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Accounting Information Systems 8th

Edition Hall Solutions Manual

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1. database planning, design, implementation, operation and maintenance, and change

and growth.

2. the users, the database management system, the database administrator, and the

physical database structures.

3. The primary difference between the network and hierarchical models is in the

parent-child relationship. The network model allows a child file to have multiple

parents. The hierarchical model permits a child to be associated with only one

parent record.

4. a. No data redundancy

b. Single update of data

c. Current values for all user applications

d. Task-data independence.

5. program development, backup and recovery, database usage reporting, and

database access.

6. One level is the schema, which is the conceptual view of the data. The schema

describes the entire database, and it represents the database logically. The second

level is the internal view which is the physical arrangement of the records. At this
Chapter 9 Page 356

level, the physical data records are described as well as linkages between files. The

next level is the subschema, which is the external view of the database that specific

users have authorization to use. This is also called the user view. This is the level

that users find of most interest.

7. The primary key is a table attribute the value of which is unique to the record. It is a

unique identifier.

8. Logically related tables need to be physically connected to achieve the associations

described in the data model. This is accomplished by embedding the primary key of

one table into the related table as a foreign key.

9. The data dictionary describes every data element in the database. The data

dictionary enables all users (and programmers) to share a common view of the data

resource, thus facilitating greatly the analysis of user needs.

10. An organization has three diverse operating units: tractors, sewing machines, and

computer chips. These units have different customers, suppliers, and production

facilities. Operating data are consolidated for financial reporting only.

11. An entity is anything about which the organization wishes to capture data. Entities

may be physical, such as “Inventory”, “Customer”, or “Employee”. They may also be

conceptual, such as “Sale” (to a customer), “Accounts Receivable”, or “Accounts


12. The XYZ company is a geographically distributed organization with several sites

around the country. Users at these sites need rapid access to common data for

read-only purposes.
Chapter 9 Page 357

13. (1:0,1) Every occurrence (record) is for one entity (Employee), there is a possibility

of zero or one occurrence in the related entity (Company Car).

(1:1) Describes a situation in which each record in one entity is always associated

with one (and only one) record in the associated entity. For example,

a company laptop computer is assigned to only one manager, and

every manager is assigned only one laptop.

(1:M) An example of this situation is that each item of Inventory (entity) is supplied

by one and only one Vendor (related entity), but each Vendor

supplies one or many different Inventory items to the company.

(M:M) A company with a policy of purchasing the same types of inventory from

multiple suppliers would have a M:M association between the Vendor

and Inventory entities.

14. The term association pertains to the nature of the relationship between two entities.

This is represented by a verb such as shipped, requests, or receives. Cardinality is

the degree of association between two entities. Simply stated, cardinality describes

the number of possible occurrences in one table that are associated with a single

occurrence in a related table.

15. In a many-to-many association, a link table with a combined (composite) key

consisting of the primary keys of the two related tables is created in order to link the

related tables.

16. a. All occurrences at the intersection of a row and column are a single value. No

multiple values (repeating groups), partial dependencies, or transitive dependencies

Chapter 9 Page 358

are allowed.

b. The attribute values in any column must all be of the same class.

c. Each column in a given table must be uniquely named.

d. Each row in the table must be unique in at least one attribute that is considered to be

the primary key.

17. a. Restrict—Extracts rows that satisfy the given condition from a specified table

and places these rows into a new table.

b. Project—Extracts columns from a specified table and places these attributes

(columns) into a new table.

c. Join—Builds a new table from two tables consisting of all concatenated pairs of

rows, one from each table.

18. A table normalized to 3NF meets the following conditions:

1. All nonkey attributes in the table are dependent on the primary key.

2. All nonkey attributes are independent of the other nonkey attributes.

In other words, the primary key of a table wholly and uniquely defines each attribute

in the table, and none of the table attributes are defined by an attribute other than

the primary key.

