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Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100203

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Use of FTIR spectroscopy integrated with multivariate chemometrics as a

swift, and non-destructive technique to detect various adulterants in virgin
coconut oil: A comprehensive review
Amit a,#,∗, Shivani Kumari b,#, Rahul Jamwal c
Department of Zoology, Hansraj College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, Delhi 110007, India
Department of Zoology, Miranda House, University of Delhi, New Delhi, Delhi 110007, India
Department of Zoology, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, Delhi 110019, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Virgin coconut oil (VCO) has of late come out as one of the most treasured edible oils as it has many functions as
FTIR spectroscopy a crucial component used in food preparation, pharmacy, and cosmetic merchandise. These quality parameters
Chemometric analysis have placed VCO in high consumption need, and the chances of its adulteration have significantly surged. There-
Virgin coconut oil
fore, adulteration determination is the most demanding element for the oil-consuming population, oil-producing
firms, and authorities. The typical analytical ways are generally arduous, prolonged, pernicious, require lengthy
sample processing, and lack online tracking and monitoring. Contemporary oil-producing facilities require a
rapid, non-destructive analytical method for the effective finding of VCO mixing with its blends. Fourier trans-
form infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy with multivariate chemometrics, is an exquisite method for the expeditious
revelation of numerous blends in VCO. The crucial spectral region of FTIR analyzed with numerous differen-
tiation and quantification chemometrics means led to the revelation of the lowest concentration of numerous
blends of VCO with accurate and precise results. Hence, FTIR spectroscopy, united with numerous multivariate
chemometric methods, can be implemented as an exemplary methodology for different types of blend detection
and quantification in VCO.

1. Introduction has turned up as one of the prominent functional food not only because
of its various applications in food item preparation but also because of
Coconut oil is obtained from the fruit of the coconut tree (Cocos nu- its health leverage (Marina, Che Man & Amin, 2009). Medium-chain
cifera), also known as the ‘tree of life’. Based on the extraction method, fatty acids (MUFAs) retaining antimicrobial and antiviral features are
coconut oil is of two different kinds, i.e., Refined, bleached, and deodor- plentifully present in VCO (Nasir et al., 2018). In addition, VCO has
ized (RBD) coconut oil and virgin coconut oil (VCO) (Agarwal, 2017). a major portion of lauric acid (48–53%), which encourages immunity,
Naturally obtained oil from the fully grown kernel portion of the co- metabolism, and digestion capacity, making it one of the wholesome edi-
conut fruit, without boiling or using a chemical agent is called VCO ble oil (Agarwal, 2017). The blending of edible oils is the concern for the
(Amit, Jamwal, Kumari, Dhaulaniya, Balan & Singh, 2020b). RBD co- consuming population and the oil-generating firms. Legally, the quality
conut oil preparation involves drying the coconut (copra) by sunlight specifications have been already defined in terms of ingredients and oil
(UV light) which results in the elimination of vitamins and phenols. composition by the national and international authorities. Moreover,
While, VCO is found to have a high content of pro-vitamin A, vitamin the adulteration of food matrices is a paramount concern for buyers and
E, and phenols because of its natural extraction process (Amit, Jamwal, food processing corporations. From the judicial aspect, the quality stan-
Kumari, Dhaulaniya, Balan, Kelly et al., 2020). In the food market, VCO dards were set by the necessity of quality labels having the ingredients

Abbreviation: ATR, Attenuated Total Reflectance; FTIR, Fourier Transform Infrared; GC, Gas Chromatography; LDA, Linear Discriminant Analysis; PCA, Principal
Component Analysis; PCR, Principal Component Regression; PLS-R, Partial Least Square Regression; R2 , coefficient of determination; RPD, Residual Predictive
Deviation; RE%, Relative Prediction Error; RMSEC, Root Meae Error of Calibration; RMSECV, Root Mean Square Error of Cross-Validation; RMSEP, Root Mean
Square Error of Prediction; SNV, Standard Normal Variate; VCO, Virgin Coconut Oil; FCO, Fried Coconut Oil; MO, Mustard Oil.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
Amit & Shivani Kumari have contributed equally and are joint first authors.
Received 11 July 2022; Received in revised form 8 January 2023; Accepted 31 January 2023
2772-753X/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Amit, S. Kumari and R. Jamwal Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100203

