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SNI 1729-2015 chapter F

Segui Wiliam T,2007, Steel Design
 Introduction
 Bending Stress and Plastic Moment
 Stability
 Classifications of Shapes
 Bending Strength of Compact Shape
 Bending Strength of Non Compact Shape
 Shear Strength
 Deflection
 Beam Bearing Plates and Column


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Beams are structural members that support transverse loads and are therefore subjected
primarily to flexure or bending.
built up shape

Consider the beam which is oriented so that bending is about the major principal axis.

P fb
Bending Strength of Compact Shape
Bending Strength of Compact Shape
y y
V x

The stress at any point can be found from the flexure formula
Linear distribution of strains from top to bottom, which in turn is based on the assumption that
cross sections that are plane before bending remain plain after bending

The maximum stress will occur at the extreme fiber, where y is maximum. Thus there are two
maxima :
1) Maximum compressive stress in the top fiber
2) Maximum tensile stress in the bottom fiber

If the neutral axis is an of symmetry, the two stresses will be equal in magnitude. For
maximum stress, equation (1) takes the form

Linear elastic range fmax ≤ fy

 The additional moment
required to bring the beam
from stage b to stage d is, on
the average, approximately
12% of the yield moment for
f < fy
a  When stage d has been
f = fy reached, any further
increase in the load will
P> cause collapse, since all
b elements have reached the
fy yield value of the stress-
P >> strain carve and unrestricted
plastic flow will occur)
P >>>
 A plastic hinge is said to have formed at the center of the beam.
 At this moment the beam consider in an unstable mechanism.
 The mechanism motion will be as shown

Plastic hinge

 Structural analysis based on a consideration of collapse mechanism is

called plastic analysis.

C = Ac Fy

Plastic Neutral a

T = At Fy

The plastic moment capacity, which is the moment required to form the plastic hinge, can easily be
computed from a consideration of the corresponding stress distribution, From equilibrium of forces:

C=T Ac Fy = At Fy Ac = At
The plastic neutral axis divides the cross section into two equal areas. For shapes that are
symmetrical about axis of bending, the elastic and plastic neutral axis are the same. The plastic
moment, Mp, is the resisting couple formed by two equal and opposite forces

A = total cross sectional area

a = distance between the centroid of the half areas
Z = (A/2) a = plastic section modulus
Example 1




For the built up shape shown in figure 3. determine

(a) the elastic section modulus S and the yield moment My
(b) the plastic section modulus Z and the plastic moment Mp.
Bending is about the x axis and the steel A 572 Grade 50
(a) the elastic section modulus S and the yield moment My
Because of symmetry, the elastic neutral axis( the x – axis) is located at mid depth of the cross
section (the location of the centroid). The moment of inertia of the cross section can be found
by using the parallel axis theorem, and the result of the calculations are summarized in the
Table 1
Table 1
2 4
Component I A d I + d (mm )

Flange 260.416,67 2.400,00 144,00 50.026.816,67

Flange 260.416,67 2.400,00 144,00 50.026.816,67
Web 15.625.000,00 15.625.000,00
Sum 115.678.633,33

the elastic section modulus

the yield moment is :

My = Fy Sx = 345 x 771 190,89 = 266 060 856,67 N mm

b) the plastic section modulus Z and the plastic moment Mp.
Because this shape is symmetrical about the x axis, this axis divides the cross section into
equal areas and is therefore the plastic neutral axis. The centroid of the top half area can be
found by the principle of moments. Taking moments about the x axis (the neutral axis of the
entire cross section) and tabulating the computations in table 2

table 2

Component A y Ay
Flange 2.400,00 137,50 330.000,00
Web 1.562,50 62,50 97.656,25
Sum 3.962,50 427.656,25
Fy =345

Centroid of
half area
y = 107,92

A= 215,8

Fy =345

a = 2 y = 2 x 107,926 = 215,852 mm

The plastic section modulus is :

The plastic moment is :

For the built up shape shown in figure 4. determine Example 2

(a) the elastic section modulus Sx and the yield moment My

(b) the plastic section modulus Zx and the plastic moment Mp.
Bending is about the x axis and the steel A 572 Grade 50



