SNM Unit III Lecture Notes

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Navpe — Sheaseuntin Coruat of bniaineepey AND IternioreGy Mp 325) Staristies Ana Nomericn Nettons Unrr ~ i SOLUTION OF Leuntions ¥ CIGEN VALUE Fropiems # Solubumn of algebrade Grd bamtendenbal ojuebiors: Neuskon Raphson — mabhed * Solution ay linear Systems of eg uations Grown iminakidon — rmuthech Pacteig + Therabive — metheds Gov Jarobi mettre. Gaus Seidel method ¥ Een \elis 0 maskin by Power mathead. Fouchil erated for Sypmebic rmbt Prepared by G2. AL 4\¢lae aban of Aiebeate tad “Treowion decal ual a t Estealion An exprersuon Thaiz Qo, Q,« on Bg tle fourm Ytx = a,9" 4.0, En “Gy Cas Corabants (ae fo) ord nn & O peritive am B Galle a plyremiad cn 2 ef dhyrer paynomtal fen =o & Glld an calgs brauic eguadeorn sa) lan n. Ext ax®_ ax 4b =o many meendanle al Equiakion = Equations Which eve nol purely alepbraic ore Colbed transcendental epuabiora, (2 ip fea) Contadm Some obbex Junckoms Such ar bigonomebic., legomithrate exponential ek, then fe =0 BU Cbd o hrenatendarbes eptratton « eR. AQxute a) » eos + VEO YD leg % —5 oe Keck, ef on Syuatien: Te Jodzo be an equakion and « be ox Neale ay >t Such thak fla, tn & L a rook gy Guation fo =0. Fuk — ponk Dbexeukuen : Suppose , bo find the appronimate svols ef Ere epuakion Fed =0 We rearrange fe) Into an equivalenk form % =96x) Pure 2 lo be Be Starting appronimate val to te ackual rook Ww fy =o. Fick oppromimebien, 1 =9 xe) Shy x= my, > = 909) | ny =4len). | — : si | The Segusnca — of approrimabe wook 2%) Zar ; at fo ub Converges to vty taken the veok of the eguake 4 Joo =o. —= = he Condition for Us Convergence of Us rrethed \ Lek fa eo be the guen Cqueken Whose ockual yok Gr. yh Jgte)) cr forall xh T, then eo Seguente © apprerimmadinns Mer ty as" Bh will Converge | | br, G te tittal Starting Valu 2 & chosen ip T | Problems : Vi Bund veal woot ey the equate Coxe = 3x-| Correct to 5 detimal plaus by feted port Uberatitn methed Solo. | Guin Cosx = 2ax-) lok FOX) = Cose- 3% 41 ft) =}-o+f =o = He FU) = Gg l- 3H ay qsqT =—Ve So, oa root lis bekwen oand |. | | 2 | TR es teen may be torittin ar, BX = I+try% | = x = + [ite] for thx) Ig'ep) = Lsere os ee) WwW god [ Idee a | area: Ida | = SRL = 0.2409 <) | =< [1 +cosxe) So, the el Can be Opplicd = + [l+exe J aq = 0 60845 a 8 % = 0. 