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Sajeed Afridi

District Youth Officer

Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Subject: Sponsorship Proposal for the Second Annual Provincial Moot Court Competition

Dear Mr. Sajeed Afridi

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. We are writing to propose a
sponsorship opportunity to the District Youth Office in Peshawar for the Provincial Moot Court
Competition, scheduled to be held in November at Islamia College Peshawar, organized by the
Department of Shariah & Law.

The Department Law at Islamia College Peshawar has a successful track record of organizing the
Moot Court Competition in the past, including a highly-praised event last year. The competition
has not only received positive feedback from participants and observers but has also played a
significant role in the academic and personal development of the participating students.

This year, we aim to take a step further by hosting the Provincial Moot Court Competition. This
event will bring together university teams from across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, all competing for
excellence in legal advocacy. It offers a unique opportunity to foster the growth of legal
knowledge and advocacy skills among our youth while promoting intellectual discourse.

To ensure the success of this prestigious event, we seek both moral and financial support from
the District Youth Office. Organizing an event of this magnitude involves substantial costs,
including venue arrangements, logistics, and travel support for participants, accommodation, and
the engagement of a distinguished panel of judges.

We kindly request the support of the District Youth Office in the form of sponsorship to help
defray the costs associated with hosting the Provincial Moot Court Competition. Your support
will not only help us maintain the high standards set by previous editions but also ensure the
broad participation of students from across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

As a sponsor of this significant event, the District Youth Office will receive several benefits:

 Enhanced Visibility: Your support will be prominently acknowledged in all promotional

and event materials, providing your organization with increased exposure.
 Community Engagement: This sponsorship demonstrates the District Youth Office's
commitment to educational and youth development initiatives in the region, enhancing its
reputation as a community- focused organization.
 Building Future Leaders: By supporting this event, you will contribute to nurturing a
generation of well-informed and confident young individuals who may, in the future,
make substantial contributions to society and governance.

In conclusion, we firmly believe that the Provincial Moot Court Competition aligns with the
mission and goals of the District Youth Office. Your partnership in this event would be a
significant contribution to fostering legal education, youth development, and community
engagement in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Your support will play an instrumental role in making the Provincial Moot Court Competition a
resounding success, helping us inspire and empower the youth of our region to excel and aspire
to make a positive impact on society.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to the possibility of working together.

Zul Qarnain
In charge Moot Court Competition
Department of Shariah and Law, Islamia College Peshawar.

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