Rules For Planetary Pictures by Witte-Lefeldt

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Uranian System of Astrology





Adapted from the teachings of


as originally dictated to his

students, of whom the author

had the honor and the privilege

of being one.


New York September 8, 1959



The compiler of this work Is a former student and personal


All other present day exponents of the URANIAN SYSTEM are

either former students of Wltte and Sleggruen, or students of
their students.
Many have disagreed with some part or other of the system
and have attempted to create their own versions, usually with-
out giving credit to the originators, and even attempting to
belittle them. This usually resulted In a garbled and In-
complete version of the system.
The most violent detractors refuse to accept the Trans-
Neptunian Planets, forgetting that Pluto Itself was an unknown
when Wltte proclaimed the existence of Cupldo, Hades, Zeus and
Kronos. Wltte did not postulate the existence of Pluto, but
other astrologers did notice that an unknown "something" was
acting from around the middle of Cancer, some ten years before
It was discovered, because of persistent effects from that area
In charts In which no planet occurred either In mid-Cancer, or
900 or ISO® away from It.

Wltte worked similarly, as described In the Introductory

article of this book. Apparently the reactions of the human
being to the "astral" Influence of the planets, are much more
sensitive Indicators of the existence of the planet than Is
the astronomer's telescope which, as In the case of Neptune
and Pluto, overlooked these planets' existence for many years.
With this, we proceed to the book.


Brief Outline of Uranlan System of Astrology
Planetary Pictures


The Meridian Houses XIV
The Ascendant Houses XIV
The Sun and Moon Houses XV


Meridian plus Planets 1 to 22

Aries plus Planets 23 n
Sun plus Planets 44 n 63
Ascendant plus Planets 64 H 82
Moon plus Planets 83 n 101
Nodes plus Planets 102 n 118
Mercury plus Planets 119 n 134
Venus plus Planets n 149
Mars plus Planets 150 n 164
Jupiter plus Planets n
165 177
Saturn plus Planets 178 n 189
Uranus plus Planets 190 n 200
Neptune plus Planets 201 n 210
Pluto plus Planets n 219
211 M
Cupldo plus Planets 220 227
228 n 234
Hades plus Planets
Zeus plus Planets 235 * 240
241 n 245
Kronos plus Planets
Apollon plus Planets 246 n 249
Admetos plus Planets 250 ft 252
Vulcanus plus Planets 253 i* 254
Poseidon plus Poseidon 255

The "Book of Rules'*' herein presented is intended to

familiarize the English reading student of astrology with
the DRANIAN SYSTEM as developed by Alfred J^itte, Friedrich
Sieggruen, and their co-workers.

The System is widely known in Europe but is quite un-

familiar to those who cannot read German.

An earlier exposition of the system in English, was pub-

lished by Richard Svehla of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1939, and was
the pioneer effort to introduce this system to American students.
The order of presentation is changed and is given in what is
now considered to be the proper order of importance, vla:-
(1) Meridian pictures. (2) Cardinal pictures. (3) Sun pictures.
(4) Ascendant pictures.(s) Moon pictures, alid (6) Moon's Node

The Planetary Pictures are in the order of position of the

planets, beginning with Mercury, nearest the Sun, and ending
with Poseidon, the most remote. The order of the Planetary
Pictures, other than the first six, has no bearing on their
importance•which is determined in the usual manner by positions
in the angular houses as the strongest, followed by those in
the succeedent houses, and weakest in the cadent ones.
It is understood, of course, that the student must have a
knowledge of astrological fundamentals. This is a book for
the mature student only, and when used by him will give rich
returns for his efforts.
The author wishes to express his profound thanks to
Mr. Kenneth Greenwood, and to E. Richard Wagner, Ph.D.
for their aid and support in making this edition


The so-called "Disc'* Is merely a graduated circle on which

the various aspects are pictured. I.e.- 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°,
75° and 90°. The second quadrant Is similarly divided every
15° between 90° and 180o; the third between 100° and 270°; and
finally from 270° back to 360° or 0°.

Please note that the quadrant (90°) Is the Important

division, and the 900 separation or multiple of ^0° give the
strongest effect.

Next In Importance Is the 45° subdivision. These are all

described In the first article of this book.
The dial Is merely a visual aid to quick calculation and
location of the aspects or "pictures"; also midpoints. It Is no
more accurate than your own placing of the planets In the chart.
If your work Is accurate, the dial will give accurate results -
However, the dial will always, even with slipshod work.
Indicate where possible picture occur, and then «t)y calculation,
their exact position may be fou.jd.
When a 90° dial Is used, all positions In the cardinal signs
are grouped In one sign (Aries, or Cancer, or Libra, or Capricorn).
Similarly for those In the fixed signs (all In Taurus, etc), and
for the common or mutable signs, all are In Gemini (Virgo,
Sagltarlus and Pisces). It has the advantage of spreading a
degree over the arc ordinarily occupied by four degrees, and the
reading is correspondingly more accurate.

Planets having the same position In the 90° chart are In

conjunction, square, or opposition of each other. Those In the
opposite divisions of the 90° chart are actually 45° away (or
135°, 225°, 315°). They are on the arms of the small cross
whereas the planets of the same division are on the arms of the
90° cross. This 90° disc Is a great convenience In "spotting"
symmetry, or "pictures". However, It has NO VALUE, least of all
to the novice. In Interpretation. This MUST be done from the
360° chart to give proper house and angle relationships.
To make combinations of the key-word delineations of the
planets, the half-distance point of both planets In question will
furnish the point of excitation for It. Both planets, which will
be equally distant from this point, blend themselves Into one
combination, consisting of the natu'res of the planets and the
testimony of the houses In which they are located.

For Instance; Sun and Moon would have to be translated Into

man and woman, husband and wife. The Information concerning this
union lies In the midpoint between these two planets.
Through the mechanical setting of the graduated disc (which In ,
future will be called "disc in short) upon the midpoint, we realize
this as a planetary picture and in this way the other planets will
be dram into It for further information.

Supposing one finds Venus and Saturn (Meaning separation of love),

then one has oinformation that the native will not be spared separat-
ion In love. How this separation will come about can be seen or
e3plalned through the separating planet's house - position. In this
case It would be the planet Saturn, whose position we have to
e3aiDB more thosnughly • If he Is located In the U th House, repres-
enting friends. It indicates a disturbance of the peace through the
friends. Saturn in the 8^ informs us of sickness, or a case of
death; In the 9t>h house that a trip or voyage will be the cause
of separation; and so on with the other houses.


The Interpretations given in the Book of Rules are thftse for
groupings of tfco and three planets only. The heading, for e3ample;
Meridian Plus Mars gives the meaning of the combination of Meridian
and Mars only. Following the heading, we have the combination of these
two with a third factor such as Jupiter, which Is at the midpoint
of the first two.
However, we have pictures in which four factors occur. Thus for

Meridian plus Mars = Jupiter plus Uranus.

In this case, the a31s or midpoint Is the shme for both groups,
but the Interpretation Is that of each group of two, read in the
headings of the page If 9 ( Meridian plus Mars), added to that of the
other group. Thus Meridian plus Mars reads: "One's own action. To make
arrangements. To give orders. Agitated mind". If in a bad picture It
may mean: "I am pugnatlous"
Jupiter plus Uranus reads: "Sudden luck" or "Misfortune" if Jupiter is
posited in poor combinations.
The combinations Is; "Sudden and une3pected good fortune through my
own energytic action or activity". In brief: "good luck results from
positive action".
The department of life through which the picture manifests Itself
Is shown by the House position and these come only from the 360°
chart. For the House Systems, read the article "The Uranlan System of

t .
Ephomeridea _of _the_Trans-N«ptunian_ planets «
'I V
Year Cupido Hades Zeus Kronos Apoiloo Admetos Vulcanus Poseidon
I9040 29o20 4o50 6°32 10021 I5044 6038
2Io 03 l9oo06 0o08Can5o33 7° 10 IOO56 I60I7 7O07
22026 20 07 O057 60I5 7048 II°3I I605O 7036
8025 I2O06 I7022
~ So 53 ~ 0
T20 4T " 17055"
26035 230II 302I 8021 9°40 T3 I6 18028 9oou
I0°I8 19°^) 9033
8 2902I 250I3 I0o55 14026 I9°33
9 CP44Can26 I4 5046 10027 II033 I5o0I 20O06
18^9 2o06 270I5 6O34 IIO09 I20II I5036 20o39 IIOQO
1 3029 28017 70023 0
II0 5I I2°48 16 12 2IOII II029
2 4° 52 29°I8 8 II I2 34 I3026 16047 21044 11° 58
3 600I5 0ol9Pisc8o59 13°16 I4o04 I7022 82017 I2°27
4 7 36 102C 9047 13058 I4°4I 17057 22049 I2°57
~ "5" " 5OS0 Jo?!- ~I503 5~ 14^45 " -1^19- 18^3? ~ " ?3^? "
6 I0o23 IIO24 I5022 I5056 I9007 23 055 13° 55
7 II046 16° 34 I9042 24027 14 24
8 I3o08 I3o00 I6046 I7on 20OT7 25O00 T4053
9 14031 6025 I3048 I7°28 I7049 20O52 25 033 15022
1900 I5054 ■7°& I8010 I8026 21027 26O06 I505I
1 I7O06 8028 15025 I8052 I9O05 . 22O02 26O3S I6020
2 18039 9030 T6°I3 19034 19041 22037 270II I6049
3 20002 IO031 I7O0I 20°l6 20OI9 23°I3 27043 17 oi8
_ J»_ _2I024_ _II°32_ _I7O50_ 20058 _ _2qo56_ 23 048 _ _28oi6 _ _I7048_
"5 ^25047" ~I?o33~ ~I5038~ 21034" 54^23 28^4^ ~ ~l5oi7"
t ■ LuW 6 24O09 13034 19026 22022 22011 24058 29021 I8046
7 25032 14035 20OI4 23°04 22049 25033 29054 I90I5
8 26054 15037 21003 23°46 23025 26O08 0O27Gem 19044
9 28017 I6O38 -»21054 24°28 24O04 26043 JOOO 20OI5
1910 29040^17039 2203 9 2 5 0IO 24o42 27oI8 Io32 20o42
1 IO02G*II8O40 23O27 25O52 25ol9 27o53 >2olX/S 2loII
2 2o25 l9o4i 24ol6 26o34 25o57 28o28 ' 2o38 2lo40
3 3o47 20o42 25o04 27ol6 26o35 29o03 3oI0 22o09
4 5oI0 2lo43 25o52 27o58 27oI3_ 29o38 _ 3o43 22o39
~5~ ~ &»33~ ~25bU~ ~2^o40~ 28541 "27o50 0oI4Aries~4oI^ '23O58~
7o55 23o46 27o29 29o23 28o27 0o49 4o48 23o37
9oI8 24o47 28oI7 0o05Taur29o05 Io24 5o2l 24o06
I0o40 25o48 29o05 0o47 29o42 Io59 5o54 24o35
I2o03 26o49 29o53 Io29 0o20Vir2o34 6o27 25o04
1920 I3o26 27052 0o4ILeo2oII Oo57 3o09 6o59 25o33
I I4o48 28o5I Io29 2o53 Io34 3o44 7o32 .? 260O8 "2.
2 I60II 29o52 2oI8 3o35 2oI2 4ol9 80O5 26031
3 I7o34 0o53Arie3o06 4oI7 2o50 4o54 8o37 27o00
4 I8056 Io54 3 o54 4o59 3o27_ _5o29 9oI0 2:
"5~ ~2Sol9~ " ?o55~ ~ Ud^2~ 5o4l 40S5 6o0i: " '9543 " 21
6 2lo42 3056 5o3I 6o23 4o42 6o39 I0oI5 28o28
7 230O4 4o57 6ol9 7o05 5o20 7oI5 IOo48 28o57
8 24027^ 5o59 7o07 7o47 5o57 7o50 IIo2l 29o26
9 Bde^tieo 7o00Arie7o56LBo8o29Taur 6o35Vir8o25AriesTIo53Geai 29o55Virgo
Year Cupido Hades Zeus Krcnos Apollon Admetos Vulcanus Poseidon
1930 27oI36«n SoOIRis SoUDso SoIITau 7oI3Virg SoOOPfcs l2o26Gem 0o24Ubra
1 28o36 9o02 9o32 9o53 7o50 9035 ^12059 Oo53
2 29o53 IO0O3 I0o20 IO036 8o28 IOoIO I3o32 Io22
3 Io2lVir II0O4 II0O8 IIoI7 9o06 IOo45 I4o05 io5I
_U 2oUU I2o05 IIo57 IIo59 9o43 IIo20 iUo37 2o2i
~ 5 ~ ~4o07 " "130O6" "X?o45" ~l2"o4I~ ~l5o?I~ " lio55 ~ I5oI0 '2055
6 5o30 14007 I3o33 I3o23 IO058 I2o30 I5o43 3ol9
7 6o53 I5o08 I4o22 I4o05 II036 I3o05 7 160&5/> 3o48
8 8oI5 I6o09 150IO 14o47 I2oI3 I3o40 ' l6o48 4oI7
9 9o39 T7oI0 15058 I5o29 I2o5I ' I4oI6 I7o2l. 4o46
1940 IIoOI I80II • I6o46 ' I60II ' I3o28 I4o4I I7o54 5oI5
1 I2o24 I9oI2 7 I7o34 I6o53 I4o05 I5o26 I8o26 5o44
2 I3o47 20oI3 .18095^317o35 14o43 I60OI I8o59 6oI3
3 I5oI0 2lol4 I9oII I80I8 I5o2l 16036 I9o32 6o42
4 I6o33 82oI5 20o00 I9o00 15058 I7oII 20o04 7ol2
~ ~5~ "l7o56~ ~ 23oI6 " 70o45 " 1954? ~ 16035 " ~i7o^6" " ?Oo37 ~ ~ 7o?l" ~
6 I9oI9 24oI7 2lo36 20o24 I7oI3 I8o2I 2loI0 80IO
7 20o42 250I8 22o25 2lo06 I7o5I I8056 2lo42 8oi9 ^ 7
8 22o05 26ol9 23oI3 2lo48 I8o28 I9o3I 22oI5 9o08
9 23o28 27o20 24oOI 22o30 I9o05 20o06 22o47 9o37

1950 24o52 28o2l 24o49 23oI2 I9O44 20o4I 23o2l IO0O6

1 26oI5 29o22 25037 ^ 23o54 20o2l 2loI7 23o53 IOo35
2 27o38 Oo23Ta U26O36 *24037 20o59 2lo52 24o26 II0O4
3 72e©lOi:Voiio24 27ol4 25oI9 2lo37 22627 24o59 IIo33
4 0o24Libra 2o25 28o02 260OI 22oI4 23o02 25031 I2o03
5" "lo47 3026 78o55 " 76543 ■ 22o57 ■23o37" "25004" ~ T2o37
6 3oI0 4o27 29o38 27o25 23o29 24ol2 26o37 7I3O06C'L>
7 4o33 5o28 0o26Vir28o07 24o07 24o47 27o09 7I3O>5 J
8 5o56 6o29 Iol4 28o49 24o44 25o22 27o42 ' I3o59
9 7ol9 «o30 2o02 29o3i 25o22 25o57 28oI5 I4o28

I960 8o42 8o3I 2o50 OoI3Gem25o59 26o32 28o48 I4o57

1 IO0O5 9o32 3o38 Oo55 26o37 27o07 29o2l I5o26
2 IIo28 IOo33 4o26 Io37 27oI5 27o42 29o53 I5o55
3 I2o5I IIo34 5ol4 2ol9 27o52 28oI7 Oo26Cancrl6o24
4 7 toki ry I2o35 6o02 3oOI 28o30 28o52 Oo59 l6o54
" ~3~lfo37~ " 13035 ~6o55 J0E3" "25o07" " 79527 " "1531 " " 17523
6 170OO I4o36 7o38 4o25 29o45 0o02Taur2o04 I7o52
7 I8023 I5o37 8o26 5o07 0o23Gem Oo37 2o36 I8o2I
8 I9o46 I6038 ?oI4 5o49 loOO Iol2 3o09 I805O
9 2lo09 K039 IO0O3 6o3I I038 Io47 3042 I9oI9
1970 22o32 18o40 IO052 7ol4 2oI5 2o23 4oI5 I9o48
1 23o55 19 o42 Ilo4l 7o56 2o52 2o58 4o47 20oI8
2 250I8 20o43 I2o30 8o38 3o29 3o33 5o20 20o47
3 26o4l 2lo44 I3ol8 9o2I 4o07 4o09 5o52 2lol6
4 28004 22o45 I4o06 lOocg 4o44 4o44 6025 2lo45
" "5" 79527 " " 73o46 I4o55 10545 "5527 5oi9' 5o58 "27o54"
6 0050300X3)24047 I5o42 IIo27 5o59 5o54 7o30 22o44
7 2oI3 25048 I6031 I2o09 6o37 6o29 8O»p3 23oI3
8 3o36 26o49 I7ol9 I2O5I 7oI4 7o04 8036 23o42
9 4o59 27o50 I80O7 I3o33 7o52 7o39 9o08 24oII
Year Cupldo Hades Zeus Kronos Apollon Adraetos Vulcan us Ftoaeidon
1980 6o22Vi#go28o5ITaurI8o55VirgIUoI5G€m 8 o29Libra 80lUTau rus bo^ICan ce r2UoU0l±bra
1 7oU5 29o52 19oU3 1Uo57 9o08 8'o49 I0ol4 25o09
2 9o08 Oo53Gein 20o32 I5o39 9o^5 8o24 IOo46 25o39
3 I0o31,'; ^ Io54 2lo20 l6o22 I0o23 9o59 IIol9 26oD8
a AvItoSU*} -2o55 / 22o08 I7oOL IIoOO I0o3^ IIo52 26o37
" 5 I3oI7 " " 3o5^ " '22o56 IJokt II038 UoIO " " I2o25 27o06 " "
SlhoUO Uo57 23c*4 I8o28 I2oI5 lloU5 I2o58 27o35
7 I60O3 5o58 2i*o33 I9oI«/u I2o53 I2o20 I3o30 280^
8 17026 6o59 25o2l I9o52 I3o30 I2o55 I4o03 28o34
9 I8o^9 80OO 26o09 20o34 I4o08 I3o30 I^o35 29oq3
1990 20oI2V4rg9oQl'Paur26o57VIrgo2l016Gem lUoU5llblUoO5Taurila I5o08Cancer29o32Libra
Decree Cupido Hades W
3eus Kronos Apollon Admetos Vulcanus Poseidon
10° pl.uaOul6 0 13 "cFIT 0U10 0J10 0o09 0l
20 0 33 0 26 0 22 0 20 0 19 0 18 0 17 0 16
30 0 48 0 39 0 33 0 30 0 27 0 26 0 25 0 24
40 1 02 0 50 0 43 0 38 0 36 0 34 0 32 0 30
50 1 15 1 00 0 51 0 46 0 43 0 41 0 39 0 37
60 1 25 1 09 0 58 0 53 0 49 0 47 0 44 0 42
Tt) 133 T 15 1 04 0 58 0 54 0 51 0 43 0 46
80 1 40 1 20 1 08 1 01 0 57 0 54 0 52 0 49
90 1 44 1 23 1 10 1 03 0 59 0 56 ,0 53 0 50
100 1 46 1 24 1 11 1 04 0 59 0 56 0 53 0 50
110 1 44 1 22 1 10 1 G.= 0 58 0 55 0 53 0 49
120 M 41 1 19 1 07 1 0 55 0 53 0 50 0 47
W 11 35 T3 I 52 5 56 0 52 0 49 0 47 (!) 34
13^ 1
II 1 27 1 08
140 0 56 0 51 0 47 0 44 0 42 0 39
150 II 1 17 1 00 0 49 0 44 0 40 0 38 0 36 0 34
160 II 1 05 0 50 0 41 0 37 0 33 0 32 0 30 0 28
170 II 0 53 0 40 0 33 0 29 0 26 0 25 0 21
0 23
180 II 0 41 0 30 0 24 0 21 0 18 0 17 0 16 0 15
15$ w TS 35 0 35 0 03
0 13 5 IS 0 10 0 09 0 09
200 w 0 16 0 10 0 06 0 05 0 02 0 02 0 02 0 02
210 II 0 04 0 01 0 02 -0 01 -0 05 -0 04 -0 04 -0 03
220 - 0 06 -0 00 -0 09 -0 05 -0 11 -0 10 -0 10 -0 09
230 - 0 14 -0 14 -0 15 -0 14 -0 16 -0 15 -0 14 -0 13
240 - 0 20 -0 19 -0 19 -0 18 -0 20 -0 19 -0 18 -0 17
23(3 - 0 33 -3 33 -0 35 -5 31 -0 35 -0 31 -0 30 -0 19
260 - 0 25 -0 24 -0 23 -0 22 -0 33 -0 32 -0 21 -0 20
270 - 0 23 -0 23 -0 22 -0 22 -0 22 -0 22 -0 21 -0 20
280 - 0 19 -0 20 -0 20 -0 20 -0 20 -0 20 -0 19 -0 18
290 - 0 13 -0 15 -0 16 -0 16 -0 17 -0 n -0 16 -0 15
300 - 0 04 -0 08 -0 10 -0 11 -0 12 -0 12 -0 12 -0 11
3T0 pius ■5 05 5 50 -0 03 - 0 04 -0 06 -0 06 -0 06 -0 05
11 0 19pl0 lOpl 0 06pi 0 03pl 0 Olpl 0 dpi 0 OOpl 0 00
330 » 0 34 "0 22 " 0 15 " 0 12 " 0 09 " 0 09 " 0 07 " 0 07
340 11 0 49 "0 34 " 0 25 " 0 21 " 0 18 " 0 17 * 0 15 " 0 14
350 n 1 05 "0 47 " 0 36 w 0 31 ^ 0 27 * 0 26 " 0 24 n 0 21
360 * 1 21 "1 00 * 0 47 ^ 0 42 " 0 '37 n 0 35 " 0 32 " 0 29
Yearly increase; 1 1
1 23 1 01 0 48 /5 0 • 10 /4-0 0 37 0 35 0 32 0 29
Direct 3 32 2 49 2 20 2 08
Retrograde 2 09 1 48 1 32 1 26 ,
Revolution 262^, 360,66 455,64 521,8 576,00 617/7 663,00 720,00
DELINEATIONS of the Planets.

Cupldo;Family. Marriage. Society, sociability. Art. United efforts.

Companies, corporations, associations.
Eades: Want, lonesomeness, dirt, poverty, unpleasant things, garbage,
waste. Lingering Illness. Abnormal and difficult circumstances.
Events which are evil, sinister and secret. Lonely women,
Zeus: Leadership. Creation. Procreation. Controlled activity and
energy. Well planned efforts. Far reaching goals. Despot.
Controlled fire; gas; oil; gunpowder; machines; railroads.
Kronos:Independence. Authority. State. Ruler. Chief or President.
Head of the family. Personal independence. Everything above
Apollon:Glory. Greatest success. Greatest expansion. Science.
Experience. Par and wide. Peace and peaceful enterprises.
Commerce and trade.
Admetos iGreatest hinderance. Separation. Death. Suspension. Condensa-
tlon. Primitive matter . Raw materials. First origin.
Rotation, circulation.
Vulcanus :Greatest strength, force, might, energy, power.
Highest authority.
Poseidon:Splrlt. Idea. Understanding. Enlightenment. Revelation.
Propaganda. The light carrier.
COMPUTATION of the Planets.

The Ephemerldes show the positions of the planets for every year,when
they are in conjunction with the Sun. At the beginning of the year
the Sun is 8° to 10° Capricorn. If the Ephemeris position for any of
the planets (which is the position of its conjunction with the Sun)
has not been reached by the current or transiting Sun of the birthday,
then the ephemeris position of the planet for the previous year
M US T be used for the basis of the computation. Using the
CORRECTION TaBLES for the Solar Motion it is always Sun minus Planet s
distance used to find correction factor in the table of correction.
For example, the position of Cupido on September 2, 1959, is found as
The Cupido position for 1959 is given as 7019 Libra, the Sun position
is 9° Virgo; therefore the Sun has not reached the conjunction of the
planet for the year, and we use the position of the previous year for
as the basis of our computation, which is 5056 Libra.
159° plus 360° r 519° - 186° s 333°, equals shows in the table
"Correction for the Solar Motion" plus 0o39. 5056 plus 0o39 = 6035
Libra, which is the correct position for Cupido.
Hades is 7o30 Taurus for 1959. The Sun has reached this yearly con-
junction of Hades; therefore 159° minus 37° = 122°, which is in the
Correction Table for Hades plus 1018. 7o30 plus 1018 n 8048 Taurus
for September 2, 1959. If our date would be April 1, 1959, the Sun is
11° Aries, and has not reached the conjunction. We therefore have to
use the Hades position of-the previous year, and it is 371° - 36° for
the current position in relation to the Sun.

By Hans Nlggemann and
E. Richard WagnerjPh.D
By Uranlan System Is meant the approach to astrology that has Its basis
In the researches of Alfred Wltte, of Hambury,Germany. These began
during the first World War, when Wltte became dissatisfied with the
traditional astrology because of Its repeated failures to account for
major events*
His Investigations led him to re-examine the whole structure of astrology,
and to question the validity of many of Its rules. The result was an
entirely different kind of astrology, but one that Included many ancient
concepts that had fallen Into disuse. Among the latter were the doctrine
of mld-polnts, and the use of mirror-Images, or antlscla. He also came
to the conclusion that the Idea of "good1^ or "bad" aspects had little
merit, and that the emphasis should be laid upon the nature of the planet
Involved In the aspect, and not upon the aspect.
He extended the concept of mld-polnts to Include groups of three or four
or more factors, and demonstrr.t ed that these factors - planets, angles,
nodes, etc., need not be In seq ^ntlal order relative to each other, but
could group around axes that we* . at 45°, 90O, 135°, 180° to one another.
Thus, If a planet Is In 15° Aries, It may be regarded as If It were at
the mid-point of two others that are located at 0° Virgo and QOSaglttarlus.
It means that the basis for group relationships among planets -- known as
"planetary plcture8,,--l8 the eight-armed cross.
The strength of the picture follows traditional rules to some extent. In
that three planets In a group, within orb of each other, would be more
potent than If one member of the group were 45° away, etc. This may be
stated thus:
1) Conjunctions, oppositions or squares - I.e. -
positions on the 90° axes or the major cross, are more potent than
2) Pictures In which planets are placed at 45° or 135° from each other
3) Where only two planets are Involved, the 45° or 135° angles are not
used, but these are very effective when three or more factors form a
From these simple rules, the entire structure can be erected, and Instead
of the traditional aspects between two planets, or planets and angles, we
can arrange any number of planets In a picture, so long as they are within
orb - not over 3° - of one of the axes of the eight-armed cross.
To those who are unfamiliar with mld-polnts we wish to point out that
they are In constant use In the traditional astrology under the names of
"grand trlnes", "T-square", etc., or whenever three planets form the same
aspect on either side of one member of the group.

The use of the cardinal points la another unusual facet of the Uranlan
system, and may seem strange to many. However, by again pointing out
that It Is commonly accepted practice to base predlctlons--especlally
In mundane astrology, upon the Ingress of the Sun into Capricorn or
Aries, for the coming year, and on the solar Ingress Into any cardinal
sign for the following three months—It becomes familiar. Since these
predictions apply to a nation, they necessarily apply to the group of
people that malces up the nation, and thus affect the group destiny of
the Individual.
Therefore the cardinal points In the chart of an Individual, represent
his relationship to the group of which he Is a member. This can be local,
national or universal but specifically relates to his environment.
When two planets or other factors are grouped at equal distances from a
cardinal point, they form a picture, since the cardinal point Is at the
mld-polnt. This is very potent, because we not only have a symmetrical
grouping of three factors, but we also find the ecliptic intercepts of
the planets have the same or opposite declinations. This constitutes
an ecliptic parallel or contraparallel and has power. However, while
this parallel is effective at any two points on the ecliptic, that are
equidistant from a cardinal point, the potency Is greatest when they are
conjunction or opposition, within a 4° orb, of the cardinal point. It
has Its next highest potency when these planets are 45° on either side
of the cardinal point, or on the other arms of the same cross at which
they would have the same or opposite ecliptic declination.
Thus, 15° Aquarius has the opposite declination to 15° Leo and 15° Taurus
but the same as 15° Scorpio. The declination of any point on the ecliptic
is Identical with that of the Sun at the same point, and so any
ephemerls will give the desired Information. These parallels occur when
two planets are grouped around a given cardinal point, or when one Is
opposite the other. They also occur. If two planets are at the same
distance from either side of the opposing cardinal points. Thus planets
at 1CP Capricorn, 20° Sagittarius, 10° Cancer and 20° Gemini, in any
combination, form ecliptic parallels, or contraparallela.
However, no parallels or contraparallels exist when the planets are at
the same distance from Cancer--Caprlcorn, and Arles—Llbra (such as 2°
Aries and 280 Gemini) because the Aries—Libra axis has 0000 declination
and the Cancer--Caprlcorn axis has 23027 declination. Of course, at 45°
from any cardinal point, the declination Is the same as or opposite to
that at 45° from any other cardinal point.

This brings us to the mlrror-lmage, or the "antlsclon". These are de-

fined as those positions, that are located as far on the opposite side
of a cardinal point, as the planet Is located from the same cardinal
point, on Its own side.

Thus, a planet In 13° Gemini has Its mlrror-lmage In 17° Cancer. This
point, the antlsclon, has no significance unless another factor--planet,
node or personal point covers It, or Is on Its opposite point. When
this happens, we again have an ecliptic parallel or contraparallel and a

potent picture results* This may be regarded as a latent point until
It Is occupied by a directed or transiting body.
When a mld-polnt Is not occupied In the radical chart, no picture exists,
except In the latent sense (sensitive point), but this becomes an active
picture, whenever a transiting or directed or progressed factor enters It,
or Is on some other arm of the eight-armed cross to which the mld-polnt
belongs. Its potency Is to be Interpreted by the rules given earlier In
this article.
So far mld-polnts have been applied only to combinations of three factors,
such as, for example: Sun In 20° Scorpio,Jupiter In 130 Libra, and Mars
In 60 Virgo. We have here Jupiter between Sun and Uars, and It la
expressed as Sun plus MarsrJupiter, or Sun plus MararJupiter plus Jupiter
" 2
(as sum), and also as Sun/UarssJupiter (as halfsum). The difference reads:
Sun plus Mars - Jupiter r Jupiter.
Arithmetically, this Is 20° Scorpio r 230°
plus 60 Virgo « 156°
386° or 260 Aries
13P Libra s 193°
plus 130 Libra ■ 193°
386° or 260 Aries
Therefore Sun plus Mars equals J^iter plus Jupiter.
This la an exact equation. It rarely occui >. If the two sums are__w.lthiO
20. ,of_each'Other,-«±,he plcti2Cfl_J.s_j£aJ.ld_-on_the_.radical chart. "However, in
a progressed chant-Ng-pT(Lture Is consldered^effe^lv^^fft^Xj^thln^ 2~r^3'

Many types of pictures can occur and are valid. A few examples are
given but many cannot be Illustrated because of their great variety.
Suffice to say that unless the planet. In a picture are on the arms of
the cross, either 900 or 45°, the potency Is not great enough to con-
sider It when only three planets are Involved unless they group around
a cardinal point, or unless at least one of the personal points-M.C. ASC.
SDN, or UOON-are Involved. However, when four or more factors form a
picture. Its potency becomes great enough to be considered regardless
of the angle of separation. Affain-unle3.g_a oeraonal nnint is Dart of a
picture, the nat 1 Ye._ls not directly affected . ^but^ someone—1?l hlB-enV.lron- ay be Indicated." This would be determined by the house position
of the mld'-^po 1 ntsT~sTnce this Is the "promlssor" ;
Another example Is the confIguratfcn In which several pairs have a
commonndd-polnt as shown:
(A) MC (240Aquarlus)...Dranus(170Scorplo)or: 324°pi 227° = 551°
S 275030 z 5o30 Capricorn
Sun (leOPlsces)...Moon (270Llbra)or: 346^ pi g670 = 553°
2 2
z 276030 z 6030 Caprlcox n ~
This Is a direct picture with the true mld-polnt 6° Capricorn, only
one-half degree from the other two.

(B) We can take the same factors in another arrangement such as:
11C (l70Leo)...Uranus 24° Taurus or: 137° gl 54° ■ 191°

s95o30 = 503Q Cancer

SUN(160Gemlnl)...Moon 27° Aries or; 76027g~^~1030
s51030 ■ 23.030 Taurus

Since 5o30 Cancer is (95O30 minus 5lO30)x44o00, it is within 1® of the

450 axis of the UC-Uranus pair, and together they form a picture.

This may be seen more readily from the diagram below:

' ' i.00soT

He- w •&'

•% 7*
21 ^0-)o

ia «ss.
Vf Figure # M

Because the (A) grouping has the same midpoint where the (6) grouping
has midpoints that are 45° from each other, (A) is stronger than (B).
The interpretation follows:-
UC :: The individual and his aim in life.
URANUS :: Tension and sudden change.
SUN PLUS MOON :: Reljations between man and woman.
This could therefore indicate sudden strains* but probably not too
serious* in relationships between the native and women* due to un-
expected independence of action. This interpretation is a general one
and is subject to modification because of the houses occupied.
Still another picture* more complicated than the previous ones* will
occur frequently. As an example':
(1) 0000 Cancer r 0000 Capricorn s Uoon/Asc..x
(2) 0000 Cancer ? Mercury s Sun/Jupiter (45°)
(3) Mars s MC c Moon/Saturn (900)
(4) 0O00 Cancer plus Moon r Pluto plus Asc = Sun (135°)

5*30 i?

)p/ s./ Uio

\ 17* r

Figure #1


(1) Represents the individual's relationship to women in general* and

to the general public. Moderately prominent.
(2) The for.tunat8 happy man who is a fluent and persuasive speaker,
trader or writer* is well regarded by his community*or his public.
(3) Separation or estrangement from a woman* and its effect on the
native's career.
(4) Women in general and their influence on his development and
environmental changes.

Again» subject to modifications brought Into the Interpretation by house
positionst this combination reads:
A happy fortunate (Jupiter conjunct Mercury conjunct Sun) writer,
teacher, merchant (Mercury) In public (Moon) life, whose private life
Is cramped (Saturn) by estrangement (Saturn) from a woman (Moon to a
considerable extent (90°).
These examples will serve to show how groups of planets. Instead of
the usual two, can be handled, and why no Interpretation that Involves
only two factors can be valid, except In the very unusual cases where
no midpoint relationships exist In the radical chart.


The Uranlan method does not deal with any single house system because,
for example, events dealing with envlaronment or group relationships
come under far more general Influences than do those that affect the
Individual specifically.
Thus, as previously mentioned, th- cardinal points refer to the native's
relationship to iile__group, or to universal effects. Therefore, what Is
called /theEanth hnunQ), nre based on the signs of the Zodiac.
\ 0° Cancer Is placed on the cusp of the 10th house.
CP Leo " " " " " " " 11th "
/ 0° Virgo " " "M " nun 12th "
/ oo Libra '' '' " " " ^ 1st "
/ 0° Scorpio " " " " " " 2nd ''
( 0° Sagittarius w " " '' " " 3rd "
For the Southern part of the globe the houses are reversed.
The MerldjlAn_an4 Ascendant as usually calculated, are used In the Earth
^oroscopers ordinary factors, even as are the planets. They carry their
usuaT meaning, but express themselves through the Earth houses In which
they are found. Thus, MC In Cancer focuses the Individual's energies on
external matters such as community affairs, or politics; or his business
or professional activities find their greatest expression, when strongly
supported by favorable pictures. In dealing with the community, state or
nation. If, on the other hand, the MC Is In Plsces-the 6th house of the
Earth, and favorably associated, the Interest Is In public health work,
or social welfare etc. But If In adverse groupings, as with Saturn and
Neptune, he ml^t die In a natural catastrophe, such as a flood, or ship-
wreck during a storm.

Similarly, ttie_^a cendant which In the Ijraiilaji_gy8t9inL-dflxiot£S—the Individ -

ual.-aa—Qthers^aee him, expresses Itself In Cancer as an Individual that
makes an Impression on his environment. If In strong pictures he Is

popular and achieves prominence. If weak, It may result In public dis-
grace. Always, to a greater or lesser extent, he Is the extrovert, he
attracts notice to himself.
All the Earth houses are Interpreted similarly.. Each carries with It a
group of environmental meaning.


These are thejuost^potent In their significance relatlve__to^the
I'ndlviduaT's activity aniJ^p.Bilaonal values.
The M^.CU—la^the cusp of the-JLOth house as_usual. _To the sidereal time
that corresponds to .ihe.. acllptij dlan, we"add—tw.o^houra
for each^succeedinp. house cusp, and converT It to ecliptic longitude by
means any tflhlft- o :IT3gTr"wfl rnfld^Tin cusp of the LQth "f Qr_
each sidereal timeThus these lOtiniouse cusps become the cusps for the
ta-rr^-11t.hf 12th, 1st, etc. For example, the last planetary picture
given In this article has 24° Aquarius on the U.C..

It has a sidereal time of 21 h"n. 45'IB1*.

Sidereal Time 10th = 21 hrs. 45 ' 16* 24 o 00 Aquarius
" " 11th 23 45 16 86 00 Pisces
" " 12th 1 i5 16 28020 Aries
" " let 3 45 16 28026 Taurus
" 2nd 5 45 16 26022 Gemini
" " 3rd 7 4'5 16 24035 Cancer

NOT ECAR EFULLY; The Meridian Ist house cusp Is NOT the same as the
Ascendant. These houses are subdivisions of the Equator, and the Ist
House cusp has much to do with the actual physical appearance of the.
native, whereas theAscendant Is the native as others see him. I.e. the
Impression he makes on others, rather than his physical appearance. It
may even be found In the 2nd house of the Meridian chart.
The house Interpretations for the Meridian horoscope are the usual ones
given In all standard texts and give the best character delineation and
the most accurate Indications of how the native responds to his environ-
ment, how he reacts to experience, and the effect upon his personally.
All Meridian Houses can be used for minute rectification.


Th e _ABce nd ant chouse s have the AscendAni^on-^hg^'cuan of-Ahe~lrCt house, as

usual, bTrtn.he_cu-ap of _.the—10th house ano away qt» t.ha aftHptjP.. Thus,
In the^Iasi picture0
shown as an example, the Ascendant Is 20o30 Gemini,
and M.C• Is 24 00 Aquarius. Yet the cusp of the Meridian 1st house Is
280 26 Taurus, and the cusp of the Ascendant chart's 10th house would be
20o30 Pisces.

Tha reaAlnlDff cubpa of the Aacendant hou5fifL_&re obtained by adding 30°,to
e'aok prg^egtng cuap—Qn tKe~"gcTiptlc.
The. As cflndanjL-horoaoope—plctiiEes-Jaie__jiaMye_ob J ectlxe ly_afl_tiie_-ext 1.
maril?eptatlon—o£-what_J^haLJCerldian_ohart—aeLgfl_he actua 11 y la« It^JbrInga
out his relationship to his Immediate,, anci Fla contaal.s jwlth
other people• . ' " *
ThisSe two charts> the Meridian and Ascendant charts together, give an
almost complete picture of the native. The Earth chart will fill In the
ehlntcs. •


In addition, there are the houses of the Sun and the Moon.

Ttes Sun la Placed op the cuao of the__4th house.

The other ho.uac.a are 30° froni each prevloua—cuao on,the ' ecliptic. Thus,
ttgS,Tw lining f.hft Innt, p1nnftf.wr»y p1ftt.iiT»ftJ t.ha Rim In l&SQQ Xqii«r»1iifi,
Therefore, this Is the cusp of the 4th house, thelOth cusp Is 12o00 Leo, *
and the let house Is 12o00 Scorpio, etc.
ThfLSun horoscope, refers to the jaorje personal rela11 ona of the nat 1 ve,_hla
body7^BndiitrC03Sllty.,_ar^ thereforenSI-a health. "In a woman1 s chart. It
IndXITates h^r_re.latlonshlp wltTi_ the7"m"eiuof her~l"lfe.
The MOflp-chart j?laces the Moon on the _cu8ja_5f the 10th house, and again
each succeedlamaxsp Is 50^" Trom XHe precedliiK one, ^n the -eclTgyio^

In aman's chart. It Indicates his connections with women. In_a_*Q.inan 's

chart, it nair"much_jto_do * 1 th her health and general oiitlooi£._QrLllfaj_
In'any chart. It gives Information about the quality of the mind In general.
No one house system such as that of Placldus, or Campanus, can cover all
phases of life, or all latitudes. The Uranlan houses meet these object-
Ions. Try them out In your own case and watch them work. The Nodes are
also used_as an—Individual horoscope and—aresometimes, of,,great Igpprt-
ance. OOQO Libra of the disc Is set on tlie RadlcaXJlscendlng Nodei_ it
brlnigs connections apd—flgparatlomu

In conclusion, a few key words on planetary significance will help In

Interpretation. Thus the:
Sun: The body. Its vital force. Men.
Moon: Females, their bodies; the mind; the general public;
the mother.
Mercury: Intelligence, writing, speech, thoughts, motion.
Young people.
Venus: Love, peace, harmony, art, beauty, pleasure . Women.
Mars: .Action, energy;directed activity; passion;courage;
strife. Men.

Jupiter: Benevolence; justice; expansion; plenty; good fortune;
Saturn: Separation; hindrance; experience; deliherateness;
perseverance; coldness; objectivity; contraction;
Uranus: The unexpected; impulsiveness; eccentricity; re-
belliousness; originality; inventiveness; reform.
Neptune: The unknown; deception; subtleness; dissolution; gas;
water; air; fog; mysticism.
Pluto: At its best it is the analyst; the "developer; the
person who can bring evolutionary processes into action;
dynamic. At worst it is the gangster and the dictator.
It brings with it mysterious blood ailments; and usu-
ally shows up in the mother^ death. In all oases it
denotes the beginning of things; the ohanges.
The Uoon's Nodes: Connections with others; unions; separations.
The Cardinal Points: Your contacts with the outside world.
M.C. Soul, ego, the individual and his aim in
life. It should be noted thet the "I" is-
not a visible thing, and develops like a
photo cell during lifetime.
Asoendant: The "you" as seen by others. Your reaction to others
and vice versa. Personal connections. It denotes the
environment from rhich the native comes. The people
who are responsible for his being here.
Ve cannot hope to cover the entire system in this article. However,
we have managed to give a substantial outline with enough details so
that the student can satisfy himself as to the validity and efficacy
of the Uranlan method of approach to astrology.


The Day-side

Uppernorld, Construction, Composition, Erection,

Heredity, Regeneration.

Impregnation,Germination Order, Organisation,

' Grwirth, to thrive 'Expanding, multiplying '
t » i
i to fit,to adapt t •
T » i
Ve Ve Ma Ju Sa Ur Ne Pi Cu Ha Ze Kr Ap Ad Vu Po
e 1 e 1 e 1 e 1 e d e u e 1 1
V 1
/ i V / N >
/ /
Matter Life i Time Space Streght

SUN Uh9IDIAN AscendanI

• Air, MistJ
'Murder, mean base deeds
Ice, EartA
Ridicule—degrading aAd ugly thlnlclng-
i Steam, Fire

Underworld, Destruction, to pull down, to take to pieces
The Nlght-slde
Explanation of signs:
e external
1 Internal
d down or below
u Up or above

x /n
******** *.*##***

An Appendix to this Book of Rules Is complete and

will appear soon.
It contains detailed Information on the why and
wherefore of the [Iranian System, and together with
the Book of Rules, constitutes a complete presenta-
tion of this system of Astrology.
A final hook, an Index of what planetary pictures
to look for to account for various events concerning,
or characteristics of Individuals and containing
thousands of references, is In preparation.

Ten year editions for the ffltte and Sleggruen planets,

PP?. -?n8L?Y?rY- are a 80 ava
aDie: 1931-40.
1941-50, 1951-60, and 1951-70. These planets are
valuable not only for. rectifications but also for
forecasting and delineation. ,

1097 Walton Ave
Mew York 52,N.Y
3 M+AR-NO to have many connections.and make them caoely, tp be toge-
ther with others profesa&onQlly or in general.
6- M+Mo-Ur emotional oxltement exited women, delivery paine.
10/M+Ju-Ha contentment in modest 'circumstances. call
2:8 m+Ur-Me to become energetic, to use harsh language, tension thru
28 ar+Me-No general thought connections.
33 Ar+Ur-Ad appearance of destruction as a surprise,
38 Ar+Ze-Pl production rises,duty is stressed, change and tranaformat
ions thru natural forces.
36 Ar+Ze-Ou increase af marriage, organizations for a purpose like
unions, political party and so on,
39 Ar+Er-Mo independent woman,high officials, authcrities,fo.rlady,
40 Ar+Ap-Ur sudden expansion, extensive reforms, excited masses, new
branches of sciencH,revolution in sciepce
54 Su+iw-Vu to be completely without protection,to have to take things
^ust the way they come,
56 au+Gu-Ad the unmarried man,bathelor, hermit, raunk,
60 Su+Ap-Vu greatest success
62 Su+Vu-Ve strong bodily drive for love, to be mightily attracted by
the opposite sex,- very sensitive,
62 Sij+Vu-Ma the strength of the body is used at work, work which demand
much bodily strenght,
66 A+Ko-Pl starting point of new acquaintances, connections are dovelc
opped, transformations thru connections, new connections
trhu change of plado. or location.
6? A+Me -Su exchange of thoughts about the native if= Zeus to receive
71 A+Sa^-cu separations in the family or from the place of residence,
A+Vu-Ve to be very much liked by others, to enjoy great popularity
to feel, well in one&sown. environment.
A+Ai-3a others are conscious, of guilt,to feel hemmed in and depres
sed ry the place ,where on© is,
81 A+Vu-I-Ia others control much power, acrobats,
89 Mo+3a—Podevoted to serious things, hours in which one works as an
educator, the evening hours are devted to mental things
94 Ko+Ha-Vu sorrow conditdions in the public or*among people,gangsters
and criminal gangs,
95 Mo+Ze-Ap increase of working- hours,.extended production,
96 lio+lCr-Pl .build-up of officialdom if=?-Hades, the revere happens
90 IIo+Er-Ad decrease of service,, offices and authorities are made smal
ler •
135 Mo+IIa-ICr to mefet for great decisions and deeds, blood relatives of
the father,
lOSiSo+Ur^ile suddon nwws and parcipitation, if = Ju to givo or receive
a verdict,
114 No+Kr-A contract for employment,others have difficulties with the
authorities, to become involved with authorities thru othe:
115 No+Ap-A connections with equal and freepeopl, economic or scienti
fic connection with others,
125 Ke+Ne^oquick perception and to repeat word for word easely
125 Ma+^e-?l to develop a liing or intuitive disposition, a development
Which occurs in the subconscious, to come to the realizatic
of a deception, to see thru the deception of others,
125 Mfrfiw-no unhappy marital thoughts,sad thoughts about the dissolutior
of p. fanily. marrl^o Hwindlora, social swindlers.

131 Me+Ap-Kr to be outstandlnG in conversations with others with many

leading in scientific dlscusslpns
138 Ve+Sa-IIe td thin*: of obstacles in "love, thoughts of separations,to
separate from acquaintances
138 Ve+Sa-Ka to become poor, love experiences, hindrances thru- condltlo:
and Inclinations.
139 Ve+Ur-A flirtations, engagement or marriage, exclte&ent abput the"
love of otheSs.
HI Ve+Pl-I-Ie to think of a pleasant change,the beginning of pleasant
changes thru new acquaintances, to notice the pleasant
oliange of things.
142 Ve+Cu-Ke misunderstud love in marriage, unhappy marriage, dlssolutl
of a harmonious partnership.
142 Ve+Cu-Ad death of the wife in loneliness,end Of happy marriage,
harmonious partnership with few.
14«J Ve +Po-Sato be hindered thru faith, religion or Ideology,dlsadvant
ago, separations and persecution thru it.
162 Ma+Ad-Vu to experience mighty oppression,to be terrorised
167 Ju+'Jr-Vu sudden mighty luck,optimism thru mighty luck
175 Ju+Ad-Ma fortunate and successful work in a special field, to dovbt
all the time to one's work..
181 Sa+Pl-Kr thru damage one weakes up,with losses one pays for life's
experience - .
183 Su+Ha-Kr to have mighty enemies, misery caused by the power of the
state, to become an enemj: of the power of the fltate.f
188 SaPVu-Cu to experience grave obstacles and hindrances thru a commu
nlty, to be w th persons who feel that they" are oppressed,
hindered and practlly prisoners,
196 Ur«Kr-Pl sudden apearing abilities, rules of the authorities are cf
called off, sudden changes in the ranfes of the aytthorlbiet
198 Ur+Ad-M^ persona,who incline to sudden breake-llke aeparatlons,
(\jo exciting grave separations for women, exciting or shaking
up events in the public,
201 Ne+Ne-Pl aneeklng unnoticed transformations,
201 Ne+Ne-Cu aadnea and sorrows in marriage, partnerships or- companies
201 Ne+Ne-Ha lack, shortness,- grave epidemics, lack of water,-accldentE
thru ifater or on the water,=. Ma destruction thrji water or
lack of working power,
208 Ne+Ad-Ve changes of the forma of being for female persons,
208 Ne+Ad-Ha worsening of living conditions and forma of beingi
212 Pl+Cu-Ad to retirejto become a hermit, deep reaching tranaformatloi
and changes in the social position or social relations of
the surroundings,
213 Pl+Ha-Cu ino'.pability of marriage, marriages or partnerships will
not last, hindrance of marriage thru povwerty and want,
membership of a club dwlnles.
222 Cu+Ze-Ad common interests meet grave obstacles,difficult beginning
of a young flbm
223 Cu+Kr-A to mix with noble persons, contact with grea^ artists,
to attend weddings,if = M/Cu. the own wedding
243 Kr+Ad-Mo odd misunderstood woman who leads an odd being in public
244 Kr+Vu-Sa opposition to existing forms of government, to be watched
by the governfiient, to be separated thru the power of the s
state if := M to be an official.
249 ap+Fo-ve harmo'ny and friendship thru similar disposition.
Meridian plus Lie rid ".an
The Soul of the native per so. ths so-callei "iSco". tberexor-e the .most inportent
point in the horoscope. Intellectual and aocael impressions. Toe "1" the
opiritualj the ninute, tne moment.
-Ar Mental attitude toward the world in general .
-Su The state of one's health. Body and soul..
-As. One's position towards others. Attitude
-Mo State of mind and soul, Halations to the public and female persons. Opinions
and judgements about female persons
-No Close personal connections,.
-Ma Individual thouughts, business thoughts. Morjologuea. Flexibility of the Soul
-Ve To have the power of attractionr Fond of something- One's wishes, sympathies.
-Ma Self will, willfulness, energy, urge to accomplish V.'iehmg to do something.
-Ju ContentEunt, to be benevolent, v/e 11-wishing, Inoffensive, good natured .
-Sa Mburnfulness, bereavement. Pensive, serious or slow.
-Ur To come to sudden decisions, to incline to sudden decisions ulrplosive manner
-Iffe To be uncomfortable. To be dissappointed. To appear unreliable mjiit^rious,
-PI Perception, knowledge, understanding.. Stages of development of the character.
-Cu One's attitude toward community „ family, arts,
-Ha Grief thru poverty and defects or deficiency. Business losses, to be touchy,
-Ze To assert oneself successfully, firebrand. Consciously controlled energy. Leader
-Kr Attitude toward the boss or tnose in authority. Self confidence, Kiph rank.

-Ap One's life-experience (internal), big hearted and broadmindad Scientist, merchant.,
-Ad One's steadfastness and firmness. Standing on film ground. Going back to the
primary cause of things. Death,
-Vu Power and might of one's Soul,
-Po One's own spiritualization.
-Ma/Sa Fune ra1a,
Me no ! a n p Ik s o .7j

Body end ooulc Appearance of tne "I ^ s

-Ar The soul and bodily st5ilude of the r.&ti'/e toward the frenerul. Tna telluri:
influence upon the body- darr-xi Influence.. To in.prass ethers -

-Asc Mental end professional attitude towara othtrs^

-Ho Personal nental attitude toward women. The mind.
-No The connections of the native era not only bodily, nut rente L also.
-Me Agility of body and soul. Condition of the nerve-;, own thinking. Contemplation.
-Ve Body and aoul in harmony To make pear.*. To have a preference for some thing,

-Ms Proceeding to action. Expression of will. To maice a decision. In \t heart

and soul» To make a complete job of it,

-Ju happiness of body and m-nd, Contantmsnt. Optiaisn,

-Be Badness. Fnef. Pessimist. oeparatJou, to give up a particular obiactive.

-Ur Strong bodily and mental tension. Nervousness, sudden outbursts, conflicts,
-He Body end soul are sensitive and strongly react to ail influences, even tbu weak.
Debility, dislike, intuition. Dislike for everything,
-PI The developmant of body and soul and tbair nutue1 influence upon eachother are
fixed by the constellation of Pluto. Big changes In tna life,

-Cu Bodily feelings of happiness. Artistic faelings. Attitude toward married life,
-Ha Defects of body reset upon &ne soul and reverse is also true, and results are
bodily discomfort, ill humor, sieklinoss and repulsivensss.
-Ze Creative ability of body end soul. Courageous, energetic, wanting to lead,

-Kr To be loyal to the authorities with body and soul, High personage,
-Ap Great expansion of body end soul. To be successful,
-Ad Great perseverance, holding tenaciously to ideas,
-Vu Union of power of body end soul,
-Po Union of e delicate body end a delicate, highly sensitive soi^l.
Meridian plus Aries.
Individual attitude of the native toward universality. The"l" enbolias on the
ilortii. The "I" relations toward generality. Particularities of the tlne(nonent)
for several in one place.
-iiu The body in public. The behavior.
-Asc To naka friendships which influence the profession, Meetings outside the home.
-Mo To ba associated professionally with others in public. To have many connections
end to get them easily,
- A?<g
-Me Expressions, statements, comments. Conversations while meeting others,
-Ve To make-up oneself for others. Being liked, looking attractive to public,
-Ma To work with otber people, to let others work. To look energetic, active and busy.
-Ju To be merry v;itb others, benign attitude toward others, to fe=l lucky, successful,
-3a To be mournful with others. To have losses. To lack repulse, or to be dull
to others. To feel abandoned or lonely,
-Ur To experience something with others, to show oneself eccentric, to be revolutionary
Excitement in public,
-Ke To ba deceived with others, uncertain and muddy relations to public,
-PI The development of one's own attitude toward the generality.

-Cu Sense for sociability, to look and to be social. To make dealings with arts
or associations or communities.
-Ha To share misfortune with others. To be out of work. Sympathy.

-Ze To stick togetherlpeople). Ccmradship, To be a leader, to acielve objectives.

-Kr Being together officially, to appear leading.
-Ap Life's experiences (external). Longing for faraway places. Will to expand,
-Ad Hurd to influence, do not change their mind end attitude, while facing the public.
-Yu To expecise pov/er In general.
-Po Spiritualization.

Llaridian plus Ascendant.

The relationship to others. To join with others for a common objective. The
social and vccationsl relation.
-Ar Profasslonal or rental oonract with ths general public.
-3ii Close professional contact with others. Voricing together.
The behavior towerd women. Professional relations to public, women.

-Ko Connections thru common interest, which become p-rsonal. To get to know mentally,
-Me Vccetionsl or business convprsstions.
-Ve Agrcobls prof-ssloi.ol connections, tv he content \?ith the professlonel relations,
hemonious connections in the near sorr.-ondings.
-La The act! c.. Tc develop or accomplish something with others.
-Ju Professional luck, io enjoy activities 7.1 th others.
Prcfeasionsl difficulties. To sepsrete Iron others,

-Ur To iinO oiiesolf suddenly facing others, audden professional trouble. To

suddenly start a scene,
-Ne To be deceived by others. To o/porlencs decaptiona with others. Unstable
prcfoOoicnal conditions.

-PI Dovclopm^iits or changes in the professional life or in relation to others,

affect on the native's personality thru professional changes.

-Cu To he active in society. To conclude marriage. Professional associates.

-Ha To be in a sad mood v.i*ch otner people, 'inru work or piofeosron being connected
with ugly and dirty things.
-Zo To incite other people.
-Kr Haugntinesa. To bo bossy,

-Ap Fxoi'essional success, deal tug .. rta ^any.

-Act Firmly estabiisnoa leiations to others,
-Vu To experciso power wltn others. Joint pioceoaings.
-Po Mental agreement, or spint-el nan.ony titn etnor-i.
t.Teri disn pla- I'odes
ooul unions.
-Ar To be congenial nitb other pocpla,
-bu Soul unions effect the body,
-Asc Soul unions with acquainted persons.
-Mo Acotions resulting from soul unions.
-Me Mantel stimulus rssuitinc from soul unions. Thought connect Lena.
-Ye Personal love connections, boulful love union.
-Me Erotic soul union. To seek fellowship in work,
-Ju Luck and happiness thru the own connections. 51isoful feellriga with others.
-Sa Gloom cast by others. To lose a connection,
-Ur Sudden connections. Sudden emotion,

-Ne Dissolution of connection, the influence on the own development.

-PI Start or change of connections, the influence on the own development.
-Cu Spiritual donnectlons with art or the family,
-Ha To be linked with evil things. Strong mental depression,
-Ze To be aroused mentally, Tobe incited,
-Kr Mental connections with higher-ups.
-Ap Far reaching connections, connections with scientists, commerce, trade,
-Ad Difficulty to get connections, aterile connections,

-Vu To have powerful and influentisl conn-ctions.

-Po To have and to seek mental or spiritual connections.
Meridian plus Moon
The mental or spiritual influence of female persons. The own mind,

-At To be influenced by female persons. Mental attitude towards Generality,

-Su The Influence of the state of mind on the body. The daily influence. The
glandular system
-Asc. Mental attitude toward others. Mental influence of female persons.
••No Soul unions with female persons. Connections which Influence the mind,

-KB Thought stimulated by female persons. Alert mind,

-Ye Preference for female persons. The made harmonious mind,
-Ma Sex stimulation of female persons. The made-up mind. Manliness, Attitude of
the soldier,

-Ju Fortunate state of mind. Happiness of female parsons. Confinements (births),

-Sa Grief thru female persons, Kelancholy, The personal relations to the public
^ are upsetting or disturbed,
-Jje Annoyance thru female persons deeeitfulnass of female persons. The mind strays,
-PI Changes which impress the mind in public, changes which are personally related
to the public,
-Cu Marital soul harmony. Community sense directed by the mind,
-Ha Vileness of female persons. Low mentality.
-Ze Fiery r.lnd, creative, active brain. To be stimulated by women to creative activity
-Xr Good mental qualities. Generous,

-Ap Big hearted, frank, candid,

-Ad Bsserve and closeness, refusing and narrow minded,

-Vu The power of the mind. Powerfully influenced by female persons. Strong connection
with the public. Influenced by the public.
-Po The spiritual-mental attitude. Gifted medium,
Kota When the "oon is In any equation which we have to delineate, be cautious. The reason
is the nanifild nature of the Moon. Brain, glands, fluids, growth, the hour, the
wife, females, people, public and vehicles concern the Moon, Rules will be developed
for accurate delineation, Rsasonlng pc • grows with the understanding.
tlcridlan plus Mercury
The own thlnkinr, Ijenologues, soliloquies. To meditate. Considerations,
-At Judgment about the native. Reputation. Opihion. The own opinion about g=narality.
-3u Thoughts about body and soul. To philosophize. Agility, alertness.
-Aac To converse ( or amuse oneself) about others. I think of others or with them,
-Mo Thoughts about females. Opinions, easily offended. Agile, changabla in thinking.
-No thinking about the starting of new connections.
-Va The attitude tov/ard love and art. To think about acquaintances„
-Ma OnaTs own opinions about one's own doings. To concentrate on work.
-Ju To be elated. Cheerful. To think of luck and success.
-5a Grief, bereavement, distress. Thoughts of separation and Journeys. V/han equals
Moon, easily offended. Offending and separating opinion.
-Ur To gat excited, enraged, bpontaneous thoughts. To be notified suddenly.
-Na To liberate oneself from ideas. To raoeivs intuitively. Tc think of nothing, not
to recognize important points,

-Pi To coma to conclusions, the thoughts are bspt changing. Logical thinking. To
think about trgnafoimations and changes,

-Cu Contemplations of marriage or of art.

-Ha To prepare an atrocity. To work out tha details. Contemplate evil,
-Ze To exercise self-restraint. Self control
-Kr To make observations about the power of the atata, about the chief, tha thoughts
are directed towards the higher things of life.
-Ap To speak several languages. Talkative. Scientific thoughts. Troughts of commarca.
-Ad To have, to keep serious thoughts, melancholy. Crave hindrances due to own thoughts.
-Vu The own power of thinking. Abundance of ideas. Fast thinking, keen perception.
-Po The own thoughts are on the spiritual plane.
Meridian plus Venus

Affections, love esperiences. The own wishes. The own attraction.

-Ar Popularity. General inclinations (preferences). To send much love to the
general public.

-Su Self-love, vanity.

••As To be In love with another person, to give preference to a certain place, to bo in
or longing for that place. When equals Su plus Ad, longing for the home.
-Mo Preference for female persons. When equals Aries, a "skirt chaser".
•No To bestow affection on somebody. To mske acquaintance easily.
-Me To talk about beauty. To enjoy beautiful objects.

-Ma Sex attraction or desire.

-Ju Sensation of happiness in love. Lucky wishes come thru,

-Sa Sorrow resulting from separation In love. To long for a separation. Hindrance
and sorrow in love.

-Ur Sudden affection. To be inflamed. Amateur, favorite pursuit,

-Ne Love's sorrow. To renounce. Hopeless love. Love without prospects.
-?1 To love change. To long and look for transformations and changes,

-Cu Inclinations to marriage. Betrothal.

-Ha Preference for base love, for immorality. Attracted to these things,
-Ze To wish for progeny. Wishing to be desired. The sower. Equals Ju, success.

-Kr Idealistic point of view. Love for father, or for persons of importance.
-Ap Inclination to art and science. Peaceful inclinations, seeking friendship,
-Ad The one's own love does not find
-Yu Tne one's own love rea ches graat pssai<j*.i. To personally desire something,
-Po To revere and Idolize something. Peligicus inclinations.
Note: all experience in life comes over the conscious. Therefore the planet Mercury thru
his position in the horoscope is equally important as the personal points. Very much
like the Moon, Mercury is manifold, and known Cbsmeieoa among plenetc. He da uses
superficial changes. Important as neutrallzer of »v!l planets, with evapt;on of
hades. Mercury and hades causes drscf. way cf expression, t;i r.King, ml stakes,
oversight, silent with shame, sadness, taciturn, stupidity, rlarder-j, wi badness and
hidden thoughts.

Meridian plus Mars

The one's own action is Meridian plus ^rs, the action is troiifly influenced b.-'
desire and wish, Meridian plus wercury. ibcrefors we have to etuay these onn«?tic:is of
iuars and Mercury carefully, action is guided by charar. te r, if th^ horoscope shows strong
Mercury minus Poseidon or Pluto constellations with the Txth. house, the activities are more
mental and intcllecti ;al, and the moral standard is much highexS Pie verse- someone's
moral standard can be very n,igband he worlfc with his body.

Meridian plus Saturn

On the two equations M plus eq Ap, and M plus Se aq Po, wa notice in the delin-
eation a smileri ty, even so the equations are different. M plus oa minus Ap, reads
to separate from many. The necessity of aeperatlng often from many. This formula certainly
points to a teacher as a profession. The tsaihir.g profession often separates from many.
But the same constellation could b« found in the chart of en army offi'.■■sr.

Meridian Plus Neptune.

In the case of toe Moon vss have to dwcl with thi gr :.t i biii ties, in the case
of Keptune we face the great uncertainties of the future, a good Neptune gives intuition,
the bad one, lias end swindle. Often both choracteristive ore present, without the
conscious knowing of the native. Most hostile to Neptune is Mars, tae Gharebcter planet.
Neptune together with Jupiter glv^s dubious luck.. Loose* of money buc also gains. At
tbe first the Neptune is predominant, at the second, J up it sr.

Meridian plus Pluto

Pluto is the planet of metanorphOoas, end Couoas oftsn a conplatc trar.sfomation.
Y/hat we find under the formula Meridian plus Pluto, we have to creet with caution, the
progressed dun takes the whole netlvlti potter:', eloug thru the rotation of the Jlarth around
her own ails 'n the days aftt.r birth, if no contacts ara made, "e treat our delineation
as still latent, and often the contrary is right, ihe directed horoscope gives the under-
lying condition,but the current Sun and the progressed Meridian of the day bring It cut
per se, or thru their common axis.
Meridian plus hades
iNeptune end riedes are contrary in a way. Neptune rules tha pulling down forces of the
future, concerning uncertainties and .-.ioratc which ar- the IVtv-re. Hades rules the pulling
down forces of the past, and holds thn a.-.rets cf "has been things". Thsrefore we find
bi^ strong in cncrts of ni^torianc .:.d r .o^lj. who d^el v/ith cntujii ti .s or ccll^ct antiques
All secret sciences hetheir roots in th- pest.
k^ridicn plus Zeus

Mercury plus hades equals Zeus plus iv.ridl&n snd.V.r

Meridian plus ^aus equal.-. Me/'he Indicate c. blackmsll-: .

Meridian plus Msrs

One*s own action. To make arrangements/ to give orders. Agitated mind.

-At To give orders to nany, to be commander over many.

-3u Administrator of Justice. Jail warden. To offer resistance, equals Neptune,
to be unable to accomplish something.
-As To give orders to others. I am active with other people.
-Mo To give orders to a woman. Managing and utilizing hours of the day.

-No To have the power of command.

-Me To give orders. To act rashly, to be quick.
-Ve To be sexually stimilated, or to stimulate others,
-Ju To intend to become betrothed. Wishing to make oneself happy. To deal honestly.
-Sa To turn away. Not to cgre, to be involved. Betarding action. Waiting. Instructions
or orders bringing about losses.

-Ur The possibility of becoming violent. Expressing explosively, Unconsidered action,

Exciting consequences.
-Ne Inability to assert oneself. To succumb. Fraudulent action. Weak-willed.
Equals Su, inability.
-PI More then one iron in the fire. Organizer. To build up something.

