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Chapter - 2

2.1 INTRODUCTION: - In this study of research, definition,
interpretation and other aspects of creativity have been enumerated.

2.2 DEFINITION OF CREATIVITY: - The meaning of creativity is

to think or do something differently. It is a kind of fantasy in which
new ideas are promoted and that new ideas are essential to the
advancement of human society. Creativity is defined as the tendency
to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives or possibilities that may be
useful in solving problems, communicating with others and
entertaining ourselves as well as others. In other words, it can be said
that creativity is the strength or capacity to inflict and create any new
object. Although novelty is given special importance in creativity, yet
a creative person can present old objects in new forms instead of
inventing any new object. Factors like originality, spontaneity,
expansion, flexibility in work etc. are inherent in the creative
production of a person. Creativity is inherent in each person. Being
doctors, engineers, musicians, singers, painters, scientists, writers, etc.
theyare leading the world on the path of development. Creativity
started with the evolution of human society. Initially there was
relationship of creativity with intelligence, conscience and
foreshadow, but later on scientific discoveries gave right direction to

Creativity can be defined on a variety of levels: cognitively,
intellectually, socially, economically, spiritually, and from the
perspective of different disciplines within the arts, sciences, and
humanities. All students in Wisconsin can develop their creative
capacities if they have access to rich learning opportunities in
environments that nurture and support their creative development.

Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality.

Creativity is characterised by the ability to perceive the world in new

way to find hidden patterns to make connections between seemingly

unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions. Creativity involves

two processes: thinking, then producing. If one has ideas, but doesnot

act on them, then one is imaginative but not creative.

Guilford, first of all on the basis of his scientific discoveries on

creativity drew attention of all people. It is not necessary that more
intelligent people are more creative and more creative people are more
intelligent. But teachers are of the view that evaluated creativity has
necessarily some relationship with intelligence and creativity
measured by IQ tests is different from intelligence. Creativity is very
difficult to understand. Different types of thoughts were expressed to
understand its different aspects. Many psychologists agree with the
fact that creativity has an important place in giving birth to new
thoughts, turning old things into new and building relationship with
irrelevant objects. Some psychologists have expressed their views in
the following manner to understand clearly the idea of creativity: -

Thurston (1955) “Any action is to be creative if it has immediate
solution to the kind of thinking which has always been innovative.”

Baron (1961) “Creativity is the essence of making pre-existing objects

and elements as new one.”

E.P. Torrance (1965) “Creative thinking is the process of

understanding errors un received, and rare elements, making concepts
in their relationship imagining notions and making tests ,carrying
results to other persons and making improvement by reviewing the

Bertlet- “Creativity is bold thinking. Bold thinking means the ability

of thinking beyond the mainstream, receiving new experience and
adding the present relationship with that of the future. Bold thinking or
creativity is to work or think with new attitude by going beyond
mutual thinking.”

Rollo May-“Creativity is the process of bringing something new in

human being. Creativity requires passion and commitment. It brings to
our awareness what was previously hidden and points to new life. The
experience is one of heightened consciousness ecstasy.”

E.P Torrance-“A process of becoming sensitive to problems,

deficiencies, gaps in knowledge, missing elements, disharmonies and
so on, identifying the difficulty, searching for solution, making
guesses, or formulating hypotheses about the deficiencies, testing and

retestingthese hypotheses and possibly modifying and retesting them,
and finally communicating the results.”

James Drever - “Creativity is the ability to create new objects.

Creativity in the broad sense refers to the imagination of the sum of
new ideas and talents. (If the self-motivated, do not follow others) and
synthesis of ideas and where mental functions are not only the sum of
the other's views.

Dr. Passi -“Creative power is a multi-faceted trait and power. The

verbal and nonverbal traits and power are distributed in different
proportion in different human beings. The main factors responsible for
it are eloquence, flexibility or morbidity, curiosity or proneness to
invention and toughness and good trend.”

After studying all the above definitions it can be said that, creativity is
an ability in which innovative ideas have significance which takes the
help of new methods and situations to present a proper solution for
any problem. Creative work includes any new discovery, thought or
presenting old notions in a new manner .Creativity is a mixture of
several abilities or traits. Such as originality of ideas, flexibility,
changes for innovation, awareness towards problems etc. These
qualities or abilities are called the components of creativity.

2.3 COMPONENTS OF CREATIVITY: - Creativity has four


1. Continuity: - Creative child has the ability to consistently
change in useful manner. A child who has different types of
ideas continuously that child is considered to be a creative child.

2. Flexibility: - Creativity in a person refers to self-control,

foresightedness and the trait of taking care of others' likes and
dislikes. Such a person brings a change in his/her thoughts
according to time and circumstances

3. Originality: - Creative child does not love the old ideas.

His/her ideas have originality. Such a child is strong-willed,
industrious,and courageous.He/she is always eager to start any
task by himself/herself. In each case his/her opinions are
entirely different from those of other child.

4. Expansion: - Creative child can exaggerate any matter or

event. His/her vocabulary is very rich and has interesting way
of expressing ideas.


After studying all the above definitions and components of creativity,

the features of creativity are as follows: -

1. Creativity has originality.

2. It is innovative.

3. The high degree of intellectual ability is found in creativity.

4. Flexibility is the makeup of creativity.

5. The problem is the presence of knowledge.

6. Creativity has the power of imagination and checking the

correctness of imagination.

7. There are several dimensions and areas in creativity..

Harlok(1978) described the features of creativity as follows: -

1. Creativity is a type of controlled imagination which directs some


2. Creativity is not a production but a process or ability.

3. The ability of creation depends on the acquisition of recognized


4. The process of Creativity is goal-directed. It is beneficial for either

the individual or the group or society.

5. Creativity, whether oral or written, whether it is tangible or

intangible, in any event is unprecedented for a man, it is a new and
different directions of production.

