice that a PDS file
is generated.

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When the task in done, find the Tape0.PDS file (it will be in your RUN folder)
and print it out. This is a VERIFICATION LISTING. Run through it and
understand what you are looking at. Ask a tutor to explain anything that is not
clear to you.
From now on, you will have to produce a VL every time you make a Customer tape.

Producing a Print
Make a header and locate the files you have created. Make sure your Header
PDS files are copied to your print folder.
Then locate the file called Separator.PDS and copy it to your print folder. To
locate this file, you can use the Find Files task from Windows Explorer Æ View
Æ Find Æ Files Æ Separator.PDS). Duplicate this PDS file by copying it into
the same folder again. Now edit one of them to say MAIN LOG and rename this
file to Mainlog_sep.pds. Edit the other to read Calibrations and rename it to
Now in your print folder you should have all the pds files to Compose your final
print. Composing will create one big file containing all these pds files in the
order that you decide.
Now open Combine Print window (locate shortcut on the desktop), and click on
Add Files… This will open the Select file(s) to Print window.
Select your files and click on add to list. Once your selection is complete, click

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Now start ordering the pds files as you want them to appear in the final print as
shown (from Top to Bottom):
Check out the functions of move up, move down and flip list etc. What does each one do?
When you have the correct sequence of files just click on Write to file from
Output Control, name your file as PRINT1, save it and finally exit from Combine
Printable files. What happens?
What happens to the individual PDS files?
Where is the combined file?
Are there any other files in the Print folder?
View the combined file on the screen. After checking, print it. If there was
something wrong with the combined print, for example a pds file in the wrong
place, how could you fix it?

Backing up (Export) your folder

Backing up is a way of saving all your files onto a tape.
First you will back up the data. Or export your data from the disk to the tape.
Place a DAT in the drive and use OP-Import-Export window (find shortcut on the
desktop) to backup the Well Folder which has all your files. Notice that if you
wanted to you could filter out or select particular kinds of files e.g. just pds or
just dlis or txt.
Together with your WELL folder you should also back up your USER folder.
You can back it up onto the same tape by using the APPEND option.
Once ready use the LIST option to check the contents of the tape.

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All products should be handed in to the tutors. Anything that you have not understood
should be repeated now. It’s up to you to make sure that you can do all the tasks covered
during the practical.

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Exercise #4

At the end of this practical you will be able to:
Edit Presentations by changing grids, scales colours etc.
Set up crossplots.
Perform a Repeat Analysis and produce regression plots.
Playback with a depth offset and recompute logs.
Produce a Cable Speed Histogram.
Produce a Job Event Table.


Toolstring Configuration
You will use LES to configure toolstrings, add serial numbers and modify toolstrings for your
particular situation.
Open the Launcher.
Start OP. Configuration “Playback Only” is fine.
Log in as usual. Well is Practical4.
Perform a Session Get of the DLIS file as before. What does Session get
recover? What does it NOT recover?

Editing Presentations
The default presentations available in the Presentation Manager are a useful tool but they
often need some modifications to make them suitable for your particular job.
In the Presentation Manager add the formats DENS, NGT_Ratios and LDT_LQC.
You may need to Session Paste Applications first.
View the DENS format.

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Edit the curve colours to produce a better format. Remove the DALP, DHPI,
NRHO, PHND, MP2, MP3 and GR curves. Move the TENS curve to the depth
Work through the options for that format such as destinations, unit systems
etc. Change the depth scale to D200_English. Then change the LDT_LQC
format to a 1/500 scale.
Look at the options for Parameter inserts. What do they do? How do you
direct the parameter inserts pds file to a particular folder.
Create two new print folders, one for LDT prints and one for NGT prints. Direct
all your PDS files to the correct folder. How did you do this?
Now go to the grid entry and turn the index lines off for track T3. View the
format again to see the result. Turn the index lines on again.
Change Track T2 to a logarithmic scale. What happens to the division field?
What is the significance of the decades and starting digit fields (see WRM)?
These are critical for setting up a logarithmic format.
Go to the Edit curves window and notice that even if Track2 has been made
logarithmic, the curves in that track are still linear. It is critical then that the
curves are set to logarithmic or you will plot linear curves on a logarithmic scale.
(Change Track T2 back to linear scale).
Add a CALI curve to the NGT format in track 1.
Then edit that curve to set a scale of 4 to 14 inches.
Add the curve BS ( bit size) also on a scale of 4 to 14 inches.

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View the format and then edit the colours (everything is black by default and
that makes it difficult to differentiate between curves.).
Now you will add a shaded area between BS and CALI.

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From Add Features, add a Spare Area

Then from Logs /Areas edit the spare area to fill the space between BS and
CALI. Use a light colour as the foreground and SAND as a pattern. Call this
area WASHOUT. Why is it useful?
View the format and correct any mistakes.
In this same format Allow the ICV and IHV pips. What are these pips and how
do you set them up?

