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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pengampu : Erna Hernawati, S.Pd, M.Pd

Nama : Rohimah Nurul Bayyinah

NIM : 13520.0005

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Malela Waterfall Looks Like Niagara Falls

Curug Malela or in Indonesian means Malela Waterfall, nicknamed "Little Niagara"

has a waterfall source that comes from the northern river upstream of Mount Kendeng,
namely a volcano located to the west of Ciwidey which has died, then flows across the
Cidadap River - Mount Halu. Curug Malela Bandung, which has a height of around 60
meters with a width of 70 meters, has 5 waterfall paths whose beauty and splendor will
be very enchanting to anyone who sees them, if the water flow towards this location is
high and flowing fast across the water. this plunge.
Before going to the location, I had time to search on Google and as soon as I typed
the keyword "Curug Malela", various references came out along with photos of
beautiful waterfalls with clear water in between the water basins so that it looked like
several waterfalls in a beautiful row. However, getting there requires extra effort
because of the difficult terrain and damaged road access. For this reason, my friends and
I prepared well physically and mentally before leaving for the location.
We started the journey at 06.00 in the morning with the hope that when we reached
the location it would not be too late in the day and it would not be busy, plus we didn't
know how bad the terrain we would be traversing would be. Travel from our place in
the Dago area via Cimahi city. The time needed to reach the waterfall is around 5 hours.
From Cimahi, travel through the Batujajar area, then the cities of Cihamelas and Cililin
sub-districts. From here there are directions to Curug Malela at every road junction, so
we don't need to worry about going in the wrong direction and can save quota using
Google Maps. The road is generally winding but the condition is smooth. After passing
Cililin, we then enter the town of Sindangkerta District, Bunijaya, Gunung Halu, and
the Rongga tea plantation. After leaving Rongga District City. Maybe we were lucky
because it seemed like the road had just been paved and the damaged road was the rest
of the road that had not been repaired, different from the information we had previously
that the condition of the damaged road could reach 5-8 km. It seems that the local
government has started to pay attention to road access to these tourist attractions.
When we arrived at the parking lot, we still had to walk 1 km to the location with the
road conditions being downhill and quite slippery because it had rained the night before.
Daan... it turns out that the picture of the waterfall that we got was different from what
we saw in Google photos, because it was the rainy season, the water discharge was quite
large so the waterfall was not lined up beautifully but rather like floodwater spilling
from a height, the water was not white but brownish in color. But for me, that makes it
extraordinary and exotic, and the nickname "Little Niagara" is more appropriate for that
So the moment to visit Curug Malela remains memorable for us because the
journey is long and must be adapted to the image of what we want. If we want a
waterfall that is calm and has a beautiful impression, we have to come in the dry season,
but if we want conditions like Niagara so we can visit it in the rainy season, but we still
have to be careful and obey the existing rules.

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