6. Creativity is a way of thinking.


In 1962, Torrance undertook a study of creative individuals at a

large scale. Through this study he made a list of characteristics of
creative persons He presented 84 traits of creative persons as below:

1 Accepting clutter 45 Liking for Complex ideas
2 Taking Risk 46 Non-confirmation
3 Awareness for others 47 To work at Unnatural time
4 Attraction towards clutter 48 Ability to question
5 To do tough acts 49 Radical Changes
6 Firm emotionalism 50 To receive external stimuli
7 Sharp criticism of creativity 51 Recipient of the views of
and difference in discretion others
8 Traditions 52 Sometimes escapist
9 Ceremonialist 53 Opponent of Suppression of
10 Always some reason to be 54 Negate suppression
11 Be attracted to the 55 Conceptual
mysterious searches
12 Shy or sensible 56 Self-contained
13 Adventurous 57 Self-conscious
14 Defining the traditions of 58 Self-Confident
15 Defining health traditions 59 Self-reliant
16 Desire to be the best 60 Humorous
17 Firmly Determined 61 Immobile
18 Differentiated value 62 Sensitive to beauty

19 Dissatisfied 63 Sensitive to beauty
20 Organization spoiler 64 Immobile
21 Dominant 65 Discard the power
22 Emotional 66 Impose yourself
23 Impulsively sensitive 67 Automatic
24 Energetic 68 Believes in fate
25 Fault finder 69 Not interested in small detail
26 Do not care People 70 Suspicious
27 Full of curiosity 71 Look forward to disagree
28 Often feel self-satisfaction 72 Aspiring for the long term
29 Lover of loneliness 73 Recalcitrant
30 To experience that the 74 Temporary nature
whole system is wrong
31 Independent decision 75 Firm
32 Independent thinking 76 Love
33 Individualist 77 Coward
34 Intuitive 78 Full
35 Laborious 79 Beyond Power
36 Introvert 80 A bit uncultured, primitive
37 Lack of professional 81 Unsophisticated
38 To commit Errors 82 Keen to accept by only
saying one thing

39 Never get bored 83 Reluctant To accept
40 Aggressive and not escapist 84 Visionary
41 Not Popular 85 Extrovert
42 Bizarre Habits 86 Preparing to take the risk
43 Continuing 87 Quite unconcerned and silent
44 Absorbed in his thoughts


Creativity in education is proving to be an important aspect. Its

purpose is to develop children's creative traits. After several
psychological studies Bernard maker and Franklin C. Shaunj outlined
the principles of creativity as under:-

1. Psychoanalytic theory:-

Psychoanalytic theory suggests that creativity is based on

unconscious, biological drives that result from primary processes.
According to Freud, creativity is the sublimation of sexual desires, and
unsatisfied wishes are the driving power behind fantasies, every
separate fantasy contains the fulfillment of a wish and improves an
unsatisfactory reality. Ernst Kris suggests that creativity is a
"regression in service of the ego" and Lawrence Kubie (1958) adds
that neurotic distortion can occur when the conscious mind inhibits the
creative process. Other psychoanalytic theorists such as Phyllis
Greenacre and Philip Weissman suggest that creativity is a result of

heightened sensory awareness. The Psychoanalytic Theorists stress the
importance of unconscious desires and how they affect individuals.
Thus, creativity is essential because it allows individuals to defend
themselves in a mature manner.

Freud presented psychoanalytic system in artistic creativity. He

believes that three things are necessary for harmonization with the
difficulties of life: -

• Strong deviations from interest which reduces. The anxiety of

the person.

• Gratification to the perpetuation

• Provocative production

2. Associative Theory:-

An associative theory of creative thinking has been outlined.

Differences between high creativity and low creativity have been
predicted along specified dimensions. A psychologist named Ribot did
the work of adding co-relation and creativity. He promises associative
thinking and the ability to consider applications by combination of
productivity, creative is restructuring of these coincidences.

The general sense of co-relationshipis to establish relationship

betweenideas and experiances. To establish relationship among
present things is necessary for learning. It is a process by which
mental condition is concerned, this process helps in learning.

Rebotalso explained that if a person is able to establish associations
between present elements, the same person can create new
material.This theory approaches creative thinking as the formation of
“associative elements into new combination which either meet special
requirement or are in some way useful” (Mednick).

Associative learning is a learning principle that states that ideas and

experiences reinforce each other and can be mentally linked to one
another. It means our brains were not designed to recall information in
isolation; instead, we group information together into one associative

3. Principle of insights:-

Followers of Gestalt define creativity as new thought or insight

that suddenly comes into the mind of person. Mouni (1958) has
narrated model of Gestalt as - creative person is the symbol of
thesepowers-person, process environment and dynamism.

Insight learning is the abrupt realization of a problem's solution.

Insight learning is not the result of trial and error, responding to an
environmental stimulus, or the result of observing someone else
attempting the problem. It is a completely cognitive experience that
requires the ability to visualize the problem and the solution internally
in the mind's eye, so to speak - before initiating a behavioral
response.Insight learning is considered a type of learning because it
results in a long-lasting change. Following the occurrence of insight,

the realization of how to solve the problem can be repeated in future
similar situations.Insight learning happens regularly in each of our
lives and all around us. Inventions and innovations alike are
oftentimes the result of insight learning. We have all experienced the
sensation of insight learning at one time or another.

According to Gestalt,"creative thought includes change of main point,

change of meaning and acombination of imaginations. It has insight
which occurs because of new imagination.”After the study on
psychoanalysis and co-relation,Werdimar said that fair decision cannot
be administered for both the situation.So he presented the concept of
insight ingrowth of understanding, requisitioning and discovering the
process of thinking

5. Congestion theory :-

Supporters of this theory hold different views from other thinkers the
meaning of congestion refers to the traits of the person. These
congestions have individual differences. The psychologist, Guilford
has described many conglomeration of a creative person such as word-
flow thinking, originality, redefinition in which there is pictorial,
symbolic and ideological expansion.

Guilford proposed a three-dimensional cubical model to explain his

theory of the structure of the intellect. According to this theory, an
individual's performance on an intelligence test can be traced back to
the underlying mental abilities, or "factors" of intelligence. These

factors (abilities) were then organized along three dimensions:
operations, content, and products.