60684 joy = [ved - [ive e0be4} “fy = o-b0rs | = 9s) = + [veo co: 6075) [= = tore} x = Sey = J, [isesx = 4 [icoate coved} =F) = 4 [ives] = [t+ eso. corid)) (reer) \dese %, =% =o. boTlo Uerwe , Be Letter agpromivackion be Boe repetned est | & [oboe ) . % 2 Su Blan =0 by a mathed Freel pont Cerabun | |Sdo: Given, eh 3x =0 lek fee = 3% Susy = e-3to c\-o =| 2 We $uy =d-auy =ame-3 sve | So, a wok [ke bebaeen © ard}. | Th gate cpuntien may be Urrtlen os, i. E Gtx) = ’ mm eo le \ lex) . e* 2 e* | \ “3 W [3 = ay |9¢ | Lal In the vikeved (mt) oe gal Iq) el) So, the makhed Can be applied . \dev $< e - &- = 0. bolF ~ 3 | 3-1U, \3 | sho: 0: G94 e 3 o.blF0 e -2 or 6lqo o. bI0 et ee = my = 90) < Neve (n= a cauaaie) oxtinale real tw bello a the methecl of fixed Heres, i pont x ~ Loyx = 6b Guan: 3x ~ ley xe = 6 lek Fie) = 3x x -b £0) = 3-0-4 2 gave Ft.) =r) tay - 0-3010 = (2) by > b= thewebasnn B [o.6ite | a Cg sedition to Selue he Ve fa) - 33) - ley 3-6 = ar = He. “to Se, a vook lin betwen 2 ard 3- The gu aadeen be corithen as, Be ten wg ot [ore bag | 3x — Lyx 75 > ax = bt bg to = x =t[e1&z) W sex) etfe+ ly | Jak 2% = 2 oe =g be) = gla) gtx) I] —4 Ce) IJoo] <1 us the viberued (3) (erly [>= 3.1003 a =e) = $[4 [x #1) a, =gete) = 50H oe re) Xs = @: tote en lew, baer opening wok 2 (2E] J Noster — Raghson Method. OO Formula > Eee fl) my 2 $lexe) » N=8;l), 2): eet fer Comesgence — | Necoton!, Seren : he a tsith Som enn it [0 $e] <1 Foy” gun rkervel tenuidored . lPichlena: |) Publ the posit positive weok ep atx =10 Corre, [plows —userg Neston ~ Raphsen methed - pe ae rt (dn: 4 | Guen x =10 bee fox) = xbx-10 fis) = 0-0-lo =~ve $e Se=\olo = —lo (+e) | ft) = foarte =o =F Cr), So, a wok lin behsean } and 2. =o, tr Qype 20 Seo = axle fla = qe! 1.856 \ make wot U 1.856 p Here, % = % = Vent bu bebe opps | Yotreon 0 ard || 2) Using slech precsitn. eratcl, fod the vet : to dutimad — plaus | of en beng Correct te Sl: Guan: sc be-4 Jot fex) = a bX +E $O = 0-044 =F HtVe | fio =/—bOd+g¢ =a =e So, the wot lis bokwenn Oo ard | Here , Heo] > [so Pe UhUmU rr Neston en f . ; 2 Rep fend be hegakive rook of #+4%nx 20 ta Guido! + 4Susx =0 lok fed = 4 Soe fw) = 0+ gle) =O ft) = 1+ 4 Sat = 4. 3659 = aoed \ FEY = 14 4 oH OD =~ 2.3659 > \ fea) = 444 Sui(-2) = 0: 3628 che. | go) a wok Un beluean I ard ~a, —ve_ \Fen) > 1421 the wok Yuarer bo —2- ny by . Puttens foe or § = et 4 NX Flee) sex) - aunt 4 lose - = % “Ftas) fia =-2 gee) = —g + 0.064) ea r = @ els oo . a - ” step : fits) 51935”) = —\:4354 #icaae) [0 01136) =) eed “Es acy | —_ = 133? ae) |petorg nad uw O®, $t%) eee) eee 3 2 F iF (1.9338), | ea! FE a . | \ 3 Lo ov0244) fine ol =) -9338 \ = 19338 | Vente, ‘Pre betler eee woot Ze a a a AiPad a rook of ley * 1a =0 by Nesshen ~ Raphacn | lo method Correct bo Ynen datimal plus. sel Gus : clog x tra =e io fy = xlegx 2 =0- 10 fo) = Vey) =e) ae le fea = aleg aot? a | alg cha © OrR3! = He: FB = aloy 8 beboen gard 3- = %&, oa ee | ny =r Slo) > pany noo BO, HR ETE os $ (a7) gle = lege + beyx = Fan w he 0: 035 =Q7 0. B66 publery : nzr wh O, | Seo) ar) | SOM) = 2740 — “Few (=e 0. 