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Americas History Concise Edition 9th

Edition Edwards Test Bank

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1. Which of the following statements describes actions the first congressional government
undertook in 1789?
A) The Judiciary Act of 1789 established thirteen district courts whose decisions
would not be subject to review by the Supreme Court.
B) George Washington asked Congress to abolish the departments of foreign affairs,
finance, and war.
C) The Judiciary Act of 1789 gave state courts jurisdiction over federal issues.
D) George Washington established a cabinet––or body of advisors––and an
administrative bureaucracy under the president's control.

2. Approval by Congress and ratification by the states of the Bill of Rights had which of
the following outcomes?
A) The establishment of a clear formula for balancing state and federal power
B) A guarantee of all men's right to vote for their political leaders
C) An easing of Americans' fears of an oppressive national government
D) The Constitution became the nation's legal and political foundation

3. Alexander Hamilton's 1789 financial plan for the United States included which of the
following items?
A) The federal government's assumption of state war debts
B) The elimination of the U.S. national debt
C) A progressive system of personal income taxes
D) The eradication of paper currency

4. Why was Hamilton's financial plan so controversial?

A) It lined the pockets of wealthy investors and speculators.
B) It required Congress to recompense those who originally owned Confederation
C) The plan neglected the growing importance of manufacturing internationally.
D) Its proposed national bank was blatantly unconstitutional.

5. To win votes for his financial plan, Hamilton made which of the following concessions?
A) Raising the price of western lands sold by the government to settlers
B) Agreeing to support Jefferson in the 1796 presidential election
C) Supporting a high tariff on foreign cotton
D) Proposing that the nation's new capital be built in the Upper South

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6. The critical disagreement that led to the emergence of political parties in the mid-1790s
was based on which of the following issues?
A) Jay's Treaty
B) Hamilton's financial plan
C) Interstate trade
D) Slavery

7. Thomas Jefferson's vision for the future of the United States included which of the
following ideas?
A) Industrialized urban centers at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution
B) Expansion of the institution of slavery to the West
C) Western territories populated by independent yeomen farm families
D) A rejection of scientific farming in favor of agricultural traditionalism

8. Which statement was true of George Washington's 1793 Proclamation of Neutrality?

A) Earnings from shipping rose spectacularly as a result of it.
B) Jefferson and Hamilton disagreed over the need to issue the proclamation.
C) It resulted in France barring American shippers from the West Indies sugar trade.
D) It prevented American merchants from trading with any European country at war.

9. Which of the following statements characterizes the American reaction to the French
A) Only American politicians welcomed the French Revolution and the creation of a
more democratic republic in 1792.
B) Many Americans praised the egalitarianism of the French republicans and began to
address one another as “citizen.”
C) The majority of Americans ignored it, thankful that they were separated from
European turmoil by the Atlantic Ocean.
D) Strongly religious Americans praised the new French government because of its
embrace of traditional Christianity.

10. Which of the following served as a catalyst for the 1794 domestic insurgency known as
the Whiskey Rebellion?
A) Farm foreclosures
B) High interest rates
C) An excise tax
D) The Panic of 1793

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11. Which of the following describes Jay's Treaty of 1795?
A) The treaty upheld Americans' right to ship French goods on American ships.
B) It required the British to withdraw their troops from forts in the Northwest
C) It required British merchants to fully compensate Americans who had prewar
D) The treaty established the pro-French direction of American foreign policy.

12. Which of the following individuals would have been unlikely to gravitate toward the
Republicans in the late 1790s?
A) South Carolina rice plantation owner
B) Wealthy New York banker
C) New England subsistence farmer
D) Scots-Irish settler in Tennessee

13. Why was Toussaint L'Ouverture a significant figure in the 1790s?

A) L'Ouverture became the first president of the new French Republic.
B) The leader negotiated with John Jay to create the terms of the Jay Treaty.
C) He led black Haitians in their fight to seize control of Saint-Domingue.
D) L'Ouverture solicited a loan and bribe from American diplomats in France.

14. Which of the following is true of the U.S. election of 1796?

A) President Washington wanted to seek a third term on the Federalist ticket.
B) Republicans won a majority in the House of Representatives and Senate.
C) Jefferson refused the pleadings of Republicans to stand for election.
D) John Adams won the vote and continued a pro-British foreign policy.

