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Address : Jl. Kudus-Jepara KM.3 Prambatan Lor, Kaliwungu, Kudus 59361 Telp (0291)
441992, Fax (0291) 4248191, E-mail :
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Vocational High Schools (SMK) are educational institutions aimed at producing graduates
competent to work in line with their expertise. The absorption of graduates into the
workforce is one of the challenges faced by SMK and educational stakeholders.
Strengthening technical (hard skills) and non-technical skills (soft skills) is key to
increasing the employability of SMK graduates. Direct learning in the workplace is a
necessity for SMK students to sharpen their competencies and strengthen work culture.
Therefore, building collaboration between SMK and the workforce is crucial.
The government supports the involvement of the business world in education through
Government Regulation Number 45 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Government
Regulation Number 94 of 2010 regarding the Calculation of Taxable Income and
Settlement of Annual Income Tax. The regulation provides tax reductions of up to 200%
of the amount spent on work practice, internships, and/or learning activities for
developing competency-based individuals. This government regulation serves as the
basis for the Ministry of Finance Regulation Number 128/PMK.010/2019 regarding Gross
Income Deduction for Organizing Work Practice, Internships, and/or Learning Activities
for the Development and Enhancement of Competency-Based Human Resources. The tax
deduction technical details are outlined in the super tax deduction pocketbook for
vocational partners.

Based on Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation Number 50 of 2020 concerning

Practical Internships for Students, Practical Internship (PKL) is a learning activity for SMK
(Vocational High School) students conducted through practical work in the workplace for
a specific duration according to the curriculum and job requirements. Furthermore, in
the Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation Number 262/M/2022 concerning
Amendments to Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation Number 56/M/2022
regarding Guidelines for Implementing the Curriculum in the Context of Learning
Recovery, referred to as the Free Curriculum, it is stipulated that PKL is one of the
subjects for learning in the workplace (including the teaching factory). In the Free
Curriculum, PKL is a subject that must be taken by all SMK students, with a minimum of 6
months (792 teaching hours) in grade XII for the 3-year SMK program and a minimum of
10 months (1,368 teaching hours) in grade XIII for the 4-year SMK program. PKL subjects
are conducted in educational institutions and the workplace.
In accordance with the Ministry of Education and Culture regulation,
SMK/MAK, along with their industry partners, are obligated to develop a learning plan
that includes Learning Objectives (LO), Learning Objective Flow (LOF), and Lesson
Planning according to Learning Outcomes (LO) based on the Decision of the Head of the
Board of Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment of the Ministry of Education and
Culture Number 033/H/KR/2022. The LO emphasizes that PKL is the final alignment or
culmination of all subjects in the SMK level. PKL learning is organized based on business
processes and follows the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) applicable in the
As a subject, the implementation of PKL refers to the Guidelines for Learning and
Assessment of the Free Curriculum. For PKL learning that is predominantly conducted in
the workplace, a specific PKL guide should be developed, referring to Ministry of
Education and Culture Regulation Number 50 of 2020 to guide schools and other
involved parties in its implementation

This PKL subject guide aims to provide guidelines for PKL organizers in conducting PKL
that nurtures character and work culture, enhances competencies, and prepares students
for independence.

The objectives of the PKL subject include:

a. internalizing soft skills in the workplace;
b. applying mastered hard skills to actual work in accordance with Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs);
c. enhancing and developing hard skills in specific fields according to the curriculum
and the needs of the workforce; and
d. preparing students for entrepreneurship.

Benefits of Vocational High School (SMK/MAK) Internships:

• Benefits for Students:

a. Enhancement of acquired vocational competencies from school.
b. Broadening of insights into the working world, particularly through direct work
experience to instill a positive work environment focused on caring for the quality
of processes and outcomes.
c. Improved competencies and the instillation of a strong work ethic aligned with the
work culture in the business/industry world.
d. Strengthening of productive abilities in line with the specific field of study.
e. Development of skills in line with evolving work trends with guidance from industry
mentors, contributing to the workforce.
f. Reinforcement of a character-driven personality aligned with values nurtured in
the industrial culture.
g. Development of self-directed learning and entrepreneurial abilities for interns,
enhancing their professional skills as preparation for improving their standard of
living and continuous self-development.
h. Growth of skills through improved self-confidence, which will drive them to
enhance their professional skills to a higher level.

• Benefits for Schools:

a. Establishment of mutually beneficial collaboration between schools and the
working world.
b. Improved quality of graduates through direct work experience during internships.
c. Enhanced relevance and effectiveness of school programs through synchronized
planning, implementation, teaching methods, teaching factories, and the
development of practice facilities based on observations during internships.
d. Realization of a planned and implementable character education program,
particularly focusing on character values rooted in the industrial culture.