The Operation Dimension

This consists of five (later six when memory was separated into
recording and retention) kinds of operations or general intellectual

• Cognition - The ability to understand, comprehend, discover

and become aware.

• Memory - The ability to encode information and recall


• Divergent Production - The process of generating multiple

solutions to a problem

• Convergent Production - The process of deducing a single

solution to a problem.

• Evaluation - The process of judging whether an answer is

accurate, consistent, or valid.

• The Content Dimension

• This dimension includes the broad areas of information in

which operations are applied. It was divided into four

• Figural - Information that is non-verbal or pictorial. Later

divided into

• Auditory - Information perceived through hearing.

• Visual - Information perceived through seeing.

• Symbolic - Information perceived as symbols or signs that have

no meaning by themselves; for example, arabic numerals or the
letters of an alphabet.

• Semantic - Information perceived in words or sentences,

whether oral, written, or silently in one's mind.

• Behavioral - Information perceived as acts of an individual or


• The Product Dimension

• As the name suggests, this dimension contains results of

applying particular operations to specific contents. There are six
kinds of products, they are:

• Unit - Represents a single item of information.

• Class - A set of items that share some attributes.

• Relation - Represents a connection between items or variables;

may be linked as opposites or in associations, sequences, or

• System - An organization of items or networks with

interacting parts.

Figure No - 1
Intellectual creativity (Guilford)

Content OperationProduct

Graphic Symbol Thoughts &Behavior

Cognitive Remembrance Deviated Productivity Evaluation

Units Class Relation System


Meaning of creativity makes the nature of creativity clear, but many

scholars have attempted to clarify its nature. Creativity is the
intellectual ability to make creation, invention and discoveries that
brings novel relations, entities and unexpected solutions into
existence. Creativity is the gifted ability of human beings in thinking,
inference, problem solving and product development.

While explaining the nature of creativity, many psychologists have

expressed their views.

• The nature of creativity is always growing towards development is development-oriented.

• It is able to give any work in new and basic form.

• Creativity enhances the quality of a material or matter.

• Creativity is mainly present. It Varies according to the
intellectual ability.

• Creativity is related to intelligence.

• The thought of Creative man is constantly changing according

to new situations.

• Creativity gives happiness to the thinker of new imagination.

• Flexibility of thought and behavior is found in creativity

• The nature of creativity is that it is always moving towards

progressive ideas. It varies continuously according to the new
conditions of human thinking.

• Creativity always brings important consequences. So any new

imagination gives joy to thinker. Therefore creativity attracts

• By their nature, creative people, are always ready to adopt new

behavior, new fantasy. So they succeed in finding new solutions
to problems.

• It is the nature of creativity to re explain any problem or to see a

problem with new attitude.

• Ability of fundamental ideas, freedom of judgment, awareness,

sensitivity and entertainment are the nature of creativity.


Figure No -2


As an individual As a product As a process

(1) Creativity- As an individual

Creative child presents fundamental thought, expression, action

and behavior such as: -

1) These children ask questions to generate discomfort.

2) Creative child's self-concept is higher.

3) Creative children are more tolerant for unclearness.

4) Creative people are determined and self-reliant.

5) Creative children indulge in debate to resolve a dispute or

question and recommend various options.

(2) Creativity- As a product

1) Originality

2) Diversity

3) Flow

4) Amplification

(3) Creativity – As a Process

In the process of creativity the following steps are followed: -

1.Preparation- Preparatory work on a problem that focuses the
individual’s mind on the problem and explores the problem’s

2. Incubation -Where the problem is internalized into the

unconscious mind and nothing appears externally to be

3. Intimation- The creative person gets a “feeling” that a

solution is on its way.

4. Illumination or insight- Where the creative idea bursts forth

from its preconscious processing into conscious awareness

5. Verification- Where the idea is consciously verified,

elaborated, and then applied.



Figure No -3

Withdrawal and
commitment Attractions
and decoration
and urgency

Internal Creative person Purpose of

drama freedom


Creative Creative
personality trait thinking


Human beingsarecreatures of creative use, and they use and display

their abilities from their childhood. They developtheir creative power
from their surroundings. All the children are having different types of
creative abilities. But the necessity is to develop and add them to the
subject-matter of teaching. In teaching by using various skills of
creativity, teacher can make his/her teaching more effective.

Children do not develop fundamental abilities due to unsuccessful

teaching. They can do task but face several difficulties while doing
uneasy task,so they leave them, in doing such works, more effort and
skills are required. Therefore, it is necessary to define the skills.

According to International dictionary of education – Skills are the

systematic and probable form of mental or physical actions by which
many responses come.These skills can be experimental, dynamic,
physical, intellectual, social, etc. Sense organs are - eye, nose, ears,
tongue, and skin, by which human behavior is initiated by assuming

F. S. Freeman defines about the skills that- It is an ability to perform a

given task with convenience and subtlety.

There are many terms or stages of creating anything new which are
connected with each other. Creation can besustained only by practice.
There are four key skills of creativity and their evolutions are as

Imagination Observation Understanding Creation


The first and most important step of creativity is imagination.

Imagination is abstract which cannot be seen by others. But it can be
summed up by any means. Imagination is the basis of creation.
Imagination helps make knowledge applicable in solving problems
and is fundamental to integrating experience and the learning process.
A basic training for imagination is listening to storytelling (narrative),
in which the exactness of the chosen words is the fundamental factor
to "evoke worlds". It is a whole cycle of image formation or any
sensation which may be described as "hidden" as it takes place
without anyone else's knowledge. A person may imagine according to
his/her attitude, it may be good or bad depending on the situation.
Some people imagine in a state of tension or gloominess in order to
calm themselves. It is accepted as the innate ability and process of
inventing partial or complete personal realms within the mind from
elements derived from sense perceptions of the shared world. The
term is technically used in psychology for the process of reviving in
the mind, percepts of objects formerly given in sense perception. Since
this use of the term conflicts with that of ordinary language, some
psychologists have preferred to describe this process as "imaging" or
"imagery" or to speak of it as "reproductive" as opposed to

"productive" or "constructive" imagination. Imagined images are seen
with the "mind's eye". The things which are created in the world so far
are based on imagination. Therefore, the child's creative skills are
based on imaginations. Every child has a different learning ability.
Imagination in the positive and right direction influences the creative
process of a child to a large extent. Teacher should give right direction
to develop imagination in a child.

