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Framework- Sales Process

Process Name - Sales Process

Sales process using Applicable to List of supporting documents Created Date

Mobile/ Land line CAT, CST/Business sales Partner Script Brand wise FAQs

SMS/WhatsApp CAT, CST/Business sales Partner SMS Template for BYLD and Brand

Email CAT, CST/Business sales Partner Email Templates

CRM-Leadsquared/ BYLD Calling App CAT, CST/Business sales Partner

Using Mobile/Landline CRM-Leadsquared/BYLD

Time Email Message/ WhatsApp
through BYLD App Calling App

Call up on the last one week’s

replied/Open mail or WhatsApp
11:00 am to 1 :00 Pm messages (List of target
Prospects prepared today in
pre-sales process)

Send follow up SMS to the

prospects who did not
respond to the calls today
2:00 Pm to 2:30 Pm in the first Half using SMS
template (Annexure-1)

Make follow up call (Not

email) attempt through Make follow up attempt
Make second Call attempt (not
phone to the non- through phone to the non-
email or WhatsApp) to connect
2:30 To 4:30 PM responsive WhatsApp of responsive WhatsApp of the
with clients who did not respond
the segment/ industry segment/ industry which was
In the morning / past 6 days
which was targeted for the targeted for the day.

4:30 To 5:30 PM Send Proposals if any

5:30 Pm to 6:30 Pm CRM Update

Send WhatsApp as per Annexure 1 Update
CRM & Put the customer onto the1st touch
point out of 7 Touchpoint Strategy on CRM

Prioritise Follow Ups as per Connected
the table given above

Are there any Make calls on non replied
Pre Sales
Pending follow mails/WhatsApp
up from last
week’s calls

Use Elevator’s Pitch as per

Annexure 2

Try to Confirm with the client Y

areas to be addressed and target Meeting/ Information Interested to
audience along with potential explore more?
Business/ Behavioural Impact

Proposal Sent Update CRM along with future

follow up date and Put the
customer onto 1st touch point out
of 7touchpoint Strategy on CRM

Discussion Update CRM with reason
happens for delay
within 3 days

Negotiation/ Agreement/ SME Closed

Discussion/ Trainer Discussion

Handover to Project
Won Closed Management Team /CRE
Annexure-1 (Sales Process)
SMS/WhatsApp Template (Unpicked first Call)

Hi < First Name>,

This is <Your Name> from <Practice Name>, Part of BYLD Group. I tried reaching you today over phone to have a short and quick
conversation to explore your interest level around <Business/ Behavioural issues>. We have helped organisations like <Name of Existing
Clients> to successfully overcome related challenges. Click on < Link to book my Calendar>

Choose One

Business Issue examples Behavioural /Leadership Issues

Dealing with work place bias

High turnover
Lack of trust
Poor sales and Productivity Poor conflict Management
Customer Satisfaction skills Building Commitment
Projects overbudget Building Competence
Low Revenue
Leading Personal Change (Self
High Discount
Leadership) Poor Inter Personal
Disruption due to Statutory compliance
Disruption due to legal hurdle
Inability to change culture and strategy
Add more….
Add more…..
Annexure-2 (Sales Process)
Elevator Pitch- CAT

Hi ….

This is …..from……a BYLD Group Company, Hope I did not catch you at the wrong time ? We have helped many organizations focus
on their core HR functions by helping them outsource their Payroll and Compliance management.



This is……from a BYLD Group Company, Hope I Did not catch you at the wrong time today? We have helped many organizations
<name the industry> build their leadership capabilities at all levels to build a high-performance culture.



This is……from a BYLD Group Company, Hope I Did not catch you at the wrong time today? We have helped many organizations < Name
the industry> build a culture of positive accountability and performance.
Annexure 3 Sales Process
Elevator Pitch- CST

Scenario-1- Existing Clients where billing is already happening

Hi first name of the client

Hope I have not caught you at the wrong time? (Pause) < First Name> purpose of the call today is to share with you, how organization like you who
are using < Name of the Current Product> can Improve sustainability for the taught behaviors to impact the business out comes faster and better.
…was wondering if you like to know more?

Scenario-2 For client who have not bought for last 6 month or so

Hi First Name of the client

Today I am calling for a specific purpose to follow up on the change/ experience with our last intervention which happened around< name of the
month> with < name of the target audience>
I hope I have not caught at the wrong time (pause)(if client says okay) I was wondering how would you rate our last intervention On a scale of 1to 10
.10 being the highest who will you rate the experience your target audience had.( wait for the response, if the Answer is other than 10 ask a follow up
question) what you think could have been done more to get 10 out 10.
Annexure 4 Sales Process

Key Discovery Questions

Business Impact Questions

1. What are your key business priorities for the year? (High Gain)
2. What is keeping senior management awake at night?
3. Which results you cannot afford to not to miss?

People Impact Questions

4. What are your top people/HR priorities this year? (High Gain)
5. What are key talent management strategies? (High Gain)
6. What hurdles do you foresee in accomplishing your goals? (Exploratory)
7. Which are focus competencies for Individual contributors/Frontline/ Middle Management/
Senior Management?
8. Which leader behaviors are important to address this year?
9. Many organizations are facing high attrition in your industry. How is it working in your
business? (Reflective)
10. What is the potential cost of not addressing the people issue? (High Gain)
11. What is the level of skills of the target audience on a scale of 1 to 10,10 being high?
12. What are your biggest concerns, when it comes to managing outsourced payroll?

Connectors to bring client’s attention to your solution domain:

1. I am curious, how do you address accountability and execution in your organization?
2. I was wondering, how much time and effort it takes to manage feet on street?
3. I am curious how do you address leadership development in your company?
4. I was wondering how do you build “<Name of your core value proposition”?

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