and chemical configuration of each food item (Hong et al., 2017). The and quick analytical tool for the differential and quantitative estima-
adulteration action includes the swapping of costly edible oil with the tion of edible oil blending (Antony et al., 2017). It is an swift, non-
inexpensive edible or non-edible oil. VCO is generally mixed with other fatal method with the least sample processing and without adding any
inexpensive edible or non-edible oils. Although the process of blending harmful chemical reagent (Andrade et al., 2019; Arslan et al., 2019).
is based on remunerative goal, the deed can negatively affect the char- However, most of these typical ways have the harm of being laborious,
acteristics of VCO (Marina, Che Man, Nazimah et al., 2009; Xu et al., prolonged, destructive, require lengthy sample processing, and lack on-
2015). line tracking and monitoring. Thus, food researchers are in search of
Mustard oil, palm oil, paraffin oil, palm kernel oil, and canola oil are accurate, swift, and economical analytical approach to detect and quan-
the prominent adulterants of VCO (Amit, Jamwal, Kumari, Dhaulaniya, tify the adulteration of VCO. Recently, a review study has summarized
Balan & Singh, 2020a; Raj et al., 2018). Earlier, various chemical prop- various analytical techniques equipped with chemometrics developed in
erties like peroxide values, iodine value (IV), acid value (AV), saponi- recent times (Priya et al., 2022).
fication value, carbonyl value, have been commonly utilized to detect In recent times, the use of FTIR spectroscopy has increased because of
the blending in VCO (Endo, 2018; Jamwal, Amit, Kumari, Balan et al., the existence of the idiosyncratic informational domain in the acquired
2021). Lately, various cases have been reported for the detection of spectra. It provides information concerning the configuration, architec-
edible oil adulteration by blending with economically cheaper or non- ture, and interplay among various functional groups existing in the edi-
edible oils. These studies include many spectroscopic techniques like ble oil being examined (Abdul Rohman, 2016). But the attained spectra
Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy (Wójcicki et al., 2015), and Raman for various oils look nearly similar during spectral evaluation, making
spectroscopy (Guzmán et al., 2011). But in case of NIR spectroscopy, the analysis challenging. Therefore, multivariate chemometrics has been
the spectral peaks are lower and broader because of the overlapping of implemented on the attained spectral data to classify and quantify edi-
different functional groups present in the oil of interest (Paradkar et al., ble oil blending Fig. 1. Multivariate chemometrics has been exceedingly
2002). Whereas, Raman spectroscopy is excessively expensive technique exploited recently for the evaluation of FTIR spectral study (Rifna et al.,
as it includes high power lasers and amplification sources to acquire 2022). FTIR spectra are acquired using FTIR spectrometer in associa-
meaningful results. In addition, Raman spectroscopy as a sole technique tion with its various accessories, including transmission FTIR cells, KBr-
has low sensitivity for coloured samples as compared to the aqueous pellets, PE infrared cards, infrared quartz cuvette, and SR methodology
sample (Marigheto et al., 1998; Windarsih et al., 2021; Yang et al., (Yamada & Kandori, 2014). After acquisition, signal to noise ratio and
2001). Recently, because of the lucrative reasons, the adulteration in- spectral absorbances are improved by pre-treatment of the spectra via
cidents have become more advanced and frequent (Amit, Jamwal, Ku- smoothening, mean centring in association with standard normal vari-
mari, Dhaulaniya, Balan & Singh, 2020b, 2020). Hence, there was a ate (SNV), derivatization, and baseline corrections (Andrade et al., 2019;
great need for accurate, cheap, and expeditious way for the detection El-Gindy et al., 2012). This detailed review covers all the significant re-
of edible oil (VCO) blending. FTIR spectroscopy is an extremely reliable sults of extrusive studies and includes the latest findings of the use of

Fig. 1. Overall Workflow for the adulteration detec-

tion methodology for VCO adulterants using FTIR spec-
troscopy along with chemometrics.

