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Sales Script


Replace ‘John’ with owner’s name.

“Hey, John?”

“Yeah, that’s him”

“Hi, John. This is [YOUR NAME], from SpeedLine

Transportation. How’ve you been?”

“I’m good. What’s this about?”

“Awesome, well the reason I’m calling is because we're

helping carriers across the US find loads they prefer at
really good rates. And I thought you might be interested

Wait for their response…

If they say they’re not interested:

Oh, that’s okay, I understand. If I could ask you real-quick,
is it a timing issue or something else?

If it’s a timing issue, organize a time then and there of

when they’ll be able to give their full attention, and lock
them into a meeting. If it’s something else, you should
have your objection/complaint responses ready. Then,
depending on how that goes, you can re-direct to the
questions from the “interested” category.

If they’re interested:


Great. If I could ask you real-quick, what type of trucks or

trailers do you guys haul?

(If it’s a dry van, ask if it has rolling doors)

How’re you getting loads now-a-days? I mean, do you

self-dispatch or do you have a dispatcher?

If they have a dispatcher:

What’s your experience been like with that dispatcher?

What’s your biggest headache when it comes to finding

loads to haul?

“Well, John. Based on what I’ve gathered from you so far,

I think what we offer seems to be the perfect fit for you.
Let me tell you why…”


“First thing I should tell you is that we’re independent

dispatchers and this is non-commitment, meaning that
you can still sign-up with other dispatchers while you’re
actually signed up with us.

The goal here is that you can actually use us when

you’re empty and let’s say having a hard time finding a
load, we’ll help you find a load that’s suitable to your

And when you sign-up with us, we’re gonna assign you a
dedicated dispatcher who you can reach out to 24/7
and ask for a load anytime, and the agent will find a load
for you that meets your criteria.

You follow me so far, John?

Now, what the agent will do for you is, aside from being
available 24/7, he’ll handle all of the hectic work for you,
- negotiating and confirming rates,
- lumper charges, detention, layover, paperwork,
- and everything else that you have to do yourself.

It will save you time and energy which you can spend
on growing your business.

And one more thing I’d like to mention is that WE will

accommodate YOUR needs, not the other way around. It
will be up to you whether you want to work in the
eastern or western side, what kind of loads you want,
what lanes you prefer, what states you won't go to, etc.
There won’t be any forced dispatching

Sound good?
Great, so you might be asking what will something like
this cost since nothing’s for free anymore.

(If he has a flatbed, step-deck or a reefer, only pitch

percentage-basis. Pitch fixed plan only if he asks about
that. Also, reefers can be closed at 4% - 7%)

So we actually have two payment plans: fixed and

percentage-basis and it’s up to you which one you want
to go with.

If you go with percentage, there’d be an 8% processing

fee in which what we actually do is we try our best to not
charge it to our carrier. Like for example, you need a
minimum of $2 a mile to move your truck, just an
example. So what we’ll do is we’ll try our best to find a
load for $2 and 16 cents. This way, you get your clean
cut of $2 and we get our sixteen cents.

So you basically make the same amount of money that

you would have made otherwise. But when you consider
the fact that:
- You don’t have to do any of the dirty and hectic
work yourself
- You get your own dispatcher that you can contact
anytime for loads.
- You don’t have to do load-hunting yourself and will
always have great loads available that perfectly
meet your criteria, ANYTIME you want them.

Then it really becomes a no-brainer, doesn’t it John?

And the second payment plan is a fixed amount of only

$280 every week for all the loads, which is just a small
fraction of all the money you’ll make working with us.

And I’d also like to add that you only need to pay us once
you get paid yourself by the broker. So it’s in our best
interest to make sure you make the most money and are
always paid on time. This means basically all the benefit
for you, no risk whatsoever, and little to no downsides.

So, does all that sound good to you? Should I sign you up
and send your info over to our dispatching team so they
can get in touch with you?


In response to all of the common objections, use

deflection by saying:
“I hear what you’re saying, John, but let me ask you a
question: does the idea make sense to you? Do you like
the idea?”

Match the tone of your prospect and go into the follow-

up presentation.


“Exactly, and the true beauty in it is the time and mental

energy you will ultimately save in the long run. Think
about it for a second, John. You might have a hundred
things on your plate, whether in your personal or
professional life, demanding your attention. Do you really
need one more thing to worry about? That is, always
looking for good loads to haul. Do you really want to
worry about finding a suitable load then negotiating with
the broker then handling paperwork and all that when
you can have all this done for you?

