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Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. Which of the following vertical aquatic zones is correctly ordered?

A. bathypelagic, mesopelagic, epipelagic, abyssal, hadal
B. epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathypelagic, abyssal, hadal
C. abyssal, bathypelagic, hadal, mesopelagic, epipelagic
D. epipelagic, bathypelagic, mesopelagic, hadal, abyssal
E. mesopelagic, abyssal, epipelagic, hadal, bathypelagic
2. All of the following statements concerning the hydrologic cycle are true except:
A. It is powered by solar energy.
B. Flux is determined by evaporation.
C. Transpiration is not involved.
D. Reservoirs include lakes, rivers oceans and ice.
E. None of the choices are correct.
3. Of the following aquatic environments, which has the highest productivity?
A. lakes
B. rivers
C. oceanic zone
D. intertidal zone
E. coral reefs
4. Which is not considered a reef?
A. atoll
B. barrier
C. kelp
D. fringing
E. None of the choices are correct.
5. A marsh is the junction between ________________ and _________________.
A. sea; land
B. river; sea
C. land; river
D. estuary; land
E. mangrove; sea
6. Small head streams can be characterized by all of the following components except:
A. energy source CPOM.
B. clear.
C. low oxygen content.
D. cool.
E. None of the choices are correct.

7. According to the river continuum the main energy source for
A. small head streams is CPOM.
B. small head streams is FPOM.
C. small head streams is phytoplankton.
D. large rivers is phytoplankton.
E. large rivers is CPOM.
8. All of the following statements are true concerning temperate lakes except:
A. Fall and spring turnovers involve vertical mixing of temperature stratified waters.
B. During fall and spring turnover the oxygen rich hypolimnion moves up to the epilimnion.
C. During late fall and early spring, a temperate lake has a uniform water temperature.
D. During the year, the hypolimnion's temperature does not change.
E. Fall and spring turnovers involve the wind.
9. The Great Lakes are troubled with invasive species. Which of the following aquatic organisms is not
considered invasive?
A. chubs
B. alewife
C. zebra mussels
D. river ruffe
E. sea lamprey
10. All of the following statements concerning oligotrophic lakes are true except:
A. warm temperatures.
B. low nutrients.
C. high oxygen content.
D. deep and clear waters.
E. low biological productivity.
11. Eutrophic lakes are characterized by
A. high oxygen content.
B. cool temperatures.
C. high nutrient levels.
D. deep and clear waters.
E. low biological productivity.
12. Aquatic organisms located off the ocean floor are
A. benthic.
B. pelagic.
C. neritic.
D. littoral.
E. None of the choices are correct.
13. The effects of currents in streams include all of the following except
A. organism size.
B. organism shape.
C. organism behavior.
D. oxygen content.
E. None of the choices are correct.

14. Which of the following rivers would have the highest salinity?
A. Columbia River
B. Rio Negro
C. Pecos
D. They all have equally low salinity levels.
E. They all have equally high salinity levels.
15. The timing and extent of tides are a function of all of the following except
A. the moon's gravitational force.
B. the sun's gravitational force.
C. geography
D. the size of the body of water
E. salinity levels
16. Oceanic water circulation systems are termed
A. upwellings.
B. atolls.
C. ebbs.
D. gyres.
E. pulses.
17. Which of the following river dimension definitions is/ are incorrect?
A. active channel: riparian zone with seasonal flooding
B. wetted channel: water laden year around
C. riffle: current of water
D. phreatic zone: transition from riparian to water column
E. hyporheic zone: transition between surface water and ground water
18. What percentage of the earth's water supply is freshwater in rivers, lakes, and actively exchanged
A. 97%
B. 71%
C. 2%
D. <1%
E. None of the choices are correct.
19. The turnover time for atmospheric water is
A. days to weeks.
B. months to years.
C. years to decades.
D. decades to centuries.
E. centuries to millennia.
20. Typically a shallow lake with large quantities of nutrients, high primary productivity, and large
phytoplankton populations is _______ in color.
A. deep blue
B. deep green
C. yellow
D. brown
E. red

21. The most significant photosynthetic inhabitants of the upper epipelagic zone of the open ocean are
A. phytoplankton.
B. zooplankton.
C. kelp.
D. coral.
E. zooxanthellae.
22. Determine the sample median given the following data:

A. 8.5g
B. 10.0g
C. 9.0g
D. 11.0g
E. 12.5g
23. Estuary waters are often stratified by salinity with _______ flowing over the top of _______.
A. higher salinity river water, lower salinity ocean water
B. lower salinity river water, higher salinity ocean water
C. higher salinity ocean water, lower salinity river water
D. lower salinity ocean water, higher salinity river water
E. higher salinity ocean water, zero salinity river water
24. Which of the following is the correct order of the major ocean basins from largest to the smallest?
A. Atlantic, Pacific, Indian
B. Indian, Atlantic, Pacific
C. Pacific, Indian, Atlantic
D. Pacific, Atlantic, Indian
E. None of the choices; all three ocean basins are of equal size
25. Estuaries are junctions between rivers and lakes.
True False
26. Oceanic upwellings bring nutrient rich waters to the west coast of South America.
True False
27. Limnetic spring and fall turnovers bring oxygen-poor water to the hypolimnion and nutrient-rich water
to the epilimnion.
True False
28. The male of the deep-sea anglerfish species is reduced to a parasitic appendage of the female.
True False
29. Gyres move to the left in the Northern Hemisphere and to the right in the Southern Hemisphere.
True False
30. In temperate lakes, fall blooms are occasionally followed by fish kills.
True False