15. Which of the following events was the Federalists' response to the Republicans'
criticism of their policies in the 1790s?
A) The Alien and Sedition Acts
B) The XYZ Affair
C) The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
D) War with France

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16. The Naturalization, Alien, and Sedition Acts had which of the following outcomes in
the United States in the 1790s?
A) It became illegal to publish insults or malicious attacks against Congress or the
B) The John Adams administration jailed over a thousand pro-Republican newspaper
C) The residency requirement for American citizenship was shortened from fourteen
years to five years.
D) Democratic ideals embodied in the Declaration of Independence were strengthened

17. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, which were set forth in 1798, supported which
of the following positions?
A) Repealing the neutrality laws of the 1790s
B) States' right to judge the legitimacy of national laws
C) The defeat of Hamilton's debt payment program
D) The right of secession for states dissatisfied with the Union

18. Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes U.S. relations with
France during the late 1790s?
A) Americans' gratitude for French aid in the American Revolution led to cordial
B) The United States cut off trade with France and authorized Americans to seize
French ships.
C) The expulsion of the French agents known as X, Y, and Z calmed American
anti-French sentiments.
D) Continuing hostility toward England led Americans to initiate secret trade
relationships with the French.

19. Why did Thomas Jefferson call his election to the presidency the “Revolution of 1800”?
A) He removed Federalists and installed all new government officials.
B) There was no true majority, so the Supreme Court determined his victory.
C) He subsequently filled the Supreme Court with Republican justices.
D) The government changed peacefully despite bitter partisan conflict and foreign

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20. The 1783 Treaty of Paris addressed Native Americans living in the Old Northwest in
which of the following ways?
A) It stipulated that Native tribes would be supervised by the British until 1793.
B) The treaty established tribal homelands west of the Appalachians.
C) It assigned control of all tribes to a joint British-American agency.
D) The treaty did nothing to protect Indian lands or independence.

21. Washington's secretary of war, Henry Knox, favored which of the following approaches
to Native Americans?
A) Extermination
B) Relocation
C) Appeasement
D) Assimilation

22. Indians ceded much of Ohio and acknowledged American political sovereignty in which
of the following treaties?
A) Treaty of Paris
B) Treaty of Greenville
C) Jay Treaty
D) Treaty of Ghent

23. Which of the following best characterizes the Native American response to the white
assimilation effort in the Midwest in the late eighteenth century?
A) Many Native Americans repudiated white missionaries and forced Christian
converts to participate in Native rituals.
B) Most Indian women accepted white farming practices because they could produce
a greater yield more easily.
C) Nearly all Native Americans joined religions such as that of Handsome Lake,
which blended Christian and Native beliefs and rituals.
D) Nearly all Native Americans accommodated to these campaigns to avoid future
warfare with whites.

24. Who led the conservative Senecas, who condemned assimilation and demanded a return
to ancestral customs?
A) Chief Red Jacket
B) Tenskwatawa, “The Prophet”
C) Tecumseh
D) Lalawethika

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25. The southern migrants who moved along the coastal plain toward the Gulf of Mexico
between 1790 and 1820 originated in which of the following areas?
A) New England
B) Upstate New York and central Pennsylvania
C) The Chesapeake region
D) North and South Carolina

26. Which of the following statements describes migrants who left New England during the
A) They moved in family or community groups.
B) This group frequently moved to southern states.
C) New Englanders typically relocated to northeastern Ohio.
D) They funded their moves through joint-stock companies.

27. Which of the following was true of New Englanders' westward migration during the
1790s and 1800s?
A) Almost 800,000 New Englanders lived in a string of settlements stretching from
Albany to Buffalo, and many others had traveled on to Ohio and Indiana.
B) New Englanders typically bought land in upstate New York from wealthy Dutch
owners who were partitioning their vast estates.
C) So many immigrants were eager to sell their new farms and move even farther west
that the price of land dropped steadily.
D) Farmers who had fled declining prospects in the East often found themselves at the
top of a new economic hierarchy in the West.