0006 baa O.872 puting n=a m O, a a) | Ff la.74) f{ca74i) 0-003 | 0.872. = 2-74) — = 2G [ &= 274] tne faze 7) “Hence, tre hater aypoatiecion « [aan] st Solubiin ef limar System of Byuscttons by Goaion ond —Grauy~ “Jordan — methed : EWodnadien Gras Elimination Metheel Gras eliminekian methed U a direct method Which — Conwats of transforming the Susan Syste of Simutbaneour, Ueto boan Sstidalent Upper bri System , Prom Ma System the reguivad Solubeen Gan be | Obtoured by the methol ¢ back subshitwhen - (i) —— | Robles / on alenctnad Wicclue tre follontng oj oguedtery my um ra methed br a 44 le very '9 Son : . unto Ue bad. eno The gun Sythe Ogee juni to ep IES ON - S54 iby 5 1 35 OP \8) . (S 7) ") pe a 15 2 45 = . o a )«=6 ne p 23} le J Ry Roe Ry ‘upper trhanguler cooker Thy Gan be weiltlen 08) 5Sa4+4y ='5 0 234 215 —2@ By bale — Subs haben casthed , @e> _ 15 = 0b5ar o> 3s Op Be + F (016522) a be + 2.6088 = 15 52 = 15-2. 608s = [2.22 a xX = 9.4782, 1 . Kx) 2.4782 | Hance ty Sele bs, rf] [ial gf wtmyyaz ry eee tee =lF, AF star al by a wt Cra 3 \ 16 XB} oNS 0 | 2 IR? B-Ry ee OS 3 RRR , Upper bhanguler mobnxc, Tha Can be usitten as, X+ 34432 =16 © yor = 2 22 Zi 3 OC) ex \s =e DS x 4309430) =e x=) ' . x = | Here, tre Sel mae B}-G), Gaus ~ Jordan Methed Th ls method, the Coefficient rmebirxe A od the Spier OX=B OD lrought bo dtagenal mabix or Funk mode | Fivokung . [Peta tye ebinretun prowat, Ory one ef Ee + Gan Vertes or berommes Pet ebamant — Oy, » F227 a ; Very Small compared bo other ear than we aktermplh bp Teranye Be Femduntng wows CD Go os be oblain © Nen~Venuthing pivol or Sa a ruulbipbeation by @ lage number Ts Strakagy & Caled piveleng - she pholing U of boo typ’ |. Paxtial pirctury 3 Compile poly | Prelslenns — eS I Userg the Geass —Tewelan mathed Solu OY ‘olnone euch +5Z= lox tytz =a 5 QerroytZ = mS 5 ery Sel boy . : | 7 0 DO) 14 ROR x o. (| o fl Ro—> Ra} oO oO | | Hone, te Solukeoy 0 [:] . [] I). alee X+ By 432 =I | xtayH Bz =e, BIH 4Z=Ny| by Grae ~Jordan molhed | a PS 3 3 1G [n,e) = 1 INF 3 Is | 1 3 I | 3 5 Ib ~ lo NP | 2 R= RR oo 3 } R= Rk, TNO 3 | 10 | RD R-BR =loNt\Xo DO e , 0. ! Rp RB, | Zlo t of 2 | op o 1 )3 Vhoratiue methods “The too types of Uerabine rmathedn ove (1) Gus Jerchi mathod “in tage of Yee