31. The oceans are the largest water reservoir on the planet.
True False
32. Oxygen is a major limiting factor in the distribution of intertidal organisms.
True False
33. Bottom dwelling aquatic organisms are called _______________.
34. Limnetic thermoclines are located in the _______________ zone.
35. The benthic portion of eutrophic lakes can become _______________.
36. Darwin is often considered the father of evolutionary thought. Which of the following terms is/are not
part of Darwin's analysis?
A. gene frequencies
B. natural selection
C. adaptation
D. fitness
E. None of the choices are correct.
37. Evolution results from
A. mutations.
B. natural selection.
C. genetic drift.
D. gene flow.
E. All of the choices are correct.
38. The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that
A. genotypic changes will result in phenotypic changes.
B. phenotypic changes will result in genotypic changes.
C. allelic frequencies within a population will not change unless certain conditions are met.
D. allelic frequencies within a population will change unless certain conditions are met.
E. None of the choices are correct.
39. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium equation:
A. q2 - qp + p2 = 1.0
B. 2pq - q - 2p = 1.0
C. q22 - qp22 + p =2 1.0
D. p2 + 2pq + 2q = 1.0
E. p + pq + q = 1.0

40. All of the following conditions are included in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium principle except:
A. no mutation.
B. large population size.
C. non-random mating.
D. no immigration.
E. genotypes of equal fitness.
41. In a population of birds, the average beak size is selected against and the large and small sized beaks are
selected for. This is an example of
A. directional selection.
B. disruptive selection.
C. stabilizing selection.
D. natural selection.
E. balanced polymorphism.
42. Within a population, if the average is selected for and the two opposing extremes are selected against,
this is an example of
A. directional selection.
B. disruptive selection.
C. stabilizing selection.
D. natural selection.
E. balanced polymorphism.
43. Losos, Warheit and Schoener's research on the brown anole (Anolis sagrei) determined that
A. hind limb length positively correlated with perch diameter.
B. difference in vegetation between the island of capture and island of release, positively correlated the
anoles' morphological differences.
C. the brown anole evolved as evidenced by morphological and genetic changes.
D. both hind limb length positively correlated with perch diameter and difference in vegetation between
the island of capture and island of release, positively correlated the anoles' morphological differences.
E. hind limb length positively correlated with perch diameter, difference in vegetation between the
island of capture and island of release, positively correlated the anoles' morphological differences,
and the brown anole evolved as evidenced by morphological and genetic changes.
44. In a population of lizards, the average and long length tails are selected against and the short tails are
selected for. This is an example of
A. directional selection.
B. disruptive selection.
C. stabilizing selection.
D. natural selection.
E. balanced polymorphism.
45. Research on soapberry bugs (Jadera haematoloma) supports all of the following results except:
A. the soapberry bugs underwent developmental changes without genetic changes.
B. beak length positively correlated with fruit diameter.
C. genetic differences were observed between the populations in study.
D. natural selection occurred.
E. soapberry bugs underwent developmental changes without genetic changes and beak length
positively correlated with fruit diameter.

46. The populations of Chihuahua spruce (Picea chihuahuana) have been fragmented due to changing
climatic conditions. This has resulted in
A. stabilizing selection.
B. large population sizes.
C. an increase in genetic diversity within populations.
D. genetic drift.
E. All of the choices are correct.
47. Research conducted on the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) can be summarized in all of the
following statements except:
A. inbreeding can contribute to local extinctions.
B. smaller meadows can contribute to local extinction.
C. a decrease in heterozygosity can contribute to local extinctions.
D. increase in predation can contribute to local extinctions.
E. None of the choices are correct.
48. For thousands of years, humans have bred domesticated plants and animals to produce and maintain
desirable traits, such as large fruits. Darwin used which term to describe this:
A. mutation.
B. artificial selection.
C. phenotypic plasticity.
D. genetic engineering.
E. natural selection.
49. Adaptation to the environment by a population does not include
A. variation in characteristics among individuals in a population.
B. evolution.
C. improved ability to live in the environment.
D. anatomy, physiology, and behavior.
E. None of the choices are correct.
50. Evolution can be defined as
A. a process which favors the average phenotype within a population.
B. a process that increases the average size of individuals within a population.
C. a process of eliminating "bad" traits within a population.
D. a change in gene frequencies in a population.
E. the extent to which phenotypic variation is due to genetic variation.
51. Which of the following is not part of Darwin's theory of natural selection?
A. Offspring are like their parents.
B. There is variation between individuals within a species.
C. Fewer offspring are produced each generation than can be supported by the environment.
D. Some individuals have a higher chance of surviving and reproducing than others in the same
E. Heritable characteristics can be passed from parent to offspring.

