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ignite TECH & SCIENCE he explosion of progress in ar-

How AI will
– wzniecać, tificial intelligence in recent
prowokować months has surprised even
stunningly capable
the scientists and engineers
– zadziwiająco

make our
sprawny/wydajny who specialize in applying
seem AI to real-world tasks. “A few
commonplace years ago I never would have
imagined we’d advance this

lives better
– wydawać się
powszechnym far this soon,” says Zhe Jiang, a University of Florida
researcher who studies industrial applications of AI.
The recent excitement—and concerns—over

(and worse)
this technology were ignited when several ma-
jor companies released stunningly capable new
programs in swift succession, including OpenAI’s
ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Bing and Google’s Bard. These
“large language models” are programmed to pore
It’s impossible to know over trillions of words of text from the internet to
exactly what changes artificial learn how to produce very human-like text and im-
ages on their own in response to plain English ques-
intelligence will bring. We tions and requests.

asked the experts anyway These and other AI tools are expected to have big
consequences for the economy and spill over into
BY DAVI D H . F R E E DM AN virtually every sphere of life, from education to en-
tertainment to health. People also will lose their
jobs, while others become more productive.
“What AI can do may seem magical now, but soon
it’s going to seem commonplace,” says Rowan Cur-
ran, an analyst at research firm Forrester who fo-

28 Newsweek Learning English

Ambroziak Joanna-1593452
028-033_NLE_03.indd 28 20/07/2023 12:40
B2 LearningEnglish

cuses on AI. “Just as we couldn’t have imagined the ing, dietetics and urology. These programs are only sift through
impact that ridesharing apps like Uber would have going to get better, and combined with their lower – przeszukiwać,
on cities and transportation, we’re not imagining all cost and an ongoing shortage of doctors, the future przesiewać
the ways that AI will change things.” of medicine is looking very AI. root out
Nobody can say exactly what changes AI will bring, Some pharmaceutical companies are already rely- – usuwać,
but experts agree that they’ll be big and far-reaching. ing heavily on AI to help find promising new drugs.
In the coming years, AI tools are widely expected to For instance, PsychoGenics, a pharma research
change the way most people live and work. company specializing in drugs for psychiatric dis-
orders, is improving on the inefficient, inexact and
Better Medical Care costly process of testing new psychiatric drugs on
In April, a study published in the journal Nature mice, which typically takes five years. By using AI in-
showed that an AI program was as good as or bet- stead of lab technicians to observe the effects of new
ter than human experts at spotting heart problems drugs on mice, the company can test more drugs with
in patient ultrasound images. That’s just the lat- greater accuracy at a tenth the cost and two years
est in an ongoing stream of research that suggests faster. (The results are always confirmed by human
AI is already skilled enough to match or exceed hu- experts, the company says.)
man doctors at catching cancers and other disorders Four drugs found via PsychoGenics’ AI are now in
by scanning images and tissue samples and combing clinical trials, including one promising schizophre-
through medical records. nia drug entering a phase III trial this year. “There
AI is also good at transcribing and summarizing are limits to what a human can observe,” says Psy-
patient encounters and sifting through vast tech- choGenics CEO Emer Leahy. “AI is the only way we
nical literature to root out drug interactions and could have spotted the right patterns of behavior” in
other facts that could be critical to patient treat- the lab mice.
ments. A new system from startup Hippocratic AI,
designed to interact with patients, even boasts an A Helping Hand to Seniors
empathetic bedside manner. It has outperformed Eldercare robots have already stepped in to help
other AI programs—and many human clinicians—on some of the 56 million Americans over the age of 65,
more than 100 certification exams, including nurs- who face many health and wellness challenges. On-


Ambroziak Joanna-1593452
028-033_NLE_03.indd 29 20/07/2023 12:40
How AI will make our lives better (and worse)

breakthrough going breakthroughs in conversationally adept AI To What Am I Speaking?