Some valuable facts to develop child’s imagination are:-

1) The tendency to visualize the actual objects at the initial level

should be developed. Large and highly abstract imagination can
draw children's attention to the other side. So initially it is
excellent work to develop the imagination of pre-familiar things
lying around the children.

2) While developing children’s imagination thinking of teachers

should be positive and objectives must be clear. Children
understand simple, clear, events quickly. Teachers ask the child
to imagine something that should be taken to reality.

3) Teachers should have the necessary time to encourage creative

imagination of the child. But to a certain time the child should
be encouraged to imagine and initiate the process of creation.
There is risk for children to forget the original thing if children
are given unnecessarily long period.

4) Teachers should know about the imagination of all the
childrenaccording to their age group.6-10 years old students
should have information about their family, home and
school.Studentsof 11-14 years should have information about
school, classmate and community. Students of more age should
try to have some information about foreign country, science and

Thus it can be said imagination inspires human beings towards

development. Development can be achieved by imagination
which is derived from the process of creation.


Observation is the active acquisition of information from a primary

source. In living beings, observation employs the senses. Observation
plays a significant role in the development of creative skills.In
children there is fundamental tendency of observation. Because of this
important quality, child asks more and more questions about each
strange thing and new thing appears in his/her view. Subtlety of
observation is very helpful in increasing the curiosity of a child.

The observing capacity of sculptors, painters and craftsmen is more

reasonable. Because of acute observation skills in students’ art, they
can attain efficiency and this efficiency appears in their creation.

The following efforts can be made by teachers to enhance children's

observation capability. - :

(1) The tendency to observe class and textbook based things should
be developed by teacher which should have direct relationship
with the class-teaching.

(2) The children should be inspired by teachers to review materials

that are available around them. The creative skills of children
develop by observing minutely pre-familiar objects.

(3) Emphasis should be laid on the observation of Content scenes,

events, objects, models and figures.

(4) For stimulating imagination and observation sequences, children

must be motivated. They have to inspire by the imagination and

(5) Children should be given enough time to observe by the teacher.

Understanding: -

Understanding is considered to be a special quality of mankind. A

person creates personality on the basis of understanding. Learning or
reading is considered complete only when the child’s actual
understanding is developed. Clarity of understanding provides the
basis of creation.

To generate and enhance understanding of children, following points

should be noted: -

(1) Teacher should inspire children to enhance the understanding of

specific aspects.

(2) Students tend to be curious. Therefore, exercise caution when
drawing their attention to anything required.

(3) To achieve the primary objective of education, it is necessary

that understanding should be mingled in behavior of students.
Teacher should provide opportunities to children to develop

(4) Teacher should motivate students to implement their acquired

understanding. Otherwise, after sometimes there is a risk of

(5) For developing the tendency of using understanding and to give

students a permanent stage,it is necessary that in them, the
tendency to complete any work may be developed.

Thus it can be said that the clarity of understanding in a student leads

to the desired effect on the student’s creativity.

Creation: -

Creativity is fundamental and natural which comes in every child by

birth along with talented qualities. With the growing age of children,
flexibility, originality, current flow and the strength to think new ideas
help them to buildthe tendency and conscience to solve the problem.

The creativity is the inherent such unique ability in the child which has
direct relationship with self-expression and self-confidence. The trait
of creativity is latent in children like saplings of seeds. Congenial
atmosphere is required to be given to develop and flourish them.

Clarifying 'Creativity', Jawaharlal Nehru said, "Human being is
developing by nature. It is required to be developed as a plant. He/she
cannot be uprooted, but can be nurtured. He/she can be helped to
flourish for growing the fertile soil, pure and sunlight may be provided
but he/she will develop by his/her own efforts.

After initial development of creativity at home he/she gets the right

direction in the school through the teacher. To develop creativity in
children, the teacher can adopt the following measures:

(1) For developing creativity in children the teacher should be

inspired for making artistic things related to syllabus and subject-

(2) Creation of different activitiesfor each age group should be

inspired by the teacher.

(3) Children should be inspired for creation by keeping in mind their

talents, interests and background.

(4) It is necessary to keep in mind the shape of created thing for

receiving the desired knowledge.

(5) The activities for developing the useful and creative skills in the
true sense should be encouraged.

Thus it is clear that child has capacity of creation by birth. It is

required to be developed and flourished by different means.


Creativity is the foundation pillars of learning process. The versatile

talent of children is developed by this creation of others. Currently
skills of creation should be encouraged with a view to making
harmony between complexity of syllabus and interests of children.
Activities should be child centered. Various types of creation can give
better success to education.

Education is the mother of creation which inspires constantly the

children. Letters, scripts, paintings, models, and any instrument are
result of Creation. Creativity gives rise to curiosity. Complicated or
difficult subject matter becomes simple and understandable by
creative students.

Independent thinking of Children facilitates to explain the subject

matter. By the independent thinking, the power of imaginations
increases the attitude of children which undergoes positive
development. The shared dexterity of imagination, observation,
understanding, and creation give special contribution to make children
equipped with talent.

To enhance creativity, children should be entrusted with the task by

the teacher according to their talent and skills. Creation will be
effective if child has interest. Due to taking interests, children read and
understand every subject with depth.Dexterity of the creativity can be

usedto learn the subject in class-room. Education is the mother of
Creation and constantly inspires children to make creative.

The conclusion is that the best use of creative skills of children in

teaching can be made. These children could receive the education to a
desired level without experiencing any burden or tension and could
display their talents in a respectable manner.


Several methods could be adopted to develop creativity but four main

methods that can be recognized by scholars are as follows: -

1) Synectics: -

Synecticsis a problem solving methodology that stimulates thought

processes of which the subject may be unaware. The name Synectics
comes from the Greek and means "the joining together of different and
apparently irrelevant elements."The new method of seeing any
problem, thinking about it is the development of creativity.Synectics is
a way to approach creativity and problem-solving in a rational way.