19. The user may restrict the fields of data to view with the SELECT command. Further,

the user may restrict the rows or records of data to be viewed with the WHERE

command. The WHERE command allows the user to view only those records that

have values which fall within a certain range for one or more fields of data.

20. A data model is the blueprint for creating the physical database. Database designers

identify system entities and prepare a model of them using a graphical

Chapter 9 Page 359

representation technique called an entity relationship (ER) diagram.

21. The deletion anomaly may cause records to be deleted unintentionally and may

occur for some time before the problem is noticed. A deletion anomaly occurs when

an item in one file is legitimately deleted. The problem occurs when this file is linked

to another file, which may also have a record deleted, due to its link. If the second

record should not be deleted, then an update anomaly has occurred.

22. A user view is the set of data that a particular user sees. Examples of user views are

computer screens for entering or viewing data, management reports, or source

documents, such as an invoice.

23. User views derive from underlying database tables. Simple views may be

constructed from a single table, while more complex views may require several

tables. Furthermore, a single table may contribute data to many different views.

24. Valid entities meet the two conditions below:

Condition 1. An entity must have two or more occurrences.

Condition 2. An entity must contribute at least one attribute that is not provided

through other entities.

25. Because attributes are the logical and relevant characteristics of an entity, they are

unique to it. Therefore, the same attributes should not be used to define two different



1. In the traditional data management environment, applications are developed with

Chapter 9 Page 360

data and program dependency. Typically, these programs are application specific.

Thus, the users of the application data tend to be proprietary about the data in “their”

application and may not be amenable to sharing such data.

2. If your university were to use different databases for the registrar, library, parking,

food services, and computing services, then the number of forms you would have to

fill out, if any of your personal data changes, would be plentiful. For example, if you

were to move during the semester to a different apartment, the university should be

notified. In this situation, a couple of things could happen. You could be required to

go to each service individually and fill out an address form, or you could go to one

central location and fill out a form that has multiple copies, which are sent to the

various areas on campus for update. In any case, your address could be keyed in

correctly by the registrar. You might receive some correspondence from the registrar

and assume that the address correction was made. However, a keypunch error

might have occurred by the library staff, and you may not receive notification that

you have a library book which you forgot about past due. After the end of the

semester, you may not receive your final grade report. When you call the registrar,

you may find out that the library has reported that you have an overdue book and

that your grades should be held until the book is returned, and the fine is paid.

3. Under the database concept, the data becomes centrally stored with many different

users accessing the database. However, each user should not have access to the

whole database. Under the traditional data management approach, where the data

are limited to a single application, the user access problem was not as much of a

threat. The DBMS is a special software system that is programmed to know which
Chapter 9 Page 361

data each user is authorized to access. This controlled authorization is crucial in

centrally stored DBMSs.

4. User views are derived database tables. A single table may contribute data to

several different views. On the other hand, simple views may be constructed from a

single table.

5. Tables that are logically related in the data model need to be physically linked. The

degree of association between the tables (i.e., 1:1, 1:M, or M:M) determines how the

linking occurs. The key-assignment rules for linking tables are discussed below:

• Where a true 1:1 association exists between tables, either (or both) primary keys

may be embedded as foreign keys in the related table.

• Where a 1:M (or 1:0,M) association exists, the primary key of the 1 side is

embedded in the table of the M-side.

• To represent the M:M association between tables, a link table needs to be created

which has a combined (composite) key consisting of the primary keys of two related


6. The entity relationship (ER) diagram is the graphical representation technique used

to depict a data model. Each entity in an ER diagram is named in the singular noun

form, such as Customer rather than Customers. The labeled line connecting two

entities describes the nature of the association between them. This association is

represented with a verb, such as shipped, requests, or receives. The ER diagram

also represents cardinality (the degree of association between two entities). Four

basic forms of cardinality are possible: zero or one (0,1), one and only one (1,1),

zero or many (0,M), and one or many (1,M). These are combined to represent
Chapter 9 Page 362

logical associations between entities such as 1:1, 1:0,M, and M:M.

