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DATA General data:

Illness trajectory: Second Stage/ Impact Phase

 Supportive and understanding family
 Peaceful environment in the family
APGAR: highly functional
SCREEM-RES: Moderately Inadequate Family
Caregiver Issues: the household is composed of 2 senior citizen, 2 minors, and
one diabetic adult. Next of kin are also not around
ANALYSIS AND Family Life Cycle Stage: Family with young child
ASSESSMENT Family Map: Celia, has dysfunctional relationship with Lino, her former
husband. They have rigid boundaries. She has over-involved relationship with her
brother, Ralph, from which the boundaries are diffused. They both also have
coalition with each other. Her relationship with Gina, her sister, is functional,
with clear boundaries. At the same time, Ralph has also functional relationship
with Gina, with clear boundaries.
Impact of Illness:
 Physical Impact – weight loss, polyuria, and polyphagia
 Social Functioning – illness may affect the patient’s duty to care for her
 Financial Impact – as she is financially sustaining her family alone, she
might have financial difficulties. However, she may be able to ask for
financial aid from her siblings who are working abroad
 Psychoemotional impact – as she have very limited attention to her care,
because of her attention being fully devoted to her children, the patient
may consider her illness as an additional burden. In conjunction with
financial and other impact of illnesses, this might result to psychological
Compliance issues: the patient is willing to undergo treatment to ensure
optimum version of herself in caring for her family
MANAGEMENT  Health education on Diabetes Mellitus prevention, treatment,
complications and rehabilitation
 Lifestyle modification
 Pharmacologic therapy
 Counselling on maintenance medications
 Counselling of family members including overseas members regarding
caregiver issues

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