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English presentation: Telmo and Diego

Day 1-Buckingham place and History museum.

We set out from Bilbao in the morning, at 5:00 am and we landed at the Gatwick
airport.We arrived at 7:00 am and we went to London by train.At the train, we saw
some beautiful tiny houses filled with snow.Then, we finally arrived to London and
went to the hotel to let there the bags.To continue , we went to the famous
Buckingham palace, it was amazing!And at 8:00pm we went to the history museum
and we saw some exciting mummies.Finally we went to sleep in our hotel.


After having breakfast at 9:00 am,we went to see the Big Ben.It was huge. After
that,we had lunch at a Chinatown restaurant called Wang ba dan.Then, we went to a
hotel in another place of london due to the prices of the other one. Later, we went to a
french restaurant and all the food was incredibly good, but it was so expensive!
Finally,we ate fish and chips. At 6:00pm we went walking to the Tower Bridge, we took
an entrance to go up the bridge. We stayed there for 15 minutes and we went down.
The hotel was near the bridge and we went walking.

Day 3-ZOO of London and china town

After we got up we took a taxi to went to the London ZOO. When the taxi stopped we
went to take entrances, when we took them we went to the gift shop to bought a
camera for taking photos of the animals. When we went to the middle of the zoo we
saw a restaurant that had burgers and we went to see the zoo. When we finished we
went to china town all of the afternoon and for finished we take a china food and we
went to the hotel and we went to the bedroom to slept for the next day.

Day 4- CHELSEA stadium and meet old friends

Starting the day, we had breakfast.In my opinion it wasn't as good as at the other
hotel. Then, we quickly went to catch the train.We were going to see a football
match: Chelsea vs Liverpool.When we arrived at Chelsea, all the people were
supporting Chelsea but we were not supporting Chelsea. We were supporting the
Athletic club, our team. At the match , we met some old friends.They were
kindergarten friends! To finish our trip, we got our bags and went to the airport to
come back to Bilbao. It was a good trip.

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