• Benefits for the Workplace Hosting the Internship:

a. Receipt of positive and constructive feedback from vocational high schools for the
development of the working world.
b. Introduction of the internship participants' quality to the working world, allowing
them to acquire high-quality potential employees according to their needs.
c. Enhancement of a positive image of the working world by contributing to the
educational sector.
d. Increased recognition of the workplace hosting the internship by the public,
especially the school community, serving as a platform for product promotion.
e. Opportunity for the workplace hosting the internship to develop products/services
according to needs while training the soft and hard skills of student interns.
f. Opportunity for the workplace to avail incentives such as Super Tax Deduction.

The Writer did his practical internship from the first of July, two thousand and twenty
three until the thirtieth of September, two thousand and twenty three.

The Writer did his internship at PIXEL INKJET SOLUTION KUDUS wich is on Jl. Sunan
Muria 28, Glantengan, Kota Kudus, Kudus Regency, Central Java 59313S.


The Writer’s reason for choosing this place is because it is close to the Writer’s house
and it’s location is strategic.

The Writer’s internship schedule is divided into shifts,
the first shift is 9.00 AM - 2.00 PM with a break time of 12.00 PM - 12.40 PM and the
second shift is 2.00 PM – 7.00 PM with a break time of 5.40 PM - 6.20 PM

Shift departure times are different, depending on the industry employee who determines.

No. Date Activity Problem Solution Time

1. July 1, 2023 Orientation Students are not familiar with the Students are introduced to employees, 3 hours
industrial ecosystem and jobdesk industrial facilities, job desks, industrial
goods such as software and hardware.

2. July 3, 2023 Material Students do not understand what they Students are told their job desks such 2 hours
explanation and are going to do as picketing, installing windows,
practice installing software / applications, and
refilling cartridges.
3. July 4, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
software/applications and update

4. July 5, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
software/applications and update

5. July 6, 2023 Laptop service Keyboard is not working Replace the laptop keyboard with a 30 minutes
new one

6. July 7, 2023 Instalation Customer purchases a new laptop Assist customers in installing new 1 hour 30
laptops, creating office accounts, and min
installing software/applications.
7. July 8, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
software/applications and update

8. July 10, 2023 Laptop service Weak HDD causes laptop performance Upgrade HDD to SSD, Reinstall 2 hour 15
to slow down windows, Install software/application min
and update drivers

9. July 11, 2023 Instalation Customer purchases a new PC Assemble PC components, Install 3 hours
windows, Install software/application

10. July 12, 2023 Material Students are not familiar with the Students are told the parts of the 1 hour 40
explanation and components of the printer printer, disassemble it and then min
practice assemble it.

11. July 13, 2023 Printer The printer does not pull paper Checking the roller and replacing it 20 minutes

12. July 14, 2023 PC troubleshooting PC is able to turn on briefly and then Replacing the PSU and SSD, Reinstall 2 hour 30
turn itself off windows, install software/applications min
and update drivers

13. July 15, 2023 PC troubleshooting PC turns on but does not display on Replacing RAM and VGA cable 6 minutes
the monitor

14. July 17, 2023 Laptop service The printer printout is not clear, Cleaning the printer 10 minutes
15. July 18, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
software/applications and update

16. July 19, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
software/applications and update

17. July 20, 2023 Laptop service Keyboard is not working Replace the laptop keyboard with a 30 minutes
new one

18. July 21, 2023 Printer The printer does not pull paper Checking the roller and replacing it 20 minutes

19. July 22, 2023 Instalation Customer bought a new SSD and Install SSD, Reinstall windows, Install 2 hours
needs help with installation software/application and update

20. July 24, 2023 Laptop service Keyboard is not working Replace the laptop keyboard with a 20 minutes
new one

21. July 25, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance, battery Install SSD, Reinstall windows, Install 2 hour 30
failure resulted in a drastic drop software/application and update min

22. July 26, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
software/applications and update
23. July 27, 2023 Instalation Customer purchases a new laptop Assist customers in installing new 2 hours
laptops, creating office accounts, and
installing software/applications.

24. July 28, 2023 Printer The printer does not pull paper Checked the rollers and sensors, .-.
troubleshooting replaced the sensors as they were

25. July 29, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
software/applications and update

26. July 31, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance Install SSD, Reinstall windows, Install 2 hours
software/application and update

27. August 1, 2023 Instalation Customer purchases a new laptop Assist customers in installing new 2 hours
laptops, creating office accounts, and
installing software/applications.

28. August 3, 2023 Printer The printer does not dispense ink Refill cartridge, cleaning the printer .-.

29. August 4, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
software/applications and update

30. August 5, 2023 Instalation Customer purchases a new laptop Assist customers in installing new 2 hours
laptops, creating office accounts, and
installing software/applications.
31. August 7, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
software/applications and update

32. August 8, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
software/applications and update

33. August 9, 2023 Printer The printer does not dispense ink Refill cartridge, cleaning the printter 15 minutes

34. August 10, 2023 Instalation Customer purchases a new laptop Assist customers in installing new 2 hours
laptops, creating office accounts, and
installing software/applications.

