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Reading In Philippine History histography- the study of the history and methodology of history as a

discipline. Briefly, it is the history of history.

Fossils- the geologically altered remains of a once-living organism and/or its
Importance if history?
it is essential to us and harbors beauty, helps us understand how events in the
past made things the way they are today. also develop the ability to avoid Tpes Of Sources
mistakes and create better paths for our societies.
Primary sources- a first-hand or contemporary account of an event or topic.

Importance if history in my course? Secondary sources- one that was created later by someone that did not
students because it helps us understand our identity as Filipinos. Knowing experience firsthand or participate in the events in which the author
our history allows us to be proud of our accomplishments and to learn from is writing about
our mistakes.
Tertiary souce- publications that summarize and digest the information in
Purpose of history? primary and secondary sources to provide background on a topic,
we can learn how past societies, systems, ideologies, governments, cultures idea, or event.
and technologies were built, how they operated, and how they have changed.
Inetrnal criticism- applied to check the credibility of the document whether
the contents given in it are believable or not
Role of history in our 21st society?
opens the doors to consider and improve the present and, naturally, the External criticism- the authenticity of the document. Once a document has
future. ask ourselves if the way we're used to operating still serves us as a been determined to be genuine
Filipino Historians
Renato constantino- Filipino historian known for being part of the leftist
Importance of history in today generation?
It is crucial to be knowledgeable about our past because it plays a prominent tradition of Philippine historiography.
role in shaping the modern world. Leon ma. Guerro- top-notch writer and diplomat, served six Philippine
presidents, beginning with President Manuel L. Quezon and ending with
the importance of learning local history and its relevance in understanding President Ferdinand E. Marcos.
our own history as a people of a particular place?
Local history matters because learning about history teaches essential skills. Agoncillo- one pf the preeminent filipino historians of the 20th century.
Ericson Acosta- a poet, but a songwriter, a journalist and an activist, a former
important to study history and how can it benefit your future? editor of the student publication Philippine Collegian, and chairperson of the
can learn about the pillars upon which different civilizations were built, student cultural group Alay Sinin
including cultures and people different from their own
Zeus Salazar- He finished his B.A. in History at the University of the
Philippines Diliman and his Ph. D. in Ethnology at Sorbonne University in
history- it covers all aspects of human society. Political, social, economic, Paris, France.
scientific, technological, medical, cultural, intellectual, religious and
military developments
Social science related to history- a study of the various facts of human
life and is closely linked with other social sciences which make a specific
study of different facts of human life.
Motivators in history- The concept of motivation can be traced from ancient
Greeks, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle ages.
Hacienda system- the sharing of resources and the decision-making process
involved in the sharing process.
Encomienda system - a system of forced labor imposed on indigenous
workers by Spanish colonists.
early land system in the Philippines- Landownership was communal in pre-
Hispanic Philippine society. Land was owned by the barangay (village) and
individuals had rights to use the land and make it productive.

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