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Redefining Horst and Graben Distribution in The Onshore Part of The North
East Java Basin and Its New Exploration Opportunity

Conference Paper · September 2022

DOI: 10.29118/IPA22-G-97


0 74

5 authors, including:

Yudi Satria Purnama Rania Sofya

Pertamina Pertamina


I Komang Andika Aris Permana



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Forty-Sixth Annual Convention & Exhibition, September 2022



Yudi Satria Purnama*

I Komang Andika Aris Permana*
Rania Rahmi Sofya*
Ramadan Sari*
Windi Darmawan**


The onshore part of North East Java Basin (NEJB) is a well-known hydrocarbon producing area
in Indonesia, with the largest proven reservoir being the Oligo - Miocene carbonates which
accumulated over basement horsts. Currently, the understanding of horst distribution is based on
previous publications. However, new integration studies on surface data (e.g. outcrop, satellite
image, geological map) and subsurface data (e.g. well data, biostratigraphy, seismic and gravity
data) has provided a new perspective of horst and graben distribution, which has led to a new
exploration concept in the onshore part of NEJB.

The geological character of horst and graben has been carefully described to be used as a
predictive tool to redefine where the area should be considered graben or horst. Integrating horst
and graben characters with available data has enabled generate of a new horst and graben map.
The study outcome suggests there are six horsts and six grabens. Some horsts are known, but
many are new. Likewise, some grabens are known, but others are unique.

New exploration opportunities have been generated by these horsts and grabens in the context of
depositional setting from Middle Eocene to Middle Miocene. In addition, three play concepts
have been created. They are Eocene Clastic, Eocene to Early Miocene Carbonates, and Early to
Middle Miocene Clastic. The plays differ, since the horst and graben positions are unique
compared to traditional knowledge. The message is clear, this study has opened new
opportunities, as new horsts mean new opportunities to find new (giant) oil and gas fields.

Corresponding Author: Yudi Satria Purnama (

Note: please contact author to get the full paper

** PERTAMINA Hulu Energi
 Ladies & Gent, good morning.
 I am Yudi Satria Purnama from Pertamina EP Cepu along with our colleagues they
are I Komang Andika, Rania Rahmi, Ramadan Sari, and Windi Darmawan would like
to present about the horst and graben in onshore part of the north east java basin.
 It is our initiative idea to find new giant field

 There are four main agenda today that is introduction, method, six
paleoenvironment maps from middle Eocene to middle miocene and conclusion.
 We will discuss this briefly

 Exploration in onshore part of North East Java Basin commenced since Dutch
colonization where proven reservoir was Ngrayong clastic and younger which it still
explore today.
 Deeper exploration target commenced since 70 decade and discovery of Oligo-
Miocene carbonate contribute to hydrocarbon production significantly.
 Those carbonate were grew on horst, so that horst is important for carbonate
 This is study area where the cities mentioned: Sidoarjo, Gresik, Ngawi, Bojonegoro,
Tuban, Rembang & Blora.
 Right bottom map is horst and graben map from Wayan Ardana (1993). The yellow
box is the study area.
 Within the area it shows Bawean Arch, Pati Through continuous to JS-1 Through,
Purwodadi High continuous to JS-1 Ridge, Kening Through and Ngimbang Basin
continuous to Central Deep and isolated East Cepu High and Kemandung High.
 Hence, there are 4 horst in study area, NE-SW oriented and strong relation to the
northern area.

 Our method is composed of four stages.
 The first is we describe geological character of horst and graben.
 Later we scrutinize the landscape character.
 And we put data & info where it includes nine geological maps, thirty two wells,
seismic sections, gravity interpretations, and our G&G in-house studies.
 Eventually, we able to produce the new horst and graben map.

 I think we are familiar with geological character of horst and graben, but let me
refresh your knowledge briefly.
 During rifting, generally clastic sediment will be thicker in depocenter (graben
center) and thinner in horst.
 Meanwhile carbonate buildup or platform commonly will grew on horst.
 During inversion, anticline will be formed in inverted graben, inverted half-graben
areas and on top of horst that fault-bounded in its two sides.
 While syncline typically formed near horst boundary.
 Geomorphologically, anticline will form a hill while syncline will form a valley.
 Anticline and syncline axes are easily observed from published geological map,
while hill and valley easily observed from satellite image.
 If we draw in three dimensional model (lower figures), generally the horst
distribution will be parallel to the nearest anticline axis.
 Quick look as written here where the main message is fold at geological map
reflect paleo structure (horst or graben).