– punkt zwrotny, programs such as ChatGPT will soon make them be- Robocalls have long been an annoyance, but the next
przełom come better companions. time your phone rings you may not be able to tell if
wind up The help is greatly needed. Each year, three mil- you’re talking with a human or a machine. Telemar-
– skończyć,
lion elderly people in the U.S. wind up in emer- keting is something that AI will be especially good
sustain a fracture
gency rooms after a fall, according to the Centers at, notes Robert Seamans, an associate professor at
– doznać złamania for Disease Control and Prevention. Of those who New York University’s business school who studies
take up the slack sustain fractures, half don’t live more than a year. AI’s impact. When Seamans and colleagues analyzed
– wypełniać lukę The U.S. is also facing an “epidemic” of social isola- which types of tasks AI programs are going to excel
fetch tion, the Surgeon General said in 2017, along with at over the next few years, telemarketing came out at
– przynieść (pójść the high cost and short supply of eldercare work- the top. “That’s a job that involves the one, very spe-
po coś lub kogoś ers. Families often cannot provide the help that’s cific task of making sales, usually by reading from


i wrócić) needed. a script,” he explains, making it an easy lift for AI.
Eldercare robots have already taken up some of Those in need of legal help may also soon depend
through a drawer
the slack, even without incorporating the recent AI on AI’s ability to handle certain tasks. According
– przeszukiwać
szufladę advances. Robots already watch over seniors with to a March report from investment bank Goldman
electronic eyes, beam video alerts to family, fetch Sachs, AI will be capable of taking on nearly 45 per-
small items, answer questions and set up reminders. cent of legal work in coming years. That’s because
Some of them can already start conversations with much of what lawyers and paralegals do today in-
seniors, prompting them for childhood and other volves poring through oceans of documents to search
personal recollections, and then reporting the re- out specific information and summarize the results,
sults to family members. as well as writing out standard contracts.
Soon, however, the power of such devices to in- “AI can do these routine tasks quicker than law-
teract with people will improve enormously. Car- yers,” says Brandie Nonnecke, who co-directs the
egiving and companion robots equipped with the Center for Law and Technology as well as the AI Pol-
latest AI can provide “contextual empathy,” says icy Hub at University of California, Berkeley. But,
Forrester’s Curran. “They can tell the difference Nonnecke adds, AI “isn’t ready to handle advanced le-
between a senior who’s rummaging through gal activities, like identifying what’s relevant to a case
a drawer, and one who’s struggling to open a draw- and what isn’t, and overseeing legal strategies. It can’t
er,” he explains. understand the issues at hand in complex cases.”

30 Newsweek Learning English

Ambroziak Joanna-1593452
028-033_NLE_03.indd 30 20/07/2023 12:40
How AI will make our lives better (and worse)

Some legal firms are using AI to provide guid- ing AI to analyze and summarize customer reviews, provide guidance
ance to their clients. California online legal services notes Seamans. “The program provides much bet- – udzielać
firm DoNotPay offers AI assistance that defendants ter insights into what people think about when they wskazówek
can use to fight parking tickets and other minor legal buy a car,” he says. As AI programs get better at com- bar association
violations without having to hire a lawyer. The com- municating, they will essentially become coworkers – izba adwokacka
on-the-fly decision
pany had even been planning to have its AI take the sharing workloads and making suggestions.
– błyskawiczna
lead in a live court case by feeding the program’s out- decyzja
put in real time to a human lawyer who would read it Robot Workers blue-collar
out loud. But in January the company was forced to Robots are teaming up with blue-collar and oth- – fizyczny (o pracy)
withdraw its plans under threats from state bar as- er skilled workers. Many of the two million people
sociations to disbar any lawyers who participated. in the U.S. who work behind the wheel of a car, truck
Soon, millions of office workers will be working or heavy-equipment vehicle are already sharing
alongside AI programs. Human resources depart- their seats with AI programs, whether it’s self-driv-
ments are using AI to zip through thousands of on- ing cars or autonomous construction vehicles. John
line resumes in seconds in search of candidates with Deere promises to release self-driving tractors soon.
skills and experience that match job openings. A sur- Packages will be brought to your doorstep in the not-
vey of 250 human resource managers found 92 per- too-distant future by AI-powered drones or delivery
cent of them intend to bring in more AI. Forrester robots, two technologies that Amazon have been pi-
found that AI cuts an average of 11 hours of human loting for several years.
HR work a week. Robots have long been a routine sight at facto-
Most administrative employees will soon find ries, but forthcoming humanoid robots such as Te-
themselves sharing cubicles, metaphorically at least, sla’s Optimus and Sanctuary AI’s Phoenix will work
with AI programs aimed at marketing, financial, cus- shoulder-to-shoulder with people as robo-cooks,
tomer-service and production applications, among robo-stockers and robo-gardeners. At Sam’s Club,
others. Companies now employ AI to make on-the- robots now clean floors and look for missing or mis-
fly decisions about ad placement, predict shifts in placed items on shelves. Hospitals use robots to dis-
costs and sales and spot problems in manufacturing infect their rooms. Your next home might be built
quality control. AI systems at some companies are with AI-powered help, thanks to massive 3D print-
resolving customer service issues without human ers that can construct parts of a home or small build-
involvement, and online used-car site CarMax is us- ing layer by layer out of concrete.


