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**Remember to use connectors throughout your presentation. Use accurate language and rich expressions
and vocabulary. Use English grammar correctly as well.

**2-2.5 minutes presentation. Adjust to the specified duration.

**If you wish, you can use a visual support. (Canva, PowerPoint, Google slides, handmade…)

1.INTRODUCTION: You tell your audience what your message is going to be.

1- Welcome your audience

2- Introduce yourself (briefly)

3- Introduce your subject

4- Outline the structure of your presentation

5- Give instructions about questions

2. BODY: You tell your audience your real message:

1.What is climate change and why is it happening?

2.What are the most visible signs of climate change?

3.What can we do to stop climate change?

4.Are renewable energies good forms of energy? Why?

5.Are non-renewable energy sources convenient?Why not?

3.CONCLUSION: You summarize what your message was.

1. Sum up

2. (Give recommendations if appropriate)

3. Thank your audience

4. Invite questions

(QUESTIONS) Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and

weather patterns. Such shifts can be natural, due to changes in the sun's
activity or large volcanic eruptions. The most visible effect of climate change
is the melting of Polar ice and glaciers, causing sea levels to rise.

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