Amit, S. Kumari and R. Jamwal Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100203

FTIR spectroscopy together with multivariate chemometrics from vari- These organic compounds possess different functional groups that vi-
ous trustworthy resources. We have studied and compiled all the major brate in a particular orientation to generate peculiar absorption peaks
and recent (from year 2010 to 2022) case studies of adulteration de- (Amit, Jamwal, Kumari, Dhaulaniya, Balan & Singh, 2020a). In the case
tection of VCO with its different adulterant oils. Furthermore, we have of VCO, this mid-infrared spectrum contains some domains harbour-
critically analysed and included all the validation parameters of multi- ing peculiar absorption peaks (high signal to noise ratio) and few in-
variate chemometrics. significant domains with low signal to noise ratio. These particular spec-
tral domains harbouring peculiar absorption peaks are known as ‘infor-
2. Health benefits and applications of VCO mational/informative spectral domains/domains’, which are further ex-
ploited for the classifying and quantifying studies for the revelation of
When compared to RBD coconut oil, VCO has a higher propor- numerous blends of VCO (Fig.2) (Amit, Jamwal, Kumari, Dhaulaniya,
tion of MUFAs, including lauric acid (48–53%), capric, caprylic, and Balan & Singh, 2020a; Jamwal, Amit, Kumari, Balan et al., 2021). In
caproic acids which are found to have antiviral and antimicrobial at- the informational spectral domain, there are numerous clearly sepa-
tributes (Mardia Mohamad Nasir et al., 2018). It also contains vi- rated distinctive peaks at exact wavenumber (cm−1 ) that are represent-
tamin E, and dietary bioactive compounds, i.e., polyphenols includ- ing particular functional groups of its fatty acids. For employing these in-
ing gallic acid, ferulic acid (FA), quercetin, methyl catechin, dihy- formational spectral domains in chemometrics, 4000–400 cm−1 spectra
drokaempferol, myricetin glycoside that are lost during refining, de- was optimized by electing particular domains retaining the most worth-
odorizing, and bleaching processes of the coconut oil at the time of while wavenumbers, which are linked to the major absorbance peaks
the copra drying (Agarwal, 2017; Illam et al., 2017). All these prop- portraying distinctive characteristics of the VCO. During the optimiza-
erties make VCO beneficial for human health and it has been widely tion course, distinct spectral domains are chosen for their efficiency to
used in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic merchandise. VCO is found produce provide a high correlation between actual and predicted val-
to have high antioxidant, and anti-stress effects, high hepatoprotec- ues employing numerous regression models (Amit, Jamwal, Kumari,
tive activity, moderate anti-inflammatory effect, and wound healing ef- Dhaulaniya, Balan & Singh, 2020b, 2020). The leftover domains retain-
fect (Shijna Kappally, 2015). In several studies, VCO is found to have ing a low signal to noise ratio are expunged as these domains have no
a significant effect on Alzheimer’s disease and cardiovascular diseases significant relevance (Balan et al., 2020).
(Babu et al., 2014). VCO is also found to improve skin and hair health In VCO spectra, the mid-infrared domain (4000–400 cm−1 ) has two
in humans. It is also beneficial for patients of obesity and osteoporosis major optimized informative spectral domains (3000–2800 cm−1 and
(Wallace, 2019). In addition to several medicinal uses, VCO has many 1800–700 cm−1 ), possessing the most relevant wavenumbers display-
other applications in our daily life. It is applications as food ingredients ing clearly separated peculiar peaks containing distinguishing functional
(e.g., ice-cream), in nanoparticle preparation, and in preparing antimi- groups (Amit, Jamwal, Kumari, Dhaulaniya, Balan, Kelly et al., 2020).
crobial creams (Satheesh, 2015). Besides, the high level of lauric acid in Mainly, 2954 cm−1 , 2924 cm−1 and 2852 cm−1 from 3000 to 2800 cm−1