Ambroziak Joanna-1593452
028-033_NLE_03.indd 31 20/07/2023 12:40
How AI will make our lives better (and worse)

ease AI-powered tools and machines have been work- far more likely to keep hiring them to oversee the
a longstanding ing the fields alongside farmworkers, notes the Uni- AI tools, spelling out assignments and checking
skilled-labor versity of Florida’s Jiang, helping to speed every the resulting work. In one study an AI tool working
shortage stage of the growing cycle and easing a longstand- alongside a human coder was able to speed up the
– łagodzić
ing skilled-labor shortage via smarter equipment coding process by 55 percent compared to a human
that can be controlled by less-skilled workers. It may working alone.
wykwalifikowanej not be long before the surgeon that operates on your As AI tools get better at understanding non-tech-
siły roboczej heart or knee is an autonomous robot. In May, Mon- nical directions, even people with little or no cod-
crank out scripts ogram Orthopaedics demonstrated a robot that per- ing experience will be able to get a tool to produce
– produkować formed knee surgery on a cadaver entirely under a new mobile app, or a computer program that helps
(masowo) remote control. with business or professional tasks. “AI lowers the
scenariusze bar for more of us to become software develop-
bland Writing and Coding ers,” says Curran. Professional developers will keep
– bezbarwny, nijaki
The Hollywood writers strike, which began on May their jobs, he predicts, but they’ll end up focusing
– wersja telewizyjna
2, is mainly about pay, but a secondary issue is how on more sophisticated software projects AI can’t
lay off much scriptwriting work AI should be allowed to handle alone.
– zwalniać take. Programs like Google’s Bard and OpenAI’s
pracowników GPT-4 can easily crank out scripts that seem A Possible Upside
perennial shortage much like the work of a human, and they can do it to It’s too soon to panic over AI’s potential for stealing
– wieczny brak/ suit almost any style, setting or theme, for little or no jobs, says Berkeley’s Nonnecke. “We’ve been going
niedobór cost, almost instantly. “We have a real issue on our through various technology revolutions since Homo
spell out hands,” says Marc Guggenheim, a writer and produc- sapiens first walked upright,” she says. “We’ll adapt
er who has been behind hit shows such as Carnival and evolve to this one, too. People will find new ways
– określać/
wytyczać zadania
Row and Arrow. “It isn’t necessarily one in the very to do their jobs creatively, taking advantage of AI in-
bounty short term, but maybe as soon as a year from now it stead of being replaced by it.”
– nagroda, premia will be.” The advent of an AI-powered workforce could ac-
AI cannot match the quality of human writers, says tually produce big dividends. Because AI can do so
Guggenheim. “AI scripts tend to be bland and unin- much so quickly and inexpensively, companies could
teresting,” he says. “It’s improving quickly, but there see enormous boosts in efficiency that enable them
will always be a human element, an X factor, that to offer better products at much lower costs, to con-
even the best AI won’t be able to imitate.” The big- sumers’ benefit. Companies will likely in turn see
ger concern, he says, is that AI will take over some a boost in revenues—though whether that bounty
of the less-demanding writing jobs for which stand- spills over into the whole economy or just makes ex-
ards are lower, but which many writers depend on ecutives and investors richer while millions of work-
for a chunk of their income. That work includes re- ers lose their jobs is an open question.
writes, rough drafts, scripts for game and reality Services could improve, too. For instance, AI
shows, and TV-show spinoff novels. “Directors who customer-service representatives may actually
want a fast overnight rewrite for tomorrow’s show be able to solve customers’ problems. Phone apps
may just hand it over to ChatGPT,” he says. “That will could be tailored to each person’s needs. Home as-
make AI a direct threat to how writers are respected sistants could discover new music that clicks with
in Hollywood.” each person’s tastes, watch over elderly relatives
It may not be all bad for writers, however. In the and hunt down discount food supplies and hard-
near future, they might be able to write a script, feed to-get sports and concert tickets. “AI could make
it to an AI program and produce a finished TV show a lot of our interactions better,” says Curran. Be-
NEWSWEEK PODCASTS or even movie—no producer, director or actors need- cause it will have contextual empathy, it will recog-
Virtual Reality: Are You ed. “AI can already produce pretty good videos based nize what you’re doing and what’s going on around
Excited or Scared?
on written descriptions,” says Guggenheim, refer- you, and anticipate what you want or need based on
ring to AI video generators such as those offered by that understanding.
SCAN & LISTEN! Synthesia and other companies. The changes are expected to be transformative,
There’s one line of work that AI may be ready to which makes them difficult to predict. “This is where
take over from humans: writing the code underlying we were during the early days of the internet,” says
apps, websites and other software. “Entry-level cod- Seamans. “It ended up dramatically changing the
ing jobs, at least, can be replaced by ChatGPT,” says way we work, play and interact. It will be the same
Jiang. But that doesn’t mean coders need to worry with AI.” NL
about being laid off, he adds. Because there’s a per-
David H. Freedman
ennial shortage of coders, he says, companies are