-Cu Decision to marry. To be ready to act with others,

-Ha Leader of a gang of thieves. Murderer. Grieving or full of worried. Disconsolate.
To do things in a nasty way.

-Ze To make arrangements that have to be carried out immediately. No opposition toler-
ated, To force through,
-Kr Government executive, i.e. policeman. Honorable end dignified dealings.
-Ap Ebgaged in science or commerce. On a grand scale. To be prudent.
-Ad Condemned to inactivity. The own action meets grave resistance. To busyonaself with
or at wreckage, ruins or broken pieces.
-Vu Mighty willpower,
-Po The own moral mode of dealing. Intellectually active.
Her'd i -sn plii*- Jup; L e r
-At Owieral coEter-traer.t. The s;ate of raiirl effaces the pen ere 1 worlJ .

-3u IMlly well terjig.

-As Cob ten trie nt end hemony with others. To be jolly with others. The desire to
zrmk* others happy.
-Ho Hermonious conncctioria with women, luck thru woman.
-No Hamonicus connacticns, lack thru them.
-Me Contentment and ncctel trenquility«
••Ve Blissful feelings thru lovee
-Ma Delight over a love act. Betrothal.
-St Parting v/ithout aurrow. io he glad ovc-r a separation.
-Ur buddan blissful feeling, happiness, luck.
-Ne Premonition of loss. Disseppointmont with bliss, luck.
-PI To be glad over increasing happiness, over development of things. Delight over
luck transformation.
-Cu Contented with modest circcinstencas.
-Ze Happiness over accomplishment.
-Kr Self-consciouaness. To he conscious of on-j• s own authority. Fortunate leadership.
-Ap Luck or money thru sicence or :c-nuief;;e«
-Ad Nnd of good fortune, luck or happiness. Luck thru rsct or repose,, to be still, not
doing anything.
-Vu Greet optimism.
-Po Contentment tnru sensibi-s(ty resscn} edjustment. bpiritaal hspplnesso
Meridian plus Saturn

Dejection. Depression. To separate. To feel a burden, a load, a bindrance or

-At To grieve over many people, Equals Su, many opponents, to oe alone.
-Su To worry. To become feeble from sorrowsi Physical separation. Personal opponents.
-As To share other peoples griefs; to separata from others.
-Mo The frmae of mind due to a separation from a v/anan. To separate from other persons.
To avoid or to be denied public appearance.
-No One in mourning, to be united by sorrow. Burdening connections, to sever such
connections. To say "good-bye",
-Me To subject oneself to thoughts of separation. To grasp them slowly. Brooding. To
be obliged to separate. Equals Ma/oa, to take leave thru death.
-Ve Love's sorrow. To separate from love, woman, or very ograable things.
-Ma To be in mourning, Equals Su, to be separated. To slow up work, to terminate or
interrupt work. Sorrows brought on by own actions.
-Ju Separation with happy ending. To change the domicile. To crowd one's luck or
-Ur Suddenly appearing sadness, to cause sudden separations. Equals Asc. to separate
suddenly. To cause sudden sorrows and separations. Excitement and sorrow caused by
opponents and hindrances.
-Ne To grieve over the falseness of others. Sorrow thro want of clearness,
-Pi To feel downcast thru the interruption of one's own development.
-Cu Fanily mourning. To separate from the family.
-Ha Grief thru sickness, or other causes. Cause of enmenities thru the own character.
To be out of work.
-Ze Cares of fatherhood. V/orries over support.
-Kr Tax worries. Tne same responsibility towards the fem;Iy,

-Ap To separate from many. The necessity of separating often from rainy. To be a
teacher, to instruct.
-Ad To have great patience. "I can and must wsit". To he crov/ded end hindred for a
long time.
-Vu To guard something, guard duties, to interfere by hindnng.
-Po To be an educator. To cause bindrance ou the rwntol plane.
i'lO rl dlan plus Uranu
Tc ba excited. To bavd a mind to do somethlne. Tenseness. V* brsti ons.
-Ar General excitement. To cive or bring something to the world, t.'entcl tension
ell around.
-iiu To get into a rage. To b-iiome all excited, Tc get hodil; excited,

-As To be excited over orhers.

-Mo To be In e bod humor on account of a woman or people. To ens't e scene. Labor pains,

-No To become energetic, To u-:e harsh words, Toiislcn rr9fit«?d by a .all,

-Va Longing for lova. To tecoma daring, equals Ze, birth of a girl. Thesion thru love,
pleasura or diversion.
To become energetic. To use harsh words. Tension, opontanocus decisions.
Equals Me, hot headed.

-Ju To be suddenly gladdened by good luck,

-Sa The wish to be rid of sanething, to throw out. To be quarrelsome. Irritation
thru losses, oeparatlon and resistance or opposition,
-Na To excite oneself In vain. Much noise about nothing, false alarra. To gee excited
over something unintelligable,
-PI Sudden development or changes. To invert or reverse one self by leaps. To adapt
or make fit oneself into something. To be pushed hack and forth by one's Impulses,
-Cu Wedding joys. Marrying quickly, excitement and tension scciaiiy,
-He To execute plans for murder. To ccuarit misdeeds, Excitement thru ugly notions,
-Ze Decidedly self willed. To surprise thru the own decisions. To have end pursue direc-
tion end goal unerringly. To reach the goal. Pleasure thru fires. Equals Ve., giving
birth to a girl,
-K.r To issue sudden orders. Tension thru sudden showdowns,
-Ap Sudden ezpeneions. Sudden and unexpected success, sstrologlcally also,
-Ad To tear up, to break up, to interrupt somc3thing suddenly, Vory difficult to appease,
-Vu rritable character, suddenly using force.
-Po To look thru to the bcttoir. of eom^thing, to make somebhing lucid. To make propaganda.

lieridlan plus Neptune

To follow wrong Ideas. Felsehood. Swindle. To be not sure, unable to support.
To follov the unknown, the doubtful. To concentrate on the future, to be
intuitive, to deny, to decline, to refuse something.
-Ar To deceive(defraud) many people. To arobse false notions.
-Su Bodily deception. Cosmetics, bleight of hand. Personal weaknesses, secrets or
want of clearness.
-As To commit frauds with other people. To mislead others.
-Mo To be very fantastic. Sleepwalker. To deceive persons.
-No To induce others to commit fraudulent acts, mirrors ahcut connections.
-Me Intuitive. False or fraudulent thoughts or feelings. Theughts and they way of
expressing them are not clear and distinct.

-Ve To pretend love. Wrong perception of leve. The Ldaas about love and affection are
not clear and distinct,
-Ma Swindler,rogue. Occupation with rhe unknewr.. Work which is unsa^isfa-.tory end Is
never finished, equals Kr, outst^ni*ng as a swindler.
-Ju Money swindler. Speculator. To pre tani nalng lucky, la^ginary luck.

-Sa To cause losses or sickness thru weakn-jf-.t or nsglect. To suffer or separate thru
wrong concept (notion).

-Ur To put into disorder, to bring into chaos. Unconscious things of the younde.
Unconsciousness. To he the cause of sudden words. Aggravations causad thru deceit,
falsehood or dishonesty.

-PI Swindle, which is not noticed, to bo cunnjg.

-Cu Marriage swindler, Forger m arts. Jointly to follow the unknown. To perform magic
-Ha To drown. To lead an evil Ufa. To sustain Irsse-s thru deception. To feel d'• sgustel
with deception. Equals La. e mean and trtcki cbsracter.
-Ze To gravely offend somebody, Sntarpri ses that i!s4.6ppoip.t.
-Kr To carry something thru independently, whl ■]) is lubious, 'Jnkuown or uncertain.
Chief instigator of frauds. Daception of oirher- ijps.

-Ap extensive deceptions and frauds.

-Ad To radiate cold, to he repuisive. .niux-ious to one ^ tact. To experience changes
of conditions from the bottom up. C->3 of xrvi r-v.atsnt.
-Vu To pretend to great power. To decej-.-e cr b'i- deceived on a big scale.
-Po To pretend. Bluffer,
Meridian plus Pluto
The own intellectual capacity or concept or apprehension, abilities and possibilities
of development. The evolution and transfcreation of tbe aoul end spirit,

-Ar The own development depends upon the general conditions.

-5u To concentrate upon the condition and devalopmant of the body.

-As To effect the development of others.

-Mo The one's own character developm-nt. Influence of women or. public-
-wo Tc bring other persons under one's own influence,
-Me The development of the cogitative faculty, to form Ideas,

-Ve To develop harr-ionlcu&ly.

-Me The development of the will,
-Ju Fortunate development of soul and spirit.
-Ss The own unfoldr.ent suffers hindrarces and otstfclas; slows up.

-Ur The ov development is u.ijv.3;., It l=aps, bounds., cracko, jumps, turnirr about,
changes of liind.
-Ne The evolution and transformetion are ht.rdly noticed oi> thv surface.
-Cu To pick up the thread, to continue tna old trend. To develop ert and community
sense, it concerns also the raloMcn cf trxestors and children. Hereditary transmission
-He To grow 7;or3=, declining, tc stoop (baseness ].
-Ze To perfonn and accoEipllsh. Developcar.t of leadership. The "inner vocation".
-Kr The tendency is up. Iron pupil to master -high standard-
-Ap A spiritual or mental development with little hindrance,
-Ad Standstill of deveiopmant, Durinr directioriS* ey.pariencing deeprerching transformations
often revolution and debacle,
-Vu The development of the own might and power.
-Po The turning from noteriallsn to spirit.
Meridien plus Cupldo

Artistic treat, .artistic taste, I&ziily end coisaunity minded

-Ar To participate in general artistic offerings, equals Kr, to marry. To participate
on emdeavo.'s pf common interest.
-Su Perfonner in art. Member of a community, association, corporation. To marry.
-Asc Association with art lovers. Association with others.
-Mo Performer in art (female). Dealings with congregated womsc. In the company of
women. Comnunity associations in public.

-No Association with art, oeeking association with artists.

-Me Artistic and social thoughts. Lover of art. Aiiateur,
-Ve Taste for beauty, enthusiasm. To love company.
-Ma Marriage intentions. Working together with others. Pest of war veterans.
-Ju Contentment and happiness thru occupations dealing with art, marriage or community.

-Sa The sense of community experiences setbacks and hindrances. A liking for funeral music.
The state of mind after divorce. Serious company.
-Ur Taste for rythmic art. Sudden marriage. To be original end enterprising.

-Ne To remain an amateur in art. To quit art. To be party to dissolving an organization.

To experience deceit or non clearness of a company,
-PI- The sense of understanding of art develops. Social chenges.
-Ha Liking for vulgar art and company, seeking them. Fondness for popular or vulgar
songs. Artistic testa for ancient things, antiques, objects of art. To collect and
hoard them. To hoard provisions and other things,

-Ze To want to produce something artistic with others, equals Jupiter, to win a battle.
To create successfully. Social leader.
-Kr Great art talent. Genius -in art. Associated with independent persons,
-Ap Much social entertainment, to he h&pp; in company of many, liny members of the family.
Common interest with scientists and representatives of commerce and trade.
-Ad To be avoided. The own wishes in the family, comraimty are denied.
-Vu Great sense for community. Mighty influence thru social connections,
-Po Spiritual or religious comnunity. To seek then. To be attracted to religious sects.
Meridian pics Hades

Bereavement, Grief. Ill humored. To have secrets.

-Ar Mental depression, oorvow thru general poverty,
-Su 111 humored on account of sickness. To grieve over the poor condition of the
own body, or of a male person.
-Asc To share other people's worries or sorrows, oaddened by the attitude or by the

-Mo To get into e tight place on account of a. woman, Tchove worries over women.
Grieving about conditions in the public. Grieving populace,

-No To grieve with other people,

-Me Wishing evil to others. Ponderous thoughts. Stupidity. To keep bad things to
oneself. To meditate about miserable things.
-Ve To be pleased with vulgar love. Grief in love. Vulgar lust and feelings.
-Ma Wanting to commit evil acts. Little initative. Lazy, Sorrow or damage thru the
own actions,
-Ju To be sad on account of money or of lasses. Clouded happiness,
-Sa To be unemployed. Grief thru sickness and separation. The stranger. Sorrow thru
the own doings or hindrances.
-Ur To be saddned and distresses thru sudden death and adverse conditions,
-Ne To give up last hopes, I am drowning. Grief thru falsehood, deceit or want of firmness
-PI To grieve over one's own decline. Self denial. Sad transformations,

-Cu Grief thru married life, organizations or associations. " I am worried about future"
-Ze The urge to evil deeds. To be forced to start some evil. To create disharmony,
-Kr To get into ill humor because of interference of "higher-ups" or of the government.
Damages thru advancing independently.

-Ap Secret science. To busy oneself with history-science or sience of antiquities. Bad
tines for commerce and trade,
-Ad Want for simplest necessities of life. Sadness, privation, cold,
-Vu Sorrow thru dependence,
-Po Secret knowledge concerning mental defects. To look to other people. An odd character.
Meridian plus. Zeus
Toe one's own creative abilities. The urge to accomplish great feats.
-Ar To contrlbvafce something tbru the urge to action,
-Su To spur the body on. Wanting to accomplish a great deal physically. To be
a sportsman with body and soul

-As To help others inteliHctually, Teaching, Instruction. To force the own will
upon others,
-Mo To be stimulated to work by women. The own work in connection with the public
or with woman,
-No Wanting to be active with many. Community work,
-Ma Wanting always to start something new. To make proposals. Creative thoughts,
-Ve Love sickness. Wishing to produce somathing beautiful,
-Ma Always ready to help. Good strategian. Leader, Dare-devil, To force something
under his will,
-Ju To promote pleasure. To urge others to hilarity,
-3a Activities combined with hindrances, dlrrows, Lloney losses. Losses from Inven-
tions, Thefts of patents (infringements). Doomed to inactivities,
-Ur Suddenly wanting to be creatively active, Sudden urge for great deeds. To force
upon somebody his own wl3fcl» Squels Asc.t to instruct others in the handling of
a machine. To teach somebody to drive a car,
-Ne Incompetence, Weakness of will, Abandoning plans. Planning too much.
-PI Increased urge to accomplish something. To bring on a transformation.
-Cu Artistic cooperation. To bring something new in art. To must work with others
around him,

-Ha To produce lowbrow art, to make up vulgar stories. To work with coals, soot, or
dirt, borrow and hindrances at work. To be obliged to fight strong resistance.
To wish to help the sick,

-Kr Great inventor. To create something great, I.inager of a large technical establish-
ment. To do, to work at something independently.
-Ap To be a scientific researcher,
-Ad Battle against strongest opposition. To overcome the difficulties of the beginning,
-Vu The urge of action cennot be stopped. The word 'impossibility♦ does not exist,
-Po Mental work or creation. To be a witness.
Meridian plus Kronos
Authority, to be Indepsndantw To direct end accomplish somethingo

-Ar A superior of other people. An authority for others, c.quals Cu, to narry.
-3u To exert personal authority. To strive for Independerve.
-As Connection with inferiors. To lead the others.
-Mo Deputies. Baneral overseers and managers.
-No Moguls amoung themselves. Connected with abilities.
-Me To make arrangements. Great and high trend of thoughts.
-Ve To make gifts. To distribute gifts. Charitable inclinations,
-Ma Sportsman. '.Vrestler, Boxer. Police r.eptaln. Officer. To act, to do something
independently, strictly on his own. -quaIs Zeus, nanufaqturer cf matches. 'Io unfold
great activity.

-Ju Moneyed man. Financier. Money or property increase. Success thru own independence
and initative.
-5a Owner of an estate. Dealing in agricultural produce, authority on soil. Also
decrease and losses thru own initative.
-Ur Manager of a technical establishment, '..anting to produce something big. o show
leadership suddenly, causing excitement and surprise. Original.
-Ne Captains, also for aeronautics. Failure in particular oases as managers. To be
unrecognized, rejected, overlooked. Pursue onknown independently,
-PI To be or become a master.
-Cu Artistic genius. Socially leading, Master cf cerenonjea.

-ha Mine owner. Owner of blast furr.ecsi. Obtain som-ll>i..p from earth, to be own cause
of sorrows and obstacles.

-Ze Foreman or rcanager of rcachine works. Army officer, -quaIs Mars, "king of the sharp-
shooters" I as well aa Liars/Vunus. 'io lead wituout failing.
-Ap To be an authority in science, co^Lcorce or trade.
-Ad") The own authority in science, commerce art rude,
-AdJ The ov.n capability finds no recognition- -ind of authority.
-Vu Mighty authority. To exorcise power of state. Power of attorney
-Po Intexlectubl leader, opintus rector, nign education.
IvforldlciE pluc Apolion.

Thtf one's own iiTe experience. The r.ental horliciu

-Ar Greet and ilcn experienceo i:: tne ii :\.z ir.e, To hear and see oretho
-au Success as a scientist ortnru c^rn experience. Correct use of senaes.

-As Knowing and knovvlcdgj of people, io ntndie people;, i.^n"' acc.udintsnceso

-Mo Mental experiences, experiences with wonan, pablio. «r.thropolcgy.

-No Meeting scientific people. Oongreguto '-vitri rwiiy.
-Me Knowledge of janguages. aclettifi.c talKs.
-Ve Ifiany friends. Gains thru then,
-Ma Klahorstc. activities in cc;n..or-:.-., ;■ .iiuitry -ud ^; i a on»
-Ju Lacic and success In cocmerce and soience. Kappy experiences®
-Sa Success thru right nut hods« To tu auc-cass in adeoatlon.

-Ur Sudden experience. The astrclcger. ooieatific connactiona, industry.

-Ne To work in scientific new-land. Fenetrstc ui'dfucwn fields of science.

-PI Develop scientific abilities. Right eVuiuotinn of own experience.

-Cu Kxperiencud art connaiseur. Connections to arts, iriend Of peace.

-Hs Have experience with avil things, ooiar.ce, knowledge of antiquity.

-Ze Kxpari er.cdL with fire m enr.i neerli.^. Into r'.-a t in uotural science.
-Kr To pursue political acienoe, lo oe autnority for iiany.
-Ad To ba content^ to be ontureted, iinougi., Not much progress anymore.

-Vu Great mental horizon. Success thru oftsi axpanances.

-Po Kxporiancea of r.e.-ital o: ^ . r'.tu.l r.. -tudy spiritual s%.ience. The own
conviction, -qualo asc-., otr.-r- of — ttic:.,
Note: Meridian plus Apollon equals Lam. pica i lad as - "I sia an historian".
Meridian plus Apollon equals Aoc- j.lu_ Poseidon, to aave, look for or find
spiritual acquaintan',es«
Meridian plus Admatos
To be insensible, apathetic, hardhearted. The 07/n fizmness, perseverance or

-Ar To appear insensible, cold or of little fealing.

-Su Insensible in respect to the body. To suppress pain.

-Asc Without feeling towards others. Direct disrespect fbr others' feelings.
-Mo To turn aside sensitivity towards females. Hardhearted,
-No Seeking acquaintance of hardhearted people. Dot finding connections on account
of being hardhearted.
-Me Finds it hard to talk. Slow thinking.
-Va Without heart, without love,

-Ma Perseverance in work.

-Ju Insensible or indifferent towards good luck. Fortunate with minerals or soil
-3a To be settled,

-Ur To be frightened. Suddenly scared out of own wits.

-Nc To be "without delicacy or tact.
-PI To keep going in sane direction of development. Hemain on course,
-Cu To reject or refuse to be with others. Wanting to be alone.
-Ha Indifferent to poverty or misfortune, 'lo be and to remain poor.
-Ze Shyness, aversion to start something, after starting keeps going.
-Kr Difficult or nerd to get or retain authority.
-Ap To refuse to expand anything, easily satisfied,
-Yu Great perseverance and powers of resistance. Resourcefulness.
-Po Profound mind, lo be educated, trained.

iaridien plus Vulcan

The own porer, r.ifht, euthority.

-At To hava nsny in his powar. lo influence "Any

-ou To hava freat bodily strenpth and vipor. 10 use ito
-As To lat othars feel one's own power und Influence.
-Lto To strongly influence v/omon and the public.
-No To have great influence thru own connections.
-Me Strong ability to think, agility and mobility of tnoughts.
-Ve Great passion in love.
-Ma Great urge for action, lo do things.
-Ju Luck and success thru exercising own power

-Sa To be hindred, to be captured.

-Ur Great axcitenient, sudden exercising of power and authority.

-Ne Dissolution of own power. To miss completely,

-PI To be the cause of powerful changes,
-Cu Might and influence thru family or conEiunlty.
-Ha encircled by danger, ignoring danger. To deliberately commit oneself togreat
danger. Mod dog.
-Ze Controlling abundant agencies, lo suoorvioe r.cchinas.
-Kr To have great''influence. io wield power of state.
-Ap Successful wieldinr of power, -xpanoicn.
-Po To have spiritual or mental influence or power.

Meridian plus Poseidon

Tho divine spark in Man.
-Ar Being connected with the generality thru mental matters.
-du The mind of the native stipulates bodily fom and appearance.
-As To fuse one's ideas with those of others,
-Mo Great perception. To influence women and public.
-No To foim a mental partnership woth others,
-Me Idealistic way of thinking, the one's own ideas.
-Ve Inclination or attitude toward religion. Also own disposition,
♦Ma Mental independence. To separate mentally from others,
-Ju Lucky mental disposition. To search for spiritual contentment, equals Mars/Hades
the own irresponsible doings,
-Sa To be brought up, jSducated, I'o be a pupil,
-Or Sudden realization of the truth, Mental clarity.
-Ne Mental delicacy, not materialistically inclined, enthusiastic.
-?1 The personal mental or spiritual development.
-Cu Mental attitudes toward the arts, marriage and community. To understand them
from a religious point of view.
-Ha To be living in the past. One's mental baseness. Stupidity.
-Ze To enforce mentally. To demonstrate something. Leader. Vi'ltness.
-Kr To be on a high mental plane, spiritual leader. Man of stature.
-Ap Bredth of spirit, spiritually unfettered. Own conception of the world,
Equals Asc., thru the spiritual conception bound to Others.
-Yu To have a mighty intellect.

Aries plus Aries

C'JTi:..■.•rtiinc the r,srth horoscope

U The 'I* \n r-let ion to the general world, disposition of the mind., ^notions,
o.. The vela'.iona.bip of the universality to the body,,

-As A'-'CCo s ntances . pASces.-.

i,.v Cor.:;eiTjint' fensle persons-.
Cc r.r.etions with the world in general.
-Ivic Ow-.-evj'. tli .r.'cclng.
Vr Mar. I fo-stat. ion of love ■
-•i ooert:/. Touraee. forces of nature, working energy. Cp^n fires
-.t.; Got-a jucx, ooi.tentnent: Honey, Possessions a

-da Parting, separation, death.

-Ur Sudden events., firplosions« ilruptions^
-t:e Deception Uncertainties. Dissolutions. iSntanglament, bewilderment, confusion.
The se- the 3ir..

?■. Goners 1 perception, understandings Davalopment. evolution. Matamorpose«

•Ca Art ptodoctc, llarriege. docial affairs.

•n- il.&forv-jre; General poverty.

2ri Coti"!clied lire. Bailroads. Machines operated by stcsn. Procreation.

K- GcvThe power of authority.
• A,.- op roc '.ing. e.c tending Trade, Cciaierce,

K./ .!urjna 1 Daath. Base origin. Standstill . Rest.

V-; rcw^r o.qii r."rut
Arias plus aun

Th- body w vary thin- pertaining, to the body. Problems end natters of the daily
life. Th- body on this ^erth. The biol.ficel. liny or. e day Persons in public
-Li Personal connections \;ith thincs and natters of the daily life, at the r.onsnt.

-As iiony acqusirtsnces thra or while takinc care of the dally chores Personally
connected rith others in the public •

-I..o dodics of female persons, rriendohips with female persons

-iiO Bcdil; contact or union;or.c several people,
-Lie Youn^ body. Relating to youth. 'J-o be in motion, noughts of nnny on a day.
-Ve Activity in or capacity for love of raf.ny perono. Time of puberty.
• Ti. o cf body's rn-ximum -trenyth ^ctiny bodies, --•ctinr people
-Ju Tins cf harvest of fruits of body's activities, .xn; p-ople happy,
j^t-r y.-nrs of life, oickness of body Bodily separation. Losses,.
-Ur high tension of body. Suddenly active body. Uproar. R-stlessnsss
-he jr. 11 end dellcat- bodies ..indre" activitias, -ody or—.king do./i,. i-any are
dece iv jd

-F1 Lotion of body. iissi...ilavion by digestion. «rowt'.j ir.d r.ouritLr.eiit, erv.-lling

Bad-,-, soarcit^ of . The octav- ^ Aries pi s aur. .Inus nlercury.
-Cu Bedil; uiiiwi: ir. ; atrii-.ony. i3odv nith ^rtistic diopoeiticn. The possessions of s
company, liu ctttve of Aiies ^lus oun vdnus Venus. iLt^rnationsl unions.
-h_ ire 11 body,, oiokness, deficiency, poverty, uncr.plcymentt

-Ze Th- bodily (p^, sicol ) loader, odave of Aries plus oun minus lirenus..

-Kr Capcblliiios ccnr.ectad 7/ith body, Lontal or spiritual Isediny. The opposite of
the aquation Aries plusour. minus hedas,
—Ap ne_v/is, dig..i o^eS . Octave o^ i^ries plus oun laxnus Jupiter &

-Ad Psitinc of body frcn this Aarth. Death, estetes. Cctevj of Arias plus dun minus
-Vu strength of the body, ouccess. Octave of Aries minus dun minus Hiiars.
-Po Spirits, astral body. Octcve cf Aries plus dun minus Neptune.

Aries plus Ascendant,

Meetings, pieces, locations.

-M The influences of the place on the professional position. Business connections.
-Su Pieces and countries which we get to know. Greeting each other.

-Mo LLny places we get to know without settling down. Very pcijuleted places.
Acquaintances with female persons,
-No Connections with many people in many pieces and countries.
-Me Trevellinr or traffic connections of a place, street or square. Conversations.

-Ve Beautiful countries, places, theatres. Amorous acquaintances.

-Mia Work places, machine ships. Training cemps. To do something for others.
-Ju Fertile places. To be pleased with eachother. Jolli company.
-Se Villages, fields. To take leave of many people.
-Ur Manufacturing plants, rifle range, practice ground, oudden event with several people
-Ne Unknown countries, not explored territtories. To bs deceived by many, errors of
the right location, of the right direction.
-PI Changes of places, growth of pieces. Internal developments of a place, coranarce,
changes in traffic of a place.
-Cu Inhabited co'intry, places, cptrtments. To attend c concet or a social. Brought
together by art. Family celebrations.
-na Poor countries, ugly, vacated or .destroyed pieces. To seek bad company, to meet
sick people,
-Ze Places with military establishments, places of nanyfacturing firearms, Comradship
in war-. Sense of direction. Topograpmc sense.

-Kr Mctropoles, capitals with governments. Plan something big with others.
-Ap Much visited places. Idany meetings. Many paople. Distant places.
-Ad Low or deep situated places, voiles, nines. To be settled. Desolation,

-Vu Industrial country. To be connected with others thru r-achine work. Battlefields.
-Po Cit-ies with universities end publishing houses. To be Introduced tc ideas. To ssek
spiritucl and mental community.

Aries plus Moon

femcle persons. Peoples.

-M To be under the Influence of the public or female persons,

-Su A man's woman. The women of a man. Sensitivity of the body.

-As Acquaintance with females. To congregate.

-No Union of female persons and peoples,
-Me Thoughts about female people. Thinking women, exchanging thoughts among different

-Ve The love of female persons. Motherhood.

-Ma The active woman, the wife, the mate. Industrious or working people, Equals Hades,
soldiers, equals bu/ Cu, units of the army
-Ju Happiness of female persons. Happy populace.
-Sa Old and dying off populace (nation). A separated woman, a widow, a forsaken woman,
an old woman.
-Ur Uproar of the populace. Neurotic woman (intensely excited ), Nervous stomach.
-Ne Weak woman, infected women, sensitive women. Motion of the air,
-PI The development of a woman, the ability to apply herself. The growth of peoples,
changes in the structure of peoples,
-Cu The housewife. The bride. The artist. Union of peoples,
-Ha Debilitated old woman, Crandmother. Diseased wcnb. Poor inhabitants.
-Ze Becoming mothers. Aming or rearming people.
-Kr The people representing the authorities. Officials, Housewives, Great people.
-Ap Anthropology. Zthnology. Happy women. People and masses of people.
-Ad The death or the dying people. Death of many female persons.
-Vu Powerful and mighty people. Influence of female persons. Persons of the executive.
To create excitement. People who are admired.

-Po Media. Women with outspoken intellectual inclinations.


Aries plus Nodes

Union of many persons,

-M Mental contact with many people,

-Su Bodily association with meny.

-As Acquaintance with many people.
Connection with female persons, or of female persons,

-Me ixchange of ideas ,

-Ve Love union with many people, i^uiclc affection for someone.
-Ma Erotic union with many. Union with many for common objectives.
-Ju happy companionship with others,

-oa General separation.

-Ur Excitement with or thru many. Sudden meetings, gatherings.
-Ne To avoid people, erotic separations. Errors in connection with several,
-PI Many people unite, to change something. Transformations in connection with many,
-Cu Associations thru the arts of family,
-Ha Unpleasant association with many, or of many.

-Ze To join together for production. General procreation. Swarming,

-Kp Association of the higher ups, or of states.

-Ap Widely circulated connection. Connection of scientist. Connections of a merchant.

-Ad End or finish of a connection, sterile connection.
-Vu Influential connection of many, Mighty connection of many.
-Po Connection of many for an ideal purpose.

Aries plus torcury,

Genaral thinking, I.totion. Thinking of strangers, Kews,
-M To be influenced by public opinion. To be interested in general opinion,
-Su Action in general. To be subjected to style according to the times,
-As To get into connection with public opinion,
-Mo The current public opinion. Instability or public opinion. Aries plus
jy/j ^ tiercury equals Lioon plus Poseidon, the mentally or spiritually interested people,
-Ve To make acquaintances in connection with public opinion. To make connections.
Generla conception of beauty. To adorr oneself, to dress,
-Ikla General excitement, I'asses in action.
-Ju TalkEtiveness, Masses indulging thoiiselvas in talking. General conversation.
-_a General thought of separation. Beginning of a journey.
-Ur News in general i.owspaper accounts. Telegrams.
-jSe Ideas floting in tne air, mostly witnout possibility of realization. General
bewilderment, conf\ision, talks, opinions, news which creates more confusion,
-PI To perceive, understand. Development of public opinion,
-Cu General opinion about marrisgs. Predominant tendency in art. Opinion of society
or of unions.
-Ha Ugly mood of thinking of the public. General thinking is forced and guided,
-2a Constructive thinking of general public.

-Kr Highmindedness end noble way of thinking. International legal discussions or decree
Bquals Ap, trade egreements.

-Ap Widely spread or publicized opinion. Thinking of the masses,

-Ad Standing manner of speech, mode of expression. Proverbs,
-Vu Powerful thoughts. Great speed. The motor. To drive,
-Po Ideas of the public opinion,
ICote: Sun plus Poseidon minus Asc. - to read.

Aries plus Yunus

The power of attraction. Love in general. -To surround many people with love«

~U The native is beloved and has great power of attraction. He extends much love to
the world,
-3u Love properties of the body. Jewelry*

-Ac To be loved a greet deal by others,

-:..o Woman's love. The people's love. To be loved by the public.
-I.o Love ties in general.
-He Appreciation of art. Beauty of thought. New acquaintances thru being liked
generally. Well thought of,
-LIo Love in general. Mating tine. Relatives on the side of the mother.

-Ju Bliss,
-3a Love's parting,

-Ur oudden frenzy of love. 3udden events for female persons,

-lie Unrequited love. Falsehood. To pretend, make believe love,

-PI General bamonious thoughts, development.

-Cu Love narraiges. Larital natters for female persons.

-..a immorality.

-Ze General procraatlve frenzy. Fortunate sowing tine. The good sower,

-Kr C.^ritsbls, attitude of the general public, General peaceable thinking. Teacec
General willingness to nelp,
-Ap General 4>eaca, concord, unity, friendship,

-Ad L-ath of female persons. Zquals clcae personal. Ivi. attraction.

-Vu Goncr^l passion. Rage, nighty power of attr<.ctivn, Ge.icral longing for something,

-Po Religious inclinations in the public, oanatification.


Aries plus fnars

Labor, tiw forces of xeture. Ir.juries.

-M energy, Courabc. To be busy.
-Su The nan's activitiss or labors, iight or battle action.
-As The acts of other people, ^cts toward other people. Violence of others.
-Lio Deeds or s ctivitias of a worain, or in the public, Waring people.
-No Uniting activity, gonorel norking connections. Connections thru work.
-ule Power of ^thought, energetic action, to create,
-Ve Deeds of love, relatives on the father's side, or close awquaintsnces. equals
Admotos, death of female person on the father's side.
-Ju Fortunate action.
-Sa The beginning o.f toilsome work, Acts of separation. Death from labor, while in
action. Hindrance or stoppage of work,
-Ur budden action. Injury, equals hades, severe injuries.
-Ne Poisoning, wasted effort, unsatisfactory Hork.
-PI To plan, to concentrate.
-Cu Wedding ceremony concerted action.
-Ha Mean acts, equals Ur, to be killed by an injury.
-Ze Fruitful deeds. Accomplished thru machines. Directed energies. Combustion,
-Kr Governmental act. The parent's authority, -quels Nodes, agency.
-Ap Scientific work, undertakings in corsnerce and industry.
-Ad Oppression and terror.
-Vu Mechanical energies. Accomplished work.
-Po General moral, mental activity.

Aries plus Jupiter

Good fortune in general> Success.

-M One's own feeling of happiness, to be made happy. Equals Admetos, to rest^
to do nothing.
-3u Well-being of the body. To be rewarded for accomplishments in sports,
-Asc Being fortunate with other persons,

—tlo Happiness of a woman, fortunate with the public. Lucky hours.

-Ko Good fortune in unions.
-Me Merry mood. Talkativeness.
-Ve Love-happiness of or with ?/oman.
-Ma Love-happiness with man. Successful act. Births. Fruits,
-Sa Happiness or good fortune thru separation, or in agriculture.
-Ur Sudden good fortune. Increase in property,
-Ale Losses, Squandering of substance. Extravagance. Would-be fortune,
-PI General fortunate development,
-Cu Happiness in marital life,
-Ha Fortune in misfortune. Equals Mars, losses in gambling or games.
-Ze The happiness in one's work. Fortunate creation.
-Kr Happiness thru the authorities. Father, chief.
-Ap Expanded fortune. Fortunate masses. Luck and incrAase in connerce and industry,
-Ad General rest and quiet. Gains from raw materials, Hich source of raw materials.

-Vu General optimism. Great success in general things or natters,

-Po The common sense or reason.
Arias iplus ietum

-M To be deserted by others. To become a victim of desertion. Difficulties to
contact end adjust oneself to others.

-Su Day of separation. To bid farewell. Dying,

- As Separation from other people.
-Uo The parting hours. To take leave of a. woman.
-No To take leave,
-Me Gloomy thoughts. Losses. Deserted.
-Ve Separation of love, separation from the mother.
-Ma Messages of death, of suspension of work, end of the job. The time for laying off
-Ju News of losses. Change of property. Moving.

-Ur Sudden parting from a person, sudden death.

-Ne Separation thru sickness, Quarantiao. Suspected infection.
-PI Slow, Lindred development. Matters came to a standstill. Beginning of a separation
-Cu Divorces,

-Ha £pidemics. Letting out of many workers. To give notice. To be a fugitive. Refugees.
To move away for sad reasons,
-Za Estate or home lost by fire.

-Kr Shut out. Giving notice. Territtorial losses. Lockouts, hindrances thru officials
or superiors,
-Ap Separation of the massea. Mass separations. Matters of education.
-Ad General checking curbing. Obstruction and standstill.
-Vu General obstruction or hlnlranna. To be watched over. Exclusions,
-Po Public education.

Aries plus Uranus.

Sudden events. Excitement.

-M To experience something suddenly, to be surpris'ed.
-3u Sudden event on the day or of the body. Body under t elision, nervous.
-As Sudden experiences with other persons, Excitement in the place. Equals Mb, alarm

-Mo Uproar of the populace, populace in danger. Excited or eccentric woman in public.
-No Experiencing, or sharing the experience of a sudden event. Bear witness.
-Me Telegraphic news, sudden ideas, thoughts, notions.

-Ve Sudden expression of love.

-Ma Heedless over hasty action. Accident or attempt upon a person's life. Equals
Ma, to think about it, to contemplate it.
-Ju Sudden luck. Increase in property. More important event.
-Sa Event connected with a separation Equals Su, to die, to disappear.
-Ne To make connections with the dead. To die. Equals Kr, thru government. From here
to the beyond. To be consciously connected with the beyond.
-PI Mutation. Developcfint by leaps and bounds.
-Cu To marry suddenly.

-Ha Attacks, murders, serious accidents, sorrow thru sudden events.

-Ze Danger from fire. Storm. Explosions.

-Kr Coup d'etat. Event in the state or nation. Surprising ordinances of the state.
-Ap Sudden event for many. Astrology.
-Vu Suddenly appearing forces. Electric energies. Act of God.
-Po Propaganda. Sudden appearance of a new Idea. Ma/Sa equals Su, to die suddenly.
Aries plus Neptune
Dissappointments. General poisoning. Bloodpoisoning. Daydreams.
-M To be deceived or dissappointed by the public.
-Su Sensitivity of the body. Dlood poisoning. Diseases of the blood.
-Asc To be deceived by others or thru others. Tobe led astray by others.
i»\ D
-Me Sensitiveness in general. Weather sensitivity, equals Ur/Ne, death thru aviation.
-No General dissolution of connections. Dissappointment or disagreable things thru
-Me Thoughts, uncertainties,
-Ye Dissappointment in Iqve. Unfavorable time for mating.
-Ma Disturbance of sex unions. Infections, isiquals M, destruction of persons.
-Ju Fraudulent money transactions.
-Sa Losses thru fraud. Pestilential diseases. The end of a romantic affair, of a
beautiful dream.
-Ur Sudden losses of a general character. From the beyond to here. jSvents in the
subconscious, unconsciously connected with the beyond.
-Pi Unnoticable general transformatiens. Changes below the surface.
-Cu Precarious marital conditions. Dissolution of unions. Dormant art.
-Ha Water catastrophes; floods; serious blood-ailments. Rough, to stormy weather.
Sorrow and discomfort thru uncertainties.
-Ze Disruptions in the railroad business, in machine establishments.

-Kr Diplomatic entanglements. Leading persons dissappoint the general public.

I^inus Hades, losses thru perfidious diplomacy.
-Ap Far-spread changes, dissolution. Dissappointmsnt of the masses. Romance of science.
-Ad Forming of ice. Until now uncertain conditions are settled.
-Vu Great or nighty dissappointment.
-Po Smoke, vapors, fanaticism.
Aries plus Pluto

General changes, transfornetions, developments.

-H The oneTs own development is influenced in direction by the general changes.
-£u The body*s taking and absorbing of nourisnmant, apatite, digestion. Bodily living

-As General changes influence the environment of the native.

-Mo Influence of the general changes on character, mind. Female environment of native.
-No General transformations in the matter of new connections.
-Me General transformations in the trend of ^thoughts.
-Ve Peaceful, hamonious development,
-Ma Plans. To plan, organizing. Sidelines. Split activities.
—Ju Fortunate development and change. Changes in monetary matters.
-Sa Slowed-up, hindred or retarded development. Development in agriculture,

-Ur Technical development and change. A surprise development shown suddenly.

-Ne To undo poisoning. Gas development. Development which has no aim in and direction.
-Cu Tradition, hereditary transmission, growth of families and communities. Changes
in the perception of the arts,
-ha General decline. To be guilty of failure to act.
-Ze New arms. Increase of capacity for work.
-Kr General rise. Changes in the government.
-Ap Peaceful development, growth in science, commerce and industry.
-Ad Deep reaching changes, changes of conditions from bottom up.
-Vu Stormy and fevered development,
-Po Developing new ideas.
Here is en occasion, to show the special formulae of delineation apart from the
general. 1iVe compare Saturn and Uranus in this combination. Under Saturn the develop-
ment can procede only slowly, because Scturn is a biological planet, the planet of
old age. The same holds good for farming or agriculture. To make changes there
takes years also. We find entirely dirrerent conditions under Uranus, The technique
can change over night from one to the other, "ot entirely cleared is the meaning
in character and the things or matter they influence. Sample: Saturn, character,
slow, matter-agriculture. Vulcanus- character stormy, matter ??

iO-i-'S plus Cupido

Art. Corporations, aoclebility.

-M Perticipant in a firm. Incliiiir.s tj sociability, relations to art.
-du A Welcoaw ^Utfst, DirdCtor of corporation. Cor.penions, associates.

-As Partner in a partnership or associcticn.

-Lie «. tional festival, docisti »o - .e . .
-No aoci-1 c-nnicticns. iiuct. of corporations. Participant.
-Me Artistic thoughts. Founder of sssocistions.

-Ve Social organizations, fencing clubs.

-Ms Utrriego office, wjarriages.
-Ju flanks. Financial institutions.
sb Dissolution of associations, fivorces.
-Ur Unlocked for sudden events in corporetions,
-Ne Cpllepse of corporations. Fraudulent banks or other institutions. Suppressed
-PI Comnunities under construction, corporations develop. Art develops.
-ha Collapse of corporations, flu^iness depression.
-Ze Founding of corporations. Of clubs.
-Kr Great financial institutions; national banks, etc. Great stock companies.
Highest artistic standard,
-Ap Widespread associations in science, conrierce end industry. Greet artistic accomplish-
ment .
-Ad Closed corporation, iizclusive community.
-Vu Mighty influencial community, political party.
-Po Rdligious congregation,church sect.

Aries plus had=3

rl-C--» General povc.r»,y. GcLerel Ei&fortuuo. Cotl nines. Tribulations,

-la To ouffer i. or in one's profeosic:., as c result of gor.eral poverty or
nuori u
-ou Catastrophes, To be inpovorished by the general existing conditions.

-As To be JOipovorished bj tne general public,

-LIo h.-o:, b—,e ^^opl- or woadn, repressed nind, ttaLtel depression. Miners. Lossas
-f nationalities,

-ho Inv^-ce^ of o po^rfcouse. To ret into touch with poor people,

-Me "Voi "or tl-inking by the general public.
—Ve Vui^-r love in ^n-raJ, wod wVei:t f-r ^oriole persons.
-Me Brutalities, Vulgar actions, mo-k scaicity.
-Ju Dirty rihanoi-l tiuno act ions, niv-r cozo^laints. Tropical fevers, luoney losses
-■r account of catastrophes.

-Sa Dwce;. To sink into oblivion, hot identified after death, btrengers, refugees,
poor pitied hunans,
-Ur Negllgencs resulting in loss of life, equals M, anguish, fear,

-No Ser'ous or iatc.1 dlsosses, equals Jupiter, cancer. Equals hpenus, shipping
disaster with loss of life,
-PI Cnanges either incie-sinc poverty end r-isfortune or chances for better. Incr&ase
li. Cvel prvuuoti-i.,
-Gu Gonoruj lot-bra-., art. i.iserabie narrlege corditions.

-a* Jncln«r-ators, era.-tories. Coal fir.; (servtcable),

-Kr C^e.1 ...uong, ur--t g-^-T-l -rrioo thru leading forces. Greet genarel went.
Gru-c degression.
-Ap ViiTe-^read ^ovjrl\ , l\.r -x^anded c^-1 fijldt.
-Ao hoar: raw ton^l. Junk itat^rial^. -qu-lo Cupido, ^ juuk dealer.
-Vv. D_:.0-r^^_ piagues, c-pi tal crines, G0linesu,
-Pc ay-.i ou-l _.av-ro; , lf7r-or<.r;ce. Thru l^ck >.f rAterii.l tilings gaining understanding.

Aries plus Zeus

La^s of Titture. iorcds of natter. Conflagrations, Wars.

-H Fire, spirit. Trade with utensils originated by fire. Conpalled by one's own
tiental force.
-Su ftaiiroed ^nployees, Machine attendants. To work with the body genarally. General
efforts of the body in regard to work,
-As To lose one's life in conflagration. To lose one's life thru fire, violence, or
rxjor force,
-Ho Fenals persons ea^er to accomplish great feats,
-ivo Connection with arms, machines, or contact with coiiioustible materials,

-He General urge for mental or spiritual work.

-Ve ating .time. To produce something beautiful for ths general public.
-Ha netpons of war. Losaly affized 7.'e&pous. iier turmoil. Flame-thrower, General
energetic working.
To produce coins. To create valuables, Genbral successful work,
-Sa Activity accompanied by greet losses. Losses by fire. Equals Mars, death by fire
or major forces,

-Ur Spoctanecus work in gensrel, Tb, ezplosiva manifestation of fire. Fire spitting
craters, Hanufscture of ezploaives'. To diaccv^r natural laws or to face forces
of nature, without knowing whet to do.
-Ne Wasted energies. To discontinue work in general, heat vapors. Combustible gas.
„ Fire fighting institution,
—C«/ jfc
-Ha v Painful work in general. Devastation by open fires ( forest fires etc.) Fires
started by lightning, Equals Mars: chcke danp. Minus Mars/Sa, death by choke damp.
-Kr To hi, the own boss, War apparatus, Wars brought about by government. Hquals M,
suthcrity in natural science,
-Ap Natural science, Expansion, opreading by compulsion,
-Ad A difficult problem started, eruption in the earth, earthquake.

-Vu Mighty nature! forces. Utilized retural forces.

-Po Logic. Proofs, Work or creation intellectually or spiritually.

Aries plus Kronos

Great events. The great powers (nations} Governments.

-M Much power. Great independence.

-Su Independence and authority towards many,
-As Acquaintance with independent women.

-No To get into contact with ruling circles.
-Me Intellectual or spiritual activities for a numbar.
-Ve Great philantrophy. Llovement for peace.
-Ma Mining and smelting industry. Greet deeds of leading persons.
Minus Mercury/ Hades, chemical industry,
-Ju Financial transactions. Banks. The successful lead=r.
-Ha Large agricultural estate. Forestry, Order to evacuate, reparation and
prohibition thru the power of the state.
-Ur Sudden events in ruling circles. Technical establishments.
-Ne Loss of power, not recognized government.
-PI Mastery, eminent skill.
-Cu Art authority for many,
-He Greet misfortune for many. Poverty for many people.
-Ze Large fire. Great acccrnplishment.
-Ap Great expansion, scientific authorities,

-Ad Overthrow of the government. Great depth. Great stores of raw materials,
-Vu Powerful nations. The great powers,

-Po Magnitude of intellect or spirit. High culture. Love of nan. Dignity of men.
Aries plus Apollon
liagnitudes. To spread. To Extend on this earth. Science, Coiranerce,
-M Scientist. Longing for distant places. To pesess a wide mental horizon.
-Su To be suddessful, to hold an honorary position,
-As To travel in many places, to know many people, I<Iany customers,
-Mo Masses of people. Many women. Of serene mind. Folk lore,
-No Connection with science and commerce,
-Me To study different languages. Philologist. To talk much. To write scientific
-Ve Many connections of friendship. Science of music,
-Ma Military science. War academies. System of political economy.
-Ju Extensive fortune. Several fortunate happenings at same time. Great financial
institutions. Multitude with money. Science of money,
-Sa Pupil, to beack. Pedagogic, Science of teaching. Hindrances. Agriculture,
-Ne Air or syater masses. Science in state of chaos. On way to organized science,
-PI Development of commerce and science. Changes,
-Cu Science of arts. Extensive efforts for peace. Peace societies.
-Ha Science of history. Dealing in junk,
-2e Technical institutes, ocientific creations,
-Kr Scientific authority. Great masses,
-Ad General standstill, stoppage, General contentment, science of universe,
-Vu Expansion and spreading by force. Great success,
-Po Spreading of ideas.

Aries plus Admetos.

Raw materials. Rest, standstill. Death on this i^artb. Resistance all around.

-M Strong resistance in general, to he exhausted. Cneckmate.

-Su Corps, Dwarf. Steadfastness. Personell in general.

-As Strong resistance of others,

-Mo Many deaths among the people Stiff resistance in the public, by people or female
persons. Death of the mother.
-No Resting, latent connections. To be present at death. Difficulties in the general
-Me Dead language. Mourning, io think of obstacles, resistance.
-Ve To be without feelings, to be insensible,

-Ma Homicide. Fight resistance,

-Ju Moderate luck. Fortunate with property. Painless death. Overcoming of the
difficulties in general.

-Sa Slow death. Chronic resistance (consistent). Losses and difficulties.

-Ur Surprised by sudden death of others. Wreckage, Broken pieces, rags, Excitement,
aggravations thru obstacles of turbulent nature,
-Ne To mummify, to embalm, to preserve, to stop putrefication.
-PI Standstill and hindrance on growth, in development.
-Cu Dead arts, inactive company, property of a company. Deaths in family,
-Ha Gaining new raw materials from junk, from the earth of from coal.
-Ze Fire in the earth. Lava. To start to tackle a difficult job.

-Kr Great height, Hi]Is, mountains. Deaths or difficulties among ruling persons.
Great cracking, dividing, splitting. Isolating,

-Ap Dying of the masses. Finding of extensive raw materials. General difficulties in
commerce and trade.
-Vu To stamp, to compress, to bale, to bundle. Obstacles thru present setup.
-Po Education, development, culture, training. Mantel obstacles.

Ari«is plus Vulcanus

Power, luieht. Forces,
-Id The own authority and power. To appear like heing Influential or pwwerful.
To deal with forces. To handle.
-Su To have strength of body. Holder of power and influence.
-As Others let us feel their power. To have to deal with violent people. To suffer
violence- from others.
-Mo Violent people, violent women. Women with great strength of body. Influential
people. Public excitement,
-No Connected with violent acts or actions,

-Ue Buoyancy, spirited, emphatic. Power of thinking, of language.

-Ve Magnetism,
-Ma Force of arms.
-Ju Finacial power. Power and influence thru possessions.
-Sa Prison. Stoppage.

-Ur Explosive power. Combustion power.

-Ne Loss of power, powerlessness. Power behind bluff. Deception Pretended power.
-PI Pressure thru growth.
-Cu Power pressure of an association, comminity or. political party.
-Ha Meanness, lowness, vulgarity.
-Ze Great fires. Directed guided foz^es.
-Kr Exercising of power by officials, superiors. Influence thru high position,
-Ap Far reaching power and influence. Great successes. Power thru knowledge.
Commercial power.
-Ad Mighty opposition, resistance. Stability. Perseverance.
-Po Mental power.
Aries plus Poseidon

Ghosts. Ideas. Spirit. Soul. Mind, Intellect,

-fj To be ti«id to the general ideas of the current time, Spiritualized,

-au To make the ideas of the time come thru. Realization.

-As To deal nith spiritualized men.

-Me Media. Spiritually attuned women. Mentally, highranking people.

No Tied to spiritual things,

-Me Ideas,
-Ve Religious affairs of things of belief, according to world conception,

-Ma Moral affairs. Mental attitudes,

-Ju lortunate understanding, reason, wisdom,
-Sa Education, pupils.

-Ur Enlightenment, truth, sudden faculty of perception,

-Ne Fine mental motions or agitation, enthusiasm,
-PI The general mental or spiritual development.
-Cu The fine mental and religious attitude in marriage, art or community,
-Ha The spirit of antiquity or else mental or spiritual baseness,
-Ze Proofs. Mental leadership,
-Kr Mental or intellectual leadership. Spiritual standard of a tine,
-Ap The general mental or spiritual liberty,

-Ad The general conditions of education and culture,

-Yu Powerful ideas, ideas of great influence.
^ ^ aim plus oul

lew body, corporeslity^

-tl Tbe body's Sipudty for monti,! r-*6ctionfc
-kv w.«vsral pw»/plou.
-As To rake acquaintances. Personal salutation or creetir.fs^ Intercourse.
AMo The hour cf the day. Thw rel^tio.. of "Obn to wonsn. Tenparenent of rind.
-Ho Beai union, equals Asc, vjith a son.

-tii The thinking faculty. The nobility of the body, Junction of speech and the body,
-Ve T.iu body's capacity for love. Beauty. Jewelry. Hamony.
-Ma iinarcy of the body. V/orking man,

-Ju Tha wellbeing of the body. Corpulence, fat.

-oa The old body, debility, susceptibility to disease,

-Ur The tonus or tension of the body. Condition of nerves. Accidents.

-Ne Undertonus of body. Bodily developments. Feebleness, Sickness,
-PI The motion of the body, Boaily developments. Function of the internal organs.
Circulation of tne fluids.
-Cu The wedding day. Family meetings. Member of associations. Body's ability for
expressing art.
-Ha Body's susceptibility to sickness. Decay, Frailty, Debility, equals Pluto,
development acquired during a lifetime.
-2e Physical fire. Procreative ability, Inflamable objects.
-Kr Disposition of Isadersuip. Independence.
-Ap Success and glory. Bodily expansion, Many bodies. Day of glory.
-Ad The resting body. Body without notion, ^ay of death.
-Vu The muscular power of th- body.
-Po The astral body. Delicately foimed body.

Sun plus Ascendant

Bodily relation to other people. Personal relationships.

-U Hie behavior, bodily conduct tooard other people. The Ispresslon of near surround-
ings on the native.
-Ar General connections or relations of the body.
-Mis Bodily relationship to female persons. Social Intercourse with female persona.
-No Bodily association vlth otners.
-Me Fellow students, school mates, or teachers. Relationship to young or hounger students.
Relations to similar thinking or equal people.
-Ve Love relations to other people. Harmonious and pleasant soclel Intercourse with
female persons.
-Ma Fights, brawls and quarrels. Co-workers. Social Intercourse with male persons,
co-workers or soldiers. Also uncontrolled (not self-controlled) persons.
-Ju Lucky acquaintances. Advantages thn; connections.
-Sa Separations from acquaintances. Funerals, hindrances thru others.
_Ur Sudden events with other people. Sudden new acquaintance. Sxcltement and
tension thru them.
-Ne Secretlvea activity In associations. Damaging activity or slander. To be deceived
by persons closely connected or related. Bodily weakness In relation to others.
-PI No steady relation, change of relation, always new relations.
-Cu Veddlngs, betrothals, family celebrations. Relations to artist, famllites or
club members. To strive for sociability.
-He To be tied to unpleasant things, to be disgusted with them, to with 111 people.

-Ze Intercourse with leading, creative or military persons. To Incite and guide them
to a goal. Fire alarm.

-Nr Personal connections with the authorities. 'Connections with high personages, to
be greeted by high personages.
-Ap To meet many people. Many acquaintances thru science or commerce. Social Intercourse
with dignitaries and successful people. In relation to others - "The man who knows".
-Ad Sterile relations, to stick to same people. Dislike new connections.
-Vu Relations to powerful and Influential people.
-Po Relations to people, who are spiritually guided.
Sun plus Maen
Friendship. Usrrlage. Parents. Ksn and waman (husband and wife). The day
end the haur.
-M Harmany of bady, soul and mind. Feelings of friendship.
-Ar Friendship with other people, husband and wife. Acquaintances.
-Afl Friendship ties. Friendship with other persons.
-No &ffacting a friendship. Getting acquainted.
-Ua Young friendship. Intlznate conversation. Friendship or thoughts of marriage.
Interesting days and hours.
-Ve Love-friardship, loTa-marrlaga. Husband and wife in haimony. Peaceful hours.
-Ua Marriage, v/adlock. Hepraductive wedlock. Act of marriage. Sex friendship, sex
-Ju Fortunate friendship. Fortunate marriage. Child-birth, equals Ma, a son. Nquals
Ve, a girl. Increase in the family.
-Sa Separation. Divorce. Sorrowful marital -tate. Obstacles to murriage, Serious and
difficult tiraas. Hard tina ic marr.-.
-Ur Sudden enemies. Separation, crash in tu.rrlage. Sudden events in friendship or
marriage. Exciting and trying days,
-Ne Cooling off of frleclaiilp or marital relations thru error, misunderstanding, lies,
deception, denial or separation of manlage.
•PI Development end transformation thru marriage. The course of the cay.
-Cu Marital bonds legal). Harmonious and sociable. Leisure hour of the day.
-Ha Prostitution. Miserable married life or friendship. Sad hours.

-Ze Procreation, ^ays and hours in tThlch much is accompllshad. Equals Saturn, childless.
-Kr The marriaga of a prince or ensestor of same socidl atanulng. Marriage for social
position. Establish married life. Time of great events.
-Ap Many friendships, many days end hours. Day of glory for a people, nation.
-Ad End of friendship or memsga. Dead, still days. Days of no accomplishment.
-Vu Times whan big things happen. Mighty friendship.
-Po Days and hours, which arc devoteu to spiritual things• Intellectual friendships.

Sun plus Nodes

To be e witness. Bodily union. Connections with the public.

-M Soul union. To be in something with body end soul

-At Generel union or connections. Meetings. Many connections in public.

-As Bodily connections with others.
-Mo Mess meetings, ^odlly connection with e woman. To estebllsh friendship.

-Me Thoughts or news of personel union.

-Ve Bodily love-union of both sexes.
Thoughts or news of personel union.
-Va Bodily love union of both sexes.
—Ju Happy bodily union. Luck and gain in public.
-wia Bodily seperetlon. The connection with public is made difficult, severed.

-Ur To be thrust suddenly into public life. To be connected suddenly with events.
Bodily excitement thru connections. Unusuel romantic bodily connections.
-Ne Susceptibility to diseases and poisonings. Cooling off of connections (unions).
Damage to bhe health thru people connected with the native. Thru connections with
many people deceiving bodily, to make bodily connections, fellef, to cover up weak-
-F1 New connections, changes therein, passing connections (unions).
-Cu Connections leading to marriage. Connected with art. Socially connected.
-Ha To b* threatened with imprisonment. To be taken ill. Kelatlons to rabble.
-le Connections with creative, self confident or military persons. To come in bodily
touch 7i S +.h fire,

-Kr Connect.ciio with the officials, with superior or capuhlu people. Minus 19b, police.
-Ap Close connections to successful people, dignltorlss, scientists, commerce.
To be bodily close to them.
-Ad No ability to make connections.

-Vu To have mighty and inflasntlal tls-ups.

~Pa Close spiritual connections or aiilC'ts.
Sun plus Mercury
The bead. The nervea. Young body. Thoughts in general. A body In motion.
Biologically the youth.
~U The type of mind, the conception of the Bgo. The desire to appear young.

-At The thinking men. The motion on a day. Travelling and wandering.
-As Acquaintanceship. Correspondence. Conversation.
'too Young boly of a woman. Young mate (marriage partner). To think of women.
To be tied up with female persons at an early age.
-No Union of thought(being connected by thought). To convey a meaning to others
by bodily motions, for example, to wink or to bdckon. Actor. Bquals Asc, to
stert epprenticeshlp.
-Ve Love of a young body. Young girl.
-Ma incitement. Anger. Young man. Tempo of work. To work fast. Violent thinking.
-Ju Tslent for speaking. Travelling for pleasure. To be agile and serene. Lucky
youth. Good natured and benign thinking.
-So Travelling. Taking leave (parting), and of a Journey. Serious practical thinking.
-Ur Uproar of young people, demonstrations. Sudden thoughts. Sudden action of a person.
Technician, Inventor.
-Na Sluggish bodily motion. Swindle. Fraud. Author. Inspiration. Not clear. Rambling.
Impractical thinking.
-F1 influence of the external motion on the Internal devslopnent, the growth and the
circulation of sevretlons. Changeable thinking.
-Cu oarly marriage, liarriage-art, community thoughts. Thoughts of matrimony.
Ctrraspczdoace betnean marriage paru..-r£. Wale relatives, younger, or one's in-
Isws. Minus Hsdes, band of thieves.

-Ha Sickness In youth. Childhood Illnesses. Dirty thoughts and actions. Young widower
equals Cupldo, or also youthful thieves, band of thieves.
-Za To wish to put something Into action. To make proposdls. In Improvlsor. Youthful
leader. Thoughts of planning.
-hr Setting iiie faehicri. Commends that have to bo carried cut. Decrees, prescriptions.
Mantel -ccompllohment in youth. Doldly conceived but honorable thinking.
-Ap i- x^lk much. To epeak several languages, ^roed ei.compssslng thinking. Success
end eAperiancaa In the time of youth. Far rambling thoughts.
-Ad To die when young. To experience death when 2roun£ (of others).
-Vu Greet agility of body. Speedy action. Lkcentuia of body in action.
-Po To cone en ■crate on Ideas, writings, splrltueland mentsl matters In youth.
oun plus Venus
T:.- lc.v\n£ nr.. Iicrr.or.lous ■"•s.v.uti ful hody. ihj tr.o cf lovi, peecaful day,

-L r .re vi. love; coLCsjpt i c-n of lovi, a quo Is v-illinrness to help.

-Ar ii;- 7o>ii^ nur., f..3 lovers. L-v-, hamony ori aartb. lo enjoy beauty cn the way,

-ao Iv btf lover: b; othors.

d^outlf.:! body of £ wuiisr., -iprossions of .-love. '10 bo ir. lovo,
-i.v u.':. offuira. I I irtations. Attending, -hoAS, Colcbriiting festivities,
-Lie T;:ir.• of love. Love ccnseracti^iiS of £ .oeny, jixpreaeions of love thru thinking
.r s.^eolri-.y. Love <.cqua:ntances•

-tiu i^ovc'rity of a nan,

-Ju Tbo of - Doving nan. a body enin&tod Hith the joy of love.
-Su Love separutlor. of a nan, Disharuony.
-Ur Love at first si^ht. Artistic ori.yinel ^rt. hefined sensuality, Man suddenly
m love, affectionate. Fine love perception,
-Ne Unhappy l-ve of t nan. Coolness in expressions of affections,

-Pi Beauty and harmony„of the body ere not present after e child is born, but develop
only In the courae of e llfctim?.
-Cu Beautiful, artfully built body. A man in love, inclin-d to narriage. Fomula
for c on his T/addin^ day,
-ii-- Prafsr^ace for stro-t girls. Connections with poor girls, also servant girls.
-a*s Desejndonts. To vrlsh for, to take cere of.
-Kr Lovers role - Don Ju-on (parfect lovor)

—Ap nemcny and friendship with r^ny. Faithful lovu of a nan,

-Ad ho ability to lov©, not finding other people responding to one's love.
-Vu reosionoto IvVo of £ man. uodil, longin0 for sor.athing.

-Pc Tli- religious man. the spirituolly guided inan. The r-ian nho turned from earthly love.
ctun plu£> Mars

Ilitf uaabiicJ. Tiia soldier. The industrious tcxiva asn.

-11 Masculinity. Uovsbla body( temp-jrenent ]. To be industrious. Interfering.

,-A,x Soldier. VsorkLiLii. Active bodies. To be busy. To be active in general.

-AS Bodily activity with or upon other people. Other people act or interfere,
-Llo The's husband, k good turn for friendship's-sake,
-No Acquaintance vith the husband, iha soldier, male parsons thru work,

-Ma A nan baconlng angry.- To become active. The commender. equals Venus,the impetuous
lover; or to become daring,
-Va The bed-fellow; the men active with love. The erotic love of a man,
-Ju The fiance. A man happy in his activity. The victorious one.
-Sa The obstructed activity of a man. Annulment of marriage. Departure of the husband.
Beginning of an illness.

-Ur The man who suddenly becomes active, Baating up. Threat. The violent man. Being
suiumoned for war. equals iia, to be in danger of losing his life,
-Ne Loss of employment. The deceived husband. The fraudulent active man. The impotent
husband. To lose the husband. Checkmated, out of action.
-PI The man who makes plans. To discontinue one's own work or job. To carry on several
jobs at the same time,

-Cu The man active in art. The marriage partner{husband), Man wanting marriage,
-Ha Working with garbage or evil-smelling matters, scuffle resulting in injuries.
Vulgar-activity of a man,
-Ze The producer, manufacturer, fighter, sharpshooter, Man who is energetically active,
Equals Ma, the highest possible physical or mental effort,
-Kr The professional soldier- Family head. Foreman. Leading in activity,
-Ap Mao successful in his activities. Busy, peaceful. Leader in commerce.
-Ad The dead soldier, iind of activity, definitely discontinuing Job,
-Vu The man who achieves bodily strength thru activities,
-Po Morally acting nan. Mentally active men,
-Ma/No Destruction of mala parsons.
uiun plus Jupitar
Bodily happiness, ihe fortunate men. The fortunate rich man. The cheerful man.

-M One's own feelinc of happiness, successful and lucky times. Godd experiences.
General well being. Personal success.
-Ar Well-to-do people. Fortunate day, Lioney-day. Success in general in daily business
efforts. "The Friend of Nature" - who is bodily happy in nature,
-As Fortunate with others. Comfortable with others, Squals Kr, income from services,

-Lo Contented populace. Fortunate, happy husband. Bridegroom, Lucky day for women.
-No To prepare the way for bodily happiness, Lucki connections, Wealthy connections,

-Me Good physician. Persevering speaker. Good news. Success thru speaking, travel,
-Ve Body happy in love, Man in love, success with hobbies and favored activities,
-Ma Man happy in work. Luck in attack. ..appy fiance. Lucky decisions, expressions.
-5a Lost happiness, position. Llalchanca, hindrances to success. Opposition*

-Ur Sudden luck in love, lottery. Forced luck, Sudden surprising luck.
-Ne Passinr happiness, luck, fortune. Becoming poor. Successful swindler. To be
under false impressions while striving for success. Unclear conditions.
-PI Increase in health of good fortune. Organs function well. Good fortune develops
during lifetime.
-Cu Wealth thru marriage, happy husband. Good fortune in art. Success thru cooperation
with others, sociability, business partners,
-Ha To be well in base surroundings. One who has bacons rich thru theft. Facing
obstacles while striving for success, handling obscure or sinister matters,
-Ze Good inherited talents, ability to procreata. Fortune lies in production.