VCO is directly used as an energy source by the liver, and metabolites and 1743 cm−1 , 1465 cm−1 , 1417 cm−1 , 1377 cm−1 , 1228 cm−1 , 1155
like ketone bodies are produced, which are further used by the brain cm−1 , 1111 cm−1 , 962 cm−1 , 872 cm−1 and 721 cm−1 from 1800 to 700
and heart as an immediate energy source. Lauric acid least contributes cm−1 are the dominant and crucial wavenumbers designated to pecu-
to fat accumulation and helps in treating obesity (Dayrit, 2015). liar functional groups, as displayed in Table.1. The wavenumber 721
cm−1 is assigned for C–H in cis C = C bonds, 872 cm−1 for =CH2 bend-
ing, 962 cm−1 for trans –HC=CH– out of plane bending, 1111 cm−1 for
3. FTIR spectral acquisition and pre-processing –C–O stretching, 1155 cm−1 for robust –C–O stretching and –CH2 – bend-
ing, 1228 cm−1 for –C–O stretching, 1417 cm−1 for =C–H (cis-) bending
FTIR spectra are captured using FTIR spectrometer integrated with (rocking) and 1743 cm−1 for very robust –C = O stretching vibration
its several accessories, including transmission FTIR cells, KBr-pellets, PE (Table 1). While, wavenumbers 1465 cm−1 , 2954 cm−1 , 1417 cm−1 ,
infrared cards, infrared quartz cuvette, and SR methodology. Earlier, 2924 cm−1 , and 1377cm−1 are designated to akin functional groups (–
transmission FTIR cells were employed as a component for recording C–H (–CH2 , CH3 ) with robust intensities as the shift in dipole moment
edible oil FTIR spectra. Although it had several drawbacks like difficulty compare to the distance for the C–H stretching is higher than that for
in the sterilizing and installing of these cells, making these cells prone others. These distinguishing wavenumbers are responsible for separat-
to cross-contamination. Also, in the case of KBr-pellets, recorded spectra ing VCO from its numerous blends as the above-cited functional groups
may get affected to impurities like water (Yamada & Kandori, 2014). with their distinct bending and stretching vibrations accredited to these
While other accessories like PE infrared cards, infrared quartz cuvette, wavenumbers are characteristic of the triacylglycerol composition of
and SR methodology (blending of the oil with other liquid to reduce the VCO.
the viscosity of oil) produced impediment and were eliminated out for As depicted in Fig. 3, the combined optimized spectra was recorded
their utilization with FTIR (An et al., 2017; Xu et al., 2015). Although, for mustard oil (MO) adulteration in VCO in the range of 3010–2800
ATR (attenuated total reflectance) has been an wonderful accessory in cm−1 and 1800–720 cm−1 and various well resolved peaks were ob-
adulteration detection of VCO and other edible oils as it reduces the tained at specific wavenumbers attributed to different functional groups
extensive sample processing without employing any odious chemical of the fatty acids present in the oil. From the spectral analysis, three
reagent (Arslan et al., 2019). unique peaks (2954 cm−1 , 962 cm−1 , and 872 cm−1 ) were obtained in
The spectral pre-refinement is done to improvise the signal to noise case of VCO while two unique peaks (3008 cm−1 and 1098 cm−1 ) were
ratio eventually co-summating numerous scans for FTIR. Moreover, it obtained in MO spectra because of the variation in the fatty acid profile
lessens the trivial information, including scattering effects produced in of the two oils. By just looking at the spectra, we can’t quantitatively
the spectra and hence improvising the spectral absorbances. The widely analyze the oil adulteration in VCO. Hence, multivariate chemometrics
used pre- refinement techniques include smoothening, mean centring was implemented on the spectral data for the swift detection of oil blend-
in association with standard normal variate (SNV), derivatization, and ing in VCO (Amit, Jamwal, Kumari, Dhaulaniya, Balan & Singh, 2020a,
baseline improvements (Andrade et al., 2019; El-Gindy et al., 2012). 2020; Kar et al., 2019).