Making Crossplots
Crossplots are basically charts of two outputs plotted against each other. They are useful for
interpretation and also LQC.
Add the crossplot format of RHOB Vs PEF to your formats.
Edit the axes for RHOB to 1.5 - 3 g/c3

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What are the Cut-off and Z-axis variables? How do they affect the plot?
View the crossplot and make any further changes.
Add a new crossplot of CALI vs RHOB. If it is not available by default build it
up from scratch by selecting the freeform plot and then changing the axes,
curves etc.

Once it is done rename the xplot to Cali_Rhob in the Presentation Manager.

You should now have 3 formats and two crossplots in the Presentation
It would be a good idea to save your work now, just in case!
From File Æ Portable Save, call the file GROUPX.FS.

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Where is the file saved by default?

Can you send it to another folder, for example to your Run folder?
What happens if you try to Save it again?
Now delete the DENS format and then restore the formats you just saved.
Play back the DLIS file to see the plots produced.

Repeat Analysis
Repeat analysis is just a way of presenting data from two separate logging files over the
same interval for example a Main Log and Repeat Section. Obviously the data should be the
same, so it is convenient to present the curves from both passes on the same format. The
curves should overlay. It is a very useful way of checking repeatability.
First we must generate a Repeat Format.
In the Presentation Manager select the DENS format and then Options Æ
Generate Repeat Format.

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View this new format. Notice that the curves are labelled as repeat outputs.
These are the ones that have been added to the DENS format. The original
curves are also there but the insert is not shown (otherwise there would be too
many curves on the insert).

Making the Repeat Analysis

To perform the Repeat Analysis you will simply memorise one of the passes and then play
back the other one. The Repeat Analysis formats will be generated ONLY over the
overlapping interval. You can do this real time i.e. instead of playing back you could be
It makes no difference which file is memorised and which is logged or played back. In this
case we will memorise the shorter repeat section and play back the main log.
In Playback phase OPEN REPEAT FILE. This simply loads the selected file into
Select the Repeat Section file (received on Page 19)
When you click OK, this file is memorised.
Next perform the OPEN PLAYBACK DLIS FILE task. Select the main DLIS
file(Page 19).
Perform Playback DLIS file and look at the parameters. One of them is Allow
Repeat Analysis. Set this one to YES.

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Change any other parameters that you think should be changed and exit this
Note that you can also Depth Offset the repeat analysis file. This is useful in
cases where the repeat file is off depth. You can avoid a separate playback
just for putting the Repeat section on depth. Remember that if there is a depth
difference between the two files, it will look as though the data is not repeating!
Perform the Playback and PDS files should be generated. Which directories
have they been sent to?
What other file/files have been created by the playback?
Now try to do the Repeat analysis again, this time putting depth offset on the repeat file of
three feet. Look at the resulting products. Can you see the difference?

Cable histogram
The cable Speed Histogram is a simple plot of CABLE SPEED vs TIME for the
duration of the LOG. It is useful to check whether the log has been recorded at
the correct speed. To create a Cable Speed Histogram you have to allow the
corresponding computation from Session Configuration Æ Computation
Selection. Then every time you LOG or PLAYBACK, a PDS file will be created.

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Playback the main DLIS file and observe the histogram produced.
It will be sent to the RUN folder.

JET files
The JET is a text report of the sequence of events followed during a logging job. For
example you can enter events like Time Circulation stopped, Time that you rigged up, Time
that you ran in hole etc. The software will automatically add events like Depth logging and

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Open Job utility Æ job event summary window and add events. Playback a file, annotate the
events and create a Summary report.
A new JET file is created, every time OP is started. You can restore several JET tables to
create a final job summary report.

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Playing back on recompute

When you Recompute a log file, the raw data in the log is totally re-processed to create new
outputs. This is useful when, for example, a log has been processed during real time with
incorrect parameters. It can also be used to reprocess logs acquired with incorrect
In this exercise we will manually change calibration results and recompute a log. Then we
can compare the different outputs. Change the caliper calibration data by entering the Data
Browser and changing the caliper Gain to 3. If you set the playback mode to Recompute
then the software will recompute outputs such as CALI from the original inputs (signals).
Therefore in this case, the Caliper output will be recomputed using a GAIN of 3.
Playback the file on Recompute.
Compare the log played back previously to the one just produced, to see if the
CALIPER data has changed.
Refer to the WRM to see exactly what the playback options affect.

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Exercise #5

At the end of this practical you will be able to:
Make multiple back-ups and restore selectively.
Use the DLIS Output Manager to write storage sets with selected Data
Verify a Customer tape.
Compose, merge and splice DLIS files.
Convert DLIS file to an ASCII file on floppy.
Convert a DLIS file to a LIS file.