28. In 1801, Jefferson responded to the Barbary States' threats against American shipping
A) refusing tribute payments, retaliating against renewed Barbary attacks, then
working out a diplomatic solution involving much lower tribute payments.
B) announcing that it was too expensive to maintain the navy that the Federalists had
built to deal with this threat and that it would be cheaper to pay a higher tribute.
C) ordering a naval bombardment and the landing of U.S. Marines, who destroyed the
Barbary States' capacity to harass American shipping.
D) “showing the flag” through a token bombardment of the Barbary States but, in the
end, continuing to pay the same tribute.

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29. Which of the following phrases describes the federal judiciary at the time Thomas
Jefferson became president in 1801?
A) Understaffed and lacking direction
B) Sympathetic to the Republican Party
C) Packed with hostile Federalists
D) Dominated by impartial judges

30. Why was the decision in the case Marbury v. Madison (1803) of great importance in
American history?
A) It marked the onset of a period of frequent declarations by the Supreme Court that
laws enacted by the Republican-dominated Congress were unconstitutional.
B) It marked the first occasion on which the Supreme Court declared that it had the
power to rule national laws unconstitutional.
C) President Jefferson used the public backlash against this decision to purge the
federal judiciary of Federalists and to attempt to impeach Chief Justice Marshall.
D) In refusing to uphold Marbury's right to his commission, Chief Justice Marshall
established an implicit political alliance with President Jefferson.

31. Jefferson's administration demonstrated its disagreement with Hamilton's philosophy by

A) ending the excise tax.
B) reducing the protective tariff.
C) abolishing the national bank.
D) implementing the Embargo Act.

32. Why was Pinckney's Treaty of 1795 significant?

A) The treaty lowered the price of western lands, making them affordable to farmers.
B) Through this treaty, the English stopped arming the Indians around the Great
C) Through this treaty, Jefferson and Madison negotiated the Louisiana Purchase.
D) The treaty opened the Mississippi River and New Orleans to American trade.

33. Which of the following statements characterizes federal land price policies in the
Northwest Territory during 1790–1820?
A) The Federalist administrations dropped the minimum price per acre in order to
encourage speculators to purchase larger tracts of land.
B) Jeffersonian Republicans raised the price to $2 per acre and the minimum purchase
requirement to 320 acres.
C) Jeffersonian Republicans passed laws that made it easier for farm families to buy
D) Jeffersonian Republicans doubled the price per acre to discourage speculators from
buying up most of the federal land.

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34. Why did Thomas Jefferson decide to attempt to purchase New Orleans in 1801?
A) France refused to allow American farmers to ship their products through the port,
in violation of the Pinckney Treaty.
B) He feared that racial violence in Haiti would spread to the American continent via
French New Orleans.
C) Great Britain wanted to use the port as a military staging point for its conquest of
French and Spanish islands in the Caribbean.
D) Napoleon Bonaparte had announced a plan to establish a French empire in North

35. Which of the following describes Jefferson's approach to the opportunity to purchase
Louisiana in 1802?
A) In keeping with his strict constructionist view of the Constitution, Jefferson jumped
on the opportunity.
B) Jefferson delayed so that he could obtain a constitutional amendment allowing
presidential land purchases.
C) Unsure of the extent of his presidential powers, Jefferson procrastinated until
Congress forced him to act.
D) The opportunity led Jefferson to revise his view of the presidential powers granted
by the Constitution.

36. Which of the following took place in response to the Jefferson administration's purchase
of Louisiana?
A) Southern Federalists conspired with Aaron Burr and General James Wilkinson to
capture the region and establish it as a separate nation.
B) Some New England Federalists devised a plan to secede from the Union and
establish a northern confederacy.
C) Most Federalists became Republicans.
D) Many Native Americans poured into the region.

37. What was the immediate cause of the illegal duel in which Vice President Aaron Burr
killed Alexander Hamilton in 1804?
A) Hamilton's affair with Burr's wife
B) Hamilton's decision to support Jefferson and oppose Burr in the 1800 election
C) Burr's accusation that Hamilton was leading a Federalist secession plot
D) Hamilton's accusation that Burr was aiding a plot to destroy the Union

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38. Why did Thomas Jefferson dispatch the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1804?
A) Jefferson hoped to establish an effective American claim to the Louisiana
B) The president needed to lay the groundwork for establishing Indian schools in the
C) He wanted a report on the physical features and the plant and animal life of the
Louisiana Territory.
D) He asked them to identify areas into which the Ohio and New York Indian tribes
could be relocated.

