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Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng.

Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24

A critical review of Roof snap-off as a mechanism of steady-

state foam generation in homogeneous porous media
William R. Rossen *
Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712-1061, USA

Received 25 February 2002; accepted 25 April 2003


Foams are used worldwide to divert acid in well-stimulation treatments and on a pilot basis to divert gas or liquid
flow in improved-oil-recovery projects and environmental remediation. Optimizing foam performance requires
predictive foam modeling for use in design of field applications. Central to many mechanistic foam models is the
concept of repeated snap-off creating foam lamellae at ‘germination sites,’ pore throats upstream of wide pore bodies.
This mechanism is based on the classic study of Roof on the breakup of oil droplets passing through pore throats into
water-filled pores. This paper calls into question whether this mechanism applies to foam generation at steady-state in
homogeneous porous media.
# 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Foam; Porous media; Foam generation; Snap-off; Choke-off

1. Introduction are created by snap-off in pore throats and then

break as the lamellae are displaced from the throat
Foams divert acid in well-stimulation treatments [6 /12]. Snap-off also plays an important role in
[1,2], gas flow in improved-oil-recovery processes most ‘population balance’ and related models [13 /
[3,4], and liquid flow in environmental-remedia- 23], which allow that lamellae may travel signifi-
tion projects [5]. A major goal of foam research is cant distances before rupture.
development of a fully mechanistic and predictive Snap-off occurs when gas invades a pore throat
foam simulator. and then liquid accumulates in the throat, even-
Many mechanistic foam models are based on tually bridging and blocking the throat, as illu-
the concept that the liquid films, or lamellae, that strated in Fig. 1. A liquid lens is first formed,
separate gas bubbles are created at pore throats by which later may drain to a lamella if capillary
a process of repeated snap-off. ‘Break and reform’ pressure rises again at the throat.
and similar foam models postulate that lamellae Initial gas invasion of the throat requires that
capillary pressure exceed the capillary entry pres-
sure of the throat Pec; for pore throats with circular
* Tel.: /1-512-471-3246; fax: /1-512-471-9605.
cross-section Pec /(2s /Rt) [24], where s is gas /
E-mail address: (W.R. Rossen).

0927-7757/03/$ - see front matter # 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24

Table 1
Values of Psn e
c /Pc

Throat Psn e
c /Pc Reference

Gently constricted tubes with various cross-sectional shapes

Circular 0.5 [25]
Fig. 1. Schematic of snap-off in a pore throat. Rock is black, Rectangular w /h / 1 /0.5 [26]
water gray and gas white. Water in the vicinity has hydro- 2 0.67 [26]
dynamic continuity with water in the throat through crevices 4 0.80 [26]
and roughness in the pore wall not shown here. 10 0.91 [26]
 1 [26]
liquid surface tension, Rt is the radius of the
throat, and gas /liquid contact angle is assumed Elliptical R1/R2 / 1 0.50*
2 0.65 [27]
(as throughout this study) to be zero. Presumably 3 0.71 [27]
the surrounding porous medium is at this same
capillary pressure. Snap-off requires that capillary Toroidal throat
pressure in the throat then fall to a lower value, Rg/Rt /  0.50*
10 0.44 [28]
Psn sn
c . The value of Pc depends on pore-throat
4 0.34 [28]
geometry, as illustrated in Table 1. For straight 2 0.18 [28]
cylindrical throats, Psn e
c /(Pc/2), and it is near this
for gently constricted throats of circular cross- Biconical throat with sharp angle u at throat
section. As the cross-section of a gently constricted u (8) / 0 0.50*
10 0.37 [29]
throat of rectangular cross-section narrows into a
20 0.25 [29]
slit ((w /h )0/), (Psn e
c /Pc) approaches 1*/in other 30 0.15 [29]
words, a slight fluctuation in Pc can cause snap-off 90 0 [29]
in such a throat. On the other hand, as the
curvature of the throat along its axis increases Beadpacks
Theoretical results, [13,30]
from zero for a straight cylindrical throat to close packing:
infinity for a very sudden constriction, Psn c falls (a) Cubic packing 0.15
to zero. Direct measurements in beadpacks [13] (b) Hexagonal packing
find Psn e
c :/(Pc/2), which is a reasonable estimate
(i) Tetrahedral pore 0.32
(ii) Octahedral pore 0.57
for other porous media as well.
There are seven documented ways that capillary Experimental /0.5 [13]
pressure can fall by a factor of 2 from Pec to Psn
c to
allow snap-off [4]. Distinguishing between them is * Same as cylindrical throat.
essential to understand the roles snap-off can play
2. Pressure differences between bubbles are dic-
in foam in porous media:
(1) Imbibition on a macroscopic scale [13,27]. In tated by lamella curvature. In Fig. 2, pressure
a foam process where gas and liquid are injected in relationships and capillary pressures along the
alternating slugs, for instance, snap-off can occur train of bubbles are abruptly changed as one
as water saturation Sw rises and Pc falls during lamella passes through a pore throat and reverses
liquid injection. curvature. This fluctuation can be treated as a
(2) The pressures in individual bubbles in a bounded random walk, where snap-off occurs
flowing foam fluctuate from bubble to bubble and each time the walk crosses the boundary at Pc /
in a single bubble over time, as lamellae squeeze Psn
c [31]. Snap-off events happen more frequently
through pore throats and expand into pore bodies the lower the average Pc of the foam is to Psn
c .
[13,31]. Therefore Pc for individual bubbles fluc- (3) Most of the pressure drop in the gas phase
tuates as well. The mechanism is illustrated in Fig. occurs at the lamellae; the gas itself is virtually
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much wider than the pore throat, and it can occur

by this mechanism only during drainage. If the
throat is much narrower than the body, then
repeated snap-off can occur by this mechanism
until the pore body is filled with small bubbles
[4,27,42]. In addition, snap-off can occur as gas
invades a nearby pore throat [29,43].
Snap-off occurs in this case because, as gas
invades the wide pore body downstream of the
pore throat, the curvature of the gas /liquid inter-
face declines from (2/Rt) in the throat to (2/Rb) in
the pore body, as illustrated in Fig. 3. If Rb /
(2Rt), then the local capillary pressure at the
pore throat may temporarily be low enough for
snap-off, even if the surrounding porous medium
is at higher capillary pressure (see also refinements
in Refs. [44,45]). For convenience here we call this
Fig. 2. Schematic of fluctuations in capillary pressure brought geometric criterion the ‘Roof criterion,’ after
about by bubble movement during foam flow in porous media. Roof’s classic study [25], and this type of snap-
Pressure jumps between bubbles according to the curvature of
the lamellae between bubbles. For instance, the positively
off, ‘Roof snap-off.’ Chambers and Radke [27] call
curved lamella between bubbles a and b means that the gas in it ‘neck constriction snap-off.’
bubble a is at higher pressure than that in bubble b. In this case (6) If gas stops just short of penetrating a throat,
shown, the lamella between bubbles d and e has reversed from liquid may accumulate and snap-off a small gas
large negative curvature (dotted lines) to large positive curva- bubble just upstream of the throat [27,38]. If the
ture (solid lines) upon a slight advance of the bubble train,
which does not affect other lamellae greatly. This causes a
newly formed bubble is narrower than the throat,
drastic rearrangement of gas-bubble pressures and therefore of it may then jump through the throat.
capillary pressures within the train. For simplicity, water is (7) Just as pressure is nearly uniform in long
assumed here to flow with a uniform pressure gradient. bubbles (mechanism #3), it is nearly uniform in
fingers of gas migrating upward under gravity.
inviscid. Therefore, Pc is lower at the rear of a long Under gravity, liquid pressure is higher toward the
bubble than at the front, because liquid pressure is bottom of the finger. Thus while the top of the
higher there and gas pressure is uniform along the finger is near the capillary entry pressure of the
bubble. As a result, snap-off may occur toward the medium, capillary pressure is lower near the
rear of long bubbles, as observed in an etched- bottom of the finger, and snap-off may occur
glass micromodel [32]. there [13].
(4) In steady liquid /gas flow across a sharp There are other ways of creating lamellae: by
transition in permeability, there is a narrow region ‘leave behind’ during initial drainage and, if
of low capillary pressure [33,34]. Thus, lamellae
are created at permeability transitions in bead-
packs where flow is from a low-permeability
region in to one of higher permeability
[13,30,35 /37]; the extreme case is foam generation
at the outlet face of a porous medium.
(5) When gas invades a liquid-filled pore body
during drainage, there is an instant at which liquid
Fig. 3. Schematic of Roof snap-off in a pore in a porous
can sweep back into the throat, snap-off and form medium. Capillary pressure drops briefly in the pore (though
a lens behind the gas bubble [25,27,30,38 /41]. not in the porous medium as a whole) due to the large radius of
Snap-off happens most readily if the pore body is curvature of the gas /liquid interface invading the pore body.
4 W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24