-Kr Ruling thru wealth. Bodily good luck. Fortune thru authorities, lottery,
Foundation of corporations (big esteblishamnts).
-Ap Luck and success in coumerce and industry. Good fortune for many.
-Ad Toimination of luck. Good fortune thru or in rest.
-Vu Great health and virility of the body,

-Po Great reason, good comprehiinsion, fortunate mental qualities. Wisdom.


aun plus aa turn

Bodily separetiori. Old nan (white hair). Serious man. Bitter experiences.
Personal nn.i ^ciy hindrances and difficulties.
-LI To bs forsaken. Piheumatic psins. To retire.
-Ar Older pcrocrs. Day for separations. For catobing cold. JortTila for rheumatism,
j.ffiTulfiiua in ovsrj'day natters cr connections.

-As Sepercticir.j from other persons, iersonal hindrances end difficulties thru others or
in f.-.neral -
-Mo "an seperatal from woman; grass widower. To be without mate. Separations from females.
-ho liwessgs cjoncserrng separstion, union or oonnecticn with older people.
-Me 'urtlrg. Thcuchts cf sepsrotion. To go away. To busy oneself with personal hindrances
thro telklnc, writing, thinking about it.
-Va bickoess fhmj fc-nsle sex. n mar who inclines to seperation in love. Hindrances.

-Ma TT.s Widower. The lonely or secluded man. Deeth cf father. To be cause of death.
Thro the own vtico.s \ntarfsrir.g with and successfully cvercuming personal
-Ju For run to ••n old age. Loss thn older people, Fortunate experiences. Changed location.
-Ur Sudden separaticn.j. Loss of older p^cple, also thcoutlo thru them.
-ha Body weakened tbnj long illness. Unciosmeso causes nirdrsnces and obstacles.
-PI Internol orgar.a dv. not keep step with external dt yeiopment. Kindred functioning.
-Co The d r/orca'! man. Tba surviving husband. Obstacles to living together. To leave
& company or the fanily.
-Ha Older fregilu body, bickneas of old5r man, deatn, parting, mourning, sorrowful end
oT lite, equals Zeus, war impn.aenmsnt.

-Ze To iosa anccstcr:.. To be all ulsr.o in this world. To still have faculties at an
adwan.cai eca. arranged or oidared separations.

-Kr The older rules (kjng}. Pension from the state. Death or difficulties with
—Ap Oi.'i un*ed man. Seperetion t'rer: iicny. Learned from experience. Teacher.
-AJ Bodily vary rard iceppad. Death-at old age. olov; and ungainly of body.

To ... 3; -i •jper.durt, Inpurtert ov^nts fall in latter part of life.

-Po 0 • •! -eu n-n. Older or old educator.
Sun plus Uranus
Tenseness of the body, audden bodily exciting events. Apoplexy of the heart.
-M Nervous shock. Sudden events, easily excited, irritated.

-At To be kept tense by general events, ''any cause misfortune. Lightning. Earthquake,
-Su Radical or progressed ~ accident,
-As Excitement caused by others, ^udden events caused by others,
-Mo Sudden bodily events to females or people in general. In that particular hour.
Tense day.
-No Sudden bodily events(connectlons), meetings . To be present at accidnets. To give
orders suddenly. Tenseness while speaking or writing. Fast comprehension. New
spontaneous ideas, vivid thinking, meditating.
-Ve Extacy of love, sudden events concerning love, Fomaritic love. Surprise,

-Ma Injury to the body; accident, spontaneous decisions, to pracipate, to over hurry, to
work too fast. Thinking too fast.

-Ju Union or connection with happy results. Luck thru sudden resolutions or events.
Advantageous decisions. Surprise full of joy.

-So Sudden bodily separation, to run away speedily. Trying to rid oneself of something
by physical effort. To give birth. To tramble. Difficulties due to tenseness.
Painfu?. and greviouc surprise,
-Ke ftVants connected with deoth, iurlal. Connection with dead people. Accidents in
aarououtlcs, tnru gas or on water, nrronaous excitements of no use. Tension caused
by uncertainties, unclearness, deceit, lie or folsehood,
-PI The proper tonus of the body is only gairiad during the course of life. Development
of nervousness. Transforrastion thru tension and excitement.

-Cu Sudden decision to marry. Sudden events in an association. Social tenseness.

-Ha Perticipants in murder matters, in misfortune, A man energetic in misdeeds.
The frontline soldier. Losses thru disagreable tenseness,
-Ze Danger of burns or choke damp. High blood pressure. To insist upon his own ideas,
to rage. Equals Ma/Sa, death by explosion of flammables,

-Kr To become dictator. Sudden events far husband or in govdrniiisnt,

-Ap To be suddenly known to many. Surprising success. Far carrying tension. Obstacles
Sudden events with grave consequences,

-Ad Sudden death thru apoplexy of heart. Crave obstacles. Sudden grave events,
-Vu Sudden great efforts for the body. Overworking of the body.
-Po Body rich is phosphor. Torch carrier. Prrpagandist.
-Ma/Sa Sudden daath thru accident or apoplexy.
oun plus Nsptune

The ability of the body to take punishment. Delicate body; infirmity; suscepti-
bility to sickness or infection; defenseless body; poor blood. Sensitivity, medium
in the positive sense. Llasses of water. Cias baloon. Airplane. Uncertain times,

-M Delicate; apathy; sensitiveness; supersensitiveness. Uncleerness. Self deceit.

-Ar Day for fliers and inspiration. Delicate nealth, sickliness, sensitve to we ether.
Poor sense of direction. Want of persever-jncs. Cnaated on the way.
-As Acquaintance with infirm people. Intercourse with sensitive men.
-Mo Weakly husband of a woman. Divorced man. Death of husband. To be dependent on
mood and feeling.
-No Acquaintance with delicate people. Inheritance of blood diseases,
-Me The personal thinking is not clear. Poor memory. Mental defects. Prepared for
thought(fixed}; day-dreaming; not being awake.

-Ye The chaste lever. Equals Ur, perverse disposition. Shyness.

-Ma Impotence. Susceptible to venezeal disease. Weak in action. To harm themselves
thru decision and action.

-Ju Income gained thru easy physical work. To be fortunate thru bodily conduct.
-Sa Body enfeebled by plague. Long drawnout maladies. Poor state of health. Blood
diseases. Losses thru deceit of weakness.
-Ur Suddenly taken away by sickness. Burials. Suddenly checkmated, disconnected.
Nervous body, Epilepsy. Equals Mo, airship or waterfinder.
-PI Development of the susceptibility of the body according to the constellation, good
or bad. Changes of the body not notlcable.

-Cu Sensibility for art. Mediumistic artist. Unhappy relation with mate. Discontin-
uation of membersnip in a club.

-Ha To be Inclined to the use of narcotics. Susceptibility to dread diseases.

Destructive masses of water. The wrecking of an airship, jSquals Venus, diseases
of the nose -pylops,
-Ze The vanquished, the loses. Equals Martf, without progeny. Unsuccessful undertakings
Inherited weakness of the body.
-Kr Poet laureate. Prominent medium. Great bodily sensitivity,
-Ap The ability to sense the future. To feel future things. Talent and success in
future science,
-Ad Coagulation of the blood. Stiffness. To freeze to death.
-Po -To be very susceptible to highminded and delicate affairs.
aun plus Pluto
Tua de7alopa>;nt of the body. The ability of the body to transform Itself, to
regenerate and to crow. The circulation of the fluids of the body, nutrition of
the body, to take nourishmsnt end it's assinl lation.

-M The personel taste. The one's own personal attitude toward the nourishment and
devclcpn-snt. of tha body.
-Ar Goueral no.:ri shmcnt end node of living.
-As2 The iafluan'-e of the surroundings on the mode of living. The influence of Athera
on the develjpnert of the body.
-Mo The influince of the dully hobits on the development of the body. The bodily
levelopaent of feirsle persons. Glandular action. Ihe circulation.
-No To pave tha wty for bodily ccnnuctions. "Nourishing connections".

-Me The divulcpmant of the body is speeded up by much morion. Condition of tha nerves.
Motion exercises. The agility of ths body Increases,
-Ve Hamonio^s devalopracnt. DuvelopnkJivt of the taste,

-Me otrong r^geuerttiv^ ability. The. kind of work decides the development of the body,
nqcals Zeus, to cook, equals Ne, to cook with ges.

-J- j>pj.r-ndSd developmeiit, to grow fat, ^quals Aries, gastrcnomlst.

-oa 6'low fodi?./ ■ievelcpmeat. iiurdening Ossification, To eat sparingly.

-U- Sudden chaugos in t:ie mode of living and diet, aqua Is Ad., destruction of food.
To reduce food to small piecas, to chop,
-Ne Lack of eppei. ito, -.veakened condition. Denial of narcotics and sililar drugs after a
cryoji. To try unfamlller food. Iraperceptibia changes of the body. To be very
fastidiout aocut food,
-Cu To cloveiop the oody thro heredity,
-hi I rj de f f) i i er. t cod1yd lopm-n t,
—Ze I' i u ■ _• ■ r - r' .
-Kr Gvod todili iv v p..iiw at, oo-jltn a.:;) virility, aqua Is Mc, gyrraa sties.
-Ap IJrjbinjrt i 1 j-.-clapm^nt, Ovuraetiiig, Overgrowth ir height,
-A:-. Arre-1 oci dr. velopi;ior.t, Dwarfs. Cvei growth in width,
-V'. Or.-;o1 v-:.g c cf tha body,

-Po Sp'T-i r.a_".ioe'.ioi. of th- tvdy, Jevalopittfnt, graceful tody.,

f.ier.t '-i. or sp i r; tii-j'ii ou ha tcnoe.

dun plus Cupldo

Tba brldagroom. The marrlud man. Father-in-law. The artist.

Member of a society. Brothers. Personal(bodily) or art association.
The native as a member of a family, as an artist, or member of an
The bridegroom. The lucky day. To enjoy social life. To celebrate
Relations, associates, or artists. To be bride or bridegroom.
The betrothed man before the wedding. The woman's fiance. Societies
composed of women.
To proceed to marriage. Connections with artist.
Honeymoon trips. Thoughts of marriage. News of marriage. A "Joiner",
one fond of associations.
Love-marriage. Harmonious married life, or association.

The artistically active man. rarriaga bond. Nuptial night. To make a

wadding. Commerce or trade union.
Fortunate marriage. 7/ealth acquired thru art. Useful communities.
Separation from the parents. Divorce. Unfaithful husband. Separated
from personal associates. Their losses.

Sccentric artist. Sudden marriage bond. Svant in married life.

^Aidien event in the world of art. excited company.
Unfortunate conditions in married life, rediumistic artist. The deceived
man. Lu&ny without shelter. Dissolution of & bodily union.
Family peculiarities. To-develop artistic abilities. Changes in personal
Barroom artists. Difficult and miserable wedding. Vulgar art. Bad
associates. Equals Kronos, a collector of antiques.
Harried life blessed with children. Creative associates. To be a social
Marriage of rank, of a prince, or of an artist. An authority in art. To
live in association with "higher ups". Personal association with persons
WiiO knot. ..^m, «:;•! outstar.dirr. Authority as on artist.
ouccassful artist, famed :^n us artist. Art or commerciul associates.
high standart of uitists. To com^ into power and influence thru m&rriage.
Member of a sect. The spiritually lead artist.
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' -x / )-*■ M.. t< ( C'atu-^■, Z-< J r/ iiun plus Hadas -, - i

^ q ' ^-6 -o.^<,J J ^ y -.J n >. 1 / tf ^J
Parsuad by aisl'ortuna. Diseased body. Dirty or vazy unclean work,
hard physical labor. Broken down or mis-shapen body. Carrier of secrets.
To be oppressed or hindred in developing the body and personality.
Something not recognized, kept below the surface, kept hidden.
-M To be sensible of bodily defects and restrictions. To be mis-shapen
Bodily discomforts, acting upon the mind. Tot to be recognized but
~^r Reduced to beggary. Kagamuffin. Rabble. People in deplorable conditions*
Grief and difficulties in the public.

-Asc To be forced to labor; forced labor. To deal with the eick, as s profess-
ion. Kadicol nan or nurse. To have difficulties through acquaintances
or in general. To keep silent for ethical reasons.

-Ub Vulgar common people. Debilitated body of a woman, misshapen. Mentally

sick. Trouble thru dubious female persons.
-No Intercourse with criminals. Persued by misfortune. Sorrowful or dubious
—lie Messenger of bad news. To be charged with dirty work. To threaten. To
instill fear. Diseases of the head or face. Opinions and wishes are
denied or resisted. Much misfortune aa far as sickness and sick people are
concerned. To be very repulsive.
-Ve Dissolute in love. Vulgar love. Skin diseases.
-Ma Ruffians. Inclined to homocide. Occupation with garbage. To cause trouble
Skin diseases. Misfortune in the place, location. Ugly deeds. The good
efforts ore not acknowledged. To be unsuccessful.
-Ju Luck in not recognized, suppressed or bad enterprises, connected with dirty
work. To make money thru dirty work. The lungs and liver act up. To be
an egotist.
-Sa To be bansished. Prison. Sickness. Grief and losses thru oppression.
-Ur Danger of murder. To periah suddenly. Sudden grave obstacles. Squsls
Pluto, to be mutilated.
-Ne To loae one's life thru the design of others. Drowned persons. To be
unidentified after death. Difficulties and trouble thru falsehood.
-PI A eickness develops, bodily wffects develop. Things or matters which
, disseppoint thru poor duality. u^aa[ht!i rn ft-u Ju hr(

-PC H -A I'W ' - k ; ^

^ c/vy O ^ R, tf ^ ^ V S (. f "t f~C'- lo^o{- ^ • C ■

Sorn leader. Burning body. To institute, to plant, to set oneself
up solidly. Creative persons.

-M To be fit to be a leader. To perceive a conflagration. To display

mlgbt. To be creatively active.
-Ar Ullitary persons of rank. Belonging to tbe general staff. Creative,
active persons.
-Asc Comradsbip. Convocation. Handling oacnlnes. To back others.
-Mo To be sitting on a powder keg. Burning body falling thru tbe air.
inflamsable. Tbe busb^nd of a woman ( procreation )• Leader of tbe
people. To back women.
-No Allies in a flgbt. Connections witb a procreating man. To see or to
experience a fire.
Cblef of tbe Press. To order or lead an attack. Equals Moon, becoming
known to tbe public. Announcement of a fire. Fire-alarm.

-Ye To be fit for propogation (male, female). To create wltb devotion.

To be leading in a flgbt and to be victorious. To be an incendiary.
A piece of firework. Tbe urge to create or do sometblng.
-Ju Intercourse wltb consequences. Equals Hades, illegitimate Intercourse
wltb conaequences. Minus Baturs, building destroyed by fire.
-Sa Parting from tbe father. A leader suffering heavy losses. Losses
by fire. Destroyed by fire. Fanatics, wltb perseverence. Active
-Or To usurp leadership. Danger of burns. Tbe suddenly procreating man.
Explosions. Equals Cupldo, in a company enterprise. To back others
-Ne Incompotont leader. Fraudulent leader. Denial of procreation. Flre»
fighting institution. Leading into unexplored fields or territtories.
-PI Development of leadership. Education for leadership.
-Cu Gifted artist. Marital procreation. Bewltcblcg player (musician). Fuel
business (company). Coal mines. To establish onoo^lf with several.
-Ha Child-bed sickness. Miscarriage. Still-birth, Bodies destroyed by fire.
Defeats. To be reported to the police, tbe one who reports. Troubled state.
-Kr General fleldmBrsbal. High military rank.
-Ap To be a leader, to overcoiiie all obstacles.

-Ap Successful leader. Recognition by many. Manager.

-Vu Mighty leadership. To command great eu«rgi«s.

-fo To bo tbe leader of an idea. To comend. To Impose own ideas on others.

-Ss/Ma Death thru drowning.
Sun plus Kronos

The ruling princa. Th« king. Tha district attorney. The father.
The landlord. Independence. Power of State. Capabilities of the body.
To be superior. Tne boss.

-U Of royal birty. Grandeur in one's demeanor. Longing for independence.

-Ar Leading or mling parsonages.
-Asc To be the boss of others. Intercourse with high and Independent people.
Connection with the father.

-Mo Noble persons. Wife of a prince. High birth; noble descant. Leader of

-No Connections with the authorities or leading persons. PapresentatiTa of

the goyeminent. ifimbassy.
-Me To be fit for spiritual leadership. Chief. Independent thinking.

-Ve Ennobled by love. Fatherlova. Beloved superior. Beloved ruler or king.

To know the answers, to help others.
-Ma Power azacutad by authority. Police. To act independently.
-Ju Happiness derived from authority. Fortunate ruler. Happiness thru
independence. Successful leadership. Equals Meridian, great success.
-Sa Separation thru the power of the state. Difficulties of the government. Lo
Loss of independence. To be hlndrad in one's abilities, or to be able to
show them in later years.

-Ur Sudden, interference of the power of the state.

-Ma Refusal or deceit thru independent and leading persons. Destroyed by the
power of the state. Dethroned prince. Confused authority. Incompetent
leadership. Equals Mercury, the confused or intuitive leader.
-PI Changes or transformations in the leadership. To become a leader.
Development of the body's talent for authority.

-Cu Marriage thru the power of the state. Marriage of a prince. License office.
Authority in matters of art. Leader of clubs or societies.
-Ha Criminal police. "I have great secrets". Big. outstanding crook.
Obstacles thru independent persons or anterprlses. Unable to build anything.
-Ze Judicial decision; verdict; sentence; passing judgement. Of good extraction.
Outstanding qualities of leadership. To azperience might.
To become a president.
-Ap Authority for msny. Success of officials. Scientific abilities.

-Ad End of a government or independwnce. Abdication of ruler.

-Vu To exercise the power of state, or experience it. Powerful authority.
-Po To be a spiritual leader. Nobility of the soul.
Sun plus Apollon
Glory. Dignity. Succassss.
To ba successful, to dwrlv# nonors and dignities.
Men of success, to be known everywhere.
Intercourse with successful people having, and enjoying their
protection. Intercourse with many, wltn scientists and representatives
of commerce and industry.
Successes in the public or in connection with women. The glory of a nation.
Mhny and far-reaching connections, with successes thru then.
Talents, gifts of speech, for Isnguoges. Successful orator or author.
To brag. Big talk about successes.
Successes in art. To become known os a musician. Successful in peace
promotion. Squals Mars, successful actor.
War successea. Glory of arms.
Great financier, richness. Glory and nonor and success.

Hindrance, decrease of success. Modest success in later part of life.

Success in educational matters.
Sudden, unexpected nonors, dignities and successes.
Mske beliuv« dignities, uncertain success or success in a science which
is still in the process of development.
Success which develops slowly, on« has to woik bard for.
Famed artist. Aorld r-couned organiaation.
Celebrities of antiquity. Faded glory of the past. To rest on laurels.
Successes with machinery, leading technically. Experienced engineer.
Great success. Dignities of the State.
Destined to be unsuccessful. Renunciation of success, glory and honor.
Suddesses and experiences on the mental or spiritual plane.
In the delineation of Apollon it is still difficult to say for sure that it
is science or trade, or industry or commerce, but consulting the houses
will give a lot of information. Apollon in material houses like the second,
indicates trade and industry and material interests. Apollon influences all
matters of peace.
o .ii

or reslioc , Tr.j ocojly dva-jth. 3wi»rf. h-tc-rdbd body. Stcssnation of the

"coi; . Prci^Tty. Lc::j.^c.paoil. Nbtive liiid or pl^ce.

-f.l. Stooped toi, , rvzut f-; rrraief.o of the body,

-Ar Still stariding holy, rical estate. Ground, soli.
-As Horv-.lend. Native place.
-Mo Deficiency ir. tbj f«iiCfelOi.inr of the rlanda. Doath of a woman, this own or the mother,

-No Conne^tl oao .*.1 fch rsol aotete. The r^e otal connects ore with tho surroumlinss.
Connwotioaa cavered thru deeth.
-Me To get into net'.on. The nind and thoughts cro busy with the soil.
-Ye T- ujciin- .odily loe.j. not cansitiva to pain. Love for the soil,
-Ma Tilling the aosl. Acric"Iture 1 ".orkar,

-J i To be lucky or fortunate In tli« country, i^uals Aso, luck or peace in homaland,

-Ss Saparetlor. fror. too country, frc-r. e piece of property. Equals Aac. from homeland,
-Ur Broken up soil, by seda or piok. The ^rave, ouddan death.

-N« Dsccmposilion of the dead body. The abandoned or eivan up land, or soil,
-PI Changes In the fertility of the soil. Transubotsntantotions.
-Cu To refuse bodily connect ions v.dth other p-ople. The uncultivated soil. Waste or
desert. The harvested or empty acre. Tha hidden or lonely piece of land,
-Ha Death thru ©xhcustion. An abused or vx.rthless pioc© of property.

-Ze The products of the soil, the field, itjuals Ju, good harvest.
-Kr The own property. Death of a high personage.

-Ap Owner of huge possessions, grants, iilevetion of the ground, irtfiny properties,
statistics of the soil, iocperxmunts in soil coi.sarvstion.

-Vu Doath thru crushing, by pressure, Power thru possessions of real estate,
-Po Tno i.;.sge of a landscape. *-a be mentally shrouded in darkness.

6ud plus Vulcanus

Tba strongtb of tbw body.
-U To knon tba own strength of tb« body. Tbo powar tbru tbat knowladga.

-Ar Poaar of tba body, witb unusual bodily strangtb.

-Asc Nacaaaity to apply tba atrungtb of tba body. To deal with paopla of
graat bodily atrangtb.
-Mo To abow tba own bodily atrangtb In public. To daznonatrata. Wall
functioning glanda. Tba bodily 8tr«ngtb of a woman.
-No Connactlen, union wltb powarful or strong man.
-Ma. , To bava strong narvaa. To ba a racar.
To faal bappy and content tbru tba own atrangtb of tba body. Luck and
auccasa tbru clever bands.
-Se Dlmlnlabad body atrangtb. Hindrance of body atrangtb. To ba forced to
uaa graat bodily atrangtb in old age.

-Ur To atart uaing tba body atrangtb wltb a Jar. Body wltb powarful tension.
-Na To dacalva 008*8 self about tba own strength. To loaa tba atrangtb.

-PI To develop great strength tbzu axarclaas. To bring Into play tba own
-Cu To abow acrabatlc tricks.
-Ha To ba bindrad In the use of ona*s strength tbru being disfigured, or
deformed. Lack of power of the body.
-Za Products tbiu body strength. Through skillful bands. Accompllsbmant tbru
-Kr To ba outstanding for bodily strength.
-Ap To gain graat fame and auccasa tbru tba strength of tba body.
-Ad Strength of tba resting body.
-Po Strong radiation. Mental Influence. Strong aura.
Sun plus Posaldon

Splrituellzation of the body.

-M To have a delicate body. Mental and spiritual Inclinations.

-Ar Mbc are hlghnlnded.

-Ac To deal Mitb spiritual things, to live In such an environment.
-Mo Sense for spiritual things. Vfomen of that kind.
-No To be connected with spiritual things. Connections with spirits I.e. spiritualized
-lie The ner.tcl agility. To perceive new Ideas.

-Ve Union of spirit ncd beauty in one body. To attract spiritual people and to
harmonize with them.
-Ma The moral code of'ectlon. Morals and ethics of man.
—Ju Splrltuallzatlon of material things. Finding thru wisdom the right harmony between
matter and mind, between heavenly and earthly things. To have a remarkable sense of
and for justice.
-2a Kindred, retarded splrltuallzatlon. To be brought to splrltuallzatlon thru the force
of destiny.
-Ur The mental tenseness of the body. The mental or spiritual power to see and wlsuallze.
Nquals Asc. to awaken Interest In other people, to put them under tension.

-Ne Mental helplessness. Confused mentality. Disconcerted spirit. Chaos.

-PI The mental or spiritual developmant of an affair. Increasing splrltuallzatlon of body.
-Cu Art in mantel visions. To visualize artistically. Tq have a good antenna.
-Ha Dirty mentality, mental dirt.
-Ze To create mentally,
-Kr Highest splrltuallzatlon of the body. Vezy cultured.

-Ap Successes In the field of meptal science. To spiritualize a science.

Experience about the cooperation of body and soul.
-Ad Spiritual matter, building materials. To penetrate matter with spirit.
-Vu The radiating power of the spiritualized body.

Aacandsnt plus Ascsndant

T ilaeco Acqualntancea* Cozmaetiona with aurraundinga.
To b *sJrr.*-ancMd mantally by othar paoplao Tha yacational, prafaaalonal
or aoci 1 vlBkiana to tba nlaea, acqualntancaa ate*

-Ar Tha siurroundinga In ralatlon ta tha vldor world*

-Su Bodily acquaintaneaao Bodily rolatlona, connoctlona with eurroundlnga•
Mo Acqualntancaa with famela paraona* Ralatlon of placa with tha public*
-No Acqualntancaa and aaaoclatlona* Connoctlona af aoTaral or with aawaral
Mo Szchanga of Idoaa with othora* Convaraatlona*
-V# Hannonloua ralatlona to tha placa* Aooroua acqualntancaa* Ta glwo oTldonco
of Ioyo,
-Uo To ha meda angry by othara. Fight* Co-wozfcara* Daada of athara or with
-Ju Fortunato acqualntancaa* Happy ralatlona to tha placa*
-Sa Saparatlona from tha placaB acqualntancaa ate*
-Dr Suddon ocqualntancoa* Accldanta cauaad by othora; or othar pooplo.
•No To ba avoldod by othara* To ba dacolYad. Uneortaln; Inaocura; not to bo
dopandont upon; doubtful„ pracarloua, unataady, unaafa placa ate*
-PI Changaa In tha placaa or of tha placa(location)b Maying* Changoa In Intor-
courao with dlfforant paopla* Balng changad by othara*
-Cu Acqualntancaa with artlata* Family tlea* Comnon Intaroat* Living conditlona
at a cortaln placa* Location of raaldonco*
-Ha Unploaaant acqualntancaa* To bo put In dlatraaa by othara; or othara aro
In naod*
-Za To ba tha objoct of dlaputoa. Ta ba throatanad with flra* To woxk, ta craata
with athara.
-Kr To coma In touch with tha authori'.lci8B or officials*
-Ap Many acqualntancaa or cllontaB balng patronlzad* Far oztondad placaa*
•Id Doad or star11a eurroundlnga*
-Vu To azporlanca or to ouffar forco on r'-hcra*
-Pa Splrltuallsad surroundings*
Ascondem plus bloou
Tha public of tbo closer surroundings« Acqusintencasblp of fomele persons.
To be brought into public by others.
.}/; Concerning one's own .-othur. The Spirltueillnfluunce of the woman,, Acquaint-
snces with women.

-Ar Meeting with female relatives or women. Acquaintanceship with women or public.
.Su Female relatives of the native.. Personal female acquaintanceship with women
or sensitive persons.

^io Closer union with female persona.. The public in closer surroundings.
Correspondence or convwrsation with female persons.
-Ve Love affairs with fwiaalo persons, or womun who are in love.

-lie The mother. The wife. Querrals with female persons.

~Ju happiness ( good luck with ferisle scquaintauces).

~Se Separations from female acquaintances end difficulties thru them.

-Ur Accidents of female persons, eggreTations thru them. Spontandous friendship

or acquaintanceship.

-Ne False, slanderous female persons. Femsle persons ere withdrawing. Secrecies
amoung female acquaintances. Lmcleernees.
-PI Changes in the public conditions in the place, or changes of the own circum-
stances thru scqusintance with female persons.

-Cu Getting acquainted with the wife. The quiet hours in the home. Social
gatherings with women.

-He Aliments of female persons, poor friends ( poor in quality of friendship).

-Ze Pregnancy of scqusinted persons. Stimulating female acquaintsncee.

-Kr Acquaintanceship with female state officials, independent sefl assured

women. Sociel relationship with officials.
-Ap Female dustomers, many fenele acquaintances. L^any people in one piece.
Well educated women.
-Ad Deaths among the population in one piece. Hindrances thru females.
-Yu To be powerfully Influenced by the public in the near surroundings.
To be strongly connected with the public. Demonstration of power by female
persons* To be socially witn ruspresentatives of the executive in one place.
-Po Commnication with high-minded women, perceptions thru them.
ascendant plus Nodes
Inbetweeen or contact-man, contact-agents. To keep contact. A^ualntances.
"he contact or connection ivith the closer environment.
The attitude of the soul in relation to others and the closer surroundings.
Many personal contacs with acquaintances.
Acquaintances and connections vrith many.
Being bodily connected with other people.
Acquaintances with female persons or people.

Heart -to- heart talk, thought connections with other people.

Local telephone- calls.
Love ac-:uaintances. Nice acquaintances and connections.
Erotic acquaintances. Others shov; what they want, to act together with
Fortunate acquaintances, useful connections which show results.
No contact with the closer environment, separating such contacts.
Sudden acquaintances, also excitements thru them.
Dissolving such connections, being deceived and kept in uncertainties by them
to be wrongly connected.
Cobnections with artists, with people who are in the same house, to
Disagreable acquaintances, misunderstanding thru them. To avoid certain
acquaintances,(misunderstanding)and certain places.
Know persons get excited, they deal with or work with fire, working with
others, connections with creative persons.
Having connections with people higher up or very independent persons.
Relations to business people and tradespeople in the near environment.
General business connections or relations, also acquaintances with
scientists and customers.
A small circle of acquaintances,'which remains always small. Hindrances
and obstacles thru these acquaintances.
Influence thru local connections. To be allied with influence.
Connections with people spiritually developed, and gaining more understanding
thru such acquaintances.

Aacandant plus Mareury

Talks and earraspandanea. Otbar paapla think af tba natlya, Ta ba
the tbema of eanvarsatlon with others,

-M Ta eanyarsa with atbars. Tba aplnlan of others abeut tba natlya*

-Ar Announcamants* advertisenents, news papers* eonyarsatlan In general.
-Mo Talks about fanala parsons* Veblelas and transport faellltles In tbo

-No To make contact or connectIons by latter or eonyarsatlon*

-Ta Szcbanga of thoughts abeut loya* To azparlanea ar find friendly thinking*

-Ma Cantrsyerolaa with atbars* Ta ba critically and sharply judged*

-Ju Ta ba hilarious with others* To ba wall thaught af by atbars* Ta anjay

a good reputation*

-Sa Farewell ylalts* ta depart* ta ba denied, refused*

-Ur Ta ba Inyelyed In an argument. Others gat excited and talk raga-tlxna*
Equals Kranas, Taxaphana call.
-Ne Others do net tall the truth. Eyll gasslp, Ta eanyarsa on Illicit matters.
-PI Others draw their eansaquaneea or conclusions. The aplnlans about the natlya
undergo change.
-Cu Intentions of marriage. Talks about marriage. Domestic themes of eonyersa-
tlon, or eonyersatlona at home.
-Ha Aaalnatlon of character, eyll gossip. Bad news.
To glya cemznands ar orders. Talks abeut maehlnas or technical matters.
-Kr To glya adylsa ta ethers, to eanyarsa about great or Important matters. The
natlya enjoys high regard by others. Equals Cupldo: political talking about
the form af the state.
°Ap Scientific or businasa talks* argumanta* actions* daalB.
-Ad Ta say yery little, to aava words, to ba taciturn. Serious and deep talks*
-Vu Ta be yery much occupied with professional or business talks* To ba hurried.

-Pa To ba connected with ether people by thoughts and Ideas.

-Sa/Me Equals Aries, to eanyarsa abeut death.
Ascendant plus Vsnus
Personal love cennectlens, love unlens. To be treated sell by ethers.
Leveable acquaintanceship.
-U Leva * a Influence upon the mind. To be happy and glad about the treat-
ment we receive from ethers.

-Ar General likes of the native. To make nice acquaintance on the way.
-Su Leva of others bestowed upon the body. Hazmeny In peraooal Intercourse.
-Mb Awonan's love for the native. Mce women acquaintances.

-Ne Personal love union, {/.any nice connections.

-Ho To amuse oneself with other people ( to talk aweet nothing (. Agreablo
acquaintances In the surroundings.
-Ma To be the object of desire.
-Ju To be the object of love-happiness. Fortunate and agreable experiences with
-Sa The object of desertion; to be deserted. Disturbances and Interruptions.
-Ur To be suddenly stuck fast In love.
-Ne To be deceived In love or cheated. To be made to bellave that one Is treated
-PI To make oneself popular, to be likeable. Increase of popularity. Tranafer-
matlons and changes thru love acquaintances.

-Cu To be desired In marriage. Social acquaintanceship.

-Ba Servants and people socially b«low the native show their affection.
To be the object of mercenary or Illicit lave. Difficulties or restrictions
In leva or other pleasant connections.
-Za Paternally dealred. To desire 7'otberheed. "The favored one". Pleaaand and
creative connections.
-Kr To bo desired as husband, as bead of the family. To be liked and loved by
superiors. To gain advancement thru good acquaintances.

-Ap To bo loved by many. Gaod standing and relationship with friends.

-Ap To bo loved by many. Good standing end relationship with friends.
-Ad To pass-by the affections and lov« of other people.
-Vu To bo greatly loved and Influenced by others. Tell me with whom you
associate and 1*11 tell you who you are.
-Ps Spiritual or religious harmony with others.

Aacsndant plus Uars

To bo handlod onorgotically^ loading evontually to vielonca* Argumonts
with otborso Fights, hxcitomsnt. Strifo. Actions and doods of otbors.

-M To mako common causo with otboro. Otbors act upon or with mo. Equals
Zouo, managor of a brick-yard.

-Ar To bo improssod by tho actions or doods of otbor pooplo in gonoral. To

participato in fighting, oquals Mars, to haTO co-wozkors.

-Su To bo boaton up. Equals Zous, to bo injurod by a bullot. Equals Noptuno,

to bo dostroyod.

-k<o To oxort charm of soz upon a woman. Argumonts with fomalo parsons.
-No To ontor into a soz union. To bo darod.
-Us To quarrol with pooplo, orally or by lottor. To bo obligod to roply to
othoro. Argumonts.

-Vo Soz union. Intioato rolatlons.

-Ju To botroth onosolf. To bo forcod by othoro into tho own good fertuno.
Advantagos and profits thru tho actions or doods or accenpliohmonta of
-Sa To participato in funoral ritoo. Otbor pooplo causo ooparetion and lossos.
-Ur To bo injurod ouddonly. Equals Capricorn, to bo injurod togotbor with otbors.
Actions of otbor pooplo and oxcitomont thru thorn.
-No Danger of infection. Dangor of dostructien. Docoit and dioaappointmont
thru tho doods of othoro.

-PI TO plan common activitioo. Preparations of moving or chango of placo.

Changes thru tho actions of othoro.
-Cu Tho wodding of other pooplo. Artists asoociation or to bo with an artist
or other porsons in a houso or apartment. Acting in unison with otbors.
-Ka To bo participating in robborioo. To bo in dangor of losing onofs life.
To bo tho victim of theft. Obstacles thru tho doeds of otbors.
~Zo To bo activo as producer. Injurios by fire or thru firo-arma. Equals
Hados, to be killod by otbor people.
-Kr To bo punishod by tho authoritios.

-Ap Common scientific or economic activitios with othoro.

-Ad To bo deprosood or epprefiaed by others.
-Vu Vielont deeds of others. To be ozposod to grave throats of othoro.

-Fo Tho moral behavior of other poraons. Equals Meridian, tho own morals.
Noto: Asc. plus Mara/Saturn oquals Hados equals Uranus, to bo killod thru another
plus Jupltsr

To ozperlsnco good dtsds from etbors. Luck with othsr psopls; or

othsr psopls9s luck (fertuns).
-U To bo fond of compsnlonsblpo To bs pretsctsd by stbors. Ts bavo
protection, To koop gssd frlsndsbipo To got along osll wltb stbors.

-Ar Happy conpanlonabip oltb many.

-Su Ploasant associations.

-Uo Luck tbru acquaintancosbip wltb womoA. Birtbs.

-No Good relations with other people.
-Uo To conyorso pleasantly wltb otbors.
-Vo To bo levod by many.
-Ma To gain a willing oar. To racoiyo proposals. To rocoivo ordors.

-Sa Separations from friends.

-Ur Suddon luck wltb otbors or of otbors.
-No To spoculato wltb otbors. To play games wltb otbors. To loss money tbru
otbors. Sooming lucky or fortunate wltb otbors.
-PI To ozporionco increasing bwneyolont deeds from otbor porsons. Aptitudo to
readjust onosolf.
-Cu Wedding guests. Harmony in tbo family. Ono^ own peaceful bomo, is ono*s
-Ha Friendly relation to singlo women. IJonoy losses.
-Zo Fatborbood. To advanco tbru patronage in ono9s own work.
-Kr Harmonious relations wltb tbo fatboriwitb tbo cbief, wltb tbo state.
-Ap To bo fortunate wltb many. Good relations wltb businoss pooplo or men of
-Ad To seek one*8 bappinoss in a peaceful onyironmsnt. Luck and fortuno tbru boing
-Vu Luck tbru migbty ontorprisos, or tbru enterprising and Jolly people.
-Po In tbo company of prudent and roasonablo men.

A«c«Ddant plus Saturn,

To •jcperlanc* rsfusal. Glynn th« cold shouldor. Sstrangomont.

Saparatlons from othor paraona. Otbar poraona bidding farawoll.

-M Tba mantal influonce of soparationa. Otbaro taka loava of ma. To ba ovar-

lookad, or to suffar satback tbru atbara. fiatrangamant

-Ar Parting from otbar paopla. Laav«taking.

-Su To abaka banda. Bodily farawalla. Allanationa.
-Mo To takri laava of woman. To ba aaparatad from fomalo parsons.
-No To ba praaant at saparatlona.
-Ma To ba occupied witb tbeugbts of saparations.
-V« Leva's separation.

-Ma D«atb. Obsoqulos. Slow to makt up ono's mind, slower action. Dlsgustad
witb work. Compallad to do doprassing work.

-Ju Saparation ?<ltb fortunato ending. Cbanga of 2-esldenco. Dasartad by

-Ur Suddon laavw-taklng.
-No To ba saparatad tnru falsabood or lias.
-PI Increasing disrsspoct and reproasion. Slow separation from otbora.
-Ha To be saparatad by serious illness. To be tiad to sorrowful people.
-Za Separation from tbe father, from tbe parents.

-Kr Separations from otbar people by tbc power of tbe state. To be separated
from tbu father or from th. cni«f.
-Ap To part from iiiany often, ocbool dismissal, equals Aries.
-Ad To be crowded by local conditions. To bu comerad by otbwr people.
-Vu To be kept under close observation. To b- guarded.
-Po To be refused and separated mentally. To be or to become saparatad in
matters of world-concept.
Ascandant plus Uranus
To b« tba causa of otbor paoplo's «xcit«m«Dt or irritation. Liuddwn
acquaintancas. Svwnts of otbar p*oplo.

-M To ba axcitad by or ovar otbar paopla,

-Ar Ganaral malting for a spacial rwasan or occasion.
-Su To bo nanacod by etbura.

-Do Suddon unusual ayants witb famalo persons.

-r;o To ba willing to got acquaintad.
-Ma To rayaiva e toassaga suddanly.
-Va To fall in lova suddanly.

-Ka To bo injurod physically by etbars.

-Ju Eeppinassjgood fertuna) witb otb*r paoplo. Financial odvantaga thru tbam.
-Sa To aaparato suddenly from otbars.
-Ma To dapart tbis Ufa; to ba s«paratad from otbars thru daatb. Equals M,
to fellow tba suggastions of otbors.
-PI Surprising cbangas in or of tb« placa. Suddan naw acquaintancas.
-Cu To gat marriad suddanly. Exciting aTants in tba boma.
-Ha To ba accoaaory to a killing. Danpar of assassination.
-Zo To bo an incendiary• To ba under tba compulsion of otbars.
-Er Tba execution of orders. To ba implicated in an event by tba state.
-Ap Acquaintances wbe are interested in astrology. Astrological customers.
Otbars sbew great interest for tba native.
-Ad Sudden and dwfinita quitting, and moving away. To become unsettled, to ba
frigbtanod up from a comfortable rest.

-Vu Migbty excitomont of otbor people or in tbe boma, or place.

-Po To bave to do witb enligbtanment and propaganda.
Mate: Ascendant plus Uranus minus Admstos plus Admatos equals Cu/Zo plus Kr ,
tba state orders a strike.
Ascendent plus Neptune
To be deceived. Wrongly connected. To reject others. Others say "No*.
-M To suffer from fraudulent deeds of others. Uinus Aries, to plot fraud
nith others.

-Ar Being involved in fraud. To be deceived by the general public at the

door or upon the open street.

-Su Personal or bodily losses thru other persons, or other influences.

Danger of poisoning.

-Mo To be influenced by others. Doubtful female acquaintances. Classes of

people in general. £.vil female influence. Fraudulent matters in the
public. Equals Meridian, easily deceived and cheated. Without much
resistance or resentment.

-No To be embroiled in fraudulent activities.

To commit fraud nith other people. To deceive others thru smart talk or
lies. To make tale to cover up the thoughts. Equals Meridian, to think
about the security of others, to be deceived by others. Equals Mars, to
have arguments on account of the falsehood or refusal of others.

-Ve To be deceived in love.

To be infected by other people. To bo damaged.

-Ju To commit money frauds. Equals Saturn, money losses thru others.
-da To be defrauded by others. Damages or obstacles thru the refusal of others.
-Ur Sudden events brought about by others. To be involved by others. Others
do not see things clearly. Equals M, "I suggest, direct others, influence

-PI Underhanded tricks and fraud which are not noticed. To be outwitted.
Equals Meridian, "I outwit others".
-Cu To be united in unhappy marriage. To wish to quit a union. Secrecies in the
home. To be deceived about the true conditions in the home.-
-Ha To bo the cause of a drowning. To get into danger thru others. To sustain
-Zo To be scolded by other people.
-Kr To bo the leader or to follow a leader in fraudulent enterprises (so called
wire pullers). To raject authorities becauso one feels oneself deceived.
Equals Meridian, n I am the crook.".
-Ap To be deceived many times. To experience a lot in that direction. Equels M,
well informed in that lino.
-Ad To pay much attention not to be deceived or defrauded. Equals Meridian,
does not pass or tolerate dishonest things, hard to cheat.
-Vu Mighty deceptions and dissappointmants thru others. Equals Meridian, to
acknowledge the own inability in regard to others.
-Po To n&vu to deal with visionary, deluded or mentally blind people.
Aacondant plua Pluto
Changoa In tbo place of of the place. Cbangea In relation to otbera.

-M Cbangea at tbe place Interfere wltb tbe development of tbe native.

-Ar Nee acquaintances, to learn to know otber places.

.Su Cbangea of associates, cbangea of tbe surroundings effoct a cbange In

tbe body.
-Mo Tbe Influence of tbe near-surroundings on tbe development of tbe character.
Tbe Influence of a cbange In place on tbe mind. In otber places, outside
tbe native appears In tbe public to be brought Into tbe public by otbera.
-Ne To fonn new connections In tbe place.
-US News about cbangea of location. To think of changes In tbe location.
-Ve To desire a cbange In tbe place. To think of the beautlflcatlon of a place.
-Ms To plan changes.
^Ju fortunate changes at tbe place, or of tbe place.
-Sa Changes of tbe place with difficulties.
-Qr Sudden suzprlslng changes of tbe place.
-Ne Cbange of place, where tbe results or consequences are only noticed much later,
or not at all.
-Cu Changes In or of tbe borne.
-Ze Cbange of place or enlargecmnt or expansion ef sphere of activities.
Expansion of tbe place for greater work facilities.
-Ha Change In the place wblcb has a very bad effect on tbe health of tbe native.
-Kr Cbange ef place for tbe purpose of training or educating pupils. Cbange ef
-Ap Llany changes In the location. Elaborated cbangea In tbe place.
-Ad To be, er to become settled.
-Vu Cbangea of tbe place In connection wltb Important or decisive changes In tbe
life of tbe native.
-Pe Changes of place for tbe purpose of Intellectual and spiritual development
and education.
Ascendant plus Cupldo

The apartmont. ^he home. House of the parents. Houses. Social connections.
Faini ly following. Business partnership.

-to The own nental attitude toward apartment, the own home, to the home of the parents.
Equals Admetos, the own home. Equals Ve., homesick. To be with friends of arts, to
be married.
-Ar Houses, to love sociability, equals Kr., to proceed to the license bureau.
-Su To be invited. To be a bridegroom, Landlort, Tenant of an apartment,
-As Houses and buildings for service to the public, like railroad stations. City hall,
post offices, library, iiiquals Meridian, meeting the future wife.
-No D«eling with matters of the home. Partners of a business, member of a club.
Sociability thru members of the family. To make acquaintances.
-No Dealing with matters thru members of the family,
-Lie To receive an invitation to a social. The thoughts are on the home, or the parents*

-Ve To beautify, to decorate the home, to keep it in good order. Love acquaintances
leading to marriage.

-Ka Wanting to marry. Housekeeping work, Conmon activities with family members,
-Ju Home comfort. To be satisfied with the apartment. To be jolly with other people.
-Sa Dissolution of betrothal and marriage.
-Ur Modern home, i'o obtain an apartment with surprise. Sudden event in marriage or
wedding. Surprise marriage,

-Ne Shortar'a of living quarters. Dissolution, breaking up of the parents'home, The

parents dissappoint Dissolved batrothsl. Divorce.
-PI JSnlarging the home, Extension,
-na Scarceness of apartment, ^oor family environment. Unhealthy place, o have a
poor marriage partner. Bereavenisnt in the family.

-Ze Nww building. Increase in the family. To gain additional living quarters.

-Kr Great mansion. Living quarters provided by the state. ~auals L, ordered by the
utate for xeguiatiue, end supervising living quarters,

-Ap Many people nalk in and out. liny tpartments in a house. Town-settlement, To have
tenants or .o be a tenant.
-Ad The one family house, country style (rustic).

-Vu Asscclaticn of houses and property owners. Frotectivu associations. Rent control,
acttltsment association, xioiae building compcny,

-Po Cons-crctad places, churches or chapels. ramiiy relations with priests or ministers.
Bquals Kr/Vu , the Vatican,

Aacindent plus Hedas

Tha raletion to earrante and tha socially Infarior. To coma Into contact
with dlaagraabla things. Dlsegraabla things in tha anvlronmant.
-M Mantel influence thru tha poverty of others. To ba disgusted vlth tha
-At To come into contact with poverty. Equals Admatoa, general poverty and vent.
-Su To put oneself in danger of bodily harm from others. To come bodily into
contact nlth dirt.
-^Mo To impoverish female persons, to expose them to danger. Acquaintance nlth
poor old nldon or lonely noman.
-No To be entangled.
-Me To plot mean acts nith others.
-Ve To ba tied to others by vulgel love. Sympathy nlth people nho live in tha
-Ma Assisting others in case of accidents. To ba threatened by others.
Ineffective faulty deeds, end faulty actions of others. To ba separated
from others.
-Ju Others in need of money.
-Sa To ba separated from others by accident, poverty, enmity or hatefulnass.
-Ur To lose one's life suddenly. Also other parsons or thru others. Danger of
-Ne Death by dronnlng, Equals Uranus, heart failure in tha natar. Minus Mara,
-PI To fall together nlth others, change in sad surroundings. To laQirova nith a
good, or to get norse nith a poor Pluto.
—Cu To commit adultry; or adultry comnitted by ethers. Acquaintances nlth poor
artists or vulgar art.
-Za To ba accessory to incendiaries; or to be threatened by such.
-Kr To cause damag* to tha state or independent persons in company with others.
-Ap Authority on antiques. Dealing with poor and disagreable customers.
-Ad Places or other people, nho suffer consistently thru nant and poverty.
-Vu To live in dangerous surroundings.
-Po To ba connected nith others thru secret sciences. Keeping company nlth
mentally nadlocra people.

A&cwndant plus
To hsndla or aoiaething to do with fir* or machines. '.Vorklng
sctivltiss in s mnufacturinc plant. To work with others, together with
others* j« under the prwsaurw of others, things or loatturs, which are
imediijtQ environnunt of the native.

-L! To be Incited to an act by others.

-Ar I'achi e operator. Train cr«w,

•Ju To lj. v*I by train. Railroad passenger* To associate with railroad

owpl; :«sa*

-l o To bcccTiplish a task with othors. Making plans with others. The working craw
or wuilt in u plant.

-Mo To accur*plish aonuthing with others*

•Lie To wi^n for progeny. To have to entertain a groat deal. Conversations

about nachmes. To recognize and organize something, Equals Su/Pl., meat-
stOiips. oquals Ap., talk about scientific new creations. To wish for many
descendants *
-Ve To create progeny. To bestow love.
-I.ia To bo injured by somebody, jo receive burns.

-Ju To create pleasure with others. Td be forced by others to the own fortune
or luck. Good things are forced upon us.

-laa Losses by fire or tnacbiuery. Discbarred from the army. Hindrances, obstacles
forced upon us by others.
-Ur Danger to the native from ^plosions, lightning or irischinos. equals M, to be
instructed in tha handling of machinury, to handle cumbustlon motors,
eixcitw-uents while driving motorcars.
-Ho To b- without progeny dure to narriage partner. Others incite you without

-PI To bs forced by others to work or occomplish mure. Equals M, the own personal
dovelcpmont is under the guidance and pressure of others.
-Cu Comuicity work in art. equals H, to b« under zat forces and pressure of a
-Ha Damage thru fira by other persons.
-Kr 1'c bw stimulated to action by superiors.
-Ap Scientific creations togatner with others.
-Ad To be forced to conquer obstacleu and opposition* To be forced to start,
to commsnce, to take up.
-Vu To doal with bodily superior men. To handle mechanical powers.
-Po To b. lead r.^ntally or spiritually by other people.
Ascendant plus Aronos

Workman, employee. Official. Things which come to the native from above.
-M To be a workman, employee, official. Inability to occupy an Independent
position in life. To serve the boas with body and soul. Servility.
-Ar Connections with superiors. To be a subject.
~Su To be a subordinate. To be obliged to execute orders. Equals Me, to be
bindred in bis freedom, decrease in number of days off.
-Mo Employed in public service. To be the master of a woman. The husband.
Superior to woman.
-Mo To be engaged to work. To enter a position. To be received by Independent
-Ue To carry out orders. To direct one's thoughts according to others. Language
courses. Decision ( of referee )•
-Ve To be the favorite. To be liked in the capacity of an official or an
-Ua To do physical labor for otbera. Executive official.
-Ju To receive money from superiors. Equals Su transiting, to receive wages.
-Sa To get notice. Change of employment. As official or employee severely
-Ur Sudden acenea with superiors.
-Ne Bankruptcy of the employer. Quitting of business by the principal.

-PI To be an apprentice.
-Cu To abide by marriage laws of the country. To be an art student or employed
in a bouse or borne. To own a beautiful borne, and have nice friends.
-Ha To be demoted. To lose employment. To be inpoverisbed by tbe state. To go
to prison.
-Ze Railroad official. To be employed in a mechanical establishment.
Conscription sunmona. To be called in a case of war. Forced labor.
-^Ap Scientifically employed. Assistant.
-Ad Discharged by tbe State.
-Vu Tbe competency of an official or employee. Official or employee with
unrestricted power. Ambassador or minister.
-Po As an official or employee dealing with intellectual or spiritual things.
-&!a/Sa Execution by capital punishment.

Ascendant plus Apollon

Kany acquaintances, to hava customers. Acquaintanceship of aclentlats.
matters or things in the far distance of from the far dlatance.

-M To be a known personality in the near environment. Character. The

native as a customer. To be known in the scientific world.

-Ar General superficial acqusintancea. To be known generally.

-Su To be familier to many by appearance. To obtain honor and aucceaa thru

-Mo To become known to the public. To have women as customers or clients.

-No To make contact with customers. The representative.
-Me Talks with customers, to wait on them. Business agreements.

-Ve To be well liked as a customer. Nquals Jupiter, because of prompt payment.

-Ma To receive business orders. Buaineaa activities. To be commissioned for

-Ju Solvent customers. To be fortunate with business people.

-Sa Buaineaa connections are severed. Separation from customers. To have pupils.
Interruption of schooling.
-Ur Sudden expansion in business. Acquaintanceship in connection with new or
revolutionary ideas in field of science.
-Ne Unreliable customers, lack of business confidence, bad credit risk.
Equals Meridian, nI have no credit rating*.
-PI Transient customers. Changes in customers or business connections.
-Cu Door to door customers, tenant. Equals Moon, Masa quarters. Squals Cu/Ze
plus Moon, military mass quarters.
-Ka To do business with evil things. Antique business or dealer in antiques.
poor or unpleasant customers. Equals Ma/Ha plus Ne/M, commissioned to do
chemical research.
-Ze Military or technical customers. To deal with military matters. Gun shop.
Things or objects that come from a distance near to us. Nquals Ms, szmy office
as customers. Nar academy.
-Kr Carriage trade. Attendant to a technical institute. Student.
-Ad Retarded business. Steady customers. No further business can be done.
-Vu Business success, rapidly moving merchandise, expansive trade.
-Po To listen. To have listeners.
Ascendant plus Admetoa
Settled, stationary. Hdsident pumandntly. Tha definite set-up.
To iis~l closely connected to the location of the home. The sense of
settling down, Retaining the sane friendships and acquaintances.

In general the place where one stays. The general relation and attitude
toward thQt place.

To be closely Joined to the place (soil or property)

The settled populace. Country people. The domicile. The territtory of
certain people. Equals LToon plus Apollon equals Ur plus PI, resettlement
of the whole people.
The connection with the place where one stays.
To think about tha rasidance or place of stay. The opinion and how one
speaks about it.
Our feeling about the place. To be in harmony with the place.
The vocational activities and tha home are conditional, they depend upon
aachother. Others crowd ue in my work and suppress me.
Fortunate home surroundings, to find the own luck and happiness there.
To acclimatize oneself fast.
Matters of location cause ezcltemant and suddenly appearing enmenlties.
to quit a place for a while, to be absent for a time. Equals Po, to be an
enllghtener in the neighborhood.
To have the wrong impression about a place, to Judge it badly or to Judge it
wrongly. Equals Kronos, to experience great dissapplntment about a place.
Changes in the place.
The place of the family. The fatherhouse. Familiar or family association.
Places where one lived before, infertile or sandy places. Equals Mars, thru
war efforts destroyed place. Places where one was active before.

To be compelled to appear at a certain place at a certain time.

The place of the government. The capital. Seat of government.

Crowded or overcrowded places. Great cities. To get to know many places.

The respectand rating one has at the place. Towns. Equals M, the own
Influence on the place.
Places which are centers of intellect and spirit.
Ascendant plus Vulcanus
To experience force from others.

-M To be taxedv to be drawn upon heayily by others.

-Ar Violent and fierce individuals.

»Su To have to deal with bodily stronger people. Others are bodily superior.
-Mo Women who incline to violence. Females who are real tough.

»No To use violent people, to deep in touch with them. To be connected

with others in one greet enterprise.

-Me Others are in a hurry, ere short and snappy. To be strongly! influenced
0 in cn
^ P l others.
— ^Ci L£J
-,-Sa Others are in dire need, are pressed, iiquals Ms take part in.

'-Ju To be infected by optimism of others.

-Ur Others become suddenly engaged in close fights, come to blows, act
suddenly, explosively, abruptly.
»Ke Others waste their efforts, forced to learn a lesson.

-PI Changes thru violent interference of others.

-Cu Others show their allied power.
-Ha Meanness and baseness in actions of others.

-Ze Machinists. Machines to generate power.

-Kr To have to deal with people who exercise the power of the State, to feel
their power.
-Ap To achieve great successes and advantages thru others. Others back the
native with success.
-Ad To go around with dissatisfied people, malcontents, people who are mis-
understood, who feel depressed and opressed.
"Po To be under the mighty Influence of others.
Ascondant plus Possldon
Splrltuallzod surroundings. Spiritual acqualntancoshlp. To doal
with such paoplo.
-K To oxchango mentally and spiritually with othors.

-Ar To assoclato with tho ganorallty for montal or spiritual roasons.

-6u Association with montally wlda awaka paopla. To ba toutored and onllghtonod
by others.

•Mo Tho spiritual susceptablllty of other people. Spiritualized women.

-No To keep connections with other people for mental reasons.
-Ue Union of ideas with others. To be brought together with others for the one
or same idea.
-Ve Religious acquaintances. The particular religious attitude of associates.
To prefer people who are religiously inclined.
-&a Separation of minds. To separate from others as a result of their morals.

-Ju Friends who get advice, counsel, understanding and wisdom from the native.
Squals Hadest lack of understanding and sense. Equals Mars, insensible,
unreasonable actions of others.

-Sa Others draw mentally the dividing line. Others hinder mentally. They are
trying to teach you.
-Ur Others suddenly come to understanding, realization.
-No Others are enthusiastic, inspired, to be Infected by their enthusiasm.
-PI To be with people who go thru mental or spiritual transfoxmatlons.
-Cu Spiritually Interested members in the family. Familiar mental associates.
-Ha To be with others who are mentally below the native, who are mediocre.
-Ze Others under mental force.
-Kr To be with people who are mentally superior.
-Ap Others enlarge, widen their mental horizon.
-Ad To go with ethers very deep into a subject, to the bottom.
-Tu Others are subject to influence.
Moon plus Moon
Female persons. The public. Changeable things. The hour.

-M Releases the minute. The mental influence thru female persons.

-Ar The influence of the moon upon the center of the earth. Peoples. Public.
•Su Bodily relations to temale persons. Btorm, floods, if connected with such

Asc Releases the point of geographical latitude. Acquaintance of fomsla persons.

-No To start acquaintances nith female persons and other things influenced by moon.
-Ma Thoughts of female persons. Vehicles, vessel, craft, generally speaking things
we move on.
-Ye The love or affection of female persons.

-Ms The energy of female persons. Working people, working hours.

-Ju Contentment. Happiness of female persons. Happy hours.
-^a Sicknesses. Discontentment or separation of female persons. Painful,
strict or punctilious hours.
-Ur Nervousness of female persons.
-Ne Plague. The whlnsicality-Fickleness) of female persons. Change in weather.
-PI Ficlkeness of female persons.
-Cu The marriage prospects of female persons.
-Ba Ailments of female persons. Unfortunate hour, people struck by misfortune,
base woman, little soul.
-Ze Procreative faculty of female person.
-Kr Connection of female persons with the authorities. Housewife.
-Ap Multitude of females.
-Ad Death of a femsle person.
-Yu very mflentiel female persons, representing the executive.
-Po Female medium.
Moon plus Nodes
ITomen^ unions (associations). Mass meetings. Alliances of nations.
Peopled association. Much change in connections.
-IS Sympathy toward female persons.
-Ar Connections with female persons, or of female persons. The mind in relation
to the generality.
-Su The union of the woman with the man. The daily being together of man and woman.

-Aae Acquaintance of female persons.

.Ue Correspondence with female persons.

-Te The love-union of a woman.

-Us Union of a woman with a man.
—Ju Happy (fortunate) union of a woman, also union with women.
-Sa Annulment of union with women.
-Ur Sudden surprising union of women or with women.
-Ne Hindrance or dissolution of connections(unions) with female persons.
-PI Connections or unions in the state of forming. The beginning of changes in
the state of the mind. Transformetlon of the soul.
-Cu Union of a woman leading to marriage.
-Ha Poor connections with woman.
-Ze Snergetic connections with women.
-Kr Union of the woman with the husband. Association of housewives. The stats
sponsored women's associations. Great nations unite.
OAp Far spread women association, dzpansion of a people's society.
-Ad The end of a people's society. .&nd or suppression of women's associations.

-Vu Mighty and Influential women's or people's association.

-Po- The idea or the spirit out of which is founded or established a women's or
people's association. Nhat makes them tick.
Moon pliiS Mercury
5e<rett)3. hours. 01 t'Lce hours.. The memory- Motion of the brains.
Thinking ••rapaci.t)'. The youth. Youiig girl. Young woman., Much thinking.
Vehiclec. Sohhvthmg that con move, Superficial thinking.
•M The ow-i mentol flezal-t.lity, instability. To be impressed easily,
Alac to forget. eQdjli . To be superficial„ and always looking for the new.
To be M..slue5r,-.( "ka.

At Young not;on. Kemoiy for general things. General traveling conneetlone, womenThink jug populace.
A man3s-young wife. The dally office hours. The schedule. Brain, nerves
and glandular functloub.

Aso A;qualnten:Co. with the youth^ especially with a young girl. To work with
vehicles, to be with other people during business hours.
-No Union of young girls. Youth associations. Connection with youth. Friends
acquaintencea since the time of youth. Thought connections.
-Ve A young girl's love. Puppy lovo. ^auals Su, the play schedule of theatre,
-Ma Adventure minded youth. Military fraft. Clearness and sbarpnese of intellect
and memory. lUietgetlcolly acting girl, hudden decision. Young populace,
-Ju The happy (fortunate) girl. The 1'ortunata young woman, Equals Meridian,
quick comprehension and retaining it.

-Sa Departure of cr deporture froci young girls or woman,

~Ur Sudden events and azcltemenc thru or with youth, young girls or young women.
Vehicles for transportntiofl.. Equals Keptune, defective vehicle. Squals
Admatos, to plow.
»Ne The imaginativa or untruthful girl., Tha hysterical girl. The airship,

"•PI The growing up youth, training of youth. Time of puberty. Irresponsible,

inconslstdDt. Fixing end adjusting of the motor in a car.
-Cu The marriage of young girls. Artistic thinking young girls. Association of
young girls supported by the State.
~iia Poor girls, otreait walkers. Not settled pdople,, Gypsies, Weak minded, bad
memory. Garbage^wagon. Depressed mind. Equals Meridian, Vagabond,

-Z* deduction of j'oung girls. To grasps a thought quickly, dquals Keptune, auto,
equals Su, a train schedule.
-Kr Young girls as oi'f.clala. Nurses, equals cJun, official schedule of the day.
-Ap Meeting piece of ;outh. Convention of youth of diffarent nations.
-Ad Death of a young girl. Death during youth. The youth is dying,

-Vu Powerful msnory. To think fast. Fast vohicle,

-Po Spiritually minded youth. Young girl as medium.

V.oon plus Vanua
Tha loving woman. Motherhood. Pregnancy. Houra of love.
~li To be aurroundad by aoman. To ba a mother. To have othera mother onaaalf.
-Ar Motherhood in general. Motherllneaa.

-5u Women*8 love for the man. The mother. Daily repeating hamonioua houra.
-Aac Acquaintance with loving women. Love acquaintancea of a woman. To be
together with loving women, ^quala Meridian, the mother of a paraon.
-No Union of loving women. Union with the mother.
-Me The thoughta of a loving woman. Thoughts of motherhood. Acqualntanceahlp
with loving or pregnant women.

-Mb The paaaionate woman. To bacoioe a mother.

-Ju The happily loving woman. The cheerful mother.

-Sa The forsaken woman. The alck mother. The widow with children. Separation
from the mother.

.Ur Sudden love of a woman. To become a mother suddenly. Suddenly acting mother.
-Ma Unfortunate(unhappy) love of a woman. The infection of a woman.
Denial of motherhood. Interruption of pregnancy. Dreaming.
-PI Awakening of love. To run off, or end of a pregnancy.
Development toward the harmony of the soul.

-Cu The happy loving bride (wedding). Equals Hades, unfaithful woman.
-Ha Motherly woman becomes alone in the world. Reverses.
-Za The wife of the procreator. Wish to become a mother.
-Kr Marital motherhood. The landlord's wife.
-Ap The love of many women. Peace and friendship among nations. Faithful woman's
-Ad The woman who la unable to love. Frigidity and without feeling.

-VU The paaaionate love of a woman. Matters and things to which one pays attention
in the public. Strong deaire to he in the public eye.
-Po Spiritual or platonic love of a woman.
Mote: Mo/Ve plus M minus Su, or Mo/Ve plus M equals Su plus Su, the mother.

Moon plus Mars 8?

The wife. The sweetheart. The active woman. The state of the home. The time
of being awake or at work. The active brain. The indistrious orefficatious

-M One pays attention, is right awake. The brain is awake, being conscious of
the day. The personal attitude toward the time of work. Cne^ own wife.
The mental contact with the wife.
-Ar The general working conditions.The general daily work.Peopleat "Jar.Female
-Su The daily work. The time of work during the day. The man's Wife.
-Asc The working relations with other people, or in the surroundings. Acquaintances
with women or with the future wife, = Sun , co-workers.
-No Connections with women thru the same work relations, with waring people.
-Me to incline to heated arguments. To think about the working time and work, hot
argumrnts and quarrels on account of it. The brain is very active. The youthful
wife, the angry woman. Thinking about the establishment of a home.
-Ve Agreable working time and conditions, no time clock.The passionate wife.
Mothrhood. The beautifully taken care of home.
-Ju To be fortunate in well regulated time and working conditions, finding the right
kind of work, enjoying the work. The affianced woman. The happy wife.Pregnancy.
The rich or orderly home.
-Sa The interrupted,disturbed working time^lwhicQ causes anger and disgust, the
separated wife. The sick wife, the dead wife, the separated home.
-Ne Irregular working time. To be asleep or awake regardless of day or night.
ffomen infected with venerial diseases. Forced to renunciation z Uranus revolution
in working relations or conditiond. Giving up of the home.
-PI Ifork schedule. Hourly schedule. To establish the home by and by. Changes in
working conditions. The wife, who fixes slowly everything her way. - U, to
develop only slowly the consciousness of being awake. Development of will power.
-Cu The free time ,vacation time. To kee|) house together. The natural(free orcommon
law) marriage, the wedded wife. Artworker(female) - Hades, secret armed organ-
ization of the people.
-Ha lack of working time. Lack and disorder in the home. Coarse and vulgar women.
The grumbling or murdering populace. The slain wife. '%>men occupied with dirty
work. People occupied with coal.
-Ze The prolific woman. Military service• Women to be able to conceive and give
birth. The shooting populace. VJaring poeple. The hired soldier. Establishing
housekeeping. Creative constructive work.
-Kr The foreman, to lead the work, to supervise the work, woman ruling in the house.
Impressive home.
-Ap Extension of working time, many working hours, more work is possible. Improving
working conditions, improving, redecorating or refurnishing the house.
-Ad Theb reverse of Apollon, everything decreases, a small and modeste home.
-Vu Prosperity, overtime. The wife runs an elaborate home.
-Po The working hoursare devoted to the spirit. Evening hours. Mental or spiritual
Moon plus Jupiter
The fortunate[happy] woman. The fortunate nation. Happy hours. Peace.