52. What results could Clausen, Keck, and Hiesey have expected to see if alpine, mid-elevation, and lowland
populations of sticky cinquefoil (Potentilla glandulosa) were not genetically different?
A. mid-elevation plants grew best at mid-elevations
B. alpine plants produced more flowers at alpine elevations
C. lowland plants did not produce the most flowers at any elevation
D. lowland plants grew better than alpine plants at lowland elevations
E. all plants would grew equally well at all elevations
53. Locally adapted and genetically distinctive populations within a species are referred to as
A. heterotypes.
B. metatypes.
C. genotypes.
D. ecotypes.
E. allotypes.
54. Which of the following are conditions necessary to maintain Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
A. no mutations
B. large population
C. equal fitness
D. random mating
E. All of the choices are correct.
55. For a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, in a situation where there are only two alleles at a
particular locus, the proportions of genotypes are: SS = 0.64, Ss = 0.32, and ss = 0.04. Calculate the
allele frequency for the recessive allele.
A. 0.04
B. 0.2
C. 0.32
D. 0.64
E. 0.8
56. Over time, average phenotypes become less common and the population becomes phenotypically more
diverse as a result of _____________ selection.
A. bimodal
B. directional
C. disruptive
D. stabilizing
E. disjointed
57. Phenotypic changes are always reflections of genotypic changes.
True False
58. Vila-Aiub and colleagues found that populations of the weed Sorghum halepense that have been
persistently exposed to the herbicide, glyphosate, were not resistant to its effects.
True False
59. Ecotypes are local populations within a species that are genetically and phenotypically distinct due in
part to local environmental adaptation.
True False

60. The transplant experiment conducted on Potentilla glandulosa determined that morphological changes
occurred, but no genetic changes occurred within the various experimental populations.
True False
61. Using microsatellite DNA, Douglas and Brunner concluded that populations of Coregonus found in the
Alps were highly differentiated and should be managed as separate units.
True False
62. The combination of genetics and environmental pressures can cause variations in phenotypes.
True False
63. The alternate form of a gene is called a(n) _________________________________.
64. The number of offspring contributed by an individual to future generations is called
65. ______________________ can change population gene frequencies through random processes.
66. Metabolic heat (Hm) is the heat
A. energy intake an organism must have for movement.
B. released during cellular respiration.
C. energy needed in order to undergo cellular respiration.
D. energy loss due to evaporation.
E. None of the choices are correct.
67. Getting up from your chair you realize that it is warm. What is the method of heat exchange?
A. conduction
B. convection
C. evaporation
D. radiation
E. None of the choices are correct.
68. It is a very hot day, and you jump into a lake to cool off. What is the method of heat exchange?
A. conduction
B. radiation
C. evaporation
D. convection
E. None of the choices are correct.
69. It's a hot summer day, and you begin to sweat. What is the method of heat exchange?
A. conduction
B. convection
C. evaporation
D. radiation
E. None of the choices are correct.

70. In general, reptiles are considered to be a/an?
A. poikilotherm
B. homeotherm
C. endotherm
D. heterotherm
E. two of the choices are correct
71. All of the following are components that influence a microclimate except:
A. burrows.
B. vegetation.
C. ground color.
D. topography.
E. None of the choices are correct.
72. According to Kidron, Barzilay, and Sachs' research on the dune slopes of the Negev Desert, moss would
most likely be found on _________ facing slopes due to _________.
A. south; decreased evaporation rates
B. south; increased evaporation rates
C. north; increased evaporation rates
D. north; decreased evaporation rates
E. Moss does not grow in the Negev Desert.
73. How are the studies performed on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and the moss Pleurozium
schreberi and the desert shrub Atriplex lentiformis similar?
A. Both studies examine the effects of microclimates.
B. Both studies support the concept that species operate within a narrow optimum temperature range.
C. Both studies are coupled to enzymatic activity.
D. Both studies examine the effects of microclimates and studies support the concept that species
operate within a narrow optimum temperature range.
E. Both studies support the concept that species operate within a narrow optimum temperature range and
are coupled to enzymatic activity.
74. When an organism becomes acclimated to a new environmental situation; it will generally involve
A. physiological changes.
B. genetic changes.
C. sociological changes.
D. both physiological changes and genetic changes.
E. both genetic changes and sociological changes.
75. Which of the following are mismatched?
A. psychrophile: salt-loving microbe
B. thermophile: heat-loving microbe
C. poikilotherm: ectotherm
D. homeotherm: endotherm
E. None of the choices are correct.

76. Desert plants can prevent overheating by utilizing all of the following temperature regulating methods
A. paraheliotropism.
B. decreasing rates of radiative heating.
C. decreasing conductive heating.
D. increasing evaporative cooling.
E. increasing convective cooling.
77. The arctic and alpine cushion plants and the Camnula grasshopper both use __________________ to aid
in thermoregulation.
A. countercurrent heat exchange mechanisms
B. endothermic methods
C. increased water retention
D. torpor
E. dark pigmentation
78. Which of the following survival mechanisms is/are best suited for intense heat and drought?
A. hibernation
B. torpor
C. estivation
D. both hibernation and torpor
E. both torpor and estivation
79. Torpor and hibernation share all of the following except:
A. duration.
B. decreased body temperature.
C. decreased metabolic rate.
D. decreased energy demand.
E. None of the choices are correct.
80. Bluefin tuna and mackerel sharks are considered to be endothermic fish because their
A. lateral swim muscles heat cool venous blood, thereby elevating their body temperature above the
surrounding water temperature.
B. abdominal swim muscles heat cool venous blood, thereby matching their body temperature to the
surrounding water temperature.
C. lateral swim muscles cool warm arterial blood, thereby elevating their body temperature above the
surrounding water temperature.
D. lateral swim muscles heat cool arterial blood, thereby elevating their body temperature above the
surrounding water temperature.
E. lateral swim muscles heat cool arterial blood, thereby matching their body temperature to the
surrounding water temperature.
81. Dolphins use __________________ to conserve body heat.
A. concurrent heat exchange
B. countercurrent heat exchange
C. thoracic muscles
D. diet
E. All of the choices are correct.