 This is the satellite image of study area shows hill and valley of the Rembang and
Randublatung zones.
 We put fold axes from geological map where the dark blue lines are syncline axis
and magenta lines are anticline axis.
 Hence, the hill zones are most likely the inverted graben area while valley are most
likely horst area.
 However, these area with long and closely spaced of fold axes are part of Kendeng

 We put well data as indicator of horst and graben.
 Those wells has two colors, orange and blue color.
 The blue one is horst indicator, means well penetrated of Eocene to Early Miocene
 The orange one is graben indicator, means well penetrated thicker sediment and
deeper environment, where horizontal block indicate the well penetrated
basement or pre-tertiary rocks.
 Thus those well data might confirm whether the area is horst or graben.

 Finally, our integration produce new horst and graben map.
 The blue zone is horst area while the uncolored zone is graben area. There are six
horsts and six grabens.
 The horst is Sumber High, Purwodadi – Kujung High, Kalijati High, East Cepu-
Lamongan-Lengowangi High, Kemandung High and Porong High.
 The graben is Jatirogo Trough, Pati – Montong – Brondong Through, Kening –
Petung – Madura Through, Kalijati Through, Ngimbang Through, and Lingsir Sepat
 This map differ with previous map for several reason:
 6 horst – more horst & graben,
 Horst & graben has east-west orientation,
 Horst were not geologically connected to present day offshore area (Sunda

 The upper left is uninterpreted section from one single north-south seismic
 In this interpreted section (upper right), shows folds of Kendeng Zone, and larger
anticline and syncline of Rembang-Randublatung Zones.
 Flattening on top Late Oligocene (lower right) clearly shows interpretation of
Kemandung High, Ngimbang Through, Lamongan High and Kujung High.
 The lower left is stratigraphic model of the eastern area based on four well
correlation, also flattening at top Late Oligocene. It shows Kemandung High,
Ngimbang Trough, Kujung High and JS-1 Ridge.
 Carbonates on Kemandung High and Lamongan High are geological interpretation
(no well data) while NN-1 well penetrated in inverted graben.
 Lake deposit was interpreted from fresh water algae component contained in NN-1

 Later, we put well biostratigraphy data to the new horst and graben map to
produce new paleoenvironment map.
 It is very limited well data that has Middle eocene age, only two well RBG-1 and
PWD-1 confirm penetrated basement (from Peter Lunt 2013) and other well data
are speculative.
 Middle Eocene was the oldest age based on well data.
 Middle Eocene was the earliest rifting.
 Graben situated on marine area (inner to middle shelf) while most horst were
situated in supralittoral.
 Horst plunge to southwest.
 During this time it was the time for clastic sedimentation realm.

 During latest Eocene rifting continue, marine flooding the horst of western part of
Purwodadi High, Kalijati High, Bawean Arc, JS-1 Ridge and southern part of East
Cepu High and other highs.
 As consequence, carbonate deposition took place in flooded area.
 Some horst in were still in supralittoral environment.

 Early Oligocene was the latest rifting.
 This was time of CD limestone or Ngimbang Carbonate.
 All horst flooded.
 Carbonate growth everywhere in the horst.

 Late Oligocene was post rift event.
 It was the time what we call as Kujung carbonate.
 Carbonate deposition still took place where carbonate in East Cepu High grew such
as Banyu Urip, Jambaran Tiung Biru, Sukowati, Mudi.
 However, the western & eastern part of Purwodadi- Kujung High was subsided.

 There was new tectonic event of inversion during latest Early Miocene, estimated
about N8 was drastically changed the environment.
 Hence, the area can be divided into two blocks: northern block and southern
 Northern block marked by uplifted area and shallow marine clastic deposition.
 Southern block marked by block tilting of the horst in the southern area.
 Hence what was happen to the carbonate of East Cepu High they experienced
block tilting rather than backstepping.

 Inversion continued during late middle Miocene, this was time for Ngrayong
 Northern block there was tidal flat area.
 Southern block was marked by deep water clastic and uplift high of the
Kemandung and Porong Highs.

 There are three play concept that is Eocene clastic (number 1), Eocene to Early
Miocene Carbonate (number 2); and Miocene Clastic (number 3).
 Those plays are not new, many geologist already know it.
 Applied the play concept to the new horst and graben map, we have proven play
area mostly in western area and new opportunity particularly in eastern part.
 I hope we will find new giant field there.

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That all our presentation and tararengkiu for your attention


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