39. As a result of the Embargo Act of 1807, the American economy

A) suffered little damage because American merchants ordered their ships to trade
only between neutral ports.
B) fell into a slump and the American gross national product dropped by 5 percent.
C) suffered little damage because northeastern merchants smuggled their goods out
through Canada.
D) suffered considerably less damage than did the economies of both France and

40. Which of the following statements describes the Federalists' response to the War of
A) Almost all Federalists supported the war out of patriotism and a desire to acquire
eastern Canada from Britain.
B) Most Federalists reluctantly supported the war because public opinion favored it
and they wanted to win in the upcoming midterm elections.
C) Federalists such as Daniel Webster welcomed the high tariff brought by the war
because it would help New England industries.
D) Most Federalists strongly opposed the war, and some in Massachusetts met to
consider amending the Constitution to prevent similar future wars.

41. Why was the American victory at the Battle of New Orleans in 1815 significant?
A) The battle revealed that most American soldiers did not accept the peace treaty.
B) It showed that American guerrilla fighters could still defeat the British troops.
C) It restored national pride and made Andrew Jackson an American hero.
D) The battle persuaded British diplomats to finally sign the peace treaty.

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42. Which of the following was an outcome of the postwar election of 1818?
A) The Federalists exploited voters' discontent with the economic downturn and the
War of 1812, making strong gains in the House and regaining control of the Senate.
B) Federalist Governor Morris of New York astonished the country by announcing
himself an enthusiastic Republican and winning election to the Senate.
C) Federalists were soundly beaten, with the Republicans winning margins of
approximately five to one in both the Senate and House of Representatives.
D) Federalists and Republicans officially disbanded their parties, announcing that “the
time for partisan politics had ended.”

43. In which of the following actions did President James Madison contradict the traditional
philosophy of Republicans?
A) Endorsing and signing Henry Clay's Bonus Bill
B) Cutting the federal budget significantly
C) Approving the Judiciary Act of 1801
D) Supporting the creation of the Second Bank of the United States

44. Which of the following factors made the critical contribution to the Federalist Party's
A) Their failure to pay off the national debt
B) Washington's principle of neutrality
C) The adoption of many of their policies by Republicans
D) The establishment of a national bank

45. Which of the following cases is properly paired with its corresponding decision?
A) Fletcher v. Peck—states may not tax federal institutions
B) Gibbons v. Ogden—national government controls interstate commerce
C) McCullough v. Maryland—sanctity of contract
D) Dartmouth College v. Woodward—judicial review

46. Which of the following stipulations was included in the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819?
A) Spain ceded Florida to the United States.
B) Britain agreed to limit its naval forces in the Great Lakes.
C) The 49th parallel became the border between Canada and the United States.
D) Britain reimbursed American shippers for wartime damages.

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47. Which of the following was true of the “Era of Good Feeling”?
A) There was apparent political harmony.
B) It saw a rise in nationalism and an end to sectionalism.
C) There was an absence of economic debate in this period.
D) Americans embraced state loyalties rather than national ones.

48. For this question, refer to the following excerpt.

It is universally known that the causes for which we declared war are no obstruction to
The practice of blockade and impressment having ceased by the general pacification of
Europe, our government is content to leave the principle as it was. . . .

We have no further business in hostility, than such as is purely defensive; while that of
Great Britain is to humble or subdue us. The war, on our part, has become a contest for
life, liberty and property—on the part of our enemy, of revenge or ambition. . . .

What then are we to do? Are we to encourage him by divisions among ourselves—to
hold out the hope of a separation of the states and a civil war—to refuse to bring forth
the resources of the country against him? . . . I did think that in a defensive war—a
struggle for all that is valuable—that all parties would have united. But it is not
so—every measure calculated to replenish the treasury or raise men is opposed [by New
England] as though it were determined to strike the “star spangled banner” and exalt the
bloody cross. Look at the votes and proceedings of congress—and mark the late spirit . .
. that existed in Massachusetts, and see with what unity of action every thing has been
done [by New England] to harass and embarrass the government. . . .

To conclude—why does the war continue? It is not the fault of the government—we
demand no extravagant thing. I answer the question, and say—it lasts because Great
Britain depends on the exertions of her “party” in this country to destroy our resources,
and compel “unconditional submission.”
Thus the war began, and is continued, by our divisions.