7. SQL allows users to retrieve data from many different files without the assistance of

programmer professionals. Thus, if the user has access to data files and knows

SQL, which is very user friendly, the user may retrieve the data instantaneously.

8. The data was not centrally stored for many different applications to use in the

traditional data management environment; therefore, a database administrator was

not needed. Because it is centrally stored and shared by many users in a database

environment, the need arose for an individual to care for and control these files. The

database administrator is responsible for database planning, developing the data

requirements and data dictionary, database design and controls, database

implementation and access controls, operation and maintenance, and establishing

and reviewing the standards and procedures.

9. The system programmer’s program should not have access to the data, except

perhaps temporarily to test the programs. The database administrator controls the

access to the data. If one person has the authority to both write programs and access

data, then control issues become a concern. The potential to commit fraud or

embezzlement or to destroy or alter the company’s records increases.

10. Neither table can donate an embedded key to the other, because both are on the

“many” side. The only solution, therefore, is to create a new link table containing the

key fields of both tables.

11. Tables that are not normalized contain anomalies which require excessive updates

to tables, prevent data from being stored properly, and may cause unintentional
Chapter 9 Page 363

deletion of data. Accountants need to be familiar with normalization issues, because

these anomalies threaten the integrity of the financial data of the organization.

12. A database lockout prevents multiple users from accessing the same table

simultaneously and making changes to data values while they are temporarily

inconsistent. Lockouts force changes to be made sequentially to ensure data


13. Database concurrency controls ensure the completeness and accuracy of a

distributed database at remote sites where the same beginning data balances are

updated by different transactions. This is accomplished by serializing and time-

stamping transactions. Depending on the need for data currency, the time-stamped

data will be reconciled and posted to all distributed databases.

14. Database accounting systems are transaction-based rather than account-based.

The focus is on capturing important details of transactions that may be lost when

they are forced into the structure of traditional accounting records. The transaction

tables are then to be used to reconstruct traditional accounting records, such as

Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.

15. Where a true 1:1 association exists between tables, either (or both) primary keys

may be embedded as foreign keys in the related table. On the other hand, when the

lower cardinality value is zero (1:0,1), a more efficient table structure can be

achieved by placing the 1-side (1:) table’s primary key in the zero-or-one (:0,1) table

as a foreign key. Assume that a company has 1000 employees, but only 100 of them

are sales staff. Also assume that each sales person is assigned a company car.

Therefore, every occurrence in the Employee entity is associated with either zero or
Chapter 9 Page 364

one occurrence in the Company Car entity. If we assigned the Company Car (:0,1)

side primary to the Employee (:1) table as a foreign key, then most of the foreign

keys will have null (blank) values. While this approach would work, it could cause

some technical problems during table searches. Correctly applying the key-

assignment rule solves this problem, because all Company Car records will have an

employee assigned, and no null values will occur.

16. The insertion and update anomalies would create record keeping and operational

problems for the firm. However, flawed databases design that prevents the insertion

of records, or requires the user to perform excessive updates, would attract attention

quickly. The presence of the deletion anomaly is less conspicuous, but potentially

more serious from an accounting perspective. Because the deletion anomaly may go

undetected, the user may be unaware of the loss of important data until it is too late.

This anomaly can result in the unintentional loss of critical accounting records and

the destruction of the audit trail.

17. The organization’s business rules directly impact the structure of the database

tables. If the database is to function properly, its designers need to understand the

organization’s business rules, as well as the specific needs of individual users. For


1. When an organization decides to purchase the same items of inventory from

different suppliers, the cardinality between the Supplier and Inventory tables is


2. When a the company purchases all items of a certain type from only one

supplier, the cardinality between Supplier and Inventory tables is 1:M

Chapter 9 Page 365


3. A policy that a separate receiving report is prepared for the receipt of goods

specified on a single purchase order will result in a 1:1 cardinality between the

receiving report and purchase order tables. If, however, multiple purchase

orders are combined on a single receiving report, then the cardinality between

these tables will be 1: M respectively.

