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Cortisano Almie, R.

April 6, 2022


Mariella has been offered to judge in a variety show. She is very excited because it was her dream.
Unfortunately, it is terribly unfair to other contestants because her sister is part of the show and will
perform on the day that she will judge. Should she accept the offer and allow herself to benefit from an
unfair situation or think about the other contestants?

 Mariella should not accept the offer. She should think about the other contestants. This is the
morally right decision she can do to avoid biases or avoid misjudging others. Even though this was
her dream, and she would benefit from it, but the unfair situation must be the priority she should
consider. It would be a bother in her conscience if she will pursue the offer because this is between
a choice of personal gain versus fair judgement. It's a variety show and surely the contestants are
making lot of hard work and effort. It would be wrong if they are being judged unfairly.

Ericka was supposed to tell a certain guy that her best friend had a crush on him. Instead, she ended up
hooking up with the guy. And to make matters worse, she lied to her friend about it. Should Ericka keep
on lying to her friend or just continue her relationship with the guy? What's she supposed to do?
 Ericka should stop lying to her friend because the longer she hides the situation the worst it will
become. Her friend trusted her, and she broke that trust. The only thing she can do to correct the
wrong that she did is to stop lying and tell the truth to her friend no matter what her friend's
response would be. She should accept whatever reaction she will get because it is understandable.
She should learn from her mistake. It is morally right to always tell the truth no matter what. If she
told the truth earlier the situation could have been better. Her friend might have let her be happy
with the guy.

You are stumped on an important ethics test and you have the perfect opportunity to cheat without
getting caught. What will you do and how will you explain your decision?

 No matter the situation is I will refrain from cheating. I will not cheat. I would rather choose low
score from an honest answer than a high score from cheated answer. It is morally right to not cheat.
I believe if I will cheat, I'll face the consequences later. Given the situation that I will not be caught
might sounds cheating is okay however I consider what consequences it may bring. If I do the
cheating, even though no one sees me surely the world knows that I am cheating. I might end up
having a bad karma.

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