Contentment. Many happy hours In the life-time. Being niade happy by women.
To be pregnant, equals Su directed, islquals Su/lto with male child.
Ar Happy hours. Happy and contented nations. Fortunate changes in general.
-Su The dally repetition of happy hours. A man's happy woman. iSquals Venus, to
be pregnant with a girl.

-Asc Acquaintance with cheerful and serene woaen. Happy and cheerful surroundings.
-Ko Connection with cheerful and joyous women. To become pregnant. Equals Sa, the
end of pregnancy. To be Joyful and cheerful with several women.

-Me Happy hours with cheerful conversations. To think of happy hours. Thoughts of
a happy woman.
-Ye A woman made happy by love. Haxmonlous nation. To love happy and cheerful hours.
-Ma The betrothed woman. To feel approaching motherhood. Serene and happy hours
while working. Deeds which are caused by happiness.
-Sa Girls whose betrothal has been broken off. Separated from happiness. To be
separated from the mother. Saddening of happy moments.

-Ur Suddenly happy (lucky) woman. Cheerful mood. The mind is excited thru luck or
fortunate changes. Pregnancy. Equals Satrun, end of pregnancy.
-Ke The departing happiness of a woman. The woman who is a spendthrift. Happiness
diminished thru falsehood and error. Girl suffering thru lover's unfaithfulness,

-PI Increasing fortune, sincerity.

-Cu The happy wadding participant. The bride. The happy hours of relaxation in
the family. To bo nappy in company.
-Ha Easy going, happy woman. Happy hours in sad circumstances.
-Ze To love to become a nothur. A nappy mothernood. Happiness in creating.
-Kr A woman having become well-to-do thru the State. Cain thru lottery by the wife.
The populace made happy by the government. To be in good mood thru one's own
-Ap The happy nours for many. Rapid spreading of good fortune. Many happy women.
-Ad Restful, happy hours, thru being left alone. For women it may mean end of good

-Vu Happy hours thru nlrhty successful creation Growing of the own optimism.
-Po Happy hours in spiritual communion.
:ioon pxuu Jatum
A v.oinan e.1o;'.b in th- world. oBparettsd worjan. V/idow. Old T.omon.
Uniortano le woinan. Publiclj' separated. The hours one has to he alone,
iiveninc hours. Depressed aind, llentully depressed,
-I! To retire, to be in reserve. To keep distant, to be conservative, I,'an
deserted by his wife. Mentally depressed woman. To be serious.
-Ar Labormc people (classes], suffering, suppressed populace. Losses in the
populace. The general happening in the evening hours,
-Ju The nen'-s widow. Divorced woaan. Daily repeating hours of being alone.
To be moody or depressed because of general bodily conditions..

-/.sc Associating with country people, rustic surroundings. Acquaintance with

widows or with the old, unfortunate or sick women, hindrances, changes
in the surroundings,
-To Connections, which overwhe'.&iingly dominate the evening hours. Connection
v/ith the sick and old, reparation of connections, of unions, effecting the
mind and female persons for a long time,
"Le Jenous thinking (pessimistic ] woman. To take leave of women.
Mental depression,
-Ve- Unmarried mother. Unfortunate mother. All alone in marriage. Wishes which
come not thru,
-La The hours after work. The sickly woman. The deed wife. The weakened
populace. A woman separated from nsn. Disharmony, Violence bringing on
•Ju Pleasant evening hours. The happily separated woman. The grass widow.
V/oman travelling, hquals Mercury, this woman being greeted,
"Ur A woman v/ith nervous disease. The suddenly separated women. Sudden widowhood.
Disturbances and sudden separations in the evening hours,
"Me Lasting disease of a woman. The melancholy woman. Hours of the night,
-PI Slowing up of the glandular action. Traditional state of old age. For women
t^s age of the menopause. Colorful evening hours,
-Cu The marriage of a widow. Death-cult of a nation. Hours of relaxation in the
-Ha Severe sickness of an old lady, A nation under foreign rule. Saddening
obstacles and difficulties,
-Ze To be separated from the husband. Surviving wife with children. Disturbingly
-Kr Wife separated or divorced by law. Administration of a home for females,
-Ap The many evening hours, hours of lessons. Female teachers,
-Ad Country people in need. Death of old v/omen. Short or few evening hours,
Equals Node, to be together for a few evening hours,
-Vu ivening hours of long duration. The highpoint of the day is in the evening, Len
on guaz-d duty, Paople in a state of alertness. Equals Mercury, strong mental
- activities in the evening hours.
Voon Plus Uranus 90

Uproar of the populace. Ambitious,energetic woman. Eventfull hour. Hour of

tension. Vibrating motion, attention, Interest. Restlessness of body and mind
-M Capable of cuick action. Irritable brains. To be under steady mental tenseness
Attentive, to show interest, want's to take part.
-Ar Uproar, rebellion of the people. To be surprised. General tenseness, eventful;
-vSu The man -defying woman. Energetic woman (wife).To lead a troubled life. Eventful
hour of the day,
-Aac Energetic woman (wife). Aquaintance with an enrgetic woman. To be present to
witness, to experience an uproar or excititng event, s Sun, to awaken interest
in othrs and make them participate (salesman). Surroundings are full of tension
To be kept under high tension by others.
-No Connections with unruly populace, with irritable and enegetic women, with
exciting events.
-Ve Mentally active woman. Thinking people. News of exciting events.Excited thinking
-Ve Tfoman energetically defending love. Surprising love adventure. To submit to
high tension.
-Va Woman inclined to violence. Hurts caused by women or active uproarious people.
Hours of energetic activities. Excited by or thru action.
-Ju Sudden exciting Joyful events, populace favored by good luck. A suddenly
successful woman. A woman desiring children.
-Sa Separation brought about by women or tension. Losses caused by uproarious
populace. Reciting and tense hours thru sudden separation.
-Ne Energetic women or populace condemned to inactivity. Unclear or small things
irritate and aggravate . Hours in which one is excited for no good reason or in
vain. *Sun, ability to find water in the ground. Mostly a crackpot orscrewball^
-PI Abrupt changes in a short time. Developments which lead to a fast uproar in the
populace or women. Changing tenseness and excitement.
-Cu A woman pressing marriage. Eccentric art. Exciting events and hours while
attending parties, socials, club meetings,and so on.
-Ha Violent woman. Murderess. Violent mob.
-Ze Strong willed populace or nation in war. Hours of tense creating power ■ M, to
be forced by an uproarious people to take over leadership.
-Kr The woman who knows how to lead and give orders. Hours of great events.
Populace aroused by the authorities.
-Ap Uproar of the passes. Spreading of on uproar. State of excitement for some time
■ Vulcanus, successful uproar.
-Ad Small revolts (revolutions) nipped in the bud. Squelching or localizing bigger
revolts. Small events, wfclfiout great consequences.
-Vu Mighty events, populace and women under great stress. Highstrang.
-Po Hours of mental tension, public propaganda.

IToon plus Neptune

Sensitive r/onan. Feeble woman» Receptive brains. Light gas. Deception
or a dissappointed woman. Hours of relaxation. Hours of the night. The
brains in a state of sleep, to be in a daze, or dreaming. Sensitivity,
premonition. Insitious, negative influence.
Sensibility. Touchiness. The sense of sr.ell, state of dreaming. Not
facing the realities of life. To live in a dream-world. J/.entelly sad
thru secrecies of female persons.
-Ar Virgins. Confused populace. Trasses of air. The night hours in general.
The general sensibility and susceptibility for something. Dreams. Equals
Lleridian, to appear as a dreamer to the world.
-Su The relaxed or sleeping body. Physical sensitivity. Tediums.

-Asc Acquaintances with sensitive ptsreons, or with virgins. The hours of the
night in the place. Nightly carousing, also in such places as night clubs.
-No Lightly sinister and untenable connections. Connections with sensitive
persons or with virgins.
-Me Person endowed with much phantasy. Power of imagination.
-Ve Tactful. Nuns. Anemic girls. r:aidens. Also, "secret love of fenalea".

-Ma Woman infected by man. Abnorrcal sensitiveness. Prudishness. Working

activities in the night-hours. Secret activities of female persona.
-Ju A woman made happy by sensitiveness. Uleep well. Undisturbed night rest.
Pleasant dreams.

-Sa Sickly, nervous women. Fall from the air. Damage and separation thru
secrets of female persons. To bu deprived of sleep, to be disturbed while
sleeping. Insomnia.
-Ur Irresponsible acts of females. Aggravation because of unclear but aenaitive
woman or weakness of thinking. Surprises during the night-hours.
-PI Changable fearsome mind. Unnoticable changes in the hipht-hours, or during
relazation, of tne glandular functioning or character.
-Cu V/omen who are not understood. Socially deceiving or dissappointing women.
-Ha To be tortured by bad dreams. T'orbid insomnia.

-Ze Condemned to sterility. Light gas catching fire. Airship. Clow of fire.

-Kr Girls protected by the State. Labor laws. No work during the night.
-Ap The many hours of the night. Extended rest during the night.
-Ad Short time of relaxation. Little r.during the night.
-Vu A nighty sense of scent. L'ighty dirappointment of the people. Deception
-Po Fine spiritual susceptibility. Relaxation thru spiritual things.
Uoos plus Pluto

Public changes. Changes which come and go fast. Development of the brains and
the glenda. Hourly changes. Unstable condition of the public.

-U To be exposed to hourly and faster changes. Continuous readjusting.

Likes to attend to bis affairs wlthoud delay. To be "Johnny on the apot".

-if Changes in the public in general or among people. Hourly changes of the
general situation.
•Su The passing of a certain hour of the day. Function of the glands of the
body. General rythm of the hours, the meals etc. Disorderly changed course
of the day.
^Aao Uncertain attitude of others and of the place. Change of place by the hour.
-No Fluctuating and uncertain connections. Hourly changes in connections.

-Ma To be quick and alert mentally. Saally gained knowledge or understanding.

-Ve Passing hamonioua conncetlona to women or girls. Flirtations.
-Ua To make quick plans and carry them out lonadlately. Plan public works.
-Ju Fortunate changes of no duration. Changeable fortune of people.
-Sa Persona who are retarded in their development or being.
-Ur Bventful hours of changes. Sudden changes in relation to others.

-Ne Mysterious persona. Doings behind your back, unreliable conditions.

-Gu Passing changes in the family. Vlaitora.
-Ha Impoveriahmsnt of the people, sinking of morals. Unclean persona.
-Ze To enter new service, aomathlng new, increased production, new obligations.
-Kr Changes in the official function or official position.
-Ap Changes in the schedule of the hours for many.
-Ad Aversion to contlnoua changes. Slow transition to atablllty. Fortified state.
-Vu Mighty changes in the public, in the executive power for persona or people.
-Po Bventa caused by fast changes or mutations, mental, spiritual changes.
Moos plus Cupido
Tt'ife or people socially. The bride. The wife. Mbther-is-law. Hours of leisure.
Dancing clubs. Virtuosoabip. Routine.

-M To be a fiancee. Fiancee of the native. Social inclinations of native.

Hours of leisure in company of women. Favora large social clubs.

-Ar Women proceeding to marriage. General social gatherings, public halla,

-Su The bride. Man's wife. Repeating hours of leisure. Family homa.
-Asc Acquaintance with fiancee. 0ne s own wife as fiancee. Leisure hours. Visitors.
-No Social connections with women,or people. Connection leading to betrothal.
Hours of leisure in company of others.

-Me To think of women or community. Correspondence with cr of the bride. Literary

or social entertainment during leisure hours. Hours of play in youth.
-Ve Woman who marries for love. Leisure hours devoted to love. To prefer women.

-Ma Woman who wants to marry. Wocan attending wadding. Activities at time of
leisure. The amateur. Women are social and prefer women company.

-Ju Willingly marrying woman. Happy bride of wife. Happy leisure hours.
Men happily associated with woman.
-Sa Separated wife. To become a widow. Deserted by fiance. Pensioned.
-Ur Women who marry suddenly. Leisure hours devoted to eccentric things. Unexpected
free time • Irritations and excitement in company of women.

-Ne The betrayed fiancee. Denial of marriage. Fake or deceitful bride. The
devolved people. Cheated out of leisure time. Social intrigues.
-PI To notice character changes in wife. Changes in spending the time of leisure.
-Ha Sad bridal party. Poor betrothal. Sick wife. Sad leisure hours, worry.
-Ze Wife in pregnancy. Leisure hours devoted to creative activities.
-Kr Authorities influence marriage. Social marriage of woman. Leisure time
devoted to great things. Free time ordered by the State.
-Ap Many free hours devoted to science.

-Ad Few hours of leisure. Lonliness or solitude in leisure hours.

Vu To utilize free time to the utmost. Successful amateur-work.
-Po Leisure hours devoted to spiritual enjoyment.
moon plus Hades
A pitiable woman. Poor woman. Vfoman alone In the world. 7.'idow. The carelng woman.
Fatal hour. Diseased womb. Hours full of worry and anguish.

-H To be enmeshed by bad woman. Fiancee of low.standards. Slandered, worried,

-^r Poor populace. Poor woman. Prisoners.
-Su A poor man,8 wife. Diworced woman alone in the world. Daily repeating worries.
-As Acquaintanceship of prostitutes, or with bad woman. Worries caused by others,
or which one causes others.
-No Prospect of becoming a widow. Connections which cause worries.
-•He A thinking, poor woman. Diseased brains, stupidity. Worried thoughts.
-Va A lowing poor woman. Purchasable loye. Worries caused by loye.

-Ma Active poor, comon woman. Activity full of worry and care. Equals Kr.,
womb operation. Equals Aries, prisoner of war.
-Ju Money worries. Earning money in a base, iomoral way.
-Sa Disappearance of vile things. Loss. Separation. Opurative cut in the womb.
Worries thru anmities. Attack by enemies.
-Ur To be impoverished suddenly. Become a widow thru accident. Sudden worries.
-Ne Worried for future, not seeing way out. Widow, without means .
-PI Paralyzed by fear. Failing people. Sterility of the wife.

-Cu Poor woman es widow. Poor woman's leisure hours. Fetal hour for family.
-Ze War widow. To turn to ashes. Paternal worries. Prisoners of war.
-Kr Great worries or cares. Parent's worries. I'nde poor thru government.

-Af Cares of many. Llany worries. Needs end cares of great mass of people.
-Ad To experience a plague. Miseries of dying people.

-Po Sad disposition. Sad mental condition, stupidity amoung the people.
Moon plus Zeus
A woman with healthy offspring, hot-blooded women. Creetive brains. The hours of
creative work. The waring nation. Hell organized end trained.

-U Fiery disposition of the mind. Creative talent. To utilize the time for
creative work.

^Ar Attendants of machines driven by fire. Inflammability. Spontaneous combustion.

-Su Energetic interference. Villing to render assistance. Hour of conmencement
of e fire. Harbor new ideas. Equels Su, easily inflammable substance.

-Asc Acquaintance with machine personnel, those working with controlled fire. Military.
-No Connections with those handling machines driven by fire.

-Me Live mind. Creative thoughts. Very temperznentel.

-Ye Fiery love nature. Hot blooded. Hour of progeny.
-Ue To be et hand quickly. Breaking out of fire. Aquels Cu, many origins of fire.
Romsn scting with e goal in mind.
-Ju Cheerful disposition. Fortune or luck thru creation. Bonfire. Light.
-Se Retarding interference, to stop something. Depressed mind. Late hours still
working. Equals Ju/Sa, e building on fire.

-Ur Ringleader, to inc. te. Sudden emotion. Eq. Ha, fire losses with deeth. Ignite.
-Ne Fiery fentestic ideas. Delusions. Inflammable liquids. Efforts wrongly directed.
-PI Start new ways of research. Creative accomplishments in new fields. Increase work.

-Cu Hours of leisure crowded with creative activities. Roman fit to have progeny.
Love of sociability.

-He Incite to misdeeds. Eq. Ur., fire losses, deaths. Industrious populace.
-Kr Populace protected by the authorities. Military. Power of creation.
-Ad Shrinking of accomplishment. Decrease in working hours.

-Vu Record accomplishment. Every minute taken up

-Po Hours of work ere devoted to mantel or spiritual creation.
Koon plus Kronoa
Thinking woman. Directress. Landlady. Housewlfa. Independent woman. Office hours.
Nobel^mlnded. Deeding great nation. Hlghmlndedness. Banks. Relations to authorities.
-U Mental influence by Independent women. To have greatnesa of soul.
To belong to the leading people.
•Ar Independent women. Oreat people. Oreat or leading nations. Offlclala.
-Su The Independent wife. Dally office and consultation hours.

-Asc Acquaintance with Independent women. Dealing with officials or government.

•No Connections with independent woman.
-Ue Independent thinking, autocratic. Official style in writing.
-Ye Phllanthroplat(female). Charitable. Treated well by officials.

-Ma Independent directress acting with authority. Jtrlvlng for official position.
-Ju Successful officialdom. Successful leading lady. Baneflc independent women.
-Sa Hindrances thru officials or leading women. Losses therefrom.
-Ur Leading women act suddenly. Covarnment interferes surprisingly.
-Ne Failures. Leading woman cause intrigues. iVdmen unfit as managers.
-Cu v Independent authoratlve housewife, ^oman leads in art. Yacatlona. Leisure.
-Ha Grief thru Independent women or officials. Poor dismissed officials.
-Ze Manager(famela) active in creative way. Squals Su, to run, manage, an office.
-Ap More office hours, greater demands. To hold several offices at same time.
-Tu Officials and office work at maximum. High and mighty officials. Cabinets.
Smooth function of office machinery.
-Po The spiritual authorities. Authorities of churches. Officials of churches.
I toon plus Apollon

Lultitude or peoplo. spreading of a people. Many nations. Iflany hours.

-M To be In touch with several nations. To be impressed by them. Greatness of soul.

-Ar The nations. The masses of people.

-3u Many hours which repast daily. The man who strives for freedom of action.
-Asc To spend many hours together with many people.
-No Union of nations. To be in touch with many.

-Me Languages and study of languages. Conversation for many hours. Wider horizons.
-Ve Peace of nations^ Peaceful spreading out of a people. To get many friends.
Many hours of love,
-Ma Busy for many hours in trade or industry.
-Ju Well being of nations. Many happy hours spent together with other people.
-Sa Separate from many. To quit an educational project. Separation of nations.
-Ur Kzcited people. Surprising expansion of people, of a rebellion. To be suddenly
in the center of a mob. Many people suddenly interested in astrology.
-Ne Many feel themselves deceived, cheated out of their future. Misled masses.

-PI Changes or transformations in the masses of people. Changes in hourly schedule.

-Cu Many hours devoted to art, leisure, relaxation. Peaceful competition. Olympic gameB|
-Ha To live thru many sad hours, Viidespread poverty. People in dire need.

-Ze Many creative hours. Scientific research, political survey, leadership in politics.
-Kr Great leading people. i£xpanding people. To lead great masses and be a model leader
-Ad The masses of people see their goals attained. Contentment between nations.
-Vu Might and power of masses in motion. Great success of nations. Efforts payoff.
-Po Masses are interested intelectually. Attending lectures with many. Spreading ideas
Exchange students of nations.
Mood plus Admetos
Dying populace. Death of the mother. Hour of death. Crowded people. Narrow
conditions. Narrowmlndedness• The closed or locked room.
-U The minute of death. Mentally Impressed by narrowness of space of the own
people. To live In crowded conditions. Narrowmlndedness.

-4r Crowded people. Dying or dead nations.

-Su Day and hour of death. The personal attitude toward death. Dally repeating
sad hours. To be dally conscious of crowded conditions,
^isc Death of acquaintances. To express sorrow, condolence.
-No Coming In contact with death or matters of death. Tied to cramped space.
-Me To be depressed, to keep sad thoughts, to feel crowded. Narrow thinking.
-Ve To be content In narrow conditions. Death of a beloved person(femele)•
-Ma Forced to work In crowded places. Slave labor. Prison labor.
-Ju Modest fortune. Happy In modest circumstances. To feel secure.
-Sa Very much suppressed. Crowded end oppressed. Feeling abandoned.
-Ur Sudden appearance of stress and need of people. Sudden death of a woman. Uproar
amoung people connected with murder and revolts, death.
-Ne Nation facing dsstructlon and misfortune, uncertain and black future. Hours of
desperation. Deceived by the own conditions. Deluded. Bed Judgement.

-PI To get out of crowded circumstances, to gain more freedom. Modified conditions.
-Cu Community In crowded circumstances. Village Incoiporated. A community that wants
to live >y Itself.
-Ga People lack space and raw materials. The hours without hope.
-Ze To feel depressed at work. To work under pressure. Forced labor.

-Xr Crowded great nations, without political atendlng. Great nation that has lost
Its Independence, and lives In the past. Bureaucracy. Narrow mlndedness.
-Ap A people content with little space, content with circumstances.
-Vu Desperate effort to get out of crowded conditions. To rebel against such.
-Po Restriction of mental and spiritual freedom. Mentally enslaved.
Moon plus Vulcanus

Mighty nation. Public influence. Personage of public might. Female influence.

The superior. The executive power. Crest reputation. To be sensational.
-U There is a powerful mutual influence and interest between the public and
the native. To deal with people of public influence, and be impressed
by then. The native is the cause of a great surpriseto the public.

-Ar Mighty nations. General great events. Personage of great public might*
The general public is excited about the native.

-Su The daily repeating forceful events. The daily being together with people
of public interest end influence. The man who causes public interest.
•>Asc To experience great events with others. Being connected with others thru
great events and having together great influence on the public, to meet
these people socially. To causa public interest thru others, or others
cause public interest for the native.
-No To be connected with powerful people. To be partner in public influence
To be in contact with people of public interest. The connections cause
public interest.
-Mb One speaks publicly about exciting, sensational scandal stories. The public
opinion and talking about it. Mighty thinking activities. Talks and
conversations with persons of public interest.

-Ve To have great influence on female persons, to be vary impressed by them.

Doing well with femsla persons and people of public interest and influence.
Mighty care. Welfare departments, which cause lets of interest.

-Ma A mighty nation in battle, making great efforts, developing great energies.
To exercise great influence on mala persons, or representatives of the
public or armed authorities. Deeds which cause great public interest.

-Ju To spread optimism around oneself. Dealing with optimistic women. To spend
happy hours with them. To be fortunate with representatives of the public and
with people having financial power. To cause public interest thru one*s own
good fortune.

-Sa To do watcboduty. To lose great influence over females or the public. To

separata from them in an ugly or noisy manner. To be separated in a loud, sbewy

-Ur To have suddenly to do with armod people, with soldiers. To deal with repres-
entatives of technique or industry. Troubles with superiors. To suddenly
show off in a bad way.
-Ne To withdraw from public influence, at the same time not resisting public
influence. To deal with confused and hypocritical representatives of public
power. Fine sense, scent and great sensitivity. To be noticed for weakness, went
and unfitness. Gas-poisoning.

-PI Great changes in a nation relating to power and might. Forceful events are
developing. Changes among representatives of the public power start to show.
Others arep prepared to take over power. Development is stormy and noisy.

-Cu Hours of featlTltles of a greet aeelety. Social interceuree with reproe-

entatlwea of public power or auperlore. Cemmunltlea. Cluba. Artiata or
art creating interest end exeitemant.

-Be Greet events with greet damage end people killed. Shabblneaa end baaeneaa
of the repreaentetlvea of public power. Abnominable, vile deeds. Greet
disgust end loathe. Greet everaion.
-Zo Bapplnoas or events of importance prescribed by natural lev. Greet help
by the repreaentetivea of public power. Startling creetlona, eecempliahmenta
end deeds.
-Kr Might and influence of a high state official, cabinet member or diplomat.
Greet admiration end surprise.

-Ap Successfully influencing the public, extending this influence. Begnlnity

• end pleeaantneaa of the public power. Being noticed or envied on account
of one*8 own good fortune.
^Ad To be completely without influence. Greve hindrances end obateelea thru
persona of public power. To be noted in a small way in a small circle.
-Fo Mentally or apirltuelly interested woman, superiors or public. To surprise
others with one*8 own presentation, behavior or world conception.
Uoon plus Poseidon

To be o medium. The influence of the spirit upon the soul. People who are
suscepteble to mental and spiritual things.
-22 Uentallu prepared. Suscepteble to spiritual things.

-Ar Media, spiritualized man.

-Su The daily repeating hours of susceptebility. To be in company with such people.

-Asc Relations to people who ere susceptebley to mental and spiritual things. To
influence others mentally.

-No To keep in contact with people who are mentally prepared.

-Lie Media who speak or write. Born graphologers. Prepared for ideas. Conver-
sations with people who are mentally inspired. Su, occult writings.

-Ve Female persons with inclination to occultism. Highly sensitive women.

-Ma Activity in field of occultism. High intellectual activity. To follow
unconsciously inspired guidance in one's intellectual activity. To act on
instinct. To battle for spiritual things.
-Ju Fortunate inspiration. Correct leadership by instinct.
-3a Mentally or spiritually no contact, no instinctive ability. To face refusal
or misunderstanding mentally or spiritually.
-Ur To be exposed to unknown mental influences. The ability of introducing new
and revolutionary findings mentally. To get sudden mental contact. To see
thru it, understand it and know it.
-Ne A very fine and highly sensitive ability to find the way. Highly attuned.
Delicacy of feeling. Full of tact and consideration. To have sensitive
-PI To see and recognize new mental or spiritual development. Transformation of
the state of mind.
-Cu Spiritual community, church etc.
-Ha Men, who unable to perceive or conceive spiritual things. Lack of mental ability,
to feel one's way to develop. Morally tin-ears, mentally blind.
-Ze Creative mental accomplisbmants. To mentally force circumstances.
-Kr Mentally highly attuned, to associate with such people.
-Ap Sense for new sciences. Feeling one's way into new fields.

-Ad To penetrate, to go to the bottom with the help of tact and fine delicate feeling.
-Vu Great sensitivity for men and things.
Kodas plus Todes
Unions. Connection. Junction. Conaounlcatlon. Terminations. Limit, boundary
or border relations.
-U Soul unions.
-At Many unions, alliances
-Su Bodily connections.

x&sc To make new acquaintances.

-Mo Women amoung themselves.
-Me Association of thought.
-Ve Love ties.

-Ma Erotic unions.

-Ju Fortunate associations.
-Sa Separations.
-Ur Sudden connections; unions ( associations ) •
-Ne Dissolution of unions. To avoid eachother.
-PI Transformation, change. Development of connections. Nev connections.

-Gu Art-connections. Art association. Artists amoung themselves.

-Ha Poor associations.
-Ze Procreation. Svarmlng. Connections nlth fire or machines.

-£r State, official or diplomatic connections (better than average]•

-Ap Wide reaching connections (foreign)• Scientific or commerce connections.

-Ad Old or close connections (fev).
-Vu Influential connections.
-Po Spiritual connections.
Nodes plus Mercury

Connections of thoughts. Correspondence.

-U One's own correspondence or exchange of thoughts.

oAr Exchange ui ideas. Neva.

-Su Verbal exchange or loeae.
-Abc wanting to oeeto A^ageibsnt■ Appointmenta n^ndez-vouo. oiq. M, to negotiate.
-Mo Connection of female thoughts with female persons, or with numbers of people.

Ve To have a mind for mental love-connections. To flirt. To exchange thoughts

intermingled with love.

-Ma To recruit co-workers. To seek partners. Eq. Asc. applicant, contestant.

Candidate. The working out of the same thoughts together with others.

-Ju To find good conversation, iiq. Asc., successful interview. To think of lucky
or fortunate connection.
-Sa Joint trusts. Parting celebrations. Connection of thought with people far
distant, to write. Serious and unpleasant exchange of thoughts.
-Ur Telephone.. Sudden or exciting exchange of thoughts.
-Ne Fruitless waiting. To leave someone in the lurch. Disappointing correspondence
or exchange of thoughts.
-PI Changes in writing in the correspondence, new thought connections. Changes in
the perception or mode of thinking.
-Cu Marriage intentions. Courting. To step into connections with artists.
Exchange of thoughts with associates. Social entertainment.
-Ha To be tied up with unclean affairs. Uwrdespondence lor oucn x-eeoona.

-2e Patent attorney. To share in inventions. Creative tnought connections.

-Kr Correspondence with the authorities. T/lth superiors. Exchange of ideas.
-Ap Exchange of thoughts with many, with scientists or representatives of industry.
-Ad Definite severing of connection of a trend of thought. Something that is definitely
ended. Deep, sad thoughts.

-Vu Mighty connections of tnoughts, correspondence, conversations. Mighty, extra-

ordinary activity of thinking. Special abilities in coordination of thoughts.
-Po Conversations and correspondence about mental or spiritual natters. Communion of

yodea plus Venus

Love unions. Love ties, rieaaent ccnndcilor-s.
•I'. To ne tn love, to bo tue object of affections, Ilaruonlous connections.

'Ar Love ties in General. KLaasant oonnoctiotis witn aany persons.

■Su Love ties of the oody, AGreeole unions.
-Asc Love ties with other people, Pleasont and bartionious relations
~r.o Woman's lovo ties.. Ties to lovinc ''onen^
-Me Love letters. Love messages.. Retting acquainted, Pleasant love ties,
-Mis Sexual love union. Impulses, eotions and decisions of pleasant relations,
-Ju Fortuneto(happy)lova union. Joy and happiness thru pleasant connections,
-Sa oeparatlon of a flirtation. Also of other persons. Sadness and disturbance
in an agreable connection.

-Ne To danylove union, uopeloss love union: Oissolution of agreable connections.

»Ur Sudden love union. Spontaneous excitements of agreable relation.
-PI Changes or trans fo mat ions in love relatlor;-.
-Cu A love tie '.hat leads to marriage. To enjoy,, to be socially together.
-Ha Vulgar love unions. Purchasable love, Concubinas, Tainted love affairs.
-Ze Love union with consequences. Pdaasant creative connections,
-Kr Civil wedding, Agreable sonnactions with independent, leading people,

-Ap Msny love connections,

-Ad DxlTlcultles or obstacles in gsttlng acquainted. Clumsy end slow in getting
love connections. Few or no love connections. Held back or refusal In love.

-Yu Passionate in love affairs. Longing for harmony with a soul equally attuned.
Harmony of the sou.i with others,

-Po Religious kind of connection or ties. Equals Me9 member of a church, confession.
.Equals Ad plus Lfl, to sternlys stubbornly refuse such connections.

Nodes plus Mars

dexual unious. Betrothal. Concerted action. Working cocmunity.

-M Inclinations to flirtations, Comaon working interests with others.
Mutual activities with others.

-Ar ouxual unions in gencrul. Working unions In genaral. I.'utua 1 participation*

-Su Sux unions of one's own body, Equals Mercury* of young men. Connections thru
the activity of the body.

-Asc Sex union., personal. Co^iou activity with others.

-Mo Set union of a woman's body. Mutual activity with a woman or women.
-Me Thoughts concerned witn union with the other sax. Intantions of concerted actiBS*
-Va Sex union. Contact. Ccmmon activity with intimetu relation.
-Ju Fortunate common action. Happy marital union. Betrothal.

-Sa Separation from sex unions. Death in the family. To be separated from the
work connections or work. Ctr.srs are the cause of it,
-Ur Suddenly oppeerlug unions or connections. Aggravations and excitement thru them.
°Ne Unions, which lead to separations. Not lasting working agreements. Muddy
connections in activities.
-PI Planning of commor. uctlvltias.
-Cu To enter into matrimony. To plan mutual union.

-Ha Free,, purchasable love. To join together to evil doings. Unpleasantness

during working hours.
-Zq Sex union with consequences. Efforts of a work-community, accomplishments of
—a creative nature.
-Ap Scientific work project, woriclag together with many, or a big corporation.
-Ad To be a participant or v.itnass to tarror acts, n'orking community in e small circle.
-Vu Mighty work-cocEunlty or common activity,

-Pb Common activity with others on account of similar moral inclinations.

ftodiis plus Jupitsr

Fortunetd union.
-SI General popularity. To be well liked.
-Ar Good relationships.
-Su Good bodily connections. Good personal connections.
-Aa Good connections with others.
-Uo Fortunatn union with a nousnr or for women.
-He Good entertainer^ Cental sympathy.
-Ve Fortunate(happy) love union. Pleasant and hazmonious connections.
-MB Union. Betrothal and progeny.

-So Dissolution of a betrothal or marriage or good connection.

-Or Unexpected good acquaintance.
-Me Gradual cooling off of friendship.
-PI Getting acquainted for a fortunate connection.
-Cu Good connection leading to marriage.
-Ha Good relations to a single woman.
-Ze Increase in the family in prospect.

-Kr Protection. Acquaintance with the future husband. Good relations of the
father or of the chief.
-Ap To be happily Joined with many. Fine connections with merchants, acientiats.
-Ad The end of a happy union.
-Vu Influence and might thru fortunate connections.
-Fo Fortunate connection with prudent and oise people. Fortunate spiritual reletiona.
Nodes plus Saturn

Breaking off of sax connections or of other unions. Difficulties in such matters.

To incline to sapavationo To be deserted by the husband. To get notice
of dismissal.

-Ar General separations,

-Su Separation from the husband j; from a man.

-Asc Breaking off of unions.

-Vm Separated wife. To become a widow.
-Lue Farewell letters, hlournful tidings.
-Ve Breaking .off of relationships. Dioorces.

"lia Death In the family or near surroundings. Tha own conduct leads to
separations or estxangamants.
°Ju Pleasant separations. Quick and pleasant separations.

-Ur Sudden separations from friends or relatives. Equals Zeus, to be dismissed.

-Ka To be separated thru sickness or falsahood.
Sic® cooling of? of connections or unions,
=-Cu Separation of the marriage, or union.
-Ka To be separated by sickness. To letlre. Separation tnrough annenlty.

-Ze To take leave from the parents or from the husband. Forced separation.
--Kr To ce separated by the govarnwent or some superior power.
• Ap School separations. Breaking off of connections with many.

-Ad JSndurlng and close connections.

-Vu To be connected with watchr^n. guards or palice mattarsu
Po To deal with educational matters. Through such laattors connected with others.
Jape ration of unions or connections thru mental differences.
Nades plus Uisnus
Sudden uniensu Sudden events. Exciting cennections.
-M The desire far innavatians. Ta be cannected with new things.
-At Sudden events.
-Su Ta be suddenly embralled in samsthings.
-Aac Ta make sudden acquaintances.
-Me Sudden acquaintances with female persans.

-Ye Sudden lave ar pleasant cannection.

-Ma Ta be embrailed in fights and arguments. Sudden unian in cannectian with
the own wark. Ta be suddenly reunited with ane*8 awn wark.
-Ju Ta came inta maney suddenly thru acquaintances. Ta enjay advantages.
-Sa Ta participate suddenly in sepaz-atians.
-Ne Ta became a widawer ar widew suddenly. Ta be suddenly cannected with a
disagreable heritage, taking aver things ar matters highly disarganized.
Ta be cannected with chaatic things.
-PI Suddenly arising new cannectlans.
-Cu Cannectian ta quick marriage. Ta be reunited with the awn family by surprise.
Ta have family visitars, ar ta be a visitor aneself.
-Ha Ta be entangled in murder affairs. Farced ta deal or handle very disagreable

-Ze> Ta expect progeny. Ta be visited by fire or explosion. Ta be farced into

a union, or ta get yaur way by farce, equals Sa, ta wish for no pargeny.
-Kr Sudden connections with the paner af the state.
-Ap Sudden business connections or with scientists.
-Ad Sudden breaking off af connections.

-Vu Suddenly connected with mighty inflencial people, with superiors, examiners.
-Pa The willingness ta clear up matters related to ethers. Connections thru
common mental efforts. Cennections through cezxaan search far truth and
-Ua/Se To be in danger af losing one's life
Equals Kars plus Saturn, the same meaning.

K»d0s Neptune

Dissolution of unions. Seci'et. orgaraiaiion. .

-M To see oneself disfi^ppolnted and deceived in one's own connectionso
to feel deserted by eIX0
-Ar Disolutions and separatiens in p.oreral,
-Su Untenable connections or unions» To be desertedo Divorce.

-Asc To be deserted by others, others ore bainf, deserted□ lot able to fine a
-Mo Marital separations.. To be nod to people who are confused and without counsel.

-Me Secret society. Held together by fruitless ideas.

-Ve Unfortunate love unions. Union wnlcfc a&ams to bo hemanious at first,
but later beconaa iinteriab)e<.

-Lie Connections and tcparsiieca. with en unfortunate sex aspect,

-Ju To suffer money losses thru coauaon interests. False speculations. Poor

=Sa Losses because of separations. Tied for good to acnathlag very dlaaEreable,
■=Ur Sudden connections which ore not tenable.. Passing union or connections,
-PI UnnotUable unions„ Connecti-x;sj or, th*. slide, iiada without the native's know-
ledge, but discovered alter.
-Cu Separatior; of a rusntai un-.^n, iussaJution ^f union with the own family,
-Ha To be separated from., or sbunnjd by othars on account of poverty.
To find oneself in a iiorrowful condiUan, I'et knowing a way out,
~Za The end of a fight, osttlirg an argw:aDt, The end of a creative period,
-Kr Tnru power cf the state dissolv-jd unions. The deserted leader,
-Ap Dissolution of union with tnany.,

-Ad Conncsctions or ties wnich eocl off completely, -low but dofinita breaking
up of connections unions,
-Vu To experience mighty dlsoppoiiitnents tnru present connections. Dissolution of
present connect lone with nnvz consaiiuhnoas,
-Po To be forced to hava ciea 1 ing„ ...*i. ama.sticand li.rei-able people.
Dissolution of pbirituaX corr..j<. ■. tlinhminamI vi'j o.vtr witn others.
IlGdes plus ?\ut«
New ceunectlons. Chances thi-u ?«nn«<ctions. Acquaintances whe expect changes.
Changes in the connactisns, meeting new people.

•Ar General changes in onncetlons.

•Su Much change in the personal unions and connections. Ties in connection
with foodstuffs. To get new connections while buying and selling food.
-Asc Changes in the relations or connections cause changes of the place where
you live or of the home.
-Mo Changes in the mental attitude towards the public and women.
-Me New connections thru speech{, wlnings or correspondence.
-Va Newj plae^ant connections with womeni, or representatives of theatres or art.
Harmonious developmeui-s of connections.
-Ma New connections related to planning new working agreement.

-Ju Fortunate changes in the cennectlons.

-Sa New connections by separating the old ones. Changes ef connections at
the later age. New cennectlons which work but well later on.
-Ur Surprisingly sudden new connections,
-Ne Connections of a very passing nature.

-Cu Changes in the familyt of the members of the family, in number. Social
changes. Old connections are taken up again.
-Ha New connections, which prove to be an absolute failure, untenable.
-Ze To conclude new connections for the increase of their own accomplishment.
The own Increased accomplishments bring new connections.

-Kr Connections in which one is the pupik, the beginner.

-Ap New connections with many, with scientists, commerce, trade or Industry.
-Ad New connections whicn are sound and of long duration.

-Tu New connections of great importance for the native.

-Fo New connections which are of importance for the mental and spiritual developmont.
Nodes plus Cupido
The founding of associations. To prepare the way for marriage. Coranon interests
or unions. Family unions or meeting.
-M To enter into a betrothal. Inclination for social life. To marry.
The social life of the family.

-Ar Accociations, Social organizations.

-Su Forms of society. Associations, Msrriages.

-Aac Betrothal. To be invited. To marry. To live with other people. To stay

in one's ovm house.
-Mb Acquaintance with the future wifa. Mass-meetings. Mental or emotional ties.
-Me A letter of invitation. A marriage proposal.

-Ve Starting a love affair which leads to marriage.

-Ma Proposal of love. Promise to marry. To Join with others for common activities
Concerted activities of efforts of a firm.
-Ju Hilarity in social company. Jolly wedding. Fortunate social connection.
-2a Dissolution of a betrothal. Breach of promise to merry. Loss in the family.
Separation of a family or social organization.

-Ur Sudden events of a betrothed couple or in the family. Cpmnction or ezclteoant

in an association or firm.
-Ne Postponed engagement. Liquidated corporation. Tie-ups or to join with a
secret society or organization.
-PI Previous connections are started all over.

-Ha Funeral ritea. Death in tne fs;..ily. A weakly founded poor firm.

-Ze Happy events, haws of a happ^ ^vent. Satisfactory working with others.
-Sr To go to the marriage official. Distinguished social connection. To mix
socially with highminded persane or superiors.
-Ap Many social connections. 7/ith sciuutists, ccmuerclal people.
-Ad Few or no social connections. Rejected orrofused by one's own relatives.
-Vu Mighty influenclal social connection a. Inmily cox.Vcntion. Social unions or
ties to reinforce common powe: and influence.
-Po In mental and spiritual union ,ita:ed with others. To coma into contact with
religious or similar sects.
T!odws plus hades
A ma en act ccmiltted jointly. Uiipiuosact a&sociatious. Connections started under
difficulties or nlxb reluctonce.
-M To be connected proles-ilonelly with erlEiineis, A "fence". To have to stond
for insults end abuse. To be lurcod to daol with base and vuipar people,
-Ar Gangs of thieves. To be connected with uupleassnt affairs.
-3u To unite with thieves, to be robbed, liodlly displeasure. To be bodily
disgUBtod and fed up with corvathing.

-Abo To be visited bi nrlnunuis, burg!;• rt. To be fed up with other people. Squals
to be disgustad and fed up with tne place.

-*.!o Women with bad conpt-ny. To bi iistf isted tne public conditions. To be
slandered in public. To be uxpoeei to such things,
-Ale To plot a untie. The jargon ol tno underworld. Thugs. Posaiidsm.
3cd news, rise ret signs.
-Ye Vulgar love. Street love. Vulgni aj^^sintances. Dealing with servants,
-Ma To coriiiit together a.I.., Tw *,u together.
-Ju To he involved in money the Its. Tn be prompted lu raise opropnate or to
extort sctnething, Unplsts&'.tri»so .in '-onci affairs. To ha a witness to theft.
-Se Loss by theft thru poor corpary. To bo tied to hostile people.
-Ke banger of drowning. To exporivnoj watoi aco-djiits. Passing connection with
evil things. To Rw on ti.e ..ot >r,
-Or To be prosant uccid-i-.ttj ..r ti.irder. Judd-jr.lj connected with avil things.
-PI Connections that full, that ore not hept.

-Cu Sociability in ciimintl c'.r? let., Pov«rty, Lack cr other ciro'jmstances strain
family relationeo
-Ze To couc into toucn ..III. t.,u .^ vi. uCv--i"-t .f •.ris.a. To bo involved by
fire. To be crltlci/ed f.^r vomii.e^;.
-Ap A historical society. To W cc. swctsd r.ith many thru evil things.
-Ad Junkdealer.
-Vu Dangerous enn•' •• , T'..tu ;-1j t.„fc -t tie?3 together.
-Po Secret or occult oOci^ty. ■* . . ! . •.thefw or. oocourt of their
peculiar v ciln ..OJi-.vpt , ■• . ^ 1... ceifid-jr- 'vy out ho ri ties.
I'odris plus Zeus
Union for procreation. Union of lire. Work in blest furnaces. To join together
with others for creativo accomplishmant.
-M The driver, tVit,nir.2 *c produce somethinp: with several others. To force
oneself to submit to force.
-Ar Mating, To create (produce) somethinr «ith severel other people. To
be with others in an armedgroup.
~Su To be e producer or procreator. Coming into personal contact with fire.
To he an member of an outfit that blows up things with dynamite.
'Asc To commit something with several others. ' To be armed together with others.
-Mo The elected one (female). The people electe or drafted to serve in anoy.
-Me To collect thoughts. Sketches from some intalleetual tank. Concentration.
-Va Love work. To meat for some charitable work.
-Ma To spur several into action. To have to do something. Kquels Su, to get into
touch with flaming objects.
-Ju Joyful cooperotion. Fortunate working together. Working with jewelry,

-Sa Several give up an undertaking.

-Ur To experience in company with others e sudden and unexpected event.
-Ne Useless efforts of severel people.

-PI Several increase their uuccmplisnmei,*^.

-Ctt To found aseociatlonoicorporatJones). To be forced lata a union.

-He Instigation of trouble by savaral people. To be impoverished by fire.

-Kr To meet together to produce something great. The machine^master.

-Ap To work together with many. To carry arms.

-Ad Work-community which fights against odds, great obstacles end opposition.
To have to overcome all obstacles at beginning.
-Vu Several make mighty efforts. Great efforts together with others.
-Po Common spiritual creations.
i.cddi piui> Krocos

Ccmi^ctions v.itii authort.ioS.. Diplo-.,dtic coriiicctlons.

-LI Prcfesalor,'-- itit.or^cai se vath the,, Conneitecl v.ith iuadtnp, .Tien,
• Ar Coriiiectxona with tne euthont.iea and with the vourts«
• ju Tc be sitijiioiied« Sutai.elej tu l;.u officials.
-Mo Tuu beginuins or «na of a lawsuit. Othais iiave difficulties with tha
outhcrllios. To has o.-se vath tha authontlus thru othars, liagacacar.t.
-Me Acquaintance vath thf future wife. Acqualiiloi.ce or rrlandship with forialaE,
Trusted by tna .outhon ties.
-Ve Acquaintance with the future husband. Ii6ri..onious connectiona with the authoritieso
-l.ia Tc ba taicsn into custody. Tc ha arrested. Thru one's own activities to contact
the autnorit iea, Aqua Is Lu/Sv, to eicetute sai.tauoe.
-Ju • Rev/ard. Rood connection with eutiiori tiau. To recditfe nouey. Court action,
- '^-oa-' To be under arrest, I.lnuranoas by tha power of the state. To receive notice.
Loss of position.
-Ur Suddan connections with the authorities,
-lie -■ Connections with tha loading pa op la dissolve. To be divorced. Release fron
prison. Respite, Unsuccessful connection with tne authorities.
-i'l Developments,, changes In conuoction with tha authorities,

-Cu Civil marriages, doc la 1 connections with authorities.

. •« -Ha- . Connections with authorities on account of misdeeds, dorrows or loss. Sorrow
in leading circles.
-Ze To be sentenced. The verdict. Decision of authorities,
-Ap Connections of first Magnitude in science. With many connected to the authority.
-Ad Connection with dutnroned parsons. Latent connection with authorities.
-Vu Connection with power of tne state, mighty influential connections.
-Po Connections with intellectually leading men. Connection thru great spiritual
acconplislinent •
Nodes plus Apollon

Union(connection) with many. Business or scientific connections.

-11 To be connected with many in science or business, llental and anotional
ejtperionce with many,

-Ar Business or scientific connections of a general nature,

-Su Connected with many business people or scientists advantageously,
i't>c ^
-Mo Connected with public or female people. 3cientiflc or economic coursea.
-Ite Connections with talkative or foreign people. Language courses,
-Ve Friendly connections with females. Theater visits. Enjoying art together,

-Ma Far reaching connections thru scientific activities or business matters.

-Ju Bconomicaliy or acientiflcally united with many.

-Sa To be united and then separated with many in connection with education,

-Ur Connected suddenly with scientists and economists thru scientific prediotiona,
~Ne Dissolution of connection with many, but also connections with many thru
science of future,

-PI Change and transformation in scientific connections. New connections,

-Cu Many social connections. Family visiting. Associated with many,

-Ha Connections with many in poor circumstances, jiq. Mars, connected historians,
-Ze Connected with many for former accomplishment in sdlence, £q. Cu, the forming
of a scientific society, also Instituting establishing formations who carry arms
-Kr. Connected with authorities, courts.
-Ad To reject connections with many, also to be rejected by many. Odd fellow.
-Yu Strong and outstanding successes in connection with science and industry,
-Po To be connected with many thru similar world conception, same religion.
Nodes plus Admetos
Standing still, inactive or fuo connections, dnd of a connection.
-Id To retain only a few connections. Connection with lonely people, whom one
avoids, who are ill reputed. To feel attracted to oppressed people.
Connections which are separated thru death.

-Ar Connected with natters of death. Funeral rites with a few,

-Su To be lonely and persecuted. Rustic connections. Connected with the sick.
-Asc To be hone, to be on the estate. To stay in touch with hone.
-Mo Snd of the connection with the mother. Little connection with the public.
Snd of a connection with the public. The connection of people with their deeds.
-loa Little thinking. Declining to think. Turning the thoughts away. Mentally sad.
-Ve To be haimonious with very few. To find little or no response.
-Ua To work together with few. Small working community. Working alone. To reject
to work with ethers, or to be rejected by others.

-Ju To be happy and fortunate with few. Content with little. To have modest stroke
of fortune.
-Sa Separating connection with a few. iind of a bad strive.
-Ur Sudden break in connection with a few. Sudden active excitement with few.
-Ne Dissolving connection with few.
-PI Fundamental transforma.tion in connection with few.
-Gu To retain few social connections. Lonliness in connection with a few.
-Ha To suffer lack of necessities of life with a few.
-Za Start work with a few. Difficult beginning of work with others.
-Kr Bad contact with the authorities. Interrupted contacts. Dealing with "has-beens**.
-Ap Satisfied and contented with one*s own connections. Contentment with a few.
-Vu Undertaking great things with few, to display extraordinary activities with few.
-Po To be in mental or spiritual harmony with a few. Cultural work in a small town.
Nades plus Vulcanus

Eagerness and baste. Mighty Influential cennectiens. Application of force.

-U To baTe mighty connections, to/under The Influence of such connections.
To be part of the mode of acting force, to suffer from it.
Connected vltb great mechanical forces, to master them.

»Ar General powerful cennectiens. Connected vith public. To cause excitement.

-Su To exert great powerful Influence by personal appearance or participation.
Others are mightily excited about $he native. To be eager.
~Abc To be with others In a state of great excitement. Full of enthusiasm. *.
Accomplishing something with ethers. Intent to accomplish.

-Me Persons of the public power get excited and head-up about the native.
-^Se Written complaints. Indignant, enraged In speech and writing.
Equals Mars plus Poseidon, about matters of corals.

-Ye To do fa.vers, charitable also. Equals Mars, the relatives get excited.
-Ma To display eager action. Very Industrious.
-Ju Happily tied to Influential persons.

-Sa To be forced, To submit to force.

-Ur To be suddenly, severely checked over.

-h'e Dissolution of mighty cennectiens. Connected with confused powers. Tainted

mighty connections. Difficult to be caught thru application of force.
-PI To develop eagerness. Forced changes.

-Cu Deeds of violence thru a company by a corporation. Mighty influence of united

-Ha Vile acts by mighty persons.
• -
-Ze To be pressured or forced by s great outfit. Threats.

-Kr To be subjected to power by the state. CsnneBtad with armed forces of state.
-Am, Much mighty excitement by many.

-Ad End of a mighty union or connection.

-Po Eagerness mentally as well as spiritually. Mighty connection thru mental


Lodes plus Poseidon
luenta 1 connections. Spiiltucl unions.
-M The mental connections affect the native. The native has end seeks mental
and spiritual connections.
-Ar The ceneral mental conditions. The general opinion. The world conception.
The religious relations.
-Su Being bodily together wiht others of the same mind or mentellty. Bodily
contact 7/ith people of high mentaHty.
=Asc To be spiritually associated with others. T.'orking out problems of that nature.

-Mo To be connected with average people of the same mental attitude,

-Ma * Mental connections thru speech, correspondence. Connection with these things.
-Ye Spiritual hanuonious connections. Tied to people of same religion.
-Ma Connections gained thru ane^s own mental accompllshioents.
-Ju Aligned with reasonable and prudent peaple. Connected with educated people.
-5a To have to deal with educators and pupils. Connection with unripe nentalitlee.
-Ur Mentally connected with others in a surprising manner. Sudden clarity In
relation to others.
-Ne Relatians to highninded people. Dissolution of present relations,
-PI Transformations end changes in mental relations.
-Cu Connections thru mental associations,, sects etc. Member of a beet.
-Ha To be tied to others whose mentality is far belom that of the native,
-2a To bo outstanding in mental cocn«vtians, to hold mental leadership,
-Kr Connections with mentally superior people. To let others influence oneself.
To be rated mentally lower.
-Ap To be mentally connected wi' h many. Connections which occur on account of
similar views in relation to world affairs,
-Ad To bo connected with cultured ps&ple.
-Vu Influence of or thru mental connections. To be noticed in mental
•onnectians thru eagerness and alertness.
l*)rcury plus llarcury

Conceptiono Cplniono Assenionu The content of thinking.

-M The feculty of thinking.. The mobility of thinking.
~Ar The gererel opinion.
-Su Bodily egility, especially on the day, concerning male persons.

-Asc Conversation.
-Mo The general opinion in relation to the hour and female persons. Vehicles.
-No To make new connections, mental connections.

-Ve Inclination for something. Thoughts of art. Beginning of an acquaintanceship.

°Mb The mentally excited. Argument. Squals Ka/Sa, suicide.
-Ju Acquisitiveness. Talkativeness. Happy mood.
-Sa Parting. Thoughts of separation. Logical thinking.
•Ur Inspiration, Telegrama. Orders (commands).
-Ne Poetry. Illogical thinking. Falsehood. To ramble. iSquals Ur, mysticism.
-PI To develop a thought. Thinking and perception is one thing.
-Cu Marriage intentions. Artistic taste. To think of the family.
-Ha Dishonesty, ridicule, scorn, abusive or insulting. Dirty thoughts.
-Ze Inventions. An order that has been complied with. Creative thinking.
-Kr Decrees, orders. Disposals. Ilighmindedness. Kobel thinking.
-Ap Scientific thinking. Knowledge of languages. Thoughts concentrated on
commerce and earnings.
-Ad Deep or pessimistic thinking.
-Vu Ibe power of thoughts. Mighty and fast motion.
-Po Thoughts or ideas.
-Ma/Sa Thoughts of suicide.
Mercury plus Venus
artistic tastev Aesthetic taste. Tuoughts si* love. Rhythm, ^alesran.
Acquaintanceship. To neet or greet others.

-M Artistic sense. Appreciation of beauty. To have and nake friends.

-Ar To become acquainted with many. Beautiful appearance of the creatures,
-So Love of own body. Vanity. Taste for plastic arts. Equals Su, sculptor.
Personal meeting or greeting of friends or new acquaintances.

-Asc The art of being adaptable. To meet with friends end new people.
-Mo Youthful beauty. To be fond of flat art-work (paintings etc.), Eq. Ne, artist.
-No Talent for sociabjllty. Marriage agent. Art daqler. To flirt. Superficial
acquaintances. Connections thru good behavior. Acquaintances by greeting
-Ma Wrought-iron worker. Passionate. Fond of physical activities. Acquaintance
in military circles. Ililltary greeting. Acquaintances whcih become intimateo
-Ju Happy new acquaintances. Fond of ornaments. Jeweler. Sense of humor. Friendly.
-Sa Falling out with friends, quarreling with them, to separate. Acquaintance
with older or more serious people. Retiring disposition. Wood carver. Surly.
-Ur Sudden acquaintances, quick at repartee, mathematical sense. Witty, original.
-Ne Untenable friends or acquaintances. Infidelity. Poetic, story teller,
fantastic person. Careless in the own behavior.

-PI Development of beauty, art, love. Extreme changes in acquaintances.

Development of greeting or personal behavior.
-Cu Master of ceremonies. Virtuoso in playing of solos. New acquaintances thru
social, family relations, thru art work. Social manners,
-Ha Preference for riches of the earth. Unethical artistic occupation. Immoral
performances. Acquaintencoship with vulgar or bose iuan. Bad manners.
-Ze Pyrotechniclan. Artist with fireworks. Incendiary mania. Ordered acquaintances.
To be forced to greet the superiors.
-Kr Artistic taste of highest degree. Art critic. High social connections. Polite.
-Ap Many new relations, very popular, sure end good manners.
-Ad New friends given the cold shoulder, or receiving same treatment. Illmannered.
-Vu New friends fast, well received. Favored by friends. Polite greeting,
-Po New friends thru spiritual matters. Religious rites.
!!arcuri' plus T.'^rs
^aarrelsorua thoughts, jjiar^atic tiiouebt? and ecarcQtic action, I/nlica. Hasty
action. Critics, Quarry Is and dabatus.
To ba in a stata of axtenant. Lova of fighting. Quickly resolving, Kaate.

-Av Quick acting, iSnargatic action.

-Su Quickly acting body. Excited body.

"Aac, To negotiate with others. Debate.

-ilo Irritated and anrry wonan. Debates over woman. Quarrels over women.
Quarreling persons.
-No To interfere suddenly. To ha embroiled in disputes,
-Ve Discussions about sex nettars. Lover's quarrels about female persons.
Harmonious debates with good friends,
-Ju Cheerfully proceeding to action. Successful thinking. Valuable debates.
-Sa Death by assassination. Cunteuplatad murder. Quarrel resulting in separation.
Equals Ze, by firearms.
-Ur Inclined to sudden anger. Judden ececuted act. Raving.
-Ke To commit blunders. To be deluded. To be excited over nothing. Will to destroy.
-PI To demonstrate will power In saver&l different fields. To act according to
well made plans.
-Cu To debate over art and marriage. Powerful action of an association.
-Ha To ba ready for a jaisdead. Cries for help. Equals lla/Sa, to become a mrderar
as the result of a quarrel,
-Za Angar leading to violence.
-Kr An action ordered by tne autuoritles. Dictator. Orders of government.

-Ap Successful scientific efforts.

-Ad The activities are suspended or nindred. Not to ba able to act.
-Vu Hasty and fast action, to conceive sonetblng fast.

-Po Hasty and over hurried action so that one can be criticized morally.
To baoiit of step as far as bohavlor is concerned.
Mercury plus Jupiter
Telent for speech. Fluent speech. UheerfUx u>»»aa Loquacity.
-M To De in l happy contented mood. Opttcdsu.
-Ar Merriment. Lively conversation.
-Su llappy mood. Lively and a^ilu body.
-Aac Happy and cheerful dntertaiiu.ient and conversation.

Talkative woman.
• No Master of cer^ioniws, choui leod^r. To think about happy connactions,
-Ve Lovers* discourse. Teasing. Pleasant conversation, ngreeir^nts in ideas.
-Mo Activity accompanied by merry chatter. Equals Mars, speaker, orator;
Equals Meridian, nerchan^. To coma to e decision.
-Sa To take leave gladly. Bon Voyaga.
-Ur Speaker. Quick at repartee. Agitators, -quaIs Pluto, to abruptly readjust
one*s thinking. Great agility in thinking. To suddenly realize.
-fie Imaginative, fluent, orator. To try to dissuade. To speculate
-PI To recognize a fortunate change.
-Cu Wedding sp-eches. Cheerfulness at a wedding.
-Ha Obscene Jokes, low Jolly entertainnient. To become excited about atrocities.
-Ze A Jester who carries one away by bis speech and gestures.

-o-r Celebrations at .court. Kulors who are talkative. National celebrations.

An artist with words.
-Ap Success thru knowledge of languuges. Fortunate entertainment with many.
-Ad Luck thru deep tnlnklng. a quiet pleasant conversation with a few friends.
-7u Constructive optimistic thinking.
-Fo happiness thru spiritual conversation (entertainment). To debate ideas with
prudent and philosophically minded people.
Mercury plus oaturn

Tiioughts of separationv Travel, Parting, Logic. Philosopiiical thinking.

Competence to form an opinion, to pass judgement. To ponder. Deliberation,
•41 Fond of travel. Unsettled. Inconstant. Pnilosopnically inclined,
-At To wander about. Voyages, r.igration of peoples^ Location changes. Moving.

-Su Parting person. Unruly guest* Lot staying long m one place. To roam.
-Asc To take leave. To move. To travel. To roam.
-Mo Female persons taking leave. Unruly guest(female). in route, Driving fast.
Travel companions.
-No Travelling companion. Preparation^ for travel.

-Ve To become unfaithful. To propose divorce. Saparationa from or thru acquaintances

New friends one separates from.
-Ma To be separated thru quarrel or dissention. A trip that has to be made,
iquals Ma/Sa, a trip to death.
-Ju Vacation trip. Pleasure trip. Fortunate and ahppy day,
-Ur Sudden departure. To separate suddenly. To start differences, iq. Ma plus Sa,
a trip to death.
-Ne Honesickness. Melancholy, A trip in an eizplane. Hopeless trip.
Navigation, iquals Pluto, to be looking for something, xiq. Ju, to find it.
-PI Sorrow of parting. Uncertain about near future. Breakaway. To move off.

-Cu Honeymoon trip. Artist's tours. Family travelling. Trayel with others.
-Ha Journey into imprisonment, dqals Asc., unhappy trip. Unpleasantness while
travelling. Bnmity and slander in that connection.

-Ze Enforced Journey, ejected. Fire alarm. Bq Mo/Ne, to be called to put out fire.
-Kr A Journey caused by the authorities, or a great Journey. Pensioned.
-Ap Logical scientific thinking. j.ducational thinking. To stop teaching.
Many thoughts of separation. To convarsu about separations.
-Ad Very deep philosophical thinking*

-Vu Bvery effort, strained thinking » Fast and long distance travelling.
-Po Educational ideas, which cause travel. L^gic in an idea. To separate in
thought from nental or spiritual things.
Liercury plus Uranus
Telagrams. Practival thinking. Logic. Original» revolutionary thoughts<
Good mathenaticion. Rhyme.
.11 Technical or mathemotical talent. To nave original thoughts. Energetic thinking.

-Ar General news.

-Su Quick acting body. Agility. Ilessanger. Quick at hand.
•As To be asked suddenly by other people.
-llo Rapid interchange of thought. Lively woman. Practical women. I.!athematlcal.
Theory and practice well combined. Equals Ze., a fire alarm.
-No Sudden connection of thoughts, of coiimunications.
•Ve Sudden love. Sense for rhythmic or plastic baauth. Singing. Sudden pleasant
news. Sudden news from friends. 7;xcitement with or thru acquaintances.
•Ma Suddenly ezicuted action. To incite to violence. Squals Hades, the sound of
an alarm siren. A scare,, affecting digestive system, ^q. Ve., singing.
-Ju Orator, quick at repartee. Sudden merriment. Lucky news. Wish to act quickly.
•Sa Sudden warning for a get-away, for a trip. Save yourself as best you can.
Sudden unpleasant news.
•Me Logical thinking concerned wilh metaphysics. Fruitless request.
•PI To be ready. To readjust one's own thoughts suddenly.
•Cu Wedding relegrams. Technical arts. Dramatic art. Sq. Ve., rhythm in art.
•Ha Instigator of robbery and murder. Message of evil. Digestive nerves.
Squals Ma plus Sa, death sentence.

-Za To blow up by explosives. Sudden arrangements. Fire alarm. Sudden war.

•Er Sudden decree of ruling persons. Official telegrams. Equals Hades, terrible
•Ap Many want to get news suddenly. Telegrams, tteny sudden news items.
•Ad To feel very depressed. Experiencing a catastrophe. To stay for some time under
the impression of a sorrowful event.
•Vu Sudden news creating, causing great excitement. Fast thinking.
•Fo New original ideas. Gudden new thoughts, oudden clority ol trend of thought.
To recognize the real truth suddenly.
•Ito/Sa To pronounce death sentence, death sentence.
Mercury plus Neptune.

Conceit. Lies. Imagination. Confusion. Went of clearness. Uncertainty.

-U To be inclined to untrutbfulness. Gifted with imagination, intuition.
-Ar Receptivity. Nonsense.
-Su Receptivity for thoughts, author.
-Asc To be cheated by acquaintances. To be outsmarted. £q. Ze, to be shot
to death by cunning.
-Mo To grasp a meaning easily and cake a good verbal picture of it.
- fvij
-Ve Love dreams. Love poems. To adore. Equals Meridian, magnetopeth,
superficial acquaintanceship.
-Ma To materialize inventive ideas. Genius.

-Ju Lu6lcy(fortunate) inaglnatlon. To build air castles.

-Sa Diseased mentality(sickly)• Collection mania. To use mental products of
others. i£quals Ju., to be successful.

-Ur Gifted civil engineer, Kq. 3u, Inventor, Eg. Me., epilepsy. Eq. Ma, to
/ execute suddenly a treacherous act. Eq. r'a/Sa, with death as a consequence,
—• |n• 1 U—
— C^
-Ha ^ To plot dirty tricks. Unclear thoughts cause obstacles and unpleasantness.
-Za Many problems without realization. Creative ideas, without an ending.
-Kr Versitlle theoretical talents. Wealth of thoughts, fine intuition.
Equals Ve., magnetopeth.
-Ap To penetrate, to break into a new science in an intuitive nay. High
susceptablllty and high sensitivity of nurvous system. The native can cut
out the motoric norcous system to influence the vegetative system.
-Ad Elimination of intuition. To search into special fields. Intuition and
straight thinking are wall balenced.
-Vu Mighty intuitive accomplishments magnified by li.genlousness.
-Po To search into ideas intuitively, llighminded intuition.
Mercury plus Pluto
From thinking to understanding. The development of thinking, ttxternal and Internal
motion. The functions of the nerves.
-K Thinking and understanding are one thing. The capability of adjusting one's
thoughts. The mobility of the mind coordinates well with external nlmbleness
and adaptability.
-Ar Change, development and adaptability of the gerursl thinking. Changes of thoughts
of the generality.
•Su Function of the notorlc and vegetative nervous system (the liquids of the body
which nourish*.

-Asc To have dealings with very few adaptable people.

-Uo Function of the glands and nerve activities. Change In the public thinking.
To annly 'oneself to the public opinions. Function of the nervous system of
the female body.

-Ko Applying oneself mentally to nes's connections.

-Ve To desire people, to wish for people in whom one can trust, and get along
with harmoniously. New harmonious acquaintances. New love acquaintances.
-Ma From thinking and understanding to action. Tp plan and carry out something.
Equals Hades, failure of plan.
-Ju To come to recognizing happy changes of conditions. Fortunate development
of the trend of thoughts.
-3a To come to the conclusion that separation Is compulsary.
Ur Surprising and sudden changes In thinking. Sudden new cognizance.
-Ne Uncertainty regarding the near future. Sneaky, uncertain conditions.
-Cu Games, urge for games.
iha To recognize evil. To recognize vile tnlngs too late.
-Ze To make effort. To recognize one's own gseater accomplishment. Equals Cu,
compedltlve games, Olympic games.
-Kr To enter school of higher education. To be student at such school. Development
of thinking which leads to great understanding. To guide education of others.

-Ap Many change their minds. To have to think ofsmny things.

^Ad Transformation of thinking from the bottom up.