82. Mammalian and avian aquatic endotherms use all of the following mechanisms to thermoregulate
A. fat
B. internal respiratory systems
C. fur or feathers
D. concurrent heat exchange
E. countercurrent heat exchange
83. Most insects use external sources of heat to achieve their operative temperature range. Heinrich's
research on the sphinx moth (Manduca sexta) indicates that some insects can thermoregulate by using
their flight muscles and
A. using their blood as a coolant.
B. decreasing their metabolic rate.
C. possessing an internal respiratory system.
D. using a countercurrent heat exchange mechanism.
E. using a concurrent heat exchange mechanism.
84. The body temperature of ____________ varies directly with the environment.
A. homeotherms
B. poikilotherms
C. psychrotherms
D. envirotherms
E. microtherms
85. Research indicates that the broad tailed hummingbird will enter into torpor
A. if a minimum surrounding air temperature is met.
B. during a summer drought.
C. if their body fat drops below 15%.
D. if darkness exceeds daylight hours.
E. if insufficient nectar is obtained.
86. The arctic flower, Dryas integrifolia, regulates the temperature of its reproductive structures by
A. sun-tracking behavior.
B. increasing its metabolic rate.
C. dark petal coloration.
D. both sun-tracking behavior and increasing its metabolic rate.
E. both increasing its metabolic rate and dark petal coloration.
87. The thermal stability of aquatic environments is a result of the ______.
A. high specific heat of water
B. low latent heat of vaporization of water
C. low latent heat of fusion of water
D. All of the choices are correct.
E. both high specific heat of water and low latent heat of vaporization of water

88. You are a student working in the laboratory of a researcher who studies rainbow trout. A power outage
over the weekend results in temperatures of over 25°C in the large pools which house the fish. When you
arrive Monday morning you notice the fish are swimming on their sides or swimming in spirals. What
conclusions can you draw?
A. the fish are suffering thermal stress
B. the fish are experiencing improper neuronal function
C. the affinity of acetylcholinesterase for acetylcholine is reduced
D. the temperature of the water is affecting fish enzyme shape and flexibility
E. All of the choices are correct.
89. Research suggests that the localized extinction of several species of land snails near Basal, Switzerland
was due to:
A. genetic mutation.
B. toxic water source.
C. climatic warming.
D. exotic predator.
E. loss of habitat.
90. How does the skunk cabbage maintain the temperature of its inflorescence 15°C to 35°C above air
ambient temperature?
A. metabolizing starch at a very high rate
B. orienting the inflorescence perpendicular to the sun's rays
C. maintaining a bowl shape which reflects and concentrates solar energy
D. maintaining a cushion shape
E. extending its inflorescence along the ground to maximize conductive heat gain
91. The leaves of many desert plants are covered with a dense coating of white plant hairs. These hairs
reduce their _____ gain.
A. Hcd
B. Hcv
C. Hm
D. Hr
E. both Hcd and Hcv
92. The thermal neutral zone of a homeothermic animal is
A. the temperature range at which conductive heat gain and convective heat loss are equal.
B. the temperature range at which psychrophilic and thermophilic enzymes are both operating.
C. the temperature range at which the metabolizable energy intake equals metabolizable energy output.
D. the temperature range over which the metabolic rate does not change.
E. None of the choices are correct.
93. Animals that rely mainly on external sources of energy for regulating body temperature are called
A. epitherms.
B. endotherms.
C. ectotherms.
D. peritherms.
E. intertherms.
94. Macroclimates and microclimates vary only slightly from one another in terms of temperature and
True False

95. Aquatic environments show less temperature variations than terrestrial environments.
True False
96. Homeothermic organisms use a significant portion of their metabolic energy for endothermy.
True False
97. Poikilothermic organisms can allocate less energy into biomass production compared to homeothermic
True False
98. Plants, unlike animals, cannot thermoregulate.
True False
99. According to Levins' principle of allocation, adaptation (higher fitness) to one environment results in
reduced fitness in another environment.
True False
100.An animal will use different ____________________ to maintain an optimum operative temperature

ch3-5 Key
1. Which of the following vertical aquatic zones is correctly ordered?
A. bathypelagic, mesopelagic, epipelagic, abyssal, hadal
B. epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathypelagic, abyssal, hadal
C. abyssal, bathypelagic, hadal, mesopelagic, epipelagic
D. epipelagic, bathypelagic, mesopelagic, hadal, abyssal
E. mesopelagic, abyssal, epipelagic, hadal, bathypelagic
Molles - Chapter 03 #1

2. All of the following statements concerning the hydrologic cycle are true except:
A. It is powered by solar energy.
B. Flux is determined by evaporation.
C. Transpiration is not involved.
D. Reservoirs include lakes, rivers oceans and ice.
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 03 #2

3. Of the following aquatic environments, which has the highest productivity?

A. lakes
B. rivers
C. oceanic zone
D. intertidal zone
E. coral reefs
Molles - Chapter 03 #3

4. Which is not considered a reef?

A. atoll
B. barrier
C. kelp
D. fringing
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 03 #4

5. A marsh is the junction between ________________ and _________________.

A. sea; land
B. river; sea
C. land; river
D. estuary; land
E. mangrove; sea
Molles - Chapter 03 #5

6. Small head streams can be characterized by all of the following components except:
A. energy source CPOM.
B. clear.
C. low oxygen content.
D. cool.
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 03 #6

