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Table of Conte


1. Welcome
Welcome Letter...............................................................................3

2. Product
Product Disc

3. Three Tips to Regain Your Fitness After Pregnanc


4. Worko

5. Thank Yo
Hey there, babes :)

First of all, congratulations on becoming a momma!

From my own experience, the first few months after having your baby are such an
exciting time and I encourage you to soak up every minute of it! However, if you are
anything like I was, I’m sure that you’re looking in the mirror wondering how you’re
going to get your pre-baby body back!

I am here to tell you that while you might not fit into the same clothes, you might
not be as toned or as strong
st rong as you were before you were pregnant, you are
amazing and you are beautiful! Please, please, pleeease stop finding your value in
the number on the scale or how you look in the mirror and learn to love yourself
and your body. Because once you are happy with the person you are on the inside,

then this will begin to shine through on the outside. I will be honest and say that
getting back to where you were pre-pregnancy
pre-pregnancy is a process that takes both time
and patience. But you will get there! The important thing is that you learn to love
yourself and love
l ove the journey.

In this book, I will be sharing:

• Three post-pregnancy workouts that can be completed in the

comfort of your own home

• My top three tips on how to regain your fitness after regnancy

• Exercises to help restore strength in your pelvic floor.

@mysweatlife SELF • 4
Before you begin training, please complete the following checklist:

I have visited my doctor for my six-week post-pregnancy

check up
I have received doctor’s clearance to participate in
low-intensity exer

I don’t have any significant pelvic floor complications

I don’t have significant abdominal separation

I am not experiencing any significant pain or soreness

since giving birth

As with all exer

cise, please seek medical clearance before commencing. If
you have any pre-existing injuries or concerns, please ensure that meet
with your healthcare professional to determine if these workouts are
appropriate for you.

Kelsey Wells should not be held liable for any injuries that arise as a result

of following these workouts. By purchasing SELF for Post-Pregnancy, you

agree that you are following these workouts at your own risk.

@mysweatlife SELF • 6
TIP 1: Be Patient
When I first got back into exercising after having Anderson my beautiful baby boy, I re-
member walking away from my first few workouts feeling so disheartened. I couldn’t
understand why my body couldn’t do the things that it used to do! Exercises that used
to be so easy suddenly felt 10 times harder than before.

I want you take a step back and remember the changes that your body has gone
through over the last year or so. Your body has just helped to nurture and grow an-
other human being. That’s right - a living, breathing human being! That is an incredible
achievement and one that you should be SO proud of!

It’s strange isn’t it? We go through this massive nine-month process and we just expect
our body to bounce back straight away as if nothing happened! So… while you are ad-
just ing to your ne
neww body
body and you
yourr new
new life
life as a momm
a, I encou
e you
you to
to be pati
with yourself.

Understand that it may take some time for you to be able to do push ups on your toes
again, it may take some time for you to be able to do sit ups. And that’s okay! Rather
than focussing on where you once were, celebrate where you are right now and enjoy
the journey! Take each day, each workout, each repetition one at a time. Be persistent
and patient and allow your body to do the rest.

TIP 2: Take One Day At A Time

Trust me when I say that the first few months of being a momma are not easy! You
have another little person who is relying on you for everything, so it’s important that
you are looking after yourself too.

I can guarantee you there will be days where you’re trying to function on very little
sleep (or none at all!). There will be days where you will be sore and you physically
won’t be able to workout. You know what, that is totally okay! The important thing is
that you are aware of what your body is telling you, especially in the first few months
where your body is recovering from pregnancy.

If you wake one day and feel you can manage a full workout, that’s awesome! If you
can only manage a walk or a light stretch in your lounge room, that’s great too. Remem-
ber, you are not competing against anyone except yourself.

@mysweatlife SELF • 8
TIP 3: Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Floor!
While there are so many upsides, one of the few downsides of pregnancy is the effects
it can have on your pelvic floor. If you’re not sure what your “pelvic floor” is, it is basi-
cally the muscles and ligaments that help keep your bladder, bowel and womb in the
right place.

Changes in hormones and the weight of your baby during pregnancy can cause your
pelvic floor to become very weak, which may result in bladder weakness. I’m sure
you’ve all experienced it when you’ve gone to laugh, cough, or move around quickly!

Women should perform pelvic floor (or kegel) exercises as much as possible during
pregnancy and also in the months after. The amazing thing is that these exercises only
take a few minutes and can be done anywhere — when you’re feeding, when you’re on
the phone, or even standing in line at the store! I recommend doing these several
times a day,
da y, every single day.