lamellae survive mobilization, by ‘lamella division’ this mechanism. This section examines each type
in pore bodies [13,30]. of the evidence in turn.
Of all these mechanisms, however, snap-off A key failing of several of these lines of evidence
mechanism #5 (Roof snap-off) in particular is is that the theory or experiment fails to account for
the foundation of a wide variety of foam models the high capillary pressure of the surrounding
[6 /12,16 /23]. These models assume that snap-off porous medium. A porous medium with gas
continues to create lamellae during steady-state flowing through some pore throats must exist at
foam flow in homogeneous porous media. (Homo- a capillary pressure at least equal to the capillary
geneous here does not mean that all pores are entry pressure of all the throats through which gas
identical, but merely that permeability is roughly flows [24]. Gas flows through the wider pore
uniform, in contrast to the case of foam generation throats in the medium, and capillary pressure for
at a sharp permeability boundary.) An impressive the porous medium is set by the narrowest pore
array of evidence is cited in support of this throat through which gas flows [24]. In foam,
mechanism, ranging from microscopic mechanistic bubbles fluctuate in pressure and capillary pres-
studies to macroscopic trends in behavior. sure (mechanism #2), but they fluctuate in the
This paper examines this body of evidence and vicinity of the capillary entry pressure of the
shows that in each case observations or calcula- narrowest throat through which gas flows.
tions either reflect conditions atypical of porous The Plateau borders where foam lamellae touch
media where foam is applied or they subjected to the pore walls are likewise near to the capillary
alternate, more convincing interpretations. Where pressure of the surrounding medium. This assump-
extended mathematical analysis is needed, it is tion is merely consistent with widely held under-
given in Appendices A, B and C. Our conclusion is standing of mechanisms of foam coalescence. A
that foam modeling based on repeated Roof snap- large body of evidence [49 /52] shows that moving
off as a steady-state foam-generation mechanism lamellae in porous media rupture when the porous
in homogeneous porous media is called into medium’s capillary pressure approaches the criti-
question. cal or limiting capillary pressure for lamella
There are mathematical models of foam genera- stability. Nearly all recent foam models
tion in homogenous media that do not depend on [1,2,10,13,16 /23,47,53] incorporate this mechan-
Roof snap-off, but instead on lamella mobilization ism. The lamella itself does not contact the
and division [14,46/48]. These alternate models surrounding porous medium except through its
reproduce many of the observations cited as Plateau border [50,54]. If lamellae collapse as the
evidence for Roof snap-off; some of these obser- surrounding porous medium reaches the limiting
vations are described below. In calling into ques- capillary pressure, it can only occurred because the
tion Roof snap-off as a mechanism of steady-state Plateau borders are at roughly the same high
foam generation in homogeneous media, one is capillary pressure as the surrounding medium
not left without any explanation for foam genera- and impose this capillary pressure on the lamellae.
tion. It is reasonable therefore to assume that the
Plateau border is at roughly the capillary pressure
of the surrounding porous medium, i.e. near to, or
2. Evidence cited for repeated Roof snap-off greater than, Pec for pore throats. This issue is
central to evaluating several of the lines of
Evidence for the mechanism of repeated snap- evidence for Roof snap-off.
off falls into several categories: experimental and
theoretical studies of snap-off in constricted tubes; 2.1. Experimental studies in constricted tubes
experimental studies in two-dimensional (2D)
etched-glass micromodels and in sandpacks or Chambers and Radke [27] review a series of
beadpacks; foam behavior in consolidated porous elegant and detailed studies of snap-off in singly-
media; and success of foam simulators based on constricted tubes (see also Refs. [38 /41]). These
W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24 5

studies show that Roof snap-off occurs in such

tubes again and again as gas continues to flow
through a narrow pore throat upstream of a wide
pore body, as illustrated in Fig. 4.
There are two reasons why these experiments do
not represent flow through porous media: the
experiments involve tubes with a single constric-
tion, and each experiment involves a only one
constricted tube at a time.
First, in tubes with only one constriction, the
system returns to its initial state after each snap-off
event; in effect, the downstream pore has infinite
volume. If the downstream pore has finite volume,
however, snap-off would be expected to cease
when the pore body is filled with one or more
bubbles, as observed in doubly-constricted tubes Fig. 5. Schematic of snap-off in a doubly-constricted tube.
[42] and etched-glass micromodels [27]. (The only
experimental test in a doubly constricted tube [42]
is less than conclusive. The tube lacked pore dius. This capillary pressure is too high (Table 1)
corners to conduct liquid flow and results were to sustain snap-off for long. Closer to the up-
partly influenced by gravity as well as capillarity; stream throat, capillary pressure reflects the cur-
see Refs. [42,45] for discussion.) Fig. 5 illustrates vature of the Plateau border, not the curvature of
the reason Roof snap-off ceases: the next time gas the lamella.
invades the pore throat, it must displace one or As the bubbles first touch and the Plateau
more of the bubbles in the pore body into the next border drains in Fig. 5, most liquid would drain
pore throat. Capillary pressure is then set by the downstream, because the pressure of the upstream
downstream pore throat, not the pore-body ra- bubble is higher, as indicated by interface curva-
ture and constrained by pore geometry. If the
Plateau border drains rapidly, some liquid might
flow back toward the upstream throat, triggering
one more snap-off event, as illustrated in Fig. 5.
After this event, there is even less liquid in the
newly formed Plateau border than after the pre-
vious snap-off event, and snap-off becomes still
less likely. Eventually, Roof snap-off ceases.
This conclusion is not altered by the existence of
crevices and corners in the pore cross-section,
through which liquid can flow [38,39], except as
noted below. This flow accelerates the accumula-
tion of liquid in the throat and snap-off in singly
constricted tubes. In doubly constricted tubes,
however, with higher capillary pressure fixed by
the downstream throats, these channels would
drain liquid away from the upstream throat, not
Fig. 4. Schematic of snap-off in a singly-constricted tube.
to the throat for snap-off. Moreover, continued
Liquid may be injected as well as gas, and flow along corners snap-off depends on the throat radii downstream
in the pore cross-section not shown here. (or, more generally, on the capillary pressure of
6 W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24

the surrounding medium, which reflects pore 2.2. Theoretical calculations for snap-off in tubes
throats), not on pore-body radius or pore aspect
ratio (the ratio of Rb to Rt). Thus, studies of Roof Several theoretical studies of repeated snap-off
snap-off in singly-constricted tubes applies to the simply assume that liquid flows back into the
initial drainage of liquid-filled pores but not to throat for another snap-off event after the lamella
steady-state foam generation. just created is displaced [7 /9]. Such studies
The second reason these experiments do not compute a rate of lamella creation which is
accurately represent flow through porous media is inversely proportional to the sum of the times
that in a single tube there is only one pathway for required for snap-off and displacement of the
both liquid and gas: both liquid and gas are forced lamella from the throat. Kovscek and Radke
through the same throat. [44,45] also compute times for snap-off and
In porous media, liquid and gas distribute displacement, provide a model for the process
themselves among a variety of pores of different and derive a rate of foam generation for use in
sizes and flow at different rates through different population-balance foam simulation [16 /19,21 /
pore pathways. Capillary pressure regulates occu- 23].
pancy and flow rates among the pores [24]. In a Kovscek and Radke [44,45] assume an initial
single constricted tube, it is possible to set flow distribution of water in the pore that corresponds
rates that guarantee snap-off by, in effect, impos- to that for gas invasion of a liquid-filled pore.
ing a low capillary pressure at the throat that They then assert [45] that this distribution is also
approximately valid for liquid deposited by a
would not be observed in that same throat in a
moving Plateau border in foam flow. Some of
porous medium.
their examples include a capillary-pressure bound-
Appendix A shows that virtually any measur-
ary condition lower than the capillary entry
able liquid /gas flow ratio imposed in a con-
pressure of the pore throat. We assert that these
stricted-tube experiment guarantees snap-off. To
initial and boundary conditions do not represent
do so, we assume that the gas and liquid could
steady foam flow in porous media but do promote
flow together through such a constricted tube at
snap-off. Our argument on this point is lengthy
steady-state without snap-off, and then demon-
and is given in Appendices B and C. As shown
strate that snap-off must result instead. Then we there, initial and boundary conditions that corre-
consider a throat roughly at the capillary entry spond to steady foam flow in porous media would
pressure of the porous medium, and show that not lead to Roof snap-off.
liquid flow rate through the throat is vanishingly
small, and that snap-off would not result. In other 2.3. Studies in 2D micromodels
words, in a porous medium with fluid distributions
regulated by capillary pressure, liquid would not Among studies of foam in 2D etched-glass
flow at any significant volumetric rate through a micromodels [27,32,55 /59], many report snap-off
gas-occupied throat with this geometry, and, events. Refs. [4,27] review the limitations of
specifically, not at a rate sufficient for snap-off. micromodel studies. Specifically, the shallow
Instead, in a porous medium, liquid flows primar- depth of etching, often giving a slit-shaped pore
ily through its own network of liquid-occupied geometry (Table 1), and the capillary end effect
pores. both favor snap-off.
To summarize, constricted-tube experiments are The careful study of foam in micromodels by
unrepresentative of flow through porous media, in Chambers and Radke [27] supports the analysis
a way that strong favors snap-off. presented here, though it has been cited [44,45] as
In addition to Roof snap-off, studies in singly support for foam generation by Roof snap-off.
constricted tubes also document snap-off by Therefore it is worth quoting Chambers and
mechanisms #1, 2 and 6; see Ref. [27] for a Radke in some detail. They observed and dis-
summary of these studies. cussed three types of snap-off: ‘pre-neck’ snap-off
W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24 7