18. The partitioned approach works best for organizations that require minimal data

sharing among users at remote sites. To the extent that remote users share

common data, the problems associated with the centralized approach will apply. The

primary user must now manage requests for data from other sites. Selecting the

optimum host location for the partitions, to minimize data access problems, requires

an in-depth analysis of end-user data needs.

19. To achieve data currency, simultaneous access to individual data elements or

records by multiple users needs to be prevented. The solution to this problem is a

database lockout, which is a software control that prevents multiple simultaneous

accesses to data. A deadlock occurs when multiple users seeking access to the

same set of records lockout each other. As a result, the transactions of all users

assume a “wait” state until the locks are removed. A deadlock is a permanent

condition that must be resolved by special software that analyzes each deadlock

condition to determine the best solution.

20. The primary justification for a replicated database is to support read-only queries in

situations involving a high degree of data sharing, but no primary user exists. With

data replicated at every site, data access for query purposes is ensured, and
Chapter 9 Page 366

lockouts and delays due to network traffic are minimized. A potential problem arises,

however, when replicated databases need to be updated by transactions. Since

each site processes only local transactions, the common data attributes that are

replicated at each site will be updated by different transactions and thus, at any point

in time, will have uniquely different values. System designers need to employ

currency control techniques to ensure that transactions processed at different

locations are accurately reflected in all the database copies.


1. D

2. C

3. D

4. E

5. D

6. D

7. A

8. C

9. B

10. C

11. D

12. C

13. D

14. C

15. A
Chapter 9 Page 367

16. D

17. A

18. D


1. August 23, 199X

MEMO TO: Al Brindifi, VP Operations

Carla Glasser, VP Finance

James Closter, VP Marketing

Julia Tinner, Controller

Beth Clark, Manager of Information Systems

FROM: Solutions Consultants

SUBJ: Conversion of data processing systems

After examining the operations of your organization and deriving a

rough-cut estimate of your needs, this consulting team feels that your

organization would benefit greatly from a database management

system. A database management system will allow data to be shared

amongst the departments, thus facilitating communication. One of the

problems that has been brought repeatedly to our attention, is the

need for information by user groups, which is currently kept by the

organization. These user groups are having trouble gaining access to

the data, because it does not reside in that user groups’ application.

A database management system will provide a central data source,

Chapter 9 Page 368

whereby each authorized user group may gain access to the data it

needs. Further, we see many inefficiencies in processing data due to

data duplication by various applications. An even greater problem is

that the data is oftentimes not consistent from one application to

another. The DBMS will reduce data duplication and data

redundancy. We propose that you begin a conversion to a DBMS.

This conversion will require that a database administrator be

appointed or hired. A DBMS requires that the central data store be

diligently planned, managed, and maintained. The database

administrator would perform these functions, as well as control user

access to the data.

2. a. indexed sequential or indexed random; least optimal: sequential

b. indexed random or hashing; least optimal: sequential

c. sequential; least optimal: indexed random

d. sequential or pointer; least optimal: indexed random

e. indexed random or hashing; least optimal: sequential

f. indexed random or hashing; least optimal: sequential

g. indexed random; least optimal: hashing

Chapter 9 Page 369


Supplier Table

Supplier ID Supplier Supplier Terms Balance Supplier

(PK) Name Address Phone #

Supplier/DVD Table

Supplier ID DVD #

(PK) (PK)

DVD Table

DVD # DVD DVD Year of Cost Rental

(PK) Name Genre Release Time

Copy Table

Copy ID DVD #

(PK) (FK)

Customer Table

Customer Name of Address Credit

Chapter 9 Page 370

Phone Primary Card #

#(PK) Customer

Household Member Table

Member # Customer Name of Age Restrictions

(PK) Phone # Household

(FK) Member

4. Mail order catalogues are beginning to be customized based upon the preferences

and purchasing patterns of the customers. If data is stored regarding the customer

preferences and their buying patterns, then catalogues containing only the items

which are believed to be of value to the customer may be contained in the

catalogue. Printing costs and postage costs would be saved. Also, more items could

be included which fit the pattern of the customer. Further, the customer does not

have to weed through the catalogue to find the items that he or she likes. The

technology is changing such that customized or semi-customized (for groups of

people) catalogues are a reality.

