Lectures 3-4

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Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Solving Laplace Transforms

Lectures 3 & 4

M.R. Azimi, Professor

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Colorado State University

Fall 2016

M.R. Azimi Control Systems

Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Inverse Laplace Transform

Example for Case 1
1 A1 A2
X(s) = = +
(s + 2)(s + 3) (s + 2) (s + 3)
Apply PFE
A1 = (s + 2)X(s)|s=−2 = 1
A2 = (s + 3)X(s)|s=−3 = −1
Take ILT
x(t) = e−2t − e−3t us (t)

Case 2: Real and Repeated (Multiple) Roots:

Assume D(s) has k real & distinct roots −ai s and one rth order root at −b i.e.

N (s)
X(s) =
(s + a1 )(s + a2 ) . . . (s + ak ) . . . (s + b)r

Note that k + r = n.
M.R. Azimi Control Systems
Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Inverse Laplace Transform-Cont.

Apply PFE as such

A1 Ak B1 B2 Br
X(s) = + ··· + + + 2
+ ··· +
(s + a1 ) (s + ak ) (s + b) (s + b) (s + b)r
where Aj s are obtained using method in Case 1 and for Bj s we use

1 dr−j
Bj = [(s + b)r X(s)]s=−b
(r − j)! dsr−j

Br = [(s + b)r X(s)]s=−b

Br−1 = [(s + b)r X(s)]s=−b
1 d
B1 = [(s + b)r X(s)]s=−b
(r − 1)! dsr−1
M.R. Azimi Control Systems
Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Example for Case 2:

1 A1 B1 B2
X(s) = = + +
s(s + 3)2 s (s + 3) (s + 3)2
A1 = sX(s)|s=0 =
We find B2 first then B1 :
B2 = (s + 3)2 X(s)|s=−3 = −
d  d 1 1
(s + 3)2 X(s) |s=−3

B1 = = =−
ds ds s s=−3 9
1 1 1 3
X(s) = − −
9 s (s + 3) (s + 3)2
1 − e−3t − 3te−3t us (t)

x(t) =
M.R. Azimi Control Systems
Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Inverse Laplace Transform-Cont.

Case 3: Complex Conjugate Roots

Assume D(s) has real and distinct roots as well as a pair of complex conjugate
roots, i.e.
N (s)
X(s) =
(s + a1 ) . . . (s + ak )(s2 + bs + c)
First rewrite the quadratic term with complex conjugate roots as:

s2 + bs + c = (s + α)2 + ω 2
Then apply PFE as such:

A1 Ak B(s + α) + C
X(s) = + ··· + +
(s + a1 ) (s + ak ) (s + α)2 + ω 2
For Aj s use case 1 method. To find C set s = −α and solve for C. To find B,
choose an arbitrary value s = −β, which is neither a pole nor a zero of X(s).

M.R. Azimi Control Systems

Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Inverse Laplace Transform-Cont.

Example for Case 3:
45s + 180
X(s) =
(s + 5)(s2 + 4s + 40)
Rewrite s2 + 4s + 40 = (s + 2)2 + 62 , then

A1 B(s + 2) + C
X(s) = +
(s + 5) (s + 2)2 + 62

A1 = (s + 5)X(s)|s=−5 = −1
Set s = −2 to solve for C:
1 C
X(s)|s=−2 = − + =⇒ C = 42
3 36
To solve for B, choose s = 0:
180 1 2B + 42
=− + =⇒ B = 1
200 5 40
M.R. Azimi Control Systems
Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Solving Laplace Transforms:

1 (s + 2) 42
X(s) = − + +
(s + 5) (s + 2)2 + 62 (s + 2)2 + 62
Take ILT:

x(t) = −e−5t + e−2t cos 6t + 7e−2t sin 6t us (t)


Remark: If m = n, then before PFE divide N (s) by D(s) using long-division


s2 + 1 5s + 5
X(s) = =1− 2
s2 + 5s + 6 s + 5s + 6
5 10
X(s) = 1 + −
(s + 2) (s + 3)

x(t) = δ(t) + 5e−2t us (t) − 10e−3t us (t)

M.R. Azimi Control Systems

Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

System Representation

Steps to be taken for analysis and design of a system:

1 Specify variables and system components and their mathematical model.
2 Need to know how components are connected.
3 Combine mathematical models of components to arrive at the overall
system differential (or difference) equation.
4 Solve for a given input using Laplace transform (or z-transform) and
analysis the results.
Irrespective of system type (e.g., electrical, mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic,
thermal) components can be classified as Resistance, Capacitance, or
Inductance (Inertia). Please refer to table in chapter 2.

