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2022/6/24 上午11:41 BIOSTAR stays in Russia

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BIOSTAR stays in Russia

February 18, 2013

The PC market in Russia is going through hard times, because manufacturers of components for assembling computers are
facing problems in promoting their products. One such manufacturer is BIOSTAR. Darren Lin, Business Development Manager
for BIOSTAR in Russia, agreed to answer questions from CRN/RE columnist Vladimir Smirnov and spoke about how his
company performed last year and what its plans for 2013 are.

CRN / RE: What measures did BIOSTAR take in connection with the slowdown in the growth of the PC market in Russia?

Darren Lin: Indeed, the Russian PC market is not growing, but sales of mobile devices - tablets, e-books, smartphones - which
are now sold in all IT stores, are definitely on the rise.

For nearly 30 years, BIOSTAR's core business has been and continues to be the production of PC motherboards. We strived to
maintain our market share and offer good service and support to customers. BIOSTAR actively cooperated with the distributor
and offered its dealers high quality products at a competitive price.

International producers and Russian assemblers compete fiercely with each other. But we see a certain potential in the
development of Russian assembly, and therefore we began to actively interact with computer assemblers, offering them our
products at affordable prices.

According to analysts, many manufacturers of PC components in 2012 reduced their sales volumes in Russia, and only two
vendors increased their shipments: BIOSTAR is one of them.

CRN/RE: How do BIOSTAR motherboards differ from competitors' products?

DL: In 2012, our engineering team spent a lot of time developing a new series of hi-fi motherboards with some unique features.
And already last year, devices of this series appeared on the Russian market. Their hardware includes, for example, a special
audio decoder and an Audio Amplifier, which allows (without additional sound cards) to get high-quality sound at the output. At
the same time, the new series uses special software for easy and convenient BIOS setup, which also distinguishes our products.

We offer customers a complete range of motherboards that support both AMD and Intel platforms. We are currently working on
next-generation motherboards based on Intel 8-series chips and plan to bring these products to market in the near future. As for
motherboards for AMD processors, we offer them for processors with FM2 socket, which are becoming a mass product, as well
as boards in the minimum configuration for processors with AM3 socket.

In addition to motherboards, which remain the backbone of our business, BIOSTAR is developing new products that will be
presented at CeBIT 2013 in Hannover.

CRN/RE: The main distributor of BIOSTAR products in Russia is 3Logic. What kind of support did BIOSTAR provide to the
distributor and its dealers in 2012, and what types of support will be available in 2013?

D.L.: We are satisfied with the cooperation with 3Logic, it is a strong distributor with an extensive presence in Russia. In 2012, we
constantly felt the support from the distributor, which was one of the important factors thanks to which we were able to grow our
business. Last year, we launched a number of quite successful partner support programs, and we plan to continue these
programs this year, allocating considerable resources for this. To get to know channel partners better, in 2012 we participated in
3Logic dealer conferences. This year we are also planning to take part in local partnership promotions, which will help in
promoting our products. We will actively cooperate with the Russian media, which prepare reviews of our products, and issue
monthly press releases.

CRN / RE: Did BIOSTAR have new partners of the second level?

D.L.: Yes, in 2012 our sales channel expanded. We were not only working with distributor channel dealers, but, as I said, we also
began to interact with local PC builders. We offer new partners to use any potential opportunities for the development of a joint
business. 1/3
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In addition, we began to supply products to retailers in the capital and regions. Among them are such companies as Forum,
Kloss, Netlab, Nix, Ulmart.

CRN / RE: Does BIOSTAR plan to increase marketing activity?

D. L.: On the one hand, we expect to attract the attention of end consumers with the help of the media. We have also increased
our marketing budget for 2013 to increase promotional activities, run more promotions to promote our products, and more.

On the other hand, we will continue to implement special channel programs with our distributor in order to directly participate in
the development of the dealers' business and to support the interest of new partners in us - PC builders who will promote our
products to the corporate market.

CRN/RE: What are BIOSTAR's plans for 2013?

DL: Although many experts are very cautious about the development of the Russian PC market, we believe that there is a huge
potential here, which we are ready to use.

In 2013, we expect to increase sales by 20-35% compared to 2012. We offer a wide range of high quality products, developed a
strategy for the sales channel, allocating maximum resources for this. BIOSTAR will be able to offer aggressively priced products.
We will have a full range of devices for Intel and AMD processors, so that every customer can find what they want in our offer.
Finally, I want to reiterate this, we will work closely with local assemblers and provide them with our world-renowned service

Source: CRN/RE 2/3
2022/6/24 上午11:41 BIOSTAR stays in Russia

Darren Lin, BIOSTAR

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