稿子climate Change

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Good afternoon, everyone today our topic is climate change.

And we will discuss this in the following three aspects.

So let's see what is climate change first.
读 Climate change refers to long term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns.
稿子:Such shift can be natural due to changes in the sun's activities or large volcanic eruptions.
But since 19 century, Human activities have been the main driver of climate change. As you can
see the pictures here➕ 读图片


And about the effect, this picture shows that Climate change will affect us in the following
aspects. But because time is limited, so i will only focus on one aspect today. Probably the most
relative one.

PPT 第一句
Dengue fever is not fatal if you receive treatment quickly. And the main symptoms of the disease
is having fever. So that's why it named fever. And other Symptoms include...
And because the temperature is getting higher and higher, which provide the perfect breeding
ground for mosquitoes, And the infected mosquitoes not only spreading in asia, but also in some
new areas.
And Another reason of its wide spread is poverty. 读第一段➕
And it helps the spread of dengue fever.

So why do i mention poverty here.Is there any connection between poverty and
climate change?
Yes,that's for sure.
There are many poor people who live in bad conditions all around the world. And if
our environment becomes worse, it will be more and more difficult for them to drink
clean water and eat clean food for survival.

Now coming the most familiar part. What could we do?

The fact is co2 emissions are colossal from celebrities private jets.
In other words, sometimes, our effort to live in low carbon can not offset the consumption of the
resources by the rich.

Therefore it is impossible to only rely on us to protect the environment.

So, we don’t call on everyone to take big actions in order to protecting the environment.
Let’s think of the reality or the fact, just do what we can, try our best to do that. For example,
turn off the lights and the Air conditioner when you leave the classroom, save electricity and
water and so on.

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