25 400

figure 4
a) the elastic section modulus Sx and the yield moment My

Component I A Y from bottom AxY from bottom Ῡ I+A Ῡ
Top Flange 8,44 45,00 39,25 1.766,25 24,72 27.515,32
Bottom Flange 52,08 100,00 1,25 125,00 13,28 17.677,95
Web 3.888,00 36,00 20,50 738,00 5,97 5.172,69
181,00 2.629,25 50.365,96
14,53 in cm
b) the plastic section modulus Zx and the plastic moment Mp.

distance of plastic centroid from bottom =


elastic centroid
plastic centroid

145,3 22,6

centroid of top half-area

about plastic centroid




centroid of bottom half-

area about plastic
y1 = centroid of top half-area about plastic centroid = 256,3 mm

Component A Y from bottom AxY from bottom

Top Flange 45,00 36,99 1.664,55

Web 36,00 18,24 656,64
Part of Bottom Flange 9,60 0,12 1,15
90,60 2.322,34
25,633 in cm

a = 256,33+ 11,3 = 267,629 mm

The plastic section modulus is :

The plastic moment is :

 Stability

 If a beam can be counted on to remain stable up to the fully plastic condition, the nominal moment
strength can be taken as:
Mn = M p
• When a beam bend, the compression region is analogous to a column, and in a manner similar to
a column, it will buckle if the member is slender enough. Unlike a column however, the
compression portion of the cross section is restrained by the tension portion. and the outward
deflection (flexural buckling) is accompanied by twisting (torsion).
This form of instability is called lateral-torsional buckling
(LTB). Lateral torsional buckling can be prevented by bracing
the beam against twisting at sufficiently close intervals

Lateral-torsional buckling of a
wide flange beam subjected to
constant moment
Local buckling of flange due to
compressive stress (σ)
This can be accomplished with either of two types of stability bracing:
Lateral bracing : which prevents lateral translation. should be applied
as close to the compression flange as possible.
Torsional bracing : prevents twist directly.
The moment strength depends in part on the unbraced length, which is the
distance between points of bracing.

Cross Frame c diaphragm

the effects of local and lateral-tensional buckling were illustrated in the next figure.

This graph of load versus central deflection

 Curve 1 is the load-deflection curve of a

Load beam that becomes unstable and loses its
load-carrying capacity before first yield
 Curves 2 and 3 correspond to beams that can
4 be loaded past first yield but not far enough
1st yield 3
for the formation of a plastic hinge and the
2 resulting plastic collapse
1 CL
 Curve 4 is for the case of uniform moment
over the full length of the beam

 curve 5 is for a beam with a variable bending

CL deflection

Safe designs can be achieved with beams

corresponding to any of these curves, but
curves 1 and 2 represent inefficient use of

The analytical equations for local buckling of steel plates with various edge conditions and the
results from experimental investigations have been used to develop limiting slenderness ratios for
the individual plate elements of the cross-sections.

Steel sections are classified as compact, non-compact, or slender depending upon the
slenderness (l) ratio of the individual plates of the cross-section (Tabel B4. SNI 1729 2015 )

1) Compact section if all elements of cross-section have l ≤ lp

2) Non-compact sections if any one element of the cross-section has lp ≤ l ≤ lr
3) Slender section if any element of the cross-section has lr ≤ l

Where: l is the width-thickness ratio, lp is the upper limit for compact category and lr is the upper
limit for noncompact category
It is important to note that:

A- If l ≤ lp , then the individual plate element can develop and sustain σy for large values of e before local
buckling occurs.

B- If lp ≤ l ≤ lr , then the individual plate element can develop σy but cannot sustain it before local buckling

C- If lr ≥ l, then elastic local buckling of the individual plate element occurs.

Thus, slender sections cannot develop Mp due to elastic local buckling. Non-compact sections can
develop My but not Mp before local buckling occurs. Only compact sections can develop the plastic moment
M p.

All rolled wide-flange shapes are compact with the following exceptions, which are non-compact.
W40x174, W14x99, W14x90, W12x65, W10x12, W8x10, W6x15 (made from A992)
The definition of l and the values for lp and lr for the individual elements of various cross-sections are
given in Table B4 1b (SNI 1729:2015).
Nominal flexural strength as a function of the
flange width-to-thickness ratio of rolled I-shapes.