Listed below are some files and some fields in the files which would be necessary in

addition to the traditional accounts receivable, cash receipts, vendor,

and general ledger files.

Customer Sales Inventory Inventory Type

Master File File Master File File

Customer Number Customer Number Item Number Product Type

Name Sales Order Number Item Description Product Classification

Chapter 9 Page 371

Address $ Amount of Items Product Type

Phone Taxes Quantity on Hand

Credit Card Type Freight Selling Price

Credit Card Number Total Amount

Credit Card Expiration

Last Purchase Date

Cumulative Purchase Amount

Purchases in Last 12 months Sales Order Detail

Purchases in Last 3 months File

$ Purchases of Type A Sales Order Number

$ Purchases of Type B Item Number

$ Purchases of Type C Quantity

$ Purchases of Type D Discount

Request Type A catalogue

Request Type B catalogue

Request Type C catalogue

Request Type D catalogue

5. Lockout. The example below illustrates how two different transactions are being

processed against the same AR control account within the same time frame. The

individual logic steps are shown in their actual sequence of execution. If no database

lockout were in place, the AR Control value of 20,000 is retrieved by both users of the

system. One user is posting a payment to Sub Account 1 of $500 and the other is

posting a payment to Sub Account 2 for $800.

Chapter 9 Page 372


Time IPU Instruction Sub Acct 1 Sub Account 2 Account

1:00:001 A Read sub acct 1 1,000

1:00:001 B Read sub acct 2 3,000

1:00:002 A Update sub acct 1 500

1:00:002 B Update sub acct 2 2,200

1:00:003 A Read control acct 20,000

1:00:003 B Read control acct 20,000

1:00:004 A Update control acct 19,500

1:00:005 B Update control acct 19,200

The update process does not reflect the second to last instruction executed. The AP

Control Account should reflect payments received of $1,300, but only

$800 of payments are accounted for. Thus, a transaction is lost, and

the control and subsidiary ledgers are out of balance.

Deadlock. A deadlock occurs when multiple sites lock out each other. Take for

example, a mail order company in which two customers are

processing transactions simultaneously. Customer 1 wants to order 2

items—Item A and Item B. Customer 2 is purchasing Item B and

Item A. Customer 1 informs the phone clerk that he or she wants

Item A, and the record for Item A is locked until the order is complete.

Meanwhile, Customer 2 orders Item B from another phone clerk who

locks it. Customer 1 then requests Item B, which is locked by

Customer 2’s order. The phone clerk apologizes for the delay and
Chapter 9 Page 373

says the system is slow today. Customer 2 then requests Item A,

which is locked by Customer 1’s order. The phone clerk helping

Customer 2 apologizes for the delay and says the system is slow

today. Unfortunately, neither transaction can be completed, resulting

in deadlock. This condition will not be resolved unless some type of

intervention occurs.

6. SELECT Customer Name, Inventory Number, Item Description, Due Date

FROM Customer Table, Rental Line Items Table

WHERE Due Date < Today

7. The best distributed approach is a replicated database.


• The users are distributed around the country and need rapid access to data. A

centralized model may result in long delays because of network traffic and database


• User data needs are common not unique. Since there are no identifiable primary

users, partitioning the database will accomplish nothing.

• Because usage is read-only, changes will not occur and database concurrency is not

a problem.

8. The best distributed approach is a partitioned database.


• The users are distributed around the country and need rapid access to data. A

centralized model may result in long delays because of network traffic and database
Chapter 9 Page 374


• User data needs are unique with identifiable primary users. There is no need to

replicate the entire database.