equations Ip ree urlineons Consider Ye System og egtead-sors, at by eazad age + bY + %Z xy —® a,x + bg d+? ad, lek Us Creare Jay) > Vb) + tel by) > Lag) Teal \ cs) >| a,\+) al iy Geman — Seale rmathed . Than, Ueratie miathed Gen be wed for Lhe SyctarD Solua for, 4,2 Cohen Coepsiecerts ore te largert Valu) cy bem Oe Ober Variables: | we. Lats) | 4 Zou | 4 = Laas" az) 2 Pa tarsectl | Grau pach’ rrethocl > Tak xRzo , ¥=0, 250 a | wkeal vel | Coun Sead Malted ' “Teletg yxo p2=0 oe iviktek | Vedeces . Robles ty Gow ot soborrd | se WSolee “He follootry System Of Hf" mmathat and Gown Soied ft rnetharl arx+by-2 = 85 + y 4592 Ho 12 Gxtisyt 22 bx tisy +82 = 72 3 me Hy $547 =Hl0- —® OD am = s5—ty th _ 1 [es—ty +* x = 2 let ‘J 2 ' ere @= y -£[e 4x-az) et io =o) ~ 54 = z CD Game Jaxohi rratheel Lek ta initial Value be 2=0 , Y=, 2=O- IT iberatun: . 2 fi [as-be) +) 2 = 3148 a 72 = 48 y = [rable ato) =e No = 2-037. Zt (TD reration’ y= _L [5-649 + 3.037) = 2.157 a Dv -o-0 ) =2 Y oop Fra- 6(3:144)- alaost)) = 3.989 LL fiio- 3.148 - 4.87) = 1.996 7-3! ) Uberekton x Lb [es- 613-269) +1890) = a 492 aT JURRS b(a-157)~ alias) = 3-685 15 Ze ~ 9.57—3..a67] = 1-937 Z = J, Lio a. 157— 3, 2b1] Uberarkeein : x = [ese laces) 1-437] = 2-401 ay [i y = bGatle gai) aliaad) = 95% 2 aL firo-adia-3 bss) =193- 5 tk wo x > Zt [a5- blasts) +1923) = 22 y= Ea b la avieal aad) = 278 2 = Fle ogo) — 3545) = 1987 Uersadeen » x i [i560 ge) tha] = 2433 42 [ra 6 (2.438) - -a(is2)) =3570 7 = [iio~a-43a- 3.503) = 1-926 54 eration : = 2 4ab x y= 3.574 2 = (tab ok D. Gram Seidl Mattel: Jot tte Gulia Vel be Yr Lerten : x = L[a5- bee) +0] = 3i¢e aT ~ (a-14@)-0) = 3.54) Z Ele 6(a le } z=o. a = Zz =, [e~ 345-358!) a3 TD therabecn : x = [#5- Loe) +115) = 2-432 aE 6 Cae 6(8432)- 2(-98)) = 3.572 z= 1, [ito 2gga- 3-572) = h926 TH thevaben? 2 ob [05- 6 (3.572) +1496) = 2426 a © oe i [19- 6(9. 4a¢) -90) 921)) - 3573 2 = L [to~ 24g -3.0%3) a = '4ae WV theruhén | Core i T uh a : 7 _ 4 = 3.573 9 EN exe Koni =| ithexeia Zz =)9a6 The Solute ob Vx = 2-426 | 4 =3.5%3 | ze haae | A “Tha Shows Hhak the Comegena. & vopid ty Gaus Seidel matted whan Compared be Grass ~Josshi ruathod . be gilen —Syatam ef qualins by using Gaun - heradusn rebtned - aox +y-az=l7 3x +2cy-2 =-l¢ 24-34 +Qcr = 25 Selo: Ps Be Cooffictene crude, & digenellly dominant Solerng e gee for Hye w “a peeysel ox +y-az =I7 9 X= |S 3x+aoy-2 = 18 = yg Ee [1s ~3x+2) audy thor = z= [as- a3) lek Ue Uniticd Veli be yoo , 250° I tkexekion: : ° a: 4, Dota) =f = 085 y= ZEu-3los5t) = 1.0275 = 1.0109 a Hlar-aloH8C! 0375)] = ful the