Co mpressive axia l stress, 




Effective axial strain, e

Figure 8. Stress-strain response of plates

subjected to axial compression and local
 Thus, slender sections cannot develop Mp due to elastic local buckling. Non-compact
sections can develop My but not Mp before local buckling occurs. Only compact sections can
develop the plastic moment Mp.
(Uniform bending moment)

Beam can fail by reaching Mp and becoming fully plastic, or it can fail by:

1) Lateral-torsional buckling. (LTB)

2) Flange local buckling (FLB).
3) Web local buckling (WLB).

If the maximum bending stress is less than the proportional limit when buckling occurs, the failure is said
to be elastic. Otherwise, it is inelastic.
compact shapes, defined as those whose webs are continuously connected to the flanges
and that satisfy the following:

The web criterion is met by all standard I and C shapes listed in the manual, so only the
flange ratio need to be checked.

If the beam is compact and has continuous lateral support, or if the unbraced length is very
short , the nominal moment strength, Mn is the full plastic moment capacity of the shape, Mp
For members with inadequate lateral support, the moment resistance is limited by the LTB
strength, either inelastic or elastic.
The first category, laterally supported compact beams is the simplest case
The nominal strength as

The limit of 1,5 My for Mp is to prevent excessive working load deformation and is satisfied when

For [, I, H shapes bent about the strong axis, Z/S will always ≤ 1,5

For [, I, H shapes bent about the weak axis, however Z/S will never ≤ 1,5
The beam shown in Figure. 5 is a WF 16 x 7 x 38 of A 992 steel. It supports a reinforced concrete floor slab
that provides continuous lateral support of the compression flange. The service dead load is 6,5 kN/m. this load
is superimposed on the beam; it does not include the weight of the beam itself. The service live load is 8 kN/m.
does this beam have adequate moment strength?

DL = 6,5 kN/m
LL = 8,0 kN/m 7,59


Figure. 5
 Check for compactness, table B 4 1b

The flange is compact

The web is compact

Because the beam is compact and laterally supported, the nominal flexure strength is
 Compute the maximum bending moment, the total service dead load, including the weight of the
beam, is

The dead load is less than 8 times the live load, so load combination 2 controls :

For simply supported, uniformly loaded beam, the maximum bending moment occurs at
midspan and is equal to :

The design strength is

The moment strength of compact shapes is a function of the unbraced length, Lb, defined as the
distance between points of lateral support or bracing.


X lateral support

Lb1 Lb2
The relationship between the nominal strength, Mn, and the unbraced length, Lb, is shown in the
following Figure:

𝐿 −𝐿 F2-2
𝑀 = 𝐶 𝑀 − 𝑀 − 0,7𝐹 𝑆 ≤𝑀
𝐿 −𝐿

F2-3, F2-4

Nominal flexural strength as a function of unbraced length and moment gradient

Determine the flexural strength of a W 14 x 10 x 68 0f A 242 steel subject to
a) Continuous lateral support
b) An unbraced length of 600 cm with Cb = 1
c) An unbraced length of 900 cm with Cb = 1

18,24 10,62

255 357
Check for compactness, table B 4 1b

The flange is compact

The web is compact

a) Continuous lateral support

Because the beam is compact and laterally supported, the nominal flexure
strength is
The design strength is

b) An unbraced length of 600 cm with Cb = 1

Lb = 600 cm and Cb = 1, determine Lp and Lr

F2 - 5

F2 - 6

Since Lp < Lb < Lr

F2 - 2

n p

The design strength is

c) An unbraced length of 900 cm with Cb = 1

Since Lb > Lr

F2 - 3

n p

F2 - 4

The design strength is

Moment Capacity of beams subjected to non-uniform B.M.

The case with uniform bending moment is worst for lateral torsional buckling.
For cases with non-uniform B.M, the lateral torsional buckling moment is greater than that for the case
with uniform moment.

The lateral torsional buckling moment for non-uniform B.M case = C b x lateral torsional buckling moment
for uniform moment case.

C b is always greater than 1.0 for non-uniform bending moment.

C b is equal to 1.0 for uniform bending moment.