M.R. Azimi Control Systems

Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

LTI System Representation-Methods

Any continuous-time LTI system can be represented using:
1 Constant-coefficient differential equation: yields complete solution
(homogeneous/natural and particular/forced solutions).
2 Transfer function: yields particular solution only (Initial conditions (ICs) are
assumed to be zero).
3 Convolution integral: Same as 2.
4 State-space representation: yields complete solution same as 1.
1. Differential Equation:
An nth -order LTI system is represented by
n m
X dj y(t) X dk u(t)
aj = bk
dtj dtk

u(t) : Input, y(t) : Output, and aj and bk : Coefficients.

Initial Conditions: y(0), dt . . . d dtn−1

M.R. Azimi Control Systems

Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

LTI System Representation-Differential Equation Method

Need to find the solution for y(t) = yh (t) + yp (t), where yh (t) is the
homogeneous solution due to ICs, and yp (t) is the particular solution due to
external input.
Solution Using s-Domain Method:
h LT of both sides, use differentiation i property, and impose ICs,
an sn Y (s) − sn−1 y(0) − · · · − d dtn−1
h n−2
+an−1 sn−1 Y (s) − sn−2 y(0) − · · · − d dtn−1 y(0)

+a0 Y (s) = bm sm + bm−1 sm−1 + · · · + b0 U (s)
Take all the IC-dependent terms to the right side,
(an sn + · · · + a0 )Y (s) = IC terms + (bm sm + · · · + b0 ) U (s)

IC terms (bm sm + · · · + b0 )
Y (s) = + U (s)
(an sn+ · · · + a0 ) (an sn + · · · + a0 )

M.R. Azimi Control Systems

Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

LTI System Representation-Differential Equation Method

Now, it can clearly be seen that the homogeneous solution is
IC terms
Yh (s) =
(an sn + · · · + a0 )
while the particular solution is,

(bm sm + · · · + b0 )
Yp (s) = U (s)
(an sn + · · · + a0 )

Yp (s) = H(s)U (s), where H(s) is the transfer function, i.e.

Y (s) L {output}
H(s) = =
U (s) L {input}
Let u(t) = δ(t) =⇒ U (s) = 1.
Then Yp (s) = H(s) =⇒ yp (t) = h(t); h(t) is then called the impulse response.
In the time domain, yp (t) = u(t) ∗ h(t), where ∗ denotes the convolution
integral. This implies the transfer function or alternatively the convolution
methods provide the particular solution of an LTI system for a given input u(t).
M.R. Azimi Control Systems
Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Physical Examples of LTI Systems and s-Domain Solution

Example 1: Electrical System
Series RLC circuit:

Let R = 3Ω, L = 1H, C = 0.5F, i(0) = 1, dt = 2 and vs (t) = 2us (t)
Using Kirchhoff‘s Voltage Law (KVL):

vR (t) + vL (t) + vc (t) = vs (t)

di(t) 1 t
=⇒ Ri(t) + L + i(τ )dτ = vs (t)
dt C 0
d2 i(t) di(t) 1 dvs (t)
=⇒ L +R + i(t) =
dt2 dt C dt
M.R. Azimi Control Systems
Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Example of LTI Systems: Electrical

Take Laplace transform and use Vs (s) = 2s :
di(0) 1
L s2 I(s) − si(0) − + R[sI(s) − i(0)] + I(s) = sVs (s) = 2
dt C
Plugging values and moving IC terms to the right side of the equation gives