-Vu Mighty change In the thinking. To recognize a mighty change.

-Po Development of spiritualized thinking. To develop Ideas.
Uercury plus Cupido

Marriage thoughts. Artistic considerations. Speech. !.\isic. Social affeirs.

-M To be favored by the Muse. Artistically gifted. Socially inclined.
-Ar General artistic instinct. Social antertainment.
-Su Professional artist. Physical beauty.
-Asc Social intercourse with artists. Socially conversing with others.
-Ue Artistically gifted woman, i'eminine beauty.
-No Art agency. Conversation with several.
-Ve Art craft. To make ornaments, acquaintances thru speeches, language, music.
-Ma ffrought-iron worker. Works of art msda from metal. To want to produce
something beautiful. To carry out artistic thoughts. Equals Hades, metal
works of art as old material [junk)«
-Ju Jewelry products. Mutual plans wnich are successful. Fortunate thru social
entertainment with others or tbur artistic thoughts.
-Sa Wood carving. Sculpture, hindrance to social exchange of thoughts. Travel for
social antertainment.
-Ur A coiner of words. Sudden artistic inspiration. Pevolutionary new artistic
thoughts, inspiration.
-Na Artistic, fairytale fiction. t.!utual plans not accomplished.
-PI Conversing about ancestors, aaritage, dascantants.
-Ha Antique art. Vulgarity in rhymes. Mutual conversation about the past, old.

-Ze To be creatively active in art matters. Instruction in military service.

-Kr A wealth of thought in poetry. !!Bstar of artistic thinking. Leading socially.
iSauals Vs., singing artist, good voice.
-Ap Social antartainmant with many. Big crowds. Literature, Published poetry.
-Ad £ntartainmant in a close family circle with few people. Serious and depressed
with few members of the family. Meditation. Lonesome.
-Vu Sxcitad entertainment of big crowds. Decrees or nlinps of influential association
-Po Socially debating mental or scientific problems. Conteration in relipion or
philosophical society.
Mercury plus liades
Drastic vay of expression. Ugly thinking., To make mistakes. Oversight.
To be silent vitb shame. To be sad. To be taciturn, ''allclous, viscious, stupid.
Hidden thoughts.
-U To harbor bad thoughts, to hide them
-At Vulgar thoughts, raw thougbt-pover.
-Su A young rowdy. To be the victim of sarcasm, a bo-ly with o weak nervous system.

-Aac To be threatened by others. Dafama-ion.

-Mo A low female person. Uncultured woman. I.!allco, spitdfulneas or slander by
women or in or thru the public.
-No To be connected with thieves., racaivara of stolon goods, vulgar people.
-Ve Art in the dives, vulgar stories, murky love thoughts. 7/eekne5,6 of the sexual
nerves. Acquaintances who causa slander and bad reputation.

-Ala Thoughts of robbery and murder; also acts that cause losses to others. To hear
about murder and to talk about it to othars.

-Ju To enrich oneself by conducting a fanca. To feel at home in nixed society.

To be influenced to buy second hand or old things. To be deceived In money matters
To love and to think of the pest. To live in the past, ftood fortune gone.
-Sa Tramp, vagabond, To be sbunnad. Loss tbi-u sharpers or thru slander.
-Ur Thoughts of nurder or bomocide. oudden miserabla thoughts..
-Ne To be outwitted by trickary uais Ast.;, looye talk.
-PI A thinking which cannot be developed. People who never progress mentally.
-Cu To drag marriage in the mud. Artistic talent ir, vulgar rhutoric,
-Zo To mock military parsons, or Tc riock the poltce.
-Kr Calumny and satire lulir.g parsons.

-Ap Ugly thinking of many. Mary lcj Mistaken.

-Ad Difficulties to think clearly. Lot to sas a -ay v-ut. fJc solution to a problem,
-Vu Criminal thoughts. vi-CiOuij Caitu A w.7; ^ K' J. Slur. U r n
QPo False9 base! bulgar ideas, ddstr^ctivo Uiourhts.,
Mercury plus Zeus
To connand. To threaten. Dictator. Creative thiaklne.

-Id To outdo oneself. To obey a coumand.

-Ar Lavs. Edicts. Decrees.
-iiu Decrees of the day. The justice (judge ). The superior in person.
To be condemned.
-Asc To be asked. To ask others.
-ilo Laws for eomen. Edicts for the populace. Woman and paople who can command.
-No Organizations, unions or connections that coma into being upon command.

-Ve Decrees about moral matters and customs. Pules about greeting. Well meaning
arrangements, disporltlons or orders.

-Ua Criminal laws. Equals Moon, commands for soldiers. Dharp quarrelsome demands.
-Ju Good command; good laws. Laws concerning pleasures or money. Success or profit
thru rules or creative Ideas.
-Sa Edicts concerning lands, building codes. Laws for agriculture. Laws which are
harmful, cause damage and are a hindrance.

-Or Emergency decrees; martial law. To carry oneself thru with emphasis.
To call a halt. Equals Su., day of proclamation, exciting decrees, orders.
-Ne Secret laws. Secret agreements. Destructive or fruitless requests.
-PI To learn to command and to obey.

-Cu Marriage laws. An ordered marriage. License office. Creative thoughts In art.
-Ha Instigation to robbery, and murder or theft. Orders and rules bom out of
vlllany or baseness. Vila dainunds or sucsionsos.
-Kr Upon the highest cosmiand. Prosecutor. Great creative thoughts.

•«Ap Together with many to answer a summons. New scientific thoughts.

-Ad To carry out an order or answer a suaauons together with a few.

-Tu To be handled roughly or severely. Scene with superiors. The enraged superior.
Commands issued without regard for anybody or anything.
-Pe To get new ideas, to create new ideas.
Mercury plus Kronos
A noble way ot tbinlcingo Lofty mental qualities. The kernel formula for the great
spiritual leader. The inquiring power of the htate* Honesty. Honorable thinking„
Great tnoughts„

-M Good mental ability.

-Ar General uprightness. Upon good faith.
-Su A body ennobled thru the mind(spirit)/ Father9s word. Government head.

-Asc Acquaintance with thinkers and poets. Tied to others thru great Ideas.
-Mo Great ideas in .the public, iiighminded active women,
-Ko Connections with mentally elevated leading people.
-Ve Artistic form literature, aoft artistic way of aspresslono Pleasant
Acquaintanceship with the power of the state, people who know.
-Me Thinkers stepping into public life. Oblldged to assent. Honorable, decent
way of doing things. Equals "eridian, honesty and decent thinking decide action.
-Ju Overflowing with mental enjoyment(recital, lecture). A good spiritual leader.
To be sworn in ( to take oath).
^Sa Philosophical uuy cl 1 un.ciag. w.isllunging or the opinion of authorities.
Unpleasant inquiries of the authorities.
-Ur Ingenious formation of words, phrases. Creator of new things. Announcements by the
State, mathematician,
-Ne Extemporaneous poet. Orator, The "gift of geb'', Unclear relations to the power
of the state. Uncertainties about the futu re roods of acting of the state.
-PI TO grow up into, a great mental or spiritual leader. To develop great ideas.
The authorities change their opionlon - they hesitate.
-Cu Artistically active thinker. Great artistic ability.
-Ha King of crooks, dwindle eluding the law. Great ideas or thoughts of the past.
Perished powers of states. Great thoughts about tha antique.
-Ze War laws and commands issuing from tha highest authority.
-Ap Great scientific thoughts or ideas. Recognized leader of science. Eq. Ne,
research ability. Leading into Unknown field of science.
-Ad Good foundation of theory of thoughts. Origin and bafinning of a great idea.
Ideas of a few.
-Vu High concept of the idea of the state, or great ideas. Power and influence of
great ideas. Powerful spiritual leader.
-Pe Highmindedness. High intellectual and spiritual standards. Ideas acknowledged
by the State,
Mercury plus Apollon

Scientific thinking. Knowledge of languages. Science of languages. High flight of

thought. Much speaking, many talks.

-M To be capable to think scientifically. Much thinking. Let thought wander for.

-JLr Propaganda ideas in general. Spreading of ideas. Thinking of the maaaea.

Economic thoughts in general.
-Su Scietific success. The day of glory for a scientist.
-Aac Acquaintanceship with acientista. Many conversations.
-Mo Scientific thoughts in the public. Scientifically minded women.
-No Association amoung acienti'ats. Associated with acientista,

-Ve Friends, and pleasant conversation with many. Inclination to study languagoo.
Scientific, debates.
-Ju Happy conversation with many
-Ma Keen debates with many.
-5a To part from many. To separate from studying.

-Ur Surprising news for many. Many apeak excitedly.

-Ne Intuitive scientific thinking Many express their disappointment.
-PI Many converse about a change. Speaking with uacy shout a change.

-Cu Debating with many about art and science. To instruct many in an art.
Lbny social talks.

-Ha To apeak with many about past times. Many feel oppressed or depressed who do
not dare to express their opinion, who hide their feeling.
°Za , To direct the discourses of many. Leading scientific debates.
-Ad Not to be comprehended. Unable to make oneself understood. Not understanding a
foreign language.
-Yu Strong success thru discourse with many. Strong efforts to think by many.
To find understanding by many.

-Po To debate ideas or problums with others, who think and feel similar as oneself.
I'.arcury plu«
Profound thinksro Profound cocuentrstion of tdoufht.^ liidf. \ :c.:£,hxs of ;ieeth =
Serious thiniclng. r.nd of o itK-tlon. of bO^.-rthin^o ^tciidst.■ \ l. .-..jspended.
Condition. Perseverance in tiunkingc 1 •»f.ct-at:-.or,i wincj o oaod issue.
-M To be serious or sad, to tnevi, to 13e 1 dopr-issni by nr. unplsaoflnc condition.
To think about a natter tno:o;<j:,iv. Ptra^tuist.
-«ir Serious thinking in renoraJ, Tne nood Is /ar.eral'.y nepxe^sed,,
-Su Little bodily Motion. Tne oody at e etan.l&tillo Tc pit a quick ending to a
motion or move, f'o bodily perseverance. To f>*< .iriven ic a vehicle. Sitting
nay of living, riquals oatuii;. a bicycle nder,,
-Aac Acquaintance nith peoplea vn.o ,.1.t, r.uonu office personnel, or people wno
work as a crew of a train oi boats.
-Mo Drive, ride, Journey. Circumstances oi drivmt- or ridiiig. People on a vehicle.
Travelling people. Jixcursion v.ith mony. J.'aj.. i-ople sitting most of their lives.

-Ko Connected with people who dnvu or ilde- To '•••* •'river, with others.
-Ve Ungainly in manntrs. Wionp b-di^vior.
-15b To combat one's OT.n unt*olr.lli.ess. lw go into aoticn. Tc be scared out of rest.
-Ju To concentrate one's won tnuu.-nts successfully. Foxtur.ata or nappy concentration
of thoughts.
-Sa To be liiaited and cranp^d „ v.i t.ncvt Ij-iO".-ing a v.i.> out. Ore at possinisn.
-Ur To be suddenly torn out of one's reatinp. Judder, sen news,

-J»a Under this constellation irituitjon olten jo-1 no concent rat'on, but it can also
loean unsuccessful ccncentratic j.«
-PI To develop one's ability to tci centrotu.

-Cu Poor manners shown in connection with associates [socially). Gloomy thoughts
in company or in tne fuiaiiy. in a owrteln field in art.
-Ha Depressing thoughts of tne past. To regret evil doeds of the past. To think
about mistakes one has uide. Danorso and lopant&
-Za To concentrate one's thoupnts op dlractlnp. or ivedinc somethinp.
-Kr Great ability to concent rate o:, ^o^itliing. To prepare for future successes.
-Ap One's ideas are not liked end O'.ceptcd, but me rsfu-ui by many.
-Vu To put one's own ideas across u. spite of era obstacles.
-Po Concentrating on r.ontal or n.fifilusi thir.r*, wt ide&s.
Vercury plug Vuicanus*
The forces of thiCugr.t„ Powerful thought, L'.icntv cxartad tnlnkiug. Great speed.

-M Strong ability of ihinJcine,, ability tc think fast ^q, l!d. Intuition,

-Ar Ability to tbinh in generaX. Generality under impact of a nlphty idea,

-Su Great spaed of s body, Tobe bodily much in motion. A life or node of
living which demands riuch mo zing around,

~Aac To be v^ith puopla v.he are much en the nove,

-Ko The public under the inpect or on enorraoua Jilght, Riding people. To gat
cn and off, to ride back u;.i forth,
=Ko Mighty conntsctio:i of thought-., Connectioi.s v.'ith people who think forcefully,
-He To think a lot of r.s;v acquaintances, T-ew acquaintancoa who become Important.
=Ma To act fast., to piocj.'d enjigatlcslli j uithwut tlcir.g resistance.
-Squals SUj, throb of the heart,
-Ju To concentruta utrox.gly or one "a on.n fortune0 The feeling of bliss,
-Sa Oue is only concerned with tnoughts of travel vtm separation. To guard
travellers, to protect tnui:.
-Ur To get suddauAy .:r-;itad '.v.- v.;-*,; v-u wUivrasing caws. Telegrams,
-Ne Great intuition^ great er.ility to »eei one's -..aye T'ighty thoughts for the
future. Great entaneX«'«"V t -'i" on fust; on, IliUwion and deception.
-PI To dajide tc make a nirnty cn;.i..-3. To h;volep rr-oot cpeed.

-Cu Tne thoughts are loucunirateJ -n laui;y -..o .itto,

-K& The thoughts ur-; directed to..«!'•' ovli deads, he,, T'ars, to t!.,11k of war,

«2a Orders er«r issued cucrgut••cai l; . without reguii or consideration,

-Kr Politico], tn^u.-nts or debated, ' concern onco-tf ..idn affavrs of state,
-Ap Thought- i-mon proov- to t-o ■oriett- hq W., su-'O.-..ofr: th-.r.kihr.u
-Ad Mignty thw.;. htu. an itb ot ;.v.; tro pjrti;- auccos&ful, or not at all.

-Po The tnougnt r t re cnncoLtrsTji ... or -.yiritv.-1 cning. To harbor great

K^rcuri plus Poseidon
Ideas. Ideals. Tnou(:iiis, spiritualized tmrikin.f, ...entai oi- spiritual percaption.
-L: To appear spiritualized. Tob bo-; one lam liar sith ideas. To be the
cerrisT of tL 1-ies.
-Ar Gar.cra] ideas,. The ideals uf the generality.
-Su The spiritualized body,, op I ritual concepticc of oaing,
■»Asc To be around people iepresent on ldaas or to tbera.

-llo cipiritual man as txie ^udiuz: of an idea. Men c.ho are possessed by an idea,
v/ho spread thoaa IdedSo Jpiritualized 7.-jt.-.en«

-No Connected r.'itn people v~ spiritublli' rinded,

-Va To neat, to be it: tcuch with roanisters, proachars ate. Quarrels ovur ncrel natters, iinrapad over n-oio ; behovior.
-Ju ieppy ovsr ideas, ov^t idaul:-, i^ppy convaraations regarding these things.
-be To be instructive or cVcu-iUn..l thru Id-.^as, to separata from others laentally.
To d ova lop and uaild up & 'lO'.Auei uee, To experience refusal of ideas»
-Ur To be suddenly taken tj an idae. Internal enligbtoricnt. Suddenly experlsncing
revoluxior.ary ideas. oi.a.s»lI a-:td.val:. creative.
-Na To accept new icc-ts, to tccj-it then .n tuitively as truas but ranaia passive.
-PI Tranafonnation ox" o no 'a ideas w r ideelso Devalopnont of spiritual thinking,

-Cu To debate tdoua v.itn others

"hb To xuii'e to deal i-ivh stupid und uncultured people. LemorieSo Remniscanceso
-2m Toe powtr of • el t.u idea. To Cei.vluce ethers thru Ideas. Ideas
which can be pre7on .cj'tott«

~Kx High taaaln. .--met

-Ap To come into contact with others who have the sane ideaso
-Ad To create enucn^s Uuu or.c''.-. id^oo.
—Vu Toe pcv.e:- oi ' x.clefc or thoughts.

Venus plus Venus

Fesce. Good nill. Love. Inclination and help or assistance.

-M Affection. Fondness.
-Ar Peace. Good will. Love.
-Su Love qualities [properties) of the body (influence).

-Asc Love acquaintances.

-Uo Woman's love. The people's love.
-So To start an ecqualntance. Love tie.
-Lie To arrange artistically* To beautify. The beautiful woman.
-Ma Sex activity. To become Intimate. Intimate relations.

-Ju Eapplness of love.

-Sa Farting of love.
-Ur Sudden affection or love.

-Ne Misfortune in love. Renouncing love. Untrue love. Perversion. Abnoxmallty.

-PI Harmonious development, to begin a love, an affection.
-Cu Love marriage.

-Ha Immorality, servitude.

-Ze Procreation out of love.

-Kr Mother-love. Unselfish love. Art critic. Charity. Alms.

-Ap Friendship. Art. Peace-loving.

-Ad Frigidity in love,. Death of love. Lack of affection. Heartlessness•

-Vu Passion. Passionate love.
-Po Religiously inclined, spiritualized love.
Venus plus Mers
Sex love. Blood-brothers, Relationship, Intimate friendship. To act VIth devotion
out of love for the ceuseo
-U Desire. To lnflame<> Personal relation or attitude towards blook-reletion-
ship, IntijjBte ecqueintencea. To work with love and devotion,
-At A free (liberal) conception (or idea) of sex love. Blood relatives,
Intimate friends.
-Su Sex love of the body, Detennlnetlon to marriage, Procraetion. To b«* bodily
together with intimate friends or blood relativeso I'ele relatives•
-Asc Personal sex intercourse. Acquaintance with relatives or intimate friends.
A woman 's sex love. Decision to marry. Related female persons, the own
mother.- To gain Intimate ecquelnteuces in the public. Power of attraction
in the public.
-Mo Sex connections. The connection with the blood relatives or intimate friends.
-Ale Erotico Sex thoughts. Young Intlmata ecquelntences or relatives,
Equals Me, obstetrician. To think or act with devotion,
-Ma/Me Homosexuality.
-Ju Happy sex intercourse. Luck witn relatives and intimate ecquelntences.
Equels Lfers, energetic sexual leva activity, Equals Ilj, es occupetion(prostitute).

-Sa Venerlel diseases, Severence of the intarcourse. Cider relatives or close

friends. Separation from them.

-7r Sex violence (Interference], By surprise or unexpectedly to meet egeln.

Bollo relatives or intimate old ecqualntences. To reestabllab relations,
-Me Sex Intercourse connected with infection, Demel of interceurse, Eouols Ka,
douiai or procreation. The end of Intimate raletions or the relation to
reletlves. Secret sexual inclinations.
-PI To eweke the sexual urge. Development of en Intimate relation,
-Cu Marital sex intercourse. Intercourse leading to marriug. Social relation
with relatives or intimate friends.
-He Illicit intercourse. Debeucbery. Misfortune and unpleasantness with or thru
intimate ecquelntences or reletlves,
-Ze Procroetive sex activity among the next of kin or In marital life.
Keuels Me/Ze, sterilization. Xntim&ts relationship with leading people.
-Kr Woman dominated by love, Raletlonsblp or ecqualntencesblp (intimate)
with e ruling personage,
-Ap Many Intimate friends and reletlves. Sexual inclinations to many.
-Ad To refuse, to reject, to suppress or mortify the saxuol urge, A few
Intimate friends. Small circle of reletlves.
-Vu Passionate sexual love. Influeclel intimate friends end relatives.
Venus plus Jupiter
Happiness of love* Rapture of Joy* Goldsmiths.
-Jd To be recipient of love's joy. The sensation of love,
-Ar Love's happiness* Gorgeous celebrations* Jewelery

-Su Joyous love of a wan. Love's happiness on the day*

-Asc To be admired* Pleasantness and success thru others*
-Mo Joyous love of a woman*
-No Rendez-vous. Union of love, equals engegement* Happy connections*
•4>Ie Thoughts of happy love. Joy thru confiding In friends.
-Ma Happy sex Intercourse. HazT.wny* Joy and happiness thru acts of friends
or relatives. To ect successfully in love end devotion*
-Sa Doubtful happiness in love* Jeparated love. 3lon ripining happiness in love*

-Ur Susdden setting in of love's Joy*

-Ne Hopelessness of love's happiness. Love and affection with obstacles.
Hquals Me, to talk of hopeless love*
-PI Good fortune and happiness on the T«ay, developing* Coming happiness*
-Cu Love's happiness in muritsl life. Equals Krt to conclude peace with several
powers. I.iuch luck and nappmsss thru a union (associctlon) •

-Ha Love's happiness tied to poverty. Through love to crime. Passed away
love's happiness or good fortune.

-Ze Longing for family increase. Longing for fanily happiness, for peace* The
wish or will to create happic&ss* Equals Ur, sudden and of an engagement in

-Kr A person bewitching by his or her appaaranca. Good fortune thru authorities,
Equals I.!, a peacemaker.
-Ap Luck and happiness thru many „ Good fx lends wd fortune thru thane
-Ad Luck thru a few or with a few. To heve a lar, good friends*
-Vu Greet longing for happiness* Crest optimism.
-Po Happiness thru mental or apuit ;ui success* lieppiness thru wisdom, religion,
by reason of i-ignt.
Vonus plus ciutura
Love's separttiwii. Lo"-"® iorrcw. lllo^nimate birtho Intarrupled hannony.
Paseinf, oflec51011 ^ hindrad mcl -ticn?.

He c-r she being .CorsaKcii- liluGitloite birth- Flirtations. Illicit

Intercourse, riiodraiwes fend obiitoalos in love,
-At Divor:0fe. Jeparatlor. of lo7a.
-<Ju Widower., crass widower0 Trer.soicr.tAy united or separated,
-Asc To be forsaken- Others quit on you. To hinder the affections of others.
-LIo Forsaken wonen. To make a Icving wonan feel sad,
-No To start an 1ilegitimete union. Passing separated love union. A separated
love union is for the tma being restored 0

"Ma Thoughts of parting (divorce, separation). To think of hindrances in love.

-Ju Happiness of love with tonsaquent separation. Happy for moments0

-Ur Sudden separated love. Reveling m illicit love. Short harmonious union,
then separation,
-He A love union broken because of falsehood- Betrayed love. Theft of clothing
t jewelry. To bo averse to love because of coldness- 'I'o reject or repress
-PI Slow separation of love.
-Cu To be deceived by a promise of marriage. Passing harmony with sssocls tea.
: m O70risilQ
-Hi '- P ^- Kisallianca.
-Ze Illagitinato procreation- Forced separation of love.

-Kx Probation court0 Passing inclination for leadership. Interrupted harmony

in the government by leading persons.
-Ap Friendship with teachers or educators. Passing harmony with many, Equals Kr,
friendship with people who are xz charge of a school, passing harmony in the
connection with scientific aUthcritioSo
-Ad Passing harmony with few-
-Vu Disharmonies in an otherwise great love.
-Po Disturbed religious> . Disturbsd harmony batv.een teachers and pupils,
borrow of separation between teacher aid pupil-
Venus plus Uranus
Hefined sensuality. To be discriminating in love. Paralysis. Inmeness. To give
birth to a child. Sudden romantic love.
-M Oie's own refined feeling of love. To be suddenly in love.

-Ar bating time.

-Su Goutesy. Delicate feeling. To be loved suddenly. Highminded love.
-Mo A womad fastidious in love. Labor pains. Sudden surprising harmony with the
public or female persons. Social dances.

-Ho To enter into love adventures. Harmonious unions, made by surprise.

-VO Erotic thoughts. Artistic impulses. To make surprising pleasant new connections
To think of love spontaneously.
-Ma Passionate sensuality, refined however. Sudden new acquaintances, which
become intimate.
-Sa Sudden interrupted or separated love union.

-Me Unhappy love with quick marriage. Secrets in romantic love union.
-Pluto Harmonious development which begins suddenly.

-Cu Sudden love with quick marriage. Surprising harmony in an association.

-Ha Manifestation of refined base sensuality. Perversities. To be tied to base
kind of people by surprise. Harmony with servants.

-Ze To procreate in lovers eetaey. Joy out of installing machines. Air conditioning
heating and cooling systems.
-Kr Author of erotic stories or songs. Surprising harmony with the authorities.
-Ap Sudden harmony and friendship with many.
-Ad Surprising harmony with a few.

-Vu Suddenly appearing mighty unity. General enthusiasm, might and influence
thru unity and being united with others. Sudden passionate love.
-Po Attending motion pictures. Surprising harmony with others in the realm of
spifcit, religion or world philosophy.
Vsnua plus Neptune
Day-dreaming. Unhappy love. Renouncing love. 7/rong sax instinct. Falsa love.
Dacaptlya hopes. Hidden and secret feelingssensations or sentiments. Sensitive
delicate and touchy love.
-U Love's sorrow. False love or sax instinct. Hopes are not realized.
-Xr To be averse to love. Prudishnass, Deceit and deception in love is general.
-Su Timid in love. Silent admirer. Indifferent in love.

-Isc Acquaintance with people suffering from unfortunate love. Vrong love mate.
Tied to an unhappy love.
-Me Woman's happiness in love obstructed. Woman's unhappy love.
-No Unfortunate love union. Dissolution of a harmonious union.
—lla Full of enthusiasm. Much imagination in love. Acquaintance with passionate
devotion. Revellers.
-Ma Disharmony with friends or relatives. Intercourse obstructed by sickness or
abnormal build. Squals Mo, hopeless love efforts of a woman in regard to sax.
-Ju Temporary happiness in an unfortunate love affair. Only for hours united in
happy lava.
-Se Diseases of the feminine sax. Indifference. Sexuel affections cool off.
-Ur Love's longing. Homesickness. Suicide as a result of love. Death of love
partner. Sudden misfortune in love.
-PI Sweat, kind and friendly to the face, but actually insincere.
-Cu Misunderstanding in marital life. Unhappy matrimony. Dissolving an association.
-Ha Chaotic love sorrow.
-Za Inherited blood diseases. A bleeder. The generative capability ands.
-Kr Sanitariums for blood ailments, for hysterical woman. Falsehood or insincere
affections of leading people or representatives of the government.
-Ap False friendship of many, or dissolution of friendship with many.
-Ad Completely cold in matters of love. Dishannony with a few.
-Yu Simulated or hidden mighty affection.
-Po Dissolution of a harmony by influences which one is unable to control
Sensitive to radiation, supersensltive, delicate.
Venus plus Pluto

Hanaonious developmento Development of a wish, of v hope,.

•41 Tbe own harmonious development, Development of private wishes and hopes,

-At General hennonlous development. Generality develops a hope or wishes,

-Su Harmonious development of tbe body. Harmonious paasinp of tbe days.
Pleasant state of nouil^hment of tbe body. To eat in pleasant surroundings,
-Asc Tbe beginning of a pleasant change in tbe envVrocmeiiC, Friendlier surroundings,
«Uo Harmonious development in the public or with female persons. Harmonious
development of female persons. Harmonious function of tbe glands,

-No To realize tbe pleasant change of things, Tc pave the way for a pleasant change,
-Me Tbe beginning of an intliuate relation. Closer connections to blood relatives,
Equals Hades,, tbe environment and circumstances are poor9 ugly, unpleasant,

-Ju Joy and happiness over tbe beginning of a new development,

-Sa Interruption of a fortunate davelopuent, Wishes and hopes come not through,
-Ur Sudden start of a harmonious development,

-Ne To develop silly wishes without a possibility of realization, Hopes and wishes
that never come true,

-Cu Desired family Increase, Harmonious development of an association. To renew

or continue a past harmonious development,
-Ha A harmonious development is made inpossible thru bad manners or bad morals,

-Ze Good progress of current matters. Good conception, favorable pregnancy.

Ripening fruits and fine prospects for tbe harvest,

-Kr Tbe master, Tbe superior. The teacher. Tbe authority. Boss appears lenient,
-Ap Tbe pleasant development of many. Great optimism,

-Ad Pleasant development for a few.. Favor and preferment are tbe exception,
-Tu Mania or passion to reform,
-fa Harmonious change or development in tbe religious, pbilosopbical, or political

142 plus Cupldo
Marital happiness,, Pl^assut coupauy , Paaoful soriety ov esfto-1 at4or«a
To be endowed with much lovo in cwrricd life.. To be In fceTnorious
company or society.. The io^a and alfectijo to the*« from community.

-At Mental happiness of meny priopla> dotial pleaaantriess jxi general.

-ou Marital happlneas of the i^au. To be 10 pleasant company.

-Asc To ba desired for marriage by many. Others wish the personal friendship.
-Mo Marital happiness of the woirian. Pleaaent company with others«
-Ua Thoughts about happioerje in married lite . To meet the fanil/ of the bride.
Acquaintances thru the family.
-No Love fomiectlona which lead to marriage„
-Ma Happy intercourse in married life. To come Lo intimate acquaintances thru
pleasant company.
-Ju Great happiness in married life. To be happy in pleasant company.
-Sa Separated marital happiness. Passing harmonious ties with ethers.

-TJr^ Sudden marital happiness. To be unexpectedly in nice company.

-PI Harmoniously developing marriage or association.
-Ha Marital happiness spoiled by poverty. Harmony and happmees under ethenrise
miserable conditions.
-Ze Marital happiness thru the blessing of children Conclusion of a marriage, of
a sex relation.
-Kr Marital happiness fostered by the authorities. Great instinct for art.
Much luck in marriage or society. Harmonious association with many.
-Yu Mighty longing for harmony with others, for marital happiness.
-Po To be united with people of asms kind of religion or philosophy. Marital
happiness thru the same kind of religion or concept of life.
Venus plus liadea

Lou, purchasable love. To ^rAeve. Sr.erility(voluntary). A love affair.

Maidservant, nallres?, domeatlc servant,, aervltude. Repulsivaness in love*
Love worriesc Dirty minded.
o&l Prostitute or paramour. To grieve. Servant. Serving, submissive soul.
•Ar Prostitution. Peranours. oervltude. General service relatiena.

=Su To succumb to prostitution. To find oneself in a lew position and dependence.

Serual weakness of the bod-y.,
-Asc Tied to others thru lew love.. Deal with people with vulgar manners.
-Mo Purchasable girls. Lev, servile people. Submissive persons.

-No Connection with prostitutes. Connection with low people.

Thinking about service relations. Obscene jokes. Owner of brethol. A go-between.
Equals Juu serving cheerfuir^y, joy about servica relations.
-Ma To be called for the armed service. Comradship. Activities of servants.
Illicit, purchasable sex unions.

-Ju Pleasant exid happy servica relations. Income from prostitution.

-6a Dirty Illicit union. Poor service rolatiens. To quit the service.

-Ur Quarrels and fights auoung prostitutes, or for love. Sudden meanness or dirty
tricks of coranon people. Sudden irritations thru service or aerving.

-Ne Infection thru prostitution. Patvarslonfi. Unreliable servants.

-PI Changes in service relations. Pleasant change or advancement is denied.

-Cu Marriages amoung prostitutes. Sorrow in marital life caused by servants

or thru the ovm sarvica or work relations.
~Zo Birch(illegit1mece);. or under severe circumstances. Also to be forced to serve.
-Kr Control ei morality. Moral poiica. State control or supervision of service.
To enter the etate^seivice.

-Ap Friendship with many low clans paople. Acquaintanoaa amoung prostitutes.
-Ad Lack of Sjrvarita. IJonu o. viry Cevv friends la such circles.

~Vu Grave danger thru servioa velavions- To serve under danger. Crimea amoung
-?o R^ligiori. or fcorli courept ioti cf servants or prostitutes.
Mental incapacity xf that kir.i of people. To agree with mentally,,
sievelike attitude.
Venus plus Zeus
Increase, Seed, Sperm, Devoted activity.
-M The progenitor. Carrier of seed. The sower. Oneself Is devoted.

^Ar General procreation; propagation. Devoted activities In general.

-Su Generative qualltiee and abilities. Physical work done lovingly.

-Asc To be Impregnated. Others are forced to settle peacefully, to make peace,

or oneself Is forced to:; make peace.
-Mo Pregnancy; gestation. Nations forced to make peace.
-No To permit impregnation. To join others for harmonious creation.
-Me Thoughts of generation. Acquaintances thru the place of work.
-Ma Coition. Burning love. Close bazmonious cooperation.
-Ju Good progany. Happiness thru devoted activities.
-Sa Loss of a blood relative. Passing, temporary devoted activity. To
separate from a devoted activity.
-Ur Unexpected procreation. Burning desire.
-Na Sterility. Efforts of love are in vain, pasted. No ambition or desire.

-PI Increase In mltlplylng. Growing number of births. Increased activities.

-Cu Marital procreation. Devoted artistic creation.
-Ha Illicit procreation. Grief thru procreation. Sorrows thru adverse
circumstances in ssrvlce relations.
-Kr Selective breeding. Lazmonious devotion, creation protected by the State.
Passing vote, to be elected, equals Mo., to be elected as senator etc.
-Ap Harmonious creation with many. Great Increase.
-Ad Devoted activities ere not understood, face obstacles, only a few understand.
-Vu Psssionate love desire, the pill to procreate,
*Po To proclaim new philosophical or religious Ideas. The spiritual or mental
Venus plya Kronos
Affection. Fondness. Benevolence. Charitable love. The kernel formula for
the great helping hand. High feelings, great lovey and capability. Help thru
the State, Welfare departnents.
=M Charitably disposed. Receive benefits. Take part in charitable activities.

-At General charitable activity.

-Su Readiness for charitable activities. To raceiva the Nobel prize for peaca.
To receive benevolence from the State or from superiors,
-Asc Acquaintances with charitable people. To receive presents.
-No Sacrificing, benevolent nomsn. Philantropist (female).

—No Connections with benefactors.

-Ma Charitable thoughts. To cone to charitable acquaintances thru thinking.
-Ma Active chsrity. To merit benavclence thru ona's activities or behavioro
Energetic charitable help,
-Ju Gifts thru charitable persons, iindowments.
-Sa Refusal of endowments or stipend.

<-^Jr Sudden unexpected gifts. Large presents, legacies.

-Ne Predestined nuraa. To be sympathetic. Not kept promise of help, or to help.

-Lp Growing vanevolence of the boss, chief, government or superiors,

-Gu To endow arts. Patron of arts. Clubs or accociatlons favored by the State.
-Ha Sympathy with poverty, with the sick end suffering. Squals Ma, previledged war
-Ze TJje charitable institutions ■;rested.. Tne Red Cross.

-M Special treatments or excaptionei favors are refused, are not granted or accepted.
-Ap Many show willinoness to belp. Affections from or friendship with authorities.
Many special favors.
-Vu Mighty exceptional privileges. Most favontlac;. Equals M, the nighty
preperadnaas of rreat help or charity.
-Po Nobel, nonorable dispositiwu, raliglon or world ccnceptlcn. High concept of
morals, moral benevior and Prtffer^nca fux- high apirltuHl things or
matters, hoignhorly lov '3. Gvwd d'SSCl S -1W t xvs.ted bj religious impulse or
Vanus plus Apollon
Science of art. Science of cusic. Friendship. Fsithfulness.
-iZ The onn disposition and inclination towards faithfulness. Affection to the
native is shown by many. To be faithful and reliable.
-Ar General harmony with many, ".any frindships. Attitude toward peace.
-Su Peaceful and friendly manners. To make peace. To incline to peace.
"The peaceful man*.
-Asc To be around faithful and reliable people.
»Uo Faithful and reliable people. People, who busy themselves with art and science,
and who know these fields well. Participation of the public In science, and
of women in art and science. To spwiid many hours with such things, or people
of that kind.

-No To be tied to ::«ny harmoniously. Comradship etc. Connections with artists.

-He To apeak to many, to be known to nsny, to be acquainted with mcny. Acquaintance-
ship with sciontists of languoKOo or psopls Wi'iC 5p oak foreign languages•
-Ma Intimato friendship thru scientific or peaceful activity.
-Ju Mich happiness and joy xhru friendship,sclenoa or art enterprises,

-Sa Passing separation from oiany, passing interruption of tuition^ Interrupted

art activity, for a snort time.,
-Ur Burning love for art end science, especially for astrology.

-Ne Falsehood and unfaithfulness. Dissolution of friendship with many. Hopeless

love for art and science, especially those In a state of development.

-PI To develop with msny love and devotion for arts and science. Development of
friendship and affection. Pleasant dovelop:.-.ent for many.
-Cu Social intercourse with friends, devoting ticx end -fl'-rt for art and science.
-Ha Friendship with servants and ssrving people- Vulgar art and science. To make
art and science popular. Layivon's art. Art and science of antiquity.
-Ze Artistic and scientific creations. Mew ways or mudia in such fields. Leader.
-Kr Outatandir.^ in art and science. Friendship with superiors, with persona of
the government.
-Ad A few or no friends. Failures and difficulties in art and science.
-Yu Unquestionable reliable friends, ouccassas in arts and sciences, economics.
-Pe Friendship ties rltn oi .'.a eemo ox simiiu state of nd.
Hpiritualized art or science.
Vwtius pluti Ad.Kstos
Deatij oi1 fenale pai-scrit,. Lav© Jaetli. Daatlj ol b lovs., To be Inseasible, without
tealin^s. To ou jndii'forur.t. Wiinout sciisQtion. Irattjntlon.

-LI To be Without raelit.j or oantli-jnt, to ho mleifferact. without caring about

Br.jtiJnj^ Lscic of iieiOt b&naiontious, Carlossi.jso* bnrellabla.

-Ar Oviieral msaxisXtivouoa-bj, iLatiyntiou ciid ladiffwrance.

-iiu To be careless vutu one's possess ions e lo neglect ona's duties. Disorder.

-Asc 0there ure inattentive, corelaos, indiffarent and vineossclentious.

-Mo Core lass and 2 ncli i" fa rent per&ons, MOiun.- An indilfarant public.
-Lo Connactad with indifforant people who do not worry about the future,
-Me To free one's wind of worries. Worcy-frtto acquaintances,
-Ma To be punished, buppieased or terrorized because of neglecting duties.
Failure thru indifference and carelessness•

-Ju rieppy justified cfarele&anwss. hasting without worries.

-c3e To be untouched by a suporation. To separate without fuss.
rUr Sudden careless action with unpleasant consequences.
-La Ravelling without a care. To tuUih one is carefree. Disappointments and
failures thru own carelessness.
-PI Hare are two contradicting delineations. Carelessness, inattention, etc,
can develop into carefulness and attention etc., but reverse is possible
also. Remember Pluto is the time planet.

-Cu Inability and ignorance in art fields, in carrying out something. To be

clumsy in art.- Irnorant of tha rules of art,, to have to learn them. But
tne opposite is possible also, Cupido is here also thetime planet.

-Ha Thru sickness or otiiur adverse circumstances not performing one's duty.
To quit the job. To be thwUcpitless and without conscience,
-Ze Mediocre accompli.ahi.ient-3. Lack of instractiwii and leadership,

-Kr Great lack or great indifference and and inattention. Lack of guidance.
Bad govsnuient or leadership,
-Ap Friends, who act without conscianca and indifferently. Many lacks.
-Vu Faulty things. In our mental ;'':e-up. Minus hia, show the mistakes, which we
moke^. Minus Vu, tne mletskds •• .vicn ><o huto.
-Po The lack or want in a religion, p..ilosophy or faith.
Voiivii .yl-d Vulcan
Pasa;ori. .".cv^j Ar.l^nt d»aiiv• T'-.t> DJolocical urea In msjj. Great power
of attraction..

•4! To oa vojapuil-s'J u;..! i;.:*..-. ViVJu an j ous-: Core a* A passionate disporiticn.

-Ai* The cenera!. ■cr.^iuf. dorw thine is mostly da si red by the generality.
-<>-j Poworful ph:*-ic-il lotging Cur love. PesaJonate bodily love. The nan who
is help Aft a 1> in lo-ve.
-AftO To he po'.verfuliy attracted by others, or to attract others powerfully.
—li'o Person? who pah.vionaLw ?n love0 The■ passionatev loving wifa.
-Ko A uraon r;ssuItrrn; f rosa or ty a great longing.
-t'e Mighty longing foj uschenge of thougt-ts with frjendc and acquaintaniea.
-Me To carry out one^. ectlvitt&h I aotvons. or work} by Inner compulsion.
Tc he part of it. To aita** it intiinate relaticnahlp thru one's activitiea.
-Ju Great happiness of love.. Optiirhsiu caused by luck and success. Joy thru
power of attraction, whir.u onu wields. The joy and happiness of a reunion,
-Sa The sorrows of partingu iiquols Sari, the own sorrow of parting. Equals Asc.,
othexa feel the sorrow of parlJng,
-Ur To suddenly fail passlcneroly m love. Tc wield b surprisingly great power
of attraction.

-Ne Faked or pretended love or alitractloc. Passing fancy or affection. The

sexual urge 3& muddled, ujivljar and confused.
-PI Longing end doe. r-.- fcr oriengos. To follow up something fervently,
-Cu Greet and artistic ability. "The Great Artiata". Great attraction toward art
and coiaosinUy. 'ircyt saaac* of family.
-Ha To attend to dury v.lth Iota and care. Learning vulgarity and vileness.
To be at tree tod to duty or matters. To like old things or antiques.
-Ze The ability to control the sexual urge. The vegatative events or proceedings
of the body. Autogenic training, the ebllity to control oneself.
-Kp To be favored or preferred by the State or superiora. Great diligence and
cocaoieinti o.suesa.
-Ap Great urge lor science, to oe attxactiva to many.
-Ad To be vary unattractive or unattracted.
-Po To be strongly cttracted to usntal or spiritual things. Strong religious
or philosophical ii.olinationo and convictions.
Venus plus Poseidon

Peli^ion. Fcith. Worldwide conception. Inclinations for nontel or spiritual

thlr.cs. Platonic love.
-K To ba fQitxif«al. Tiie ov,n rclicious inclination,. Disposition.
-Ar The General faithftae rcllExon or world conception.
-Su Represdntativa of a relirlon, of o faith, or philosophy. The believing
or faithful iaon. The priesr., preacher etc.

-Asc Acquaintance with priests, ^rseciiars oxc.

-!.Io Strongly and firiuly oelicvinG persons. The reliyious and undnuntod woman,

-Ko To be cour.ectod with mutters of oeliaf, philosppuy, reliGiun.

-Ida Acquaintanceship with faithful, ralifious people. Specking about religion.

"I'a To act according to one,b beliefs, raith or world perception. Steto of one'a
religion, or ardent faith* Religious activities,

-Ju The just, and good faith. To be happy in one's religion, faith or philosophy.
— ^ci Luck and ncppiness, sonetirssrood fortune thru it.
-Ur To arrivsr suddenly at a elosor uiiderstuwdiLg of laitu. i^ii^ion or one's view.
Surprises and excitements in religious mattors.

-We Religious revelling. A good Keptune caubes hick uindedness, a poor Neptune,
religious mania,
-PI Religion and world concept ion is a state uev^lopaonl. This constallation
shows that v;3 have to work out and gain our suivatioii, but are not born with
»Cu The raligious ociuaunity, CuUu:u. Conl-i.^ioi. of faith. Religious art.
-Ha To ridicule ..uiel ...-rula, iaitu or religion. To bo 7/ithout religion.
dei'Vinc a mediocr- 01 •.iitj.qu.'.Xji.
-no T-e ei rjii^io*., i or oi u faith. Itcli^ious lights or
wars. Tc be a laadar in .littors oi reixgion or faith.
-Kr To he an authority in rolir.roiic foblo -nd nigh Votinj, religion, Thd State
protects in luntters of religion or world conception.
-Ap Friends and brothers of t^e oa;^j faith or philosophy of live.

-Ad Dislike and antipathy to 0..= ro-iigion and one philosophy. Cold and neutral-
-Vu Po-.w;r;t lom.o w. 1. tl„ vf , foith or r-ligion or philosophy*
I.otes Ve plus Po eo-tls Ur plus lie., The Idllh pointing to oternol life.
r'sjivs plus liars
Activity. To do. Acco-apliihtuiat Jrkiciior.iodl kind). T.'is will, Dacision. Impulsa
-T Snercy of nlad. To heatt i- ox^s-^lr. To pull croself torether.
-Ar forces 1c c. OwTiSe, oa, cianoges thru forces of netura,
-3u The ererp:-' of the body. Workiao uOdily. To help oneself. To apply oneself,
-Asc To be injured by otLar people. Other people's Injuries.
-lie Mobility of tna brsii.n. Ar, active wor^n.
-No Sexual u^iicb. get uCqu-.un-jd. Ccnnactioa thru work or activities,
-Ve Actions ol leva. Tb.j blwo-v. ia tionsaii/. lo an joy sone thing.
-Ju Fortunate s CtS. <»CCOi".p llStU..aAjt'>» Joy Ol iVwixC.

-an Activities leading to awporation. Intarrapticn of work, periodic work.

-Ur. To becone suddenly &ctiv«. hquSlo Ma, to lose one's life thru injury.
To act in a state wf i-reot oxciteiasat.
-Ne To act with poor jvaults. lo be hindred, ^ratf^ntad. Inahility to carry
out the plans.
-PI To OCCUL.plju.. To orgaAiza cr.oJs work.
To work cn schedule.

-Cu To o&tebliah r.^m-sd lot'o. Artistic uctlvltia^. To be active in community.

-Hs livil iasd. A ssru.-.s'oct, i-'orcad to do oonot-in,; egainst better judgement.
-Ze Ici act b;, , ri.iws(o-i.ric.^iotior.c), Military activities.
To h&nuie f tra:ixv.iA. To -.i." t ..-.i.. <. in•
-Kr riooadurc ii.dlaated pov..r a." otariJwjit, Power of police. Autocratic
actions. ilaaas s c .'0. . t. _ n, v til tuny •
-Ap Coinr.arce .n/j sclent 11:•: acti-it;, .
-Ad Grev-- n; jiLirjcca:. .t in- t„, j.:.d wf ^ action. Terror, supressioyi,
—Vu =.....r j' ...... .. - i. ..t, t . • i»l. 'ia. . t.aCjuO .a! Ca j. pOV.uI'o
-Po Moral, uo-ital or opi.^ . To act aCCwTCing to knowledge, understand-
151 continued

Mar" pl;;5 Jujyfrar

-Zo Enforced hetrotual (morallyj. To enforce the pay for the activities, for the
work. Equals Se, rhildlecs. To he successful cnru knowine one s ecllity
and accomplisbments,

-Kr Through happy activities to iniepanience. Leadership thru one's o*n fortunate
activities. Good fruit* fine accomplishments. Judgement passed by the
-Ap Successful work in science and trade, '..any fruits. Many births,

-Ad Interruption of a fortunate a-.tivlty, Miscarriage -. Decrease of t he birth

rate. Poor frults,
-Vu Power thru successful accompishments , iSnforoed, increased optimism.
Mighty promtae of results.
-Po Action dictated by reeson-moral rigbtousness,
To note:

Ma/J>;/So, birth of a boy, Ma/Ju plus Va, birth of a girl.

Ar/Ju minus Sa. parturition. La/Ju plus Sa, the and of pregnancy
liters plus Jupiter
Joycus happenJnga. Forfunste .lead. Betrothal. Pregnancy. Propagacson. To create
something. Generation. To produce. Children. Fruits,
-M The betrothed person. Satisfaction ana contentment m one's activity.

-At Fortunate unions. Fruitful. Births. GeaeraJL satisfaction thru one^a

-Su Exchange of rings. Betrothal. Procreatioii. The man who is happy and
successful In his work.
-Asc The betrothal. A vow or pledge. Equals Su, the Mrth of a son.
-Me The betrothed woman or girl. Birth of a grll. Persons who are content
and satisfied with their ectlvitiea.
-No The inception of a hetrotbel. To produce something. Desire for activity.

-Ma Thoughts of betrothal. To produce something. Increase in family. Fortunate

deeds in connection with them.

-7e Love's happiness connected with sexual intercourse. Pregnancy. Birth of a

girl child. Successful pleasant work.
-Me Birth of a male person.

-Ju Fortunate confinement (birth).

-Sa Annulment of an engagement. The parting of relationship. Confinement or
end of pregnancy. The ripe fruit. To finish a successful activity.
Unpleasant decision with good results.
-Ur Sudden betrothal. Disturbance of pregnancy. Abortion. The befinning of a
surprisingly happy activity, axcltlng activities which are successful.
-Ne Denials of betrothals. Dissolution of premises, or understandings. Hopeless
relationship. Impotence. Miscarriages. Net executed intentions. End of
a happy activity.
-F1 Inception of a furtunate activity. Suddessful build-up. Several lovers, or
-Cu Betrothal with marriage following. Happy activity, which leads to Qolng acts.
Successful artistic activity.
-Ha Betrothal with difficulties. Miscarriage. Abortion. Bad or mediocre results
or work accomplishments. Fruits which one does not harvest.
- 16E continued
Mare plus Sapiftt

-Ha Unusual death. Death thru severe slckneas er prlvatlen. Sickness thru
eyerezertlen er prlvatlen. Equals Ua/tTr, thru injury.
-Ze Death thru flre-azma, fire, aaslnatlen. Quarrels and graTe enmenltlee
which are newer fergetten.
-Kr Death ef higher-ups er anoesters. i.e. father. Equals Cu, death ef
the head ef the family. Quarrel with superlers.
-Ap Sickness, separstien er interruptien fer many. Disturbances and interzuptien
while teaching. Unpleasantness in such cennectiena.
-Id Sickness, separatien er interzuptien ef wezk ef very leng duretien. The
beginning ef a very sad time.
-Yu Death in captivity er prisen. Cenfllots abeut oempetenoa. Differences ef
epinien abeut belenglng te a certain place er oeuntry.

-Pa Interzuptien ef a mental activity. Mental sloksees. Uania.

Nete; Ms/SB plus Er, death ef the father. Ua/Sa plus Ha, oez-pses.

Ma/Sa plus Ze, death by fire-arms (murder). Ma/Sa plus Ha, death by gas
Ma/sa plus Ze minus Asc, merder by fire-arms.
Ma/Sa plus As, death ef relatives.
Uars plua Saturn

Sickness. Separatlsn. Death. Actien sf separetien, actlen ef interruptlen.

Xnterruptlen ef nark. Acute aickneaaea er matters. Farced separatian. Periadic wark.
-M One's awn death, ar deaths af athers that make a daap impreasian upan the
mind af the native. Cause af death. Grief. Dying. Same gaing. Ta
suffer fram soparatians ar separating actlans.
-At Sickness, separatian, death. General interruptlen af waric, ar general
periodic warking.
-Su Sickness. Death. Persanal difficulties.

-Aao Cases af illness. Bereavement. Death in the family, ar af acquaintances.

Actians af athers which bring sarraw.
-Me Sickness ar death ef female persans. The haur af death. Death amang the
people, ar death af people af public interest. Disappointing changes
where wark is concerned.
-Na Ta be taken ill. Cases af death. Funerals. Interruption af connections,
quarrels. Equals Asc, connected with others thru periadic work.
-Ma Thoughts ar news about sickness, separatian and death. Sick-calls.
Equals Ju, destroyed hope. Violent wards bring serrewn
-Ye Death af female persans; also af mother.
-Ua/Ju Death sf children.
-Ju Quick death. Pleasant interruption af wark. Vacations. Equals Ha, thru
strange circumstances. A goad deed, which is net appreciated.
-Sa/Za Childlessnesa.

-Or Violent separation and death. Sudden death. Sudden actlans which separate.
Equals Ua/Ze plus U, by fire-azms. Exciting acts which cause sarraw.
-Ne Death by poison, gas, plague, er cunning(treachery). Equals Zeus, ahat
fram ambush. Equals Ne plus Ne minus Ze, death from burning gas, thru
flying machines. Lasses thru treachers.
-PI Ta quit one af several activities. Inception af a later separation. Inter-
ruption af a development.
—Cu Separation af married life; divorce. Death in the family. Death in the
company af athers. Death en masse. Qiarrel in a community. Interruption
ar an end af activities.
Vars plus Uranus
Energetic act. Sudden events. Bloody injury. Exciting action.

-M Parsonal acts of violence. To be very violent. Reckless spirit. To suffer

violence from others. To get excited while working.
-Ar Uproar. Rebellion. Aggravated about something. Uenerak excitement.
-Su Sudden injury to the body. The energetic or fierce man. Sudden bodily action,
r Zeus, injury to the body thru fire or operation, z Ve/Asc., in connection
with female persons.
-Asc lb be connected with sudden events. Torebell together with others or others
re bell against the native. ■ Venus thru women or events with women.
-Me Accident or operation of a female person, v'omb operation. Excited persons
female persons. ■ Venus, births.
-No To be embroiled in an event. Appendix operation. Surprising connections with
with others
-Me Surgical ope rations^sJuplter. successful. Intention to wound or InJuresZeus
by fire-arms. Sudden surprlslngar alarming news .Violent debates.
-Ve Rape. Delivery by instruments. Obstetrician. To get suddenly into intiinato relation.
-Ne/tfa or Ma/Sa z Fatal injury.
-Ju Good luck in injury= Sun, prize-fight. Fortunate in danger. Success thru
spontaneous decisions and acts.
-Sa Violent separation. Ceasarian section. Amputation. Sudden s£op or interruption
of one's work.
-Ur Injured by fire or lightening. Minus Ur/Sa, same thing.
-Ne Fight or accident with death resulting. Injured by treachery. Biergetic action
in the wrong direction. Wasted energy.
-PI Planing of an ambush. Surprise attack, planning executed in too great a hurry.
Surprising action thru which a new development is started.
-Cu Sudden wedding, also quarrels in married life. A surprise action together with
others setting in suddenly. Art executed with others.
-Ha Murder and homocide. Death by accjdenta Neptune, thru treachery. Severe injury.
:Zeus ,by Fire. Sudden destructions, vulgar acts.
-Ze Injury thru exploding forces. Thru lightening, thru sudden fire or fire-arms,
rUranus, thru automobile accident.
-Kr Uproar caused by the authorities, the chief, the boss,the superior. rMa/S*,
fatal injury of a superior, s Mars Or Mercury Surgeon.
-Ap Multitude of explosives. Many explosions. Surprising action of many. Sudden
astrological Interest or occupation.
-Ad Sudden great ennimitles. Sudden grave or serious suppression.
-Vu Great collision or huge explosion. With great surprising power.
-Pb Acts which harmonize with morals and khruth. Honesty, straightness and truth.
-Ma/Sa s Sun plus Sun , fatal injury,
-Ze = Sunr, execution as capital punishment.
Mara pl".5 Neptune

Infection* Destruction. Denial. Pejectisv..

-M Sorrow on account of dlaeasas. The native himself in a rejecting mood. To
experience failures and losses. Hopes which prove flase.
-Ar General infection, destruction or dissolution.
-SU Infection en iesijr;..i 'o:.. ;£ tn.. ■x-;, of t-ie eyes. Sueoaptiole to diseases.

-Aso Rejection of acquuintsuce?. To infected by other persons. Deaths.

-Mo Infection of the woman. Abioph^ of the bi'alnn. Equala He, damage to the left eye
of s mas. Disturbance of the elcjindulat system. Abnormal disposition of persons,
-No RejectW uf unions. Union with iniected persons, bodily as well as mentally.
-Me Obstructed action of the bra1.:ae. The bcundry between genius and insanity.
Squals Ha, faeblemindQdne<ia«
-V« Destrjotion by venerisl plague. Denial rf Ivve. Diseased kidneys, caused by celd.
Weakness of the assimilating organs.
-Me/Ve - Homosexut1Jty.
-Ju Denial of L r»* ^ss. Happiness comcinad with greet aisappolntmenta. Weak lungs,
-Sa Slow death as a result of pestileut.lal diseases. Caries. Inflammatory rheumatism,
periodic work of destruction of lu.og duration.
-Ur Sudden destruction. Accidents. Avtemptst'i assaar.iiiBt.ion, Equals Ma/Sa, death thru
assassination. Equals Ze, by flreajm^.
-PI Work is never finished. Secret plans. Reject plan. Destruction before fInlshlng.
-Cu Destruction cf family happiness. Divorce, .fwicider-t. Dissolved corporation. A grave
misunderstanding in a company.

-Ho Destruction by drowning, epidemics, atrecicy, or wars. Coming in touch with mean,
vicious people and to suffer by them.
-Ze Inherited bloodt-diseases. Sterility. Destruction by fire. Exploslvegas.
-Kp Infection of the parents or ancestors. Destructloa of the power of the government.
-Ap Infection and destruction of mnny. Many are under spell of false hopes. Destruction.
-Ad Damages caused by cold. Sicknesses cajisu by '.eld. Frozen to death. Destruction of
raw materials. Great losses.
-Vu Great weakness caused by au ep .dem; <:. Great dost,:acc ! on,
-Po Insanity. Mental sickness or mge Jioua and higbftiudad disposition.
Mars plus Pluto

Plans. I ailing. Organizing. To laa<i« to do, or to supezrisa saverel activities

at tha scna cloa. To copy, to split, to duplicate, to repast, to divide, to branch off
-M Orgam^ar. Maker of plans. Attending to several Jobs at tha saxna tine.
-Ar Plans and organizations which concern tha generality. General administration.
-Su Tha nun who serves tha civil adninistration. Schedule of tha day.

-Asc To plan with others. To have some thing in ndnd.

-Mo Tha tine-table. Management and organization of work, which concern tha public.
Change in management of public work. To budget expanses.
-No To make plans in connection with others.
-Ma Critic, debate and objection to a plan.

-Va It develops, like it was planned. Pleasant changes in connection with intimataa.
•Ju Plans carried thru successfully. Plans bring or should bring good fortune and nappinass.
Equals Ms., tha Joy of planning.
-Sa Plans, hiudred in their davalopmant. Plan of periodically brought about work.
Plans for tho distant future.
-Ur By surprise brought about plans. To improvise.
-Na Secret plans. Plans which point towards destruction. Plans which are not carried
out. Equals Er., puppet government.
-Cu Community planning. Artistic plans. Marriage plans. Cesrainity plans.

-Ha Plans whieu are worthless, which cannot be brought about, which are out of data.
-Zs Plans for increased production. Plan to provide work. War planning, work distribution.
-Kr Great pxans, great organlzara. Plans of tha government. Plans of leading parsons.
Equals -Tu, masterful, successful organizer. Tha power of tha govammant is split er
divided dmong several. Equals Zs, war plan.
-Ap Planning j! scientific wezk, elaborate plans.
-Ad Plans whicu are only partially brought about(on a smaller scale). Equals M, reduce pi.
-Vu Great pla a, en a large scale. Plena for distant future. To bring about plans
which demand great changes.
-Po Mental preliminary work. Mental efforts, which are a morel obligation, one is
compelled to parfezwi.
Ivtars plus Cupldo
IlBiTlage. Marriage partnership. Work partnership. Art actlyltles.

■^2 Intention to marry. Activity In a community.

-Ar Marriages. The working vlth others In general.
-Su One's own marriage; of the father. Man active In consnunlty. Dally accomplishments.

-Aso Personal connections leading to marriage. Marrlaga of others. Associated vlth

others voth common Interests.
-Mo Woman's marriage. Mother's remarriage. Activity vlth others concerning the public.
-No Connections to marriage. Connection thru community activity.
-Ma Thoughts of marriage. Critic on matter of working together. Eemlly debates, sharp.

-Te To marry for love. Thru art the family works together.
^Ju Happy marriage. Wedding. Happy working together. The results of working together.
-Sa A broken promise to marry. Death terminates marriage. End of work partnership.
-Ur Sudden wedding. To find surprisingly fast new or other working connections.
-Ne Marriage Intentions have faded away. End of dissolution of family wozk relations.
-PI Marriage or wedding plans. Change In work partnership. - for purpose of art.
-Ha Sickness and misery In married life. End of matrimony. Misfortune thru unusual death.
The marriage of a widow. End and misfortune In working vlth ethers.
-Zo Marriage as a result of love-consequences. Enforced marriage. Fire In a company
establishment. Military training. Procreation In married life. Fruits of working.
-Kr The marital life of the father. Equals Ma/fte, legitimate marriage denied. Work
projects subsidized by the state.
-Ap Mass-marriage. Work partnership.
^Ad End of a marriage or work agreement. Going one's own way, but keeping connection
alive for sake of pretense.
-7u Mighty strong work partnership. Great Influence In such organization. To marry Into
a family vlth great Influence. Influence thru great artistic ability.
-Po The morel, mental or spiritual holding together of a family, marriage, art or work
partnership. Work together In moral matters. To conclude a marriage for moral
Mara plus Hades

Murder. Homicide. Sudden attacks. Serious sickness. Atrocity. Vulgar acts.

Unusual death. To cause damages. Base services. Male servant Waarineaa, fatigue,
-U To be disposed to atrocities or murder. To want to revenge aneself. An eye for
an eye. To be separated mentally thru mean acts of others. To be fed up, to have
one's fill. Quickly annoyed and weary. To suffer thzu mean acts of others.
Ugly deeds which bounce hack.
-Ar Fatal crimes. Serious misfortunes. Earthquakes. Acts thru which the generality
suffers. Equals Zeus, death from choke-damp.
-Su Grave Illness. Injury thru sudden attack. The man, who has unusually dirty or
mean work. Daily dirty work. The man who tires easily while working.
-Asc Danger of being murdered, also danger of other people being murdered. Vulgar
and evil acts of others.
-Uo Hard death of the wife. Persons, and in particular woman, who commit mean deeds.
-No To be connected with murder or ugly affairs. Connections which make aucceaa
difficult or impaaaihle.
-Me Criminal thoughts. Thoughts of muzder. Suidice. To think of activities causing
losses or damage. Abusive words, cursing vilely. To run across, to maet,
forbidden stupidityt which endangers everybody.
-Ye Immoral assault with injuries. Abortion(female foetus). Serving position which
leads to an intimate relation. To be tied to blosd relatives.
-Ju Capital punishment. Sentence. Killing. Quick, unusual death. Squals Cupids,
in company of ethers.

-Sa Death by murder or suicide, or by crushing. Activities conducted at a lose. Work

without pay.

-Ur Suicide. Murder. Excitement, or loss producing activities. War atrocities.

-Ne Death by poison. Murder by drowning or thru treachery. Unusual death by poison
gasses. Cheated out of earnings.
-PI Slackening of service, caused by overwork. Failure caused by heavy duties. To
sink into a serving condition.

-Cu To lese a husband by murder. Death at social entertainments. Meeting of low-brow

people. Activity with others in socially low surroundings.
Mara plua Hadea
-Ze To be a aoldier. Military aervice. War aerrice. Burned to death. Equala Ar.,
choke dan;). Death eauaed by inachineat by auto, fireanna(murder). Death of the
procreative ability.
-Kr Judicial murder. Murder inatigated by the authoritiea. Unuaual death of the
father. Tiaeioua and mean aeta committed by leading peraonagea, by the atate,
by tne chief or by the goTemmant.
-Ap To gather with many low-brow people, with aerving people or aoldiera. Trade
aetivitiea or hiatoxle aeientifie activitiea,
-Id Lack of work. Dneiqiloyment. Difficult working eonditiona. Great damage thru
-Tu Warlike aetiwitiea. Dangeroua miaaiona or aaaignmanta. Uirderoua deeda.
-Po Serricea which demand little mental ability. The maral behavior of low-brow
-ma/Sa or Ma plua Sa I Daath by murder.
Ifera plus Zsoa
IneantlTS ereatlTa wark, ar farcad eraatlTa aark. Praoraatlan. Dangar af flra.
Craativa actiTity. Flraanna. Shaotlng flaaaa. Uachlnaa. lUlltazy taehnlqua.
Offleara. Ta burn, ta firs, ta haat. Laadlng actiTity.

-41 CraatiTa, fiary aauld.

-la CraatiTa actiTitiaa.
-Su Injuries by tareh flams; by firaazna. Ttaa aachiniat. Tba man aha warka anargatl-
eally. Snargatic aark an tba day. £quala Ju, ta bit tba targat ar bull*a aya.
-lac Ta ba tbraatanad by oaebina gun fire, ioquaintanea aitb aaldiara, offioara,
oaebiniata, ar tacbniciana. Snargatic action af atbara, or against etbara.
-lie Strong amation. Sxcitad papulaca.

-ITo Ta units anaaalf aitb praduoara.

-Us Snargatic and'eraatiTa * thinking•
-Ta Paaaianata aanauality. In baat. Intimata ralatiana with military aattara.
Haapitala, military pbyaieiana.
-Ju Suceaaaful ganaration, Croatian ar daad. Sura abet.
-Sa Unaueeaaaful action. Laaa ta maebinory.

-Ur lasault (in war], injury by oaebina gun, by firaarna. Ta ignita. Suddan anargatia
action, wbicb cannot ba stappad.
-Ha Smeka painaoing. Laaa by amaka. Banialaf eraatiTa energy. Aborticioa. A abat
from ambush. Coneaalad firaarma. Infaetad procreation. Ta ba vitbaut tba balp
af anything. To ereata out af nothing.
-PI Ta bring about changes by snargatic work. Planning and bringing about af anargatio
aark. To do saTaral jobs at tba aama time. DaTalopmont in taebniquo, aapaeially
with regard to firaarma.

-Gu Strong doaire ta marry. Creator in art. Corporatien far manufacture af matebaa.
-fie Death or serious injury by fire. Abortion. Suicide by firearms. Wark under
difficult eireuoataneaa. Lack of fuel. Laaaaa thru warlike eireumataneea.
-Sr Millwright. Leader af military datacbment. Eq. U, prisa winner in abaating.matwb.
Snargatic work ia encouraged by the autbaritiea.
-Ap Cbnsidarabla military wark. Praeautian. finlarged crew. Greatiwe scientific wark.
-Ad Wark is scarce and diminisbad or auppressad. To work under difficult eiroumataneaa.
-Tu Mighty aeeompliabmant. Great power ta wazk with. SxploaiTo kind af work. Tba
isq)ulsa far action or wazk ia difficult ta eantral. Tbapawar af natura is actiwaly
at work.
-Pa Acts, deads under moral or similar circumstancas. Ta ba influanead morally. Ta
ba under pressura.
Ifeare plus Krsnss
Povsr sf the State. Uaetor of the taauaa. Pclieo. lutoeratie aetlan. Ta ba indapaudant.
Tha kanal forsula far tha great laadar and arganisar. The ''Great Original".
-11 Craving for paver. To viah to aaaart anaaalf. Tha .ability ta act independently•
-Aj Qarernmental povera. Police authoritiaa.
-8U Szaoutiva of tha ruling pavera, aa police official. Tha man vha aeta autaeratieally
and independently.
-Asa To be threatened by tha goTenmant. To be arrested. Acquaintance with people vha are
autocratic and independent. To bring about autocratic daeda vith others.
-Hi The people representing the State. ' Uiatreaa af tha hauaa. Offieiala.
-HO TO gat into touch vith authoritiaa. To use governnont help.