Sometimes, if you cannot calculate or figure out C b, then it can be conservatively assumed as 1.0.
Mmax = absolute value of maximum moment in the unbraced segment,
kip-in. (N-mm)
MA = absolute value of moment at quarter point of the unbraced
segment, kip-in. (N-mm)
MB = absolute value of moment at centerline of the unbraced segment,
kip-in. (N-mm)
MC = absolute value of moment at three-quarter point of the unbraced
segment, kip-in. (N-mm)

18,24 10,62


Nominal flexural strength as a function of the flange width-to-thickness

ratio of rolled I-shapes.
Beam may fail by:
Lateral-torsional buckling. (LTB)
Flange local buckling (FLB).
Web local buckling (WLB).
Any of these failures can be in either the elastic range or the inelastic range. The strength
corresponding to each of these three limit states must be computed. The smallest value
will control.

 Lateral-torsional buckling. (LTB)

 Lateral-torsional buckling. (LTB)

(a) When Lb ≤ Lp, the limit state of lateral-torsional buckling does not apply

(b) When Lp < Lb ≤ Lr

𝐿 −𝐿 F2 - 2
𝑀 = 𝐶 𝑀 − 𝑀 − 0,7𝐹 𝑆 ≤𝑀
𝐿 −𝐿

(c) When Lb > Lr

F2 - 3
For sections with noncompact flanges

F3 - 1

For sections with slender flanges

F3 - 2

and shall not be taken less than 0.35 nor greater

than 0.76 for calculation purposes
h = distance as defined in Section B4.1b, in. (mm)
bf = width of the flange, in. (mm)
tf = thickness of the flange, in. (mm)
lpf = lp is the limiting slenderness for a compact flange, defined in Table B4.1b

lrf = lr is the limiting slenderness for a noncompact flange, defined in Table

A simply supported beam with a span length of 1350 cm is laterally
supported at its ends and is subjected to the following service loads
: DL = 6 kN/m, LL = 14,5 kN/m. if Fy = 345 Mpa, is a W 14 x 14 ½ x
95 adequate?

DL = 6 kN/m
LL = 14,5 kN/m

Check for compactness, table B 4 1b

The flange is non compact

The web is compact

Since lp < l < lr, this shape is not compact, check the capacity based on the limit
state of flange local buckling
F3 - 1

Check the capacity based on the limit state of lateral torsional buckling

𝐿 = 1,76 𝑟 = 398 𝑐𝑚

𝐸 𝐽𝑐 𝐽𝑐 𝐸
𝐿 = 1,95 𝑟 + + 6,76 = 1 328,9 𝑐𝑚
0,7 𝐹 𝑆 ℎ 𝑆 ℎ 0,7 𝐹

Lb > Lr failure is by elastic LTB

For a uniformly loaded, simply supported beam with lateral support at the ends Cb
= 1,14
For a doubly symmetric I shape c = 1

F2 - 3

n p

This is smaller than the nominal strength based on flange local buckling,
so lateral torsional buckling controls

The design strength is f Mn = 0,9 x 552,69 = 497, 921 kN m

The factored load and moment are

U = 1,2 DL + 1,6 LL = 30,4 kN m

MU = 1/8 U L2 = 744,8 > 552, 69 (NG)
Struktur balok seperti pada gambar, Lendutan ijin untuk beban hidup L/360.
Balok terkekang di ujung tumpuan dan dua titik disepanjang bentang. Profil yang
digunakan BJ 41. ( H = 600 mm, B = 200 mm, tf = 17 mm, tw = 11 mm)

DL = 8,5 kN/M
DL = 90 kN
LL = 85 kN LL = 20 kN/M

5,0 m 5,0 m 5,0 m

15,0 m

fv = vertical and horizontal shearing stress at the point of interest

V = vertical shear force at the section under consideration
𝒬 = first moment about the neutral axis of the area of the cross
section between the point of interest and the top or bottom of
the cross section
I = moment of inertia about the neutral axis
b = width of the cross section at the point of interst

Equation 1, is based on the assumption that stress is constant

across the width b, and it is therefore accurate only for small
values of b. For rectangular cross section of depth d and width b,
the error for d/b = 2 is approximately 3 %. For d/b = 1 the error is
12 % and for d/b = 1/4 , it is 100 % ( Higdon et all, 1960). For this
reason equation 1 cannot be applied to the flange of a W shape in
the same manner
Figure 2

Figure 2. shows the shearing stress distribution for W shape. Superimposed on actual distribution is the
average stress in the, V/Aw, which does not difer much from the maximum web stress. Clearly, the web will
completely yield long before the flanges begin to yield. Because of this , yielding of web represents one of
the shear limit states. Taking the shear yield stress 60 % of the tensile yield stress, we can write the
equation for the stress in the web at failure as

Where Aw = area of the web.