7. According to the river continuum the main energy source for

A. small head streams is CPOM.
B. small head streams is FPOM.
C. small head streams is phytoplankton.
D. large rivers is phytoplankton.
E. large rivers is CPOM.
Molles - Chapter 03 #7

8. All of the following statements are true concerning temperate lakes except:
A. Fall and spring turnovers involve vertical mixing of temperature stratified waters.
B. During fall and spring turnover the oxygen rich hypolimnion moves up to the epilimnion.
C. During late fall and early spring, a temperate lake has a uniform water temperature.
D. During the year, the hypolimnion's temperature does not change.
E. Fall and spring turnovers involve the wind.
Molles - Chapter 03 #8

9. The Great Lakes are troubled with invasive species. Which of the following aquatic organisms is not
considered invasive?
A. chubs
B. alewife
C. zebra mussels
D. river ruffe
E. sea lamprey
Molles - Chapter 03 #9

10. All of the following statements concerning oligotrophic lakes are true except:
A. warm temperatures.
B. low nutrients.
C. high oxygen content.
D. deep and clear waters.
E. low biological productivity.
Molles - Chapter 03 #10

11. Eutrophic lakes are characterized by

A. high oxygen content.
B. cool temperatures.
C. high nutrient levels.
D. deep and clear waters.
E. low biological productivity.
Molles - Chapter 03 #11

12. Aquatic organisms located off the ocean floor are
A. benthic.
B. pelagic.
C. neritic.
D. littoral.
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 03 #12

13. The effects of currents in streams include all of the following except
A. organism size.
B. organism shape.
C. organism behavior.
D. oxygen content.
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 03 #13

14. Which of the following rivers would have the highest salinity?
A. Columbia River
B. Rio Negro
C. Pecos
D. They all have equally low salinity levels.
E. They all have equally high salinity levels.
Molles - Chapter 03 #14

15. The timing and extent of tides are a function of all of the following except
A. the moon's gravitational force.
B. the sun's gravitational force.
C. geography
D. the size of the body of water
E. salinity levels
Molles - Chapter 03 #15

16. Oceanic water circulation systems are termed

A. upwellings.
B. atolls.
C. ebbs.
D. gyres.
E. pulses.
Molles - Chapter 03 #16

17. Which of the following river dimension definitions is/ are incorrect?
A. active channel: riparian zone with seasonal flooding
B. wetted channel: water laden year around
C. riffle: current of water
D. phreatic zone: transition from riparian to water column
E. hyporheic zone: transition between surface water and ground water
Molles - Chapter 03 #17

18. What percentage of the earth's water supply is freshwater in rivers, lakes, and actively exchanged
A. 97%
B. 71%
C. 2%
D. <1%
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 03 #18

19. The turnover time for atmospheric water is

A. days to weeks.
B. months to years.
C. years to decades.
D. decades to centuries.
E. centuries to millennia.
Molles - Chapter 03 #19

20. Typically a shallow lake with large quantities of nutrients, high primary productivity, and large
phytoplankton populations is _______ in color.
A. deep blue
B. deep green
C. yellow
D. brown
E. red
Molles - Chapter 03 #20

21. The most significant photosynthetic inhabitants of the upper epipelagic zone of the open ocean are
A. phytoplankton.
B. zooplankton.
C. kelp.
D. coral.
E. zooxanthellae.
Molles - Chapter 03 #21

22. Determine the sample median given the following data:

A. 8.5g
B. 10.0g
C. 9.0g
D. 11.0g
E. 12.5g
Molles - Chapter 03 #22

23. Estuary waters are often stratified by salinity with _______ flowing over the top of _______.
A. higher salinity river water, lower salinity ocean water
B. lower salinity river water, higher salinity ocean water
C. higher salinity ocean water, lower salinity river water
D. lower salinity ocean water, higher salinity river water
E. higher salinity ocean water, zero salinity river water
Molles - Chapter 03 #23

24. Which of the following is the correct order of the major ocean basins from largest to the smallest?
A. Atlantic, Pacific, Indian
B. Indian, Atlantic, Pacific
C. Pacific, Indian, Atlantic
D. Pacific, Atlantic, Indian
E. None of the choices; all three ocean basins are of equal size
Molles - Chapter 03 #24

25. Estuaries are junctions between rivers and lakes.

Molles - Chapter 03 #25

26. Oceanic upwellings bring nutrient rich waters to the west coast of South America.
Molles - Chapter 03 #26

27. Limnetic spring and fall turnovers bring oxygen-poor water to the hypolimnion and nutrient-rich
water to the epilimnion.
Molles - Chapter 03 #27

28. The male of the deep-sea anglerfish species is reduced to a parasitic appendage of the female.
Molles - Chapter 03 #28

29. Gyres move to the left in the Northern Hemisphere and to the right in the Southern Hemisphere.
Molles - Chapter 03 #29

30. In temperate lakes, fall blooms are occasionally followed by fish kills.
Molles - Chapter 03 #30

31. The oceans are the largest water reservoir on the planet.
Molles - Chapter 03 #31

32. Oxygen is a major limiting factor in the distribution of intertidal organisms.

Molles - Chapter 03 #32

33. Bottom dwelling aquatic organisms are called _______________.

Molles - Chapter 03 #33

34. Limnetic thermoclines are located in the _______________ zone.
Molles - Chapter 03 #34

35. The benthic portion of eutrophic lakes can become _______________.

Molles - Chapter 03 #35

36. Darwin is often considered the father of evolutionary thought. Which of the following terms is/are
not part of Darwin's analysis?
A. gene frequencies
B. natural selection
C. adaptation
D. fitness
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 04 #1