-Hi Leading, tha apiritual laadar.

-Ta Central af aanaa daalraa. Intimate relation vith autocratic paraana.
Ta ba treated veil by tha atata offieiala.
-Ju Happinaaa thru tha gaTaramant. Uaney thru lavauita. Giver of money. Inapeetar.
-Sa Separation thru tha paver of the State. Paaaing aarviea order of tha State.

-Ur Suddenly interfering paver af tha State. Suppraaaien af uproar.

-Ha Ineffective paver of tha State. Paliea in diatreaa. Paver af State net enfaroad.
-Pi Ta develop ana'a abilitiaa in aavaral fields. Davalaping paver af State. Plans.
-Cu In aqt in tha marriaga-affiea. Great arininal art, artiata vith their avn style.
-Ha Loaaea caused by the autharitiea. Ta be daatroyed by paver af State. Baprimandad.
-Za baeutiva, military pavar af tha State. Leader af tha army.
-ip Sxtanaiva praeautianary action by tha State. Indapandant aetivitiaa in aeianea or
in trade. Plaaaant official orders.
-Ad Heavy preaaure by paver af State. Tyranny.
-▼u The paliea and tha State oqplay violent maaaurea. Ta make eneaelf indapandant.

-Pa Mental and apiritual indapendanea• ISaxal actions are af a high standard. Tha
eultua of tha State. Pavar of tha Church.
In U.S.A. chart, 6 min. peat neon l.t. va find Er p. Me aq Vu p. Ur aq Ar
p. Su aq. Aae p. Su. Zaua and Ju in thia azia - var vith aueeaaaful ending,
great industrial dovelapmant. Aae. and Su are connected tn this azia thru tha
Cardinala. Card. aq. Su p. Ha and Ka p. Uo eq. Up. Ha. At Korean var atart,
the Cardinale directed eq. lb r. Kernel foxmula equalled Kr p. Ad(d) eq. Za(d)
p. H aq Ju(d) p. U eq. Sa(d) p Sa(d), vhieh brought about police action in Korea.
Mars plus Ap«ll»a

Sciantlflo and trada actiTit^. Peacaful aetiTlty. Bald actlan. Succassful activity.
In activity la espanded and anlar^ad.
-U To unfald large, peaeafui sciantlflo or trade activity. Bald, apannlndad, obearful.
-Ip The eager and cheerful aurroucdingb. Peaceful activity. UBrkat rises.
-fiu The nan who eldana or enlargea his field ef work, who gees eager and cheerfully ta
work, and aseonpllafaea such. The elabareted daily task.
-lac To be active with ethera In trade, ccunaerce or science. Acquaintances with people
walking In tbaea fields.

-Be Persona wha are active in trade, comjiarce, aclscce. Business people.
•Na CannaetIons with anterprises, frislnase people or daalara.

-Ik Scientific diaputod, debataa. To give an accounting, to be queatlenad.

•Ta Intimate frlendablp with bueiuaas people and aclentlate.
-Ju Luck or success in tj'ade, comrcarce or Induatiy.

-Sa Periodic activity In oemruerco or aclauoe. Sod of an activity In such a field.

-Ur Sudden dlsturbenca, surprlsaa or excitements in tzeda or aolanca. Sudden activity.

-ITa Dlaaelutlon or felluraa of cclectiflc cr commercial activities. Explore unknown.

-PI Planning beginning of eztenslva bualnesa activity. Rising of the market•

-Co Sslantlfle activity with several people. Corporate activity.

-Ha Sciantlflo activity In historical matters. Trade In antlquaa.
-Ze Scientific creatlena. Technical products. Technicians.
-Kr Leading activity In science and treda. Operating Independently In sclancs and trade.
-Ad Finish ef a sclentif^.c dlscai-tatlon, batlsfection over concluded business trana-
actlone or about eotivities with a few.
-Yu Great efforts and great sv-coaesea in the field of commerce or science.
-Po Bualneaa pre.ctlcen, buslneaa customs, bvaineas morels in trades, conmarca or Industry.
Scientific colleagea, scientific ethics, aciartific properties. Mental property.
Mental freedom..
Mara plus Adaataa
Itooks, fragnanta, dabrla, ta wrack. Terrar, tbrattling auppraaalan, rawnaaa, crudenaaa.
Tha alnklng af tha mxkat, Daoraaaa af wazk. Spaelallat, apaaolal wazk.
-If Lioitatlan af fMadaei af mawamant* Suppraaaad. Caqpallad ta lira In narraw, crcispad
quartara ar with aoall else la af paapla. Narraw mindad, saan or patty.
-Ir Qanaral limitatiana of aetlwlty. Pea trie ted field af wark. To ga bankrupt. Uhrkat
gaaa lawar and lawar. Depraaaion. Squala U, ta ba tarroriat. Znellnad ta exualty.
-3(1 Ta narraw flald af wark, ta wark alana, at a laaa. Clumay man. Wark in a narraw raam,
an a aoall aeala, or llmitad flald of operation. Tha llttla daily taaka.
•lao Ta daoraaaa, dlaeantlnua ar retire from wark. Ta eoaao ea-aparatlan.
-lia Paraona aho faal dapraaaad, oppraaaed and erawdad, wha axpaet tha we ret. Tha
Tarroriaad public or waoan.
-So Cannae tad with dapraaaad ar appraaaad people.

-lia Tha awn aplnian azparlanoaa grnva obataelaa and raalatanoa. Ta hawa dangaraua oplnlana
Ta ba paraaeutad for 000*0 opiniona, to mam anamlaa an that oooount.
•7a in intlDBta mall eircla af frienda or aequalntanoaa.

-JU Jay thru daoraaalng ana'a work. Tortunata work aoeoBVllahad in a mall eircla.
-3a Daeraaaad pariodle wark. Spnading work.
-Or Fragment a and raga. To rip or tear aomathlng auddanly. Xnemiaa mada auddanly.
Sudden reatrletlon of flald of work.
-3a Little falluraa. Sue 11 dlaturreneea. Uninpartant hlndraneaa.
-PI Diaeardad plane. Dwindling dawalopmant. Bnakind dawn af praaant eanditiana ehangaa
things. Tha ataek narkot ahova sinking tandenelea.
-Cu Broken marrlagaa. Bankruptelaa of big finss. Unaueeoaaful eaaporatlwe wark.
-Bh Little aorwieas of a lew kind. To be demoted in oneva work. Hunblad by manlala.
•Za Ta wrack things, to ba eauaa of daatruetlon. Ta mare aid thlnga out of tha way ta
make room for now thlnga. Ta want to make roam.
-Xr Leading aetlwity in a aaall circle. Independent in subII eircla, in a narrow raam
or apaea. Acting independently under limited eireunataneaa. Raatrletad Indapendanea.
-Is Satisfying aetlwlty in a amall circle. Scientific apaelaliat.
- n/g?
-Pa ^ Uantel aubmiaalan, mental auppreaalon. Suppreaalon of spiritual liberty.
i&.rs pluB Vulcanua
Oreat paver-. Mjghty acti-rlty. Act of Tlalence. Ueehanieal anarglea.
■4* To dsrelop ereat anargloB. Ta loake a graat effort. To expect a fight. Ta
sxpreas ( To take and give Trlolecc&.

-Ar Oenerel energies. Effort?, violent aotfi, climaieically great heat and cald.

-Su Man vith physical pawe^. tti-tUvl oT the day. Violent xaas.
-Ase PhyaJ.ce3 aari?2.\:y a;? v i -r-.u ^^e-oaTiy actiw* others. Possibility of
bacomin/* violant to and of :'*ac T'o.lence from thea.
•Ma Persons who can becesne violent, gxciat etrsngth. Clever, energetic people.
-K# Cu-nnaated with phyil3»»ily strong an-.v energetic people.
-Mi Thoughts of fight or battle, mignt.y debates, highly excited, warlike aaed.
-Ve Passionate sexuel leva. Mighty tu.Lvoenioua setlrlty with Intiaste acqualntanooe
or relatives. Inner preparednaae icr Kequdlntencos and action. Artletle friends.
-Ju Joyous and hopeful activity. Optimistic attitude. Jay over own sucoacsos.

-Sa Passing interruption of a mighty activity. Passing Interruptlen of IqprlBOzmo&t*

Periodic hindrences.

-Or Sudden great display of power, kxylesions. Energies suddenly msnlfostod.

-Ne Mighty was' j-l onergles. Wasteful energy and power.

-Pi To dsvolop one's own power. To develop grsat plans.

-Cu To dsvolop greet energise with othars. Also In the femlly or in ert.
-Hs Werlika energies, dangerous fsroee. Ts move the earth by BBBhanlool enorglos.
Dredging work. Destruction of the face of tho land.

-Zo Directed or flxod mechanical enj.rglea. Controlled fflc.cuanleal anarglea. UinagODBnt

and supervision of samOo
-Kr Use of enorgies controllod and managed by the State. State tax labor laws. Tho
direct use of labor.
-Ip Mighty suoceesfal activity in sclsntl/ic or ^Kmaoz-clal fields.
-Ad To etop or flnleh a mighty activity. Great energise used up. Fatigue. Snd of war.

-Po Mental energies. Mazel Ideas. Ethical Ideaa. Te present thoao with groat energy.
To fight for morel er ethical laauea.
Mara plus Poseidon

It^rsls. Ethics. Mental or spiritual activity. Moral behavior.

-M ^ha personal and moral behavior. Mantel activity. Exposed to moral influences.
To ba an ethical or moral axpampla.
-As The general mental or moral activities.
-Sa Moral behavior of man. Daily mental work. Mental work of the day.
-Asc Korai attitude of others. To influence others moially or to ba so influenced.
-Uo Ihe public has influence on mantel or moral outlook. Self inner athacial conflict.

-bo Connections with regard to ethics or mental matters.

-lis Cisp tas about ethical natters and of their importance and value.
-7a Intlmsta acqueintanca with others of like mental or moral outlook.
-Ju Happiness thru own mantel activity. Happy because of right action, own morals.
-Sa Unsuccessful in u)>ringing. Education interrupted. Obstacles in path of mantel
cr moral behavior.
-Ur Surprising actions which bring forth clarity in regard to moral behavior.
-Na Unsuccessful mental or spiritual activity. Doubtful morals. Pretended morals.
-PI To begin, to plan, to develop mental or moral activity. Changes in morels.
-Cu Uerriagea, associates resulting from like attitudes. Work, strive for an ideaology.
-Ha Morally base acts. Lack of ethics or morals.
-2a O.har people make up your mind - or you make up their*s. Leading in idaaological
-Hr Leading sacausa of mantel activity. Outstanding for morals. Morals of the State.
-Ap Philoaophicnl, moral and ethical foundation to work with othara.
-Ad Mental ac i*itias with a few. Exclusive circle with particular outlook.
Courses ^or few participarts.

-7u Mighty martai activity. Power of a certain doctrine, ethic or moral coda.
Jupiter plus Jupiter

Good luck. Contentment. Uepplness. Gelety. Money. Success.

-U To be delighted. To be contented.
-At General contentment.
-Su Uepplness of the body. Health. Money.
-Asc Luck with other people.
-Mo Contented woman, happy weman.
-No Fortunate union.
-Me Loquetlousness• Joy.
-Ye Fortunate In lowe.
-Ma Lucky deed, iiquels He. quick end unusual death. -Ma/Sa. unusually quick death.
-Se Successful separation. Contentment In being alone.
-Ur Sudden strokes of good luck (windfalls).
-Ne Losses of money. Ueslly made money.
-PI Fortunate change, deyelopment or transfozmatlon.
-Cu Happiness In married life. Goad luck In associations, in the arts.
-He Money losses. Lack of money. Clouded happiness.
-Ze Benlflc actions. Bringing good luck.
-ICr Independence In money matters. Philanthropist.
-Ap Luck end happiness of many. Much money. Grand'capltel•
-Ad Pest. Gains out of raw materials. Stopege of Income.
-Vu Optimism. Mighty luck. Power of money, successful power. Beneflc power, confidence.
-Po Reason. Right. Wisdom. Intelligence.

Jupiter plus Saturn
Happiness and separation. Change of residence. Buildings. Inconstant success.
"Hipe Old Age".

-'1 Worries thru losses.

-Ar Separation farered by good fortune. Change of place. Real estate.
-SU Dissolution of a betroths., or marriage. The bachelor. Squals Su or U, the home.
-Asc Separation frem a person. Change of residence.
-Ito Fortunate separation from a woman. Frem house to house, in and out. Fortunate
separations from other persons. Public buildings.
-No Separation of a happy union, or happy separation of a union. Ce-oeeupants.
-Ua Joyful parting. House hunting. To realize a thought.
-Ye The break up of leve^ happiness. Breaking off an engagement. Passing harmony.
Ripening of love*8 happiness.
-Ua Betrothal with following separation. Happy activity of short duration. The
results of an activity only show later.
-Ur Sudden separation favored by good fortune. Sudden material less or damaged building.
To arrive at a decision.

-Ne Malevolent separation. Loss of money as a result of fraud. Destruction of buildings

A matter takes a very long time to mature. The time of result lies in the distant
future. Long wait for things to mature. To put off a decision.
-PI Matters which are rapidly completed.

-Cu Termination of marriage by settlement. Many under one roof. The family begins te
separate. Beginning of a union which is slowly and much later recognized.

-Ha Content with little. Misfortune in or with buildings. Consequences of Ibrmer errors
show. £q. Ne, destruction of residences. £q. Ju, surmounting difficulties about shelter.
-Za Taking possession of an inheritance. Prevision for parents in exchange of estate.
Burning buildings. Interruption of creative activity, completion put off till later.
-Xr Estate settled thru probate court. Government buildings. Separated by the authorities,
for a long time. Eq. Aries, Governmental buildings. £q. Mo, official buildings.
-Ap Happy separation of msny or for many.
-Ad United with a few in restful solitude in crowded limited space.
-Yu Secluded buildings, buildings wnieh are guarded. Axmories.
-Po Mental or spiritual ripening.
-Ur/Ze Buildings, sudden burning. , -Ju/Sa plus Ha, Ruins, debris, ashes.
-Ju/Sa minus Ha, Jail, coffin, funeral.
Jupiter plus Uranus
Sudden luck; or misfortune if Jupiter is posited in poor pictures.

-LI Pleasure over a stroke of luck, or good fortune.

-Ar Stroke of good luck for several people. Lottery. Fortunate circumstances.
-Su Sudden bodily happiness. The little luck of the day. Man enjoying himself irall.

-Asp Happy companionship

-Mo Unexpected good fortune of female persons.

-No Sudden fortunate union.

-Me Quick repartee. Mockery and wit combined. Cheerfulness.
-Ye Sudden happiness in love. Betrothal. Equals Cu, Jewels, Jewelry.
-Ma Sudden betrothal promising good results.

-Sa- Sudden losses. Sudden fortunate separation. Sudden lucky decision.

-Ne Good fortune thru death. Inheritance. Legacy. Luck thru occult matters.
-PI Sudden Jarring fortunate development.

—Gu Sudden fortunate wedding. Sudden gain in business. Good fortune for cesminity.
-Ha Luck thru things which were Ibund. Treasures of the Earth. Minerals etc. Good
fortune in or thru evil acts, Equals M, unnecessary worries.
-Ze Sudden inventions. To force luck. Good fortune which is e by-product of natural
law. Procreation -babies, accidents, collecting insurance etc.
-Er Good luck thru the authorities, for the State, cr for the father.
-Ap Sudden luck for many. Much money suddenly appears. Good fortune thru astrology.
-Ad Suddeq luck for a few, in a small circle, in a closed corporation, exclusive circle.
-Fo Good fortune on mental or spiritual plane, i.e. intelligence, reason, wisdom, truth,
the way you view the world.
Jupiter plus Neptune
Shortage of money. Money losses. iSeslly acquired money.

-M Spendthrift, speculator.
-Ar Speculations. Pretended luck.
"Su Speculators, Spendthrifts. Wastage of sustlnsnce (the body). The man whe makes
himself believe he la lucky end happy. £q. Su/Mo, money shertsge of the parents.
-Aao Gemea of chance. Betting. Participants In a lottery. Te win or lose money In
connection vlth others.
-Uo Extravagant (vasteful) woman. Speculating people. Many people pretend to be happy
and fortunate.

-No Participants In speculation. Pretense about lucky connections.

-UO To talk much and coherently.
-Ve lyric poet. Rapturous. Romantic love or unreliable happiness In love.
-Mi Betrothal slowly cooling off. Activities resulting negatively of with leases.
Beautiful outer appearance, but Inside foul.
-Sa Separation caused by shortage of money. Leases thru speculations.
-Ur Sudden collapse. Bankruptcy. To feel suddenly free and easy without mental pressure.
-F1 Increase of poaaeaalona not noticed on the surface of things. Begin a fortunate
development, which pays off In the future.

_Cu Contented married life In poor clrcumetencea• Imagined happiness of associates.

-Ha Money acquired thru theft or robbery or leases thru speculations. Diluted luck.
-Ze Earnings of money thru inventions. Patent lawyer.
-Ex Speculations promoted by government. Nobel prizes. Leading people of government
pretend te be lucky or happy.

-Ap Easily earned money thru science or cosmerce. Much money easily made. The good
fortune which lies In the future.
-Ad To never get a start, pretending happiness and luck In amall company.
-Vu Great sums of money easily made end just as easily lost.

-Po Luck end happiness In highly mental matters. Uapplneaa thru right, reason, wisdom,
or Intellgence.
Equals Su plus Mo, lack of money In the family.
Jupiter plus Plute

Fortunate development, change or transformation0

-M To be fortunate in one's own development. To experience pleasant tronaforoationa

-Ar Fortunate transfozmations and changes in general.

-Su Happy fortunate physical development. Fortunate zun of the day.

-t&sc Pleasant change of the surroundings, of the place or in the place.

-Uo Happy change for a people, for women or several persons. Happy passing hours.

-No Fortunate changes in the connections, new good connections.

-Ma Thoughts, coimunicatlons over a fortunate change. Bq. Ad, pessimism, depression eTsr
the end of a happy development.
-7e Beginning of a game of love. Beginning of a pleasant change.
-Ma The carrying out of fortunate plans, to plan successfully.
-Sa Fortunate changes thru a separation. Lucky transfomations which require tlos.
-Ur A suzprisingly fortunate change, transformation or development.

-Ne Commencing unnoticable fortunate change.

-Cu Fortunate development in an art, in the family, or among associates. Family reunited
continuing its fozner life.
-Ha A fortunate development is denied thzu want.
-Ze Increase of charities. Good circumstances continue to Improve.
-Kr Fortunate development of one's abilities. Bzaminations successfully passed. Ploaaant
change in government.
-Ap Agreable change for many.
-Ad To remain calm in spite of lucky changes, to ignore them, to deny them.
-Yu Fortunate changes and transformations starting with great force.
-Po Happy spiritual development.
Note: Applying the Jupiter plus Pluto minus Kronos for the presidential election of 195S,
Nov. 4 we find in the US chart Ju plus PI minus Kr equals Su equals Ase. The is
not an exact picture but a sensitive point, and the importance lies in equalling the
Sun and Asc. Writing this equation as a sum we find. Ju plus Pluto equals Ze plus
PI equals I. plus M equals Kr plus Su equals Kr plus Asc. Kr plus Asc. is here
the administration that comes and goes with the President. On the election day
continued next page
Jupiter plus Cupldo
Happy marriage. Art with euccees. Happy and aucceaaful cemminlty. Family happlneaa.
Fortunate or aucceaaful partnerahlp. Sociability.
-U Publicly appearing artlat. One>8 own fortunate marriage or partnerahlp.
-As Contented body of artlata. To find eneaelf happily related to the public.
-Su With luck and aucceao appearing artlat or companlea. The nan who la mado happy thzu
hla own art. Dally happlneaa of the family. Fortunate aaaoclatea of the day.
-«ioo To be united in happy marriage. Fortunato partnerahlp. Acqualntancea thzu art.
• Hi To cloae an acquaintance that leada to happy marriage. Conneftlona with good corpoi—
-Ui Happy marriage or partnerahlp of a woman, of a people or of a nation. Cheerful houra
in large company.
-Ua Thoughta about a happy marriage, or partnerahlp. Cheerful around the table talka.

-To Lovera happlneaa connected with married life. Hazneny In cacqjany.

-Ma Betrothal leading to marriage. Succeaaful common or Joint action. Working for good flzn

-Sa Separation of a happy marriage; or death of one partner. Loaaea of an otherwlae

aucceaaful corporation. To tum away from a fortunate partnerahlp-not wanting to join.
-Ur Sudden acdonpllahed marriage or partnerahlp. Artlata* mattlage. Fleaaant connectlona.
-Ne Uarrlaga connected with obataclea. Miataken apaculatlon of financial Inatltutlona.

-PI Beginning and development of pleaaant family connectlona.

-Ha Happy married life or partnerahlp In modaat clrcumstancaa or with aad experiences.
-Za Happy family blessed with children
-Er Leading artlat, the moat prominent In the art world. Pleasant connection with artlata.
=Tu Power and Influence In or on a community thru artistic abllltlea.
-Ap Married happlneaa for many. Common happlneaa with many. Happlneaa, peace, prosperity.

-Ad A few being happily together. End of a partnerahlp or art work.

-Fo Familiar association with people of the same or similar religion or world concept.
US chart continued: Ua(c) plus Ma(c) eq. Ze(c) plus Kr. The original aenaltlve point
eq. Za(c), half square. Directing the point with the solar arc of about 173:50 for
the election It equals Zeua and Jupiter radix which la here the aucceaaful warlord.
It reads: Ju(dJ plus Fl(d} eq Kr(d] plus Ju eq Kr(dJ pi Ze eq. Ju plus M eq. Ze pi. M(c)
Tranalttlng we have the same grouping on thla axis: Kr(c) plus Kr(c) eq. Ze(c] pi. Fl(c)
Jupiter plus Hades
Lack of nor.ey. Saddened or disturbed happiness. To be lucky with raw materials, old
materxala, junk. Black market.

-M Worried by lack of mane:/. Shrinkage and decrease of business*

-Ar Inflation, wlndls with noney. General money shortage. '..'orries about money conditions*

-Su Person with lung trouble. To Le or to become poor. The dally worries. Uhn with worries.

-Ajo To be Impoverished by ethsrs* Others are the cause of less Insane.

-Mo Happiness in the world of prostitutes. People or female persons lack money. The
disturbed happiness of a woman.
-No To be entangled in-money difficulties. Connected with people who have hard luck,

-Us To make Indecent remarks. To tall dirty stories and obscene jokes*
-Vs Love orgies. Squals Nr. charitable gifts* To receive favors while on duty.
-Ua Rape—wlabed for. Disturbances or unpleasantness with servants or as a servant.

-Sa To be impovariahed by shortage of money. Unnecessary spending of money. Peer,

-Ur Sudden appearing shortage of money. Mbnay losses. To strike* to boycott* lockout*

-Ne Shortage of money because of fraud. Money losses thru fraud*

-PI To practice moderation* one has to live thriftily.
-Cu Poor married life. Poorly renumerated art. Money losses of a eorporetlon*
-Ze Generative ability weakened thru sickness. Innovatlono net realized becauoo of a
shortage of money.
-Kr Poverty striken government. To pretend to be a gentleman amid poor surroundings.
Shortage of money thru the authorities. Vslfare .department. Inefficient officials.
-Ap Many people are unfortunate* out of luck. Sclenca hindred thru lack*
-Ad Shrinkage of money -deflation.
Po To be depressed, sad over suffered Injustice*. Forced to suffer injustice.
-Vu Not solvent, crimes caused by lack of money.

US chart:
eq. J(c) pi. Ma(c) and Su(c) pi. Ur eq. Za(c) pi* M(d) minus Pl(c) pi As eq. Pl(c)
pi. Su. The last three sums furnish the connection with the redlz Sun. The Aac and
the directed M of the USA chart and the currant or transltting planets. The Meridian
of the day eq. Kr/Mo radix, an other proof that the radix Meridian Is 15:14 Oancar.
Jupiter plus Zajfi

Fc.w Sunata activity. Succasaful creation.

-M Joyful activity.
-kr Products. Creations. General happiness thru working.
-Su Abody, which Is successfully occupied. The man who Is happy thru his successful
work, bays of cheerful wozk.
-Asc To wozk with others. Squals Asc., Judge
'Ho Woman with productive ability. Parsons happy In thalr work.
-No Work union, to undertake somathlng with others.

-MB Joy In one's occupation. To be busy. Fortunate creative-thoughts.

-Va To do one's work with love. Great Joy out of work.
-Ma Sazual Intercourse with consequences. Happy procreation. Fortunate and energetic
-Sa To separate from the product ( created). Interruption and hindrance of happy working.
-Ur Suddenly doing something.

-Jte To work without success.

-PI Successful Increase of accomplishment, Joy and satisfaction In doing one's work.
.Cu Artistic activity. Successful activities of s cosnunlty. Lucky establishment of
a firm. The fortunate beginning of a new flue.

-Eh Agricultural produce. Children without the ability to live. Luck In connection
with fuel.
-Xr Artistic creation of somathlng great.

-Ap Happy work In science, coimarca or Industry. Happy work with many or for many.
-Ad A fortune promising, but difficult beginning.
jfn To see the accomplishments of one's work. Increase of fortune thru successful
wozk. Optimistic end positive accomplishment.

-Po Fortunate mental creations. To convince by reason and wisdom.

Jupiter plus Kronos

Lucky and successful manager. Formula of a great msnay-man.

-M To consider oneself as the chief. To feel happy.

-At Financial giants.
-Su Successful leader, high parsonage. The man who la happy In his capacity as leader.
The happy passed days. Squals Vp, great possessions.
-Ase Intercourse vlth leading persons.
-Mo Woman as successful manager. Persons or people under the impression of great luck.

-No Connection vlth leddlng parsons, with people who experience greatluck.
-Ma Master of glib tongue. Fortunate management of thoughts.
-Ye To be able to Inflame vlth love. To be favored by the authorities.

-MB To assart oneself vlth success.

-Sa To tumble dovn from on high. To lose the leadership. Equals Mars, vlth death as
a consequence. Equals Sun or Meridian, to separate at the right time.
-Ur To gain leadership suddenly. To experience great fortune by surprise.
-Na To attain leadership thru fraud and subterfuge. Dissolving of good luck, a fortunate
leadership dissolves thru discord. Equals Vu, diplomat, ambassador vlth uncertain
or dubious success.
-21 Practice makes perfect. A great fortune Is on the vay.
-Cu Leader or master In art.
-Ea Owner of mines. Gain In money from things vhlch are taken out of the earth.
Thrlftineas. To accoo^llsh much vlth little.

-Za Master of productive vork. Luck and good fortune thru or vlth machines.
-Ap Expansive luck for joa.qy. Income of money thru trades or industry.
-Ad Luck for a fev In a snail vay. To be leader of a fev.
-Yu Fortunate leader of the State, minister or chancellor. Great fortune thru the
pover of the State. To enjoy great Influence thru fortunate leadership.
-Pe Happiness and good luck thru Intelligence and reason of the superiors,the chief
or the government.
Jupiter plus Apollen

Coital, Grand capital. Multituded of money. The amount of meney in circulation.

ftlsney thru the tradas or law. Much fortune and happy experiences. Good luck in
science. Fortune, success and honors.
-M To be lucky, to handle money. To be fortunate in eemmerce of science.
-Ar Expansion of good fortune in general. To be happy with many.
~Su The capitalist. To be fortunate witn one's hands. To have a fortunate hand in
science or commerce. The many lucky days.
-Asc Tied to others by science and commerce.
•Mo The successful business woman. Atony cheerful people, or persons who are successful
in commerce andi science.
•No Happily connected with many. Connections thxu science and commerce.

•Me- Successful scientific thinking. Fortunate scientific debates.

•Ve Much luck, Joy and friendship in science and commerce.

•Ma Successful activities in commerce and science. Faying off interest en mortgage.
•Sa Success thru methodic in educational science. Educational successes. Success in
trading things, which are sold or disposed of very slowly.

•Ur Sudden commencing of great gains and successes in trade and science. Good luck
and success in astrology.
Luck prophecy, also dissappointment in such field. The uncertain fortune of future.
•PI Great money transaction. Great amounts of money are changing hands, are in circulation.

•Cu Enjoying arts with many. Theatre or concerts. Visits.

•Ha Great amounts of money which are lost. Great losses thiu bad investments, speculations.
•Ze Lucky and cheerful wo iking with many. To provide great amounts of money. Successful
creation in arts and science. Stage>succe8s•
•Kr Director of a bank. Leader in economics. A lord in commerce. Fortunate leader, or
leading in science.
•Ad Fortunate with raw materials. Transactions in raw materials, gains therefrom.
•Vu Great increase of fortune, mighty income.
•Po Fortunate thru mental exchange with similarly minded people.
Jupiter plus Admstoa

Expenses. Gains out of raw-materials. Indifference. Disinterested. Rest Happy

-11 The native retains his poise under the moat trying circumstances. He is fortified
with indifference and equanimity, that notning can throw him off. He waits until
things come his way.
-Ar Production of raw materials. General rest, standstill or indifference. Living
indifferently thru the days.
-Su The man who lives his days in tranquility on retiring pension, annuity or his
private income, old age security etc. Svery day is proportion and symnatry.
-Asc A quiet, lonely, retired place of location. Others have expenses, others cause
-Mo The public, persons or women who are indifferent, who are hot interested.
-No Indifference towards things or rejecting things with which one is closely connected.
-ISO Ungainly and indifferent thinking.

-Ve To be indifferent, insensible and thickskinced or callous.

-Sa To accept separation with indifference and equanimity. Separation thru inattention,
negligence, causing losses, damages and disadvantages.
-Ur Sudden grave property damage, indifference or carelessness. Suddenly disturbed rest.

-Ne To pretend indifference and disinterest. To make believe quiet and composure.
-PI A deep fortunate change commences. A development, which leads into a new period
of rest.

-Cu Art understood only by a few. Small closed comnunity, small art circle. To be
indifferent toward the zefusal of a unity or a community.
-Ha To keep one's equanimity under evils and viscous circumstances. Not to be intimidated
by misfortune or threat.
-Ze To be fortunate in overcoming a constrained position. To revive a deas issue. To
get something moving again. Necessity of spending money.
-Kr Great spending of money, expenses. Bureauracracy.
-Ap The habits, equals Ur, to be torn out or scared out of habits.
-Vu Great expenditure of money. Great purchases. Not to reach one's goal. Mighty

-Po Mentally or spiritually indifferent, but also with deep understanding and wisdom.
Jupiter plus Vulcanua
Mighty luck. Succeaa by force. Might of money end financea. Confidence. Optimism.
-M To have good luck. To be en optimist. To truat to others, and to be trusted.
-Jlr General confidence and otpimism.
-Su The physical wallbeing. To feel healthy. The man who enjoys his health and the
strength of his body. The daya of the Joya of life. Life ia good.
-lao To instill hope and truat in others, to give them courage to go on. To be
influenced by othen.
-Mb Wbmen and public full of optimism and confidence.

-No To be connected with trustworthy people.

-Ma Hopes. Greet wishes. Potimiatic conversations,
-Ye Greet fortunate love.
-Ma Great buaineas success thru own acconplishment•
-Sa The good fortune ia the guardian. Separations which later prove to be fortunate.
The fortune in this separation muat mature.
-Ur Sudden reason for great optimism. Sudden consencing of great fortune.
-Ne Mighty good luck or fortune which is not immediately recognized, but reveala itaelf
in the future. The beginning of earning or making larger sums of money oaaily.
Also to lose large stuns of money.
-PI Great luck which befins to develop.
-Cu Great happineaa and Joy thru art, family or conmunity.
-Ho To escape treachery , or to be succeaaful with treacherous deeds.
-Zo Great happineaa thru successful creation. To finish a successful work.
-Kr To have the confidence of the State. Mighty fortune or gains of money thru the
power of the state. Successful use of the power of the state.
-lp Good luck and happiness thru money, great income, increaae of property.
-Ad To be left in peace, not to be troubled* by anybody. To be happy with a fas.
-Po Happiness thru reason, wisdom, rightious intelligence. Great reason, wisdom, faith.
jupiter plus Poseidon

Mental happiness. Common sense. Hi adorn. Intelligence. Conscience. Justice.

-M To listen to the voice of conscience and reason. To have wisdom and intelligence.
The ability to Judge what is nght and wrong,
-Ar The general law conditions. The general reason and intelligence. World conscience.
-Su The voice of the conscience. The man who follows the voice of his conscience, who
knows what is right, who listens to reason. Days devoted to meditation,
-Asc The rights of others. To deal with reesondble and intelligent people. Treated well
by others.
-Mo Persons who are resonable, wise and intelligent. The public has a reasonable approach
to things.

-No Mental happiness thru connections. Connections with intelligent and reasonable people.
-Me Sensible thoughts. Conversations with intelligent and reasonable people.

-Ve To be happy in one's religion, faith, attitude towards life.

-Sa To have to switch off the own reason end Intelligence with people who still have to
mature. To educate others to reason and Intelligence,

-Ur Sudden understandings, Wisdom and understanding come as a surprise,

-Ne Delicacy for right and Justice. To have a septiment or see mentally metaphysical
truth. A mind which is enough developed to sense higher things.
-PI Happy development or reason, intelligence, wisdom and conscience,
-Cu Relations and associations with intelligent and reasonable people.

-Ha Unpleasantness and difficulties thru lack of reason and intelligence, ( With others
or with oneself),

-Ze To follow the better instinct, success thru correct perception of thlnga.

-Kr The intelligent chief, boss., superior. The judicious government. Right, and success-
ful leadership thru good judgement,
-Ap Many have the same opinion, Judgement, many are sensible.
-Ad To reject reasonable thoughts, witnout sense or intelligence,
-Vu The good is most prevslent.

-Ma Successful mental activities, -Successful in the fields of mataphysics.

Saaturn plus oatum
Separations. Losses. To check. To binder. To brake.
-M To feel deserted. To slow down or hinder others,
-Ar Property losses. General losses and separations,
-Su To take leave. Bodily separations,
-Asc To be separated from other pbopie.
-Mb To avoid women. Discontented. To be separated fonn the public. Self-reserve.
-No To participate in separations. Severed connections, iiind of a connections,
-Me Thoughts of separation. Travels.
-Ve Separation of love.
-Ma Obsequies. Rineral.
-Ju Money losses. To have no luck. Losses of real estate.
-Ur To be separated suddenly, equals Ne, thru cunning.
-Ne Losses,, or separation thru deception or fraud.
-PI Hindred or slow development, also separation.
-Cu Separation of marriage, family or partnership.
-Ha To be separated thru accidents, misfortune or unemployment.
-Ze Losses by fire in establishments. To separate from one's work, or to separate from
-Kr Losses or separations thru the authorities, ueparataon from the father.
-Ap I^any separate, separai-.lon from many. Ilathod. education.
-Ad To te in a tight spot, to have patience, to be compelled to wait,

-Vu Hindred, guarded, supervised,

-Po Education, To spearate from one concept of the world, and to change to another.

Saturn plus Uranus

Sudden separation. Quarrels. To part and die.
-M To se separated suddenly. To suffer from quarrels. Dealing with quarrelsome
-Ar Sudden events with property losses. Tbe generality takes leave.
-Su Sudden bodily separation. Man who Is suddenly separated. Days of ezcltemsnts,
separations, obstacles. Equals Ha, bodily separated thru misfortune.
^Asc Sudden separation from other people. Grave misunderstandings with others.
Minus Ma/Sa, by death.
-Mo Sudden separation from a female person or persons. To retire from public life.
-No To be present at separations. Connections tors apart.

-Me Sudden leave-taking. Obliged to travel. Irritable thinking.

-Ve Sudden rupture In love. Separation from something wished for.

-Ma Sudden end thru Injury. Sudden separating acts or actions. Equals Ju, lucky In
-Ju sudden separation from happiness. Sudden losses of money or real estate.

-Ne Suddenly separated thru untruth or falsehood. Also thru anaesthetics.

-PI A hlndred and slow development Is suddenly brought Into motion. Change In
circumstances In a quarrel or lawsuit.

-Cu Quick termination of matrimony. Suspension of clubs and assoclatlens.

-Ha Losses thru violence. To suddenly meet with an accident. Sudden separation thn
vulgarity and treachery.

-Ze Losses thru conflagrations. Acts of war. Enforces separation connected with losses.
-Er Intervention by the power of the State. Losses of territory or losses of the govern-
ment. Loss of the father or chief.
-Ap Sudden separation from many. Discord of many. To split one's forces. To be
misguided. To abandon an approved method.
-Ad Sudden separation of a few. To get Into or out of a tight spot by surprise.
-Vu To abandon one's freedom, to bd surprised Into a dependent state. Imprisonment.
-Po Sudden shattering of confidence and faith. Sudden separation on a mentala and
spiritual plane, division of opinion or conviction.
Saturn plus Neptune
Sickness. Pestilence. Long diseases. Treacherous diseases of long duration. Chronic
conditions. Habits.

.<41 To be diseased, to feel sick. To be under the spell or is^resslon of a long end
unpleasantichronic condition.
<4j- General plagues. Secious sicknesses In the family.
-Qu Sickness of the body. The men who feels sick end weak, Daus dreg along under un-
fortunate conditions. -Mo, the body of a female person.

-lac Disease of other people. To be Infected. To vaccinate.

-Mo Diseases of the womb. Treacherous woman. Diseases end sicknesses of the people.
Sickly and weak persons.
-No Connections with diseased people, with sick people.
-Me Mentel diseases, treacherous thoughts. Equals M, meditating about sicknesses.
Equals Asc, not to be understood by other people.
-Ve Diabetes. Venereal diseases.
-Ma Man's venerlel diseases. Aquels Ar, acute sickness. Injuries which heel vexy slowly.
-Ju Disease of the lungs. Aquals Ma, pneumonia. Equals Ur/Sa, gas poisoning.
-Ur Suddenly appearing pestilence. Equals Mo, colds.
-Ne/Ur Ges poisoning Equals Jupiter.
-PI Slow, sneaking, unnotlceble commencing chronic sickness. A chronic condition, which
changes so little It Is unnotlceble.
—Cu Upsetting of marriage condition. Sickness In the family.
-He Pestilence. Typhoid epidemic. Cancer disease. Intestinal con^lalnts.
-Zr Infection of the ancestors, of the father. Chronic dissolutions In the government.
Equals Ju, lack of money of the government, ^uals Mo, national sick-Insurance.

-Ze Infection of the progeny. ,Chronic hindrances In wozk.

-Ap Chronic sickness of the masses. Unclean methods. Subversive deeds. Cunning acts.
-Ad To be always on the spot, not to be able to keep out of trouble. ^ fatal chronic
-Vu The force of habit.
-Po To become mentally slowly deranged. Jaundice.

Saturn plus Pluto

Hlndred de-velopmert. Slow separation. Difficulties to apply oneself.

-U To de7elop slowly. Hard to adapt oneself.

-Ar General Inability to fit oneself, getting used to new conditions very slowly.
To separate from a development.
-Su Hlndred physical development. The man who slowly separates. Days without prwgreaa.

-Asc Others fit themselves, suit themselves only very slowly. Slow separation from
others. The befInning of a separation which lasts for some time.
-No To be tied to people, things or conditions, where one gets used very slowly to
things •
-Ue Persons who slowly suit themselves, who slowly separate or develop slowly.
-Me To adapt oneself In thlnldng and opinion with difficulty. Slow coiqirehenslon.
-Ye Slow separation of a love. Harmony and love develop slowly.
-MB Plan and execution of a periodic separation. A work-plan, which Is carried out
or thru after grave hindrances and disturbances. To suld oneself with difficulty
to new working conditions.

-Ju Slow separation favored by good fortune. A developing separation ending In a

fortunate decision.
-Ur Slowly developing separation, which enters suddenly and very surprisingly Into a

-Ne A slow development seems to come to a standstill. One cannot see any change In a
chronically slow development.

-Cu Slow adaption of new circumstances, which are of long duration.

-Ha Slow adaptation destroyed thru enmently and discord. iUndrad by cunning, asdness.
-Ze One's accost 11shments Increased only by difficulty and slowly.

-Ap Tiny beginning develops Into something great. Method developed slowly.
-Ad To get into a tight spot slowly. ^ slowly developing separation, which leads Into
an unmanageble uncompromising opposition.
-Vu To slowly get Into mighty dependende.

-Po Slow mental separation. Separation In educational matters. In matters of faith and
religion, or In matters of concept of life.
Seturu p.i.U8 Cupldo
separation of marriages. Separation in the family. Separation from partnerships.

Joy or eorron thru separation of married life. Also of associates, partners.

-Ar Divorces. General cormon connections ere separated.
-Su To be seperated from the family. Divorce of the father. Days on which one
feel antisocial end does better by oneself.
-Aso Parting from other persons. Not belonging to en association, not wanting
membership. An odd fellow.
-Uo The dlvoicee. Unsocial family life. Persons who are divorced from their natural
partners, to live in e strange environment.
-No To separate from the parents, brothers or sisters.
•Ue To irtend divorce. To think about it.
-Ve Grief thru 'ivorce. Joy c "amporery union. Delly meetings.
-Ub Intended divorce (willed). Interruption of woxk one eccosipllshes together with
others. Periodic meetings for working purpose.
-Ju Dlnorce associated with good fortune. To quit one organization to join enethar.
To refuse to join, which proves later to have been very fortunate.
-Ur Su den dlvo^-ce. To pert suddenly, end to be suddenly connected, but for the time
beiiig only.
-Ne Separation iso divorce, connected with obstacles. To separate for en indefinite
time. Uncertainties of e divorce or separation.
-PI The of e separation of marriage or partnership, also the end of e separation.
To start divorce proceedings.
-Ha Separation of husband or wife because of adverse conditions. To separate form one
partner to join e new one.

-Za A seperetl n enforced by the father-in-law. Enforced separation in e family, or conqieny.

-Kr To be divo ced by the State. To pert es e result of e higher up decision.
-Ap Many who ere torn away from their neturle partners. Many divorces. Breaking up of
whole comounities, corporations.
-Ad To get into e tight spot thru seperetlon. To separate from others for the purpose of
being alone. Delayed separation.
-7u Marital jelousy. To be guarded or controlled by e partnership.
-Po World phllosophicel or religious differences in e family or community.
Common education.
Saturn plus Hades

Severe sickness of long duration. Unemployment. Serious losses. Serious obstacles.

Prison. The alien. Enemies. Refugees. Sadness. Trouble Ualancholy.
. -M To become seriously 111. Greet poverty. To suffer losses thru diseases and hostil-
ity. To be depressed end resigned thru terrible events, fiquels Su/Ma, death of
male persons. Melancholic disposition.
, -Ax Famine. Severe damages thru plagues. Scerclty of employment. Sad parting. Damages
thru frost. Fugitives.
~Su Serious ailment of the body. To be without mrk. Losses ef the people. To be under
-Asc To come Into touch with the seriously sick. To live in e world of enemies. To bo
around suppressed, persecuted, refugee people.
-Mb Serious ailment of body of e woman. To become e widow thru serious of the husband*
Persons under fbrelgn rule. Persons or wife fer away.
-No To come Into touch with the seriously sick.
-Me News of e serious sickness or of e severe loss. Death notice. News ef orlme or ef
other evil deeds.
-Ye Serious abdominal disease. Premature birth. Miscarriage.
-Ma Death es e result of long Illness or by e weepon. Dad death. The health suffers
thru the work. Occupational disease. To be ezpdolted.
-Ju Tuberculosis of the lungs. Shortage of money. Lover troubles. Severe money leases.
Losses of materiel or other property. Destruction of valuables thru enemies.
-Ur Sudden demise after severe sickness. Surprising money losses. Equels Su, severe
nervous ailments.
-Ne Slow decay of the body(cencer). Serious losses In navigation, or thru flesds.
. -PI Slow weakening end break-down. To become melancholy. To resign.
-Cu Serious sickness In the family thru marriage. Severe erguments er enemitles with
partners, In the family or In e company.
- -Ze Inherited diseases. War losses or Injuries. To work with greet deficit. Power
of the state. To have mighty enemies. Foreign power of the govexnmant. Army of
. occupation.
-Ap To become Hostile to many. To have many enemies. Greet weakening. To suffer many
-Ad To get In e tight spot In e foerlgn country. To be exposed to hostilities for e
long time. Greet poverty end suppression.
-Vu To be forced to endure mighty hostilities. To be placed Into greet danger by the
-Po To have or to find enemies on the outlook of the world. To be hastily treated
because of religion end worldly viewpoint.
To note:
When Jupiter Is strong In e horoscope, I.e. culminating, while Se end He ere
below the horizon In cadent houses, the fomule Sa plus He equals Ju can mean also
that hostilities can turn, change to fortunate end enemies become friends. The
house position should always be conslderedd In the delineation of the planets.
Satuxs plus Zaus
Fire losses In estsbllshmsnts. Obstacles and hindrances In actltlty In work.* Te
separate from or Interrupt In activities. Losses while producing. Breakdown of
machines. Anxiety, engulsh.
-M Incendiary. Separetlan and losses through actltlty. The steadfestness•
-At General damages thru steam pewar, and losses thru fire. £q. Ur, thru cannon shot.
-Se Physical losses thru the above ceuses. The man who quits his work, his wozklng piece.
Days on which one does not see eny success of arrorts.
-As To be endangered by fire. Fellowmen In the fire, In wer. Machines damaged.
-MO Quick separation from woman. The wife of the conscript. Fires end lessee thru them.
Oarseverence of the wemanset work. Stege-fright.
-No To be co-sufferer In fire losses. Work agreements where everybody works for himself.
Equels Ma, to receive burns In the company of others.
-Ms Quick separation. To think of above losses. Enforced separation by others.
-Ve Forsaken after having been used sexually. Obstacles In activities caused by love.
Devoted activities with temporary Interruptions.
-Ma Death or Injuries thzr firearms, thru fire, or sterilization. Periodically Interrupted
Interrupted common efforts.
-Ju Losses of money by fire. To cross the Ideas of others successfully and convert them
to the own Ideas.
-Ur Loss by fire, lightning, or eannkn shot. Sudden enforced seperatlon under pressure.

-Ne To be taken sick, or te waste away thru poison gas. Demsge thru burning gas.
Chronic hindrance, the fruits of toll are nil.
-PI Slow development In activities, slow Increase In accompllsbmenta.
-Gu Fire losses in the family. To be hlndrad In one's activity by clubs, associations,
unions or communities.
-Ha Arson. Great losses In war. To be hlndred In work black and by poverty.
-Kr Public fire-funds(fire Insurance)/ to cover fire losses. Equals M, state condensates
for war Injuries.
-Ap Indapandanca In the method. New methods of teaching. New forma of expression. To
go new ways In research. To show new goals to lesearch.
-Ad Complete standstill of activity.
-Vu To be under sharp vigilance and supervision during work. Guarded or watched at work.
-Fe Hindrances, Interruptions, or msesures of force(coercion) In matters of education.
Saturn plus Kronos
Losses suffered by the authorities. Loss of soverlgn persons. Ruling and Independent
persons lo^eded. High age. Old gentleman. Long time or duration. Late fulfillment,
(accomplishment). Formula for the great land owner. Great hindrance. Much In need.

-U To be obstructed In Independence.
^Ar Poor government structures, equals As, to age.

-8u Impoverishment of an Independent person. The man who gets old, ages, with many
experiences In life gained. Days on which The authorities hinder and separate.
-Asc To be associated with impoverished corporations. Ho payment from the state or boss.
-Mo Impoverished Independent women or wife of an Impoverished Independent man.
—No Merger of financially weak corporation or persons.
-Ms Receivership. Enforced settlement. To occupy one's thoughts with serious thlngs.

-Ve Settlement for breach of relations. The authorities reimburse the expenses.
-Ma Bankruptcy. Dissolution of an establishment. One's activities hlndred by authorities.
-Ju Money losses thru loans. Credit taker. A fortune Is diminished or hlndred by the

-Ur Unexpected losses In securities.

-Ne Fraud thru Impoverished governments or coxporatlons •
-PI To win or lose one's Independence.
-Cu An art that Is not very lucrative. To be hlndred by the authority In one's artistic
endeavor. Separations thru or from the head of the family.
-Ha Collapse of Independent establlhments. To suffer enemlnltles vile acts or mean deeds
from leading and powerful persons or from the authority.

-Za Retreat In battle. Large establishment destroyed by fire. Equals M, the State
has losses thru war damages oruthru my efforts.
-Ap Sxpenses of the State or of Independent persons for scientific purposes.
Kxpenses for the schools or pertaining to education.
-Ad To get Into a tight spot thru the authorities or Independent persons. Under pressure.

-Vu To be put on probation by the authorities or leading persons. To be guarded. Te

suffer losses. Deprived of personal freedom.
-Po Measures of education taken by the State. To submit to such measures.
Saturn plus Apollon

!!t aod. Teaching. Pvpil. Teacher. The system. Many separate or depart.
To have a method'cax and systeamslical disposition. Pedantic. To experience
many separatlcus.
-Ar Many separate. To separate from many of from the generality•
-oii he methodical man. 'Mn who dumonstrates his method. To be examined. The
day of separation of many from many.
-Auc Others separate f cm a unit, to ke separated from many.
-ftro Persons who Incline to separations. Many separations in the public. The woman
or wife who wants to separate.
o Many have to Interrupt their conrections to give up the connection. Many retire
-Ire The thoughts are or separation of many by many by many. To speak to many about
separations. Pegulations about vacations. Language, method of speech. Grammar.
-Ve Friendships while attending the same school. Harmony systems. Singing instruction.
-i/a Systematic proceedings. Activities are carried out after a certain method.
-J Many enjoy a separation, parting gestlvitias. Successful method.
-lr Sudden separation of many. The own original method. To prepare new ways.
To isolate oneself. Astrological nethod.
-N To live under uncertain circumstances. To separate constantly. Bad method. To
proceed without a method.
-Px T develop a method or a system. The beginning of a separation of many.
-Cj To proceed methodical yi in art. Lany separate from a community. To be used as
an artist or art instructor.
-Pa Old fashioned or played out system. Foreign or bad method. The method in historical
research. Separation of many by o'gly and vile means.
-Zo The method of research. Systematic methodic activities.
-Kr Form of government. Governmental methods. Man of a great method. Successful
method. Equals Ur, thr fall of form of gC'Vemment•
-Ad To be suppressed and hindred systematically• To be surrounded and crowded. To be
in a tight spot. Old and out of date method.
-V. Supervision system. Pxgerouo methcd. To apply force. To proceed without regard
for anyone, difficulties do not deter.
-Po Instructional and educational method. To be educational thru instruction. To be
the educator or the pupil.
Saturn plus Admatos
Duration. Long tlms. Valley, Depression(geologically)• Marrow pass. Patience. To
be in a tight spot. To have to go thru a narrow pass. Stoppage. Ligature, Dryness.
Barrenness. Standstill. Coldness. Stiffness.
-Iff To be hlndred, to be tied to something. To be patient. Ability to wait, disinter-
ested. In a tight spot. To cross a valley. To be unfriendly,
-Ar General shrinkage, hindrance end lack.
-Su The resting body, the man who: is hindrad in a bodily motion. To be physcially
forced in a position. The days we feel narrowed and hlndred.
-Asc To get into trouble thru others. Others are in a troubled or forced position.
-Uo The wife or woman who feels dapi-essad. Parsons who are hindrad in their motion.
To face difficulties and obstacles.
-Mo Definitely broken off.connections.
-Ue Slowness and dullness of cosqirehansion. To think slowly, deeply and logically.
Sad and miserable thinking.
-Va To be insensible, not aansitlva to bad manners. Thick-skinned. To be avoided and
snubbed and taking it with indiffaranca. To surmount or surpass difficulties aaaily,
-Ma Forced to quit working, hindrance of activities. Long lasting suppression,

-Tu Happiness,resting of a matter. Lucky in narrow circumstances. Uodast fortune.

To find a way out of a misfortune.
-Ur Sudden Jarring stop or throttling. To suddenly apply a brake. To suddenly changa the
course, reverse the steering wheel.
-Ma Chronic hindrance, compelled to go thru a long and narrow pasa. A sickness of lang
-PI Deep and internal changa commencing slowly. Wnd of growth. Standstill of davalopDant.
Gradually to gat into serious trouble.

-Cu Separations and isolations in the family. Difficulties in the Famlly, tyarrala and
long lasting astrangamants in family or in an association or company.
-Ba To gat into a grave dillams thru anamlty, lack and hostile actions. To face a dead
and street, with no way out. Sad destiny, poverty and misazy,

-Ze At the beginning ta face almost unsuzmountabla difficulties. Cannot atakt anything
because of present obstacles.
Ruling parsonage in a tight spot. Fall of an authority.
-Ap Many crowded together in a narrow space, unable to unfold.
-Vu To be heavily guarded, ta feel limited and daprassad. Long duration of privation
of freedom,
-Po Long duration of education and training. A stalemate of long duration of education
and training, In interest of activities in such fields.
Saturn plus Vulcenus
Custody. Supervision. To be on guard duty. Iinprlsonmant. Jell. Mighty hlndrsncea.
Vigilance. To guard or watch something, to take care. To fix, to fortify, to make
It peznanent. To banish, to exile.
-M To be vigilant. Intense guarding, to take advantage and deep It uppermost In mind.
Not easily deceived or fooled.
-At The people In general ere subject to strong hindrances end obataolea end therefore
have to watch their chances or advantages.
-Su The custodian, the watchman. The reminder. The man who pays much attention to
physical events or proceedings. Days on which one hea to think of the bodily well
-JLsc To be guarded, to be Imprisoned. Others must be attentive to their advantage.
-Mo The wife or woman who thinks of her advantages. Persons who ere attentive end
vigilant. Great obstacles In public life.
-No To experience strong hindrances In or thru one's connections. Also to be connected
with people who themselves ere attentive end vigilant.
-Me To concentrate•
-Ve Sorrow thru separation.
-Ma To be under guard, while working. To be conpelled to work as a prisoner. Squele
Ha. to become e prisoner of war. To be e sentinel during war.
—Ju To take measures of precaution, to be cereful. Squels Ha. to overlook or leave out
-TJr To become suddenly Imprisoned or dependent.
-Ne To be Isprlsoned or dependent Indefinitely.
-PI To be Inprlsoned or dependent. The befInning of Imprisonment or dependency with
people who feel themselves hlndred. Imprisoned or opreased.
-Ha To be wronged end hlndred by leek end other sad circumstances. Sickness while
Imprisoned. To get Into greet danger thru enemies.
-Ze To be forced to discontinue working. To work under supervision or under guard.
Menial work.
-Er To be careful, to be suspicious, to use greet measures of precaution. Difficult
to deceive or fool. Supervision of the State.
-lp To guard others or to be guarded with others. To teach or to educate, or to be
thought to educated.
-<Ad To be subjected to greet pressure, to be limited, to carry a heavy lead.
-Pe Good perceptive faculty. To be mentally awake. Supervision end education with en
outlook en life. Pellgleus training.
o-s t.>j rn p .1. b Pobeidcu

Education, Ths rienr.el . r.'-ucr. separsr/'.riii from th« wot^di> tj.cok on life.
The pattern, the nod»_
-M The pupil or the edura'c~ To re an example.. To saps rat-? cr differentiate
mentally. The o?7n beha/:orc

-Ar To differentiate between tb-j r.imita.l ar.e worldly cetiook on life in general-0
-Su The man. who is a model p;.p;l or uc.lel educator. who-'CuLjt&.iding or different,
To show dsgniry. Days on which one has to pull oneoelf tupethar,

-Asv To t-a mentally separated frcm i" •■her? '.n the outlook on life, to be different.
To be a model to others mentally, A . so somabedy «sl se is a model to us,
• Nc Conne'iticDS witn educators or saparaticn of ccrmections caused by differences
in outiooK on Life
-Ito Public matters of edntation.
-Lfe Thoughts about educa'ion or differences in looking; at life, Educational idea,

-Ve Pleasantness in the field of educational matters. Host favored teacher or pupil.

-Ha The model activity or activity .in educational matters. Kindrancea, Interruptions
or disturbances in such s field,
-Ju To appeal a? the teacher to the good senses and instincts of the pupils.
Successes of an educator. The good example. The good behavior. The high rating,
being transferred to a higher grade,
-Ur Surprising new knowledge in the fiald of education or leading others. To suddenly
be shown as a model, which causes separation and hard fselings.
-Ne Lack of leadership or dignity. To lose oneys grip or one's bearings. To let
others take over.

-PI To experience a transformation in behavior and outlook on life,

-Cu Mental or world^philoscph "Jal differencas in a community or fami ly.
Community education. The own behavior, or the behavior of others,

-Ha Defects in education, cad conduct. To be mistreated during education.

-Ze To submit for aiucatjonal reasons to a necessity or force. To put pressure on others.
-Kr Education sponsored by the State. The independent educator. To occupy a leading
position in education. The dean of a school.

-Ap Colleagues, pupils of the sama vlass. Class spirit. Corps of officers. Attitude of
the corps,
-Ad cmd cf training or education,

-Vu The greai, model or example, an inspiration to others.

Uranus plus Uranus
-L' To be excited, to soow ambitions.
-Ar Suddenly mnnifestinp events.
-Su Accidents on the day. Sudden events. Apoplexies. The physical tension. The
body tonus. The nan who applies nis etranpth.
-Asc Sudden acquaintances, sudden reunions.

-Mo Uproars caused by »onwn. Women's ambition, i-xclted persons and people,
-No Sudden experiences, Sudden connections.
-Me Teieprans, news, dxcited way of speeicing,
-Ve Sudden expression'of love. To be the surprised object of love and affection.
-Me Sighting. Wounds. Sudden acts, ovarimpulsive action.
-Ju Fortunate events,

-Sa Sudden separation,

-Ne Deaths. Acquaintance witn tee dead. To give up something. Tomake an end to a
tning. Futile excitement. Violent coi-miotion(revolutionary).
-PI Sudden changes, cransformationa or mutations.
-Cu Wedding celebrations. Surprises, unexpected events in married life, partnership,
-ha Sudden deatn, including murder,
-Ze Danger from fire. Fathurnood, explosions. Controlled forces. Laws of nature.

-Kr Government,nl intorveiuion. events (. i tuc otate. To be ordered suddenly,

iSquals Me, suunen p^ocl-jnation.
-Ap Many under tension, excited. „uddoi. expansion. Astrology.
-Aq Fl.ssuresj cracks, shreds, rcrs. accidents.

• Vu Jixploaions, .tigntnirg, t 'junde rbol r, j'lres,

-Po Clearing, Cley rn-.j v-. Lignl. 1A i ion. rropegsnda.
-Ma/oa .Sudden l-.-j'u.
Uranus plus Neptune

Dead persons, Un-or . Ha^cionsTed. ouddhnly incepacitetsd. Crisis.

Pevo lut i on.. The t iQii'; i 1.1 on : ii '-o n he beyond „
-Ivi To be m mc - rv1 ng . lit »fc curse w-.rr nho atsceesad, Ansstniesia, I am put out,
I am 'in-.-ona;ous. I cannot tnink and err, clearly.
-Ar Funeral.-i, Cemeturlo-n, Occultism, ufetapbysic-a..
-■du Trance. To be a To t-e .iroi or ilfelessv Tho nan wno onanges fast between
tuno'c.n and nc cen:,ion u*. ail. He works nard or not at all, bo is very energetic
cr has no en erg/, tiis impujaen cbrcw him back and Cortb. Days of change between
tension and nc ten.,, on a' all, V.« vuirks hard or not ai all. iSquals Me, accident with
death cr pnr.-t rally i n~f>p; •■i ceo .
-As. AcqjsUjr.en to v.ith do id Dc'.; 7ftS aaath. Other people do not know what
they want, Tt.ev ore pro and ..*00 ana credto difficulties and disturbances,
-Mo Women a? mediums. To n >ve sn i r.ij.■ rotiou, Death among the people. Death of female
persons, Baw.liex'od or mis.wad people, Persons who do not exactly know what they
are dcuig.
-No Ccnn^ct.-or,s with dead people, Tc iie Cor-iiodtlons n the state of dissolution.
-Me Tc ; with the dead. To epeak of toe dead. To think of the dead. To be
occupied with tn« hereafter, lo -stray in one's m.vnd from facts and realities.
~Ve Unrequited sudden love, Clair- fealmg Jllke clairvoyonca).
-Ma Injury and d«»««traction of a tisla paraca, Squais Su, equals Me, to be unconscious
as the result of an amid-ant.
-Ju Unexpected, easily acouSred money, Inhor itar.ce. Plus Ju Jiquels Ar, unexpected
sudden death of several people.,
-Sa To be thrcv.n into dtjct or to onffar lossa's thru the deaths of others,
-Ke/Ha Deaths by drc-v/rxng..
-PI Develounent of o-oolc matte:.- or of forces.
-Cu Sudden marrsige aij t'r. d? ff so..iit;-is. Dc-tth li. the family. Sudden bewilderment in
a .-omciimity. of d iSoOluttca a tcrmunJty or family,
-Ha Undertaker, To afui thru traa-.r^rj or no: se tnru treachery for the former Uranus
ta .-ttrong, for the later the Ksptuna is atrongar. iqueis Sa, premeditated murder,
aquaIs Me, tne hour of death.
-Ze To die thru fire or uu to nob1, lo i Das explosion. A revolution which develops
accisS!?fully a-*-"ording to plans,
-Kr Gi feed clairvoyant. Da,a to amoi.g authorities. Human losses by the government.
Probate 'iC'jrts, Leading poisons .it t know what they want.
~Ap Cris'3 and■ on :n s-: iaii--";. O t-iit science, liiny do not know what they want.
—Ad R4?vou r on cn h sun..— i -a..e. vtf a re-vclt Prospecting for hidden
evrtn treasur^c. To drill for tnett.
-Vu M'ghty d> , 'iiiddutily vt-^1 tod. Beginning of a large revolution.
■Po Tc gsir. ' L anr. oic'.ity n . ■jonneuti ons. Tc clear occult matters and to
■JcMricnstro Ve rh.; ; .-•.ncr i: i, nv,.
U nua y P-'j to
Changes which start sudfler*y, Ti-af<::orrat;ons. Kutaticns. Cracks Tc crock
-M To be ezposed t. jsmng '-hsngevt. To changea by leaps and bounds. The talent
of applying or.asej f to "• ond i t; or. s. To le adaptable.

-Ar The generality which vcidenly fs^es cnanged conditions, and must be accepted.
-Su The nan who suddenly rsrit^i ir-.vh r,« ons and diet. Days during which neal-
times are on a chanped «'ned'i]~!. rnyjt'al oeveicpment which coimnences suddenly.
-Aso Sudden changes of rue pl3->, ^-en:" -.Mew obstructed thru new buildings.

-Mo Sudden changes In public lor several porsons specifically for female persons.
Actions of the glands chs.ige iJ-uls..
-No Conre.ited with sudaen nai-ge? ,
-Me Sudden change of bpi.nicn ir-.j know).ndge. To quickly absorb new things. Disconnected
or d 1 3 tu rbad thorign ta .

-7e Affections and frwridscnp;. i -h lort with surprise.

-Ka Sudden change in a-t, vi♦ y. To -.a?.rv out planned activity.

-Ju Sudden fortunate --.haog'.^
-Sa Abr».ip I disruption of deveUpmon'
-Ke Sudden commennnr, of deve.lopneii'- v.' h c.j-.rioc be jadged as to duration, direction
end process . The step mc the 'ii.i'nowi.,,

-Cu Surpr: ajng .hanges Jo la an l^' ma rnages, births or deaths ,

-Ha Sudden very unpl^-icsn' changes. Ctianpes which are very unwillingly accepted.
-Ze J'ar'-Tng ensnges v,. gw.n tonserjeuoesc Changes which onng other changes.

-Kr Sudden chaMge/- ir th* rcwe: of i.;1.."- S''jie. To make oneself a leader. Sudden
d e va lo pme n t u f a id it. b p

-Ap Suddenly JOMmen-.:ng r.n-i»: : .r a;u.y ■..c :'h starts en a vary smell scale and
growa to en .'numcoi
-Ad Sudden •'oaita.-r, i ok •' rer ie• ,.C; iwrci.i t ransi'o r.ner.i on..

-V«» Change stn; -rh s* nr.- . win. ,r i.'pir..') or... Idtgh'.v p.mps ahead.
-Po Tu gaiii ! rg -i • i • .i. • fmer-tsi or spiritual natters.
Uranus plus Cupiio

Sudden tnsrrlege. Sudden pfidding. Sudden avant in tbe family*

-M To get Uiar?.ied cr hafcrothod suddaaly*
-Ar A quickly contracted marriage. Partner who finds the other one surprisingly fast.
-Su Quick decision to marry. Sudden svents in iL&rrled life. Exciting days or events.
-Asc Sudden weddings of other parsons. To find oneself suddenly In a different company.
-Mo Women who are married quickly„ Suddenly foruung company In the public.
Parsons who deiide .quickly to enter a certain association or company.

-No Connection to quick marriage. To decide quickly i.n favor of something.

-Me Telegrams of ccncratulations. To converse about new things In art. Equals Ve,
to think about the art of singing.

-Ve Sudden expressions of love In nwrried life. Sudden harmonious partnership,

-Ma Sudden unpleasant scenes in marriaJ life.

-Ju Sadden raarrieg contracted happily, Happy tines in married life.

-Sa Suddenly separated marriage or i.nior.

-Ne Marriage seperanod by death, oigns of dissolution in a community. Dissolution

of a revolutionary union,
-PI Sudden Incrense in the family,

-Ha Sudden changes in a marriage cauned by sickness or poverty. An association which

suffers from lack or thru sickness or poverty of the members.
-Ze A crash in married it#Ce. Fire in la•"ge establishments caused by explosions,
Strong resistance. Stead fastnass,

-Kr Marriage eccomplushed thru the pewar of the State. To enter an association by the
order of the State.
-Ap Msaa-wedding. fany suddenly deu;..ia tc wed. Mass-meetl/ig. Astrology club.
-Ad Great loss of parson? sr: a community or m familias,
-Vu Married life is jarred or .loltcd. As wall as for communvty life.