35. August 11, 2023 Instalation Customer purchases a new PC Assemble PC components, Install 3 hour 20
windows, Install software/application min

36. August 12, 2023 Laptop service Keyboard is not working Replace the laptop keyboard with a 20 minutes
new one

37. August 14, 2023 Instalation Customer purchases a new laptop Assist customers in installing new 2 hours
laptops, creating office accounts, and
installing software/applications.

38. August 15, 2023 PC troubleshooting PC completely shut down Replace PSU, Motherboard, RAM, 2 hour 40
Reinstall windows, install min
software/applications and update
39. August 16, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
software/applications and update

40. August 18, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
software/applications and update

41. August 19, 2023 Printer The printer does not dispense ink Refill cartridge, cleaning the printer 20 min

42. August 30, 2023 Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
software/applications and update

43. August 31, 2023 Instalation Customer purchases a new laptop Assist customers in installing new 2 hours
laptops, creating office accounts, and
installing software/applications.

44. September 1, Instalation Customer purchases a new PC Assemble PC components, Install 3 hours
2023 windows, Install software/application

45. September 2, Instalation Customer purchases a new laptop Assist customers in installing new 2 hours
2023 laptops, creating office accounts, and
installing software/applications.

46. September 4, Laptop service Keyboard is not working Replace the laptop keyboard with a 25 minutes
2023 new one
47. September 5, Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
2023 software/applications and update

48. September 6, Laptop service Weak HDD causes laptop performance Upgrade HDD to SSD, Reinstall 2 hour 30
2023 to slow down windows, Install software/application min
and update drivers

49. September 7, Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
2023 software/applications and update

50. September 8, Instalation Customer purchases a new laptop Assist customers in installing new 2 hours
2023 laptops, creating office accounts, and
installing software/applications.

51. September 9, Laptop service Laptop temperature is unstable Addition of thermal paste to laptop 20 minutes
2023 processor

52. September 11, Instalation Customer purchases a new AiO PC Assist customers in installing new AiO 2 hours
2023 PC, creating office accounts, and
installing software/applications.

53. September 12, Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
2023 software/applications and update

54. September 13, Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
2023 software/applications and update
55. September 14, Instalation Customer purchases a new laptop Assist customers in installing new 2 hours
2023 laptops, creating office accounts, and
installing software/applications.

56. September 15, Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
2023 software/applications and update

57. September 16, Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
2023 software/applications and update

58. September 18, Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
2023 software/applications and update

59. September 19, Laptop service Weak HDD causes laptop performance Upgrade HDD to SSD, Reinstall 2 hour 30
2023 to slow down windows, Install software/application min
and update drivers

60. September 20, Printer Roller is thinning, can't pull the paper Thickening the roller 30 minutes
2023 troubleshooting

61. September 21, Laptop service One of the keyboard key errors Turning off keyboard keys with software 6 minutes

62. September 22, Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
2023 software/applications and update
63. September 23, PC service Stuck on logo when booting Reinstall windows, install 2 hour 30
2023 software/applications and update min

64. September 25, Printer The printer does not dispense ink Refill cartridge, cleaning the printer 25 minutes
2023 troubleshooting

65. September 26, Laptop service Weak HDD causes laptop performance Upgrade HDD to SSD, Reinstall 2 hour 20
2023 to slow down windows, Install software/application min
and update drivers

66. September 27, Instalation Customer purchases a new laptop Assist customers in installing new 2 hours
2023 laptops, creating office accounts, and
installing software/applications.

67. September 29, Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
2023 software/applications and update

68. September 30, Laptop service Slower laptop performance Reinstall windows, install 2 hours
2023 software/applications and update
Problem : Slower laptop performance

Solution : Reinstall the Windows

Steps :
1. Check the health of the hdd on the sentinel hard disk, if it is above 90% then it can
be reinstalled.
2. Backup C data to D partition if needed.
3. Connect the bootable disk to the USB port on your laptop
4. Restart the laptop and click f2 and it will go to bios.
5. Select boot, then navigate the bootable disk in the first place on boot.
6. Save changes and exit, the laptop will restart and enter the windows install menu.
7. Set it according to your needs then install and wait for the process to reach 100%.
8. After 100%, the laptop will restart, when the laptop screen is black unplug the
bootable disk from the laptop.
9. Wait until it goes to the desktop.
10. Congratulations the windows reinstallation process is complete.

So the conclusion is that internship practices can help us to become people who have a sense
of responsibility and also from internship practices we get a lot of knowledge and experience.

1. Maintain discipline: Vocational students must adhere to the work schedule set by the
agency where they do their fieldwork. In addition, they must also comply with the
rules and regulations that apply at the place.
2. Improving skills: Vocational students should take advantage of fieldwork
opportunities to improve their skills and knowledge in areas relevant to their majors.
3. Before doing the internship practice, the teacher should find an industry place that is
in accordance with the student's major.

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