Of course not! That’s where we come in to handle all this

stuff for you. Just hit up your dispatcher anytime you’re
empty and need a load to haul and they’ll make sure to
find a good load for you.
Meanwhile, you can use this time and mental energy to
focus on running and growing your business and
making more money.

Make sense, John?

Now you might be wondering how do we find great loads

like these. Well, the thing is that, aside from being active
on most load boards online, we also have great relations
with brokers like JBHunt, TQL, and many others from
every state. We get emails everyday for loads from
nearly every state that aren’t even posted on load boards.

Because of our contacts, we can get you exclusive loads

and secure better rates for you as well. We’ll make sure
you’re paid well and never have to go empty. Not only will
we find loads for you, we’ll make sure they’re driver-
friendly and have little to no dead-head miles.

[Pause 2 seconds]

You see what I’m saying here, John? Do you like the

“Yes, it sounds great!”

“Exactly, it really is a PHENOMENAL investment into your


“Okay, John. So before we get into that, tell me one thing:

Are you empty right now or loaded?”

If he’s loaded:
“When’s the drop-off time, and would you need a load
after that?”

If Yes (or he’s empty):

“Alright, so I’m gonna forward your contact info to our
dispatch team, they’ll get in touch with you and sign you

Pass his contact info to the dispatcher, he’ll get the


If No:
“Alright, so to get you signed-up, I’m gonna need you to
send over some documents, and the reason we need
these documents is because, as I’m sure you know, they
are required to book your load from broker for rate con
and to fill carrier packets for the broker company.

Okay, so they are:

1. MC Authority (Motor Carrier)
2. W9 Form for EIN
3. COI (Certificate Of Insurance)
4. NOA (Notice of Assignment) from factoring
5. Voided Check for quick pay.”


1. Can you give me your best email?

2. Do you have a weight limit?
3. How about the route? Any places you don’t wanna
4. Do you have a factoring company?
5. What’s the least amount you need to move your

“Awesome, so I have everything I need. I’ll send you a
document, fill it out and our dispatch team will be in
touch with you shortly.
Well, that’s all. Thank you so much for your time and
we’re looking forward to doing business with you. Have
a good day!”Okay so they are:
MC Authority (Motor Carrier)

W9 Form for EIN (Employee Identification Number)

COI (Certificate Of Insurance)

NOA (Notice Of Assignment) from factoring company.

Voided Check for quick pay.

Is that alright for you?

Some Questions:

May I know your good email?

Do you have any weight limit?

And places you don’t wanna go?

Do you have a factoring company?

What’s the minimum rate per mile you need to move your truck?

Okay so they are:

1. MC Authority (Motor Carrier)
2. W9 Form for EIN (Employee Identification Number)
3. COI (Certificate Of Insurance)
4. NOA (Notice Of Assignment) from factoring
5. Voided Check for quick pay.

Is that alright for you?

Some Questions:
1. May I know your good email?
2. Do you have any weight limit?
3. And places you don’t wanna go?
4. Do you have a factoring company?
5. What’s the minimum rate per mile you need to
move your truck?


Pause briefly:

“Now, John, let me ask you another question. Say if

you had a whole fleet of trucks and we’d been your
dispatcher for the last three or four years,
consistently providing you preferred loads at great
prices and negotiating rates, booking loads,
handling all the paperwork, and making sure that
your trucks never had to go empty, then you
probably wouldn’t be saying, ‘Let me think about it
right now, Liam’. You’d be saying, ‘I’ll send the
required documents, sign me up right away. Am I

If No:

“Wait a second, John: you mean to tell me that if

we’d all this for you for several years, saved you time,
money, and energy, then you wouldn’t be saying,
‘Sign me up right now’? Come on!”

If Yes:
You’re going to say, in a sympathetic tone:

“Now, that I can understand. You don’t know me,

and I don’t have the luxury of a track record; so let
me take a moment to reintroduce myself.

My name is Liam Anderson, and I’m the Owner and

Lead Developer at SaturnStudio Developments. I
pride myself on exceptional service and a genuine
desire to help my clients grow their businesses.

I’m a self-taught developer, and I started this

business because, to be COMPLETELY honest with
you, I want to achieve financial freedom, and to do
that, I decided I should help small businesses who
don’t have the funds to spend thousands of dollars
for a high-quality, custom website.
And the ones that do, usually get taken advantage
of and have a terrible website that looks like it was
built by someone in a dungeon who hasn’t seen
design trends for the last 10 years.
So I tweaked my business model to fit their needs.
That's how I came up with my $0 down and $150 a
month model. It's more manageable for a small
business to handle and won't hurt their bank

For that $150 a month, I’ll make sure to always be

there for you and deliver an amazing product that
will help you grow your business.