Hezekiah Niles, Niles' Weekly Register, January 28, 1815

The passage above best serves as evidence of

A) public debates about territorial expansion.
B) U.S. attempts to dominate the North American continent.
C) resistance from state governments in response to federal attempts to assert
D) the nation's transformation into a more participatory democracy through the
creation of various political parties.

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49. For this question, refer to the following excerpt.

It is universally known that the causes for which we declared war are no obstruction to
peace. The practice of blockade and impressment having ceased by the general
pacification of Europe, our government is content to leave the principle as it was. . . .

We have no further business in hostility, than such as is purely defensive; while that of
Great Britain is to humble or subdue us. The war, on our part, has become a contest for
life, liberty and property—on the part of our enemy, of revenge or ambition. . . .

What then are we to do? Are we to encourage him by divisions among ourselves—to
hold out the hope of a separation of the states and a civil war—to refuse to bring forth
the resources of the country against him? . . . I did think that in a defensive war—a
struggle for all that is valuable—that all parties would have united. But it is not
so—every measure calculated to replenish the treasury or raise men is opposed [by New
England] as though it were determined to strike the “star spangled banner” and exalt the
bloody cross. Look at the votes and proceedings of congress—and mark the late spirit . .
. that existed in Massachusetts, and see with what unity of action every thing has been
done [by New England] to harass and embarrass the government. . . .

To conclude—why does the war continue? It is not the fault of the government—we
demand no extravagant thing. I answer the question, and say—it lasts because Great
Britain depends on the exertions of her “party” in this country to destroy our resources,
and compel “unconditional submission.”
Thus the war began, and is continued, by our divisions.

Hezekiah Niles, Niles' Weekly Register, January 28, 1815

Which of the following debates or movements in the nineteenth century and early
twentieth century represents a parallel to the issues described in the excerpt above?
A) The considerable home front opposition faced by both the Union and the
Confederacy as they mobilized to wage the Civil War
B) The rise of an often violent nativist movement, aimed at limiting immigrants'
influence and power
C) The highly visible campaign that abolitionists mounted against slavery
D) Questions about America's role in the world, argued between imperialists and

Page 12
50. For this question, refer to the following excerpt.

It is universally known that the causes for which we declared war are no obstruction to
peace. The practice of blockade and impressment having ceased by the general
pacification of Europe, our government is content to leave the principle as it was. . . .

We have no further business in hostility, than such as is purely defensive; while that of
Great Britain is to humble or subdue us. The war, on our part, has become a contest for
life, liberty and property—on the part of our enemy, of revenge or ambition. . . .

What then are we to do? Are we to encourage him by divisions among ourselves—to
hold out the hope of a separation of the states and a civil war—to refuse to bring forth
the resources of the country against him? . . . I did think that in a defensive war—a
struggle for all that is valuable—that all parties would have united. But it is not
so—every measure calculated to replenish the treasury or raise men is opposed [by New
England] as though it were determined to strike the “star spangled banner” and exalt the
bloody cross. Look at the votes and proceedings of congress—and mark the late spirit . .
. that existed in Massachusetts, and see with what unity of action every thing has been
done [by New England] to harass and embarrass the government. . . .

To conclude—why does the war continue? It is not the fault of the government—we
demand no extravagant thing. I answer the question, and say—it lasts because Great
Britain depends on the exertions of her “party” in this country to destroy our resources,
and compel “unconditional submission.”
Thus the war began, and is continued, by our divisions.

Hezekiah Niles, Niles' Weekly Register, January 28, 1815

During the period from 1800 to 1820, the arguments described in the excerpt above
created the strongest divisions between the
A) North and the Midwest.
B) South and the Midwest.
C) Democrats and the Whigs.
D) Federalists and the Democratic Republicans.

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Answer Key
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. A
16. A
17. B
18. B
19. D
20. D
21. D
22. B
23. A
24. A
25. D
26. A
27. A
28. A
29. C
30. B
31. A
32. D
33. C
34. A
35. D
36. B
37. D
38. C
39. B
40. D
41. C
42. C
43. D
44. C

Page 14
45. B
46. A
47. A
48. C
49. A
50. D

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