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1. Write Type I and Type II errors.

2. State the conditions for applying χ test
3. Write any two Applications of χ test

4. Write the ANOVA table for one way classification.

5. Write the difference between RBD and LSD

6. What is meant by Latin Squrae?
7. If g(x) is continuous in [a , b],then under what condition the iterative method x=g(x) has a unique
solution in [a ,b]?
8. State the two difference between direct and iterative methods for solving system of equations.
9. State any two properties of divided differences.

10. Find the divided Difference table for x: 2 5 10

f(x) : 5 29 109

11. What is the order of error in Trapezoidal rule?

12. What is the order of error in Simpson’s 1/3 rule?
=− y , y (0)=1
13. Using Euler’s method, find y(0.01) given dx
14. What are the advantages of R-K method over Taylor’s method?
15. Compare Taylor series and Runge –Kutta method.

1.Pumpkins were grown under two experimental conditions. Two random samples of
11 and 9 pumpkins show the sample standard deviations of their weights as 0.8 and
0.5 respectively. Assuming that weigt distributions are normal, test the hypothesis
that the true variances are equal.
2.Test whether the following attributes are independent at 5% level.
Given Not given Total
Attacked 35 333 368
Small Pox Not Attacked 308 806 1114
Total 343 1139 1482
3.. The standard deviation of the distribution of times taken by 15 workers for
performing a job is 6.4 sec. Can it be taken as a sample from a population whose
standard deviation is 5 sec.?
4. The time taken by workers in performing a job by method I and method II is
given below:
Method 20 16 26 27 23 22
Method 27 33 42 35 32 34 38
Do the data show that the variances of time distribution from the population from
which these samples are drawn do not differ significantly?
5.Two horses A and B were tested according to the time (in seconds) to run a particular rave with the following
results: Horse A 25 30 32 33 33 29 34
Horse B 29 30 30 24 27 29
Test whether the horse A is running faster than B at 5% level.
6.Analyse the following RBD and find your conclusion.
T1 T2 T3 T4
B1 12 14 20 22
B2 17 27 19 15
Blocks B3 15 14 17 12
B4 18 16 22 12
B5 19 15 20 14
7. An agricultural experiment was conducted on Latin square to investigate the yield per acre of five different
varieties of wheat, when subjected to treatment of two types of fertilizers A and B each of five different strengths.
The result are set out in a Latin square below in which letters corresponds to varieties, columns are treated with
different strengths of fertilizer A and rows with different strengths
A 16 B10 C 11 D 9 E 9
E 10 C 9 A 14 B 12 D 11
B15 D 8 E 8 C 10 A 18
D 12 E 6 B 13 A 13 C 12
C 13 A 11 D 10 E 7 B 14
of fertilizer. Discuss the yield variations with respect to each of the factors.
8. The following is a Latin square of a design, when 4 varieties of seeds are being tested. Set up the analysis of
variance table and state your conclusion. You may carry out suitable change of origin and scale.
A105 B95 C125 D115
C115 D125 A105 B105
D115 C95 B105 A115
B95 A135 D95 C115
9.Find the real root of the equation ex-3x = 0 , using iteration method

[ ]
25 1 2
10. Find the numerically largest eigen value of A= 1 3 0 .
2 0 −4
11.Find the real positive root of 3 x−cosx−1=0 by Newton’s method correct to 6
decimal places.
12.Solve by Gauss Seidel method, the following system x + y +54 z=110 ; 27 x +6 y−z=85 ;
6 x +15 y +2 z=72 Correct to 3 places of decimals.
13. Solve the following equations by Gauss-Seidel method 4 x + 2y + z = 14, x + 5y -z = 10, x + y + 8z = 20.
14.construct Newtons forward interpolation polynomial for the following data and
hence find f(3.5) & f ‘ (3.5).

x 1 2 3 4 5

f(x) 1 -1 1 -1 1
15.Evaluate ∫ e x dx using Simpson’s 1/3 rule correct to five decimal places, taking
16. Using Newton’s divided difference formula, find the value of f (14) from the
following table:
x: 4 5 7 10 11 13
y: 48 100 294 900 1210 2028
17. Using Trapezoidal rule, evaluate
1 1

∫∫ 1+dxdy
x+ y
0 0
18.Dividing the range into 10 equal parts, find the value of∫ sinx dx by (i) Trapezoidal rule (ii) Simpson’s rule.

dy 2 2
19.Using modified Euler’s method, find y (0.1) if =x + y , y ( 0 )=1.
= y−x 2
20.The differential equation dx is satisfied by y(0)=1, y(0.2) =1.12186, y(0.4) =1.46820,
y(0.6) =1.7379. Compute the value of y (0.8) by Bash forth’s Predictor-corrector formula .
21.Using Milne’s method find y ( 4.4 ) given 5 x y ' + y 2−2=0 given y ( 4 )=1 , y ( 4.1 )=1.0049 ,
y ( 4.2 )=1.0097∧ y ( 4.3 )=1.0143 .
= y 2 + xy , y (1)=1
Find the values of y(1.1) using R-K method of fourth order given that dx
1 2
23. Find y(0.7) and y(0.8) given that by y = y−x , y(0.6)=1.7379 using Runge-Kutta method of fourth order.
Take h=0.1.

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