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Author – Yanina Selzer and Claudia McKay (2014)

Title of Original Article – ““Insights into Action,” a CGAP report

Student Name – Yaminn Shwe Sin
Group Number – Group 2
(1) Would you recommend the article to a colleague? Justify your answer.
Yes, I would recommend this article to a colleague, particularly if they are
involved in design, innovation, or any aspect of customer-centered problem-
solving. The article effectively outlines the fundamental principles of Human-
Centered Design (HCD) in a concise and clear manner. It emphasizes the
importance of deep interactions with customers, information synthesis,
prototyping, and continuous feedback in the design process. This is valuable
information for anyone looking to create solutions that genuinely meet user
needs and improve their overall experience. The article also highlights that HCD
is not limited to product design but can be applied to various aspects of the
customer journey, making it relevant to a wide range of professionals. It's a
practical guide that encourages a user-centric mindset, and its key aspects and
suitability criteria provide a well-rounded understanding of HCD.
(2) What was the most important thing you learned from reading this article?
The most important thing I learned from this article is the emphasis on customer
involvement and direct interaction throughout the design process. Understanding the
end-users' needs, hopes, and fears through in-depth interactions is essential for
creating solutions that truly resonate with them. The article highlights that HCD
moves away from making assumptions in boardrooms and instead focuses on
learning directly from the people the solutions are meant to serve. This user-centric
approach is crucial because it ensures that the solutions are not only functional but
also align with the emotional and practical aspects of the users' lives. It underscores
the importance of empathy and real-world insights in the design process, which is a
valuable lesson for anyone seeking to create meaningful and effective solutions.

(3) What are your key takeaways from this article? Describe at least 3.
The key takeaways from this article are :
a. User-Centric Focus: The article emphasizes the core principle of Human-
Centered Design, which is putting the needs and experiences of users at the
forefront of the design process. This user-centric focus ensures that the resulting
solutions are relevant, effective, and meaningful to the target audience.

b. Iterative Prototyping and Feedback: The iterative nature of HCD, with its
emphasis on prototyping and gathering feedback from users, is a key takeaway. This

approach allows for rapid refinement of ideas and solutions, leading to a more
tailored and user-friendly end product.

c. Applicability Beyond Product Design: The article highlights that HCD can be
applied to various aspects of the customer journey, from product design to marketing
messages and user interfaces. This versatility makes HCD a valuable approach for
professionals in diverse fields, not just designers, who want to better understand and
address customer needs.

Overall, the article provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles and

practices of Human-Centered Design, making it a valuable resource for anyone
interested in improving their problem-solving and design processes.


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