4. FTIR spectral examination and VCO composition 5. Multivariate chemometrics

The mid-infrared domain (4000–400 cm−1 ) of the electromagnetic FTIR can document its spectra at numerous wavelengths simultane-
spectrum is the most useful domain of VCO having organic compounds. ously, making the spectral result multivariate in essence. Hence, it needs

Amit, S. Kumari and R. Jamwal Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100203

Fig. 2. FTIR spectral analysis methodology for the op-

timization process to get the ‘informative’ spectral re-
gions from the spectra.

Table 1
Major wavenumbers of FTIR spectra (4000–400 cm−1 ) along with assigned functional groups, vibrational modes, and their peak intensities of virgin coconut oil
(Amit, Jamwal, Kumari, Dhaulaniya, Balan & Singh, 2020).

Wavenumbers (cm−1 ) Functional groups Assignment Intensities

2924 –C–H (–CH2 ) Stretching(asymmetrical) Very strong

2852 –C–H (–CH2 ) Stretching(symmetrical) Very strong
1743 –C = O (ester group) Stretching Very strong
1465 –C–H (–CH2 , CH3 ) Bending (scissor) Medium
1417 =C–H (cis-) Bending (rocking) Weak
1377 –C–H (–CH3 ) Bending(symmetrical) Medium
1228 –C–O Stretching Medium
1155 –C–O Stretching Strong
–CH2 – Bending
1111 –C–O Stretching Medium
962 –HC=CH– (trans-) Out of plane bending Weak
872 =CH2 Bending (wagging) Weak
721 –(CH2 )n– Bending (rocking) Medium

a unique statistical approach to decode useful information from this 5.1. Qualitative approaches
multivariate FTIR data for blending revelation (Fig.4) (Domingo et al.,
2014). Chemometrics is a statistical arm that employs numbers to For qualitative differentiation of different adulterants of VCO, nu-
excerpt, interpret, and give meaningful chemical knowledge by us- merous qualitative approaches are used which fall under two sub-
ing FTIR spectral absorbance numbers (Domingo et al., 2014; El- categories, i.e., unsupervised (PCA, HCA) and supervised (LDA, SIMCA)
Gindy et al., 2012). Generally, multivariate chemometrics involves two approaches. PCA is a data contraction method displaying the com-
categories of approaches, i.e., qualitative approaches and quantitative mon outline of the clustering trend of data and recognizes various
approaches. groups and outliers within the entire dataset (Amit, Jamwal, Ku-

Amit, S. Kumari and R. Jamwal Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100203

Fig. 3. FTIR spectra of pure virgin coconut oil (VCO 100%) and different percentages of mustard oil (MO) (one of the VCO adulterants) illustrate major peaks and
unique with assigned wavenumbers (cm−1 ) (Amit et al., 2020).

mari, Dhaulaniya, Balan, Kelly et al., 2020). Whereas HCA helps in routinely employed multivariate regression modeling methodology in
the establishment of the connection among various samples by us- current scenario as compared to other regression modeling approaches
ing their variable qualities and represents its outcomes in the for- (Gredilla et al., 2016; Jović, 2016).
mation of Dendrogram (Systems et al., 2015). LDA (Linear Discrim- During model generation, Coefficient of determination (R2 ), RMSE,
inant Analysis) approach utilizes linear Euclidean distance to min- and Relative Prediction Error (RE%) are calculated for both the cali-
imize within-class variance and maximize distance between classes bration and validation parts. Simultaneously, Residual Predictive Devi-
(Jamwal et al., 2021b). While, SIMCA (soft independent modeling of ation (RPD), SEP, and BIAS are calculated for the validation aspect only.
class analogy) is also frequently used as a supervised approach like PCA. The generated model with the highest R2 and RPD and least RMSE and
SIMCA is used on numerous classes, separately classified by particu- RE% parameters is treated as the most efficient model. All these various
lar PCA, housing almost all of the data variance (Balan et al., 2020; validation calculations establish the accuracy, precision, and predictive
Dhaulaniya et al., 2020). ability of any generated model (Balan et al., 2020; Jamwal, Amit, Ku-
mari, Kelly et al., 2021).

5.2. Quantitative approaches

6. Prominent case studies of VCO adulteration detection using
For quantification, among various regression modeling methodolo- FTIR and chemometrics
gies, MLR (Multiple Linear Regression), PCR (Principal Component Re-
gression), and PLS-R (Partial Least Square Regression) are the most re- In the case of VCO, FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate chemomet-
peatedly utilized for FTIR spectral absorbances analysis. MLR is the rics, has been exceedingly employed for the detection and quantification
primeval and least exploited modeling method because of the gener- of its different blends (Table.2). Currently, FTIR spectroscopy accou-
ation of better regression modeling methods like PCR and PLS-R (El- tred with Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) adornment and multivari-
Gindy et al., 2012). Whereas in case of PCR, the spectral absorbances are ate chemometrics (PCA, LDA, PCR, and PLS-R) has been used to detect
processed using PCA, which decomposes the spectral data (X), and later paraffin oil (PO) adulteration in VCO in the spectral range of 1800–700
MLR is implemented onto the PCs in form of predictor variable (con- cm−1 . PO detection and quantification of up to 1% v/v was possible with
centrations) (Vasconcelos et al., 2015). Contrariwise, PLS-R is the most high R2 value of 0.999 and low RMSE of 0.16% v/v (Amit, Jamwal, Ku-