According to Gordon, Synectics research has three main assumptions:

• The creative process can be described and taught;

• Invention processes in arts and sciences are analogous

and are driven by the same "psychic" processes;

• Individual and group creativity are analogous.

With these assumptions in mind, Synectics believes that people can be
better at being creative if they understand how creativity works.

2) Morphological analysis: -

Morphological analysis is a method developed by Fritz Zwicky (1967,

1969) for exploring all the possible solutions to a multi-dimensional,
non-quantified complex problem.The morphological analysis is
actually a group of methods that share the same structure. This method
breaks down a system, product or process into its essential sub-
concepts, each concept representing a dimension in a multi-
dimensional medium. Thus, every product is considered as a bundle of
attributes. New ideas are found by searching the medium for new
combination of attributes that do not yet exist. It doesn’t provide any
specific guidelines for combining the parameters. It tends to provide a
large number of ideas.

3) Quality Description: -

It is clear from the name that to describe the qualities of any trait by
this method. The quality of any type of product and the possible
changes of every qualityor resources of improvement can be accepted
under this method. This is effective method to create information and
ideas to improve any object.

4) Brain Storming:-

In 1938, Alex F. Osborn, an advertising executive, invented the

process of “organized ideation” in a company he headed. The early

participants referred to their attempts as “brainstorm sessions,” in the
sense that they were using the brain to storm a problem.Brainstorming
is a process for developing creative solutions to
problems.Brainstorming works by focusing on a problem, and then
deliberately coming up with as many solutions as possible and by
pushing the ideas as far as possible.

Rules of Brain Storming:-

There are four basic rules in brainstorming (Osborn, 1963) intended to

reduce social inhibitions among team members, stimulate idea
generation, and increase overall creativity:

1. No criticism: Criticism of ideas are withheld during the

brainstorming session as the purpose is on generating varied and
unusual ideas and extending or adding to these ideas. Criticism is
reserved for the evaluation stage of the process. This allows the
members to feel comfortable with the idea of generating unusual

2. Welcome unusual ideas: Unusual ideas are welcomed as it is

normally easier to "tame down" than to "tame up" as new ways of
thinking and looking at the world may provide better solutions.

3. Quantity Wanted: The greater the number of ideas generated,

the greater the chance of producing a radical and effective solution.

4. Combine and improve ideas: Not only are a variety of ideals

wanted, but also ways to combine ideas in order to make them better.

Process of Brain Storming:-

1. Gather the participants from as wide a range of disciplines with

as broad a range of experience as possible. This brings many more
creative ideas to the session.

2. Write down a brief description of the problem - the leader

should take control of the session, initially defining the problem to be
solved with any criteria that must be met, and then keeping the session
on course.

3. Use the description to get everyone's mind clear of what the

problem is and post it where it can be seen. This helps in keeping the
group focused.

4. Encourage an enthusiastic, uncritical attitude among brain-

stormers and encourage participation by all members of the team.

5. Write down all the solutions that come to mind (even ribald
ones). Do not interpret the idea, however you may rework the wording
for clarity's sake.

6. Do not evaluate ideas until the session moves to the evaluation

phase. Once the brainstorming session has been completed, the results
of the session can be analyzed and the best solutions can be explored
either using further brainstorming or more conventional solutions.

7. Do not censor any solution, no matter how silly it sounds. The

silly ones will often lead to creative ones - the idea is to open up as

many posssibilities as possible, and brreak downn preconceeptions ab
the limits of the prooblem.

8. Thee leader should keep

k ming on subject, and
the brainstorm
should trry to steeer it towaards the developm
d ent of soome practtical

9. n written down, evaaluate the list

Once all the solutions have been
mine the beest action to
to determ t correct the probleem.

Figure No -4
Chart of
o Osborn
n's method
d (Brain storming)
s ):-


Thinking is the basis of creativity. How and how much thinking of a

student does determine his/her creativity. If a student does general
thinking or convergent thinking, he/she cannot be considered to be a
creative person. When the child creates divergent thinking, different
from the normal procedure, the result comes out to be creative. That is
to be said clearly that the creative child doesin different or innovative
way to simple task.. This way of doing work in new manner is the
basis of creativity or creative thinking .Creativity is an important
element in education.

S. Arieti has said that the process of creativity begins with the primary
process of immature brain. It is the effect of ego and
unconsciousness. Second process begins with mature brain. It has the
role of the conscious level, logical and systematic thinking.

Cole and Bruce said: “Creativity is the ability to understand, express

and appreciate human mind as a fundamental product.” In the context
of contemplation and creation Guilford told that a person tries to fulfill
his purpose and after its fulfillment he tries it in future for satisfaction.
Satisfaction is assessed by examination. Along with Divergent
thinking and evaluation convergent thinking is the third aspect of,
creative power. School, college students use workable means at any
picnic spots in the absence of resources. Through thinking they do

their work or complete their work by fewer resources. It simply means
that the person must have power of reinterpretation of situation.

Creativity is an important element in education. This is an important

fact for all children. Creative opportunities should be given to students
in classroom situations. Elasticity, freedom and courage must be
combined to increase the creativity. Creativity is that quality which
could be followed and understandable. There should be the traits of
Originality, and renovation in teaching system of classroom.

Guilford has considered the abilities of creative thinking as distinct

from ability of intelligence. Guilford has considered it synonymous
with the divergent thinking.

Guilford first proposed the concept of "divergent thinking" in the

1950s, when he noticed that creative people tend to exhibit this type of
thinking more than others. He thus associated divergent thinking with
creativity, appointing it several characteristics:

1. Fluency- The ability to produce great number of ideas or

problem solutions in a short period of time.

2. Flexibility- The ability to simultaneously propose a variety of

approaches to a specific problem.

3. Originality-The ability to produce new, original ideas.

4. Elaboration-The ability to systematize and organize the details

of an idea in a head and carry it out.