If you’re not sure what pelvic floor exercises are, I have provided you with some exam-
ples on the following page.

Just becaus
Just becausee you
you can’
can’tt see
see your
your pel
vic floo
floorr muscle
muscless (lik
e you
you can your abs)
abs),, don’
don’tt fall
into the trap of thinking that they aren’t important. Exercising your pelvic floor can help
you restore core strength that may have been lost during pregnancy, which in turn, will
allow you to progress to more difficult exercises and also prevent injury. In other
words, your pelvic floor is like the foundations of a house, and it’s important that it is
both strong and secure before you start building anything else!

@mysweatlife SELF • 9
Pelvic Floor Exercises
As I said before, your pelvic floor is made up of the muscles and ligaments that help
support your bladder, bowel and womb. There really isn’t a pretty way to describe how
to activate these muscles, so try to bear with me!

Pelvic Floor Squeeze & Hold

I want you to imagine that you’re going to the bathroom and you are stopping the flow
of urine (told you it wasn’t pretty!). You should immediately feel a “squeeze and lift”

Now hold this squeeze for 5 seconds (or as long as you can if you can’t hold for that
long!) and then let go. Rest for 10 seconds and repeat this until you have completed 5
squeezes. Just like a gym workout, this is considered one ‘set’.

Where possible, try and complete several sets throughout the course of the day. It’s
really important you continue to breathe throughout these squeezes and that you keep
your glutes and your thighs completely relaxed!

Once you can successfully hold each squeeze for 5 seconds, gradually work up to (but
no more than) 10 second holds. You can try the ‘pulse’ and ‘elevator’ variations below:

Pelvic Floor Elevator

Imagine that your pelvic floor is an elevator and being at complete rest is the “ground
floor”. From here, you’re going to lightly squeeze as we travel up to the “first floor”, a lit-
tle more as we travel to the “second floor” and a little more again as we reach the “third
floor”. In other words, the intensity of the squeeze will increase as you travel up each
“floor”. Slowly release and return to the ground floor and repeat for a total of five repeti-
tions. Where possible, complete another set at some point throughout the day.

As I said before, it’s really important that you are isolating your pelvic floor muscles and
not using additional muscles, such as your glutes and thighs, when trying to increase
the intensity of each squeeze.

@mysweatlife SELF • 10
Pelvic Floor Pulse

This exercise is similar to the first one, but it’s a little faster! Rather than simply holding,
you are going to contract (squeeze) and release our pelvic floor continuously for 20

Now when I say “faster”, we’re talking about 2-3 seconds per repetition, which includes
both the squeeze and relaxation phases. Where possible, complete another set at
some point throughout the day.

@mysweatlife SELF • 11
How to do the workouts
• Each workout consists of two different circuits that are completed twice each;

• In each circuit, you will need to repeat the four given exercises as many times as

possible within seven minutes. You stop when the timer stops!
• Take 30-90 seconds rest between circuits;

• Alternate between circuits.

Warm Up

Circuit One - 7 minutes

Break - 30 seconds

Circuit Two - 7 minutes

Break - 90 seconds

Circuit One - 7 minutes

Break - 30 seconds

Circuit Two - 7 minutes

Cool Down

@mysweatlife SELF • 13


Circuit One 2x7 mins Circuit Two 2x7 mins

Squat 10 REPS Hinge 10 REPS

Clam 16 REPS Calf Raise 12 REPS

Donkey Kick 16 REPS Close Squat 10 REPS

Glute Bridge 10 REPS Static Lunge 16 REPS



Circuit One 2x7 mins Circuit Two 2x7 mins

Tricep Circle 10 REPS Standing Oblique Crunch 16 REPS

Clam 16 REPS Incline Push-Up 10 REPS

Plank 30 SEC Tricep Dip 10 REPS

Close-Grip Seated Row 12 REPS Bent-Over Reverse Fly 10 REPS



Circuit One 2x7 mins Circuit Two 2x7 mins

Seated Tricep Extension 12 REPS Standing Shoulder Press 12 REPS

Four-Point Arm Extension 20 REPS Double-Pulse Squat 10 REPS

Foot Lift + Extend 20 REPS Russian Twist 16 REPS

Standing Oblique Crunch 16 REPS Lay Down Push-Up 10 REPS

Thank you so much for downloading my SELF for Post-Pregnancy eBook! Your
health is more important than ever now you have a little
l ittle one to care for. I hope
this book gives you the inspiration and confidence to be the healthiest momma
you can be!

For more health and fitness tips, follow me on

o n Instagram or check out my blog!
bl og!




@mysweatlife SELF • 18

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