32 Newsweek Learning English

Ambroziak Joanna-1593452
028-033_NLE_03.indd 32 20/07/2023 12:40
B2 LearningEnglish

Task 1 Task 2
Reading Vocabulary Collocations and verb phrases

Read the text and answer First, match the words to form collocations and
the following questions: verb phrases that will help you describe the issue
presented in the article. Next, write down a sentence using each
1. What has surprised scientists and engineers collocation and verb phrase. The sentences you create should
about artificial intelligence? relate to the topic being discussed in the text.
2. How has AI been shown to improve medical care? Collocations:
3. How are some pharmaceutical companies using real-world drones
AI? medical tasks
promising jobs
4. How is AI being used in the eldercare industry?
companion revolutions
5. According to a report from Goldman Sachs, what routine new drugs
percentage of legal work could AI be capable of autonomous records
taking on in the future? AI-powered vehicles
6. How is AI being used in human resources technology robots
7. In what ways are robots being integrated into Verb phrases:
different workplaces? produce customer service issues
8. How is AI affecting the writing and coding exceed AI
sift through human-like text
watch over a skilled-labor shortage
9. What are some potential positive outcomes of resolve human doctors
AI’s integration into the workforce? ease seniors
speed up technical literature
take advantage of the coding process

Task 3
Task 4

Task description: Students will par-

ticipate in a debate about the impact Writing Text summary
of Artificial Intelligence on various spheres of life.
Complete the following summary using information
Task elements: from the text.
1. Provide a brief overview of the recent progress in
Recent advancements in artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence.
(AI) have surprised 1)_______________, as AI
2. Explain the potential impact of AI on the field of
programs like 2)_______________ can produce
human-like text and images by analyzing vast
3. Examine the impact of AI on the job market.
amounts of data. This technology is expected to
4. Evaluate the potential benefits of AI, such as
impact various sectors, including
improved efficiency, better products, enhanced
3)_______________. Despite concerns about
services, and personalized experiences. Also, address
4)_______________, AI offers efficiency, improved
the concerns related to job loss, economic inequality,
services, and personalized experiences. Experts
and the limitations of AI in handling complex tasks.
predict that AI will bring 5)_______________,
5. Create scenarios where AI has a significant impact on
similar to the early days of the internet.
society. Explore innovative uses of AI in different
Check the answer key!
fields, such as entertainment, transportation,
education, environmental sustainability.


028-033_NLE_03.indd 33 Ambroziak Joanna-1593452 20/07/2023 12:41

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