Amit, S. Kumari and R. Jamwal Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100203

Table 2
Prominent case studies of Virgin coconut oil (VCO) adulteration detection by FTIR spectroscopy along with multivariate chemometrics.

VCO adulterants Spectral region studied Chemometric method used Results obtained Reference
−1 a b c d −1 e 2
Paraffin oil (PO) 3000- 2800 cm , 1800–700 PCA, LDA, PCR, PLS-R For PLS-R of 1800–700 cm R = 0.999 and (Amit, Jamwal, Kumari,
cm−1 f
RMSE = 0.16% v/v Dhaulaniya, Balan & Singh,
The lowest limit of detection of PO in g VCO 2020)
was predicted as 1% v/v.

Fried coconut oil (FCO) 3000- 2800 cm−1 , 1800–500 PCA, LDA, PCR, PLS-R For PLS-R of 1800–500 cm−1 R2 = 0.997 and (Amit, Jamwal, Kumari,
cm−1 RMSE = 0.832% v/v Kelly et al., 2020)
The lowest limit of detection of FCO in CO
was predicted as 0.5% v/v.

Mustard Oil (MO) 3010- 2800 cm−1 , 1800–720 PCA, LDA, PCR, PLS-R For PLS-R of 1800–720 cm−1 R2 = 0.999 and (Amit, Jamwal, Kumari,
cm−1 RMSE = 0.125% v/v Dhaulaniya, Balan, Kelly et al.,
The lowest limit of detection of MO in VCO 2020)
was predicted as 1% v/v.

Mustard oil (MO), Palm oil 4000–400 cm−1 PCA, HCA, LDA The minimum limit of differentiation and (Pandurangan et al., 2017)
(PO) classification of and PO in VCO was up to 5%

Palm kernel olein (PKO) 4000–650 cm−1 DA, PLS-R For PLS-R (Manaf et al., 2007)
R2 = 0.987 and RMSECV = 1.70% v/v
Detection of adulteration up to 1% was

Canola oil (Ca-O) 3027–2985 cm−1 , 1200–900 DA, PCR, PLS-R For PLS-R (Sciences & 2013, 2013)
cm−1 R2 = 0.998 and RMSE = 0.392% v/v
Detection of Ca-O adulteration up to 0.5% was

Olive (OO), Palm oil (PO) 1120–1105 cm−1 , 965–960 PCR, PLS-R For PLS-R of OO in VCO (Abdul Rohman et al., 2010)
cm−1 R2 = 0.999 and RMSE = 0.756% v/v
For PLS-R of PO in VCO
R2 = 0.999 and RMSE = 0.494% v/v
Detection of adulteration up to 1% was

Palm oil (PO), Olive oil (OO) 1200–1000 cm−1 PCR, PLS-R For PLS-R (Abdul Rohman & Man, 2011)
R2 = 0.999 and RMSE = 0.2% v/v
FTIR combined with PLS-R regression was a
powerful technique for quantitative analysis
of VCO in ternary mixture systems.

Palm oil (PO) 3010–3000 cm−1 , 1660–1650 DA, PLS-R For PLS-R (A. Rohman & Man, 2009)
cm−1 , 1220–1105 cm−1 R2 = 0.999 and RMSE = 0.533% v/v
Detection of adulteration up to 0.5% was

Corn oil (CO), Sunflower oil 4000–650 cm−1 DA, PLS-R For PLS-R of CO in VCO (Abdul Rohman & Che
(SFO) R2 = 0.999 and RMSE = 0.866% v/v Man, 2011)
For PLS-R of SFO in VCO
R2 = 0.999 and RMSE = 0.374% v/v
Detection of adulteration up to 1% was
achieved for both CO and SFO.