(mechanism #6 above) and ‘rectilinear’ snap-off discussing imbibition on a much larger scale.
(mechanisms # 1 or 2 above), which they state Instead, they report that snap-off in response to
occur under conditions of local or global imbibi- local fluctuations in capillary pressure (mechanism
tion, and ‘neck constriction’ snap-off, i.e. Roof #1 or 2) appeared to be dominant in steady foam
snap-off. Chambers and Radke observed Roof flow. Roof snap-off played a relatively minor role
snap-off only during drainage, and only until the at steady-state in their observations.
downstream pore bodies fill with bubbles, and not In other words, to the extent that micromodel
at steady-state: experiments are relevant to foam generation in 3D
porous media, these results argue against Roof
Later on, when the amount of gas in the pore snap-off as an important steady-state foam-gen-
body accumulates, snap-off quits at this eration mechanism.
location. . . .The Roof criterion Rb/Rt /2
assumes that gas expands freely into a 2.4. Studies in sandpacks and beadpacks
water-filled pore body. As the local gas
saturation and capillary pressure increase Holm [6] proposed the ‘break and reform’ model
during the drainage displacement, this rela- for foam after observing lamellae form and break
tionship is no longer sufficient to guarantee in a sand-filled glass tube 0.25 mm in diameter,
snap-off. . . [symbols changed to be consis- with some sand grains nearly as wide as the tube.
tent with those here] Given the narrow diameter of this apparatus, it is
difficult to know whether this system was truly at
. . .we assert that neck constriction [i.e., Roof] steady-state or experiencing repeated cycles of
snap-off is primarily important during tran- local imbibition and drainage. A small porous
sient drainage displacement, as gas enters medium like this, with only a few pore pathways
Roof generation sites that are almost com- through the glass tube, is especially likely to
pletely liquid filled. During steady foam produce local cycles of plugging, drainage and
flow, neck constriction snap-off will require foam collapse rather than steady-state flow.
repeated massive intermittent invasion of From observations in beadpacks, Ransohoff
wetting liquid into Roof-site pore bodies. and Radke [30] present a model based on repeated
Thus, at steady-state, and especially at low Roof snap-off that is intended to explain the
liquid saturations, neck constriction breakup minimum gas velocity or pressure gradient re-
is not expected to be the dominant category quired for generation of strong foam observed in
of snap-off. The remaining two types of some coreflood studies [4,35,46,48,60,61]. In their
snap-off contribute more strongly. model, the pore throats along the walls of a
beadpack have a too wide diameter, relative to
In steady foam flow, rectilinear snap-off pore-body size, for Roof snap-off. Some pore
[mechanism #2 above] appears to us to be throats in the main body of the pack (those
a dominant bubble generation mechanism. upstream of octahedral pore bodies; see Table 1)
. . .Apparently, due to pressure fluctuations have the right geometry for snap-off, however,
[mechanism #2], the local capillary pressure because these throats are narrower compared to
falls below the critical value. . . and wetting the downstream pore body. Injection of gas at low
liquid invades to snap-off a lens. velocity or pressure gradient drains only the wider
pores along the walls of the pack (Fig. 6(a)).
Kovscek and Radke [45] assert that Chambers Injection at higher velocity forces gas into pores in
and Radke [27] support snap-off when liquid flows the interior of the pack, triggering snap-off and
back from the wake of each moving lamella to the foam generation. Once foam was created, Ransoh-
pore throat behind it. The phrase ‘massive inva- off and Radke observed snap-off inside the pack,
sion of wetting liquid into Roof-site pore bodies’ which they ascribe [30] both to Roof snap-off and
makes clear that Chambers and Radke are instead local fluctuations in capillary pressure (mechanism
8 W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24

Fig. 6. Schematic of the possible roles of snap-off, mobilization and lamella division in the beadpack experiments of Ransohoff and
Radke [30]. Beads and pack wall are black, water gray and gas white. Gas invasion and snap-off in new pore in the interior of the pack
(a) leaves gas mobility unchanged, but mobilization and division of lenses or lamellae between beads against the wall of the pack (b)
blocks continuous gas flow along the wall, reducing mobility greatly.

#2). Actually, the critical velocity or pressure reasons. First, it is unclear why Roof snap-off
gradient derived in the model of Ransohoff and would explain their experimental result, i.e. why
Radke is more directly a critical capillary pressure snap-off in individual pore throats should trigger
required to invade pore throats in the interior of the sudden drop in gas mobility as observed in
the pack (‘germination sites’). The model sets the these experiments. According to the model of
capillary pressure required to penetrate germina- Ransohoff and Radke, gas is flowing through the
tion sites at the inlet of the pack, and the capillary pores along the side and top walls of the packing
end effect relates the capillary pressure at the pack when a slight increase in capillary pressure forces
inlet to gas pressure drop across the pack. In field gas into an interior pore throat. Snap-off then
application, where the capillary end effect does not blocks this pore throat as illustrated in Fig. 6(a).
apply, snap-off would depend directly on capillary There was no gas flow through this pore before gas
pressure, not on velocity or pressure gradient. invaded, and now the pore is again blocked. If the
The experimental observations of Ransohoff key process were Roof snap-off of this bubble, as
and Radke [30] are better explained without claimed, it is not clear what could cause the
reference to Roof snap-off, however, for two sudden, dramatic decrease in mobility or increase
W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24 9

in pressure gradient as observed in the experi- continuing process would not depend on pore
ments. aspect ratio as does Roof snap-off.
Second, the experimental results can be better Other beadpack and sandpack studies report
explained as foam generation by mobilization and snap-off triggered by mechanisms other than Roof
lamella division rather than Roof snap-off. Mobi- snap-off. In heterogeneous beadpacks or sand-
lity could decline sharply as observed only if lenses packs, various studies [13,30,35,37,39] report re-
or lamellae were displaced into and blocked the peated snap-off at sharp transitions in
continuous gas flow paths along the side or top permeability, according to mechanism #4 above.
surfaces of the beadpack, as illustrated in Fig. 6(b). In a separate beadpack experiment designed to
The original lens or lamella to be mobilized could measure Psn c , Falls et al. [13] demonstrate foam
be the result of leave-behind or snap-off, but plugging in a homogeneous beadpack upon
mobilization of this lens or lamella, not snap-off, macroscopic imbibition (mechanism #1).
is the key to the sudden drop in gas mobility
reported in the experiments. There are mathema- 2.5. Steady-state foam behavior in consolidated
tical models for foam generation by mobilization porous media
and lamella division [46 /48] when a critical
pressure gradient is exceeded, models that do not Based on experiments and theory for snap-off in
depend on Roof snap-off. In these models, a small constricted tubes [38 /41,44,45], population-bal-
population of liquid lenses or lamellae initially ance foam models based on Roof snap-off [16 /
present is displaced out of pore throats at a critical 19,21,22] include a lamella-creation rate that scales
with gas superficial velocity Ug to the (1/3) power
pressure gradient or pressure drop; once lamellae
and liquid superficial velocity Uw to the first
are mobilized, a strong foam is created as the
power. It is claimed that this generation function
lamellae divide as they pass through pore bodies
explains trends in steady-state gas mobility and
(one step in this process is illustrated schematically
bubble size observed in foam in porous media in
in Fig. 6(b)). These models based on mobilization
the laboratory. Specifically, several studies have
fit a range of experimental data described in Refs.
found that in steady-state flow through porous
[46 /48]. Ransohoff and Radke [30] lump the
media, increasing gas injection rate at fixed liquid
processes of snap-off and mobilization together, rate leads to increasing gas mobility and increasing
noting that ‘generation of fine foam, which occurs bubble size [49,62/64]. Other studies show that
almost certainly by a combination of the snap-off increasing liquid injection rate at fixed gas injec-
and lamella-division mechanisms, is referred to tion rate leads to lower gas mobility and, pre-
[here] simply as snap-off.’ But the two processes sumably, smaller bubble size [62]; as a result, gas
depend on different factors: lamella mobilization pressure gradient is nearly independent of gas
depends primarily on gas-phase pressure gradient injection rate in these experiments. This behavior
or pressure drop [46,48,61], while snap-off depends is consistent with lamella generation that scales
on capillary pressure. Therefore these two pro- with (U1/3g Uw) [16 /19,21,22], but the data are
cesses do not always go together. For instance, better explained by mechanisms of foam coales-
Falls et al. [13] describe a beadpack experiment cence rather than generation, for two reasons.
where rapidly invading gas mobilizes lamellae and First, the same trends of bubble size and gas
plugs a beadpack, while slowly invading gas does mobility with injection rates are also predicted
not. from models that assume that foam texture is
Ransohoff and Radke [30] continued to observe controlled by coalescence, specifically by the
snap-off after initial foam generation, but this was sudden collapse of foam at a ‘limiting capillary
not necessarily Roof snap-off. Once foam is pressure’ [47,49 /52], rather than generation.
mobilized and flowing, fluctuations in capillary Steady-state foam mobility and bubble size depend
pressure [27,31] can lead to local conditions on a balance between bubble coalescence and
favoring snap-off (mechanism #2 above). This foam generation. In the vicinity of the limiting
10 W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24

