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s a construction claims and contracts manager, preparing a detailed report for a

variation claim involving multiple variations in quantities, scope, or specifications

requires a structured approach to clearly present the impacts and associated costs.
Here's a suggested report structure for such a claim:

Report Title: Construction Project Variation Claim Report

Section 1: Executive Summary

1.1. Overview of the Claim 1.2. Key Conclusions 1.3. Summary of Recommended Actions

Section 2: Introduction

2.1. Background of the Project 2.2. Purpose of the Report 2.3. Scope of the Variations

Section 3: Contractual Framework

3.1. Contract Review 3.2. Variation Clauses and Conditions 3.3. Parties' Obligations and

Section 4: Description of Variations

4.1. Chronology of Variation Orders 4.2. Detailed Description of Each Variation 4.2.1.
Variation in Quantities 4.2.2. Scope Changes 4.2.3. Specification Alterations

Section 5: Impact Analysis of Variations

5.1. Impact on Project Schedule 5.2. Effect on Project Scope and Quality 5.3. Resource
and Material Implications 5.3.1. Labor Impact 5.3.2. Material Requirement Changes 5.3.3.
Equipment Utilization

Section 6: Cost Quantum Assessment

6.1. Overview of Variation Costs 6.2. Direct Cost Analysis 6.2.1. Additional Labor Costs
6.2.2. Additional Material Costs 6.2.3. Equipment and Plant Costs 6.3. Indirect Cost and
Overhead Analysis 6.3.1. Administrative Expenses 6.3.2. Financing Costs 6.3.3. Other
Related Indirect Costs

Section 7: Quantum Calculation for Variations

7.1. Methodology for Cost Calculation 7.2. Detailed Breakdown of Costs 7.2.1. Cost
Justification for Each Variation 7.2.2. Total Claimed Amount

Section 8: Documentation and Claim Preparation

8.1. Preparation of Claim Documentation 8.2. Evidence and Supporting Documents 8.2.1.
Variation Orders and Correspondence 8.2.2. Cost Records and Invoices 8.2.3.
Photographic and Video Evidence

Section 9: Negotiation and Resolution Strategies

9.1. Approach for Claim Negotiation 9.2. Dispute Resolution Mechanisms 9.2.1.
Mediation and Arbitration 9.2.2. Legal Proceedings

Section 10: Conclusion and Recommendations

10.1. Final Assessment of the Variations 10.2. Recommendations for Settlement 10.3.
Lessons Learned and Future Guidelines


 Appendix A: Project Schedule Comparisons (Pre and Post Variations)

 Appendix B: Detailed Variation Orders and Notices
 Appendix C: Cost Calculation Sheets
 Appendix D: Expert Opinions and Analysis Reports


Each section of the report should be detailed and supported by appropriate

documentation and analysis. Visual representations like charts and tables can be useful,
especially in the Impact Analysis and Cost Quantum Assessment sections. The goal is to
create a comprehensive, clear, and justified report that effectively communicates the
implications and costs of the variations to all relevant stakeholders.

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