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(See OW-301, Sestion lX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codel

Welder's name Ahmad Termizi bin Mohd Datar ldentification no. 8308230&5669 KBV.W15

Test Oesoiption
ldentificalion of WPS followed '
KBV-WP$0o1S Ehest coupon Eprodr"tion wetd
Specification and type/grade or UNS Number of base metal(s) P1G2: SA515 Grade 70 15.90 mm

Testing VrriaHcs and Qualifcation Limits

Weldng Variables (QW-3501 Actual Values Range Oualified
Welding process{es} SMAW SMAW
Type (i.e.; manual, semi-automaticl used Manual
Backing (with/without)
SIIAW(VWhorrt) SMAW(WIh or\ tthout)
El Plate I Pipe (enter diameler if pipe or tube] Plate and Pipe
Base metal P-Number to P-Number Pl to P1 P1 to P15F, P34, & P41 to P49 &
unassignad m€aals of similar chernical
compcition to theso motab.
Flller metal F-Number(si SMAW- F4 SMAylI. F4, F3, F2, FI

Filler Metal Form (solidlmetal or flux cored/powder) (GTAW or PAWI

_-lwb"T,t!!r9_ (With or Wthont Backinq)

Deposit thickness for each process

Process I SMAW 3layers minimum fiv"= tr No SttrtAW: 15.9 mm Sl\lAW: Unlimited Thickness
Process 2
Position gualified (2G.6G, 3F, etc.)
n No
Plate & Pipe > 610 mm OD: F,V
Hate & 73mm< PiPe OD <6l0nm: F
Plate & Pipe - Fillet: F,H,V
Vertical progression (uphill or downhill) Uphill Uphill
lnert gas backing {GTAW, PaW, CUaWt
GTAW current typdpolarity (AC, DCEP, DCEN) SMAW- DCEP SMAW- DCEP

Visual examination of completed weld {OW-302.4} Satis{actav
fiTransverse face and root bends toW-a62.3(all f!
Longitudinal bends [OW-462.3(b]l I SiOe bends (OW-462.2]
eioe bend specimen. corrosion-resistant weld metal overlay IQW-462,5tc)l
fr eip" "p""ilJT:::;':1,'i.";liJ;i":,;',,"""H"11":T:fffl,l,1:ill;lllirusion row 462 s(el,
Type Resuh Type Resull Type Resuh

Alternalive Volumelric Examination Resulls {OW t9Jl: Satisfac'tory RTfilor UTE (check one]
Fillet weld fracture test (OW-181,2) Length and percent of delects
l] ritt"r welds in plare tQW462.4(b)l flritut wetds in pipe toW462.4{c}l
Macro examination {OW- 18zl) Fillel size (in.| ' x ' Concavitylmnvexity (in.)
Other lests
--: evaluated by
Film or specimens Wlson (Report No. :0$02-RT)
Company ETJ lnspec,tion Sdn Bhd
Mechanical tests qtnducted by ' Laboratory test no.
Welding supervised by Ho Jien Hau
We certify that the statemenls in this record are correct and thal the test coupons were prepared, welded. and tested in accordance with the
requirements of Section lX of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE.

Organizalion KBV Engineering Sdn Bhd

Date 12-02-2016
Cenified by


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