Bonner has also accepted this view. Gorden has also explained the
making of divergent thinking familiar from unfamiliar and the
unfamiliar to familiar. In this way Divergent thinking includes mode
of originality, novelty and utility in a different manner.Views which
are not traditional or ordinary, they come in the category of divergent

Guilford has described some elements to identify the creativity as

follows: -

(1) The ability to go beyond the immediate situation – Children

who have the ability of thinking, contemplation and expression
by going beyond contemporary context or situation, features of
creativity can be reflected in them.

(2) Ability to reinterpret problem –Children who have ability to

reinterpret a fact or problem in complete or part form, are
endowed with creative powers.

(3) Ability to establish co-ordination of unique and relevant

ideas – Children who are able to establish unity with relevant but
unique thoughts bythinking, reasoning, and imagination are
called to be creative children. Such types of children accept
challenge for self-expression and they become active.

(4) The ability to bring changes in other’s views – Such children

who are able to bring about fundamental and reasonable change
in views, beliefs or concepts of others by thinking, reasoning and

proofs are called to be creative. Thus thinking is the basis of
creativity, but it must be diverging. For making it more clear,
there are following points -

• Development of abilities related to creative thinking differs

from other abilities. The pace of its development is not the

• Creative thinking is not possible to be measured by the same

test. Several tests are used to measure creativity.

• In all kinds of people, different types of creativity as well

asdifferent grade of thinking process can be found.

• Creative thinking is found in children, men, and women. Its

evolution can be expressed anywhere which cannot be
fastened by time, place and person.

• Creative thinking suddenly appears like lightning but it does

not suddenly emerge.

• With the birth of the child, creativity comes into human being
but its development depends on the social environment.
Sometimes creativity changes due to environmental

• Creative thinking is related to various aspects of life. It is not

necessary to have a particular person or a subject for

creativity. Creative thinking is reflected in the various
activities of mankind.



Mahatma Gandhi has said on this matter that the work of teachers is
more important outside of the classrooms rather than inside of the
classrooms, but they have no time because they get less salary and
pass their life in struggle. Today this is the biggest hindrance in the
character building of students. It is very necessary that teacher should
provide time to students outside. It is more important to build their
heart than to build their brain. Words like frustration and sorrow
should be taken out from the dictionary.

It becomes clear from Gandhi's ideas that since ancient times it has
been practice of imparting education to children by textbooks, their
interests and aptitudes were ignored by teachers, but now the time is
slowly changing, Indian educationists are motivating by the effect of
the views of Western educationists. Therefore, they are realizing the
importance of learning by doing. At present time the all-round
development of the child, the importance and use of co-curricular
activities are increasing.

RavindraNath Tagore has said that, body, mind and soul together
harmoniously developed by natural education. Tagore's this sentence
clearly indicates that co-curricular activities make educational process

more co-ordinated and balanced. In teaching of English language
child’s interest, freedom, action and experience are required. If child
completes syllabus by many activities and methods with the help of
teacher then the senses of intelligence of child will be active. Under
these activities conversation, dialogue, acting, reading-teaching and
word chain games can be organized.

Co-curricular activities should be well organized according to the age

of child, interest, capacity and objectives. The goal of language
teacher should to increase language skills with support of games and
co-curricular activities. Co-curricular activities do all-round
development of child. The purpose of these activities is to provide
opportunity to less talented children for the development of their
complete personality. An attempt is required to increase and beautify
the creativity of children.

The National Education Policy 1986laid emphasis that possible

measures will be adopted to provide concrete basis for national
integration in text books and to familiarize the students and teachers to
the other communities of the country. Drama, comedy, debates, art
contest, extracurricular activities can provide effective medium to
promote national integration. Based on the above thinking it is clear
that students' participation is essential in concomitant actions. In order
to enhance children's creativity teacher can use the following
cocurricular activities:-

1. Encouragement of family

2. Educational tour

3. Sculpture Workshop

4. Art Exhibition

5. Creative activity

6. Creative Corner

7. Creative dialogue and seminar

8. Organization of Creative fairs

9. Creative Writing

10. Providing time for contemplation and day dream.

11. Motivate students to write articles.

12. Encourage those students who play with words.

13. To love children and let them realize.

14. Providing opportunity for growth.

15. Making humorous environment.



2.15.1 Relationship between Creativity and intelligence -

PsychologistSturn said – “Wisdom is a mental competency in new
circumstances by which the person adjusts his thoughts to

Bine said – “Understanding a problem, and making argument and

making right decision are necessary actions of intelligence.”

Thorndike said– “Capacity to react of any person towards specific and

different situation, known as intelligence.”

From the above definitions it is clear that - intelligence is a general

power, by its help a person learns new things and by action of learning
it can be expressed. In new circumstances, persons make
themselfadjustable by intelligence andthey organize their pre
experiences according to their need.

Barron told in 1965 by searching the correlation between Intelligence

and creativity that there is low leveled emotional relationship between
intelligence and creativity. During 1909, the psychologists considered
creativity as equal to intelligence. But Guilford did not consider
creativity as equivalent to intelligence.

Several experiments proved that it is not necessary for highly

intelligent children to be creative. The persons, who give creative
contribution to the fields of their own subjects, are different from
highly intelligent persons. Hudson from 1966-1968 after his research
has said that the role of intelligence is more important in artistic

creativity. The level of intelligence may be more important in creative

It can be said that there is not more relationship between intelligence

and creativity. That is to say that it is not necessary that a creative
person should be wise person or wise person will be creative person.
Einsteinwas not intelligent student at school level, but his level of
creativity is not hidden.

2.15.2 Relationship between creativity and curiosity: -

Murphy said in 1958 - "Curiosity is the tendency to search any direct

novelty or receiving any subject.”

Curiosity is a basis of fundamental tendency and knowledge. It is true

that curiosity of high level creativity. Each new thing weather, toys,
earth, sky, trees, etc. creates eagerness or curiosity in the minds of
children. They try to know more about them or use them. Children
create their curiosity by asking questions like “what" and "how". Their
parents and teachers should give proper solution.