-Po Founding, eateblishir.g cr entarir.g an aT3oc.Vat.lon which pursues its goal in

philosophy, propaganda and culture.
Uranus plus Hades

Accident. Murder- War atrocities, sudden mean acts, ^citing damages. Outstanding
loatbfulness and disgust.
-K In danger of being murdered. To be tbe -v-nse of death. To suffer from mean and
vile acts. To suddenly eTperi ence loathsomeness and disgust..
-Ar Sudden murder. Unexpected events are talcing a toll of life,
-Su Murder on the day. To perish an unusual death. The man who is suddenly exposed
to bad health influences. Days on which danger lurks.
-Asc Murder of acquainted persons. To have to deal with low class people. One must
be careful of ugly deeds of others.
-Mo Murder of a female person. Grave ending of a female person. Persons of low repute,
-No Connections with murder affairs. To be suddenly connected with ugly and cunning
-Ma Suddan thoughts cf murder. Premonition of death. To have to die an uncommon death,
-V« Murder of female persons. Murder proceeded by rape. Pemcle person in a serving
-Ma Attempted murder, dudden death by weapons or other objects. Death thru injuries.
Sudden mean deeds. Equals Mo/Za, death from bums.. Death in a nine,
-Ju Quick death by nurdar or accident, To be lucky in dangerous things or assignments.
To avoid or to escape danger.
-Sa Separation or losses thru murder, ugly and mean cunaing. Equals A, to separate from
others suddenly.
-Ne Murder thru treachers. To perish by water- To be helpless or defenceless.
-PI To be the cause or the instigator of mean acts. Denial of changes we hope or wish for,
-Cu Murder at celebrations. To die in company of others. Sudden impoverishment,
-Ze Death tbm firs, thru wa^. Murder by firearms or waepons of war. Sudden misfortune
thru fire. Aborticide. Well planned and carried out mean acts. Equals Ma, the
death sentence.
-Kr Death ..murder) of a person of high stendlng. Greet misfortune, greet evil deeds
and mean acts. Equals Ma, death sentence by the state.
-AP Many are vile, to suffer vile acts with many. Astrology which Is sold at fairs
in dime and quarter magavlnes. Psuedo science. Discoveries in historical science,
-Ad Damage, where one cannot make .restitution. Rents. Broken or torn things, which
cannot be fixed or replaced. Destruction Enemies who. never will make up.
-Vu Grave murder, creet danger of war. To be suddenlyin great danger,
-Po Detection of mean acts, of murder. To see thru ugly acts.
Uranus plus Zeus
Sudden outbreak of irar. Fire explosion. Bolt of ligbtniog. £le?tn■; motor. Dynamo,
Fussen fire. DiP^harge of ftre^nas. To fire, to splinter. The will.
-M Energetic willpower. Th« di •• tator. S-ab,i acted to an inner fores.

-At Fierce a-ts of violence, Stoms. Eruptions. The generis public is subjected
to force, is tense and ready,
-Su Sadden strong explosions on the day. The violent person. The nan who concentrates
and direrte bis thoughts and anergios. Days of great accomplirtbment.
-As- To be --o-surrerer in damages caused by lightning. To be under the will power of
other.?. To be submissive to others.
-Mo Sudden strong explosion for tne :.cur. Furies. Persons who obey an order listen to
a command, who are eager and ready. Kation in arras.
-No In connection with the forces of notare. Major forces. To Join for energetic work.
-Me To Jonmand abruptly and energati-ally. To think with lightning rapidity.
Surprising creative thoughts.
-Ve Procreation of a girl. In harmony with natural forces. To harmonize and direct forces
of nature.

-Mb Procreation of a boy. Hand-grenade. Equals Ha, damages from grenade. Explosion.
Bomb, Equals M, electrical engineer,
-Ju Beneficent powers. Tropical rainatonn?..

-Sa Sudden storm. Losses thru explosions, or also thru violence; death thry such. Thunder
storms with damage?,
-Ne Thunderstorms, sudden stonna at sea, helpless against such forces. Equals Ma,
destruction by explosive or projectile.
-PI Production suddenly jumps sky high, thru development of Internal or external forces.
To control the internal forces by willpower.

-Cu Procreation in marital union. Mess firing. Force one's will on others, dominate.
-Ha Eruption of volcanoes. EarthquakeB, thundershowers. Storms at sea. Equals Su,
injury by grenades. Forces bringing destruction,
-Kr Forces aroused by the State. Wax. Higher powers. Master In creating. To be a
leading model ar work.

-Ap Spreading war. Enlarged fozces.

-Ad Explosive raw marerials. Dangerous fuels. Rags and broken pieces thru explosion,
-Vu Mighty explosion.. The will to carry thru own ideas. Nothing can stop them,

-Po Influencing by force. To recognize mental force, to see thru it.

Oren'-s plus Kronos
Emphatic expressions. Authority appearing suddenly.. The fonuula of great tension and
colle',ted power.
-M Despot In business. Dictator. Violent parson. To be subject to someone's power.
To be tense snd loaded with energy and strength,
-At Sx-titeoanc m rul'ng circles. Force of nature.
-Su Despot. To reach the top or impetuous!ty. To get excited thru ordinances of the
authorities. Days of greet excitement,

-Asc To be detained by the power of the Jtate, or ».o parish by it. Great excitement
caused by the netlve.

-Mo Despotic or ruling woman. Power of the people. Persons who can decree.
-Me Dictator, to give orders suddenly.

No Intervention of the ruling power.

-7e Ruler(female) in love. Love quarrels. To enjoy great popularity.
-Ma Sudden acts of despotism of government. Suppression of uproar.
-Ju Decrees and enactments concerning finances,

-Sa Losses caused by the ruling powers, by powers suddenly breaking forth. To
separate or rid oneself of something with help of the power of State,
-Ne Destruction by ruling persons or powers. Turbulent sea. Bad weather. Decrees
■Moh nrft nnt effective. Equals II, cannot be caught, runaway or eludes the

-Cu Money power or turust or corporations. Dissolution of a nation. An association

sponsored and subsidized by the State. Art activltLes protected by government.
-Ha Death end destruction thru ruling powers, or governments. Mean acts by rulers.
-Ze A war breekign out suddenly. Violent electric storm. Suddenly commencing great
activity. To begin a great amlng,
-Ap Sudden expansion of a power. Decrees of the govarmnarit on astrology and sciences
of the future.
-Ad Sudden end of a power. To be torn from something by ruling or the State,

-Vu Suddenly appearing great power.. Mighty revolt or sesistance against ruling power.
-Po Decrees and statements of the government about spiritual and clerical matters.

Uranus plus Apollon

Expansion by leaps and bounds: dudden cxpenenbes. Revolutionary knowledger New

science^ Astrology. Kiany are under tension. Mathematics, To measure.
-M To look for coming things with great interest and tenseness. To suddenly gain
experiences. To be under tension with many. To cause tenseness of many,
interest in new things. To be an a3trologer»
-Ar The generality in expectation of coming things, waits with tenseness for the
deci slons
-Su The man who puts many under tension, who causes tension, who appears as an
astrologer-. Days of cheerful expectationst
-Asc Others are under tension, in cheerful excitement and expectation and the native
is the cause of it,
-Mo Persons who are high-strung and tense in expectation of an event.-. People and
the publi- excited and under tension,
-No Sudden excitement, expansions of connections. To be connected with people who
are under tense excitement and expectation..
-He Astrolopiccl thinking. Talent of ijcirrstlng. Fascinating story teller.
Interesting conversation,
-Ye To experience by surprise a large favour,
-Ma Tense scientific, peaceful or coaaasrcial activity. Astrological activity-
-Ju To be happily tense and excited, Happy excitameut thru successes in astrology.
-3a Failures in predicting events, expectations, hopes and wishes must be throttled.
Disappointments, buried hopes. To be depressed and pessimistic thru being
-Ne A tension runs out. Tenseness and relszatlon change quickly, also hopes and
disappointments. The tension of uncertainty,
-PI The beginning of a new development causes great tension, a very small beginning
gyows in a short time into something very large. To be tense over the development
of things,
-Cu A community, family or partners are under tension. Sudden expansion in art.
To create something new is science or art,
-Ha Tenseness and excitement thru base actions or vile acts. Hate against astrology,
degredation of a new science,
-Ze To create tension. To lead end direct energies. To bring about the fall or descent
of values.
-Kr Sudden expansion of an authority. Great tension and expectation caused thru
measures taken by the state,
-Ad To relax thru complete discharge. Satisfaction over a break or breaking off.
Great concentrating on something, to go to the bottomo of things.
-Vu Strong or great success in astrology, Mighty tension and tenseness. Expectation
like a bombshell.
-Po Widening of mental horizon. To reach clarity thru mental exchange with similar
minded people.
Uranus plus Admatos
nags. To tear up. To break up. To break off. To break down, bhock of violent
.~o^]lllCt,on. Mu.n.'fcr. "udden rupture like separation, Dostruccion thru convulsion,
-M To e-tparienc1? nwrdar of cvLclfw, ^cMnotions. To oe in danger of being
m1: rilared,
-Ar Tbe ganarsl public '.s vtidfl" toe impression of violent commotions or events.
To be separated from the general public tbru such violent events.
-fiu Sudden phyi'cal violent commotions and explosions where the life Is andangarad.
Earthquake, broken surface cf tbe earth, plowed fields. Days of physical manaca.
Tbe man who destroys, breaks down, turns something upside down or who plows the 1
As*: Sudden breaking off of connections. Others break off the connections witb the
-M«ijnative. Tbe definite and of connections. Danger of death or murder from others,
-Mo Connections which are suddenly and definitely broken off,
-ila The thinking Is clouded by grave emr.enlty,
-Va Acts or actions which are very much against tact. To wrong or to injure others
or to be wronged,
-Ma Surprising break-off of an activity. Terror, Suppression.
-Ju Sudden material damages, Losses of valuable things thru inattention or thru
indifference, excitement and rastlessnass thru these losses,
-Sa Ennanlties nhcih start suddenly and are of long duration. Hindrances and obstacles
thru the same. Sudden coming of daqth.
-No Revolts and uproars era in van, Tj i=c:,el ugul—scr.cthing in vain.
-PI Sudden drasr.Jc change. The beginning of a devalopLiant which finally leads to clarity
and a clearcut solution.
-Cu Sudden breakoff with a community, club or family. To be shunned by an association.
To be suddenly alone or lonesome.
-Ha Sudden grave illness caused by lack and privation. Grave stomech and intestinal
ailments. Surprisingly sudden great need and want. To detect and uncover secrets,
-Za Surprising start of a difficult task. To enforce the start of work in the face of
grave obstacles.
-Kr Sudden change of the authority. To gat a different government. To ba transferred
to different raspcnsabilitias.
-Ap The satisfaction over the and of a matter, which kept the native under severe
tension. To fsal relaxed,
-Vu Sudden and, c-r beginning of grave suppress ion. To fight suppression. To fight
for freedom,
-Po To suddenly gain clarity of a matter by thorough investigation.

Uranus plus Vulcanus

Sudden eppecranc© of forces, thundervolt, explosion, Electrical blch tension,

mighty tensicn, Motor or horsepower. Greet display of strength, ^lefitric energies.

-M To expres oneself lr. en explosive way. to concentrate all power on one point.
Sudden mighty dioplci of power. A fighting nature. To be suddenly exposed
to the forces of nature,
-At Motorpower. To be connected with violent acts in general. Electric storm.
-Su The body is suddenly exposed to violent acts. Grave danger to the body,
Tre man who handles great energies. Days of great menace.
-Asc To be suddenly exposed to violentacts of others or with others. To live in a
dangerous environment. Danger thru current energies, thru technical medium,
-Mo Power and might of people which are suTprislng. The public is very much
provoked. Hours full of decision. Eventful hours.
-No To be suddenly connected with great energies. To be investigated, examined,
checked or recbocked. To be reckless and inconsiderate. Tc be carried along.
To be dragged along.
-Me News which creates pudden excitement. To act quickly and to make a quick
decision. Actions dictating great hurry, demanding great hurry.
-Ve Durprised to experience great affection, iiuddenly appearing great harmony and
-Ma To be exposed to great dangars, injuries, or violent acts. The acccmplishments
of the current moment,
-Ju Crowded with jou and happiness (blissfulnesa).
-Sa To suddenly feal oneself extremely hindred, to suddenly experience the bitter
taste of depandency.
-Ne Sudden surprising powerlessness, diseppolntment, and to be forced out of activity.
-PI Sudden energy in or of action(cinamal. Powers set into motion. A mighty develop
ment and change occurs with surprising suddenness.
-Cu Violent commotion in a community, society or family, or marriage,
-Ha To be exposed and subjected to great baseness and vile acts.
-Ze Great energlee directed towards one point. To accomplish the purpose,
mighty stored up energies.
-Kr Surprisingly sudden great might and Independence,
-Ap Many are waiting expectantly, they are longing for a change, waiting for a change
in existing conditions,
-Ad Great ruins. Sudden grave nisfortun?. Great defeat and supprassion. Usaless
-Po To suddenly exercise mental powar and influence. To suddenly gain great insight,
and to arrive at clear results.
Uranus plus Poseidon

Truth, Light, Phosphorus, Clearing, enlightenment. Propaganda, Moving pictures.

Television, oigns of live. To be lively or to be alive. Mental tension. Mentally
alert. The torch bearer.

-M Mental preparedness and tenseness. Toistrive for light, knowledge and truth.
To be mentally alive and alert.
-Ar Motion pictures, Allghtenaent. To carry out propaganda. iSager expectations of
the general public, brou^it into motion thru ideas. Mental alertness in general,
-Su To be excited or provoked thru opinions, ideas or thoughts. The man who appears
as tha bearer of an idea, who represents an idea, or conviction, who incites
propaganda. Days of mental tension and tenseness,
-Asc To instill irlsas in others, to stimulate them mentally or to be stimulated.
To spread enlightenment and propaganda together with others. Showing motion
pictures to a community,
-Mo Persons who are mentally alert. Public propaganda. Propaganda for political
elections. Persons who are posessed with an idea. Hours of mental tenseness and
-No To be connected with representatives of an idea. To have dealings with propagan-
-Me To send or leceive a sign of life. To become tense as the result of new ideas.
Visionary recognition,
-Ve Harmony and harmonious relations, wnich result from faith, religion and the same
view of life,
-Ma To press energetically for diligence and attention. To demand conscientiousness,
-Ju Lick thru carefulness end diliganco. To be conscientious. Happiness and success,
-Sa Light or 7.ife axtinguishers. Death occurs. One gives up,
-»e Not rac.ogni2j.r1g the truth, to deveiva onesolf, to twist the truth around. To be
deceived. To make relieve, to deceive.
-PI To awake interoat, to give mental stimulant. To create light, to back truth and
-Cu To explain, to clear up, to enlighten together with others. Mars, Uranus and
Poseidon in the axis give clarity.
-Ka To bring light and clarity ipto an evil and dark or obscure matter. To make
things of the past come to lefe again.
-Ze To enforce or insist upon a clarification or a clearcut statemant,
-Kr To settle accounts with the boss, tha State, tha authorities. To check. To be
under great tension,
-Ap To bring many under one's mental influence, to enlighten them, to inspire them,
to stimulaT.e them mentally. To find others of the senfi kind with similar ideas.-
-Ad To search to the bottom, to end such a search. Diminishing of mental tenseness.
To relax mentally. To be noted in a narrow circle,
-Vu To be a great mental stimulant, to create mental tensenass, to draw mighty
atrentior. Forceful insight and ciearsight.

Neptune plus Neptune

Deoepticns. Losses. Dissolutions,
Palseuood, lying;, lo be ^riatly deceived. lo be sensitive or intuitive,
-Ar Deceptions. Ceneral losses. The air. The sea. Chaos. Confusion. Uncertaintiea.

-Su Feebleness of the body. Sensitiveness, jiquals I.:a plus Sa, deaths,
-Asc To be deceived by others.
-Mo Inspiration, bnesitxvity. Air in motion.
-No aepsrations. Connections with swindlers.
-Me Imagination, Wealth of thought. Intuitive tninking,

-Ve Disappointment in love. To be deceived in one's affections.

-Ma Infections. Failures. Destruction.
-Ju Money transactions. Speculations. Imagined happiness. Uncertain possession.
-Sa Theft. Fraud. Losses. Pestilence or plague. Losses at sea.
-Ur Sudden dlsagreable events. To cause sudden confusion and deception of a revolutionary
""PI ^ kind. Equals Ma plus Sa, deaths.
— Mtf
-Ze ^Failures. Impotence. Scalds. Lquals Ar, bums Equals Ma, infections.
-Kr Misfortune to one's superiors. Misfortune to the father. To confuse the boss
or the authorities. Toi make it difficult for them.
-Ap Masses of water and masses of air. Deception of many.
-Ad To make water into icet to change the agregate also the opposite, to tbaw, to soften.
-Yu Mighty deception or dissolution.

-Po Steam, apirituslization. Enthusiasm. Fanaticism.

-Ma plus Sa equals Su , death in an airship, or -Ma/Sa equals Su.
-Ne/na plus Ma/Sa , death in the sea.
KtspUjne pl.'ja Piuto
Changes which are not not; cei exterra."iy o-.eak'.r.f, r-ransfornii'ico?„ Change? only
recognized In the future. Secrer-e.-,

-K To develop toe future iron tne pa. To he in a deveiooaiant or transformation,

where the consequac.tes for tne future cannot be visualized. One cannot estimate
the effect of certain things. Tc stay hidden, to keep ih the background,
-Ar Changes in general whvb cannot c.o estimatoa :-.cvre -tiy.
-du Unncticable changes In the body tnvu ur-snging tna node ot living, different diet,
different, wa3' of nouri shment. I-omecpathi c medecuirt.
-Asc Changes in the place which create uncertainties. One recognizes the change but
not the direction toe change will tuko.
-!.Io Parsons ?,-ho slowly and unnoficably change their attitude towards the native. It
cna also mean tr.c public or -sp^cicily woman. Mysterious persons.
-No Connecticns which slowly ccme and go. nardly noticed.
-4Je The beginning of a slow transformation in perception and tiiinking. Perception
gained thru intuition, ^ews or knowledge where tne r-^l meaning is only partly
conceived. The ability to hide the teal thoughts eni keep secrets.
-Ve The hardly noticable heg-.nnng of a pleasant change.
^Ba To work without planning, without using tne head,
-Ju The beginning of a fortunate change, which is not recognized at once. To hide
something successfully,
-Sa A developxitint which finally leads to des tract ion.
-Ur A slow and sneaking development is suddenly interrupted or pushed ahead with a
jar. Revolutionary development which suddenly takes on foim.
-Cu Slow changes in the family or home, like being secretly promised or engaged.
Departing of members of the family thru slow sickness, orsecret family matters,
which are hidded from the public.
-Ha Sickness with an epidemic character. Low and vile treachery behind one's back.
-Ze Secret arms, concealed weapons, secret arming. To keep one's activities in
secret. To practice secretly, Secret ciders,
-Kr Abilities develop unnoticed, slow changes in relation to the boss, to superiors,
or to the authorities.
-Ap Sneaking changes for many, Unniticable transformations and changes in science.
The unnoticabla begmnirg of tne and of e future science or science of the future,
-Ad From tne bottom up transformations thru dissolution.
-Vu In sport; the final spurt, home ran, A secret development which by force strives
for a decision and becomes public. In therapy; cricis or lancing of a sore
-Po Mental relaxation and entertainment.

Neptune plue Cupido

Unfortunate for parents. Shortage in housing. Inharmony in the family, disharmony

in associations.
-M Grief thru marriage. To be part of the dissolution of a union. To dissolve
agreements or contracts.
-At General dissatisfaction with marital institutions, or with communal associations.
Dissolution of a community of many. Dissolution of a family. To move away.
-Su Unfortunate (unhappy) husband.
-Asc To enter into a precarious marital union. To be unmarried. Not lasting marriage,
-Mo Unfortunate (unhappy) wife. Unhappy populace.
-No To make connections which turn out to be unsatisfactory. To break off connections.
-Me Infidelity in married life. Marriage swindle. To think of wishing for a separation
of marriage. Thoughts of sorrow and sadness thru dissolution of the family.
Housing shortage.
-Ve Deception in love. Breach of promise to marry, Inharmony in love marriage.
Squals J'u/Pl, getting better living quarters.
-Ma Impotence of infection of the husband. Quarrels in housing matters,
-Ju Extravagance (dissipation) in unhappy married life. Housing shortage.
-Sa Separation of a mlsmated marriage. Dissolution of associations or organizations.
A sickness beclouds a marriage or organization. Obstacles.
-Ur Sudden ruptune m married life. Sudden crash or grief in married life thru death
or accident. Sudden revolutionary dissolution. Sudden events in a secret
organi zetlon.
-PI Increase or decrease of housing shortage, according to the position of Pluto,
Changes thru secret orders or societies. The beginning of dissolutions of
-Ha Disgusting conditions in poor marital state. Difficulties or trouble thru a
community or housing shortate. Squals Ma, quarters for soldiers in war or
rasnouvers. To be housed for the time being, emergency.
-Ze Many childmr. in poor marriage. Lack of shelter due to fire. Black s heep in
the family. Military camps, barracks, arraories,
-Kr Marriage separarad by the authorities. Associations dissolved by the State,
Discord or disunity among the leaders cause dissolution,
-Ap Dissolution of expanded cotpcration or associations. Great housing shortage.
Breaking up of many families, ixpansic-n cf secret societies.
-Ad Lonliness thru unhappy marriage. To be deserted. Separation from alliances
and friends. Losses in a partnership. To be deceived end defrauded.
-Vu Families er associations separated by force.
-Po Dissolution of a club for relaxation or entertainment. Failure of an association
with political or cultural ideals. To be unsuccessful in founding such an
Neptune plus Hedea

Water catastrophes-. Dropsy. Lack of air. Damages thru error, la'ik of lucidity,
deception, decay or water.

-M To drown oneself. To drown, bea-farer. To suffocate. Subjected to grave

deceptions. To commit oneself to gr-aet danger.
-Ar Floods, Tidal waves. The native deceives himself about his relations to the
surroundings end the ganarel world. Also the environment may not be sure how
it feels about the native,
-Su Denger In woter. Death by drowning, bee (voyages. Weakening, danger of infection.
Danger of destruction of the body.
-Asc. Sickness o- death By water or dropsy. To be deceived about the relations to
the near nurro'-inii»gs• Others fee?, de eivad or dtsappomtad about the native,
they expected something Ufferent.
-Mo Cloudbursts. Tr'ater on the trains. Daacb in small bodies of water. Deception,
unpleasant things or 'nciarity thru fnaale persons or In the public.
-No To experience water catastrophes. Cloudbursts, To axpariance dLssappolntments
in connection with others. To deal with liquids,
-Me Paving madne.cs. Diseases of the brain. To think of sea voyages, Confused
thinking, not to concentrate, to lose control of the summary, to be confused,
-Ve Deception and meanness In love. Longing for water, bo be attracted by surroundings
with lota of water,
—Ma Destruction and death hy water. Tc make efforts in vain, useless work. Naval wars.
War vessels, j£que?..ej Ze, boiling water, steam.
-Ju Swindle enterprises. Waste, Tuberculosis of the lungs. Good luck in water
catastrophes. Bathing, uquels Ja, to fall into the water, to jump into water.
To be lucky with water or liquids.
-Sa Losses thru floods or water, oarlous sickness. Tc founder of rail into the water.
To experience hindrances thru deceptions, mistakes or other vile circumstances,
fivi 1 smelling liquids like sewage.
-Ur Death and rains thru water netastrophies. "order in connection with revolutionary
-PI Mistakes that are detected too lets. The beginning of decay or rotting,
-Cu Poor houaing ronditiuns. Poor and unhappy marriages. Quarrels or signs of dissol-
ution In a community.
-Ze Water cetastrophies in the navy. Gurnt by steam, to drown oneself.
7/aated energies or efforts. Deeds or acts of the past era of great Hindrance for the
-Kr Death and ruin in ruling cirniee, :r. the state or in the navy. To experience evil
thTV or with pjilng persons,
-Ap Many are under the mflueTjce of sl:ohol. Quantities of liquids. Chemical science.
Evil fumsc and vapors. Hopes for r.ha future, which never are realized. Water
systems nrae-ks. rivers, straans, o'.eans.
-Ad Death thru cold and starvation. Al UTi.-uts caused by cvld and dampness. The water
in the gr.'uma, snow, ks.
-Vu Coming—jp darger, During en-l eiterpr. se?,
-Po Mistokts tiiri "k cf nvr-tal Ij'.-icit,,

-Ma/Sa Ce-j tb bv drown? ago


Napnuno pi'. 3 Z-.Uvi

Inf leauaabla ge-; ^ ijter'. li t.y. fuel. a».i-aa. Consealed weapons. Creative
iraagination, Wasted energies.

JU Ponpous person. Hot fcempared.

-Ar Gae war. iixplcding pases. Destn-tton of comiaoa property by war.
Destmccicn of suel m-n&.s. Unroj^aes-srijl waring. Defeats in war.
-ou SsaW-bums. Choke danp. Prj'tles.s work. Tbe nan who makes efforts in vain.
Days of vu^u-f::l work.
-Asc To be scslfJed by others. To be for--ad to a::x with people who are show-offs,
Unsurcessful s-.t;vH .e • with'-.-. Hqual-i Ma, to be wounded or killed with
f 1 rearrr.-i *
—ImC Racing msd. Persons who .show erf, K:ght, nnoed in vain. Creative
i rug! nation.
-Kg bponterscus union w. th cci.seq-r-ov.1 r^epara'-lor-.
-IJe Spon».ai;uoJ." sxc-iutio:; of ppjaiiar To think of secret or concealed weapons,
-Ve Made unv-ipi v hY.r> i-rre wi t.r.i.r.t oor.seq-cjterll5 2.atiou of a woman. The
hegioning c-f I 1 ir.; or-, en-i of progeny,
-Me jSnergy cc pow-'T pv,c c.\ t- '."'•ir.g ges or iiqvlb. J>qu&la Ss/U, to he killed by
burning gee cr motor po«e/. Undltabled or nr.-cntrelied powers.
Anarchy, xfiqoels Ha, oh'.orofenr^d, ic be put to ftleep* Kotive power distroyed by
-Jo. Productive ell wells, 1 UnexpcCt-. J geir.. Luck in alcohol.
-tie Damages caused t-y bur* >ng gaase#:. Distilling of fire-water.
-Ur Ges and gesclire motors. iSvp'iosioit of c-nrn&bla gas, Rovcldtlonary activities, to want
to fcr"e a revolution, aquals fife, injured bj, burning gas.
-PI To work quietly, in oolitude, Tc perform one's duties quietly. Increased accom-
pli sbmencs which are not not met le on tha surface. To develop concealed weapons,
-C-j Unfulfilled promise to marry, ixpressicnisfic art. Rafuaal of proposed marriage.
Difficulties in establishing oommcti working agreements,
-Ha Damages caused fy • boKe-damp, F-re looses by gaa mixtures, ^quala Ma, hindranoa
or destruction of work-pow-ar. aiquals Sa/Su, losses by fire damage (air).
11 ium InatJ ng ga r,. Dana g » t o st asm c r,g' i,e i.
-Kr Oi'dered ga? attacks, works or oil fields. Great political
effcrta without .
-Ap Quantities of gas. Qiantitiec of 11 q > ■. d fuels. Creative accompli shmenta in a
new science,
-Ad To work unsj'- eusfully on a small sifeia or in a narrow spaca. To l^a forced to
pToju',« under very dW;fi."ult u'cumutancas and under grave pressure,
-Via Mighty but uselesy and waef.e-1 '-ffn -j.
-Po Fru.tlo*.? i , b'iageroi.s • . Di.'.Solut• or. of mental compulsioc.
-Me /Mo Au t cmo r:le,
Neptune plui Kcocoz

Jncoinpetact. maneg^Qjen. Djp.;cnw«-y. Vapor. A<r.; iQcaptlon. The great

ur.certai3T.y, unlirr.ltefi, The ken-si fon&ii'a for the great diplomats,
-M Inccnpeter.c as manager o*- leader,
-Ar Iij-cmp-otence in r-jiing :.*.lev, Tl-.e general paMlo lives under wrong ingress ions,
is kepn ?o t--he wrong impression i;* increased,
-Sv. The disiapponifng manage:-. 1 The meci who is under ths wrong impression, who
is deceived, who pleys e gam * of de-.epcson, Pays on cbioh the native is
involved in deeepricn or leii9iv«ag.
-As^ To he •'nvolved in ♦'be dsaclutier, of an estahliahment.
-Mo Great acccmp-llshsiant thru serva'tivenese. Air trip". People who deceive others
by lash of sincerity.
-So Ccmnesticn wi'-.h ln«ff ? • 'sr.', manQgcmcfit. or manager. To experience maneuvers of
deception. Compellei to have dealings with insincere people. Secret doings,
understandings, agreement a.
-Ue Inventions. Great ideas. Unworkable Ideas,
-Ye Abbeys. Great thru sacrificing love. T/lshesa and desires in matters of love
which cannot ha fviifllled or acc-ompli shad,
-Ma Fruitless attacks. Great daada without success. Accidents in aeronautics.
Crash. Equals Ha, shying away from work and to bo e drunkard,
^Ju Great extravagance. Shrinking of property or holdings.(inflation). Money
cornea easy and go^s easy. Equals M, fortunate diplomatic leadership.
-Sa Loesas thru a break down in management,
-Ur Sudden successful intervention of a govarnmantal power. A revolution from abova,
a revoluf i.ctj supported by r.he govez-nmeht,
-PI To develop political and liplomatlc atiJ.I.tiec. To lead something from the back-
ground. To datoi*- and publicize iQcon^-etort. leadership.
-Cu Marriagas that are -loudai thru pad laws (poor laws*. To give up the managamant
of an associa+ion or corporaf.on. Hidden or secret abilities, kept secret-
underground movemant.
-Ha Cataatrophy In the govammect. xA firm or a leader ruined by misfortune.
-Ze Wars with negative results for the govarmnent. Air war. Mr force. Air air arms,
-Ap Many feel themselves deceived by their leadership. Great failure of management.
-Ad Failure thru poor management. Downfall of a management, which is incompetent.
Heavy bodies in unlimited space. Bodies or planets. Equals Cu, astrologer.
Equals Ze, creative accomplishment in this field.
-Vu Mighty deception thru incompetent leadership. Diplomacy of a graat power.
-Po Fhilura in mental laadarship. To refuse mental leadership. Highminded, fine
mental attitude.
-Ur/Ha Accidnet in aaronautics with death as a consequence.
Neptune p ;.ns Apollcn
Masses of sir, ga" or water. Occult science, ciclenee of the future- Chemis-try.
Deception on a large c-sle. riibe?2lanent.s. Dissolution on a large scale,
-M To be un<ier a grand illusion or rreet deceptioa. To scientifically reveal the
future. To d<? ur.;oTteln with many a bo; t thft future. To look or go into
the future n'tfc. To be an ember.
-Ar The general uncertai nr y a'out the future. The general deception about the future.
Corrupt i or.
-Su The man with phony illusions ah cur the fut-.-ra. Uncertainty about the future.
Favorable days fcr occult sciecc. The isan who is involved in embezzlements,
or ratters of corruption,
-Aso Others try to de'-ei vf* rhe nari.-ff. Detection of en embezzlement or deception.
The truth shows up,
-No To be connected with people who twist the tmtn, who ere insincere.
-Ma To be deceived by fenaie pernons, to c-rperionce dlssppo-rtments with them.
The public or people who feel r.hercolves deceived.
-Me The thoughts,, opinions or- or.versationa are devAptive. also to clear up mistakes
to remove deceir..
-Ve To deceits oneself m one 's c.-wn effcctionc. Dislike turns into affection and
affection turns into nste. Fla'ie Iv-ve and friendship. I,5ako believe friendship,
-Ma Activities in occultism. To work in e scientific unknown field. Activity without
success, wasted efforts.
-J"u To live under c fortunate illusic;. f-:, .ssek one's heppinoss in occult science.
To penetrate and ebscrb a nes sc jcube suioassfully.
-Se Deception of or for mcny of long duration. Unclean mathoas of deceiving of many.
-Ur Many awake suddenly to the truth. Change of mood.
-PI From small begirr.'ngs to moss duus;.'1 on end fraud,
-Cu Many dissolutions cf marriages anr'. psrtaor-.hips.
-Ha Chemical science. To drain, to water. Ill vapors, gases, bad smelling matters,
-Ze Useless activities., Wasted afforti. Creative activities i.n occult science,
-Kr Authority in occult matters. Grear. failure of leading parsons. Diplomatic
-Ad Bankruptcies, breakdowns, economic d i esc rut ion:--. The UBrket is down.
Dying economies,
-Vu To e.xpariance a greet disappo1. ct^enc,
-Po To experience lack, of understanding :.-i nlghly mental or spiritual things with others.
».T>e ^ VM b Adrift ♦c.=

Lock of wa tft r o Lack cf air. I-c : suf. s. y pc'son or drinks. NdT:oti^s Cold air,
Ice, turning jnu- De:av, i-t*, » To -cfcange fron one aggregate to anothero
-&I To change Into a dltferein ccaditlcr.. Tu .coma in-;.o different circ'imscancos.
To enter into a naw fom of Lajng. To changa the profession.
-Ar To change the form of coinp- m got.era;. To an tar new corn •. U ons.
-Su The ror.d: t• on cf the hc.iy '-Innge-. To clisr.g« to a diffecect aggregeta condition.
Freezing to death, to r/c.a«r. The wtn *ho antars different iinng conditions. Days
when the weather .-hsngec.
-Aac Change in relction to tn^«B;ect or tu oth';- peopl4*. Others experience changes
In the enifi rorme.nt, ent^r into new fom-- or neing.
-IuO People, nbc public, several persons. or woman eApenonce changes in their form of
-No To be part or to suffer •h-ings^ to naw conditions of living.
-Ke Speeches, writings, opinions or tho^.ghts aho-it ne* foms of being.
-Ma Changes of conditions in reiatic-n t.c. work. To TfCrk under changed conditions,
Tc work for changes and 'tnprovw^i.t s, '"or r?"t-?r living condttionn.
-Jxi Happy and fortunate changes it:- re i etc or. to living conditions.
-3a Slow change cf cund:-1-ors. The prenen" .-.c-ndi t; ons start slowly changing.

-Ur Sudden glaring trsnA^crmnticr,- -t' .iir'rig ■:■-.r,dit^ons or forms cf being,

-PI hardly notjciflft bag; r.n: ng of coinp lately ■changing the fonns of being.
-Cu Charges in living conditions for rno,
• Hm (f
-Ze ti To fight r.o survive jr.der mo.-..t d.ff'i -.It ci rcums tare as and without a prospect
of H'jfitesa .

-Kr Changes ordersJ 'ry the autrori* :■ =. The government sets up new scandarda
of living.
-Ap Many cnengo tnoir wcy of living.
-Vu Mighty ohongerf of ■•o- present t\ rji,. t living and conditions.
-Pc Citange" :t.-uj" or cp: n t-oJ. . o-'ept of t-e'ng.
Neptune plus Vulcanus
Tc be without power, mignt, strength or influence. Mighty deception or disappointaent.
Power one cannot hear or aoe. The might of the fine material forces.
-M To feel mighty disappointed. To experience a great disappointment. Easily
to deceive or defraud.

•Ar To Ivve thru a great disappointment with the general world, or the general world
is deceived by the native, or the reverse,
-As: To experience through others a great deception or disappointment. To be deprived
thm others of influence and power.
-Si: To te pbyslcallv without strength, to succumb. The man who feels weak and without
spirit, who does not want to or cannot, pull himself togather.

-Mo Women, the public or persons who are greatly deceived and feel the deception.
-Ko Mancevers of deception. To deceive others successfully,
-Me Mighty intuitive thinking. Also to be greatly mistaken ine one's opinion.
-Ve To be greatly dacelvod in one's love and affections, to be without any power of

—Ms Suspension of activity, might or influence. Destruction of great values and forces;
which can be very destructive,

-Ju To be pleasantly disappointed. Unexpected easily earned money also money lessee.
-oa Tc be Ofepareted or incarcerated for a long and Indefinite duration. Long priaon
erc. Indefinite oapcivity.

-'Jr To be suddenly suspended, to lose one's freedom or liberty to act.

-PI Uunoticable initlatioo of great changes,
-Ou To go into e partnership, wnich is dissolved soon,

-He To ce powerless in the face of misery, worries, and lack. To be unabla to cope
wirh dangers and bad forces.
-!l- To revo-r in vain against force and necessitiea.

-Kr PL-worlessnese of the boss or the government. The authorities are unabla to carry on,
chev rail m their leadership.
-Ap Great ccheme of swindles. Destruction of prosperity. Inflation. Detection of
(ifsat ccrrip'jon.
-V'iti '/ of the present fonns of living or being.
-P.- Mei.viviirs of uecspt 10.1 with nsku believe cr faked facts.
Neptuce plus Poseldor
High minded, aLstrs:*., things, mat+.t'rs, affair?, refraction of light, mirror, looking-
glasa, misrepresentation of fa«t.?, false pretences, the wrong spirit, the wrong view cf
life, false Ideas and views, the falsa credo. The wrong faith. MetephyiU.fl, Mirage

-M To he -jnder the Influence and the .'.npreasion cf the wrong faith end the wrong view
of life. To be considered e follower of tho wrong faith which is pernicious and
highly destructive. To understand oneself, to study oneself.
-JLr The general false faith. The generality has the wrong attJtuda towards religion,
It euccambs to great errors.
-Su The men who follows the wrong faith, who advocates a destructive doctrine, who
works for the destruction of ar'ating doctrine or world concept. The 11 aed
man, the mah who knows himself.
-Asa Others who follow the wrong faith, who advocate the erroneous faith.
-Uo Persona or the public who are fanatics, who are under the Influence of erroneous
-No To have dealings with desperate people, to be connected with highly developed occult
people. To be fooled by erroneous occult teachings.
-Me Thoughts about fine mental things, debates about them. Prepared to accept occult
thoughts, to accept them intuitively. False assertions.
-Ve Harmony in fine mental or occult things. Sensitiveness for such things. To be
pleased with one?s own mirrored reflection.
-Ma To refute a doctrine, a Jfcith, en Idea, or the concept of the world for moral
reasons. To withdraw from something under false pretext.
-Ju To remain hidden. To successfully pretend. To be fortunate in highly placed mental
-Se To unsuccessfully pretend. False education. False basic educational rules and Ideas.
-Ur To suddenly realize the truth. To gain surprising new knowledge of highly mental
end occult connections. Mental revolution, to rid oneself of the false concept end
to turn to the truth.
•^1 To be a miaaionary. Eagerness to convert people. They are the wise, who gain truth
thru error, they are the fools who adhere to their errors. To arrive at a high
mental concept of the world. Equals M, to come to the realization of oners entity.
-Cu Highly spiritual art. Attending theatres. Motion pictures about art and artists.
-Ha Falsa concept of the world caused by stupidity or thickheadedness.
-Za To try in vein to pretend. Mental creation out of a false concept.
-Kr A great pretender who appears or wants to give the impression of great Importance.
■^Ap Many have the flase concept of the world. Many on an equal plane hide their
opinions, they are not sincere.
-Ad Collapse of false ideas.
-Vu Impressive false front. Croat accomplishments in highly mental or occult fields.
Pluto plus Pluto
Transforaiation. Develcpmant. Llatanorphose. Innedlate past. Inner change. Perception.
-M The own transfonnation and development. Inner transfomation.
To appear to be a oompletely different person.

-Ar General transformation and change. A "push" in the development.

-Su Physical transfcunation, development and change. Also thru the changes in living
conditions end feed. Changed function of the glands and in the circulation of
the fluids.
-Aac To be transient in a place. Changes in or around the place.

-Mb Women, persons, the public who change, who show a different face, who change
their .character.
-No Change of the situation tnru new connections.
-Me Development and change of thinking, of the opinion, of the outlook on life, of
the undarstandingo
-Ve Harmon Leas cvevelopmant and transfonnation.

-Mb Transfoimation and change in the activity, in the work, in the working conditions.
To hold two jobs at the same time, to do two different kinds of work. Change in
the occupation. Plans.

-Ju The fortunate development.

-Sa Interruption of the development. Hindrance and slowing up. Changes thru separation.
-Ur The development starts with a jar or shock.
-Ne Sneaking crisis. Transformation and change below the surface,

-Cu Changes in the family, or human society. Tradition. Birth and death. Ancestors
and descendants.
-Ha The aifcuaticn gets worse. An evil change.
-Ze Duty bound. Increase In accomplishnant•

-Kr Certified and approved test. Lastcry. To prove one s ability. A great change.
-Ap A larga change. To start smell, end grow big.
-Ad Deep reaching transformation, Cnaage from the bottom up.
-Vu Mighty cbenge ic circuosxancfes .

-Po Mental end spiritual transforma tier and developmant. Change in religion, in the
view cf life and of the world.
Pluto plus Cupido
Tradition. Changes in the family like betrothal, wedding, birth, death. Changes in
the human society, human partnership. Crowing club. Development of art. Building
up a collection.
-M Taking part in the transformation of the human society. To become a member of
another club. Change in the social surroundings.

-At General social transformations. The change of the structure of iiuman society,
-Su The man who Is or will be placed In changed social surroundings, who has to cope
with such things daily. To be an active partner in building up an organization.
To be a member of an association.
-As Change in soclai conditions, relations. To experience with others the transfor-
mation of a social structure,
-Mo A people changes its face, it changes the looks end the being. Changes of the
public conditions,
-No To be connected with changed conditions of being,
-Me The thoughts are on the changes in the family, or on general social conditions,
-Ve Pleasant transformation and change of familiar or other social relations,
-Ma Social activities with others. Incorporations. Work of the civil administration.
To take part in social progress,
-Ju Happy and fortunsto development of familiar and social relations, Happy and
fortunate family.
-Sa Parting from the family thru marriage, moving or death. Leaving the civil service
or a corporation.
-Ur Sudden unconnected transformation cf human relatior.. To suddenly find oneself
in a changed environment. Surprising chenge of family conditions,
-Ne Uncertain social and family cocditicns. Dissolution of a family or partnership.
To quit a corporation or society.
-He Sad social and family conditions. Welfare department,
-Ze Military tradition. Family Increase, Member of a family of soldiers. Army
unites in the state of development.
-Kr The form of government. Development end build up of a system of government.
Rebuilding of a State,
-Ap Complete transformation and change in social position or social circumstances
• quo' or social surroundings,
-Vu The social surroundings experience a drastic change. Families and communities
have a great increase. For a nation or a country it signifies increase of the
population and land or territory.
-Po Building or developing of a religious philoscphical society.
Pluto plus Hades

Refusal. Daniel. Failure to act. An evil change. The situation or condition worsens.
-U Personal failure to act. Decadence. Never to get a start. Decline.
To be unreliable.
-Ar General decline. Symptoms of deterioration of decadence. General depravity and
break down.
-Su The man who physically fails, whose body is deteriorating.
-Asc Dealing with people who cannot dope with the difficult physical demands, whe fail*

-Mc People without discipline and order. Decline of people. Persons unreliable.
•No To be connected with humans, things, films, who are unreliable, untenable in the
-Me Erroneous Ideas'and opinions. News that the situation grows worse.
-Ve Faked affections, unreliable in love.
-Me Corrupt and degenerate and develish plans and manipulations.
-Ju A fortunate turn in a bed situation. To correct and eliminate mistakes.
-Sa A bad situation grows wors.
-Ur TO get in or out of a surprising bad situation.
-Ne To get slowly, unnoticably and irrestibly into an evil situation. Sneaking
• Cv,/' crisis of the most evil kind. Going down. Break down. Deterioration.
-Ze v Useless efforts, wasted strength. To make efforts in vain.
-Kr Failure of leadership. Incompetent government. The incompetent chief or boss.
Equals Za, bad leadership in war, incompetent generals. Breakdown of a war*
-Ap An evil development which starts vary small, grows and grows bigger.
-Ad First symptoms of a deep seated transformation. Changes which first are called
of a few times, until they succeed,
-Vu A misfortune rarely comes alone. Everything goes wrong. Going down in leaps and
bounds. The situation is much worse.
-Po To be without a backbone in religion or world concept. To despair as far as God
and good are concerned. Teterioration of faitta.
Pluto plus Zeus
Increase or efforts. AtteriJicg to duty. To start something new. [ncrosse of duties,
Transfcrmaticna in the immedidte vicinity.
-U Sense of duty. To be oonscientioas. To take over a duty or a problem.
Eagerness to produce. The own impulse.
-Ar General eagernrtss to prod-ice. Problems everyone has to face,
-Su The man who increases, or is ssked to Increase physical efforts. Daily obligations.

-A-ift Others have to increase efforts, or others force the native to increase afforts,
-Mo The public changes its face In connection with enforced perfoTmence of duty.
-No To make a beginning, to start work, to tackle a problem.
-Mo To be at work with one's thoughts. To direct one's thoughts to one goal.
-Ve The pleasant duty. Marital duties. Duties of a mother. Housework.
-Ma Rules of the bouse. Planning of housekeeping. Obligations of landlord. Duties
of the father. Military duty.
-Ju Gladly accepted duties,* Satisfaction out of performence of duty.

-6a Badly performed duty. To get around of perfoiming duties, to avoid duties.
£quals Asc, others shirk duty.
-Ur To suddenly accept a duty by inner Impulse and wholeheartedly perfoim It. The
inner necessity for duty,
-Ne Duties which are performed in vain. Wasted efforts.
-Cu To increase power and accomplishment by uniting or coordinating, Fou"'H»ie nf *
club. Increase of marriages. The duties of the founding families.
-Ha Bad housekeeping. To neglect the duties of e father, Adversarlee 01 compulsory
military duties. Equals Ve, naglect of duties as a mother. Equals Ma, to neglect
the duties of e father.
-Kr To reach the top of production. To be forced Co accomplish the maximum. The ^oss
or the chief or the gonemment demanding the impossible thing.

-Ap Performing one's duty under pleasant circumstances or conditions. Easy work.
Success incites.

^Ad Performance of duty under the most difficult circumstances. To have to overcome
the greatest difficulties at the start.
-Vu To make mighty efforts. Great change In duties which have to be performed.
Increase of duties,
-Po To develop a new wey to see the world. To show the duties to be derived from
such doctrine.

Pluto plus Kroros

Development of ebility or sk'7.1. Chengea in the form of government. iSzamlnatlons•

Testing. Pupil. Helper. Master. Change of boss. The kernel formula for the
new-rich, for the selftoade man. To grow in height to ascend in rand.

—If To develop and show one's ability. Subjected to great tests In destiny as well
as in daily life. To experience a great rransformation.
-At Great changes and transfoimations in general.
-Su The man who experiences a great change of his physical functions. Days which bring
decided changes. To change one's diet.
-Asc To experience thru others or with othero a great change. Great changes at the
place. To be developed together with others. Equals Mb/Ze, to start the years of
-Uo Dealing with persons under the impression of great changes and transformations*
People experience greet changes and transformations. Women who succeed.
-No To be affected by great changes of others, which cause changes in the own connectlsns.
-Me Thoughts, news, talk about great changes.
-Ve The authorities, the government, chief, tne boss prefer the native in connection
with great changes.
-Ma Autocratic plans and acts. The activities are checked and watched. Equals Ha,
failure of the own plans and activities. To be checked and watched by the secret
-Ju The beginning of a fortunate development. Favors thru the boss or superiors.
-Sa Great changes caused by seperation. The fail of a government. The end of a form
of government.
-Ur Sudden decrees and enactments which moderate reform activities, mske them ineffective,
-Ne A slowly starting government crisis, which only causes the downfall in after years.
Unnoticed great transformation. The great cloak of invisibility.
-Cu Great changes in the family or human society. Traditions reinstated or restituted
by the government. Reactionary measures.
-Ha Evil changes caused by meanness and treachery.
-Zo Transformation and developments pushing ahead by increased efforts. The start of
increased production.
-Ap From a tiny start developing great trsnsformation. Great changes for many.
Many are examined, tested.
-2a Transformation and developments pushing ahead by increased efforts. The start of
increased production,
-Ad Transformation in a small circle. Dsop reaching change for a few. Equals Me, to
be subjected to chicanery and trickery.
-Vu Mighty chengee enforced by the power of tne stete. To make oneself e top men.
-Po Greet transformation in world concept. Mental or spiritual Influence causes great
changes, Hlgnly mental or spiritual development,

Pluto plus Apollon

From small start to great importance. Development of a scJenee, Far reaching and
expanded transformations. First time occurance with great consequences. To grow or
express In all directions. ^Hislness enlargement, extension.
-M To own ability to develop. To collect experiences. To move in a new direction
of development. To start something new. To develop a new science. To experience
large changes.
-At General changes which start from nothing, and grow and grow but slowly.
-6u The man who experiences incisive changes in his daily life, i'ays which bring
large changes. Transfonnetion In the bodily rythm.
-Asc Others cause a large change in the life of the native. Beginning of a big change
at the place.
-Mo Gases of precedence. First time events in the public, Events to which later on
reference is often made.
-No To create new cases of precedence.
-Me Thoughts, opinions or debates about transformations and changes. To be under
the influence of a great change.
-Te The beginning of a love. Marty expect pleasant change.
-Ma Far reaching change in actitity. Equals Ha, thru effects of war.
-Ju One time gain. An event with pleasant consequences.
-Sa One time happenings without consequences. No results.
-Ur Sudden change of the situation, or development with incisive consequences for
the future,
-Ne Great transformation below the surface, which the public does not notice. Slow
beginning of large dissolution.
-Cu Deep reaching large tranaformation In a community or family. Events which con-
cern a newly established partnership cr family. New orders or rules of living
with others, first measures. Family books. Family hiatcry. Birth registration.
-Ha To shirk, to get out of a thing, avoiding to do something. Backing out of some-
thing. To avoid a general changa. Refusing to accept changes.
-Ze Easier work, Equals Kr., great fra reaching changes in execution of war. The
fortune of war changes. Development of new arms.
-Kr Great changes in a State, In politics, in the government.
-dd" Suspension of development in a small circle. To be satisfied. Radlcalchange
for a few,
-Vu Great transfoimatlon with extraordinary consequences for the future,
-Po Radical transfoimatlons in the ccn-.ept of the world with or by friends, colleagues,
ccsnrads, etc.
Pilit.C pi'^S ArtP-3-OS
Baa^: changes. Radical tran>f---tr.eions, To gw into cha depth. To return to the basic
or:gn* Deeply roc tad growths, Rcctf.. The foundation.

-M To face conplexaiy chang-sd conditions. To be able to change^ Pliable. To find

one'"s way Under coaipletaly -.hengad condlr.icr.,5.
-A.r Changed generii ;oriaiti'0115 affa;t tha Q* Ive, malrlng the best of it.
-Su The glandular syttaiu of ii>s tod/ oriangwj ..cij.-Sotili . The man who experiences a
deep raacblng transfornHtion ;i: relation t.c hia physical being. Changed course of
the day, therefore alv.o changed m-jalc.
-Asc The na -ivfi goec thru 4a.v i-^ dotiSig^a 'n relation bo the surroundings and
other people,
-Mo Deep reach.'ng t.-ansformation u: fcb^ life of a" people, m or thru the public, or
thru or with woaief...
-No A rsdical change sno one's ronnartionu. To niaica new endurable connections.
-Me To tb'nk a rent and des're c hinge.-, uf tne existing conditions. To occupy the mind
with made changes,
-Ve To axperJeme e pleasant change ' n the existing oonda tions«
-Ma Fundamental '-hange cf working .'ondi tion.?. This constellation Is predominantly
unpleasant, i.e-'a is^- Aimeto? ami Liars together rpeil .suppression.
-Ju The fortunate change of destiny. Cauuon: Make sure that the radical Pluto is
not found in bad pii tur^es.
-Sa Changes of existing oondi n on.i thru aepa ret ions.
-Ur Changea in the existjng conditions that are brought about thru sudden breaks'or
separati or.-.?,
-Ke One expenence^ deep changaa m the near future. Coming events develop .below the
surface and can be not;ved in saall ayropboms.
-Cu Changes in the social or family relotiens-.
-Ha An evil change cf the existing conditions. Bad things, sorrow and sadness are on
the way a
-Ze To increase one's production or work under moat trying and difficult circumstances.
To be forced to make up for lost time.
-Kr In the life of nations great changes in tha existing forms of governments. In
personal boroscopae, to liva thru such changes, or changed attitude of the native
toward superiors. To get a different boss or superior.
-Ap The change that brings bapplnes,-;, contontmsnt and is setisfaetory.
-Vu Mighty changes under grave hindrances and obstacles.
-Po Deep reaching coanges *n religion, In the mental and spiritual attitude and in
the concept of the worll.

To note: During the election of President Slsenhower, the directional arc of the USA
was a few nanute.s less than 174 degraaa, Jupiter directed equalled the cardinals
radix. Pluto directed equalled Kroaos radix. The USA meridian directed minus Adm
Admetos radix. Pluto plus Admetos minus Kronos, a new boss, also,
Pl(d) piua Ad (d) equals Kr(dj pijr Ad. or ?l(dj plus Ad(d) -Kr(D) equals Ad radix.
The rod at important point is, the cobstollar.'.on radix reads :
Pluto plu.. Acmatos equals Kr plus Meridian
''.Oh 6t54
The radix me-Mdlan 1*5 the complamer.t. thr fourth element In our equation and
equalled directed Admetoc radix daring elect Ion, We deal here with en almost
oxactequatlon, and the personal point, is the Mariciar.
Pluto plus Vuloanus
Mighty changes or transformations, which occur with great spee'i. Unhealthy, rushed
development. Hothouse development.
-li To he under the impression and influen-e of a great change. £ither our mental
attitude Is '■hanged thru outside evenns;, or our mental attitude makes us see the
outside world differently.
-Ar To experience great changes in general. Great general transformation.
-Su The man, whose body has an unusual rapacity to regenerate, who changes to new ways
or different way; to nourish the body. The reformer of life. Days which bring mighty
changasa Equals Sa, great regenerative aolity in later years. Equals Po, mind
over matter,
-Asc Great tracsfcrmations in the surroundings expenenoed with others.
-No To get into a cross current, to be swept away, to be part of it.

-Mo Greet changss in the general pobli" conditions. A people changes its entity.
-Me To concentrate the thought on great changes. To talk, to converse, to debate
about it. To have to chsnge the mind fast.

-Ve A change which was desired for a long time. Fulfillment of a wish, which one had
for a long time.
-Ma A great change in activity.
-Ju To expt-.rieDce a great pleasant change,
-Sa To keep something below the boiling point- to simmer. Retarding a mighty trans-
formation, Obstacles and hindrances which occur counter to a change.

-Ur Sudden surpnsmng changes of conditions,

-Ne To deceive oneself about the possibilities of changes and transformatlono. To
see no war o .t of a . risis.
-Cu Verv grea* change? ;n ii-imly or society,
-Ha Great increase of evil i.bmgs, Th-^ ? i tuot-ioij is getting worse, increased dangers.
-Ze SituaMcr. 'uprove:; due to great inc-ecse of accomplishments.
-K.r Grea", development of own capabilities. Trial of these abilities. Government changes,

-Ap First ind.cations of a later great, ob-nge,.

-Aa The breakdown of t migncy dev^lopneni, raj vfo n a lion cr change caus-d b;. too
greet e res • tancp,
-Po Gcea' tra-isfc meat: on.s of 1 n'*!'tot i ons reward? reli.g'on or world .occept.
Pluto plus Poseidon
Mental, intellectual and spiritual transformations and changes. Change of religion,
of view of the wonId,of life. The development of the spiritual and religious behavior
and inclinations.

-M The ability to mentally change and develop. To fit oneself mentally into a
different environment. If the native is mentally or spiritually in a higher
state of development, this constellation takes him higher and higher. In a
state of low development it brings inconsistancy» and indifference.
-Ar General transformations of religious or of world concept.
-Su The man whobas an open mind and inclines to reform his life, who will, influence
his body thru his mind. Days very favorable for mental development,
-Asc The people around the native change and develop mentally.
.Mo The emotional and mental contact with women. The mental influence of female
persons. Political, religious or worldly transformations of the public.
-No The change of mind or heart of others forces the native to change his own mind
or heart. Also the reverse may be the case.
-Me Thoughts, opinions and conversations about changes and transformations in
religious or worldly matters. To effect changes in such things thru man to man
-Ve Harmonious transformation and development of the outlooko on life,
-Ma To bring order into mental matters. To follow a plan in the mental development.
-Ju Reason and good judgement lead to a very fortunate change or transformation in
the religious attitude as well as in the attitude towards the world.
-Sa To interrupt the mental growth. To be separated on account of different convictions.
Not to be able to keep up the pace in mental development with others. Tobe
left behind, which causes isolation and resentment in the attitude toward the world.
-Ur Surprisingly suddenly gained understanding asks for a push in the mental and
emotional attitude.
-Ne A sneaking and critical condition in the emotional-mental attitude thru wrong
concept. Or the slow unnoticable beginning of a highly mental transformation or
-Cu To develop cooperation with others a different outlook on life, a political doctrine
or religion.
-Ha To fail with one's emotional or mental attitude,
-Ze To be in part leading (by inner conviction) in the development of a new outlook on
-Kr Acknowledged leader of concept and meaning of life. An autocratic attitude in
mental and emotional matters.
-Ap To experience a transformation with many, which is mental and emotions.
-Ad The same applicable to a small circle.
-Vu A mighty transformation in the mental or emotional attitude.
Cupido plus Cupido
Art. Family. Sociability. Societies. Associations. Collections.
-U Attitude tonard art or tonard family. Ccmnunity sense.
-At Marriage. Art in general. Clubx. Associations. Collections.
-Su Artistic exterior. An object of art. Concerning the rather. To be a member of
a club. The man vho spends much time in the company of others. Meeting days.
The socius. The fraternity brother.
-Asc Acoualntance with artists. The artistically decorated home. To be with dub
-Mb Concerning the mother. Feminine objects of art. Hours of art, of relaxation and
of sociability.
-No Connection with marriage. Members of the family. Art associates. Connections
with artists.
-He Thoughts or opinions about art.
-7e Artistic beauties. Beautiful art creations. Pleasant company or social activities.
Things we are pleased with.
-Ma Active in art. Marriage intentions.
-Ju Money or gains thru arts. Money thru marriage. Money thru members of the family.
Feeling of happiness in or thru company.
-Sa Losses in art trade. Separated marriages. Losses of concerns. Change from one
partnership to another.
-Ur Sudden Innovations in art. Unlooked for event during marriage. To be united or
reunited with the family by surprise.

.Ne Art dwindling or dying away. The process of dissolution in a marriage or partner-
-PI Tradition. Ancestors. Descendants. Growing concern or club. Increasing
-Ha Coarse art. Unrenumeratlve art. To live in socially low surroundings. Ugly
-Ze Artistic activity. Appearance of a new tendency in art.
.Er Concerning the head of the family. To represent greatness in art.
-Ap Art association. Much sociability. To be in the company, of many.
-Ad Solitude. Hermit. Monastery.
-Vu The influence and power of an association. Combined or collective power.
-Po To congretate with people of the same faith and outlook on life.
Cupido plus Hades

Poor boclo-ties r pssociations. Marriage In poverty. Unfortunate concern. Sad^nt. Storage of supply. To stock, to hoard. Low and vile company.
Collection of antiques. Museuna. Paupers.

-U Loath to marry. Descendant of a poor family. Popular street artist. To

be part of a tragedy.
-Ar Stock companies which have a hard struggle. Indigent populace.
-Su Itinerant artist. Poor husband. To make a living by roaming around.
The man who very much feels his dependence thru poverty.
-Asc Miserable marriage bo^d. Sickness in the family. Disharmony thru nome conditions.
To he unhappy in the own home. The homelife is not social. Cellar or attic
(store room for provision).
-Mo Poor artist (female). Popular art. Connection between the people and a corpor-
ation that is persued by misfortune. The people or the public unde the impact
of a sad event.
-No To he a member of a poor association. To love popular and cheap art. To he a
witness to an unfortunate or sad event.
-He To torture oneself with artistic thoughts. Equals Asc, to he ridiculed on
account of art.
-Ve Miserable love associations. Prostitution. Poor housing. Compelled to he
satisfied with anything.
-Ma Quarrels and dissention in poor families or associations. To be forced to work
for a poor firm or company. Equals Zeus, gasoline station, fuel storage.
-Ju Money thru popular or vulgar art. Windfalls in miss-mated marriage. To he
and feel happy in sad surroundings.
-Sa Grief and sorrow in or separation of a poor family. Family depressed thru
•Ur Scandals in matrimony. Sudden offerings by street artists. Equals Ma, violenca
on account of miserable marriage conditions.
-Ne Falsehood ir miserable marriage. The end of a wretched marriage. Equals U, to
feel disgusted with conditions.
^P1 Change in sad surroundings. Equals Ju, to come into more pleasant surroundings.
The present surroundings become more pleasant.
-Ze Poor family with many children. Blessed with too many children. Poor family
rich with children. The same about nations. Too prolific, with scant medium
to create artistically. To create with substitutes.
-Kr Poorhouses. Orphanages. Homes for children. Equals Ze, countries becoming
Indigent thru overpopulation.
-Ap To he housed with many in cases of emergency, in crowded barracks, to be together
with many.
-Ad To stick with a few under sorrowful conditions. To he snubbed by everybody
in company with a few. To he tabu. Paw materials. Junkyard.
-Vu Close ties with a poor association. The influence of a poor association.
Concerted attacks to overcome poverty.
-Po Societies, where the standards are Very low in reference to religion, or to
mental or spiritual things or the outlook on life.

Cupido piUb /A;'aJ

.ucdwiiCn of a societi . ullitarj oix'tw-l^Qtior.. ^btiatic jr.. i-oundi.tion of

j c Ji poroti o:..
■^jundjr or a corporation. To oj t ;uiicar of a jrilitary urcaniaatior.. To create
-Ar To ast.abliah new sociutiac (corporations). Arry conrad. The r.ian v/no crtsatea
..rtiot Icslly.
-c.-u The h-c'• of a new foundation. Txk; ..t.. .1.1 >..-•« founder of c. ccrpoxation or
Stocichclder in a ccrporetioc. COiinon entarorisea with ohtera. A corpcrc-tion iaatituted cy the people, preaided over by the people,
~i.o Cc-founder of a corporation.
-la To harbor thoufhte of a foundation,
-Ve Trading ccupany deaiinf in coametics, furniture or articlun to furnish a hone,
-i~a Trading 'or.pcny iaj mg in products nade of metal. V/ar allies. Tua ueciaion
of on orfT.n.'ietion. Co-operative energetic work. Preparation for work.
-fu The forr.lag of ben . and other financial inalitutiona, lortunste artiatic
-5a Loaaes of s ccrpc ! .on, an association,or a i-u I'.tary organization. A diaturbing
factor m en CTgai ji .tion.
-Ur Corpcretion srepj •. suddenly into exiater.cs. The foundation of a techmical
establishment. I*:-., cry organ! zationa (uproar). £quala Ma/Sa, death by a renber
of these organize r.c . j.
-Ke Bankruptcy of c .1: sstaoliahed concern. Secret ndlltary organizotionc. ■"•ir-irr.od
.dlitcry units, "ftrts of an a my forced into inactivities. Dissolved erries,
-PI To establish bianctes. 5ainily increase. Growing concern. Increase of ueiM-jrahip.
reinlorcanent of units.
-Ha i-oundetion of a ccn-sm ceslinr In -.morela and coal, Destruction thru -i.-iliatic
instincts. Acts, v.bich are inr.inic«l to nui.ian aociety.
-rlr oatsblishnent of a v-.-.-.pany protected by tne State, Military organi-tt.
Coiai-adahip. United trocpa. jiiiiiy organization. Great artiatic creations in
Hi / jonnaction v/itb otne:?..
-^5'- ^-Concerted efforts -it rravs obstpclai . Difficult beginning of e young fir.'r..
-'."tl ^io unfold one's afctiities and strmyth vrithout hindrance Oppurtunity lor ccoae
. - t'hc have the abilities and stron;4... •"re at artistic vconpllsinnents.
- X+C Tcuion efforts inspired by religion outlook on Artistic creation on a
.•aactal plane. Founding of a copii.iunity based on the .-unie conviction.

Cupldo plus Kronos

Great art. Head of a family. Large cozporatlons or enterprises. License Bureaus.

Unitad States or United Nations. Meetings of heads of gOTernments. Distinguished or
illustrious society or company. The kernel fomula for a great artist.