macmericalles largest Egon valees a! rp - & | Salo: a 0 a hy ~ tkexateen : x efit has 4.0418) = 1 0025 =< oe ye aa Fis = 3.0075 y 10107) b z = + [as- 2005-2 a4.) = atte ee TD therakech : b eoee eb [ing evaanet ame) = ~~ 20 a fostosiae| | = -). | geal | Ee Vola eo mabis by power method * The power mathed G an Uberabive technigue 2 ih method moy not Converge Very fast je can teal the dominank: exjen Vols 0} the | ghen mates bag power muthod « = » = (5) be an arbitrary initial Cyiovedhor | eal 2 | BX, = l 3.0 ° = | =a5 ae = 95% 2 o -4+ ° a 0:08 ay PX = | a We hee vended a Unik - othe Clominank eer Value 3 Cormsponding Ein Velev [e i eel 35.1778 3.0 p044t | = eee ae 1.7337 D+ DbRRR a5 18al ! . 1.135 = 25.1826] 0-095) 1.104 D1 OL8S i 1 a5 182) ee iletees| oats |e ale a 1.7260 ees o 4 ond ee 5.184) 04s) Obes, § Jie) FE) ay Prd te do Sa ope ae ok Puce Veber of 9 = [i 3 g\ Fab ake Be ne latent rock and hens Ua turd ele Vole abe Salo - + px) = yf poe y b 4.0072 ~y Axs]r ae oso = | 20094 |= 4:97?) 0.4997 Lo °o 3 ° ° ° | 369988 { my ovaga7) of Bea | = 307R | O8 5 0 a le) ! 4 1" BX, ~]l & oe os -[¢] = [es] Lo o 3 ° ° ° cea fl . I a sles] -[i)-+bs] o 3 ° ° ° aan eyin Volum = 4. Crveeporlay opr Vube & os) To fefol the Lem etgen Velen ° lek B=O-42 Suna Apet _ [ree } =3 6 1 ie 1 ae P =|1 -2 :) 0 «(34 o oe 7? ° veg, = [o] be te cutie ab Vedtor - By, [: “3 > \[: 2) = [ijobe 9.3888 " ° o- | =3 6 3 = By, =| 7 -a :| [-=] = i606 oS | o O78 | nfs va > \h oO [ew - Fags) = ==) o 2 Vi Dominanl Ggin Vel oF BBB ae oe! | Gorell! etyen Vals gh A= ete or igor Vole: Serna See tag =6 | A, =3- Bll the thee Capen Yeuk cme 43/7! | che neta for ferclrus Cyr | * “heobih method fo fad Ue etyen Vola of 0 ved | Sjonscethe abi - | : The basic prineple Unvdued un Pree rated w 7 ford co Sepuans 24 Sirwilanity rans foreneduer> oe Tedues Uy giiun mebix tite another We eigen | Noles Con he founch — ens, Woctenna Rady a 2,7, + On 6 = b tan! (SO) § tay, 1 2 EH A422 and aj, >? zh Y 4, and @), fo. Y Wate deon ps [OH ~Se\ ung te Velun of 6. Sure Coo + Gel B= Rap | Th diagonet clements f B dre He eigen Valter | oo Column of Rae Bu Correrpending Oyen Vedtors, | | Relatecin mate's | Qa, 2 20 a-a 1) 433 > 62% o -t & | oO h ° GB & iio 2 fie e | 1 oD =~ |o0 BH oO||o 2 © o (Ja 2b 6 1yiij 2 ola © eee 7 io. 2 fe Cf} ence = A : a N=), Gre ta), (asisvae) ta,, deo = a(4) +a(t)ront = = at = Br tpi -2efint -2,-h Ys fe ee bey = @, +4,,~5,, > Q-)-3 = mad The eye Valu Ore 8, ~2 Th. eigen Waters axe [SP _ foe Sup Ces 6 Bre ee

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