2.15.3 Relationship between creativity and concentration -

Concentration can be explained in general terms –“Stay immersed in a

task and have the ability to maintain it notwithstanding other

Concentration is the ability to focus attention on the task and not be

affected or disturbed by any internal or external distractions. Selective
attention involves being able to choose to attend to specific things

going on and to ignore others. Concentration is the method to obtain
knowledge. Education is taken from the ordinary meaning of
knowledge, but its meaning is that doing any work in a systematic
manner. That is to say that the power of concentration will facilitate
one in receiving education in a better way.

Concentration helps in generating ideas.That is why child's physical,

mental and emotional conditions affected bythe physical environment,
family, social, and economic conditions. On the basis of the proofs of
such experiments there is much co-relationship between creativity and

2.15.4 Relationship between Creativity and aptitude. -

According to Crow and Crow – “Aptitude is that inspiring power

which motivates us towards any person, thing or action.”

Aptitude is an emotional action. It is our driving force, which impels

our attention towards desirable task by diverting it from other things.
The child learns any subject with more clarity and interest if he/she
has more interest in this subject. Every child has aptitude and creative
ability. There is deep relationship between creative ability and

Parents and teachers should pay special attention to develop these


• It is necessary to bring innovation and engagement for

stimulating interest in the text.

• Attention should be paid towards children’s aptitude, social need
and particular mental ability during the preparation of syllabus.

• While teaching in the classroom teachers should use essential

aids. This helps to increase the interest of children.

• While teaching, teachers should establish relationship between

previous knowledge and innovative knowledge to maintain
interest and to create curiosity in students.

• Education should be given in different and proper ways to

students who have different types of creativity.

• Suitable teaching methods should be adopted to develop

creativity according to different levels of students.

• While teaching suitable teaching aids should be compulsorily


• Aptitude relating to their basic trends should be encouraged in


2.15.5 Relationship between creativity and motivation: -

Motivation is a mental process by which a person is motivated to do

something. According to the literal meaning of motivation
anyinspiration can be said motivation by which a person can take
inspiration and behave or act accordingly. Wood Worth said in this
regard that a person's ability of achievement develops by getting

Good said while expressing his views about motivation - “Motivation
is the continuous and regular process of starting the work.”

Figure No -5

There are three aspects of motivation –

Inner echo

(1) Need - Need is a condition in which the lack of anything is felt.

(2) Inner echo – Inner echo is the condition of tension which arise
due to various types of needs.

(3) Stimulus - Stimulus is related to external environment which

satisfies the Inner echo after fulfillment of requirements.

These three aspects of motivation have close relationship. It is

necessary to inspire the children for more and more increasing
creativity. Motivation and creativity have positive correlation because
motivated child may become good creative.

For increasing the creativity of children some points are required.-

• Encouragement

• Award and penalty

• proper class environment

• Use of appropriate teaching methods

• Self-publishing opportunities

• Teachers' behavior

• Studies of students' interests

• His miscellaneous and attractive target

• Developing a sense of healthy competition

• Appreciation

• Collective work

• Knowledge of Self progress

2.15.6 Relationship between Creativity and Attention: -

Attention is a mental process. In this process, our consciousness

concentrates on a particular thing.

According to Ross – “Attention is the process of bringing clear ideas

in mind.”

According toMacDougall – “Interest is the secret attention and

attention is the operational form of interest.” There is high correlation
between attention and creativity. When the curiosity of acquiring new
knowledge is stimulated in children, they concentratetheir attention to
attain that. Consequently many new ideas emerge in them.It can be
said that paying attention is a mental process in which children select
any one of many stimulus according to their tendency and aptitude
which are presented in their atmosphere.

2.15.7 Relationship between creativity and maturity: -

According to Boring–“Maturity is a secondary development; its

existence is required before learning process. The development of
physical and mental aptitude is called maturity.”

Maturity is a continuous-process of development and maturity

exercises crucial impact on creativity. Torrence has made it clear that
the development of creativity in children is intermittent and also
children experiences difficulty in keeping up with the
growth. According to the results of several studies, in children of 5, 9,
13 and 17 years of age the speed of development of creativity is a bit
slower. According to the several studies, students of fourth standard
feel need to get self-status and honor. Torrens clears that creativity
develops in child slowly-slowly and child faces difficulties to establish
this development.

Torrence and other psychologists told on the basis of many

experiments that there is high co-relation between creativity and
maturity. i.e. more creative child is supposed to have more mature
thoughts. To develop maturity in the thoughts of children, parents
should do efforts and school teachers should help parents.

2.15.8 Relationship between creativity and language: -

Language is the means through which people can share their

thoughts. As electricity cannot run without wires, in the same way
thoughts and emotions also require language like wire. Language is a

powerful way of expressing feelings and thoughts. Without language it
is impossible to exchange creative thoughts. Thoughts and feelings
can be expressed through language, because language is a systematic
form of thoughts and emotions. In language, thereis a huge scope for
creation of new ideas, as well as different ideas can be adjusted,which
are shown in poems, articles, dialogues etc. The art of arranging the
thoughts taken from various fields and works is called creation.

Severity and simplicity can be seen in thoughts, feelings and

personality only because of creativity. So, it can be said that the
eruption of new thoughts and feelings is creativity and language is the
essence of creativity which makes it meaningful. It is through
language that the child expresses his/her thoughts and feelings in a
clear and effective manner. It is the language which is able to
stimulate and develop child’s creative tendency. The well-planned
interesting education of language provides enough opportunity for
developing creative talents of students.

2.16 Measurement of Creativity: -

Creativity in itself is a unique and complex quality. It is vague and

apparently widely spread. Creativity is the inclusion of many
qualities. For this reason, the measurement of mental processes is a
complex task. Clarifying the meaning of the word
measurement,S.S. Stevens said thatmeasurement is the process of
providing digits to things according to some definitely allowed rules.

Helmestater said that, Measurement is defined as a process in which a
numerical description of the individual and the inherent characteristics
of the substance are made.