37. Evolution results from

A. mutations.
B. natural selection.
C. genetic drift.
D. gene flow.
E. All of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 04 #2

38. The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that

A. genotypic changes will result in phenotypic changes.
B. phenotypic changes will result in genotypic changes.
C. allelic frequencies within a population will not change unless certain conditions are met.
D. allelic frequencies within a population will change unless certain conditions are met.
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 04 #3

39. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium equation:

A. q2 - qp + p2 = 1.0
B. 2pq - q - 2p = 1.0
C. q22 - qp22 + p =2 1.0
D. p2 + 2pq + 2q = 1.0
E. p + pq + q = 1.0
Molles - Chapter 04 #4

40. All of the following conditions are included in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium principle except:
A. no mutation.
B. large population size.
C. non-random mating.
D. no immigration.
E. genotypes of equal fitness.
Molles - Chapter 04 #5

41. In a population of birds, the average beak size is selected against and the large and small sized beaks
are selected for. This is an example of
A. directional selection.
B. disruptive selection.
C. stabilizing selection.
D. natural selection.
E. balanced polymorphism.
Molles - Chapter 04 #6

42. Within a population, if the average is selected for and the two opposing extremes are selected against,
this is an example of
A. directional selection.
B. disruptive selection.
C. stabilizing selection.
D. natural selection.
E. balanced polymorphism.
Molles - Chapter 04 #7

43. Losos, Warheit and Schoener's research on the brown anole (Anolis sagrei) determined that
A. hind limb length positively correlated with perch diameter.
B. difference in vegetation between the island of capture and island of release, positively correlated
the anoles' morphological differences.
C. the brown anole evolved as evidenced by morphological and genetic changes.
D. both hind limb length positively correlated with perch diameter and difference in vegetation
between the island of capture and island of release, positively correlated the anoles' morphological
E. hind limb length positively correlated with perch diameter, difference in vegetation between the
island of capture and island of release, positively correlated the anoles' morphological differences,
and the brown anole evolved as evidenced by morphological and genetic changes.
Molles - Chapter 04 #8

44. In a population of lizards, the average and long length tails are selected against and the short tails are
selected for. This is an example of
A. directional selection.
B. disruptive selection.
C. stabilizing selection.
D. natural selection.
E. balanced polymorphism.
Molles - Chapter 04 #9

45. Research on soapberry bugs (Jadera haematoloma) supports all of the following results except:
A. the soapberry bugs underwent developmental changes without genetic changes.
B. beak length positively correlated with fruit diameter.
C. genetic differences were observed between the populations in study.
D. natural selection occurred.
E. soapberry bugs underwent developmental changes without genetic changes and beak length
positively correlated with fruit diameter.
Molles - Chapter 04 #10

46. The populations of Chihuahua spruce (Picea chihuahuana) have been fragmented due to changing
climatic conditions. This has resulted in
A. stabilizing selection.
B. large population sizes.
C. an increase in genetic diversity within populations.
D. genetic drift.
E. All of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 04 #11

47. Research conducted on the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) can be summarized in all of
the following statements except:
A. inbreeding can contribute to local extinctions.
B. smaller meadows can contribute to local extinction.
C. a decrease in heterozygosity can contribute to local extinctions.
D. increase in predation can contribute to local extinctions.
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 04 #12

48. For thousands of years, humans have bred domesticated plants and animals to produce and maintain
desirable traits, such as large fruits. Darwin used which term to describe this:
A. mutation.
B. artificial selection.
C. phenotypic plasticity.
D. genetic engineering.
E. natural selection.
Molles - Chapter 04 #13

49. Adaptation to the environment by a population does not include

A. variation in characteristics among individuals in a population.
B. evolution.
C. improved ability to live in the environment.
D. anatomy, physiology, and behavior.
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 04 #14

50. Evolution can be defined as

A. a process which favors the average phenotype within a population.
B. a process that increases the average size of individuals within a population.
C. a process of eliminating "bad" traits within a population.
D. a change in gene frequencies in a population.
E. the extent to which phenotypic variation is due to genetic variation.
Molles - Chapter 04 #15

51. Which of the following is not part of Darwin's theory of natural selection?
A. Offspring are like their parents.
B. There is variation between individuals within a species.
C. Fewer offspring are produced each generation than can be supported by the environment.
D. Some individuals have a higher chance of surviving and reproducing than others in the same
E. Heritable characteristics can be passed from parent to offspring.
Molles - Chapter 04 #16

52. What results could Clausen, Keck, and Hiesey have expected to see if alpine, mid-elevation, and
lowland populations of sticky cinquefoil (Potentilla glandulosa) were not genetically different?
A. mid-elevation plants grew best at mid-elevations
B. alpine plants produced more flowers at alpine elevations
C. lowland plants did not produce the most flowers at any elevation
D. lowland plants grew better than alpine plants at lowland elevations
E. all plants would grew equally well at all elevations
Molles - Chapter 04 #17

53. Locally adapted and genetically distinctive populations within a species are referred to as
A. heterotypes.
B. metatypes.
C. genotypes.
D. ecotypes.
E. allotypes.
Molles - Chapter 04 #18

