9 Pre-Frac Injection Test

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Pre-Frac Injection Test

(Mini Frac)
(Mohamed Salah)
What is the Mini Frac?
A relatively short duration pump-in or pump-ins, at or
near the main treatment rate, followed by a shut-in
period. This pump-in or pump-ins might incorporate
variable rates and could employ the same fluid
planned for the primary treatment.

Mohamed Salah
What Can be Learned From Mini Frac?
• Formation Closure Pressure
• Near Wellbore Restrictions
- Tortuosity
- Perforations
• Fracture Extension Pressure
• Net Pressure
• Fluid Leakoff and efficiency.
• Validity of Design

Mohamed Salah
Types of Pumping Mini Frac Tests

• Step-Up Rate Test

- Frac Extension pressure.
• Step-Down Rate Test
- Pipe Friction
- Perf friction loss & effectiveness of perf
- Tortuosity friction loss
• Pump-In/Shut-In Test (Fluid Efficiency)
- Fluid Efficiency
- leak-off coefficient
- fracture closure pressure
Mohamed Salah
1- Step up Rate Test

Mohamed Salah
1- Step up Rate Test

Mohamed Salah
1- Step up Rate Test

Mohamed Salah
2- Step Down Test

Mohamed Salah
2- Step Down Test

Mohamed Salah
3- Step Down Test
• Near Wellbore Restrictions
– Perforations
– Tortuosity
– Pipe Friction

Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Pipe Friction Estimates
Slick-water (FR)
20# Linear gel
40# gel
Gelled Oil
70Q N2 Foam
DP, psi/cft

Data calculated for

2-7/8” tubing

Pipe friction estimates can be made
from many models. The data above
come from a correlation.

1 10 100
Rate, bpm

Mohamed Salah
Pipe Friction Estimates

Mohamed Salah
Perforation Pressure Drop

Mohamed Salah
Perforation Pressure Drop

Mohamed Salah
Perforation Pressure Drop

Mohamed Salah
Perforation Restriction Causes a Large
Pressure Drop
• Perf friction
– Varies with rate^2
– Changes with sand injection
• CD change and perf rounding
• Diameter change and perf erosion

Mohamed Salah
Perforation Pressure Drop
1.975q  f 2

Ppf  2 2 4
; psi
C N d
D p p
q = the total pump rate, bpm
f = the slurry density, g/cc
CD = the perforation coefficient
Np = the number of open perforations
dp = the perf diameter, inches

Perforation entry coefficients (CD ) have been estimated for various types of
- Jet perforations have a reported entry coefficient of 0.75, compared to 0.85
for bullets. Mohamed Salah
Near-Wellbore Pressure Loss


Hydraulic Fractures Initiate and

continue perpendicular to the Least
Principle Rock Stresses.

Mohamed Salah

Least Principle
Rock Stresses
Rock Stresses
Greater Than
the Least Principle
Rock Stresses

Fracture Initiation may not be Perpendicular to the

Actual Least Principle rock Stresses due to stress
changes which occurred during drilling.

A significant level of tortuosity during a fracture treatment greatly increases the

risk of having a premature screen-out due to proppant bridging in the tortuous
near-welbore region. Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
G-function derivative analysis
• Tool for interpretation of post-frac pressure decline
using a dimensionless function
• Extending the analysis through use of the first
derivative of BHP (dP/dG and GdP/dG)
• As in type-curve analysis, using the characteristic
shapes of the derivative curves to locate specific
modes of pressure decline

Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
Fluid Leakoff Types
The G-Function plots for four common leakoff
types, and the corresponding identification of
fracture closure pressure are described:

• Normal leak-off
• Tip Extension
• Height Recession
• Pressure Dependent Leakoff

Mohamed Salah
G-Function Pressure Falloff Analysis

dimensionless closure time

Mohamed Salah
1- “Normal” Leakoff Behavior
The G-Function derivative (G dP/dG) lies on a straight line that passes through the origin.
The fracture closure point can be identified when the G-Function derivative (G dP/dG)
starts to deviate downward from the straight line. The time and pressure corresponding
to this point are identified.

Mohamed Salah
2- Pressure-Dependent (PDL) Leakoff
(the effects of natural and induced fractures and shear planes)


Mohamed Salah
2- Pressure-Dependent Leakoff
• Pressure-dependent leakoff (PDL) indicates the existence of
secondary fractures intersecting the main fracture, and is identified
by a characteristic “hump” in the G- Function derivative that lies
above the straight line fit through the normal leakoff data.

• This hump indicates fluid is leaking off faster than expected for a
normal bi-wing fracture. The interception of secondary fractures,
which could be natural or induced, facilitates this additional leakoff
by providing a larger surface area exposed to the matrix.

• The end of the hump is identified as “fissure opening pressure”.

Mohamed Salah
Implications of Multiple Fracture
• Increased Risk of Screenout
• Shorter and Narrower Fractures
• lower Net Pressures

Mohamed Salah
Avoidance of Multiple
• Reduce Perforated Length
• High Flow Rates During Fracture Initiation
• High Fluid Viscosity During Fracture Initiation
• Proppant Slugs
• Minimize Number of Perforations
• Increase PAD volume

Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah
3- Fracture Height Recession

Mohamed Salah
3- Fracture Height Recession
• The G-Function derivative G dP/dG can also fall below a straight line that
extrapolates through the normal leakoff data, exhibiting a concave up-trend.
This indicates fluid is leaking off slower than expected for a normal bi-wing

• Fracture height recession occurs if the fracture propagates through adjoining

impermeable layers (above or below the pay zone) during injection.

• For fracture height recession, the leakoff rate is slower than the normal case.
Eventually, the fracture area in the impermeable layer starts closing (height
• Once the fracture height recedes to the edge of the permeable zone, the
entire area of the frac contributes to leak off, and a period of normal leakoff

Mohamed Salah
4- Fracture Tip Extension
2000 10500

1800 10300

1600 10100

1400 9900

1200 dP/dG 9700


1000 9500

800 9300

600 9100

400 8900

200 8700

0 8500
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Mohamed Salah
4- Fracture Tip Extension
• Fracture tip extension occurs when a fracture continues to grow
even after injection is stopped and the well is shut-in.
• It is a phenomenon that occurs in very low permeability
• The characteristic signatures for a fracture tip extension are:
- Any straight line fit through the G-Function derivative
GdP/dG intersects the y – axis above the origin.
• Need adjustment of breaker concentration to facilitate the frac
fluid leak off

Mohamed Salah

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