• Since users are unique, changes to the database will not cause database

concurrency problem.

9. The first step is to remove repeating groups. The removal of repeating groups results

in the following two tables. Due Date has been removed because it is a calculated field.

Student ID Number is the primary key for the Student table. Student Id Number and

Book Call No. together are the primary key for the Library table. Student table is now in

3NF. Library table requires further normalization.

Student Table

Student ID Student First Student Last No. of Books

Number Name Name Out

Library Table

Student ID Book Call No. Book Title Date Out


The second step is to remove partial dependencies from Library table.

Book Title is partially dependent on the Book Call No. component of the primary key.

This assumes that the call number is unique to the book, and not to

the event of borrowing the book. It also assumes that more than one

copy of the book may exist in the library and that all copies have the
Chapter 9 Page 375

same call number. Removing the partial dependency results in the

tables below:

Transaction Table

Student ID Book Call No. Date Out


Book Table

Book Call No. Book Title

Book Call No. is the primary key for the new table Book. Since no transitive

dependencies exist, all three tables (Student, Transaction, and Book)

are now in 3NF.

10. Table Textbook

ISBN # Title Publisher Cost Selling Quantity

(PK) (FK) Price on Hand

Table Publisher

Publisher Address Phone #


Table Class

Course # Course Professor Days Room # Term #

(PK) Name (Employee (FK)


Chapter 9 Page 376

Table Semester

Term Year Semester


Table Professor

Employee Name Address Phone Title

# (PK)
Chapter 9 Page 377

11. See diagram below.

PK Inventory Table FK

Part # Description QOH Reorder Point EOQ Unit Cost Vendor #

PK Vendor Table

Vendor # Vendor Name Vendor Address Telephone

12. See diagram below.

PK Inventory Table

Part # Description QOH Reorder Point EOQ

Part # Vendor # Unit cost

Vendor # Vendor Name Vendor Address Telephone

Note: This is an example of a many-to-many relation between the inventory and vendor tables. The solution
requires a link table, which also contains Unit Cost data. A composite key of Part # and Vendor # is
needed to define the Unit Cost attribute, because there are many prices for each item carried,
depending on which vendor supplies the part.

13. See diagram below.

Chapter 9 Page 378

Customer Table

Customer # Customer Name Address * Customer Total

Invoice Table

Invoice # Date *Invoice Total Customer #

Line Item Table

Invoice # Part # Quantity *Extended Price

Inventory Table

Part Number Unit Price

* Could be a calculated field

14. Table Employee

Employee # Name Address Date Hired Exemptions Marital

(PK) Status

Table PO

PO # (PK) Date Employee # Vendor # (FK)


Table PO/Item

PO # (PK) Item # (PK) Quantity

Chapter 9 Page 379

Table Item

Item # (PK) Description On Hand Cost Price Location

Table Vendor

Vendor # (PK) Name Address Contact Terms Balance

Chapter 9 Page 380


16. Defining Entities and Data Modeling - Payroll

Chapter 9 Page 381

1 and 2

(a) Reason
Rejected Entities
Payroll clerk Violates rule 1 and 2 – Wording
suggests only one clerk (rule 1) and no
evidence of attributes unique to this
entity (rule 2)
Sagerod manufacturing company Violates Rule 1 – the company is a
single occurrence
cash disbursements clerk Violates rule 1 and 2

supervisor Violates rule 1 and 2

check for the total payroll This is a view - Violates rule 2
paycheck This is a view - Violates rule 2
payroll summary This is a view - Violates rule 2

Valid entities

Paycheck register
Cash disbursement journal
Time card
Employee earnings File
Chapter 9 Page 382

17. a. and b.