Lard (LD) 3020–3000 cm−1 , 1120–1000 DA, PLS-R For PLS-R (Mansor et al., 2011)
cm−1 R2 = 0.999 and RMSE = 0.722% v/v
Detection of adulteration up to 1% was
achieved for LD in VCO.

Lard (LD) 3020–3000 cm−1 , 1120–950 DA, PLS-R For PLS-R (A Rohman et al., n.d.)
cm−1 R2 = 0.999
Detection of adulteration up to 0.5% was
achieved for LD in VCO.
a PCA = Principal Component Analysis,.
LDA = Linear Discriminant Analysis,.
PCR = Principal Component Regression,.
PLS-R = Partial Least Square Regression,.
R2 = Coefficient of determination,.
RMSE = Root Mean Square Error,.
VCO = Virgin Coconut Oil.

Amit, S. Kumari and R. Jamwal Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100203

Fig. 4. Generalized workflow for the multi-

variate chemometric analysis methodology to
get the lowest limit of detection of the various
adulterants of VCO.

mari, Dhaulaniya, Balan, Kelly et al., 2020). In another latest study, fried RMSE (Abdul Rohman et al., 2010; Abdul Rohman & Che Man, 2011;
coconut oil (FCO) was detected in fresh coconut oil by using ATR-FTR Abdul Rohman & Man, 2011) (Table.2).
integrated with chemometric modeling (PCA, LDA, PCR, and PLS-R) in
the spectral range of 1800–500 cm−1 . The detection limit of FCO was 7. Future prospective
recorded as 0.5% v/v with high R2 value of 0.997 and low RMSE of
0.832% v/v (Amit, Jamwal, Kumari, Dhaulaniya, Balan, Kelly et al., Through the present study, it can be concluded that FTIR spec-
2020). While in the case of a binary mixture of adulterants (mustard oil troscopy along with multivariate chemometrics can be used as a quick
and palm oil) in VCO, differentiation, and classification were achieved and highly sensitive technique in the adulteration detection of VCO with
using ATR-FTIR along with qualitative chemometrics (PCA, HCA, LDA) other cheaper edible or non-edible oils. The regression models (cali-
and resulted in detection of up to 5% v/v (Pandurangan et al., 2017). In bration and prediction models) developed through this approach can
case of Palm kernel olein (PKO), FTIR spectroscopy with DA and PLS- be utilized in developing low-cost "field-deployable tools" (portable de-
R in the range of 4000–650 cm−1 has been utilized to detect PKO in vices) to be able to detect VCO adulteration in the field. The developed
VCO up to 1% v/v giving high R2 value of 0.987 and low RMSE of portable devices will be incorporated with the regression models of vari-
1.70% v/v (Manaf et al., 2007). Whereas in a different study, Canola ous adulterants of VCO and can be used for the quick and accurate adul-
oil (Ca-O) adulteration in VCO of up to 0.5% v/v has been detected in teration detection in the oil market, companies and by the consumers
the spectral domain of 3027–2985 cm−1 and 1200–900 cm−1 by utiliz- as well.
ing FTIR spectroscopy along with DA, PCR, and PLS-R showing high R2
value of 0.998 and low RMSE of 0.392% v/v (Sciences & 2013, 2013). 8. Conclusion
Additionally, in many other prominent cases of different adulterants of
VCO like olive oil, palm oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, and lard, have been In the recent past, FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate chemomet-
detected and quantified using FTIR spectroscopy along with various rics, has been comprehensively utilized for the detection and quantifi-
chemometric methods (DA, PCR, and PLS-R) with high R2 value and low cation of numerous blends of VCO with great accuracy and precision. It

Amit, S. Kumari and R. Jamwal Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100203

has been seen that in comparison to traditional methods of adulteration Dhaulaniya, A. S., Balan, B., Yadav, A., Jamwal, R., Kelly, S., Cannavan, A., et al., (2020).
detection, this analytical technique has many advantages. It is agile, Development of an FTIR based chemometric model for the qualitative and quantita-
tive evaluation of cane sugar as an added sugar adulterant in apple fruit juices. Food
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