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THUYẾT TRÌNH 2 (AT18) English 4

1. Speak well and provide quite good style, good outline, provide good content
and illustration. 8.8
2. Speak well with good voice; quite good style, quite good content and
illustration (can monitor, not monitoring: Grammar misused), s/t forget
information. 8.5
3. Speak well with good voice; quite good style, quite good content and
explanation, s/t show not good hand acting, not good transition 8.7
4. Speak well, nice design, quite good style, good content and illustrations;
provide useful information for life (avoid using SMS…) 9.0
5. Speak well with quite good style; typical (M/P)/it don’t (G/M); good content
and good illustrations; nice design, s/t provide dim words by using
unsuitable fonts and color. 8.8 TOTAL 8.8
1. Speak well, have good style (confident and convincible); provide good
outline, content and conclusion 9.2
2. Speak well, have quite good style, nice design, but s/t show small words
on slide, have good content and illustration 8.8
3. Speak quite well, provide quite good design; prepare quite well; s/t forget
information, good transition 8.0
4. Speak well, have good style, have good content and illustration, nice
design 9.0
5. Speak quite well (M/P: equity issues); s/t forget information; show a bit
nervous 8.0
6. Speak well, provide good content and quite clear explanation, quite good
style 8.7
7. Speak well, quite good style, good content with quite clear explanation.
8.8 TOTAL: 8.7
1. Not good greeting, have nice design, speak quite well, quite good
information, s/t forget information, not good hand acting. 8.3
2. Speak quite well, show not good hand acting, nice design, but put quite a
lot of information on slides, quite good content and quite clear
illustration, show not good style, but try to speak 8.4
3. Speak quite well, nice design, quite good style (knowledge: M/P, can
lose: M/P, can steal/ not stole), not good hand acting. 8.5 TOTAL 8.4
1. Speak quite well, show quite good style, nice design, provide quite good
information and illustration. 8.5
2. Speak quite well, quite good style, show not good hand acting, quite
good content, nice design. 8.5
3. Speak quite well, have quite good style, the voice is a bit soft, quite good
content and illustrations, nice design 8.7
4. Nice design, speak well, provide good content and illustration, quite good
style. 9.0
5. Speak quite well, have quite good style, good content and quite clear
explanation, s/t get stuck when giving presentation 8.2
6. Speak quite well, have quite good style, s/t show nervous mood, but try
to present, provide quite good content 8.4
7. Speak quite well, (written: M/P), quite good content, quite confident,
provide quite good illustration 8.5 TOTAL: TOTAL 8.5

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