54. Which of the following are conditions necessary to maintain Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
A. no mutations
B. large population
C. equal fitness
D. random mating
E. All of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 04 #19

55. For a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, in a situation where there are only two alleles at a
particular locus, the proportions of genotypes are: SS = 0.64, Ss = 0.32, and ss = 0.04. Calculate the
allele frequency for the recessive allele.
A. 0.04
B. 0.2
C. 0.32
D. 0.64
E. 0.8
Molles - Chapter 04 #20

56. Over time, average phenotypes become less common and the population becomes phenotypically
more diverse as a result of _____________ selection.
A. bimodal
B. directional
C. disruptive
D. stabilizing
E. disjointed
Molles - Chapter 04 #21

57. Phenotypic changes are always reflections of genotypic changes.

Molles - Chapter 04 #22

58. Vila-Aiub and colleagues found that populations of the weed Sorghum halepense that have been
persistently exposed to the herbicide, glyphosate, were not resistant to its effects.
Molles - Chapter 04 #23

59. Ecotypes are local populations within a species that are genetically and phenotypically distinct due in
part to local environmental adaptation.
Molles - Chapter 04 #24

60. The transplant experiment conducted on Potentilla glandulosa determined that morphological
changes occurred, but no genetic changes occurred within the various experimental populations.
Molles - Chapter 04 #25

61. Using microsatellite DNA, Douglas and Brunner concluded that populations of Coregonus found in
the Alps were highly differentiated and should be managed as separate units.
Molles - Chapter 04 #26

62. The combination of genetics and environmental pressures can cause variations in phenotypes.
Molles - Chapter 04 #27

63. The alternate form of a gene is called a(n) _________________________________.

Molles - Chapter 04 #28

64. The number of offspring contributed by an individual to future generations is called

Molles - Chapter 04 #29

65. ______________________ can change population gene frequencies through random processes.
Genetic drift
Molles - Chapter 04 #30

66. Metabolic heat (Hm) is the heat

A. energy intake an organism must have for movement.
B. released during cellular respiration.
C. energy needed in order to undergo cellular respiration.
D. energy loss due to evaporation.
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 05 #1

67. Getting up from your chair you realize that it is warm. What is the method of heat exchange?
A. conduction
B. convection
C. evaporation
D. radiation
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 05 #2

68. It is a very hot day, and you jump into a lake to cool off. What is the method of heat exchange?
A. conduction
B. radiation
C. evaporation
D. convection
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 05 #3

69. It's a hot summer day, and you begin to sweat. What is the method of heat exchange?
A. conduction
B. convection
C. evaporation
D. radiation
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 05 #4

70. In general, reptiles are considered to be a/an?

A. poikilotherm
B. homeotherm
C. endotherm
D. heterotherm
E. two of the choices are correct
Molles - Chapter 05 #5

71. All of the following are components that influence a microclimate except:
A. burrows.
B. vegetation.
C. ground color.
D. topography.
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 05 #6

72. According to Kidron, Barzilay, and Sachs' research on the dune slopes of the Negev Desert, moss
would most likely be found on _________ facing slopes due to _________.
A. south; decreased evaporation rates
B. south; increased evaporation rates
C. north; increased evaporation rates
D. north; decreased evaporation rates
E. Moss does not grow in the Negev Desert.
Molles - Chapter 05 #7

73. How are the studies performed on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and the moss Pleurozium
schreberi and the desert shrub Atriplex lentiformis similar?
A. Both studies examine the effects of microclimates.
B. Both studies support the concept that species operate within a narrow optimum temperature range.
C. Both studies are coupled to enzymatic activity.
D. Both studies examine the effects of microclimates and studies support the concept that species
operate within a narrow optimum temperature range.
E. Both studies support the concept that species operate within a narrow optimum temperature range
and are coupled to enzymatic activity.
Molles - Chapter 05 #8

74. When an organism becomes acclimated to a new environmental situation; it will generally involve
A. physiological changes.
B. genetic changes.
C. sociological changes.
D. both physiological changes and genetic changes.
E. both genetic changes and sociological changes.
Molles - Chapter 05 #9

75. Which of the following are mismatched?

A. psychrophile: salt-loving microbe
B. thermophile: heat-loving microbe
C. poikilotherm: ectotherm
D. homeotherm: endotherm
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 05 #10

76. Desert plants can prevent overheating by utilizing all of the following temperature regulating
methods except:
A. paraheliotropism.
B. decreasing rates of radiative heating.
C. decreasing conductive heating.
D. increasing evaporative cooling.
E. increasing convective cooling.
Molles - Chapter 05 #11

77. The arctic and alpine cushion plants and the Camnula grasshopper both use __________________ to
aid in thermoregulation.
A. countercurrent heat exchange mechanisms
B. endothermic methods
C. increased water retention
D. torpor
E. dark pigmentation
Molles - Chapter 05 #12

78. Which of the following survival mechanisms is/are best suited for intense heat and drought?
A. hibernation
B. torpor
C. estivation
D. both hibernation and torpor
E. both torpor and estivation
Molles - Chapter 05 #13

79. Torpor and hibernation share all of the following except:

A. duration.
B. decreased body temperature.
C. decreased metabolic rate.
D. decreased energy demand.
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 05 #14