From the above definitions it is clear that students' abilities, aptitudes,

skills, achievements, tendencies, interests, values are expressed in
mathematical entity and it is called measurement. Every area of
human life requires measurements. Measurement is also being used
for understanding different types of behaviors and social relations in
the modern era of human life. Various types of measuring tools and
techniques are being used for measuring behaviors, interests and the
progress of learning. Tests are required for accurate evaluation of
students' mental ability and progress of their learning. Similarly, there
is a lack of tests for measuring creativity of children because it is
complex task to develop tests. New tests can be made on the basis of
the work of previous educational researches.

Students' mental ability can be measured by various psychological

tests. Making 'measurement' word more clear it can be said that this is
a part of evaluation that can be expressed by percent, volume,
numbers, mean, etc.

Due to the inclusion of several important traits in creative abilities the

measurement of creativity is extremely difficult task. It is very
difficult to measure the individual's creation. To make it clear Taylor
said that it is very difficult for me to understand that the brain or

complex mental processes (such as intelligence, creativity)
represented, only one or a few points may be done by dimensions. The
brain is a highly complex part and all its intellectual activities
expected to show pointsor do something thatis likemragmarichika. To
consider it to be so simple is the insult of brain as well as the insult of
entire human kind.

Every component of creativity can be measured by specific tests. But

every component is necessary to be defined as the behavior. Although
work on the measurement of various components of creative thinking
is very less, however, some people have contributed to tasks related to
this subject. They have built several impressive tests whose reliability
and validity was satisfactory. Following are the names of them -

1. Hrgribs - 1927

2. Thsrtn - 1938

3. Wilson - 1954

4. Vjrr - 1957

5. Ovin - 1957

6. Torrance - 1958

7. Mayfield - 1960

8. Harris - 1960

9. Guilford - 1961

10. Taylor - 1962

Indian psychologists have given their contribution in the measurement
of creativity. They have tried to make the test in both Hindi and
English languages and succeeded. Some persons have done
commendable work in this field by modify the foreign tests according
to Indian tendency.

Credit of making creativity tests goes to Kolkata’s Roy Choudhury

who did useful and important work in this direction. The names of
many well-known persons who made useful tests to measure creativity

I. Prof. C. R. Paramesh - 1971

II. M. K. Raina - 1968

III. UshaKhare - 1970

IV. K. N. Sharma - 1972

V. B. K. Pasi - 1972

VI. Baker Mehndi - 1973

VII. I.S.P.T, Dehradun - 1975

VIII. Didar Singh - 1978

IX. M.V. Kundle - 1979

X. S.K. Majumdar - 1983

XI. LokeshKaul - 1984

XII. P. Sharma, J. P. Shukla - 1985

XIII. K. S. Mishra - 1986

XIV. A. K. P. Sinha - 1987

XV. K.N. Sharma - 1987

XVI. S.P. Malhotra and SuchetaKumari - 1989

XVII. Bhudev Singh - 1989

All the abovecreative tests are completely Indian, eco-friendly

and have been formed by Indians. The popularity of some of these
tests is more apparent and they began to be used as representative
tests. -The research presented by S.P. Malhotra and
SuchetaKumariwas used to test the language in1989. The specialty of
this test is that it is in Hindi and English language and is usedfor the
students of schools and colleges.

The test is divided into five sub-tests. In this test, students are
required to write story, poetry, title, and essay etc. There are 27 posts
in this trial which are in Hindi and English. 145 minutes to complete
the test are given to Students. This test is known primarily for
students’ textual recognition. The reliability of this test is taken by two
methods. The five sub-test retest method in English respectively is 91,
90, 89, 87, and 92. In the parallel method in Hindi respectively are 68,
65, 64, 63, and 68.

The validity of this test is known by nonverbal intelligence test thatis

found in five sub-tests, respectively 18, 21, 30, 31, 26. In addition, the
validity of the test was determined by verbal intelligence test,

respectively 24, 26 ,, 23, 32, 30, were ejected. The standard
knowledge of the test was found. He took 1400 students who were
from Haryana, Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh related
to 30 schools and 12 colleges.

S.P. Malhotra and SuchetaKumari have chosen language creativity test

in English (1989) because it has reliability and validity.Today this test
is most suitable and popular among creative language tests.

2.17 Rationale of Study: -

The need of development of creativity in students has been regarded

by all educationists. Many attempts have been done in this
direction. Review of prior research made it clear that by 1990 the
purpose of research was to lead them to develop creativity. Many
types of activities were used to develop creativity. These activities
have been helpful in the development of Creativity. After 1990,
researchers prominently studied the variables of creativity, the major
achievement of which are intelligence, frustration, gender, urban and
rural children, and the difference in creativity, motivation and
adjustment. Based on prior research, creative research has been
categorized as follows.

• Special programs to increase creativity.

• Inspectional study with other variables.

• Enhancing creativity by teaching the subject.

• Gender and creativity

By special programs mathematical creativity, scientific creativity, and

linguistic creativity have been developed. Singh 1985,NandanPanwar
in 1986, Gujarati in 1992, Mehta in 2001, etc. have developed the
creativity through launching of special programs. They found that
theseprograms are effective in the development of creativity.

Attempts were made to establish links of creativity with other

variables by survey studies. Menon 1980, Datta 1989; GoelTanuja
1990, Badola 1991, Biswas 1991, AfshanGhosh1991 and 1916, etc.
The researchers found that there is a high-level relationship between
creativity and language.

For the development of creativity through subject teaching

educational studies were conducted. Tripathi2002, developed
creativity by regular classrooms teaching of mathematics. Kareliya
1994, Yadav 2003 and Jawahar 2004 developed creativity through the

The research presented in this direction is an effort. It is necessary to

know that creativity can be developed through classroom teaching
subjects by teaching students may not feel extra burden.We all know
that language has the close relationship with the creativity. Hence the
need of innovation in language learning is required which may
develop creativity in students. Present research is an attempt towards

study of the development of creativity in students of Secondary-level
by teaching of English subject.

2.1.18 Problem statement: -

Development of Creativity through English Teaching in the Students

at Secondary Level - A Study.



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