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Robert Nonsol

Martial Arts/
Self-Defense for
Men and
Recognize common self-defense concepts like situational awareness, de-
escalation, legal considerations
Appreciate benefits of martial arts and self-defense in developing confidence,
discipline and empowerment
Gain confidence in ability to defend oneself if necessary
Perform basic stances like front, back and horse stance with proper form
Demonstrate basic strikes including punches, palm strikes, elbows, knees and
Execute simple self-defense techniques against common grabs and assaults
Deference between
the self defense
with Arnis and an
Unarmed Self

Arnis is a Filipino martial art focused on stick
fighting, also known as Eskrima or Kali. It
involves weaponry and striking.

Unarmed self defense involves no weapons and

uses hand-to-hand combat techniques for
Weapons Use

• Arnis utilizes rattan sticks,

poles, blades as main
weapons in training and
application. The stick is an
extension of the body.

Weapons Use

• Unarmed self defense does

not use any weapons or
extensions. Relies solely on
using the natural weapons of
the body - hands, elbows,
knees, etc.

Engagement Distance
• ARNIS weapons like sticks • UNARMED fighting requires
allow user to engage very close body contact,
opponents at longer range, within arms reach, to utilize
approximately 3 feet or more. strikes or grappling
This allows the Arnis techniques. No extensions for
practitioner to defend from a reach so engagement is
safer distance. extremely close.
Power Generation
• ARNIS weapon strikes • UNARMED strikes rely solely
generate more impact force on user's stance stability,
through proper body balance, and body rotation to
mechanics of stance, hip generate power rather than
rotation, and swinging any implements. Power
technique. Force multiplies on depends on optimizing body
impact. leverage.
Striking Targets
• ARNIS aims weapon strikes at • UNARMED striking aims for
an opponent's limbs and more vulnerable vital point
extremities in order to injure, targets like eyes, throat,
cripple, and disable their temples, solar plexus, groin.
attacks. Targets include Goal is to disrupt balance,
elbows, wrists, knees, ankles. posture, and mobility.
Defensive Techniques
• ARNIS checks incoming • UNARMED defense relies on
strikes by blocking with the parries & evasions as well as
stick. Also uses specialized blocking with elbows, knees,
disarming methods to defend and shins. Also uses
against armed opponents. destructions like breaking
• ARNIS footwork uses quick • UNARMED footwork focuses
triangular stepping, changes in more on strong balanced
angle, and mobility to stance and strategic
generate power and evade movement to defend and
strikes. counter strikes.
Training Methods
• ARNIS uses flow drills, • UNARMED training utilizes
patterns, and controlled stick pad work, partner drills at
sparring to practice various intensities, and
techniques. sparring to practice application
of techniques.
Self-Defense for Self defense is a crucial skillset for all
people regardless of gender. However,

Men and Women

there are some considerations that apply
to both men and women that we will
cover today

On Situational Awareness
Staying alert to surroundings is the first line of
self defense. Notice people behaving oddly,
keep away from isolated spots, exit tense
situations promptly before they escalate.
On Verbal De-Escalation
If confrontation seems unavoidable, speak
calmly and keep hands visible. Do not challenge
or insult the attacker.
On Legalities of Use of Force
If violence is imminent, understand your rights and
legal boundaries on reasonable use of force. You
may only utilize the minimum force necessary to
remove yourself from immediate danger. Once the
threat dissipates, you must stop.
On Stances and Footwork
Root yourself in a strong balanced base, feet
shoulder width apart, knees bent. Keep your lead
arm extended toward the threat while pulling your
rear hand back to guard. Move strategically - create
distance, use obstacles, pivot off angles so as not to
be a stationary target.
1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands by your sides. Keeping your toes
pointed forward, take a natural step forward with your dominant foot

2. Hold your hands in front of your body, bend your elbows, and face your palms towards
your opponent

3. Keep your weight evenly distributed between both feet

4. Keep your knees slightly bent to maintain balance and mobility

5. Keep your chin tucked in and your eyes focused on your opponent

6. Keep your body relaxed and avoid tensing up

7. Be prepared to move quickly and easily

On Striking Techniques
Palm heel strike upward at the nose, snapping
head back. Chin jab into the throat to disrupt
breathing. Hammerfists across temples can
daze the attacker. Front kicks or knee strikes to
the groin are effective but only if necessary.
Palm heel

Chin jab

Hammer fist
On Managing Grabs and Holds
If grabbed, redirect their energy rather than
resisting directly. Pull them off balance while
striking vulnerable targets like eyes or throat.
Stomping down hard on an instep or side of
knee can aid in quick escape.
Arm Grab
• Grab Fist with your opposite hand
• Point elbow up
• Slice downward using core
Grab from Behind
• Grab attacker’s arms and pull yourself in
• Swing hips to one side
If you are lifted,
• Make a fist and strike the groin hold on tight…and
• Pivot to attackers (turn) kick groin
• Interlock hand behind the neck
• Knee the groin upward
Choke Hold
• Lift one arm
• Turn body in opposite side
• Crunch downwards, trapping attacker’s hand
• Strike elbow to the face
Hair Grab
• Lock both hands on top of attacker’s
• Squeeze elbow in to protect the face
• Go under the arm and up and around
• Push arm forward and up to dislocate shoulder

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