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FRIDAY 2:00-5:00 PM



Cicada 3301 is a group of genius people in the darkweb.This society

creates a online quest or puzzle that can solve by everyone who
wants to be part of their secret society like online illuminati but
everyone who played the game never came back.


There was a man named Connor, he is a genius man, bartender and

also a trouble maker because of his many debts.One night, he had a
fight in his bar with a trouble maker customer and that’s when his
life began to change because of his curiousity.

One night, when he is robbing his troublesome customer he saw an

email from cicada 3301,he didn’nt know that this is a group of secret
people from darkweb until Gwen, his friend and a secret group of
NSA and AVI, his bestfriend and a proffesor helped him track and
solve the puzzle, grafitti, art, and morse code that cicada puts
everywhere.When the time they are searching for this online
illuminati, there was someone hunting them wearing a animal mask
that wants to kill them because of their knowledge about cicada
After he solved everything, he received an invitation from cicada
3301 to join their party and wants him to be part of their
organization but not anything goes to their plan because NSA raided
them and that’s the time that connor arrested by NSA to tell his
knowledge about CICADA, but connor leaked something about
NSA members and judge that make them to pay connor 1 million
dollars of each single of them and makes them free connor and avi.In
the end connor like the plan of the cicada and gwen became part of
the society of cicada 3301.


Cicada 3301 is a big society that is anti for everything that created to
this world, that’s why they formed a secret organization in the
darkweb to plan a war.They created a puzzle as a secret tool to
recruit someone with a high level of intelligence to help them at their


Connor and NSA being judged at the court after being part of Cicada
3301.After he tells all of his knowledge at everyone, he leaked
something dark secret from the NSA members and each judges that
makes the to free avi and connor in jail and pay each one of them
connor a 1 million dollar in his account to keep their dark secrets.
MICE(FRIDAY 5:00-8:00 PM)

During the thesis seminar I learned a lot on how to correctly write a thesis, it requires
brainstorming, participation, coordination in every each member in the group and
lastly it needs a lot of time to make a perfectly done thesis.

 Participation is important
 Time managing
 Focus on the goal
 Teamwork
 Brainstorming

 Don’t put all the weights on your team
 Don’t be prideful
 Don’t leave your team in hard situation unless help them until the end

In the end of the thesis seminar event all of the participant and student, and host who
help to organized in the thesis seminar received a certificate, but most important, they
acquire experience, and knowledge.

Im proud to all of us who help to organized the thesis seminar,this is the start where
we can see the cooperation with each other that is needed in making thesis, and im
glad the i listen and acquire some knowledge from Mrs.Lamano.
This thesis seminar is to give us the idea that we need someday, like on how to do
thesis correctly and to prevent misunderstanding to our group by coordinating with
them.. Also it gives us the experienced that we can do anything if we pay attention to
the things that we want to do and put a trust to each other.

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