(s2 + 3s + 2)I(s) = (s + 5) + 2

s+5 2
I(s) = +
(s2 + 3s + 2) (s2 + 3s + 2)
s+5 2
where Ih (s) = (s2 +3s+2) , Ip (s) = (s2 +3s+2)
Using PFE(Case 1),
Ih (s) = (s+1) 3
− (s+2) or ih (t) = (4e−t − 3e−2t us (t)
Ip (s) = (s+1) 2
− (s+2) or ip (t) = (2e−t − 2e−2t )us (t)
i(t) = ih (t) + ip (t) = (6e−t − 5e−2t )us (t)
M.R. Azimi Control Systems
Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Example of LTI Systems: Mechanical

Example 2: Mechanical System
Series mass-spring-dashpot translational mechanical system:

M = 1, B = 15, k = 50, x(0) = 5, dx(0)
dt = 0, and f (t) = us (t)
First form the free-body diagram (Mass with all action and reaction forces).

M.R. Azimi Control Systems

Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Examples of LTI Systems: Mechanical-Cont.

Then write equation for the mass (the sum of action and reaction forces
=external force).
fM (t) = f (t) − fK (t) − fB (t)
where fB (t) = Bv(t) = B dx(t)
dt , fK (t) = Kx(t) and
fM (t) = M a(t) = M d dtx(t)
2 .
Thus, we get,

d2 x(t) dx(t)
M +B + Kx(t) = f (t)
dt2 dt
d2 x(t) dx(t)
+ 15 + 50x(t) = us (t)
dt2 dt
Take Laplace Transform of both sides:
dx(0) 1
s2 X(s) − sx(0) − + 15 (sX(s) − X(0)) + 50X(s) =
dt s
Plugging values and moving IC terms to the right gives
(s2 + 15s + 50)X(s) = 5s + 75 + 1s
M.R. Azimi Control Systems
Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Examples of LTI Systems: Mechanical-Cont.


5(s + 15) 1
=⇒ X(s) = +
(s2 + 15s + 50) s(s + 5)(s + 10)
Xh (s) = (s2 +15s+50) ↔ xh (t) = (10e−5t − 5e−10t )us (t)
Xp (s) = 1
s(s+5)(s+10) ↔ xp (t) = (0.02 − 0.25e−5t + 0.02e−10t )us (t)

x(t) = (0.02 + 9.75e−5t − 4.98e−10t )us (t)

M.R. Azimi Control Systems

Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Duality Principle
If we compare the differential equations for series RLC and M-S-D systems:
RLC: L di(t) 1
dt + Ri(t) + C 0 i(τ )dτ = Vs (t)
M-S-D: M dv(t)dt + Bv(t) + k 0 v(τ )dτ = F (t)
This implies the following direct analog or dual variables and components
between the electrical and mechanical systems.
vs (t) (Voltage) L R 1/C i(t) (current)
f (t) (Force) M B K v(t) (velocity)

Example 3: Mechanical System:

Write the equations for the following mechanical system and find its electrical

M.R. Azimi Control Systems

Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Duality Principle-Cont.

Using the free-body diagram (see Fig) equations are,

fM = fK1 − fK2 − fB
fK1 = K1 (y(t) − x(t))
fK1 = −f (t) Eq. 1
M d dty(t)
2 = k1 (y(t) − x(t)) − k2 y(t) − B dy(t)

d2 y(t) dy(t)
+B + k2 y(t) + k1 (x(t) − y(t)) = 0 Eq. 2
dt dt
Now, using dual table:
M → L, B → R, K1 → 1/C1 , K2 → 1/C2
dx(t) dy(t)
dt = v1 (t) → i1 (t), dt = v2 (t) → i2 (t), and f (t) → vs (t), equations 1 and
2 become,
ˆ t
(i1 (τ ) − i2 (τ ))dτ = vs (t)
C1 0

M.R. Azimi Control Systems

Laplace Transforms System Representation Duality

Duality Principle-Cont.

ˆ t ˆ t
di2 (t) 1 1
L + Ri2 (t) + i2 (τ )dτ + (i2 (τ ) − i1 (τ ))dτ = 0
dt C2 0 C1 0
which represent the following RLC circuit,

M.R. Azimi Control Systems

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