capillary pressure, the abrupt collapse of foam

changes foam properties so drastically that the
dependence of properties on other factors is
secondary. An entirely different population-bal-
ance model, one incorporating the limiting capil-
lary pressure and foam-generation based on
lamella mobilization and division rather than
snap-off [47], predicts the same steady-state trends
of bubble size with gas and liquid injection rates.
Thus this behavior does not depend on generation
by snap-off.
Second, the cited trends of bubble size and gas
mobility are not observed universally, but only at
relatively high foam qualities, where capillary
pressure dominates behavior: i.e., in the so-called Fig. 8. Model prediction of steady-state pressure gradient (psi/
‘high-quality’ or ‘coalescence’ foam regime [64 / ft) as function of gas (vertical axis) and liquid (horizontal axis)
interstitial velocities (Ug/f , Uw/f ) based on fit to data for one
67]. Fig. 7 shows the two steady-state regimes. surfactant formulation with N2 gas in a sandpack, from Ref.
At high foam qualities (upper left portion of [47]. Pressure gradients are lower than in Fig. 7 in part because
figure), pressure gradient is nearly independent of beadpack permeability is much higher than in the Berea core in
gas superficial velocity, in agreement with both Fig. 7. The model used here [47] includes a limiting capillary
pressure, minimum bubble size, and foam generation by
models based on foam generation scaling as mobilization as a function of pressure gradient. Circles
g Uw) and those based on coalescence at the represent calculated values, not data.
limiting capillary pressure [52]. At lower foam
qualities (lower-right portion of figure), trends of dense CO2, at low and high pressures, with various
mobility with injection rates are drastically differ- surfactants, at room temperature and elevated
ent, and bubble size is roughly independent of gas temperature, and in porous media ranging from
injection rate [64,66]. The behavior of the low- beadpacks to consolidated core [64 /67]. Fig. 8
quality regime contradicts the assertion that foam shows both flow regimes as modeled assuming
generation controls bubble size and scales with coalescence at the limiting capillary pressure Pc , a
g Uw). The low-quality steady-state foam-flow minimum bubble size [64,66] for Pc /Pc , and
regime has been observed widely: with N2 gas and foam generation by mobilization, not snap-off
[47]. This model predicts the range of behavior
better than assuming that foam generation con-
trols bubble size and scales as (U1/3
g Uw).

2.6. Success in foam simulation

Algorithms for lamella creation scaling with

g Uw) are employed in population-balance
foam simulators [16 /19,21,22] that have success-
fully fit laboratory data. The simulators require
many parameters to model lamella creation and
destruction as well as foam mobility at a given
Fig. 7. Steady-state pressure gradient (psi/ft) as function of gas foam texture, though in practice only a few of
(vertical axis) and liquid (horizontal axis) superficial velocities
for one surfactant formulation with N2 gas in Berea sandstone, these need to be history-matched to coreflood
from Ref. [64]. Upper-left region is high-quality regime; lower- data. Still, a satisfactory fit to data does not imply
right is low-quality regime. accuracy of all mathematical formulae and para-
W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24 11

meters used in a simulation. In particular, there is distinguish this mechanism from Roof snap-off.
an inherent ambiguity between lamella-creation The importance of this form of snap-off would
and lamella-destruction equations in population- depend on the frequency and magnitude of fluc-
balance foam simulation, since an error in one tuations in capillary pressure caused by changes in
formula can be accommodated unwittingly by lamella curvature during bubble movement [31]
adjusting the other. (Fig. 2). It would not depend on the geometric
To fit the coreflood data, in the past decade factor (Rb/Rt) or on gas and liquid flow rates in the
most population-balance simulators [16 /19,21,22] same way as in models of Roof snap-off.
operate near the ‘limiting capillary pressure’ Pc  at
which foam collapses [49 /52]. In terms of the
population-balance equations, there is a singular-
ity, where lamella-destruction rates approach in- 4. Conclusions
finity, as Pc approaches Pc . This mathematical
singularity is physically justified, but it does mean None of the evidence reviewed strongly supports
that a small change in Pc, giving a large change in repeated Roof snap-off as the basis of steady-state
lamella-destruction rate, can accommodate large foam generation in homogeneous porous media.
errors in other algorithms such as lamella-genera- Experimental studies in constricted tubes do not
tion rate. well represent conditions in porous media. The
Many of these same coreflood data can be fit theoretical model cited in support of Roof snap-
nearly as well by fractional-flow methods using off in constricted tubes incorporates initial and
only a single foam parameter that reflects foam boundary conditions that do not apply to foam
coalescence at Pc  [53]. The two approaches also flow in porous media. If etched-glass-micromodel
agree well when applied to radial flow over large studies are relevant, they argue against Roof snap-
distances, though the fractional-flow model re- off as a steady-state foam-generation mechanism.
quires an adjustment in the value of its sole The abrupt drop in mobility observed upon
parameter to fit the population-balance result in generation of strong foam in beadpacks and
this case. Fractional-flow modeling has well-docu- sandpacks most directly reflects lamella mobiliza-
mented limitations. However, if a fractional-flow tion and division, not snap-off. Trends of steady-
model with only one mechanism can fit data nearly state foam mobility with injection rates, and the
as well as a population-balance simulator with success of simulators with foam-generation algo-
many mechanisms, including Roof snap-off, it rithms based on Roof snap-off, are both better
cannot be maintained that the algorithm for explained by the effects of capillary pressure on
Roof snap-off was essential to the success of the foam coalescence.
simulator. Thus there is no compelling evidence for foam
generation by Roof snap-off in steady-state foam
flow in homogeneous porous media.
3. Discussion

Although we assert that Roof snap-off does not 5. Nomenclature

occur in homogeneous porous media in steady-
state form flow, snap-off may still occur through
the other mechanisms, and lamella creation may Cam capillary number in model of Ref. [44]
continue by mechanisms other than snap-off (Eq. (C2))
[4,27,30,37,46/48]. In particular, Ransohoff and L length of pore (Fig. B1)
Radke [30] and Chambers and Radke [27] report Pc capillary pressure
observing snap-off resulting from fluctuations in Pc(z , t) capillary pressure as function of position
capillary pressure (mechanism #2; cf. Fig. 2) in and time within pore in model of Ref.
beadpacks and 2D micromodels. It is important to [44]
12 W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24