The nominal strength corresponding to this limit state is therefore and will be the
nominal strength in shear provided that there is no shear buckling of the web. Whether that occurs will
depend on h/tw the width-thickness ratio of the web. If this ratio is too large that is, if the web ia too slenser
the web can buckle in shear, either inelastically or elastically
Vu < Ф Vn Vu = maximum shear based on the controlling combination of factored loads
Vn = Gaya geser nominal
f= resistance factor for shear f = 0,90 (DFBK), f = 1,67 (DKI)

1. Shear Strength of Webs without Tension Field Action

The nominal shear strength, Vn, is:

Vn = 0,6 Fy Aw Cv G2 -1

Fy = specified minimum yield stress of the type of steel being used, ksi (MPa)
Aw = area of web, the overall depth times the web thickness, d tw, in.2 (mm2)

(a) For webs of rolled I-shaped members with Cv1 = 1,0

(b) For all other I-shaped members and channels

(1) The web shear strength coefficient, Cv1, is determined as follows:

(i) When cv1 = 1 (G2-3)

h = for built-up welded sections, the clear distance between flanges, in. (mm)
= for built-up bolted sections, the distance between fastener lines, in. (mm)

(ii) When (G2-4)

(2) The web plate shear buckling coefficient, kv, is determined as follows:

(i) For webs without transverse stiffen kv = 5.34

(ii) For webs with transverse stiffeners (G2-5)

= 5.34 when a / h > 3.0
Where a = clear distance between transverse stiffeners, in. (mm)
2. Shear Strength of Interior Web Panels with a / h ≤ 3 Considering Tension Field Action

The nominal shear strength, Vn, is determined as follow

(a) When Vn = 0,6 Fy Aw (G2-6)

(b) When

(1) when (G2-6)

, , ⁄

(2) Otherwise (G2-7)

, ⁄ ⁄
The web shear buckling coefficient, Cv2, is determined as follows

(i) When Cv2 = 1 (G2-9)

(ii) When (G2-10)

(iii) When (G2-11)

Afc = area of compression flange, in.2 (mm2)

Aft = area of tension flange, in.2 (mm2)
bfc = width of compression flange, in. (mm)
bft = width of tension flange, in. (mm)
kv is as defined in Section G2.1
3. Transverse Stiffeners

For transverse stiffeners, the following shall apply.

(a) Transverse stiffeners are not required where ≤ 2,46 , or where the available shear strength
provided in accordance with Section G2.1 for kv = 5.34 is greater than the required shear strength.

(b) Transverse stiffeners are permitted to be stopped short of the tension flange, provided bearing is not
needed to transmit a concentrated load or reaction. The weld by which transverse stiffeners are attached
to the web shall be terminated not less than four times nor more than six times the web thickness from
the near toe of the web-to-flange weld or web-to-flange fillet. When single stiffeners are used, they shall
be attached to the compression flange if it consists of a rectangular plate, to resist any uplift tendency
due to torsion in the flange.

(c) Bolts connecting stiffeners to the girder web shall be spaced not more than 300 mm on center. If
intermittent fillet welds are used, the clear distance between welds shall not be more than 16 times the
web thickness nor more than 250 mm .
(d) (G2-12)

(e) (G2-13)

Fyst = specified minimum yield stress of the stiffener material, ksi (MPa)
Fyw = specified minimum yield stress of the web material, ksi (MPa)
Ist = moment of inertia of the transverse stiffeners about an axis in the web center for stiffener
pairs, or about the face in contact with the web plate for single stiffeners, in.4 (mm4)

, ,

= minimum moment of inertia of the transverse stiffeners required for development

of the web shear buckling resistance, Vr = Vc2, mm
Vc1 = available shear strength calculated with Vn as defined in Section G2.1 or G2.2, as applicable, N
Vc2 = available shear strength, kips (N), calculated with Vn = 0.6 Fy Aw Cv2
Vr = required shear strength in the panel being considered, kips (N)
bp = smaller of the dimension a and h, in. (mm)
(b / t)st = width-to-thickness ratio of the stiffener
rst = larger of Fyw /Fyst and 1.0
rw = maximum shear ratio, , within the web panels on each side of the transverse

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