Rejected Entities Reason

Accounts Payable Violates rule 1 and 2––Wording suggests only one

Department Clerk clerk (rule 1) and no evidence of attributes unique to

this entity (rule 2)

Safe Buy Grocery Violates Rule 1––The company is a single

Stores occurrence

Receiving Report This is a view––It derives entirely from receiving

Chapter 9 Page 383

Summary report and thus violates rule 2

Part-Time Employees Violates rule 2––Assumption: no employee specific

data need to be captured by this system

Unloading Personnel Violates rule 2––Assumption: no employee specific

data need to be captured by this system

Sales Violates rule 2––Assumption: The company does not

Representatives capture Sales Rep data unique to each transaction.

Obsolescence This is a view––Derived from inventory records

Reports Violates rule 2

Invoice (physical) This is a view––Used to create Invoice Record

Violates rule 2

Check (physical) This is a view––Derived from Check register

records. Violates rule 2

Payment Summary This is a view––Derived from Check register records

Violates rule 2

Purchase Requisition This is a view––Used to create Purchase Order

Violates rule 2

Customers Not relevant to this system

Valid Entities Reason

Purchase Manager Assumption: all store purchase managers will use

the system. This entity will consist of multiple

occurrences and provide manager/store-specific

Chapter 9 Page 384

data not contained in other entities.

Supplier Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Inventory Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Purchase Order Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Receiving Report Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Invoice (record) Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Payment Obligation Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Check (register) Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Chapter 9 Page 385
Chapter 9 Page 386

18. Solution a. and b.

Rejected Entities Reason

Accounts Payable Violates rule 1 and 2—Wording suggests only one

Department Clerk clerk (rule 1) and no evidence of attributes unique to

this entity (rule 2)

Safe Buy Grocery Violates Rule 1—the company is a single occurrence

Chapter 9 Page 387

FA Receiving Report This is a view—It derives entirely from receiving

Summary report and thus violates rule 2

Receiving Clerk Violates rule 2—Assumption: no employee specific

data need to be captured by this system

Accounts Payable Violates rule 2—Assumption: no employee specific

Manager data need to be captured by this system

Depreciation Assumption: This is a view—Derived from data in

Schedule inventory records Violates rule 2

Invoice (physical) This is a view—Used to create Invoice Record

Violates rule 2

Check (physical) This is a view—Derived from Check register records.

Violates rule 2

Payment Summary This is a view—Derived from Check register records.

Violates rule 2

Purchase Requisition This is a view—Used to create Purchase Order.

Violates rule 2

Store Manager Assumption: manager/store-specific data will be

contained in other entities i.e. Purchase Order

Valid Entities Reason

Supplier Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Fixed Assets Inventory Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Purchase Order Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Chapter 9 Page 388

Receiving Report Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Invoice (record) Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Payment Obligation Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Check (register) Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Chapter 9 Page 389
Chapter 9 Page 390
Chapter 9 Page 391

1 and 2

Rejected Entities (a) Reason

Lotus Tea Importer Company Violates Rule 1 – the company and these
and all departments such as departments are single occurrences
Sales, warehouse, shipping
department, general ledger
department, etc.

Various clerks such as Sales Violates rule 1 and 2 – Wording suggests only
representative, accounting one clerk (rule 1) and no evidence of attributes
department clerk, AR Clerk, unique to this entity (rule 2)
stock release document This is a view – It derives entirely from sales
order and thus violates rule 2
Mail room employees Violates rule 2 – Assumption: no employee
specific data need to be captured by this system
packing slip. This is a view – Derived from sales order.
Violates rule 2
Invoice (physical) This is a view – derived from sales order Violates
rule 2
Customer Check (physical) This is a view – used to create record in cash
receipts journal Violates rule 2
inventory account summary This is a view – Derived from inventory records.
Violates rule 2
remittance advices This is a view that is derived from the sales order
and sent to the customer to facilitate posting
payments to the correct customer account
AR account summery This a view – derived from the AR subsidiary
ledger or the total of all unpaid sales orders
price list Given the limited information in the problem, this
entity may be represented as either a separate
table or more simply as a field in the inventory
record. We assume the latter in this solution.
Chapter 9 Page 392

Valid entities Reason

Customer Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Sales order Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2
inventory (product) Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2
Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2
Cash receipts record (CR Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2
bill of lading Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2
carrier Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2
deposit slip Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2
Shipping Notice Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2
Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