P0c (z ) capillary pressure at initial condition in u angle conical pore throat makes with
model of Ref. [44] (Eq. (B4)) horizontal (Table 1); u /0 corresponds
Pc  limiting capillary pressure for foam to cylindrical tube; u /908 corresponds
collapse in porous medium to circular hole in thin solid plate
Pcb capillary pressure imposed as boundary t dimensionless time in model of Ref. [44]
condition at pore body (Fig. B4) (Eq. (C1))
Pec capillary entry pressure of pore throat t? modified dimensionless time (Eq. (C3))
c capillary pressure for snap-off in pore
(/@pw/ externally imposed uniform pressure
@z ) gradient on liquid phase (Eqs. (A1), (A2)
and (C2)) Acknowledgements
R (z) radius of circle inscribed in square pore
cross-section at position z (Fig. B1) This work was supported by U.S. Department
Rb radius of pore body of Energy contracts DE-AC26-99BC15208 and
Rw(z , t) radius of cylindrical water /gas interface DE-FC26-01BC15318, the Advanced Technology
within pore Program of the Texas Higher Education Coordi-
R0w(z ) initial radius of cylindrical water /gas nating Board, consortia on Reservoir Engineering
interface within pore (Figs. B1 and B2) Research and Improved Well Performance at The
Rwf radius of cylindrical water /gas interface University of Texas at Austin, and the Petroleum
in pore body after water redistributes to Research Fund, administered by the American
attain uniform capillary pressure (Eq. Chemical Society. We thank Larry W. Lake,
(B9)) Kenneth R. Kibodeaux and George J. Hirasaki
Rg/Rt ratio of radius of solid to radius of ‘hole’ for helpful discussions.
in toroidal pore throat (Table 1)
Rt radius of pore throat
R1/R2 ratio of long to short axis in elliptical Appendix A: Simultaneous liquid and gas flow
cross-section of gently constricted pore through a constricted tube
throat (Table 1)
t time Here, we show that virtually any measurable
Ug gas superficial velocity liquid flow rate imposed in experiments in con-
Uw water superficial velocity stricted tubes guarantees snap-off. We proceed by
Vz(z , t) volume of water per unit length along assuming that gas and liquid could flow together
pore (Eq. (B5)), i.e. cross-sectional area through such a constricted tube at steady-state
of region occupied by water in pore without snap-off, and then demonstrate that snap-
corners off must result. Then we compute the liquid flow
V0z (z ) initial volume of water per unit length rate through the throat that would correspond to
along pore (Eq. (B5)) flow in a porous media and show that snap-off
VzD(z, dimensionless volume of water per unit would not result at this flow rate of liquid.
t) length along pore (Eq. (B7)) Consider a constricted tube with square cross-
V0zD(z) initial dimensionless volume of water per section, as in the constricted-tube experiments
unit length along pore [38 /41], with liquid occupying and flowing along
w /h ratio of wide to narrow dimension in the corners, as illustrated in Fig. A1. Initially we
rectangular cross-section of gently con- consider a case just on the verge of snap-off. The
stricted pore throat (Table 1) curvature of the liquid /gas interface is uniform
z axial position along pore (Fig. B1) along the tube, as required to maintain a uniform
s gas /liquid surface tension capillary pressure. On the verge of snap-off, the
liquid /gas interface has a radius of curvature of Rt
W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24 13

Therefore actual gas volumetric flow rate Qg is

greater than that which would apply to a cylind-
rical tube of uniform radius Rt, assuming zero
velocity at the liquid /gas interface [68]:
pR4 dp
Qg  t  (A2)
8mg dz
where mg is gas viscosity.
Combining Eqs. (A1) and (A2) gives
Qw 8(4  p) mg
B : (A3)
Qg pb mw
For a square-cross-section tube, b /93.9 for zero
surface viscosity and about 250 for high surface
viscosity [39]. Ransohoff and Radke [39] fit their
experimental data by noting that unavoidable
rounding of the pore corners that occurs during
creation of the constriction represented about 5%
of the original cross-sectional area of the throat, as
illustrated in Fig. A1(b). Rounding of the pore
Fig. A1. Schematic of constricted tube and distribution of corners significantly increases the value of b in Eq.
liquid in pore throat. (a) Side view of constricted tube. (b) (A1). We estimate a ‘degree of roundedness,’ as
Cross-section view of throat of tube with square cross-section, defined by Ransohoff and Radke, to be about 0.48
with liquid in throat on verge of snap-off. Radius of curvature
for this case, illustrated in Fig. A1(b). This gives
of liquid /gas interface is Rt. (c) Throat of tube with rounded
corners, with liquid on verge of snap-off in throat. (d) Throat of values of b of about 160 for zero surface viscosity
square-cross-section tube, with liquid in throat at capillary and 400 for large surface viscosity [39]. Ransohoff
entry pressure of the throat. Radius of curvature of liquid /gas and Radke fit their snap-off data using two
interface is (Rt/2). (e) Rounded tube with liquid in throat at sulfonate surfactants with b corresponding to
capillary entry pressure of throat. There is only a slight amount
large surface viscosity in a somewhat rounded
of liquid in the rounded corners. If the corners were much more
rounded, there would be no liquid in the corners and no liquid tube, so the largest value of b is probably more
flow through the throat at this capillary pressure. representative of their experiments. The viscosity
of nitrogen at room temperature is about (1/50) of
along the entire tube, as illustrated in Fig. A1(b). that of water [4]. Using Eq. (A3), then, for a
The volumetric water flow rate Qw along the tube system on the verge of snap-off at the throat,
is given by [39] Qw
B0:00047 (square throat; zero surface
2 R2t (4  p) dp
Qw hvz i[Rt (4p)]   (A1) viscosity)
mw b dz
B0:00017 (square throat; large surface
where vz is volumetric average water velocity in viscosity)
the corner, mw is water viscosity, (/dp /dz) is B0:00027 (rounded throat; zero surface
pressure gradient, assumed here to be uniform viscosity)
along the pore, and b is a parameter that reflects B0:00011 (rounded throat; large surface
pore shape and surface viscosity [39].
viscosity): (A4)
Resistance to gas flow is greatest at the pore
throat, where the cross-section occupied by gas is Allowing for a mobile interface it would further
most restricted by liquid in the tube corner. increase the gas flow rate beyond that in Eq. (A2)
14 W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24

and reduce the value of (Qw/Qg) below that given A constricted-tube experiment that mimics a gas-
above for zero surface viscosity. occupied throat in capillary equilibrium with the
The system in Fig. A1(b) and (c) is on the verge surrounding porous medium would have a vanish-
of snap-off (i.e. capillary pressure in the throat is ingly small liquid flow rate through that particular
(s/Rt)/Psnc ). A liquid flow rate greater than that throat. Instead, most water flows through other
in Eq. (A4) can be accommodated only by swelling (especially liquid-filled) throats in the medium. If
the liquid-filled corners, causing snap-off at the liquid flowing fraction is significant, the fraction
throat. In other words, almost any measurable of gas-filled throats in the porous medium is small.
liquid flowing fraction imposed in such an experi- To summarize, in an experiment with a single
ment makes flow through the throat impossible constricted tube, virtually any measurable liquid
without snap-off. flow rate exceeds the liquid flow rate that would
Consider now liquid flow through a throat apply to that gas-filled throat in a porous medium.
roughly at the capillary pressure of the surround- Even small liquid flowing fractions impose a
ing porous medium. Since gas occupies this throat, condition that guarantees snap-off, but does not
capillary pressure in the medium must be at least reflect flow in a porous medium.
roughly the capillary entry pressure of the throat,
Pec /(2s/Rt). Fig. A1(d) and (e) illustrate the case
where the liquid /gas interface everywhere reflects
a prevailing capillary pressure of (2s/Rt), with a Appendix B: Model of Refs. [44,45]
radius of curvature of (Rt/2). Now,
  The main thrust of Ref. [44] by Kovscek and
(R =2)4 (4  p) dp Radke is to determine a frequency for snap-off and
Qw  t  (A5)
mw b dz subsequent displacement events. Here we focus on
  why snap-off occurs at all in the context of that
Qw (4  p) mg
B (A6) model. We find that snap-off results from either an
Qg 2pb mw
initial condition that places a large amount of
and gas volumetric flow rate would be somewhat water at low capillary pressure in pore bodies, or a
larger than in Eq. (A2). The definition of ‘degree boundary condition of low capillary pressure in
of roundedness’ for rounded throats in Ref. [39] the surrounding porous medium. Neither condi-
depends on the radius of curvature of the liquid/ tion is expected to represent steady-state foam
gas interface; it is 1 for perfectly square throats in flow in porous media.
all cases. Using Ref. [39], we estimate a degree of
roundedness of 0.83 for the rounded throat (Fig.
A1(d)), and b :/2000 for zero surface viscosity
and 8000 for large surface viscosity in the rounded
throat. This gives
B0:000029 (square tube; zero surface
B0:000011 (square tube; large surface
B1:3710 (rounded throat; zero surface
B3:41107 (rounded throat; large surface Fig. B1. Schematic of pore geometry and assumption of Refs.
[44,45] regarding water initially present in pore corners. Water
viscosity): (A7) is gray and gas white.
W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24 15

Initial condition
The model of Kovscek and Radke [44,45]
assumes a gently-constricted (sinusoidal) pore
geometry with square pore cross-section, as illu-
strated in Fig. B1. Let R (z) be the radius of a circle
inscribed in the square pore cross-section at each
position z . (Some symbols here differ from those
in Refs. [44,45].) R (z ) varies sinusoidally from Rb
at the pore body (z /L /0 and z/L /1) to Rt at the
throat (z/L /0.5). Fig. B2 illustrates pore cross-
section at the pore body and throat for the case Rt/
Rb /0.4, and Fig. B3(a) shows how R (z) varies
along the pore.
Wetting liquid occupies the pore corners, which
in the model represent the pore crevices and
roughness of the pore walls in real porous media.
The initial condition assumed along the pore is
that water occupies pore corners with a roughly
cylindrical gas /water interface of radius R0w(z),
with R0w given at each position z by

R0w (z)0:53R(z): (B1)