Selective back-up and restore

Start OP (Playback Only configuration) and back-up all the PDS files from any
Well folder, using OP Import-Export utility and the file filter option.

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Append a second TAR backup to the tape, containing all the files of your USER
folder. Note the save set name down and make a listing of the tape contents by
using the List option.
Now we will try and restore a single file from the backup you have just made.
Delete one of the PDS files in your USER folder on disk and restore just this file
back from the tape, by specifying its path in the Import window.

From the Explorer look in your USER folder to see if you succeeded. When
would such a restore be useful?
When backing-up data, be sure not to mix DLIS composed and TAR backup files. You will
not be able to retrieve both.

DLIS output manager - making a client tape

We would like to produce a client tape now, which contains the Main log and
the Repeat section of a logging run.
To do this, we must play back the required files to produce Customer files.
Session Get the Main DLIS file (from Page-19).
As all data files given to the client must contain the complete WSD, you must
first update the WSD before playing back.

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Once the WSD is updated we must open the storage set to produce the
customer files.

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Open the DLIS OUTPUT MANAGER by clicking on its icon.

There is one Storage set called Default, already open. This is the data file that
will be produced every time we log or play back. The resulting DLIS file will
contain all the data channels. We are going to Open another Storage Set which
will produce DLIS files containing only selected data channels.
Place DAT tape in the drive and click on Options/ Open Storage Set.

Open a new Storage set called CUST. Destination should be the DAT tape and
Product channel selection set to CUSTOMER.
Control Exit, out of this window and look at the DLIS Control Window once
We now have two storage sets set up. If you want to see the difference between the two
sets, highlight any one of the storage sets and then select Options Æ Select Data Channels.
You will now see the list of channels which will be written into the Dlis file. Do the same with
the other storage set and notice the differences.
We are now ready to produce the Customer tape. Play back the Main DLIS file.
Look at the System Control Panel and notice that two Dlis files are produced
when you perform the playback.

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The tape must be closed properly before being removed from the drive. From
the DLIS Output Control window click on the CUST storage set, and then select
Options Æ Close Storage Set. The tape will be ejected automatically.

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Verification Listings
Before we submit the tape to a client we need to ensure that it is readable, that the WSD
matches the print and that it contains the correct files, channels and intervals.
We will use the Verification Listing Utility to do this. Open the JOB UTILITIES window.
Select the DLIS Utilities option and display the window.

Insert the tape in the DAT drive, click on the Input select in the above window
and select the DAT drive.
Change the Parameters option to FULL and the Channels option to FULL.

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To perform the Verification click on Actions Æ Create Listing.

The tape will be scanned and a Tape0.PDS file will be written into your Run
Locate this file in the OP-Folder and print it out to a TGRP from the log print
Take it to your tutor for discussion.

DLIS utilities Compose, Merge and Splice


The Compose utility combines DLIS files into one DLIS-Disk file. It can also be used to copy
DLIS files to DAT. Remember that the Windows copy command does not work for tape
Compose the Main.Dlis files to a DAT and make a verification listing.
It is also possible to send Customer files to disk (instead of directly to the DAT as you did in
the previous exercise) and then Compose them onto one tape at the end.

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The Splice function is used to join to data files together. For example, if you logged a section
between 1000’ and 500’ and then another between 600’ and 200’ you could join these two
files up into one file by spicing at 500’.
From your Intensive-1 data, splice the bottom 40-ft of the Repeat section to the Main log.
The bottom section should be entered first into the Splice. Note that if you specify
overlapping depths, the end depth of the first file will be used.


The merge utility allows you to combine data from different files into one file. For example
you can combine the two runs made during Intensive 1 into one file. This can be useful if
you wanted to produce PDS files with formats containing curves from separate runs. You
could also use the merged file as an input to an interpretation program.
Merged and Spliced files should not be used to produce CLIENT tapes.
Playback Merge or Splice files to generate new DLIS files for the CLIENT.
LIS is the data format that preceded DLIS. The files of the old acquisition system (CSU)
were written in LIS format and even today this format is still used. For this reason clients will
sometimes require data files in LIS format. The conversion from DLIS to LIS can be done
from the MCM.
We will convert the Main DLIS file to LIS. Usually of course, we would convert the Customer
files to LIS.
We will use the DLIS to LIS utility, which is located at:
• Start Æ Programs Æ Maxis OPÆ Utilities Æ DLIS to LIS converter.
Select the DLIS file to be converted in LIS, and then select the destination
folder for the LIS file. ngs.

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Perform a Verification listing of this tape to check the file you have just written.

ASCII data is basically data in numerical format. This can be used as an input to several
interpretation programs. It is also handy, as the file sizes are very small.
The DLIS to ASCII conversion is done in a separate program: Dlis to ASCII editor.
Run the Dlis to ASCII converter.

If there are things that need clarification

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