80. Bluefin tuna and mackerel sharks are considered to be endothermic fish because their
A. lateral swim muscles heat cool venous blood, thereby elevating their body temperature above the
surrounding water temperature.
B. abdominal swim muscles heat cool venous blood, thereby matching their body temperature to the
surrounding water temperature.
C. lateral swim muscles cool warm arterial blood, thereby elevating their body temperature above the
surrounding water temperature.
D. lateral swim muscles heat cool arterial blood, thereby elevating their body temperature above the
surrounding water temperature.
E. lateral swim muscles heat cool arterial blood, thereby matching their body temperature to the
surrounding water temperature.
Molles - Chapter 05 #15

81. Dolphins use __________________ to conserve body heat.

A. concurrent heat exchange
B. countercurrent heat exchange
C. thoracic muscles
D. diet
E. All of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 05 #16

82. Mammalian and avian aquatic endotherms use all of the following mechanisms to thermoregulate
A. fat
B. internal respiratory systems
C. fur or feathers
D. concurrent heat exchange
E. countercurrent heat exchange
Molles - Chapter 05 #17

83. Most insects use external sources of heat to achieve their operative temperature range. Heinrich's
research on the sphinx moth (Manduca sexta) indicates that some insects can thermoregulate by using
their flight muscles and
A. using their blood as a coolant.
B. decreasing their metabolic rate.
C. possessing an internal respiratory system.
D. using a countercurrent heat exchange mechanism.
E. using a concurrent heat exchange mechanism.
Molles - Chapter 05 #18

84. The body temperature of ____________ varies directly with the environment.
A. homeotherms
B. poikilotherms
C. psychrotherms
D. envirotherms
E. microtherms
Molles - Chapter 05 #19

85. Research indicates that the broad tailed hummingbird will enter into torpor
A. if a minimum surrounding air temperature is met.
B. during a summer drought.
C. if their body fat drops below 15%.
D. if darkness exceeds daylight hours.
E. if insufficient nectar is obtained.
Molles - Chapter 05 #20

86. The arctic flower, Dryas integrifolia, regulates the temperature of its reproductive structures by
A. sun-tracking behavior.
B. increasing its metabolic rate.
C. dark petal coloration.
D. both sun-tracking behavior and increasing its metabolic rate.
E. both increasing its metabolic rate and dark petal coloration.
Molles - Chapter 05 #21

87. The thermal stability of aquatic environments is a result of the ______.

A. high specific heat of water
B. low latent heat of vaporization of water
C. low latent heat of fusion of water
D. All of the choices are correct.
E. both high specific heat of water and low latent heat of vaporization of water
Molles - Chapter 05 #22

88. You are a student working in the laboratory of a researcher who studies rainbow trout. A power
outage over the weekend results in temperatures of over 25°C in the large pools which house the fish.
When you arrive Monday morning you notice the fish are swimming on their sides or swimming in
spirals. What conclusions can you draw?
A. the fish are suffering thermal stress
B. the fish are experiencing improper neuronal function
C. the affinity of acetylcholinesterase for acetylcholine is reduced
D. the temperature of the water is affecting fish enzyme shape and flexibility
E. All of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 05 #23

89. Research suggests that the localized extinction of several species of land snails near Basal,
Switzerland was due to:
A. genetic mutation.
B. toxic water source.
C. climatic warming.
D. exotic predator.
E. loss of habitat.
Molles - Chapter 05 #24

90. How does the skunk cabbage maintain the temperature of its inflorescence 15°C to 35°C above air
ambient temperature?
A. metabolizing starch at a very high rate
B. orienting the inflorescence perpendicular to the sun's rays
C. maintaining a bowl shape which reflects and concentrates solar energy
D. maintaining a cushion shape
E. extending its inflorescence along the ground to maximize conductive heat gain
Molles - Chapter 05 #25

91. The leaves of many desert plants are covered with a dense coating of white plant hairs. These hairs
reduce their _____ gain.
A. Hcd
B. Hcv
C. Hm
D. Hr
E. both Hcd and Hcv
Molles - Chapter 05 #26

92. The thermal neutral zone of a homeothermic animal is

A. the temperature range at which conductive heat gain and convective heat loss are equal.
B. the temperature range at which psychrophilic and thermophilic enzymes are both operating.
C. the temperature range at which the metabolizable energy intake equals metabolizable energy
D. the temperature range over which the metabolic rate does not change.
E. None of the choices are correct.
Molles - Chapter 05 #27

93. Animals that rely mainly on external sources of energy for regulating body temperature are called
A. epitherms.
B. endotherms.
C. ectotherms.
D. peritherms.
E. intertherms.
Molles - Chapter 05 #28

94. Macroclimates and microclimates vary only slightly from one another in terms of temperature and
Molles - Chapter 05 #29

95. Aquatic environments show less temperature variations than terrestrial environments.
Molles - Chapter 05 #30

96. Homeothermic organisms use a significant portion of their metabolic energy for endothermy.
Molles - Chapter 05 #31

97. Poikilothermic organisms can allocate less energy into biomass production compared to
homeothermic organisms.
Molles - Chapter 05 #32

98. Plants, unlike animals, cannot thermoregulate.

Molles - Chapter 05 #33

99. According to Levins' principle of allocation, adaptation (higher fitness) to one environment results in
reduced fitness in another environment.
Molles - Chapter 05 #34

100. An animal will use different ____________________ to maintain an optimum operative temperature
Molles - Chapter 05 #35

ch3-5 Summary
Category # of Questions
Molles - Chapter 03 35
Molles - Chapter 04 30
Molles - Chapter 05 35

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