Kovscek and Radke note that the factor 0.53

corresponds to the curvature of a bubble advancing
into a large slug of liquid inside a capillary of
uniform square cross-section [44]. Below we dis-
cuss whether this is an appropriate initial condi-
Fig. B3. Illustration of initial condition assumed in model of
tion for water left in the wake of a moving Plateau Refs. [44,45]. In this figure, Rt/Rb /0.4. (a) Radius of circle
border. Figs. B2 and B3(a) illustrate the initial inscribed in square pore cross-section, R (z ), and initial radius
distribution of water in a pore with Rt/Rb /0.4. of curvature R0w(z ) of water /gas interface in pore corners along
R0w(z ) varies along the pore because, by assump- length of pore. (b) Initial capillary pressure along pore P0c (z )
tion, R0w is proportional to R (z ) at each location. corresponding to initial distribution of water. If Pc(z )/Psn
c /1 at
pore throat (z /L /0.5), snap-off occurs at the throat. Because
gas pressure is assumed to be uniform, liquid pressure varies
inversely with capillary pressure. Thus, when flow begins the
gradient in capillary pressure tends to drive water from the pore
body into the throat. Any additional imposed pressure gradient
also helps sweep water from the upstream pore body into the
throat. (c) Initial distribution of water, represented as dimen-
sionless volume per unit length, V0zD(z ). If during flow VzD(z ) /
1 at throat (z /L/0.5), snap-off occurs at the throat. Large
values of VzD(z ) near z /L/0 represent excess water in pore
body that would cause snap-off if transported directly to the

Starting at time t/0, water redistributes in the

Fig. B2. Illustration of initial distribution of water in pore body
and pore throat assumed in Ref. [44] for Rt/Rb /0.4. Water is
pore, and R0w(z) evolves as Rw(z , t), the radius of
gray and gas white. Note that at pore body R0w /0.53 Rb, and curvature of the water /gas interface at each
at throat R0w /0.53 Rt. position at each time.
16 W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24

Impact of initial condition total volume of water initially in the pore. Starting
Snap-off occurs anywhere that at t/0, water redistributes in the pore, and V0z (z )
Rw (z)]R(z) evolves as Vz(z , t), the local volume per unit length
(B2) at each position at each time. Eq. (B5) continues to
(condition for snap-off anywhere); describe the relationship between Vz(z , t) and
when this condition is satisfied the water in the Rw(z, t) during this process.
respective pore corners meets along the flat pore The condition for snap-off at the throat can also
wall. Snap-off is most likely to occur at or near the be represented in terms of Vz. Eqs. (B3) and (B5)
throat, if imply that snap-off occurs at the throat if
Rw (z=L 0:5)]Rt Vz (z=L 0:5)](4p)R2t
(B3) (B6)
(condition for snap-off at throat): (condition for snap-off at throat):
Initially, the condition for snap-off is not satisfied We make Vz dimensionless by dividing by this
at any location in the pore, as shown in Fig. B3(a). value:
The initial capillary pressure P0c (z ) of the gas /
water interface at each location z is (s /R0w)/(s/ VzD (z)Vz (z)=[(4p)R2t ](Rw (z)=Rt )2 : (B7)
(0.53R (z )). Fig. B3(b) illustrates how P0c (z) varies
initially along the pore. Here P0c is made dimen- With this definition, if at any time VzD ]/1 (dotted
sionless by dividing by the capillary pressure for line in Fig. B3(c)) at the pore throat (z/L /0.5),
snap-off, Psnc /s/Rt
snap-off occurs at the throat. Initially, with
Rw(z) /0.53R (z), V0zD(z) /[(0.53)2(R (z )/Rt)2].
P0c (z)=Psn
c [s=(0:53R(z))]=(s=Rt ) Figs. B2 and B3(c) illustrate the initial distribu-
Rt =(0:53R(z)): (B4) tion of water in the pore body and throat and
along the pore for Rt/Rb /0.4. Initially, there is
Starting at t/0, water redistributes in the pore,
insufficient water in the throat for snap-off, but
and P0c (z ) evolves as Pc(z, t), the local capillary
there is a large volume of water initially in the pore
pressure at each position at each time. With the
body (Fig. B3(c)) at low capillary pressure (Fig.
definition in Eq. (B4), if Pc/Psn c ever falls below 1
(dotted line in Fig. B3(b) at the throat (z /L /0.5),
Boundary conditions
snap-off occurs there. This condition is equivalent
Two types of boundary conditions are consid-
to Eq. (B3). Initially, P0c is too high at the throat
ered by Kovscek and Radke [44,45]:
for snap-off.
(1) Fixed capillary pressure Pcb at pore bodies
Refs. [44,45] assume that gas pressure is uniform
(z /L /0 and 1). Capillary pressure is fixed as a
everywhere. Therefore liquid pressure varies as (/
multiple of the initial capillary pressure P0c (z/L /
Pc(z, t )). Initially, liquid pressure is highest in the
0) in the pore body, which Ref. [44] calls the
pore bodies and lowest in the throat, in inverse
capillary entry pressure . This can be confusing,
relationship to P0c (z ) in Fig. B3(b).
because in conventional usage [24] capillary entry
Not only does water exist at low capillary
pressure Pec refers to the entry pressure of the pore
pressure in the pore bodies, but there is a relatively
throat ; that convention is followed in this paper,
large volume of water there. The region occupied
for instance. As discussed in the text, it is generally
by water at each location z has cross-sectional area
assumed that the capillary pressure of a porous
given by the difference between a square and a
medium with gas flowing is at or above the
circle (Fig. B1). Initially,
capillary entry pressures of the pore throats
Vz0 (z)(2R0w (z))2 p(R0w (z))2 occupied by gas in the medium [24]. Ref. [45] calls
P0c (z/L /0) the ‘minimum capillary pressure’ in-
(4p)(R0w (z))2 (B5)
stead. Fig. B4 shows an example where the
where cross-sectional area is represented as volume imposed capillary pressure Pcb at the pore bodies
per unit length V0z . The integral of V0z (z)dz gives (large dots in figure) is fixed at 1.4 times the initial
W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24 17

anywhere if condition (Eq. (B2)) is satisfied, but

here we focus on snap-off at the throat (z/L /0.5).
Kovscek and Radke [44,45] consider variations
in the following factors:

. Rt/Rb
. magnitude of pressure gradient imposed on
liquid phase
. nature of boundary condition
. magnitude of Pcb, if fixed as boundary condi-
Fig. B4. Illustration of boundary condition of fixed capillary
pressure Pcb imposed at pore boundary; cf. Fig. B3(b). In this tion.
example, for illustration, Rt/Rb /0.4 and Pcb (represented by
large dots) is set at 1.4 times the initial capillary pressure in the In all cases in Refs. [44,45], however, the initial
pore body. This capillary pressure is a little greater than Psn c , distribution of water in the pore follows Eq. (B1).
but it is still much lower than the capillary entry pressure of the For illustration, we focus here on the case Rt/Rb /
throat, Pec, shown by dashed line. 0.4.
Flow of water in pore: geometrical analysis of
capillary pressure at the pore body, an example initial condition
cited by Kovscek and Radke [44,45]. This capillary Starting at t /0, water flows in response to the
pressure is a little higher than that which would capillary-pressure gradient. Some water flows back
cause snap-off at the pore throat (i.e. Pcb/Psn
c /1), to the upstream pore body if Pcb there (represented
but it is well below the capillary entry pressure Pec by the large dots in Fig. B3(b)) is set at a higher
of the throat, i.e. the capillary pressure one would value than initially in the pore body. Also, any
expect to apply in the porous medium as a whole. imposed pressure gradient tends to sweep water
(2) Zero gradient of capillary pressure at the from the upstream pore body downstream toward
pore boundaries: i.e. the throat.
@Rw (z; t)=@z 0@Pc (z; t)=@z; Simple geometric calculations lead immediately
(B8) to two conclusions for this example (Rt/Rb /0.4):
z=L 0; 1; all t: (1) If upstream and downstream boundaries of
the pore were sealed and the water present initially
If there is no externally imposed pressure gradient
were to redistribute itself to attain uniform capil-
(see below), this corresponds to zero flux at the
lary pressure (i.e. uniform Rw), there is almost, but
boundaries. If there is an imposed pressure gra-
not quite, enough water in the pore for snap-off in
dient, this corresponds to zero capillary-pressure-
the throat, as illustrated in Fig. B5. Mathemati-
driven flux at the boundaries; but convection does
cally, the condition for a uniform final capillary
continue through the boundaries driven by the
pressure i.e. a uniform final interface radius Rwf, is
externally imposed pressure gradient.
given by a volume balance on water present
Cases considered in Refs. [44,45]
initially and at the end (cf. Eq. (B5)):
A uniform pressure gradient may be imposed on
the liquid phase in addition to the capillary- L

pressure gradient (see Appendix C). Starting at

t/0, water flows in response to the gradient of
g (4p)(R (z)) dz(4p)(R
2 2
wf ) L; (B9)

capillary pressure (from lower Pc to higher Pc) in and the condition for snap-off after redistribution
addition to the externally imposed pressure gra- of water is, from Eqs. (B2) and (B9)
dient. Rw, Pc and VzD evolve from their initial L
distributions R0w, P0c and V0zD. If at any time the
condition (Eq. (B3)) (or equivalently, Pc/Psn
c ]/1 or
g (R (z)) dz (R ) L:

VzD ]/1) is satisfied at z /L /0.5, snap-off occurs For Rt/Rb slightly less than 0.4, snap-off would
at the throat. Snap-off could in principle happen occur if water initially distributed according to Eq.
18 W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24

sure gradient, as discussed in Refs. [44,45], is of

course more complex than the simple volumetric
calculations in Eqs. (B9) and (B10), illustrated in
Fig. B5. It is instructive to note, however, the
effect the volume of water assumed to be initially
present in the pore body would have in the pore
throat. The limiting case of large imposed pressure
gradient is addressed in Appendix C.
Flow of water in pore: numerical results
The numerical results in Refs. [44,45] are in
Fig. B5. Final distribution of water resulting from initial substantial agreement with the geometrical analy-
distribution in Figs. B2 and B3 if water redistributes at uniform sis above. The numerical results can be summar-
capillary pressure (uniform Rwf) */Eq. (B9), with upstream and
downstream pore boundaries sealed and without any imposed
ized as follows:
pressure gradient. Note radius of curvature of water /gas (1) If the pore is sealed upstream and down-
interfaces is same in pore body and pore throat. In this example stream, with no imposed pressure gradient, snap-
there is almost, but not quite, enough water for snap-off in off occurs for (Rt/Rb) less than about 0.4. This is
throat; water in respective pore corners almost touches along close to the criterion in Eq. (B10), i.e. that the
flat pore wall.
initial volume of water, mostly in the pore bodies,
if redistributed at uniform capillary pressure,
(B1) were redistributed at uniform capillary pres-
would be sufficient for snap-off in the throat.
sure in the pore.
(2) If there is no capillary-pressure gradient at
(2) If the large volume of water initially in the
the boundaries, but a sufficiently large imposed
pore body (Fig. B3(c)), where VzD /1, were pressure gradient, snap-off occurs for (Rt/Rb) B/
translated directly to the throat, snap-off would 0.53; i.e. snap-off occurs if VzD /1 (Eq. (B7))
occur. Fig. B6 illustrates the distribution of water initially in the pore body. A sufficiently large
in the throat for the same value of VzD initially in pressure gradient rapidly sweeps the large volume
the pore body (i.e. V0zD /1.75 at z/L /0.5, Fig. of water initially in the pore body into the throat
B3(c)). Because the liquid in the pore corners where it causes snap-off. This case is described
meets along the flat pore walls, snap-off would quantitatively in the limit of large imposed pres-
occur. The actual process of water transport in sure gradient in Appendix C.
response to capillary pressure and imposed pres- (3) If boundary condition Pcb is set at the same
low capillary pressure as is initially set in the pore
bodies (Pcb /P0c (z /0)), then snap-off occurs in
any pore for which (Rt/Rb)B/0.53. This corre-
sponds to a capillary pressure imposed by the
surrounding porous medium that is only about
half the capillary entry pressure of the throat. A
pressure gradient imposed on the liquid accelerates
the process of snap-off but does not affect whether
it occurs.
(4) Kovscek and Radke [44,45] refer to cases
with a fixed boundary capillary pressure Pcb
higher than the initial capillary pressure at the
Fig. B6. Illustration of case with initial state in Figs. B2 and B3 pore body, which they call the capillary entry
where the large volume of water initially in the pore body is pressure ; in Ref. [45] they call it the minimum
translated directly to throat, e.g. by a large pressure gradient.
Sketch for throat shows volume of water in throat if snap-off capillary pressure . In all cases reported in Refs.
did not occur; before the condition shown was reached, snap- [44,45], with open boundaries but no imposed
off would occur. pressure gradient, the condition for snap-off is that
W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24 19

the capillary pressure imposed at the pore bound- difference in curvatures increases as velocity in-
ary, Pcb, be about half the capillary entry pressure creases. Kovscek and Radke assert [45] that this
of the pore throat Pec. In other words, the difference in curvatures across a moving Plateau
surrounding porous medium must be at or below border supports their initial condition (Eq. (B1)).
about half the capillary entry pressure for the There are two problems with this assertion.
throats in the medium. (1) The main problem with this assertion is that
(5) With a higher capillary pressure Pcb imposed the difference in curvatures is in the wrong
at the pore boundaries and a sufficiently large direction to explain a low capillary pressure in
imposed pressure gradient, water initially in the the wake of a moving Plateau border. The wake of
pore body is swept into the throat and causes a moving Plateau border in Hirasaki and Lawson’s
snap-off before the boundary condition is felt, as analysis corresponds rear surface of the Plateau
long as VD /1 initially at the pore body (i.e. as border, and it has increasing curvature (increasing
long as Rt/Rb B/0.53). This case is presented capillary pressure) as its velocity increases.
quantitatively in Appendix C for the case of large In flow of bubbles through tubes, there is no
imposed pressure gradient. surrounding porous medium to impose a capillary
In all cases, snap-off results from one of two pressure on the flow. In the model of Hirasaki and
conditions: a capillary pressure in the surrounding Lawson, the curvature of the Plateau border at
porous medium about half the capillary entry rest is set by the volume fraction of gas in the
pressure of the throat, or a relatively large volume isolated foam-filled tube, the tube radius, and the
of water initially present at low capillary pressure bubble size. In the context of a porous medium,
in the upstream pore body (Fig. B3). the curvature of the Plateau border at rest would
Validity of initial and boundary conditions be set by the capillary pressure of the surrounding
Initial condition: The initial condition illustrated medium, which is at least equal to the capillary
in Eq. (B1) and Figs. B1, B2 and B3 corresponds entry pressure of the pore throat. Thus a Plateau
to water invading a liquid-filled pore of square border at rest would have capillary pressure at
cross-section [44], and most of the studies least equal to the capillary entry pressure of the
[38,69,70] cited in Refs. [44,45] for its support throats, and a moving Plateau border would
concern gas advancing into large slugs of liquid. deposit water at increasing capillary pressure as
Kovscek and Radke [44,45] assert that it also its velocity increases.
approximates water deposited by a moving Pla- (2) There is no indication from Hirasaki and
teau border in steady foam flow. In other words, in Lawson that a moving Plateau border would
the context of a porous medium rather than a deposit water with the spatial distribution given
tube, they assert that the moving Plateau border by Eq. (B1) i.e. with radius proportional to the
continually deposits in its wake water at capillary local radius of the pore. An extension of Hirasaki
pressure substantially lower than in the surround- and Lawson’s analysis from tubes to porous media
ing porous medium. would suggest that the curvature of the interfaces
Recently, Kovscek and Radke [45] assert that of the Plateau border would be set by the capillary
their initial condition is supported by the model of pressure of the surrounding medium, not the local
Hirasaki and Lawson [71]. Hirasaki and Lawson radius of the pore.
analyze the motion of bubbles in cylindrical tubes. We assert that a more reasonable assumption
According to this analysis, if the liquid slug than Eq. (B1) is that water is deposited at a
between bubbles shrinks to zero width and the capillary pressure in the vicinity of the capillary
bubbles touch, there is a difference between the pressure of the surrounding medium i.e. in the
curvatures of the surfaces on either side of the vicinity of the capillary entry pressure of pore
Plateau border. Specifically, the curvature of the throats.
front surface of the Plateau border is less than, and Boundary condition: For homogeneous porous
the curvature on the back surface greater than, the media, a boundary condition of capillary pressure
curvature of the same Plateau border at rest. The Pcb in the surrounding medium substantially lower
20 W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24

than the capillary entry pressure of pore throats is

likewise unphysical, as discussed in the text. If
foam is flowing at steady-state, the surrounding
medium is expected to be at or near the capillary
entry pressures of the gas-occupied pore throats in
the medium.
In short, there is no theoretical justification for
the initial or boundary conditions assumed in the
model of Kovscek and Radke.
Impact of more-realistic boundary conditions
Fig. B8. Illustration of initial distribution of water in pore body
Figs. B7 and B8 illustrate the initial and and pore throat for Rt/Rb /0.4 if one assumes liquid is
boundary conditions that would apply if water deposited in pore corners by a Plateau border roughly in
equilibrium with surroundings, i.e. at the capillary entry
pressure of the throat. Note that radii of curvature of water /
gas interfaces are the same in pore body and pore throat.

were initially deposited by a moving Plateau

border roughly at equilibrium with the surround-
ing porous medium at the capillary entry pressure
of the throat Pec. There is no excess liquid in the
pore body, and snap-off would not result from any
imposed pressure gradient. The limiting case of
high imposed pressure gradient is treated in
Appendix C.
To summarize, in the model of Kovscek and
Radke [44,45] snap-off results from either an
initial condition of a moving Plateau border
depositing relatively large amounts of water at
low capillary pressure in the pore body, or a
capillary pressure in the surrounding porous
medium about half the capillary entry pressure of
the medium. Neither condition is likely to apply to
steady foam flow in porous media.