The ER diagrams in the student solutions probably contain the

accounting-record entities in the table below. Technically, however,
these entities are not necessary in a modern database system. This
issue is an aspect of REA modeling that is examined in detail in chapter
10 of the text. The table below illustrates how each of these accounting
records can be derived from other transactional database tables. The
solutions to parts C and D of this problem do not include these
unnecessary entities

Unnecessary May be derived as follows

Accounting Records

Sales Journal This is equivalent to sales order records

AR Subsidiary ledger This is the sum of all sales order records organized
by customer that are still open (unpaid) at period
AR control accounts (GL) This is the sum total of all sales order records that
are still open (unpaid) at the period end.
cost of goods sold account Calculated as the quantity sold (sales Order) X the
(GL) cost of the item taken from the inventory record

inventory control (GL) Sum of all inventory records

sales account (GL) This is sum total sales order records

journal voucher This is the sum of the transaction detail captured
by the cash receipts records and/or the c
Chapter 9 Page 393
Chapter 9 Page 394
Chapter 9 Page 395

Chapter 9 Page 396

Chapter 9 Page 397

22. Solution: a. and b.

Rejected Entities Reason

Sales Representative Assumption: Sales representative specific data will

be contained in customer record. Violates rule 2

D&F Music Club Violates Rule 1—the company is a single


John, Billing Clerk Violates rule 2—Assumption: no employee specific

data need to be captured by this system

Chris, Warehouse Violates rule 2—Assumption: no employee specific

Clerk data need to be captured by this system

Sandy, AR Clerk Violates rule 2—Assumption: no employee specific

data need to be captured by this system

Scott, Mailroom Clerk Violates rule 2—Assumption: no employee specific

data need to be captured by this system

Customer Invoice This is a view—created from Customer Invoice

(physical) record. Violates rule 2

Customer Check This is a view—Derived from Check register

(physical) records. Violates rule 2

Remittance Advise This is a view—Derived from Customer Invoice

record at time of billing. Violates rule 2

Remittance List This is a view—Used to create Cash Receipt

record. Violates rule 2

Laura, Cash Receipts Violates rule 2—Assumption: no employee specific

Chapter 9 Page 398

Rejected Entities Reason

Clerk data need to be captured by this system.

Deposit Slip This is a view—Created from Cash Receipt record.

Violates rule 2

Warehouse Manager Violates rule 2—Assumption: no employee specific

data need to be captured by this system.

Demand Forecast View derived from marketing system

Purchase Requisition Assumption: This is a View derived from Inventory


Sara, Purchasing Violates rule 2—Assumption: no employee specific

Clerk data need to be captured by this system.

PO Blind Copy This is a view—derived from Purchase Order

record. Violates rule 2

Cash Disbursement Violates rule 2—Assumption: no employee specific

Clerk data need to be captured by this system.

Payment Check This is a view—Created from Check Register

(Physical) record. Violates rule 2

Packing Slip This is a view—Created from Sales Order record.

Violates rule 2
Chapter 9 Page 399

Valid entities Reason

Customer Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Sales Order Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Sales Journal Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Inventory Sub Ledger Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Bill of Lading Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

General Ledger Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Cash Receipts Journal Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Return Record Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Purchase Order Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Supplier Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Account Payable Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Receiving Report Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Supplier Invoice (record) Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Check (register) Meets conditions of Rules 1 and 2

Chapter 9 Page 400

22, part c. Data Model of Expenditure Procedures

Chapter 9 Page 401

22, part c. Data Model for Revenue Cycle Procedures

Chapter 9 Page 402

22, part d. Fully Attributed Model Expenditure Procedures

Chapter 9 Page 403

22 part d. Fully Attributed Model Revenue Cycle Procedures

Chapter 9 Page 404

22, part e. DFD of Revenue Cycle Procedures

Chapter 9 Page 405

22, part e. DFD for Expenditure Cycle Procedures

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