Obviously I’m not getting rich here with just $150 a

month, and the kind of sites I build go for AT LEAST a
couple grand. So it is in MY best interest to make
sure you’re satisfied so that you don’t cancel the
subscription and I make a profit for the work I put in.

And as far as my company, SaturnStudio

Developments, goes. It’s basically a one-man web-
development agency for now, but won’t be that way
for long. As I expand I’ll hire people. And my goal with
this company is to grow it into a full-fledged digital
agency, offering my clients web development, social
media, and SEO services among other things. And
also become known around the block as the agency
to go for if you want to grow your business 5 to 10
TIMES of what it is now.
So, John, why don’t we do this, I’ll email you some
templates to look at. You can tell me which one you
like, and send the payment for the first month, and
I’ll start working on your website right away. Sound

Another objection…

“I hear what you’re saying, John, but let me just say

that I’ve been doing this for some time now, and if
there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that when people
say they’re going to think about it, or call you back,
what ends up happening is that they end up putting
the idea in the back of their mind and deciding
against it, not because they don’t like the idea—in
fact, in your case I know that you actually do—but
the simple fact is that we’re both very busy people,
and you’ll go back to your busy life and end up
missing out on this; and I don’t want to see that
happen to you.

“In fact, let me say this: one of the true beauties of

the situation is that, right now, very few small
businesses have GOOD websites. And even the few
big and highly successful ones who do have a
professional looking website, they still have crappy
load times potentially losing them customers simply
because they’ve never been educated on why it’s
And let me tell you this, in this day and age, having a
GREAT online presence is, in fact, extremely
important. And I’m not just saying it so I can sell you
on a website. Let me give you some numbers.
According to research done by various large
companies and institutions, 88 PERCENT of
searches for local businesses on a mobile device
either call or visit the business WITHIN 24 hours.
What’s more, 61 PERCEN of mobile searchers are
more likely to contact a local business if they have a
mobile-friendly site. And I think I’ve already told you
how I do mobile-friendly sites exceptionally well,
didn’t I?

Their answer…

Yeah, and another one, 92 PERCENT of searchers will

pick businesses on the first page of local search
results. Now, I’m not gonna misguide you and say
that we will be on first page right when we launch,
that’s not gonna happen. Google algorithm takes
time to properly rank and index a site, however if a
site is built properly, it WILL eventually get there. A
good estimate is 6 months. Until then, we’ll have your
Google Business page set up properly that links to
your website where people can visit.

Make sense?
And as for me, trust me, John, I have WAYYY more to
gain over the long run by giving you AMAZING
service and making sure that you’re happy. Not just
in monthly payments but also with referrals.
Obviously, you’re more likely to refer your friends to
me if you’re satisfied, aren’t you?

I’m a small business owner just like you, John, trying

to become a BIG business owner. And providing
subpar service definitely isn’t the way to go if I want
to achieve that. Don’t you agree?

John, let me ask you an honest question: what’s the

worst that can possibly happen here? I mean, let’s
say I’m wrong and that, you don’t notice an
increased number of people calling you, EVEN after
waiting 6 months to let the website rank, and you
don’t think it’s worth paying $150 every month
anymore. You’ll lose 6 months of payment, which is
$900. Is that gonna put you in the poorhouse?

Wait for their response

Exactly, of course it won’t! And, on the upside, let’s

say I’m right—like we both think I am—and you start
getting more calls each month, like we both think
you would, and you make at least 3 to 5 times of
what you pay me, if not MORE. I mean, it’ll feel good
and everything, but it’s not gonna make you the
richest man in town, now will it?”
Wait for their response

Exactly! Of course it won’t. It’s not gonna make you

rich, and it’s not gonna make you poor, but what this
will do is give you back more that what you invest,
and give you peace of mind that someone else is
handling your online presence. So why don’t we do
Since this is our first time working together, why
don’t I give you a bit of a discount? Let’s do this, I’ll
reduce your payment to only $50 for the first 3
months. That’s literally 3 TIMES less for 3 WHOLE
months, this will give you an idea of what it’s like to
work with me; and believe me, John, if even half of
what I said is true, the only problem you’re going to
have is that I didn’t call you 6 months earlier. Sound
fair enough?

Shut up and wait for their response.

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