-M Great artistic talent. Marriages. Great family celebration. To be present at

family gatherings. The own social position.
-Ar Artistic activity. To demonstrate or exhibit 000*8 abilities.
-Su Professional artist. To proceed to the license bureau. Reunion ivlth the family.
To rejoin e former connection or union.
-Mo Artist (:emals). Art coming from the people. Popular art. Bride.
-No Connection with great art. To wish to establish a family. Legal witness of a
-Me Artistic thinking. To arrange a wedding. Joint conversations covering great
-Ve Great artlatlc talent. Legally permitted love. Pleasant social intercourse
in distinguished circles. To harmonize and agree with great artists or leading
-Ma Wrought iron articles. Marriage ceremony. Action of great Gconinltlea.
To officiate. Termination of office.
-Ju The art of finance. National bank. Financiers. Signing of a document.
Signing of a marriage license. To be happy in the conpany of cultured people.
-5a Artistic gardening. Forestry.
-Ur Great znu.e.siclans and techLlclans. An event of friendly nations. To be married.
Sudden artistic product. To find oneself suddenly in distinguished society.
-Ne Great painter if equals Neptune, if equals Me, poet.
-PI Development of a great art. Changes in social forma. Establishment of new offices.
To develop one's social fozms, social manners.
-Ha Dormant art. Decline of great art. Collapse of great corporation. Misfortune
of a great orbblg concern. Impoverished noble occiety.
-Ze The art of building machinery. Military unions of several nations. Great accom-
pllshmenCs thru cooperation. Brilliant successes of the azny. Distinguished deeds
and awarding of medals and other decorations,
-Ap To be or to become known to many thru great art. Great distinguished social
gatherings. Extensive artistic or scientific associations.
-Ad To be noted unfavorably thru bad manners which cause disadvantages and losses.
Clumsy and hezmit-like life and behavior. To make oneself icposslble. To be
kept away from certain society. To be socially banned.
-Vu Might and Influence thru personal appearance and social backing. Great state
enterprises. To be very dominant or domineering In art.
-Po State protected religious congregations.
Cupido plus Apollon
Artistic and scientific assoi.iatlon. School cLasses. Expansion or extenjLcn of a unit.
Widespread absowiatlon. Scie;.ilfic successes. Multiplying.
-M To belong to a graa*. fanily or association. To have success as an aitist or
sclenti t.
-As To beccxe Known in \«ide cxrci^s thru art and science. General scient-ific or artistic
associetLw; . Genera peaceful efforts.
-3u The man who 1 e a» of a great family or a wide spread ccninunlty.
To be a iu3a.bbr ox■ a research oOwiety, Days davoted to art and science.
To be successful as ar artist 01 a scxentist, to become Known and recognized
as such.
•Aso To be connected with other people thru art, science or famuly relations.
-Mo The Interest of persons, the public or women in science or art. To >. known to
the public thru arts or science.
-No In connection of art and science.
-Me Social entertainment with many. Thoughts and debates about arts and science.
Social entertairment with many. Thoughts and debates about arts and s^ ence.
-Ve Harmonious unioi with many. Friendship and familiar baraivny thru art c ^ association.
Art of singing.
-Mb Scientific or ar.tlstic activity. Business management of a f^im, an asc elation or
a club.
-Ju The fortune and the happiness of peace. To be Joined with run*' in a fortunate
community or association, 'ortune thru art, science or commercf.
-oa Success in arts or science thru practice and efforts.
-Ur Surprisingly sudden foundation of an artist.'.c dssociation.
-Ne Dissolution of a union with many. DissolatJun of a family oz family association.
Distrust amoung the members of the famuly.
-PI To build up from a small beginning an artistic or &cientl:;lc i^community.
-Ha Obstacles caused by an artistic or scientific assocleticn :r caused oy a great
organization. A tragedy which involves large circles.
-Za To be with many in an arms carrying organization. Fumlly-cay convention of the
family. Family increare. Artistic or scientific creation. •
-Kr To receive favors from the boss, the chief, the state cr head "f family on
account of artistic or scientific assompllshments. The ok eu .bori ty in such
-Ad To be noticed in a small clrcls for great accoinpllbhmentu • T.e \o sibllltles in
such fields is hlndred.
-Vu Greatest success thru artistic or scientific accomplishiasnt*. i1j greet material
success of a firm, Graat family festivities or celebrations, homily meetings.
-Po Artistic or acientific union jf accompllshmnr.ts. Tc be Join, w th others of
the same outlook or faith.

Cupido plus Adnatos
Solitude. Hermitage. Mlnkbood. Monastery. Lonely places. To be avoided or avoid
others. Dissolution of an association.
To be part in the dissolution of a partnership. To become isolated. To be lonely.
-At To get into strange surroundings, to be without connections. To feel lost.
_Su The man who experiences the dissolution of bis family, who is part of it.
Tho imir.adiate experience.
-Asc The members of an association drift apart, they seclude tbemaelves.
-Mb Wciiin, • ao&e husbands are absent, lonely and deserted women. The lonely hours
of relaxation . Passing association with nwoman.
-No To be a witness of a breaking up or dissolution, to partake, In cozmection with
people who are lonely and avoided.
-Me Farewell speeches, talks. To think of the dissolution of the family or partnership.
To be per se with the thoughts. Artistic thoughts in solitude.
-Vc Denial of efforts by others for a partnership or the reverse, others are cool
and negative. Love without duration.
-Mb To separate again immediately after conclusion of a marriage. Marriage with
bighpressured circumstances. To spearata in connection with one's work, to
work by oneself. Unsuccessful efforts not to break up a partnership, or to
establish cooperative relations.
-Ju Passing pleasant company or canradahip.
-Sa To face grave obstacles in the own family, to be rejected by tl • own family.
Tc be in a tight spot thru family cr partnership. To separate> definitely from
the family,
-Ur Surprisingly sudden dissolution or breakdown in a partnership or grave disturbances
in narried life. Everybody is suddenly against the native.
-Ne Unreliable allies or partners. Changed conditions. New moral standards and
cuctoms. New fashions. Revolting against old manners. Uncertain social p
-PI Deep reaching changes or transfozmations in family or partnership, or passing
reunion in family or partnership.
-Ha Dissolution of a prisoner camp. The end or the befinning of a miserable marriage
or partnership. Comradsblp and partnership in grave and bad timas. To live and
to stick together in miserable circumstances.
-Ze The start of a great artistic creation. To takle and work on a problem.
Hindrances and delay in the founding of a new enterprise.
-Kr An association dissolved by the state or the authorities. The State causes
obstacles and difficulties during the dissolution of a corporation. Dissolution
or breaking up of treaties, of the constitution, or form of government.
-Ap A srall scientific society. Satisfaction thru such small society. Cooperation
in a small circle.
-Vu To axperlence great obstacles and hindrances thru the familyor partner. To feel
suppressed thru such conditions. To gifht cr struggle hard for an artistic creation
Often to be forced to fight.
-Po To draw away from social or other ties because of different outlook and likes,
because of mental and emotional differences, because of feeling lost and lonely
amctg them.
Cupido plus Vulcanus
Great organization. Mighty artistic abilities and talent. Power and influence in
or thiu a party. The powerful conmunity or also political party.
-U Mighty art creation. To be an outstanding artist. Great talent for organizing.
-Ar Mighty general art creation. To be or become generally known thru art creation*
-Su The man who. has great influenc thru his art. Days of mighty artistic creation.
To be a manber of a powerful party.
-Abo Great artistic creation together with others. The friendship or company of great
artists. Great esteem or respect for the accomplishments of others.
-Mo Great family celebrations, betrothal, weddings etc. To be a partner of an
influential person. Influential public association.
-No To be connected with a mighty society, family or great art.
-Me Mighty artistic plans. Mighty artistic mental projects. Sketch or plan of a
great artistic creation.
-Ve Union kept intact by mighty harmony and devotion. Art objects of great beauty.
-Me Double family celebrations, double weddings. To prove one's great artistic ability
by facts, Working on some great artistic creation.
-Ju Mighty luck cr. fortune of the family. Great artistic successes. Happiness
thru enjoying art.
-Sa Projects cf art which ripen slowly thru great hindrances. Interruption of artistic
activities. Obstacles from a mighty society.
-Ur Objects of art or organizations created by superhuman efforts in a short time.
-Ne The beginning of the dissolution of an association or family. To pretend to
belong to a mighty association.
-PI Great art creation in the making. Great transfomation in the concept of art.
Great family changes. To work on the building up of a great society. £quals M,
the development and building up of oneself.
-Hn Great want in artistic accomplishment. £vil deeds of a mighty association.
Great misfortune or tragedy in a family.
-Ze Union of great families thru weddings or betrothals. Great artistic products.
A great organization concentrates all power on one point, to accomplish things
their own way.
-Kr Benius like artistic accomplishment. A society sanctioned by the State. Social
standing with privileged. Nobility.
-Ap Expansion of a mighty association. Art products en masse. Greatly extended
art creations.
-Ad To be alone (single) at a mighty artistic creation, under pressure, combatting
great obstacles. To go to the bottom of things, to the source of-; things.
-Fo To exercise mighty mental influence on the concept of the world. Mighty
creations in the mental and spiritual field of science.
Cupido plus Poseidon
Religious. Philosophical or spiritusl cosDrmity. The congregation of feitr..

-M To seek mental or spiritual community. To he attracted by such e conrainity.

-At General religious conminities, sects, churches, congragatlons,
-S'. To bo a memoer of a religious coianunity. The mon v.ho has I'aith.
-Asc In the company of people who represent a faith, religion.
-Wo Woman who represent a religion. To occupy ona's mind mentally during the hours of
-No To deal with matters of faith. In connection with sects, churches etc.
-Me To think about religious societies. To carry on propaganda for religious sects.
To be in nermony with then.
-Ye Congregation of a religious kind, to be in heznony with them.
-Ma To fight for or against a faith.
-Ju To be happj' in one's own faith. Luck end success with or toru such associations.
-Sa To experience obstacles from a religiouE suet, or to Qoperete from one.
-Ur Excitement end arguments in matters of faith.
-Ne Symptoms of dissolution ani dacey i.i a religious sect. Grave errors show.

-PI Development, transfozmaticn and building up of a religious sect.

-Ha Deterioration of sects. Spreading of erroneous beliefs or superstition. Sects
speculating on tbe stupidity and ignorance of thair members.
-Ze To take part in tbe leadership and the building of a religious society. Tc be
tbe co-founder.
-Kr To accept tbe laaderablp and management ol a raligloue organisation. The cultua
of the state. The state subsidized and manugad raligioua sect.
-A- The spreading of a religious cult, the joining up of people cf the same frith.
-Ad To quit a religious faith, to stay outside of the faith, no Lnclinatlona to join.
Disadvantages and oppression thru it.
-Vu Power in or thru a religious society. The powor of influence thur faith.
hades plus hades
Poverty. Dirt. Garbage. Baseness. The Deteriorating powers of the past.

ntf Vices. UBaness. Pursued by misfortune. To feel disgusted.

-Ar General poverty. Catastrophes.
-Su Heavy rains. Cold with hailstorms. Infirmity, tbe sick or ugly body.
•Aso To be closely connected with the needy. Others display ugly manners.
Unpleasantness with other people. Ugly surroundings. To experience envy
and jaalouey from others.
-Uo Single (solitary) woman. Low type woman. Rabble. Base persons especially
-No Connection with poverty, vice, vulgarity, etc. To experience unpleasant things.
-Ke Vulgar thinking. Very bad news.
-Ve Vulgar bonsaallty.

-Ua Attacks. Physical brutality. Villa.n..' and base action.

-Ju Dirty flae^cial transaolions. Inck oi 4.oi?y. Bargaining, rlq. ITe, fraud.

-Sa Damages to che crops. To be ImpoverisaeC by sickness. Isolation thru sickness.

Equals Su, storm and rain. Bad parting.
-Ur Unsuspected catastrophes. Danger of belUi: murdered. Murder.
-Ke Clouabursts-. Tidal waves. Cyclones. Drowning.
-PI Increasing poverty. Growing sorrow. Decadence.
-Cu Dirty, lowbrow art, and art productions. Poor furvlly. Saa social circumstances.
-Za Destruction by fire. Burns. War atrocities. Grave «lsclcusnesa.
-Kr Death and ruin in ruling circles. To be obliged to give up independence.
-Ap Widespread poverty. Dealing In rags, hlutcry. The aclunce of the past.
-Ad Lack of raw materialb. Old uaterlals. Deep sadness. Pessimism. Colrfnass.
Deep d^sZiku, Antipnhthy.
-Vu The mighl oi aril. The evil. Brute fur?.*.
-Po Occult scleuce or mental and spiritual poverty. Stupidity. Supeictltloc.
Heda;- plus Z3U&

Damsgea thru fire. Coal fire. Industry. Burning heat.

-M Ixicendiary. To lose oce's business thru fire. To be hated, or to hate,
Personal connection i»ith industry.
-Ar Indus til', Destructivj fire for many. General outbrealcs of hate, Equals Kr,
great warlike hate or great destructive fire. Also heavy industry,
-Su Injury to the body by durns. The man who is subject to hate. Damage thru amcka.
Damages from oven or stoves, Chinnay fires. Dirt thru building or rebuilding,
-Asc To be visited by destructive fire. Obnoxious and hateful behavior of others,
-Mo Female parsons injured by bums, Thundershowers, Sickness of the brain.
Industry worker. Parsons who have hateful and repulsive manners.
Female persons injured by burns,
-No To participate in large fires. To witness a great destructive fire. To be
connected with meanness and hatefulness,
-Me Arson. To catch fire. Hateful way of thinking. Scoffing and hateful remarks.
Denouncing somebody.
-Ve Injury to female person by fire, Viscious female persons. To be forced into
menial service.
-Ma Fire taking tall of lives. Brightly balzing destructive fire. To die by pre-
meditated murder. Battle actions. Target practice. Very dangerous acute illness.
A deed born out of hate,
-Ju Fraudulent enterprise. Good beginning with a bad ending. Equals M, fire Insurance
agent. In the lOtb house, good fortune in cccupatlon with fire or heating power,
-3a Losses by fire. Incendiarism. Equals Me, death by fire. Equals Ar, losses thru
general fires, like forest fires, prarie fires etc. Slow destructive hate. The
beglnnlngo of a long period of sestructlon.
-Ur To be surprised and killed by fire. Conflagration, Sudden outbreaks of fanatic
hate. Equals M, damage thru bomb or sudden fire.
-Na Choke damp. To be scalded by steam. To be esphyzleted by smoke. Impotent rage
and hate. Hateful swearing.
-PI To avoid or shirk a duty. Growing fire. Vindication of dislike. To neutralize
bate or growing hate.
-Cu Destructive fire, involving large corporation, or the same for many people.
Dangerous to many, suffering from enemies of a whole society. Also to attack
and hate whole units.
-Kr A big destructive fire. Equals Sa, losses as a consequence. Hate against the
existing conditions in the government. To rejsct a governmant and serving it
only because of compulsion. Miserable serving conditions, caused by mismanagement
by the government. Equals Sa, losses thru above conditions and matters.
-Ap Common bate of many. Spreading of a hateful end ugly way1 of thinking. Expansion
of an industry. Increase of coal production,
-Ad Coal mines. Deep seated hate. Irreconcilable hate. Hate among a few,
-Vu Violent outbreak of bate. Equals Ne, impotence of this hate. Murder born of
-Po To be hated for a conviction. To hate somebody else's conviction. To hate a
foreign way of seeing the world. To be forced to see the world in a base way.
-Ma/Sa To ba killed by fire
Hades plus Kronos
Groat baseness and meanness. Great brutality and poverty. Poor government. Crime
police. The basic foznula for a criminal on a big scale.
-U Loss of business or profession as a result of mismanagement. To experience
great meanness, to suffer from it or to permit it.
-Ar Atrocities. Great mortality. Sacrifices of human lives. Great Crimea of or
against the government. Failure of plot.
-Su Much ill fate. Death by grave events. 'I'he man who is subjceted to great
brutality, who has to defend himself against it. The government dees not
keep its promise, days of ill fortune. The unlucky man.
-Asc T1" be involved in serious misfortune. Great damage to the native thru meanness
of others,
-Mo Great misfortune for the woman or for the people. Hquals Cu, in larger estab-
lishments .
No To be a party to doubtful things. To bs active as a spy. To be hired. Cot.nestion
with czixne police. To be witness to a great crime or great accident.
-Ma Leader among criminals. Thinking about great mean deeds. Writings about great
poverty and misery. Equals Ze, opinion(judgement] of the crime police.
-Te Leading(setting the pace) in purchasable leve. To find help and support in evil
matters from the boss, the superior or the government.
-Ma Mass murder. To be in the hands of the crime police. Base acts of the boss,
the superior or the government.
-Ju Finance scandals. Collapse of banks. Inflation. To escape moan plots. To get
away with a black eye.
-So Losses by mismanagement of the government. To be deserted by the government.
The government is not keeping its promise.
-Ur Sudden great misfortune with loss of life. Suddan great murder where the govern-
ment is involved.
-He Fraud developed by corruption. Equals Ap, the high class swindler, the swell
mobsman, the confidence man.
-PI Breat evil deeds are developed'. The growing great evil. Large failure.
-Cu Vulgar or obscene art. Mean deeds of a mob. Gang of criminals.
-Ze To order war atrocities. To start a large destructive fire. Hate bom out of
meanness. Brutality and meanness wall aimed, or directed.
-Ap To detect large corruption and meanness. Greater lack in the government becomes
known to the public.
-Ad Great mean acts committed in a narrow space or room. Irisan acts stay hidden.
£vil deeds or acts which are not discovered.
-Vu The murders on a large scale. Great brutality,, meanness and evil. The government
proceeds in a devilish way.
-Po Base or mediocre wqy to see life and the world. Wickedness, lies or distortion
-Ma/Sa equals Meridian, to be charged by the police for murder.
Hades plus Apollon

Widespread poverty. Misery of the masses. Garbage and junk dealers. Sscond hand
dealers. Collecting r^gs. The science of the past. The knowledge of history.
Occult science. Secret science. Magic.

-M To be under the influence and impression of great poverty. To be a historian.

To know the past. Knowledge of secret doctrine.
-Ar General poverty and general misery. The attitude toward the past. Dealing with
rags, second hand clothing.
—8u The man who handles garbage and rags'. The man who deals with the science er
knowledge of the past. Daya which bring many obstacles.
-Asc To experience mass misery in the environment. Others are poverty stricken.
Others blame the misery on the past. Ugly things of the past are pointed out
to the native.
-Mo Great and large misery of the masses. General impoverishment of the people.
Drought and hot periods. Lack of water. Epidemics.
-No Stoppage of trade. Decline of economics. In connection with antiquity and
science of history.
-Me Talks, opinions and thoughts about epidemics, lack, poverty, drought etc.
Debates or scientific thoughts about the past, the antiquity or historical
-Ye The sick or absent mother. Through charity and friendliness relieved poverty.
Friendship, comradship and helping hand in misery. To feel oneself attracted
by magic and occult things.
-Ma Antiquity or historical scientific activity. Trade or professional activity
in connection with old material. Ugly acts. Activity in occult science or magic.
-Ju Luck and success in antiquity and history science. To be well taken care of in
hard times. Income of money thru collecting rags and junk. Luck and success in
occult science and magic.
-Sa Beginning or ending of general misery of the masses.. Inflation or impoverishment.
Misery of refugees. General desperation, bankruptcies and suicides.
-Ur Sudden mean acts as consequence of previous mistakes. The past mlstakea and evil
deeds are rubbed in. Old sins and failings react. Astrology.
-Ne From the past to scientifically predict the future. To deal with maasea of water.
Great humidity. Water systems.
-PI To begin or to end the time of great emergency. The development of occult abilities.
-Cu Unpleasantness with the family or societies. Historic scientific society.
Unpleasantness in connection with garbage, old rags or other old material.
-Ze Mass misery and large destruction caused by war hate. Creative activity in history
-Er To ba an authority on historical science. Misery of the masses brought on by
incospetence of the government. Abilities in the field of magic and occult science.
-Ad Poverty and need of a few. To be part of these few.
-Yu Mighty spreading of poverty and need. Mighty misery, great destruction.
Great success as a historian. Success in occult matters.
-Po Brothers of one kind. The mental attitude equals the social position. To find
backers and the following for a science. Socially and politically the same thing.
Hades plus Admetos
Lack and want of raw materials. Scantness. Frugality. Raw materials from old
materials or Junk. Great and deep sadness. Pessimism. Coldness. Antipathy.
To live in scant circumstances. To be old and abrupt and hard to approach.
To stay alone and lonely all thru life.
-lr General lacic of zav. materials. Sagging economies, sagging living standards.
General persinlAm.
—Su The man who suffuse from several lacks and has to scrape along. The man with very
few needs. Daus pass in nn oppressed mood.
-Asc To be connected with people, who are in need. To suffer oneself from bad
weather or cold.
-Ub Women or other persons who are in dire need. Appearance of lack in the public.
-No To come in touch with poverty. Inclination to frugality. Ascetic inclinations.
-lie Sad and pessimistic mood caused by lack. Talks about raw materials or old materials.
-Te Lack of service personnel. To ne released from duty or freed of service in spite
of lack and need of personnel.
-Ma To be forced into menial service jy high pressure. To be terrorized in or thru
one*s work.
-Ju To be well taken care of in opite of the lack of raw material and frugal conditions.
Not to feel any needs.
-SSa To get into a tight spot thru separation and enmenlty. Tobe locked tight, without
any way out.
-Ur Suddenly appearing want, need or poverty. Grave event. To be burled under some-
thing. Sudden serious enmenity. Sudden slide of the earth or of firm things.
-Ne The beginning of a change of the present condition is retarded or stopped thru
uncleamess, deception and mistakes.
-PI Increasing lack of raw materials. Scantness and frugality. Repeated lowering
of the standards of living.
-Gu A small association which suffers from different kinds of lack, decrease of mem-
bership, lack of money etc.
-Ze To relieve or gat rid of poor living conditions or lack of raw materials thru
great energetic efforts. To go ahead with fanatic eagerness,while carrying on
a hateful fight against the enemy.
-£r Odd methods of a government to overcome lack or faw materials. First appearance
of great brutality.
"A? To begin a time of need for many. Satisfactory revelations in history science.
-Tu To get under heavy pressure thru need, starvation and enmenity. To overdo
-Fo To occupy 000*8 mind with ancient times. To be interested in pre historic things,
or times. To occupy one*s mind with long past times. The delineation
"Ignorance and mental indifference" is also correct.
Hades plus Vulcanus
Ran force. Great danger. Murder. Mean and brutal acts. Capital crimes. Vlsciousgess
Ugliness. Vices.
-M To have a disposition for vices. To come In touch nlth vices, meanness and dirt.
To seek such things and search for them To be vlscious.
-At General vices, obstacles, and dirt. To have to deal nlth that kind of people.
General ugly manners and manouvarlngs. Ran and unclutured people.
-Su To be physically dirty, to be bodily loused up. The body is weakened Internally,
by infection. The body that feels weak. Days filled with obstacles.
-Asc To be Involved in filthy matters, to be Implicated thru others. Vile acts of others.
In tne surroundings are people of vulgar and mean character.
-Mo Low, brutal, vlscious and unclutured people. People Inclined toward violence. We
Weakened people without courage. Woman weakened by sickness.

-No To have to have dealings with coarse and uncouth people. To be harrassed by them.
-Ma Boorish way of expression. Curses, profane language. To curse or be cursed.
-Ve Hepulslveness In love. Weakness In sexual strength. Squals Mo, the woman inclined
to pnaature birth or miscarriage.
-Mb Mighty acts of war. Great destruction. To be exposed to vlclousness, meanness,'
during the working time. Unjust and unfair treatment.
-Ju To escape evil attempts. To find the necessary protection to avert danger.
-Sa To be separated thru vlslousness and neanness. Tobe hindred thru same. To be under
suspicion and spied upon. To be a spy. War services.
-Ur Sudden terrible murder.
-Ne To be powerless against meanness, wickedness and other evil things. Thru mighty
dissolution uncovered vices.
-PI Evil things in the making which last a long time.
-Cu Partnership In constant danger, weakened by losses, partly destroyed.
-Ze Great avid deeds born out of hate. Great wickedness.
-Kr Gigantic crimes and evil deeds or meanness. Governments, officials Involved.
-Ap Spread and extended wickedness. Success In history sciences. Failure In industry.
-Ad Wickedness and evil acts in a smell circle.

-Ap To bed depressed tbru wrong acts. To have a guilty conscience*

Hades plus Poseidon
Uantul and spiritual poverty. Itental deficiency and defects. Secret science.
t&ntal and spiritual isolation.

-H To be poor mentally or spiritually. To shoii defects. To represent secret science,

cr wisdom. To be mentolly an odd fellow.
lAr Mental blindness and poverty in general. To deal generally with people where no
mental contact can be made.
-Su The man who seems to be mentally retarded, who has old ideas, oddideas. The mild
form is conservative thinking, living by tradition. The general delineation -
"to isolate oneself mentally".

-Asc Others Isolate themselves mentally from the native. The native seems to be lncomp>
rensible. mentally not understood. The native lives his own life mentally in an
environiiier.t which does r.ot understand him. That can happen when the native is an
astrologer or magician or something similar.
-Uo To stand out from other persons and the public in relation to mentality and under-
standing of the world. The native as a rule has no understanding for the public
cr other people. Odd female persons.
-No To be connected with odd people.
-Lie To have peculiar ideas, to hang onto them.
-Ye To be isolated thru service or duty, special orders or commission.
To be put o:i special duty, which suits the native.
-Ua Thru own activities or moral behavior to isolate oneself. To receive special
treatmant. To be isolated.
-Ju Happiness tnru mental isolation.
-Sa As a consequence of isolation one feels depressed and oppressed, ^'o be persec-
uted as a result of 006*8 different mental attitude.
-Ur To suddenly draw very precise demarcation lines concerning one's isolation.
-Ne To appear to the others unclear, illucid and intricate thru the own mental
behavior and isolation. Not to be understood.
-PI Separation or isolation and exceptional position develop. Dlrectionally the
native will experience more severe isolation.
-Gu To advocate and follow a society with a peculiar faith. Tq be happy in such
exclusive circles. To resent the masses. To follow a group of people who have
isolated themselves from a larger group.
-Za Thru Isolation or separation to become the target of hate and spitefulness.
-Kr To be subjected to great meanness and losses by the authorities or higher ups
because of one(s special position.
-Ap To separate or isolate from many or to have a special position among many.
-Ad To hold a special position among a few. To be outstanding.
-Vu To be conscious of one's Isolated and exceptional position. To become very noted
or notorious, to experience refusal and rejection.

Zaus plus Zeus

Irrestibie force. Leadership. Direction.

-U Urge to activity. Wanting to do business.

-At War powers. Fire. Procreation. General urge to activity.
-Su To be obliged to function. If equals lla/Sat to kill. To feel physically s
strong urge to do something.
-Asc Tc mislead others to do something.
-Mo istitutions of general benefit created by the State. Inflammable.
People lined up and organized or trained.
-No To plot something with others. Impelled by curiosity to be everywhere. To be
connected with machines or working people.
-Me To pass sentence, laws, or decrees.
-7e To produce love. Expression of sympathy (condolence). To seed, to procreate.
-Ma Executive power. The urge for great deeds. Directed activity. To fire a gun.

-Ju Beneficial acts. To be compelled to give. Time of fortunate activity. To be

fortunate in connection with machines.

-Sa To bring about separations. Kindred activity.

-Ur Sudden acts which cannot be suppressed. To explode, to ignite.
-Ne To be compelled to inflict losses. Scald burns. Setbacks. Hurts.
Equals Su, to hurt oneself by action.
-PI Development of creative power. To begin, increase of creative power.
-Cu Creator in art. Ifatrimonial agent. Matchmaker.
-Ha To cause a disaster. Incendiary. Outbreak of hate. Equals Mb, hour of a fire.

-Kr To play the overlord. To put oneself in the right light. Great ability and capab-
-Ap To Inarn, to study, to collect experience.
-Ac Tragic, struggling activity. To battle all the way thru. To start a problem.
-Vu To be loaded with urge to activity. Mighty eruptions. Explosions,
ighty directed forces. All forces are directed to one point.
-Fo Ihsntai work and creation. To be a witness to something. To endorse something.
T sigr a document or witness the signing.

Zeus plus Kronos

The mochl e tr^. Conflagrations, Warfare. AnnBn.ent. Energetic leadership. Great
and energewi-j ^wilvities. The kernel formula for a great war leader who has every-
tning his »ay.
-M Great strategist. Vfer scientist. To be energetically active. The will to see
it thru.
-Ar Big fires. Wars. Deciding yatMew. Tne. general energetic will in pursuit of
a goal.
-Su War chief. Field narshall. P'ighier by nature. The man who demands and inclines
to agressive action,
-iAso To gat into connection wiiL army leaders, To bo connected with great producers,
-Mo A nation efiicient in warfare. War.-ltg women, •Women with creative abilities,
A woman who knows how to h'.nli? liraaras. Military personnel. People who can
make order amoung themselves, willing to take orders,
-No Allied nations m war. War uomred^s. To Join with others for great deeds,
-Me Great m.^tal creations end rr.ject.3. The capabilities of the brain. To be
under orders, to obey,
-Ve The poor creative ability of womb. Love's labor. military power.
Diplomat. Great peaceful cre^tiwns. Accomplishments of peace,
-Ma Brightly blazing conf lagra Li on. War machines. Amorsd ships, tanks etc.
Sharpshooters, aatccratic jcticn.
-Ju Big financial institutions. Good 1 ck in warfare. Graat successful accomplish-
ments .
-Sa Great losses in war or in the machine industry. To be replacement, to train
replacements, to use replacement. . To hold money back for savings. To save.

-Ur Sudden breaking out of war. Large technical products. The start of a big des-
tructive fire. To act suddenly, by surpiise,
-Ne Defeated war leaders. A lost battle. Big gas explosion. Choke-damp. Putting
out a fire with water. Defeats.
-fl Expansion of a great war. The beginning and the development of a great creation.
On the way to great accomplishment.
-Cu Creator in art. To put new life into art. Creative art subsidized by the State,
-Ha Ordered war atrocities. Suiprising and grave everts in war. Fire catastrophes.
Great efforts under trying end difficult circumstances. Overworking,
Equals Mo, the hour of the event. Loss by large fire,
-Ap Eager to learn, to gain knowJedge. Expansion of ermomer.t or of the war. Great
enterprises and efforts in science, commerce, trodes and industry. Many are in
competition. Compeditors.
-Ad Great creation in a small circle. Compatltlon cmong v. few. To get a special
conmission. To be outstardlng thru special accjnplibn.nent. To appear as an odd
character thru the behavlcr,
-Vu The useo f much violent force. Blind force. The urenkoxt of a great war.
Great powers locked ir. battle. Mighty forces are en.a^ad,
-Po Great mental struggle. Great struggle for one's conviction. To back one's
comictlon or uay of seeing the world and life. To be testa 1 to the utmost.
Zeus Plus Apollon
Creative art and science. To leam, to study, to search ,to e3periinent.Pyrotechnic.
Trials (experiments). Modern science and natural science.

-K Gifted hands and nimble fingers. Both feet on the ground. To be practical.
To solve problems in a practical manner, rather than making a study of it.
-Ar General problems which demand a solution. The people in general try to find a
solution of present problems by practical application.
-Su The man who has practical experience which he can demonstrate. He can provide
proof of his theory thru practical application.
-Asc Handling of fireworks, machines, apperatus or other things. To receive technical
and practical training with or thru others. Technical schools for arms and war.
-Mo Armed people,whose units are well trained and under efficient leadership, who»A
abilities are practically tested and demonstrated. Persons with practical
experience .
-No To be connected with arms, machines, apparatus and other tecnical implements.
-Me Induction notice of the armed forces. Thoughts are concentrated on the practical
The thoughts are concentrated on life's necessities.
-Ve Joy thru scientifis and artistic activities. All peaceful effords are prosperous
-MaTo industriously learn, study and search. To put the theory into practice with
energy. To occupy one's mind with military problems. Militaby science.
-Ju Happiness and success thru learning, studying and searching. Luck and success
in the arts and works of peace like science, commerce, trades or industry.
-Sa Slow mentality. Hindrance in learning, studying and searching. Losses in trade.
/ commerce or industry. Severed industrial connections. Business liquidation.
-U* Quickly consumated business deals. To be suddenly tied to technical matters or
things.- Talent for construction. To study and search technical problems.
-He Research in a new field, dearing to explore unknom territory. Business man
engaged in daring enterprise and speculations.
-PI To develop research abilities from a very beginning. To show increased eagexness
to leam and study. A very large business or firm, which had a very small
-Cu Forming of great companies in science, commerce, trades or Industy. Ecooomic
and students associations.
-Ha TO study the past. To be faced with one's past. Retribution for one's past
evil deeds. Dealing with rags and coal.
-Xr To be outstanding thru one's eagerness for knowledge, study and research. To
leave othres behind, to be without competition.
-Ad Deep research work in a narrowed field. To teminate an apprenticeship, a study
or research work. Suspended economics.
-Vu To be loaded with eagerness for learning, studying or research. Strongest
economic success.
-Po Learning , studying and research work in the spiritual and mental realm
ecoaomics. People of the same caliber are associates.
Zeus plus Admetos

Tc form, to shape, to work on. To cut, to form raw materials. To orlgiurte, to

spring from. All beginnicg is difficult. Tragedy. Lava, fire. Interior of the
-U Heady tc start, willingness to begin, ability to proceed. To be tragicically
involved thru the beginning. To give something shape, image and expression.
-At To face new problems in general, a new beginning, new environment, new circum-
-Su The man who faces entirely new conditions and completely changed surroundings
who has to cope with ne« things and Implements. Daps on which the surroundings
show a completely new.face. To be adaptable.
-Asc To coma with others or thru others in changed surroundings, facing diffe.-snt
problems and find a solution for these problems.
-Mo Parsons,the public or women who face new problems or surroundings.
-No To be called upon to solve new problems, to be part of it. To be involved in
changed conditions to be in part the cause of it.
-Ua To collect sketches for new work, to concentrate the thoughts on them, the
beginning of preparation and the beginning of finishing the work.
-Ve New problems, which are gladly tackled. Pleasant new surroundings, where one falls
into a soft berth.
-Uh To do something all over, to revolt against hated force. To begin a new one on
a small scale. To provide for more room, air and light thru energetic action.
-Ju Happy and contented activity under different conditions. Satisfactory new situation.
-Sa To be separated from circumstances one is accustomed to and finding the new ones
unpleasant. To be in an environment where one feels hampered and depressed.
-Ur Surprising changes of circumstances and conditions. To suddenly start and finish
a Job.
-Ne Slow and sneaking change of conditions. Not a chance to start anything werth while.
-PI Begin of change of conditions. Things keep going. Several changes before definite
—Cu Changes of conditions in the family as well as socially. Changes in the general
social forms or manners.
-Ha Forced to be part of creating disgusting things, to find the existing conditions
repulsive and disgusting.
-Kr To start something great. Changes conditions brought on by the government.
-Ap Large changes of conditions. Many are forced to begin anew.
-Vu Volcanic eruption. Long held back forces release themselves violently.
Abrupt beginning of new work. To start with a mighty effort. Great forces are
concentrated toward one goal.
-Po To start oneself mentally and in the view of life in a changed position.
To start mentally something new. To demonstrate ones abilities and development
in a test.
Zaua plus Vulcanus

Machine power. Horsepower. Mighty creation. Mighty controlled and adjusted power.
Natural forces and their effects, caused by natural laws. Great wars. The power and
Influence of the urroundings. The force of ezpemal circumstances.
-M Mighty deeds and urge for activities. The strong willed man who accomplishes
things like o machine.
-Ar Great urge in general to accomflish things.
-Su The man who works hard at machines and apparatus, who manages and directs natural
power, who adjusts and serves industrial machines.
-Asc To concentrate, to center all efforts for one purpose in cooperation with others.
To direct the efforts of others to one goal.
-Mo Persons, the public, people or women, who concentrate all their efforts in one
-No To be connected with military things, machines, arms, or other implements.
To be exposed to the effects of great strength or power.
-Me To use cutting words, to make bold statements. To concentrate on energetic work.
Machines, power or things in feat motion. The direction of motion.
-Ye Mighty will for procreation, great longing for love.
-Ma Activity in connection with machines or mechanical contraptions. Driving autos.
Mechanical horse power.
-Ju Mighty successful efforts. Important Increase of gpod fortune thru luck or the
own efforts.
-Sa Periodic wcr1' and great accomplishment. Great efforts with interruptions, changes
and hindrances.
-Ifr Explosion like appearing of great forces. Electric or atomic energies. To suddenly
get busy. To start energies with a great roar.
-Ne Wasted energies. Senseless waste of gasoline. Not to find any use for one's
energies. Not having energy, or not having to use energies. Equals M, to have ta
say Tno", to have to renounce, to forego, to resign,
-PI The rise of great works(projects). The development of natural laws. Great trana-
fomations accomplished thru application of natural power.
-Cu Mighty forces ox a company. Great artistic creations. To manage and direct the
forces of a company of a community etc., to appear as the leader.
-Ha Mighty efforts .adar difficult circumstances and ugly conditions, great hate and
-Kr Great power efforts. To gain authority thru great accomplishments. Great powers
locked in battl.. Great efforts of a government. Measures by force.
-Ap Mighty expansion and success of peaceful efforts. Successful efforts in science,
commerce, tradei. ard industry.
-Ad A great enterpri e i started on a small scale with dinky facilities. To lay the
foundation to a great work.
-Fo Mighty documents, impressive proofs. Good and reliable tests. Mental teats.
Mighty mental creation. Great mental efforts.
Zeus pi' Poseidon
Creative mentality. Mental leadership, 1/jental compulsion. The oertilicate or report
of a test. The convjction, the fencal preaf. Disposed or minded to.
-M To be under a mental compulsion, to firmly stand by one*8 conviction. To lead
mentally , to take over the menta . leadership. To know ways and means of
getting out. To convince, to be able to prove.
-At The generality must witness something, mast prove something, must show its con-
viction. Mental dispostion. To be mentally influenced and impressed by others.
To be under their mental leadership,
-&i The man who mentally becomes dependent, who must show his conviction and declare
himself. Days of good mental creating.
-Aso Others, undor mentalc compulsion show their conviction and mental attitude. To
be influenced and impressed, to be under their attitude. To be mentally influenced
and impressed, to be under their mental leadership.
-Mo Several peaple witness something, co-indorse or testify to the truth. The
public must prove its mental conviction.
-Mo To be connected with men or matters where something has to be witnessed. Notary
-Me Ideas, tnoughts, and opinions about mental deportment, attitdde and behavior.
-Ve To stand fixmly with religious and worldly convictions, to testify to them.
-Ma Fighting attitude and behavior in moral and worldly matters. To fight for political
ideas and opinions.
-JU Joy and happiness over the correctness of one's own opinion, conviction, reason
and wisdom. The suddessful proof. To prove the correctness of something.
-5b To take over or to give to others for a short time the leadership in educational
matters. Passing interruption in schooling or training.
-ttr By surprise to prove, to witness or to clarify something. To suddenly make up or
to receive a document, certificate or license.
-Ne False witnessed or faked proofs. Rejection of a mental compulsion. Hidden mental
leadership. To lead from the background or secretly. The invisible hand.
-PI Development of mental leadership. Development of the own mental conviction.
-Cu Mental attitude or behavior of.a society or a family. To hold or to take the
leadership in some field of art. Creative mental accomplishment in the field of art.
-Ba Ugly mental attitude and behaviou. Insincerity, Poor report card. Miserable
-Kt Mental leadership and direction. Tobe an authority because of ability and mental
creation. Great mentala accomplishment.
-Ap To be a leader for many, especially for coworkers. Creative accomplishment in science
and in commerce.
-Ad To be noticed in a small circle right at the start for accomplishment. A creative
mind that can see very deeply.
-Vu Mighty mental work, the mighty mental compulsion, proof behind doubt. The mighty
mental or spiritual leadership.

Kronos plus Kronos

Tho executive power. The kernel fonnula for everything above average.

Authority bestowed by the State. To fill en official position. The own

authority, greatness, ability.
-Ar Great powers [nations). Officials, State, greet power.
-Su Bondage. Authorative orders. To be in service. To deal with officials.
One must appear before a tribunal.
-Asc Ordersemenatlng from the authorities. Things upon which one is dependent.
-4!o Female government employees. Female wardens, officials, authorities or high
personage. The leading or greet people.

-Bo To come into contact with authorities.

-Me Greet ideas. Official letters. Court decision.
-Ve Decorations with flags. Ordered edomments.
-Me Police authority. Penal lew. Equals Ju, sentence.

-Ju Regulation for the money system, for the national bank. Great luck and fortune.
-Se Evictions. Banishments. Clear cut orders. Separations of long duration.
Long time. Late.
-Ur Sudden decrees of the government. Great ezcltamant.
-Na Annulment of decrees. The greet uncertainty.
-PI Great upward trensfozmatlon end development. Rising. Greet changes.
-Gu Art protector. Marriage-office. Greet art end artists.
-He Crime police. Great baseness, vulgarity, lack end need.

-Ze intervention of the authorities. Fire protection.

-Ap Great axpenslon. Greet knowledge end ezparlenca. Height and width.
-Ad Great depth. Cave or cleft. Great difference in height. Odd character who
leads a secluded life.
-Vu Greet force, might power of the State. Greet power.
-Po High standard of mantellty. The great mind.
Kronos plus Apollon
He^ht and width. Great expansion. Scientific magnitude. Leading scientist. Kernel
formula for the "man who knows1*.
-M Great knowledge or ability or to have or to gain great knowledge. To be an author-
ity for many.
-Ar The rising of the authority in general. Things which are expanding. Growing
authoritative attitude in general. General understanding.
-Su The man who is an authority thru his knowledge, thru his experience or thru his
ability, who is recognized as a leader. Days devoted to science, days which bring
Important understanding, discovery or experiences.
-Asc To lead others In ability, knowledge, or in experience. To be higher rated
than others. To be in the company of great scientific authorities.
-Ub Woman as a scientist, representing science. To be a scientific authority for
others. Judges and lawyers. Slence about population. Science of the layman.
-Mo To have to make connections with scientists.
-Ue The thinking is concentrated on scientific matters. Spreading of great scientific
-Ye Expanded friendships, harmony and willingness to help with or thru scientists.
-Ua Great expansion of a peaceful activity ( scientific or commarcial)• To unfold
one's forces without being hlndred.
-Ju Joy, happiness or satisfaction thru a leading position or success in science or
-Sa Stoppage in science or commerce. A general and extended great hindrance of long
duration, especially for the economic life.
-Ur Large bills and figuring, calculating, measuring, counting. To becoma suddenly
Interested in a new field of science. Suddenly gained knowledge. Understanding
or experiences. To suddenly become a scientific authority. Suddenly rislhg stock
-Me Expansion and spreading which cannot accurately defined. Science proceeds into
unknown fields. Uncertainty in economic life.
-PI To develop a new wclence from a small beginning. Great and large changes and
-Cu Great expansion of a community or society. Great peace movement. Peconclliatlon.
Prosperity of all peaceful matters, like art, commerce, trades and science.
Dealing with art products.
-Ha Great meaness and vlleness. Magnitudes in the field of science of antiquity.
Spreading of lack and poverty.
-Ze Enlarging of the field of operation. Expanding of the economic life. New branches
in economic life. To specialize in science.
-Ad Authority for a few in a small circle. Authority in a special field. Dealing
with great products.
-Vu The great scientific success. The nighty recognized leader in science, commerce
or trade.
-Po Recognized authority among people who are scientifically or in their view of live
of the same kind. Great scientific perceptions.

Krouos plus Aduotos

Differences in eltltude. yo intiIna. Hills. Fell of e ruler or e government.

Differences. Odd being. Kernel fonaie for the odd chux-acter.

-M To be noted for & certoin peculiarity. To be different. To be en oddchersctez

end noted even among nany.
-At To seclude oneself in generaln Men who join togetner to live in en odd wey, nbo
live for tbe seme id-^e.
-Su Tbe men wbo bes to luca tbe life as an odd being, is all alone, vhc 1a different
tbru bis bodily position, wbo is an exception, and wbo receives special treatment.
-Asc To be noted tbru one's odd character. To seclude oneself from others or to be
secluded. Also to lead a secluded odd life together with others,
•£10 Persons wbo openly lead an odd life. To be connected with odd characters.
-&Ie To lead a life of odd &ni origir-al thoughts, '^obe struck by odd thoughts. To
develop new thoughts•
-Va To be contented with e Ajcluled lif-- u: ... ..idudad pciition.
To receive an unusual order. of work and duties to carry out a special
-Ju To be or to feel happy in a secluded or odd position.
-Se To be in a difficult position becbUSd of sepsrstion or seclusion. To be unjustly
treated, suppressed or set back for special reeaons. Ambittered by being un-
justly treated.
-Ur To be in an odd position suddenly, to suddenly face a completely changed situation.
In this constellation the odd position creates or equals a difficult crisis.
-Me Uncertain exclusive position. Passing exclusive order. To show instability.
To be deceived as to the true conditions. Concealed treacherous deeds.
-PI Tbe befinning and tbe development of an exclusive position. The development is
connected either with change of authorities or other transformations.
-Cu To bold an exclusive position in art, in scsisty, or in tbe family.
Activities in an unusuel art, an unusual artist.
-Ha Odd and difficult to detect evil deeds oui ccncealed meanness.
-Ze Special commission or odd position during war. Special order. Difficult beginning
of a great enterprise in cramped quarters.
-Ap Many must lead an odd live, under unusual circumstances.
-Vu To crestee e aensstion as an odd character, to be an exhibitionist. In this
position one must count or. grave obstacles.
-Fo To build one's religion and view af life on film ground one has to search deeply.
Krcujs and Vulcanus.
Gr^at powers. Power of the atate. Politics, Mighty authority, Tho despot. The
referee. The fonaule for e great statesman.
-M To weild great, power. To exercise <he power of the State, To dictate orders.
To posess great estime and great influence,
-Ar Great powers. Powers of States. To be under the impression or influence of the
power of the State.
-Su The man who exercises great physical influencet who appears as the representative
of a power. Cays and times which bring great events. The politician, the states
-Asc Others make their power felt, but are themselves also subject to the effect of the
power of the State. To'be exposed to great powers and great forces.
-Mo High state officials, offices. Parsons with executive power. Mighty sensation in
the public.
-No In connection with the power of the State, with the forces of the State.
-Me Thoughts about the State, the power of tne atate, or refozm of the state.
Political thinking, political speeches.
-Ve In haimony with the power of the state. To feel that the existing power of the
state is good and Just, beyond criticism.
-Ma Political activity. Fight for or against the existing form of the state. Great
energy in action. To exercise the power of the state.
-Ju The lucky and fortunate or successful power of the state. Successful politics,
y. .Increase in territtory and growth of the power of the state. Allowances thru
V the power of the state,
-Ur Surprising interference by the state. The accurate and punctual working of the
machine of the state. The suddenly appearing great power.
-Ne Dissolution of a great power. The impotence of the power of the state to carry on.
-PI Changes and transformations in relation to great powers. Reorganization of the
state. Changes and development of the form of government.
-Cu Associations protected and subsidized by the state. United great powers.
-Ha Great injustice caused by great powers. Great misery and misfortune. Great murder
caused by war. The power of the state does not stop short of anything.
-Ze Government power ruthlessly applied gains nothiness and authority. To make good
thru great efforts,
-Ap To be a mighty authority for many. The peaceful great power. Greatefforts of a
state in peaceful fields.
-AD Past and out of date fozms of a state. Isolation of a great power. States,
which are considered peculiar by other states. The end of the power of a state.
The dead or suspended state.
-Po Great powers thru religion, spirituality or thru outlook on life. The state
cultus. Great spiritual Influence. Might in spiritual fields thru spiritual

Kronos plus 'oseidon

Highmindedness and great rrind. The wise man. The great revelation. Culture.
The kernel formula for the man who is near Cod,
-?/ To strive for wisdom and understanding. To have a revelation.Highminded attitude.
To withdraw from all material things.
-Ar The general spiritualisation and hheight of culture. Mental giants in general.
The high mental or spiritual influance in general. General cultural efforts,
-'iu The spiritualized and cultured mar.The man who shows his mental ability and
is far above the average. The body as expression of the mind and of the
splritualization. Days devoted to hirhminded things.
-Asc To be connected with others thru highminded things, others are highminded or
the native appears highminded. To be under the Influence of others.
-l*o Cultural efforts in the public. Theater, concerts, lectures, courses etc.
Persons or women who are mentally active and tale part in cultural efforts.
Representatives of the church, priests,ministers etc. Equals Cu,vaudeville,
-No Connections bom out the same mental attitude. To meet for mental endever.
Cultural association. f
-Ve High ideals, spiritualized thinking,. Talks, conversations and correspondances
about highminded or cultural endeavors.
-Ve Joy and harmony thru highly mental cultural matters. Highly religious attitude
-Va Activity in cultural fields. To raise the cultural standart of people also the
moral standarts. The own high standart of morals,
-Ju Happiness and success thru agreements in highminded and cultural matters with
superiors, the boss, the state.
-Ss To find misunderstanding and obstacles in onei cultural endeavors. Educational
measures which are unpleasant and which one resents and resists.
-Ur To obtain surprisingly sudden clarity and certainty in highly spiritual and
cultural t&Aggs things.
-Ne To folios an erroneous notion in spiritual and cultural things. Truth and error
are two close friends,
-PI Cultural transformations, highly spiritual development.
-Cu Cultural and religious congregations. Conanunity with similar spiritual and
cultural attitude. Political party.
-Ha Cultures of the past. The spiritual or cultural attitude of base people. Low
kind of cultural endeavor,
-Ze Highly mental creation. To have one'smental ability tested, to advance in highly
mental things, to be a leader. Great cultural accomplishments.
-4p Great knowledge anf wisdom. To be the wise man for many. General propaganda,
widely spread culture. Culture as the force of destiny, thru the same cultural
attitude Joined, the science of culture.
-Ad High spiritual and cultural endeavor for a few. The spiritual and cultural elite.
-Vu The great mannear God. Great spirituality. Great understanding culture.
Apollon Plus Apollen
Experience .Success .Glory. Peace. Trade. Cooerce. Science. Expansion. Far and vftde.

- M To have a large mental horizon. Generous disposition. Gloyy and success for
the native. Type and extent of experience, to ramble.
-Ar General recojpiltlon, glory , honors and succcesses. General prosperity In
commerce,trade, and science.
-Su The successful man. The man who finds recognition. Days devoted to peaceful
matters and days which bring success.
-Ase Men. things or matters which are far distant from the native or come from the
distance. For the merchant, the customers and the selling of merchandise.
-Wo Multitude of people, generous dlposltion of persons or women. People with
an eye for the future.
-No (Multitude of people) Business and scientific connections.
-Ve Scientific thinking, business talks.
-Ve Friendship, expanded harmony, art or special science of music.
-Ma Extended, activities. Activity in science, commerce, trade, handicraft or
-Ju Mucfe happiness and great Joy. Money In quantities. Luck and success In all
personal peaceful enterprises.
-Sa Large hindrance, many separations. System. Method. Training.
-Ur Surprising successes. To be suddenly under tension. Sudden expansion.
Surprises In science, commerce or trade.
-He Large deception, frauds, embezzlements. Slence of the future.
-PI Deveoplment of a science. To start in c&mmerce or trade very small and to
develop It to a large extension. Flrsthappenings with great consequences.
-Cu Greatly expanded society, family etc. An association representing ecconomlcs
Interests. Consumers union. Art and science. Family with many heads. The
-Ha Great meaness, great vlleness. Many In dire need.
-Ze Trials, experiments. Practical research.
-Kr Great expans&an, science, experlnce, understanding.
-Ad Suspension of commerce, handicraft or trade. Science In a small circle for
only a few. Exclusive scientific circle.
-Vu Strongest success. Mighty expansion and spreading. Great experience.
-Po Spiritual sclnce. People of the same way of thinking. People with similar
destiny and outlook on life.

Apollou plut Admetos

Satiety, To be saturated. Contentment. The feeling of satisfaction.
-M The contented man. To have peace of mind. To be mentally balanced. Lack of
ambition. To feel satisfied.
General contentment. General tranqullity. To be carefree.
The man whose mind is at rest and eas..., well balanced mentally, so that nothing
can move or scare him. Days of ccntenrment and rest. Satisfactory conditions.
-Asc To live in a peaceful and contanteii ?nv> ronnent • Others express their content-
ment. The native appears uontaat ;o others.
—Mo People in a state of saturation, their minds are peaceful, the public is content.
Women or parsons express their contentment.
-No To have the necessary connections, to be satisfied with the existing circumstances.
-Me To express one's satisfaction, to talk about it.
-Ve o be without feeling for love and affection. Satisfaction and rest of mind
thru being single and alone. Self-sufficient.
-Ma To find satisfaction in one's own -jitivity. To be satisfied with one's results.
-Ju To feel happy and content in one's he "nits.
-Sa Dissatisfaction, difficult to satisfy.
-Ur Tc become surprisingly suddenly satisfied. Suddenly content.

-Ne To feel uncomfortable, to be disharmonious and dissatisfied. Malcontentment• Not

to be able to shake off miserable or unpleasant feelings.

-PI The beginning of a development which takes a very satisfactory course.

-Cu To be satisfied with the community in which one lives. Satisfaction over social
relations or conditions. The contented artist.
-Ha Discontentment, worries, sorrow thru lack and need.
-Ze To gain a feeling of satisfaction thru the own work.

-Kr Without care and worry, Tc be very satisfied with one's odd being. Best expression
for this fonnula is "Sans-soucl •'.
-Vu Pride goes before a fall. To be arrogant and presumptious.
-Po To feel safe at home thru religion and outlook on life. Contentment thru being in
hlghminded company, in being together with people of similar destiny and outlook
on life.

Apollon plus Vulcanus

Mighty axpanslon. Strongest success. Great prosper ty. Wealth.
-Li To have great Influanca. To exercise power. To be personally su.-cirsf il.

-At Great general success. Prosperity and wealth r general. Growirg of weeltL.
-Su The successful man. The man who has wealth and nfluenca, who experiences in-
crease of fortune. Days of prosperity and success.
-Asc To be successful. To hays success thru others.
-Uo People In the condition of prosperity, spreading out. Success in the public.
-No Success thxu connections. Right and wall connected.
-Us To hit It right In one's opinions or thoughts. To be understood.
-Ye To have a great power of attraction. Great success in love and friendship.
Peace, prosperity, great joy.
-Me Strongest success In activity. Prosperity and wealth thru activity.
Successful by Interfering and being agresslva.
-Ju Great fortune, prosperity, wealth and success.
-Sa Failures, hindrances and passing Interruption of success and great expansion.
Decrease In prosperity.
-Ur To hazbor great hopes and expectations. Passing success.
-Ne Plagues, Infection. Inflation and destruction of prosperity. Great deterioration.
-PI Preparation for great success of growing developmet (prospering development).
-Cu Strongest success In endeavors with others. Great social prosperity. Great
artistic success.
-Ba To be unsuccessful, defeats and failures. Idist accept a bad break. To be
dafansalass against the evil deeds of others.
-Za To struggle successfully to the top. To ovarcoma a depression.
-Kr Through ability to success. Outstanding capabilities. Extraordinary prosperity.
Unusual successes.
-Ad Strongest success In a small scale.
-Po Great success In the mental realm. Successful religion and outlook on life.
Spreading of a religion or philosophy. Missionary work. To enlist others.

Apollon plus Poseidon

Usr. of the seine wind and soul, of the same substance. Coinpanlons of destiny.
TqIIov sufferers, comrades, brothers. Spiritual science. Metaphysics. Spreading
of ideas. Disposition.

-U To have with many the same mental and emotioal- attitude. The personality of
the aacive as an expression of his disposition.
-Ar The general mental and emotional attitude. The at the time d ominating
-Su The man who reveals his mental and emotional disposition, who shows his attitude.
The physical appearance as expression of his mental and emotional attitude. Days
which demand showing of the disposition and attitude.
Asc People of the surroundings show their aispssition and attitude.
-Mo A people , the public, women or several persons hsow their attitude and its
-No To be connected with comrades, colleagues, fellow sufferers or people of the same
attitude and disposition.
-Me Discussions with people fo the same hind, coferences, debates. £quals M, to be
— vA [A honest, Equals Su, to tell the truth.
-14a Common activity with people w>f the same mind or fellow sufferers.
The mental activity creates the same state of mind.
-Ju To be happy with the same state of mind with the mental and emotional disposition.
-Sa To separate from comrades, colleagues, or fellow sufferers. To be educated or
trained with others. To be exposed to such influence.
-Ur Thru sudden surprise connections with people of the same hind. Prophetic disposition.
-Ne Dissolution of a community of similar montally disposed people either thru destiny
lihe external influences or thru internal falsehood, insincerity or misunderstanding.
Equals M, to have suspicion. Equals Asc, to find no trust or confidence.
-PI Development or beginning of a ccmradaship or cn association of similar people,
people with a similar disposition.
-Cu Of the same hind, in a family or in a community, in a club. Same mentality caused
by the same surroundings or .social conditions. The same concept of art.
-Ha To be disgusted with colleagues, comrades or people of the same destiny. To lead
an odd life among others. To isolate oneself. Equals U, contempt for others.
Equals Asc, contempt for the native. Equals Ha, to suffer injustice.
-Ze T- a leader thru ones activity or similar minded people.
-Kr To be outstanding as cultured person amcng cultured people. To be rated as an
example. Equals M, to be distinguished, ncbla and sincere. Equals Asc. , to
be noble, distinuished in the eyes of others.
-Ad Exclusive circle of similar minded. Dreet ccnviction and steadfastness.
-7u To gain great success thzu collogues, comrades etc. To be noted or tc create a
sensation among them.
Adnetos plus Adnetos

Hindrance. Separation. Death. Suspension. Condensation. Frlmltlve natter.

Haw material. First orlgn. Rotation. Circulation.
-M Staadfaatnesst 1'irmness. perseverance. The mental and ezsotional foudatlons of
the native.
-At Deaths on this earth. Death, rest, suspension, raw materials.
-Su Body In repose. Stillness of the body. Suspension. Innovable. Realestate.
Day of death.
-Asc The place one stays. The stable surroundings. The Immovable things In thee
-Mo People's death. Death of e female person. Crowded for space. Farrow conditions
-No Connections which are oppreslve and ere a burden.
-lie Suspension, condition, serious, deep and depressed thinking. Ponderous, slow and

-Ye Death of a female person. Without sensation, without feeling, without heart, cold.
-ito Wreckage and rulus. Terror. Oppression. Narrowing of the ilell cf activity.
-Ju Expenses, losses, no Income, rest.
-Sa To be In a tight spot, to have patience, forevearance. Trials of patience.
-Ur Rags, to tear. Accidents and separations by sudden breaks.
-Ke Change of aggregate condition.
-PI From raw material to finished products. From the beflnning to the end. The
beginning of the end.
-Cu End of being together with others. To become a hermit.

-Ha Lack of raw materials. Raw materials from old materials. The most distant past,
the grey antiquity. Sadness. Coldness.
-Za Raw materials fror mines, ore. To process and to shape raw materials. Difficult
beginning. Tragic.
-Kr Hills, nountelns, differences In altitude. Odd being. Odd character. Fall from
great height.
-Ap The few. A smell circle, exclusive circle. Suspension or stoppate In commerce,
science, trades or the Industry.
-Vu Stoppate, congestion, hindrance. Ballast or heav^ weight.
-Po The atom. Radietisn. Vibration. Cultuzc and education.
Adrotos plus Vulcenus

Kigbty hindrance. Conpression. Jorming of blocks or boulders. Hardening. To be

tes^yred. ij-tate cf hsrdening. Buffets of fete. In the forge of fate.
-M To be harshly trsated by fate. Herd in taking it. To stay firm without wilting
or tending. Great perseverenco.
-At Treated harshly by fete in general. To show firmness. Give end take the herd way.
-£u The men who must show greet firmness of character, because he gets that kind of
treatmsnt. Days on which only perseverance leads to results.
-Asc The native looks herd end unyielding to others, or others look that way to him.
-Uo The people, , women or several persons who ere herd bit by fate.
-No Connected with things in which one is severly handicapped. To be under the impact
of a heavy blow of fate.
-Us To stick unyieldingly to one's convictions. Unperturbed in one's thoughts.
iSiB^rty, deep thinking. Greatest concentravtion of thoughts.
-Ve Mighty hardness end unlovingness. Pepulsive character. Treated harshly.
-Me Stoppage or grave hindrance at work. Bnd of a battle. Surrender.
-Ju To escape great blows of fate. To be lucky to escape.

-Se Slowly forming blows of fate. To be tested by fate for a long time.
-Ur To suddenly face unsuccessfully fetelike obstacles.
-Ne A change in the form of being works out in a very unfortunate way for the native.
-PI By fete dictated development. Blows of fate which cause basic change, development.
-Cu To be put in a difficult state or bard trial by en association. Artists experience
greet hindrances.
-Ha To get into a period of need and privation thru hard blows of fate.
-Ze Hindred in work by obstacles. Others make a difficult beginning.
-Kr To be noted thru something which is extraordinary. To draw :T.tention thru
unusual events and odd end fate-like circumstances.
-aip To be exposed with jany to » blow of face.
-Po To be subjected to hindrances end handicaps whole being mentally developed end
educated. Mental bonlege. To be under guardianship.

Admatos plu Poseidon

Culture. Education. Mental depth. A^on Radiation.
-li The own culture and education. To be cultured, educated, trained. To educate
or be educated.
-Ar The general educational facilities.
-ou Man who undergouu training, finishes schooling, becomes apprentice or helper.
To go thru schoL'.lrg. The days when one Is attending a training course.

-Asc To have an educatloial Influence on others. Trained with others, for a company.
-luo People who are suV),-acted to n certain bringing up, subject to a certain training.
To be under mantal :l -ifluence' unconsci usly, as a medium.
-Ho To be connected wl*; i educational courses, educated people.
-Ue Thoughts on fine., o:. immaterial things. One^ Ideas are rejected. Thoughts
about education end troinlcg. equals Ne, Imagining things, Illusion.
-Ve Harmonious educatici - balance of soul, mind and body. Harmony.
-Ma Activity connected v.i ih wd'-catlcr, training. To be part of It, pupil or teacher.
-Ju Joy, happiness and thru education or training.
-&a Interruption of an aiucotlon or tralrlng. Hindrances In such matters.
-Ur Suddenly subjected to i, special kir.d of training. Exposed to different Influence.
-Ne Wasted education and cralnlng. Educational courses In which nothing Is accomplished.
Equals U, to resist a certain kind of education or training. To reject It.

-PI Changes In educational conditions. New ways of educating.

-Cu Community's Ideas on educational Ideals. Alone In one's educational Ideals.
Private teacher. Dissolution of an educational association.
-Ha Defects In education and training.
-Ze Enforced education and training. Tests, examinations. Trained In use of arms.
-Kr To be educated and trained with many. Satisfactory state of education, training.
-Ap Educated and trained with many. Satisfactory state of education or training.
-7u Mighty and lasting Influence of education. To be affected that way, or to
affect others that way.

Vulcanus plus Vulconus

-re. Might. Energy. Pover.

-in The mental arcctLonal Torce. The personal Influencos. To be conscious of the
own might.
-Ar General powers, mights and forces.
The power of the body or muscular power. Muscular strength.
-Asc Ot"A..«is act violently. The superiority of others.
The might of a nation. The executive power.

' Eagerness. Influential connections.

-Me Power of thoughts. Speed.
-Ve Power of attraction, of love, of pesslon or emotion.
-Im Violent act. Mechanical powers. Mighty activity.
-Ju Great luck. Optimism. Confidence. Credlty. Financial power.
-Sa Mighty hindrance. Prison. To be watched, guarded. Vigilance. Alertness.
-Ur Ezploalon. Motor power, horse power. Thunderbolt.
-Ne Impotence. To be without influence. Mighty dissolution.

-PI Mighty transformations or developments. Transformations and developments of

great speed and very utorym,
—Cu The power of a community etc. Might thru unity. Great art.
-Ha Haw force. The evil. Power of evil. Criminals • Vices.

-Za Organized and dlrdctdd forces or contrclled forces. Electric energies.

Great urge for action, to work.
-Er Power of the state. Great power. Great nation.
-Ap Greet success. Mighty spreading out.
-Ad Blow of fete. Stoppage. Jamming, compressing, heavy wrlght. pressing load.
-Po Mental power. Mighty spiritual Influence.

Vulcanus plus Poseidon

The mental influence and power. Sense of honor. State of mind. Sefl confidence. Pride.
Dignity. Jiantal forces and powers.

-M To possess great mental Influence. To be enlighened by a great mind or spirit.

Self confidence. Pride. Sense of honor, dignity.

-Ar The general state of mind, ruling Ideas, affecting everybody.

-Su The man who exercises great mantal Influence, who Is a great mind and knows It.
Days on which one Is under the Influence of a great Idea.
-Asc Mutual mighty mental Influence. To Impress others, or to be Impressed.
-No Mighty mental connections. To be connected with people of pride and dignity,
where one can count on honesty and decency. Eager to cultivate fine mental
-Ife A people which has self confidence and pride. The natlooalsense of honor. The
dignity of a people. The same delineation goes for women, public, persons.
-Me Talks about honor, dignity and decency. Thoughts and opinions about It.
-Ve Faith, decency, honor, dignity and morals for religious reasons or from a
philosophical point of view.
-Ma Bold, honorable and dignified action. Mighty mental activity, to act like a
-Ju Happiness and joy over honor, dignity and esteem.
-Sa Injured sense of honor. One's esteem Is lowered. One mist be careful of his
honor. To be belittled.
-Ur To experience surprising mental Influence. Suddenly come to dignity, honor, esteem.
-Ne Disregarded, endangered honor and esteem. Without respect. Degredatlon.
-PI Development of sense and honor, pride, selfesteem. Change In concept of same.
-Gu Honor of a community, family or social stratum. Self esteem of a class of people.
-Ha .Lack of dignity. Equals Ma, acts without honor or dignity.
-Ze To show pride, honor, dignity. To practice self control, discipline. To be an
example of It. Military pride.
-£r Great honor and esteem. Dignitaries. Great self confidence. To be conscious
of one's own value.

-Ap To be held In high esteem by many. Success thru such rating.

^Ad To enjoy esteem and respect In a small circle.

Peseiden plus Poseidon

Spirit. Ides.
-M Thv own splritualization. The godly part in man.
-Ar Spirituality. Ideas.
-Su The loan who becomes spiritualized, who turns to spiritual things. Ghosts.
-Asc To meet spiritual people, to cultivate their company. The spiritual in the
-Mo Mental suggestions. Subconscious mind. Instinct. Medium.
-No Connection with the spiritual, with spiritualized people.

-Me Thoughts, ideas, talks about mental or spiritual matters. To propose or

to present ideas.
—Me Mental harmony. Tq he in narmony with the infinite. Harmony as the entity of
-Ma Ethics. Morals. Mental activity.
-Ju Understanding, wisdom and reason.

-Sa To isoxate oneself mentally. To separate in the outlook on life.

-Ur Clearing. Clearness. Evidentness. Revealatlon. "There will be light".
-Ne Blindlng(illusion) • Deception. Reflection. Refraction.
-PI Mental transformation and development.
-Cu Mental , spiritual, religious or philosophical society.
-Ha Mentally Isolated being. Superstition. Stupidity.
-Ze Mental creation. To lead. To prove. To witness. To indorse.
-Kr To be near God. Culture. Moral behavior. Mental giant.

-Ap Comredship. Friendship. Metaphysics. Spiritual science.

-Ad Demateriallzation. Spirit and matter. The two sides of the same entity. To
create, to form.
-Vu Pride. Dignity, Self confidence. Arrogance. The power of the mind.

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