Appendix C: Limiting behavior of model of Refs.

[44,45] at large imposed pressure gradient

The purpose of this section is to justify the

statement in Appendix B that a sufficiently large
pressure gradient sweeps the large volume of water
Fig. B7. Initial and boundary conditions in pore if one assumes assumed to be initially present in the pore body
liquid is deposited in pore corners by a Plateau border roughly into the throat and causes snap-off (Fig. B6).
in equilibrium with surroundings at capillary entry pressure of Strictly, it is not the water in the pore body that
the throat, Pec. Case shown is for Rt/Rb /0.4. Note that there is
flows to the throat; it is a wave initiated by the
no excess water or low capillary pressure in the pore body to
drive transport of water to the throat, and externally imposed water deposited in the pore body.
capillary pressure Pcb (represented by large dots in plot (b)) is For sufficiently large pressure gradient imposed
also too high to cause snap-off. on the liquid phase (i.e. large enough that it
W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24 21

dominates over the effects of capillary-pressure line with a fixed value of (Rw/Rb), with slope
gradient), the equation for Rw(z , t) given in Refs. (d(z /L )/dt?)/(Rw/Rb)2. If the boundary condition
[44,45] becomes at z/L /0 imposes a different value of (Rw/Rb)
 2 than the initial condition at z /L /0, then a
@(Rw =Rb ) Rw @(Rw =Rb )
Cam 0 (C1) spreading wave of characteristics with values of
@t Rb @(z=L) (Rw/Rb) intermediate between these two values
where capillary number Cam is given by arises from the origin (z/L /0, t ?/0). Because in
   the initial condition (Rw/Rb) decreases with in-
4Rb L @p creasing (z /L ) in the first half of the pore (Fig.
Cam   w : (C2)
s @z B3(a)), characteristic velocities also decrease with
increasing (z /L ) there. This leads to self-sharpen-
(/@pw/@z ) is the uniform externally imposed
ing behavior and eventually a shock. For any
pressure gradient on the liquid phase, and dimen-
given value of t ?, the position of the shock can be
sionless time t is proportional to physical time t
resolved by a volume balance on water at the
and incorporates fluid properties and geometric
shock [24].
factors. (Some symbols here differ from those in
If imposed pressure gradient dominates flow
Refs. [44,45].) Here we are not interested in the
(Eq. (C3)), with an initial condition given by Eq.
time to snap-off, but only whether and why snap-
off occurs. For that purpose it is convenient to (B1), solutions can differ only in the ratio of (Rt/
define a new dimensionless time t ?/(t /Cam), Rb) and the boundary condition at z /L /0. Fig.
which gives C1 shows the evolution of Rw((z /L ),t?) with
 2 dimensionless time t? for the case Rt/Rb /0.4
@(Rw =Rb ) Rw @(Rw =Rb ) and infinite Pcb; i.e. a boundary condition of
 0: (C3)
@t? Rb @(z=L) (Rw/Rb)/0 at z /L /0. Also shown is (R (z /L )/
Rb); at any position and time where Rw/Rb ]/R /
According to Eq. (C3), the redistribution of water Rb, snap-off occurs (Eq. (B2)). We continue the
in this dimensionless time is independent of solution past this time, without allowing snap-off,
imposed pressure gradient (as long as imposed to illustrate our contention that a sufficient
pressure gradient is large enough to dominate
capillary-pressure gradient): i.e. the magnitude of
imposed pressure gradient affects the physical time
to snap-off, but not whether it occurs.
The initial condition is described in Eq. (B1).
For the first-order partial differential equation
(C3), the only relevant boundary condition is at
the upstream boundary, z /L /0. A boundary
condition of fixed Pcb (Fig. B4) corresponds to a
fixed value of Rw /(sPcb) at z /L /0. It is
clear from Eq. (C1) or Eq. (C3) that a condition
of zero capillary-pressure-driven flux, i.e.
@(Rw/Rb)/@(z /L ) /0 at z /L /0, corresponds to a
Fig. C1. Water redistribution in pore in limit of high imposed
condition that @Rw/@t? /0 at z/L /0. In other pressure gradient for Rt/Rb /0.4 and boundary condition
words, Rw at the boundary is fixed for all time at Pcb 0/ (Rw /0 at z /L/0, represented by large dot in figure).
its initial value R0w(z /L /0) as set by the initial Shown are plots of Rw/Rb for four values of dimensionless time
condition. t ?. As asserted in Appendix B, a sufficiently large pressure
gradient would transport the large volume of water initially in
Eq. (C3) can be solved by the method of
the pore body to the pore throat. The maximum value of Rw/Rb
characteristics. In principle, the solution is similar occurs for t ?:/1.7, just after shock front reaches throat. In
to Buckley /Leverett problems in flow through reality, snap-off would occur just after t ?/1, upstream of the
porous media [24]. Each characteristic is a straight throat, when Rw reaches the local value of R .
22 W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24

pressure gradient would sweep the large volume of

water from the pore body toward the throat. The
maximum value of Rw/Rb reaches the throat (z/
L /0.5) at t?:/1.7, just after the shock front
reaches the throat. This maximum value of Rw/Rb
is equal to that initially in the pore body. In reality,
snap-off would occur earlier, upstream of the
throat, for t ? slightly larger than 1.
Smaller values of (Rt/Rb) lead to lower values of
(Rw/Rb) reaching the throat, but also correspond
to lower values of R (z/L ) and therefore a lower
threshold for snap-off (Eq. (B2)). Fig. C2 shows Fig. C3. Water redistribution in pore as in Fig. C2 except that
the evolution of water distribution for the limiting capillary pressure Pcb imposed at pore body (large dot) equals
the initial capillary pressure in pore body. This boundary
case (Rt/Rb)0/0. Even in this limiting case, the condition corresponds either to the given value of Pcb imposed
value of (Rw/Rb) reaching the throat is nearly that at the boundary or a condition of no capillary-pressure gradient
initially present in the pore body. at pore body. Behavior is similar to Fig. C2, except that there is
Reducing Pcb below that in Fig. C1 affects only no spreading wave originating at z /L/0. The shock front
reaches pore body a little earlier than in Fig. C2, but again in
the spreading wave behind the shock, and not the
reality snap-off would happen upstream of throat for t ?
value of the maximum (Rw/Rb) that reaches the between 0.5 and 0.85. A similar calculation for Rt/Rb /0.4
throat. For Rt 0/0 (Fig. C2), altering the boundary shows no difference in the magnitude or time of arrival of the
condition at z/L /0 can affect the maximum value shock to the pore body.
of Rw/Rb to arrive at the throat and the timing of
the shock, because the spreading wave interacts
with the shock before the shock reaches the throat.
Fig. C3 shows the case of Rt 0/0 and Pcb /P0c (z/ L /0) (boundary condition represented as large
dot in figure). This boundary condition corre-
sponds either to a surrounding capillary pressure
equal to that initially in the pore body, or, as
shown above, to zero capillary-driven flux (@(Rw/
Rb)/@(z/L )/0) at the boundary. There is only a
small difference with Fig. C2 in the timing and
magnitude of the shock at the pore throat.
Thus, the assertion in Appendix B, that suffi-
cient pressure gradient transports the large volume
of water initially assumed to be present in the pore
body more or less directly to the pore throat, is
confirmed. Strictly speaking, of course, it is not the
water initially in the pore body that arrives at the
throat, but a wave with the same values of Rw and
Fig. C2. Water redistribution in pore in limit of high imposed VzD as initially in the pore body.
pressure gradient for Rt /0 and boundary condition Pcb 0/
For comparison, Fig. C4 shows the distribution
(Rw /0 at z /L /0, represented by large dot in figure). Shown
are plots of Rw/Rb for four values of dimensionless time t ?. In of water with the more realistic initial and
comparison to Fig. C1, the volume of water reaching the throat boundary conditions shown in Fig. B7 for (Rt/
is a little less than that initially at the pore body, because the Rb)/0.4. In this case all characteristics, corre-
spreading wave has begun to interact with the shock front.
Snap-off actually happens more easily in this case, because of
sponding to the initial and boundary conditions,
the smaller value of R near the throat. Snap-off would happen carry the same low value of (Rw/Rb), and there is
for t ? somewhere between 0.5 and 0.85. no snap-off. With realistic initial and boundary
W.R. Rossen / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 225 (2003) 1 /24 23

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